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...for next week's story.  I'm going to be at the beach next week on an annual family trip, but I've got the next couple Monday's worth of stories (and Crack the Code, ch. 3 for this Sunday) queued up.  

It took way too long, but I finally dusted off the "To the Top of the Temple" series for another pair of chapters.  I always say "I'm not going to let it go so long between chapters this time" and then like a year goes by, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut and not make any promises.  But maybe it'll be quicker?  Who knows.  If you need to refresh yourself on the series, here are the previous chapters:

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 

Otherwise, we're due for a vignette next week but I can't make any promises.  I have a bunch of ideas, and I'll hopefully come up with a bunch more while I'm gone, but I also very much need a break.  If I don't get a chance to work on it while I'm away I'll try and get one up ASAP once I'm back home.  

Also, in case you missed it, we officially hit 500 stories!  That's an absolutely wild number to me, so thank you all for making it happen.  I have the best readers a weird, pervy author could ever ask for.  

As always, thanks for reading and for the support! 



Just to say that I love that you’re getting a well deserved break. Enjoy!