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*** Still plugging away at this one! ***

“You weren’t wrong,” Gary said, making no move to cover himself.  He was willing to give Jeff the satisfaction of being right, but not the satisfaction of seeing him squirm.  And, other than the drying cum, this felt more like their normal interactions.  Public nudity and showering were things they’d shared for years, so the bare blonde didn’t think anything of it when his friend followed behind.

“I know, right?  Once things get started it’s not as weird as it seems.”  Jeff leaned against the wall, arms crossed, while Gary started scrubbing.

“Don’t know if I’d go that far,” Gary laughed.  “It’s wild, though.  I thought I was going to have to think about tits and pussy in there, but once those guys got started…” he trailed off and shook his head.  “The way they were talking and asking me questions…and how into my shit they were…it was pretty hot.”

“That’s what I was trying to tell you!  You’ve got it.  Flaunt it.” Jeff gave Gary’s dripping rear a swat before handing his friend a towel when the other man turned the shower off.

“Hey now, that’ll cost you,” the blonde laughed, raising an eyebrow as he looked around the spacious shower stall.  “Have you…you’ve filmed in here, haven’t you?”

“A few times,” the raven-haired hunk nodded with a grin.  “One was just a shower, then I jerked myself off in another, and then I did one with another guy who comes around, Ty, where we got each other off.”

“What?!”  Gary had suspected that his friend had gone much farther than simply getting jerked off in a chair, but he purposely hadn’t asked.  And since he’d just been given access to the website he hadn’t had a chance to dig up the other man’s videos yet, even though he’d told himself he wouldn’t out of respect for Jeff’s privacy.  “You’ve actually fucked around with dudes out here?”

“Of course I have,” the sultry stud shrugged.  “What?  Don’t give me that look.  I’m not, like, ashamed or trying to hide anything…I just didn’t bring it up because I didn’t want you to get weirded out and blow this opportunity.”

“Oh my god have you blown a dude,” Gary asked, feeling an odd fluttering in his stomach as he pictured his gorgeous friend on his knees with another man’s cock in his mouth.  He couldn’t hold back a grin when Jeff blushed, a slightly bashful expression creeping across his statuesque face.  “Holy shit…you have!  What the fuck, man!?  I thought you just let those dudes give you handies for cash, but you’re like a real porn star!”

The dark-haired jock’s casual demeanor finally cracked.  “I’m not a ‘porn star’, dude.  It’s not like that.  It’s just fooling around with other guys for some fun, easy money.  Everyone’s cool…it’s just fucking, you know?  Who doesn’t like that?”

“You’ve gotten fucked?!  By a dude?”  Gary blurted it out, his eyes wide.  He felt like he was looking at a stranger.  The naked jock wasn’t a homophobe, he didn’t care about his friend messing around with other men; it was just unexpected.  “Holy shit, man.  You’ve for real ridden a dick?  Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I knew you’d act like this,” Jeff spat, officially flustered.

“Whoa, no, dude, don’t get me wrong,” Gary said quickly.  “I’m just surprised, that’s all.  We’ve known each other for how long?  And I’ve never seen you so much as look twice at a guy.”  The buff blonde’s expression fell and he reached out to put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “Wait…has this been a thing for a while?  Like, are you into dudes for more than just money?”

“Now who’s making it weird,” Jeff laughed, nodding down at Gary’s still-exposed state.

The naked hunk brushed it off.  “I’m serious, man.  Did you feel like you couldn’t tell me for some reason?  I noticed you haven’t been doing the hookup thing as much lately, but it never occurred to me that you might…” he trailed off and locked eyes with his friend, giving Jeff’s shoulder a squeeze.  “If I did something to make you feel bad I totally didn’t mean to.  I’d never…”

“Easy, bro,” the dark-haired man interrupted with a laugh.  “It’s cool.  WE’RE cool.  I didn’t say anything because I’m still trying to figure it out,” he sighed, his head falling back on his shoulders.  “It never occurred to me, either.  Not until I started coming up here to the studio and realized how much I liked it.  Like, REALLY liked it.  But am I gay or whatever?  I don’t know, man,” he shrugged.  “I’m just feeling dudes more than girls at the moment.”

“Good enough for me,” Gary said, mirroring his friend’s shrug.  He was still trying to process what he’d just learned, but he didn’t want to make his friend feel bad.  He focused instead on wrapping things up at the studio, getting dressed once again and then getting paid by Frank and Tony.  He and Jeff lingered with the older pair for a while, enjoying the views of the surrounding valley from their scenic estate while downing a pair of drinks.  Gary was surprised at how comfortable he already felt around them, and how relaxed he was in their sprawling mansion studio.  Situated in the foothills a short drive outside of town, the isolated plot was perfect for the older duo’s specific brand of content.  There was no one around to see, or hear, what people got up to by the impressive pool, or to catch a glimpse of the naked, muscled meatheads throwing a football or “horsing around” on the vast lawn.  Even after just a single session Gary already felt like he’d become a part of something, a member of a team, and he knew it wasn’t a question of “if” he’d come back and do it again but “when.”

He kept the conversation casual as he and Jeff drove into town, but as soon as Gary was back inside his apartment he had his laptop out and the website pulled up.  Any reluctance he’d held towards viewing his friend’s videos was gone entirely, replaced by a burning curiosity.  He told himself that Jeff wanted him to watch them, that by bringing him into this new world in the first place his friend was opening himself up, but Gary wasn’t sure why.

After the first few videos, he didn’t care.  Until now, he thought he’d seen everything his friend had to offer.  He was already intimately familiar with Jeff’s naked body, he’d seen it in action on the field and in the bedroom when they’d shared both over the years, and he’d assumed his friend’s commanding, confident personality was the real deal, but in the course of just a few videos, Gary realized he didn’t know his friend at all.  Or at least not this side of him.  The Jeff in the videos was unencumbered and uninhibited.  He was giddy, eager and raw, his joyful, unfiltered lust on display in a way that Gary had never seen before.  Watching Jeff’s handsome face bobbing in and out between a beefy ginger’s thighs as he worked a fat cock in his mouth was one thing, but watching his friend bounce up and down on that same cock a short time later was truly a sight to behold.  He’d never once seen his friend reduced to such a primitive level, had never once imagined that he’d be watching Jeff’s proud cock slapping around like an afterthought, and he was caught off guard by how much it turned him on.

The addled blonde made it through several videos before he started jerking off to them, and he made it through several more after that before he started picturing himself as the partner in his friend’s scenes.  Gary chalked it up to the novelty of the day, but the young stud had never been harder than when he pictured Jeff’s hairy, granite thighs straddling his waist, his friend’s ample rear writhing and wriggling against his lap.  He even inserted himself into the videos where Jeff was giving it to another man, a thrill shooting through him as he thought about what it would feel like to have his friend inside him.  Based on what he saw in the videos, Gary began to wonder if he really was missing out.  None of it seemed forced.  The guys in the video were convincing, too convincing for it all to be staged despite their unassuming masculinity.  They seemed like the kinds of guys he and Jeff hung out with and worked out with, not what Gary thought of when he pictured a gay porn actor.  If he didn’t know Jeff as well as he did Gary might have been able to tell himself it was all just a well-produced show, but he knew when the other man was being genuine and there wasn’t anything remotely false about his friend’s ecstatic howls.

Gary went back the next day, as well as the two that followed.  Frank and Tony were happy to have him as he’d been the hit they’d all expected, and the eager blonde was happy to get paid, but he knew it wasn’t about the money at all anymore.  Gary was hooked on the rush of discovery.  He’d let Tony and Frank work him over on his second visit the way they had on his first, but by his third session Gary was ready to take the reins.  He undressed himself slowly, sensually, even going so far as to turn and flex his meaty globes for the audience before taking his seat.  He flexed and posed while the older men went to work instead of just sitting there, surprised to find how much more fun it was when he was an active participant.

The increasingly confident hunk continued to binge his friend’s videos each night, though he hadn’t admitted it to Jeff.  He planned to tell him at some point, but Gary needed to figure out his own reaction first, as well as the response he wanted from his friend.  In the meantime they served to egg him on, which is why, on the fourth day, Gary decided to try something entirely new.

Instead of a limited, neck-down view, Gary would show it all, albeit with a mask on.  And instead of getting jerked off by Frank and Tony he’d do it himself.  They had an array of toys for him to choose from, as well as some more appealing underwear for him to slip on, so after stepping into a pair of crimson bikini briefs and picking a clear, silicone tube, Gary donned a hockey mask and stepped in front of the camera.

While plenty athletic the chiseled jock was far from a dancer, so he didn’t try for a sultry striptease.  He posed and flexed and swiveled his hips while Frank and Tony egged him on from offscreen, his stomach fluttering with each article he removed.  By the time he was down to just the tiny, tented briefs a part of him wanted to tear the mask free.  He’d picked it because he thought the horror-movie trappings were funny, and it certainly made for a more distinctive video, but Gary already knew it would be the last time he covered his face.  Each shucked piece of clothing was like a layer of inhibition, leaving the mask more as a frustrating barrier than as a protective shield.  While he rolled his hips to thrust his impressive rod through the silicone tube, Gary didn’t feel like he could let go the way he wanted to with the mask on his face, the way Jeff and the other guys did.  People couldn’t see his pained expressions.  It muffled his desperate whimpers.  And it felt like training wheels.  If he was going to be a part of this team then he needed to be a full member, not a shy anchor.

Not that anyone saw him that way.  Frank and Tony were thrilled with how his first full-body video turned out, and the crowd response was every bit as enthusiastic as his original clips had been.  Gary was immediately prepared for more, but the older duo had him pump the brakes for a few days. They told him he was still more than welcome to come hang out around the estate, and actually encouraged him to do so in order for him to meet some of the other guys in person.  They also set him up with some of the skimpier underwear and shorts and told him to start wearing them around so he could be more comfortable in them on screen.

As far as homework went, Gary was happy to comply.  The former boxers man felt a thrill at walking around campus with a pair of tiny lavender briefs beneath his shorts, making it a point to spend some time wearing nothing but in the campus fitness center.  Though he’d only been in a few videos, Gary was already hooked on the idea of being seen.  He was a little embarrassed at some of the lingering glances his stuffed, bright little briefs brought him, but that was part of the fun.  It had been years since he’d felt anything other than entirely comfortable strutting around the public showers, so to feel something new was exciting.  And it wasn’t as if he was ashamed of anything; the embarrassment he felt was more of a reflex, a knee-jerk reaction from his straight-jock brain that said “guys don’t get looked at like that.”  But Gary now knew that guys DID get looked at like that; it was FUN to get looked at like that.  And, after a few days of watching his friend’s videos on repeat, he was starting to realize it might be fun to do the looking every now and then.

The buzzing blonde was still riding the waves of eager excitement later that afternoon in his tiny apartment.  He lounged around the small studio in nothing but the revealing underwear, too distracted for school work but still too early in the day to head up to the large house in the hills.  He’d already become so comfortable in his new attire that he didn’t think twice about opening it when there was a knock at his door, his pulse quickening at the sight of his grinning friend.

“Damn, man,” Jeff laughed, giving the sculpted stud a slow look up and down.  “Did you know it was me or are you just giving everyone a show now?”

Gary blushed and shrugged.  “Didn’t really think about it.”

The dark-haired hunk reached out and snapped the elastic waist that rode low on his friend’s hips, his fingers coming dangerously close to making contact with the other man’s stuffed bulge.  “Frank and Tony already got you taking stuff home?  That’s a good sign…means they aren’t just bullshitting when they say you’ve got potential.  But after that video you did yesterday I don’t think that’s a problem,” Jeff whistled.

Gary felt his whole body flush, the light pink hue bringing out the strawberry in his blonde hair.  “You…you watched that,” he stammered, trying to hold back the sudden rush of pressure he felt zeroing in on his purple panties.

“Dude, of course I did!  I gotta make sure they’re treating my boy right,” Jeff said, clapping his friend on a muscled arm.  “What’d I tell you?  I knew you’d be a natural at this.  Shit was hot, bro.”

“Was it?  I’m not super sure what I’m doing,” Gary offered, his tone bashful.  “Frank and Tony told me I did a good job, but do they just say that to everyone?  And they told me we needed to take a break before we filmed anything else…oh…shit!  Is that their way of saying they didn’t really like…”

Jeff laughed and shook his head.  “Dude, chill.  Right after they film you blowin’ a load isn’t really the time for constructive criticism.  You did great!  For real.  You were clearly a little nervous and could’ve loosened up a little, but that comes with practice.  For your first time doing something like that, especially so soon, you nailed it.”  The dark-haired jock walked over and dropped down onto his friend’s bed, which also served as the makeshift sofa in the cramped dwelling.  “Don’t read into the break thing, either.  Most of us don’t do more than once a week, if that.  Did they tell you to come back and hang out?  I’m guessing they want you to meet some of the other guys so you can feel comfortable moving on to some group scenes.”

“I was actually going to head up there later,” Gary nodded, his stomach fluttering at the sight of Jeff reclining against the wall, his strapping frame spilling out of a loose tank-top and a pair of small, mesh shorts.  He’d noticed a while back when his friend began wearing the more revealing attire, but at the time he’d simply thought it was a fashion choice.  Now he understood.

“Yeah, about that,” Jeff said, his tone going stern.  “What the fuck, man?  You’re not gonna loop me in?  The guy who took you there in the first place?  I don’t get a courtesy invitation?  I’m still a little salty that you didn’t call and tell me about your big day yesterday.”

“Oh, uh, I mean…I guess I didn’t really think you’d…I just kinda got caught up in the moment,” the blonde jock stammered.  “When they said they wanted me to ‘get comfortable’ with some of the other guys I sort of assumed that meant…and with me and you I didn’t want to make things weird…” He trailed off, noticing Jeff’s broad grin before his own achingly tented briefs.

“Weird like that,” Jeff smirked, raising an eyebrow.

Gary didn’t know how to respond.  He felt like he should cover himself, but he didn’t really want to.  “Sorry, I can put something…”

“No, no, no,” the dark-haired man said, sitting forward and grabbing his friend’s wrist when the other man started to turn away.  “You need to get comfortable and practice loosening up, so let’s practice.”

“Uh…what?”  Gary just blinked as Jeff leaned back against the wall, his face going a deeper shade of red.

“Your moves.  You’re going to have to do this shit with other people around eventually, so let’s see ‘em,” the reclining jock said, giving an expectant clap.  “Get to it.”

His stomach fluttering, Gary did his best to recreate the scene from the day before, flexing and posing for his friend.  He felt more vulnerable and exposed than he’d expected without the mask on, but he blamed that on the fact that it was his friend eagerly watching.  That his head also swam with memories of the hairy hunk’s muscled frame being taken over and over again didn’t help either.

“Dude, you’ve gotta get outta your head,” Jeff finally said after a few minutes of watching his friend’s awkward gyrations.  “I can tell you’re thinking about something else right now.  Remember what I said…it’s just for fun.  There’s nothing to be worried or embarrassed about.”

“It’s…it’s not that…” Gary said, his plump pecs heaving.  He took a step back when Jeff grinned and climbed to his feet, fighting the sudden urge to throw himself at his friend when the strapping stud peeled out of his tank-top.

“Ohhhh, I get it.  Sorry…been a minute since I went through this,” Jeff said as he reached out and took Gary’s hand.  He guided it to his granite shelf before reaching down and doing the same with the other.  “Take your time.  Get to know the feeling,” he nodded, folding his chiseled arms behind his head.

Gary could feel his hands trembling, and he knew that Jeff could feel the same thing, but his friend’s encouraging smile never faded.  There was no arrogance or mockery in the expression, only a genuine excitement for the bashful blonde’s process of discovery.  It made Gary quiver.  The flustered jock slowly ran his hands along his friend’s juicy shelf and broad shoulders, admiring the raw, primal power for the first time.  It was a body he’d often felt, but never in such an intimate capacity, and he instantly regretted it.  His fumbling fingers became more confident as they tweaked the dark-haired hunk’s tiny nipples and slipped down his trim, tapering sides.

“It’s okay,” Jeff nodded when the blonde’s hands reached the waist of his shorts.  “Go for it, man.”

Gary felt like a fumbling teenager all over again as he slipped a hand into his friend’s shorts, gently kneading the girthy package stuffed inside.  The plump, eager organ began twitching immediately, sending a corresponding throb through his arm and down to his own aching club.  “Oh…oh fuck…are we…are we really doing this?”

“We’re not ‘doing’ anything,” Jeff said, finally reaching out to run his hands along the other man’s flushed frame.  “We’re just having some fun.  Like the way that feels?” he asked, nodding down at the hand in his shorts.

Gary nodded, a confusing admission.  “Yeah, actually.  Like, more than I thought I would.”

Jeff just grinned.  “We already know you like this,” he said, slipping his own hand into Gary’s briefs.  He grabbed his friend’s cock and gave a few gentle tugs, grinding his hips into the blonde’s hands.

Gary couldn’t stop himself.  He tugged Jeff’s shorts and briefs down, needing to see the hefty member that pulsed in his palm.  He stroked it to its full length and kept tugging, a wave of giddiness washing over him when he realized he was actually jerking another man off for the first time.  He’d expected to be embarrassed, but like Jeff said, they weren’t actually doing anything.  They were just two friends enjoying each other and making each other feel good; there was nothing to be embarrassed about.  There was nothing wrong with feeling sexy or acknowledging his friend’s handsomeness, and he was actually glad to be crossing the line with Jeff for his first time.  “Holy shit this is intense,” he moaned, giving a quick gasp when the other man pressed their throbbing poles together and began stroking both at the same time.  “Fuuuuuck that feels good.”

“I’ve had practice,” Jeff purred.

“I know.  I’ve watched your videos, too,” Gary said before he could stop himself.  His expression fell for a moment, then lifted again into a bashful grin at his friend’s beaming smile.

“Wondered how long that would take,” Jeff said, letting Gary take over pumping as he clutched his friend’s ample rear.  “And what’d you think?”

“I didn’t…didn’t know you could be so hot,” the blonde sighed, shuddering.  He was rapidly approaching the edge, but he didn’t want things to end.

“Looks like we both learned the same lesson.”  Jeff’s voice was a low rumble as he leaned in for a kiss.  The surprising gesture, along with the foreign sensation of his friend’s tongue in his mouth, pushed Gary over the edge.  Jeff swallowed his friend’s whimper as a series of warm eruptions coated both of their chins, holding Gary in place for a few more moments until he added his own juices to the mix.


Jonathan Lee

Okay this is definitely my favorite. Has the potential to be a full novel


Glad you're liking it so far! Definitely a longer one. I'm now at page 20 and still haven't reached the point where things really kick off.