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The flustered blonde’s eyes were wide, his face beet red when Jeff finally pulled away.  “Did…did you just kiss me?”

The hairy hunk grinned and wiped the cum from his friend’s chin before licking his fingers clean.  “You’re surprisingly good at it, too.”

Gary could only blink and stare at the other man, his overloaded body still vibrating from all the foreign pleasures he’d just experienced.  “Wait…surprising?  Fuck you, dude,” he laughed, giving Jeff’s plump pecs a shove.

“Knew you’d be a natural.  Come on…let’s rinse off and head out,” Jeff said, sounding like they were going to the bar and not an erotic estate.  He stepped back and looked his friend up and down again, raising an eyebrow.  “We need to work on this tan if you’re going to start doing full-body stuff.”

Gary let his friend take him by the hand and pull him into the shower, noticing for the first time the bronze hue that covered his friend’s fit frame in an uninterrupted coating.  He felt a thrill at the thought of how it got there, of lounging naked outside at the plush palace, but when those thoughts sent his cock surging again, Jeff left it frustratingly untouched.  His friend told him to “save it”, seeming to relish the blonde’s bashful expression as he stuffed himself as best he could into a tented speedo and tried to conceal the rigid lump in his shorts beneath a loose, draping muscle shirt.  Gary’s eager rod reluctantly softened after a few minutes on the road, but the blonde jock was still on edge, his athletic frame brimming with virile vigor.  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this horny, if ever, or when he’d felt so content.  His head was spinning from all of the new sensations and how quickly he’d been experiencing them, but, while it was overwhelming, it left him feeling almost weightless.  Thinking back to what his life had been like less than a week prior, Gary suddenly felt like he’d been bound by invisible chains for years and was just now experiencing true freedom for the first time.  He resisted the urge to label any of it, opting to be carried along by the novel ecstasy instead of trying to cram it into a defined box of “straight” or “gay.”  His friend turned him on, what he’d seen of the other guys turned him on, and he was having fun.  That’s all that mattered.

Frank and Tony were on a conference call when they arrived, but that didn’t slow Jeff down at all as the handsome hunk simply strolled in like he actually lived there.  Watching his friend move around the large, well-appointed mansion, Gary began to wonder just how much time the other man had spent with the older pair.  He didn’t seem like a person who was politely navigating someone else’s home; he moved with a natural ease that sent a surprising stab of jealousy through Gary’s revved up frame.  The burly blonde was desperate to reach the point where he could so casually strut around the opulent surroundings, but he was more envious of everyone who’d gotten to experience the other man in all his glory for so long before he’d been brought into the fold himself.

Gary followed his friend out to a large sunroom, his stomach fluttering when Jeff began casually disrobing.  “Perfect timing,” the dark-haired stud said, nodding towards the wall of windows that overlooked the pool.  “That’s Artie out there.  Have you two met?  He’s great.”

“No, I haven’t actually met any of the other guys yet,” Gary said, reflexively trying to keep his twitching cock under control as he gazed at Jeff’s strapping frame spilling out of an emerald thong.  His friend’s ample, hairy cheeks looked better than ever with their full curves accentuated by the skimpy swimwear, to say nothing of the fat bulge pulling down the front.  Gary had watched the man by the pool hammer into his friend’s cheeks over and over again in several videos, his envy taking a confusing turn when he suddenly couldn’t decide whether he’d rather be in Jeff’s position or Artie’s.  He mulled it over while he stripped down to a little speedo, the crimson fabric stretching around his trim midsection like a pair of the briefs he’d recently been given.  A fresh thrill ran through him when he stepped out onto the spacious patio, feeling the warm, open air hitting him in unfamiliar places.

Gary knew he was staring as he watched Jeff’s plump, exposed cheeks shift and bounce while his friend strolled over to the sprawled-out stranger.  The man was face-down on a lounger, the ebony wall of muscle that was his body clad only in a purple thong similar to the one Jeff wore.  “Yo!  Artie!  ‘Sup, dude,” his friend waved.

The prone Adonis lifted his head and looked over a broad shoulder, sending a fresh wave of fluttering through Gary’s stomach when he flashed a stunning smile.  “Is this the new kid,” he asked, slowly rolling over and climbing to his feet.  The sight of the man’s towering perfection, with his short, styled hair, chiseled face, and imposingly stuffed pouch hit the blonde like a physical force.  Gary had always thought of his own body as being above average, but compared to the taller man’s excessively striated muscle, looming several inches above his own six-foot height, he felt weak and out of shape.  “I’m Arthur,” he said, extending a massive hand.  “This asshole calls me Artie, but considering what he lets me do to him he gets away with it.”

“Gary,” the flustered blonde said, his ample muscle ready to melt at the sound of Arthur’s deep, smooth voice.  He was surprised by his reaction, thinking up until now that the budding attraction he felt for Jeff was due to their existing relationship.  But although Arthur was a total stranger, save for the videos he’d watched, Gary felt a pulse of longing punch through him.

“You guys just here to hangout,” Arthur asked, holding onto Gary’s hand a moment longer than he needed to.

Jeff nodded and shrugged, giving the blonde’s meaty cheeks a slap.  “Trying to break this guy in and get him used to the place.  His pasty ass also needs some sun.”

“Hey!” Gary yelped when his friend abruptly tugged his speedo down.  As worked up as he already was, his twitching cock rocketed to attention the moment it sprang free, leaving the blushing jock standing fully naked and hard.

“How’d you think this was going to work, bro,” Jeff laughed, reaching out to give his friend’s cock a quick tug.

“Ohhhh, so he’s a dick to everyone,” Arthur sighed, giving the blushing blonde a sympathetic smile.  “And I thought I was special,” he said, his grin turning into a mock-pout.

Gary tried to relax.  He reminded himself that Jeff was right, this was why they’d come, and it was what he’d wanted.  If he was going to do the things with Arthur that his friend did, this was just the first step.  He rolled his eyes and threw a muscled arm over Jeff’s shoulders.  “I think HE’S the special one.”

Arthur gave a loud laugh and looked the newcomer up and down.  “I see why Tony and Frank like you so much.  You’re just as impressive in person.”

“Oh…uh, thanks!”  Gary felt himself flush at the compliment, as well as the implication that the other man had watched his videos. “Didn’t really see any of this coming, but I’m definitely not complaining.”

“He didn’t believe me when I told him he’d love it, and now look at him.”  Jeff beamed like a proud parent, tousling his friend’s strawberry mop.  “He even got his first kiss earlier.”

“Dude!  Is that something we have to tell everyooomph…” the blustering jock was cut off when his friend leaned in for another kiss.  His first instinct with another man standing there watching was to pull away, but he didn’t actually want to.  He already loved the sensation of his friend’s scratchy stubble against his chin, and the taste of Jeff’s tongue against his own.  “Goddamnit,” he grumbled when the other man broke it off, his bashful face beet red again.

“Like I said, breaking him in,” Jeff purred.

Gary’s head was spinning.  He felt as exposed as he looked, like he was teetering on the edge of control.  “Is this…is this how it goes for everyone,” he asked, his heart racing as he looked back and forth between the gorgeous duo.  “I mean…up until a few days ago I’d never even thought about messing around with other guys, and now I’m getting hard making out with one.”

“Everyone’s got a different process,” Arthur shrugged.  “Some dudes are crazy eager like you seem to be, and others never really get into it.  Gotta go with what feels good.”  He cocked his head, a smug grin returning.  “He really the first guy you’ve ever kissed?”

“You don’t have to make it sound like that,” Jeff grunted, looking offended.  “He could’ve started out way worse.”

Arthur spread his huge, chiseled arms wide.  “At least you brought him to the right place.  What do you think, stud?  Want to see if there’s a spark with someone else?”

Gary was thrust into the other man’s embrace before he could respond.  Despite Jeff being the one to propel him forward, he found himself moving on instinct, his lips tilting up to meet Arthur’s as the powerful pistons swallowed him.  He’d never felt anything like it.  With Jeff, the only thing unfamiliar had been the other man’s tongue in his mouth.  After so many years of roughhousing he was already intimately familiar with the sensation of his friend’s body against his own, but with Arthur everything was new.  The taller man’s smell, the contrasting sensation of his soft, smooth skin and the rigid muscle underneath, the fat bulge pressing into him; Gary couldn’t get enough of it. It also answered his earlier question and then some, proving that his budding desires weren’t just due to his existing friendship with Jeff.  As his hands began gliding up and down Arthur’s tapering back, Gary realized his future had just taken a sharp, unexpected turn.

“I’d ask what you thought, but…” Arthur looked down and smiled at the glistening trail of pre-cum Gary’s oozing cock had left on his washboard.  “You ARE  an eager one, aren’t you?”

Gary didn’t know what to say.  He’d never leaked like this before, but now his throbbing pole wouldn’t stop.  “Guess so,” he finally stammered, his thumbs hooked in the waist of Arthur’s thong.

Jeff stepped up and wrapped his arms around his friend from behind, clutching the blonde’s plump pecs and giving a squeeze.  “That’s my boy,” he said, his tone proud once more.  “Gave us both some nice facials before we came over here.”  Gary wanted to protest again, but he was too caught off guard by the magnetic attraction pulling his muscled globes back against the dark-haired hunk’s hefty bulge.

“No wonder you’re such a hit already,” Arthur said, running a finger along Gary’s throbbing underside to scoop up some of the clear liquid.  “Guess that explains why the Daddies have such big plans for you.”

“They…they do?” Gary stammered, officially grinding against Jeff’s lap.

The taller man nodded.  “Don’t know all the details, but I overheard them saying you were something special.  The thing that’ll take us to new levels.”

“Just remember, as the one who brought you here in the first place I should get a cut,” the hairy jock said, eliciting a whimper when he started tweaking the blonde’s nipples.

“If it works out like they say, we’ll ALL get a cut,” Arthur said, his gaze meeting Jeff’s for a moment.  “And you can have at it, bud,” he chuckled, returning his attention to the flustered blonde.  “Always happy to help the new meat.”

Gary wasn’t sure what the other man meant until he realized he was tugging at his new friend’s thong.  He was desperate, his body on fire with the strange new desires that had been growing more overwhelming with each passing moment.  He’d assumed that Jeff’s would be the first cock to enter his mouth, but as soon as Arthur had finished speaking Gary was on his way to his knees, taking the purple thong with him.

After that it was only a matter of moments before he had the hulking hunk’s fat log between his lips, his head bobbing awkwardly as he felt yet another burdensome layer of inhibition peel away.  Gary didn’t fully know what he was doing, but he had plenty of meat to practice with as Jeff’s rigid club began stroking against his cheek.  He alternated between them, feeling a swell of pride whenever he looked up at one of their striking, pleasure-stricken faces.  The intensity of his own ecstasy was also surprising, with Gary never having imagined that giving a blowjob could be as much fun as getting one.

But he loved it.  He loved how the warm, rigid organs filled his mouth, and how they felt sliding against his face.  He loved the smell and the taste and the sensation of the other two looming over him.  Throw in the fact that the events were happening outside at the still-unfamiliar estate and it all combined into an entirely new, entirely wonderful experience.  Gary was giddy with excitement, drunk on the novel ecstasy of his new, erotic adventures.  When Arthur abruptly pulled out of his mouth and came, Gary wasn’t embarrassed by the warm, sticky shower, nor did he mind when Jeff quickly followed suit.  He just laughed and relished the way it felt, each warm splatter reinforcing that he’d done a good job.

“Someone’s a quick learner,” the towering, ebony hunk laughed.  “Damn, dude.”

Jeff helped his sticky friend to his feet, still proud and beaming.  “This is a good look for you,” he grinned, scooping a palmful of cum from the strawberry blonde stud’s heaving pecs.  He reached down and used it to lube Gary’s still-rigid cock before pushing the dazed man down onto one of the loungers.  “I’d say you’ve earned this.”

It all happened so fast, and his brain was still struggling to process the new sensory input he’d just experienced, that Gary was watching his friend lowering onto his lap before he connected the dots.  “HHHoooOOOuuuUU…!” he howled, his back arching as Jeff’s straddling, muscled thighs kept him pinned in place.  His eyes were wide as he gawked at the hairy, handsome hunk, unable to do anything other than let out a series of short, sharp gasps when the other man began swiveling and bouncing.  Eventually, his hands made their way to Jeff’s flexing thighs, then his abs, then all over his torso as the skilled bottom rolled his hips.  “Oh…oh fuck…dude…how do you…how do you feel this good…” Gary whimpered, unable to take his eyes off the other man.  He’d never seen Jeff like this up close before.  Until a few days ago, he’d never known he’d wanted to.  The other man was raw and primal, his eyes blazing with smug hunger, and while his friend may have been the penetrated one, they both knew it was Gary getting fucked.

“It’s all practice,” Jeff purred, popping his hips.  “And natural talent.  Happy to teach you, if you want.”

“I…take back…every joke I’ve ever…made about you…having a fat ass…” Gary sputtered, only recognizing in a vague, hazy way how odd it should have been for him to be seriously contemplating Jeff’s offered tutelage.  But if fucking his friend felt this good, the frazzled jock told himself that it made sense for the opposite to be true.  He felt connected to Jeff in a way he never had before, and he wasn’t in the mood to rule anything out after the fun he’d had so far.  “Oh…oh shit…dude…I’m gonnnNNNNGGGHH!”  Gary tensed, well aware of the ridiculous face he made as his cock erupted inside the other man.  For his part, Jeff only sighed and slowed his swiveling, his olive skin breaking out in goosebumps.  The other man’s fat cock had gone hard again, but he didn’t seem overly interested in relieving himself at the moment.


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