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***First part of a WIP...Gary has no idea what's coming!***

“Do you want me to come with you?  If you’re feeling nervous, I don’t mind.”

“What?!  No!  Like this isn’t already weird enough.”  Gary blushed at the thought of Jeff accompanying him into the other room, the creeping crimson flush bringing out the shades of pink in his strawberry blonde hair.  His powerful arms inflated as he rested his hands on top of his head, the pose accentuating the prominent taper to his athletic torso.  Years of sports and dedication to his diet had left the young jock with an exceptionally fit, chiseled frame, and it was that very physique he hoped to capitalize on.  In addition to the brawny arms, Gary’s shoulders were broad, his pecs perfectly plump above a tight washboard, while below the waist he sported a firm, round rear, well-muscled thighs, and a package that hovered just above average.  His face wasn’t bad either, with a full set of plump lips, a distinguished nose, and bright, aqua eyes, all of which were offset by a wide, stubble-covered jaw, but Gary had no intention of letting anyone see any of it.  He wasn’t even sure he was going to take his shirt off for this first session.

Jeff laughed at his friend’s nerves and reached out to take advantage of the other man’s pose, tweaking a vulnerable nipple.  “Bro.  You gotta relax, dude.  Think about what’s happening here…you’re about to make a hundred bucks by getting a handjob.”

“Yeah, by a pair of dudes.  On the internet,” Gary spat.  “With people watching.”

“Who gives a shit?  You’ve got it; flaunt it,” Jeff said, lifting the bottom of his t-shirt to expose his own, olive washboard.  The dark-haired hunk was every bit as sculpted as his friend, with the primary difference between them being Jeff’s obvious, Mediterranean heritage.  As opposed to Gary’s smooth muscle, a light dusting of raven hair coated the other man’s precision-sculpted build, leaving them at opposing ends of the same, handsome spectrum.  They always competed with each other to see who could stay in the best shape and who could garner the most attention when out at the bar, so Jeff knew it was inevitable that his friend would follow him down this path.  It was less about the money for Gary, though there was plenty to be had, and more about the fact that he couldn’t stand Jeff being the center of attention without him.  “I’ve seen that piece in action before…people are gonna love it.”

“So much for not making it weird,” Gary sighed, unsure how to respond to his friend complimenting his dick.  “You’re just going to watch the video afterwards, aren’t you?”

Jeff grinned and shrugged.  “I mean, we DO get free access to the site as models.”

“Is that what we are?  I don’t know, man.  Maybe this isn’t for me…” He dropped his arms and swatted his friend’s hand away when Jeff reached towards his chest again.  “Would you knock it off?”

“Would you stop being such a pussy?  Look…the first time is weird, I’ll give you that.  But Frank and Tony are great!  And they’re real good at this…trust me,” Jeff winked.  “They’re not gonna push you to do anything you don’t want to do, so believe me when I say you’re in good hands.  Just keep an open mind, alright?  Don’t be so quick to rule stuff out.  They know what they’re doing.”  He paused when the door behind his friend opened and nodded encouragingly.  “Knock ‘em dead, champ.”

Gary couldn’t help but smile when Jeff gave his ass a rough swat, feeling more like he was about to rush onto a football field than nervously step into a bedroom.  He nodded at the two middle-aged men waiting for him, freezing just across the threshold.  “So, uh, you’re ready for me?”

Tony, a beefy, bald bulldog of a man in straining jeans and an equally straining gray t-shirt, lumbered over, his expression warm and friendly.  “You first-timers always look like you’re about to sit in the electric chair,” he laughed, gently ushering Gary into the room.  “He’ll be out in a few,” he called to Jeff before closing the door and returning his attention to the nervous blonde.  “So he finally talked you into it, eh?  He’s been promising to do it for months now.”

“Better late than never,” Frank said as he finished positioning the camera.  Like the younger pair, he complemented Tony’s gruffness with a more distinguished presentation.  Where the other man was bald and burly, Frank was lean and refined, his toned muscle on display in a green tank-top and khaki shorts.  He had a full head of salt-and-pepper hair and sharp, obvious cheekbones compared to his friend’s round, puggish face.  If Tony was like one of Gary’s coaches, Frank reminded the young stud of one of his professors, the comparison helping to put the flustered jock at ease.  The older man stood and came over to shake Gary’s hand, his deep, casual tone as calming as his appearance suggested.  “Seriously.  Glad you could join us.  Jeff didn’t do you justice,” he said, looking the blushing hunk up and down.

“I, uh, try to keep myself together,” Gary shrugged.  He looked around the faux-bedroom studio, feeling an odd thrill when he thought about all of the various men who’d gotten off in the space, wondering if there was an incentive strong enough to get him naked and exposed on the mattress like his friend.  But he wasn’t there yet.  At the moment, all he had to do was sit in the nondescript plastic chair at the center of the room and let the older pair do all the work.  “I take it that’s where I’ll be sitting?”

Tony nodded.  “Whenever you’re ready.  Here…let me show you how this works.”  The older man led Gary over to the chair, pointing out the monitor that sat next to the camera.  Standing, the young jock was only visible from the waist down, and when he took a test sit, the view stopped just below his shoulders.  “See?  None of your face will be visible at any time, only ours.”

Gary took a deep breath, a steadily growing excitement taking the place of his nerves.  Seeing the setup, and verifying for himself that he’d be able to remain anonymous, eased the pressure.  It helped that the two older men took the initiative to show him that first thing, making it clear that they understood and respected his boundaries.  Gary was starting to think that his initial impressions of them had been correct, that Jeff had been telling the truth when he’d said they were solid and not a pair of creeps.  “That’s a relief.  I mean, not that it’s bad for you guys to show yours!  Or, you know, if someone wants to.  I’m not trying to sound like I’m…”

“You’re good,” Frank interrupted with a laugh.  “And you wouldn’t be the first hunk to walk through that door dead-set against it, only to wind up on the bed at some point.  The option’s always there.”

“We’ll, uh…we’ll see about that,” Gary sputtered.  “So…how do we do this?  Do I just take my shorts off and sit down, or…?”

“Entirely up to you,” Tony said.  “We can start with you in the chair, or we can start with you undressing.  We can also be the one to do the undressing if you want.”

Gary’s heart started racing in his chest, a surprising throb shooting to his cock.  He’d never been in a situation even remotely close to this before, and the novelty of it all was turning out to be more of a turn on than he’d expected.  He started to opt for the chair, but he remembered what Jeff told him about keeping an open mind.  “If you guys want to…I mean…I’d be good with letting you guys take charge.  Especially since this is the first time.”

Frank nodded over at his partner.  “Are you okay with being heard in the video?  Our audience likes it when we talk to the model.”

Gary nodded, clearing his throat reflexively.  “Yeah, that’s fine,” he said, adding some forced depth to his voice.

“Great!  And don’t think you have to ham it up like a porn or anything.  If you feel like making a noise during the process, awesome.  If not, that’s okay too,” Tony shrugged as he and Frank took a look to make sure everyone was in frame.  “And remember, no one can see your face.  So if you want to close your eyes and think about something or someone else, have at it.  The point is to have a good time, so just relax and have fun, okay?  Ready?”

Gary fought to keep himself from trembling when he nodded.  He took a deep breath and told himself over and over that it really was all just for fun, that he was in good hands.  Jeff had raved about how well the pair got him off, and while it was weird to be in such a position with other men, the young jock reminded himself that he wasn’t going to be the one tugging on a guy’s dick.  He tensed reflexively when their hands drifted to his midsection, but he knew he could call it off at any time, and the older duo were good at calming him down.

“See?  Not so bad, right,” Frank asked, a large, strong hand gently kneading the front of Gary’s salmon chino shorts.  “Feels impressive.”

“It’s all impressive,” Tony added, lifting the bottom of the young man’s navy t-shirt just enough to show off his ripped washboard.  “You work out a lot, don’t you?”

“I try and do a solid hour every day,” Gary said, forcing himself to sound as casual as possible.  “It’s mostly diet, honestly.”

The young jock bit back a gasp just in time when Frank popped the fly of his shorts and gave his bulge a squeeze.  “Mind telling us what you eat to wind up with this,” he laughed, slowly pulling the shorts down to expose the blonde’s twitching boxer-briefs.

“You mean other than pussy,” Gary laughed.  Jeff had told him the crowd absolutely loved it when he played things extra straight, so he did his best to sound as smug as possible.

“Bet the big guy sees a lot of that, doesn’t it,” Tony said, adding in a rugged paw of his own.

“He doesn’t get bored, that’s for sure.”  Though he sounded self-assured, Gary was glad the camera couldn’t see his beet-red face when the older duo each took a side of his black boxer-briefs and tugged them down.  He was embarrassed at the way his rapidly-hardening cock sprang free, wishing he could have made the pair work for it a little more.

“Ha!  Doesn’t look like that’s a problem,” Tony chuckled, giving the long, thick organ a gentle stroke while Frank toyed with the heavy, hairy balls underneath.  “How big are you?”

Gary sighed, already surprised at how natural things felt.  He’d expected the sensation of rough, masculine hands on his junk to be jarring, but the probing digits felt fantastic.  “Just over seven inches, last time I checked.”

Tony whistled, forming an “O” with his thumb and forefinger that he slid along the wide member.  “A fat one, too.  Guess it had to be somewhere, right?”

“Take a seat,” Frank said before Gary could respond.  The younger man did as he was told, giving a light shiver when his bare cheeks met the cold plastic.  He lifted his legs to let Frank pull his discarded bottoms free while Tony went around behind, his stocky, burly frame looming over him as he reached down and slowly lifted the t-shirt.  Gary knew he didn’t have to let them take it off but he was caught up in the moment, so he obediently raised his arms to let himself be stripped all the way.

It was a surprising rush.  Instead of being embarrassed as he’d expected, the sight of his perfectly proportioned torso flexing on the monitor, his cock rigid and ready while the pair of older men knelt in front of him like worshippers, sent a throb of power through him.  He pumped his thighs, flexing his pecs and washboard as the older men lubed their hands and went to work.  “Oh fuuuuuuuuck,” Gary moaned before he could stop himself.  Even with women, he’d never had two people at once working his thick rod, and the sensation was more powerful than he’d anticipated.

“Feel good,” Frank asked, his free hand gently kneading Gary’s churning orbs.

“I’m going to take the leaking as a yes,” Tony purred.  “You a big shooter?  This guy feels like a big shooter.”

“Nev…never had any complaints,” Gary gasped.  He could already tell it was going to take every ounce of his focus to keep from blowing too soon, but as he felt himself rocketing towards an abrupt climax, Frank and Tony varied their pace.  They knew exactly when to press on and back off, reading Gary’s tensing frame like a book to create a rolling series of peaks and valleys that quickly had the young hunk sputtering.  “Oh…oh fuck…you guys…fuuuuuuuck…mmmmnnnmmm…” he moaned, having lost all sense of time and forgetting all about the false bass he’d been trying to add to his voice.  The pleasure was so intense that it was all Gary could do to remember to keep his face out of the frame, let alone try to stay quiet.

“Helps when the material is this good,” Tony purred again.  “Bet this thing just loves swingin’ around a locker room.”

“Right?  This bad boy is juicy,” Frank grunted, running a thumb around the steady stream leaking from Gary’s throbbing head.  “Gotta love some thick, eager jock-cock.”

“HOOOOOOUUUOOUUHHhhhh!”  The young hunk was mortified at his abrupt wailing, as well as its timing, but the pair had finally pushed him over the edge.  He tensed and grunted, letting out a series of pained gasps as he erupted like a geyser.  The warm, sticky deluge splattered all over his abs, chest, and unseen face, but all Gary could think about in the moment was how he’d never cum so hard in his life.

“Looks like I was right,” Tony said, sounding proud when the spurting finally stopped.  “Goddamn, son.”

“Someone’s a mess,” Frank laughed, his tone encouraging instead of condescending.  “Not bad for a first time, right?”

“Not…not at all,” Gary panted, hating that his whole body went crimson and not just his face now that the overwhelming bliss was fading.

“Uh-oh, looks like someone’s getting embarrassed,” Tony chuckled.  “It’s okay, bud.  They always do the first time.”

“Oh, leave the boy alone,” Frank chided, giving Gary’s thigh a squeeze.  “He did great!  Let’s cut the camera and get him cleaned up.  Remember, everyone…if you want to see more of this stud, be sure to let us know.”

Gary’s head spun from the lingering body buzz as he watched the older man turn the camera off.  They were right, he was embarrassed to be sitting naked and spent and covered in his own juices in front of two strangers as well as the entire internet, but at the same time, the handsome hunk had never felt a rush like it.  “That was…intense,” he finally said.  “Holy shit.”

“Glad you had a good time.”  Tony reached down and clapped him on a sticky pec as Gary hopped to his feet.  “I can already tell you’re gonna be a hit.”

“There’s a shower in the next room over if you want to get cleaned up,” Frank said, nodding towards the door.  “Soap and towels and everything you’ll need are already there, so help yourself.”

“Thanks,” Gary nodded, still in a daze.  He sauntered over to the door and threw it open, immediately regretting the decision when he saw a grinning Jeff waiting for him.  In his lustful haze he’d forgotten all about the other man, and now he stood in front of him in all his naked, sticky glory.

“Well, well, well.  It sounded like you had a good time in there, and now it looks like it, too,” the dark-haired stud laughed.



That was a bit different from your usual style but an intriguing start nonetheless. Interested to see where it goes!


Me too! I have an idea, but as I'm writing it out I might have bitten off more than I can chew. We'll see. It's already at 10 pages and I haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet, so this is going to be a long one.