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Like the previous evening, the following morning was spent in a flustered daze, but for entirely different reasons.  The spent stud had overslept, at Jeff’s place no less, which left him scrambling to get to class.  He’d quickly scrubbed off in the shower, and had worked out a hurried load from his insistent cock in the process, before darting to his own small studio to grab his books and a fresh set of clothes.  Something felt off as he flitted between apartments and across campus, but given the events of the previous day he told himself he was just tired and overwhelmed by everything he’d experienced.

The memories were still certainly fresh in his mind, which is what he attributed his constantly hard state to.  Gary was embarrassed as he shuffled awkwardly from class to class, doing his best to cover the aching organ, a feat that was made all the more difficult as he gradually began to realize it seemed bigger than it should.  At first he’d thought the pressure he felt was coming from his sore muscles, but as the morning wore on he discovered the source was his ill-fitting underwear.  It was tight and small to begin with, but not constricting, and when he’d slipped into the bathroom between classes Gary found himself looking at a cock that was both thicker and longer than it should have been.  He couldn’t tell how much, and he told himself there was still a chance it was all in his head, but it seemed to loom larger than he felt it should have.

And, size aside, there was still the issue of its punishing persistence.  Gary could barely focus through the constant, demanding throbs that washed over him, hitting like a punch in the gut whenever he so much as shifted his position in his seat.  The possibly enlarged cock had also become hyper sensitive, and Gary was mortified when he looked down on his way to his last class of the morning and saw a small damp spot in the front of his shorts from the steady oozing that had started.  Fearing discovery, he’d sat off in a far corner near the door of the large lecture hall, a decision he was quickly grateful for.

He didn’t even make it twenty minutes.  Gary had been trying to focus on the Economics lecture, doing his best to pay attention to the material he normally slept through in an attempt to get his brain to shift gears.  He didn’t care how boring the class was; all he needed was for it to take his mind off the lingering sensations of Jeff’s fingers in his asshole.  Instead the opposite happened, and Gary barely had time to bite down on his fist as his cock erupted in his shorts.  He couldn’t completely stifle the sound, and the huffing hunk’s stomach dropped when he felt the copious load soak through his shorts and splatter against the underside of the desk as the release spurted on and on, seemingly without end.

Gary had no idea if anyone had heard it, or how long it would be until people could smell it, and he didn’t plan on sticking around to find out.  He grabbed his things and darted from the room, racing out of the building and across campus towards Jeff’s apartment.  He didn’t care how many people saw him or what people would later say about the handsome jock with the soaked, tented shorts; he just needed to get out of public as fast as possible.  He knew Jeff had the afternoon off, and he’d already sent a frantic text, so all he had to do was get inside without another accidental eruption.

“Whooooa!  What the hell happened to you,” Jeff said as he opened the door on the panting, sweaty blonde.  His eyes immediately dropped to the sopping shorts and the obviously hard cock outlined within, and his surprised grin faded when he saw the other man’s frazzled state.

“I don’t know!” Gary cried, his stomach fluttering despite himself as he looked at Jeff’s brief-clad state.  The site sent a fresh throb to his hair-trigger cock, which sprang free when the frantic jock peeled out of his damp bottoms.  “I’ve been ready to pop all morning, and then I just fuckin’ did in the middle of class!  Like, right there during an Economics lecture, the thing just starts shooting off!”  He shook his head and gave Jeff a pained look.  “Does it…does it seem bigger to you?  I know it sounds crazy, but I know my dick, man, and that shit looks bigger.”

The dark-haired hunk cocked his head as he looked at the throbbing log.  “I mean…it’s gotten a hell of a workout the last couple days.  Maybe it’s just inflamed?  It DOES look a little bigger, but…” he trailed off and darted over to rummage through a random drawer before returning with a small tape-measure.  “How big are you?”

“Just…just over seven inches…” Gary sputtered, gasping when his friend grabbed him and held the tape against his sensitive organ.

“Oh.  Wow,” Jeff said, his tone flat as he pulled the tape away.  “According to this you’re just over eight.  You feel thicker, too.  I know that sounds weird, but…” He was cut off by Gary’s sudden howl, his gentle squeezing of the other man’s sensitive cock enough to push his friend over the edge.  He stepped aside as load after load sprayed out in shotgun fashion, aiming the spurting member away.

“That’s…that’s what happened in class!  Why do I just keep popping off like that?!  How is my dick getting bigger?!”  Gary’s cries were tinged with an edge of excitement.  Despite his embarrassment over the unintentional eruptions, the thought of his already-impressive cock growing even larger was thrilling.  He immediately thought of how it would look in his videos, and how it would feel slipping in and out of his friend, a mental thread that threatened to generate a repeat performance.

Jeff let go and crossed his muscled arms under his furry slab, eyeing the flushed blonde in silence for a moment.  “Why don’t we head up to the house?  If anyone’s going to know what to do, it’ll be those two.  Maybe you’re having an allergic reaction to the lube or something?”

Gary nodded.  “Can I borrow some shorts?  I think those are shot,” he said, blushing again as he nudged his damp bottoms with his foot.

Jeff laughed and slipped into a pair of tiny cotton trunks and a tank-top before digging through the bottom of his closet.  He pulled out a pair of baggy mesh shorts that were like pants by comparison and tossed them to his friend with a shrug.  “Those are the baggiest one’s I’ve got.  Probably best to skip the underwear…”

“Oh.  My.  God.”  Gary winced and shivered when he pulled the crimson shorts on, his sensitive rod forming an obscene tent in the front.  It bobbed and swayed with the slightest motion, and he already knew it would be a miracle if he even made it to the car.  He grabbed a hoodie and carried it in front of him to obscure the bouncing club, adopting an awkward shuffle to keep the torturous rubbing at a minimum.  He sported a large damp spot by the time they made it to Jeff’s car, a spot that grew larger with every vibrating bump and jostle on the way.  Getting out of the car proved to be too much once they reached the house, and Gary slumped against the side as he shot load after load through his friend’s shorts.  He didn’t even think twice about pulling them off as soon as they’d stepped inside, his focus fixed solely on how much better it felt to be uncovered.

“Back so soon?”  Frank’s smooth tenor flowed down from the top of the stairs, his lean, tanned frame following shortly after.  The older man was clad only in a tiny pair of shorts like Jeff, a concerned look draping across his distinguished features when he saw the state of the younger duo.  “Is everything okay?”

“Gary’s been having a rough morning,” Jeff said, nodding towards his friend’s plump, exposed member.  “Seems like he hit a bit of a growth spurt.”

“It keeps popping off, too,” the blonde whimpered, absently peeling out of his shirt.  It was an instinct, the same impulse most people felt to cover themselves around others, only in reverse.  “I blew right in the middle of class.  Then at Jeff’s place, and then just now in the driveway.  Feels like it’ll start shooting if someone even looks at it too hard.”

Jeff reached over and rubbed the naked jock’s back.  “Have you ever heard of anything like this?  Is it an allergic reaction or something?”

“Nothing I’ve ever seen before.”  Frank shook his head and stepped close, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at Gary’s twitching member.  “It does look bigger…did you measure to be sure?”

“He’d put on an inch at my place,” Jeff said, his brow furrowed.  “But it looks kinda bigger now, doesn’t it?”

“What?!  How is it still growing?!  That’s not…is this even possible?”  Gary started to reach for his cock but stopped, not wanting to hit the floor in a spurting pile.

“Let’s just stay calm,” Frank said, a hand on the blonde’s broad shoulder.  “We can take another measurement and make sure, okay?  But how do you feel otherwise?”  He lifted the hand and put the back of it against the young man’s forehead like a concerned parent.  “You don’t feel fevered…and you look okay otherwise…”

Gary nodded.  “Other than fuckin’ horny I feel great,” he said with an awkward laugh.  “A little out of it, but if I could get the big guy to cool it for a minute that’d probably help with that.”

“I bet,” Frank laughed, his collected demeanor helping to calm the flustered blonde.  “Let’s go find Tony and see what we’re dealing with.”

Gary trotted along behind, surprised at how much better he was already feeling.  Just being back at the house and being around the older man filled him with a growing sense of contentment.  He didn’t have to worry about anything here.  He was in good hands, with Jeff and the older pair to look after him.  His anxiety fled so completely it was as if someone flipped a switch, and by the time Frank returned with a dripping, speedo-clad Tony hurrying in from the pool, Gary was more curious than anything else.

“So we’ve got a growing boy on our hands,” the bald, burly beefcake grinned as he eyed the naked blonde.

“Apparently,” Gary shrugged, his eyes glued to the lumpy muscles of Tony’s broad upper back and meaty, shifting rear while the older man went over to a nearby closet.  “I should be around seven inches…but at Jeff’s place I was over eight.”

Tony returned with a tape measure, gingerly holding it against Gary’s oozing log.  “Not anymore.  Looks like you’ve packed on another couple inches.”

The stunned strawberry blonde stud could only gawk in shocked silence, his head spinning as he tried to process what he saw.  That spinning grew more intense a moment later when Tony’s firm grip pushed him over the edge yet again, only instead of letting go the older man held fast.  As overwhelming as the spurting sensations were, it was the sight of his erupting rod pushing forward another inch that caused Gary to groan.  “Did it…did I just grow again?  Am I growing every time I cum?!”

“It certainly grew.  We all saw it, right,” Frank asked, rubbing his pointed chin as he stared at the eleven-inch beast.  It had continued to thicken as well, now looming noticeably wider above a set of balls that had swelled to match.

“Felt it, too,” Tony nodded, finally letting go.

“What…what am I supposed to do,” Gary sputtered, more surprised than alarmed.  If he’d been alone he felt like he would have panicked, but Frank and Tony didn’t appear concerned, and neither did Jeff, which kept the fear at bay.  If no one else was bothered by it, Gary didn’t see why it should cause him to freak out.  A part of him knew that didn’t make sense, but the knowledge did nothing to change the outcome.

“I hate to be all business, or to sound like I’m taking advantage of the situation, but it feels like it would be a shame not to record some of this,” Frank offered, his tone sympathetic.  “But I’ll fully understand if you’re not in the mood, obviously.”

“Uh, no, it’s cool,” Garry said, grinning.  “You’re right…this is wild.  Might as well put it to good use,”  He shook his hips to wag the expanding organ back and forth, sending a flurry of droplets flying.

Tony sounded proud as he tousled Gary’s hair.  “Boy’s a trooper.  We can get some comparison shots with Jeff…”

“And I bet we could get Matt up here ASAP,” Frank continued.  “You guys go get started and I’ll make some calls.”

Gary couldn’t believe he was looking at himself when he stepped into the familiar bedroom studio and saw his reflection in the full-length mirror.  Looking down at his cock was one thing, but seeing the engorged beast jutting out from between his muscled thighs made the growth all the more obvious.  He was huge.  He wasn’t just long, but fat, with a set of balls that would be spilling out of the shorts Jeff wore, or from Tony’s speedo.  It was the kind of package he’d have no choice but to lord around the locker room, a girthy superiority that would forever be the center of attention.  And he was still getting bigger.

Instead of being bothered by such a realization the blonde just chuckled, feeling a swell of pride when his dark-haired friend stripped down and he saw how much bigger he was than the other man.  They batted their mismatched logs together for emphasis, with Tony taking close up shots as they measured and fawned over the size discrepancy.  The camera stayed fixed on Gary and the tape measure when Jeff reached over and tugged on his friend’s churning knockers, capturing the moment that the spewing monster stretched out past twelve inches.  The blossoming blonde wanted nothing more than to bury himself to the hilt inside his friend and start hammering away, but the slick rod only managed a single thrust before it erupted again, emerging as thirteen-inch club.  Not wanting to either hurt the hairy hunk or obscure the growth they were trying to capture, the group decided against further penetration, and Jeff instead dropped to his knees to demonstrate how the bulbous monster had grown too large to fit in his mouth.

Had he been more lucid, Gary would have felt a greater sense of alarm at the discovery.  Growing so large that he could no longer easily receive a blow job, or comfortably fit inside most partners, should have registered as a point of concern.  But the roiling lust had grown so potent as to be all-consuming.  Gary couldn’t stop to think about the implications of his mammoth cock when the demands of that very organ had pushed aside everything else.  He barely registered the arrival when Matt showed up, feeling only a flutter of excitement at another pair of hands.  He’d never met the newcomer, but he’d watched the videos of the redhead hammering away at Jeff’s muscled bubble on repeat.  The sculpted little ginger was built like himself, only about five inches shorter, his compact, gymnast’s frame sporting a fat, six-inch cock that looked plenty impressive against himself or when pummeling Jeff, but which looked positively petite when compared to Gary’s oversized monster, now bigger than both men combined.

The groaning blonde had stretched to the fourteen-inch mark, though he’d lost track himself.  With each release the sensations had lingered until it no longer felt like discrete explosions, but one continuous orgasm.  He watched in a daze as Jeff and Matt kneeled before him, groping and licking at the oozing fountain of a cock.  They pawed at each other with handfuls of the glistening fluid, laughing and writhing together with an almost religious abandon.  Even in his dazed state Gary made the connection, thinking how much it looked like the kneeling studs were worshiping his monolithic member.  That idea was reinforced when Frank and Tony joined in, pushing his impossible new endowment to the point where it brushed against his chin.

It was at that point that the bliss faded slightly.  The sensation of a monstrous cock leaking against his own face was enough to get Gary’s attention, and it occurred to him just how impossible the scenario should have been.  His cock had become like a third arm, his endlessly churning balls the size of a melon.  Walking would have been difficult even if he’d had the coordination, and it was all he could do to barely sit upright on the edge of the bed.  Perhaps due to the proximity of his mouth and nose, Gary also noticed a distinct change in his output.  The leaking liquid had taken on a rainbow, iridescent sheen, and instead of raw and musky the scent had become honeyed and sweet.  He looked past the flowing log at his sticky friends, feeling like he was falling when he met Frank’s gaze.

“Finally ripe,” the older man said, springing to his feet.  There was a flurry of movement as the others followed, with Jeff guiding him back onto the bed while Tony appeared with an armful of pipes, tubes and jars.

“Don’t worry…we got ya,” the sticky, stocky stud said, slipping a collapsible sleeve over Gary’s spewing log.  The plastic sock terminated in a rubber hose at the tip, through which the pearlescent liquid was pulled when a small motor hummed to life.  Gary groaned and arched his back at the ecstatic suction, his eyes wide as he gazed up at the group.

“Obviously, we haven’t been entirely truthful with you,” Frank said as he took a seat next to the writhing jock.  “That wasn’t just a scene we did last night, but an actual ritual.  We’ve been prepping you since day one…you’ve probably noticed the shift in your behavior…and last night we planted the seed in that fertile soil.  I’m not going to bore you with all the details about the energies you’ve been incubating or the forces that make this all possible.  Just  know that our intentions have always been as we said they were, to create a studio unlike any others.  And now, because of your sacrifice, we can.”

“Dude, come on.  Sacrifice?”  Jeff gently pulled Frank aside and took the older man’s spot on the bed, wiping the sweat and stray cum from his friend’s face.  “Doesn’t feel like a sacrifice, does it? I told you coming up here would feel great, bro, and I meant it.  When I think about how my life was before these guys opened my mind…all that wasted time…” he trailed off, his expression sad before his gentle smile returned.  “I didn’t lead with this part ‘cause, I mean, obviously,” he laughed, nodding at the heavy monster on Gary’s chest.  “But when it’s all said and done?  You’ll still be thanking me.  Hell, WE’LL be thanking you.  Congratulations, bud…you just set yourself up for life.  This part’s a little intense, I know, but all you need to do is relax and go for the ride.  I’ll be here the whole time, okay?”

Gary nodded, his heart racing.  A part of him knew his friend had betrayed him, but it was hard to view Jeff’s actions as such when his entire body had become pleasure personified.  He’d never felt anything like it.  He doubted if anyone ever had.  Jeff told him to relax and go for the ride, but Gary didn’t have any other option, might never have another option.  The prone hunk could actually feel his thoughts and priorities shifting beneath the onslaught of sensation, with the non-essentials like modesty and inhibition and focus being pushed aside to make room.  Gary was already forgetting why he should be mad at his friend in the first place, much preferring to think about Jeff’s pouty lips, plump pecs, and fat cock instead.

Though, before long, the howling hunk couldn’t think about much at all. The growth had stopped but the intense ecstasy had reached a breaking point, causing Gary’s world to melt away against the encompassing, agonizing bliss.  He lost all track of time, not knowing if he writhed and spasmed for minutes, hours or days.  As he promised, Jeff never left his side, and Matt and Arthur also made repeat appearances, swapping the jars when full and encouraging the blissed-out blonde through the process.

Eventually, the intensity gradually started to ebb, once again approaching something close to a normal amount of ecstasy.  It was around this time that Gary also finally noticed the absence of the weight on his heaving chest.  He raised his head in time to see the sleeve recede to his navel, the formerly-massive cock having shrunk considerably.

“That’s right, dude.  Almost done,” Jeff said, his tone cheerful as he wiped Gary’s torso clean.  “You gave us SO. MUCH. Bro.  Seriously.  The shit we’re gonna do with all this…” he trailed off and stood, bouncing his plump cheeks for his dazed friend.  “I cannot wait for you to see these babies afterwards.  They’re yours whenever you want ‘em, obviously,” he winked, dropping back down onto the bed.  “Same with Matt, and Arthur, and all the rest.  What we’re about to do is only possible because of what you did for us.  I know I should’ve been more up front with you.  I’m sorry about that.  I really am.  But I knew you’d like it, man!  Honestly.  Don’t let Frank get in your head…you didn’t do anything you didn’t want to.  If anything, all they did was shine a light on what was already there.  It’s what they did for me, and I’ve never been happier. You know that.”  He paused and looked at the still-receding sleeve, forcing his grin to remain in place.  “And don’t worry about that ‘sacrifice’ shit either.  This’ll be waaaaay better than if you’d been left like you were.  Trust me.”

Gary had no idea what Jeff meant.  He had no idea what any of it meant, but he wasn’t mad or even confused anymore.  He was just spent, satisfied and tired.  Now that the exhausting eruptions were finally coming to an end the weight of it all caught up to him, pulling his content, jellied muscles into a deep, dreamless sleep.




“Oooohhhh yessss…fuck yes bro…yeeessss…” Gary’s hoarse whimper cracked as Jeff’s tongue went to work.  He sighed and let his head fall back on his broad shoulders, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun against his naked muscle as he lounged on the patio.  “How does…your mouth…make me feel…so good…” he sighed, his once-smooth voice now undulating with peaks and valleys.  It was a byproduct of his unique experience, with Gary’s overloaded vocal chords having been pushed well past their limits and then soaked by the potent fluid as it trickled down his throat straight from the source.  The end result was a constant, pubescent cracking that only added to the jock’s radiant charm.  Coupled with his easy smile and bright eyes, Gary’s distinctive voice helped set the beefy blonde apart from his athletic peers.

“Just my mouth,” Jeff asked, grinning as he lifted his face from his friend’s petite little poker.

The tiny, two-inch nub and barely-present balls were a far cry both from Gary’s freakish endowment as well as his originally impressive proportions.  The miniscule member was yet another after effect, the primary “sacrifice” that Frank had mentioned.  Gary still didn’t understand exactly what happened, but when his body had finally finished producing the formula, his spent cock had been left diminished the way it had inflated.  Unfortunately, the shrinking wasn’t temporary like the growth, leaving the sculpted stud with a cute little acorn that looked as out of place against his sculpted muscle as his voice sounded.  Fortunately for the beautiful blonde the hypersensitivity had passed, as well as the constant eruptions, meaning that the proud little nub functioned once more as it should, only on a smaller scale.  And, just like his voice, the contrasting endowment only added to the laidback jock’s appeal.  Hung hunks were a dime-a-dozen.  He was something special.

They all were.  Though he’d long since become intimately acquainted with them, Gary’s stomach still fluttered when Jeff climbed to his feet and he saw the plump, impossible pumpkins that had become his friend’s ass.  The furry mounds were massively oversized, looking almost as freakishly proportioned as his own inflated cock had been.  Since using the formula, Jeff took bottoming to another level.  His clapping, colossal cakes were truly one-of-a-kind, a muscled miracle that neither the gym nor science could replicate.  And while Gary regretted that he’d shrunk past the point of being able to easily enter his handsome friend, he still loved going through the motions.  Rolling his tight, tapering hips against the other man’s broad bottom was like humping a pillow, an activity that had become a favorite for the two of them and their many viewers.  People seemingly couldn’t get enough of watching Gary work his tiny cock, and they especially loved watching him put it to use with his friend’s rippling cheeks.

As far as the audience knew, it had all been done with elaborate special effects.  The original videos remained posted, which let everyone see the before and after.  Gary was up there in his original, hung glory, just as Jeff’s ample, though formerly achievable, cheeks were still on full display.  Frank and Tony made it seem like this shift in focus had been the plan all along, with the original videos simply setting the stage for the unique alterations to come.  They’d lost some viewers in the transition, but nowhere near as many as they’d gained.  The older pair had already been exceedingly wealthy and now they were practically printing money, all thanks to Gary’s unintentional contribution.

In the months that had followed the ritual, the blonde hunk’s feelings went back and forth.  On some days he resented the way he’d been used, but on most he was perfectly content.  Gary’s brain had been just as overloaded by the process as his body, and he didn’t like to waste his remaining mental energy on negative emotions.  It helped that the end result was largely a net positive for the micro-dicked jock.  His body had been altered, and he’d dropped out of school, but he’d since become famous because of those alterations, and he didn’t exactly need school now that he had more money than he’d ever be able to spend.  Frank and Tony had lived up to their end of the agreement, becoming eager sugar daddies for their unique flock.  Jeff, Gary, Matt, and Arthur now lived at the house full-time, spending their days in easy, erotic ecstasy.

The state of those other two also helped with Gary’s adjustment.  Aside from Jeff’s pillowy rear, Arthur now sported a set of pecs so large he couldn’t see over them, he could barely bring his arms together in front of himself, which meant the towering stud would need a mirror whenever he wanted to get a look at his dick.  Matt’s view of the world had also been altered, but in the opposite direction.  Looking down was no problem for the chiseled ginger, it was his view of the world above him that had become obscured when the formerly 5’5” stud had dropped to an even four feet.  His average endowment remained unaltered, leaving the six-inch hose and heavy balls looking massive against his reduced proportions, and like with Gary’s smaller cock, the viewers couldn’t get enough of watching the tiny titan top his taller friends

Frank and Tony were still deciding which of their other regular roster would be next.  Gary was a little surprised at how eager many of them were to sign up for the formula treatment, but considering how much money and attention the altered group received he couldn’t blame them.  The main problem was their limited supply of formula.  Gary had produced a considerable amount, but it took a lot to warp someone’s body, and the incubation ritual was a one-and-done.  Since the blonde jock couldn’t do it again, if they wanted more formula they’d need another “sacrifice” to make the process work.

Gary insisted that they be more forthcoming with the next person. He cited the eagerness of the unaltered guys as proof that they could have skipped the conniving and manipulating, but the issue was that the ritual required a first-timer like he’d been.  That ruled out their regular stock of studs, and Gary had been surprised to learn that Jeff had actually volunteered himself before roping his friend in.  When the bottom-heavy hunk had learned that he didn’t fit the bill, he’d immediately suggested Gary, later telling his friend that he’d sensed the same eager spark in him.  Had he been able to focus the way he used to, the micro-dicked jock would have pointed out the inconsistencies in his friend’s statement, that their behaviors didn’t start changing until after Frank and Tony got their hands on them.  But at the same time, Gary had agreed to go in the first place.  He’d been interested in the idea of a pair of guys getting him off on camera.  He’d known, at least on the surface, what he was getting himself into, and he’d gone along with it.  So maybe Jeff really had seen something in him that he hadn’t yet seen himself.  Maybe this really was what he’d wanted all along and just couldn’t admit it.  Though it had taken his life in a drastically different direction than he ever could have imagined, Gary still wasn’t sure that he would have done anything differently even if he could have.  He understood that he’d likely never know for sure whether Jeff’s manipulation of himself would have happened otherwise, or if it had really been his friend’s decision at all.  He was just determined not to go along with their idea of roping in yet another one of the guys they’d known on campus without telling them the full scope of what they’d be signing up for.  At least when he remembered to think about it at all.

But that was a problem for later.  For now, all Gary really cared about were Jeff’s hulking, hairy globes making his hands feel small as he guided them towards his lap.



And there's the money shot. Was wondering when the title would pay off. Was getting blue balls reading the leading up chapters waiting for the connection (and the growth). ;)