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Tom knew he’d made a mistake.  He’d been warned, repeatedly, that the magics involved were unpredictable at best.  It wasn’t an exact science, he’d been told, and outcomes typically manifested in unexpected ways.  The most he’d been promised was a roll of the cosmic dice, but now that he saw the aftermath Tom remembered why he’d never been a gambling man.

He’d thought it would be a simple request.  At 48, Tom was tired of being viewed as “an old guy.”  It didn’t matter that he still had the striking, chiseled jawline of a cartoon character, or that his shredded, swimmer’s frame was every bit as sculpted and tapering as it had always been.  It didn’t matter that he was better looking, better hung, and better built; all the younger guys saw was his age.  A little salt in his cropped hair and manicured stubble was all it took to propel him to “daddy” or “silver fox” status, labels that the middle-aged hunk had zero interest in claiming for his own.  He still felt young, and from the neck down he had the defined, athletic body of someone half his age, but the increasingly rugged wrinkles on his face told a different story.

Instead of cosmetic surgery, Tom had turned to supernatural means.  Delaying the inevitable was all a doctor could provide, and the aging stud wanted a more permanent solution.  It wasn’t just his appearance that needed to change; it was the way people perceived him.  If he went under the knife all he’d be was an old guy who had surgery, which didn’t change anything.  If he truly wanted to be seen as a younger he needed the whole world to adjust its perspective.

It had all been deceptively simple.  He’d found the witch online, and after a brief discussion about his desires, as well as a hefty payment, a little blood and hair shipped in the mail was all it took.  After that, it was a waiting game.  The celestial bodies needed to be in the proper alignment for things to even have a chance, so Tom had spent the intervening weeks nervously refreshing his email until he received word that the time had finally arrived.  The ritual was going to be conducted that night, and if everything went according to plan Tom would wake to a new life the following morning.  And though the potential was there for it to be a dramatic change, no matter what it looked like, he would be the only one who knew something was different.  Even the witch wouldn’t know, which is part of what made it so risky.  Once the ritual was performed there was no going back, so he had to be sure.

That last part wasn’t even a question.  Tom had long since made up his mind, and a few last minute jitters weren’t going to deter him now.  He’d quickly reaffirmed his desire to proceed and spent the rest of the day acting as if, and hoping that, it would be his last as “an old guy.”  He knew it was an impulsive decision.  He knew it was irresponsibly risky, too.  He had a solid career managing a data analytics department.  He had a good house and a nice car and a more-than-comfortable existence.  He’d worked hard to get where he was, and a part of him fully understood that he could be throwing it all away.  Tom had tried to be specific in his request, that in addition to being seen as younger he still wanted to hold onto the clout and status he’d built over the years, but, as with the rest of the results, it was all a mystic wager.

Now, Tom’s immediate reaction was that he’d come up short.  He’d expected his dreams to be wild and his slumber tumultuous, but he’d slept like a rock.  If he’d dreamt at all he had no recollection, though it was possible he’d simply overlooked it given the shock of his discovery.  When Tom first opened his eyes and saw the slumbering young hunk on the other side of the bed, a victorious thrill pulsed through him.  He’d hooked up with Tony a few times, equally envying and lusting after the athletic blonde.  The younger man was just over half his age at 28, with a fit, muscular frame that drove Tom wild, but the older hunk knew a part of his desire for the golden-haired Adonis was rooted in his desperate quest to reclaim his own youth.  Being with Tony was as close a reminder as he could get to actually being that age himself, and it helped that the chiseled jock was a sweet-hearted himbo who never made Tom feel like an old man in the first place.  The closest they’d ever come to even addressing the age gap was when they’d joked about Tom being the younger man’s sugar daddy, but that was as far as the conversation went.  So even though he’d gone to bed alone, Tom wasn’t surprised to find Tony waiting for him in his idealized world.

However, he was surprised by the bulky diaper strapped to his waist.  Tom froze as soon as he rolled onto his side and felt the cumbersome garment crinkle between his thighs.  His stomach dropped at the foreign sensation, along with the sight of his unaltered torso when he looked down.  One hand shot to his face while the other slipped beneath the sheet, feeling familiar stubble and wrinkles, and unfamiliar padding, respectively.  Tom was a strict boxer-briefs man, and though he’d clearly gone through a diaper-clad phase in his youth he couldn’t even begin to remember it as an adult, leaving him horrified by the hulking bottoms.

But before he had time to process the humiliating discovery, his frantic pawing caused Tony to stir next to him.  “Mmmm…mornin’ Tommy,” the younger man mumbled, flashing a groggy smile as he rolled over and threw a sculpted arm around the stunned hunk, leaning in to plant a quick kiss.  “How’d you sleep,” he asked, his hand sliding down to give Tom’s diaper-covered rear a squeeze.

“Go…good…” the older man sputtered, his own hands instinctively gliding along Tony’s naked frame.  The fact that the gorgeous blonde was naked while he was stuck in a diaper left Tom feeling somehow more exposed, especially when the other man’s rigid log poked against his thigh.

Tony raised an eyebrow, his fingers stroking through Tom’s sleep-messed hair.  “You okay?  You’ve got a weird look on your face.  Did you have an accident?”

Tom wanted to crawl under a rock when he felt himself reflexively shaking his head.  “Nope, all dry,” he said, hating the forced proudness in his tone.

Tony’s voice was equally condescending and sent an equally confusing shudder through the older man.  “Good!  I told you…even if you have to shake me, I don’t mind you wakin’ me up to take you to the bathroom.”

“You’re too sweet,” Tom said, smiling bashfully even as he wondered where the words were coming from.

“And you’re too cute,” the blonde purred, tossing the covers aside and rolling over so that he straddled the salt-and-pepper stud.

With their bodies fully exposed, Tom felt a fresh wave of humiliation at the sight of his strapping frame in the diaper against Tony’s sculpted, naked perfection.  At the same time, though, his cock ached for release.  As the initial shock began to wear off, it occurred to Tom just how painfully horny he was, a state that the blonde was clearly aware of as he began kissing his way down the older man’s brawny torso.  “Oh fuck…” he moaned, his fingers biting into Tony’s shoulders.  He wanted to tear the diaper free and let his throbbing pole loose, but something in his brain wouldn’t let him remove the unwanted apparel.

“Such naughty language,” Tony laughed, giving Tom’s tapering sides a light pinch.  “Doesn’t seem like someone’s going to be dry for long,” he said, kneading the front of the older man’s diaper.

Tom groaned and ground his hips against Tony’s hand, overcome by how good it felt to have his rigid pole worked through the padded underwear.  He didn’t know if it was a byproduct of the diaper itself or if his cock actually was more sensitive, but the slightest touch sent an ecstatic rush through him.  He realized he was frantically humping the younger man’s hand at the same time he saw Tony’s amused expression, still unsure why the other man’s smug demeanor was suddenly driving him so wild.

“Feels good, doesn’t it,” Tony said encouragingly.  He wrapped his arms around Tom and rolled over again, this time leaving the older man on top as he squirmed around onto his belly.  “Go on…knock yourself out.”

Tom couldn’t believe what he was doing when he began rolling his hips against Tony’s plump, ample rear.  The blonde had bottomed for him several times, but never before had the older man helplessly humped away while his prominent cock was restrained beneath bulky padding.  That didn’t stop him, though, and Tom quickly learned why the specifics of their encounter had changed when he erupted into the diaper after only a few moments.  Normally the older man was like a machine-driven piston, able to fuck for what felt like hours, but now he whimpered and spasmed against Tony’s back almost immediately.  If he’d actually been inside the other man he suspected that he only would’ve lasted a single thrust, though the orgasm that tore through him was more intense than any he could remember.  He let out a series of low, gutural whimpers before collapsing against the sculpted hunk, his chest heaving.

“That felt like a big one,” Tony cooed.  “Want to do it again or do you want something to suck on?”

“Something to suck on,” Tom said, surprised by the eager tone.  His body on autopilot, he quickly slid down and swallowed the other man’s long, thick cock, a wave of contentment washing over him at the way the warm, musky organ filled his mouth.  Unlike himself Tony had no issues with his stamina, and Tom lost himself to the bobbing rhythm of his head, perfectly happy to slurp away for as long as it took.  Despite the burning in his shoulders, the older man was actually disappointed when Tony arched his back and came, launching a massive deluge down his throat.  Tom swallowed nearly all of it, and he kept sucking until the spent member went soft between his lips.

“Damn, Tommy.  I know you spend a lot of time sucking on stuff, but you’re a fuckin’ pro at that,” Tony panted as the older man climbed up and nestled against him.

“More fun than a pacifier,” Tom grinned, finally noticing the way his stomach fluttered whenever Tony called him “Tommy.”  Normally he hated the name, but now it was music to his ears.

“Okay…let’s get you cleaned up and fed and ready for work,” the blonde eventually sighed, reluctantly extricating himself from the older man and rolling off the bed.

Tom followed suit, his head spinning when he finally had a chance to look around a slightly unfamiliar bedroom.  It was still the one he knew, but the contents were slightly off.  There was a large, padded playmat in one corner, as well as several items that he knew didn’t belong to him.  There was a moment of panic when he realized those items were things like adult-style t-shirts and underwear and pants, but then he remembered that those belonged to Tony.  The realization did nothing to quell the growing panic he wished he could more fully express, but it was mitigated by the knowledge that their previous jokes about Tom being Tony’s sugar daddy had come to pass.  In a flash, Tom recalled the blonde moving in, though he was significantly less enthused when he understood why.  He blushed as he waddled along behind the blonde into the bathroom, shifting his weight from foot-to-foot when a sudden urge hit him.

“Hold still and I’ll get you outta this thing,” Tony laughed as he fumbled with the cum-soaked diaper.  As soon as it was free Tom darted over to the toilet, emptying his bladder while the other man watched.  “Whoooo…that seems like a close one.”

“Came out of nowhere,” Tom said, his casual tone in no way reflecting the embarrassment he felt at relieving himself while the other man watched.  He was at least partially grateful that he hadn’t gone in the diaper, but that gratitude only lasted until he remembered the possibility was always there.  He couldn’t put on or remove the diapers himself, so if someone couldn’t get him to a bathroom and undressed in time the bulky undergarments would have a practical purpose.

He tried not to think about it as they stepped into the warm shower.  Now that they were both naked, the older hunk was almost able to forget about his altered circumstances.  On the surface things were back to the way they should have been, at least until Tony began scrubbing him down.  Tom hadn’t even had a chance to start bathing himself before the other man lathered him up, and on cue his hefty cock rocketed to attention once more.  He kept thinking that he should be asking questions, that he needed to know why he and the blonde lived together, to ask how long this had all been going on, and to try and get vital details about what he should expect for the rest of his day, but he couldn’t bring himself to.  Every time he tried the questions dried up in his throat, as if the universe itself was preventing them.  He remembered the part about him being the only one to know anything was different, but he didn’t think that clause would also prevent him from pointing out the differences.

Tony didn’t seem to think anything was wrong.  As he cheerfully scrubbed the older man down and then himself, he chatted away as if the scenario was entirely normal.  Tom didn’t know what to make of the way the young blonde’s tone would slip from regular conversation to a condescending coo, but every time he did his hair-trigger cock would throb.  Tony had purposely avoided the throbbing pole during the shower, but as he finished toweling the dazed Tom off he wrapped a fist around it and gave a few rapid tugs that sent the older man spurting over the edge.  Tom still couldn’t believe how fast it happened, but he was more concerned with the way he’d wedged a thumb in his mouth while wrapped in Tony’s powerful arms.

“Alright, let’s go get some breakfast in you, big guy,” the young stud said, giving Tom’s ample rear a playful swat.  The older man grinned and followed Tony back out into the bedroom, watching as the blonde slipped into a pair of briefs.  He waited expectantly to be dressed himself, not recognizing that as the reason he obediently stood by the dresser until Tony took him by the hand and pulled him towards the kitchen.  “We’ll get you diapered up after breakfast.  Do it now and we’ll just be taking it off again before we leave.”

Tom wanted nothing to do with the idea of leaving the house in a diaper, but at the same time he felt a giddy rush as he strutted naked through the house.  Even though Tony had only put on a pair of tiny purple briefs, the fact that he’d been left undressed filled him with an excited, playful energy.  The odd euphoria dimmed slightly when he watched Tony pour his iced coffee into a bright sippy cup, and when the young hunk plated up his sausage and eggs onto a colorful plastic platter instead of the ceramic dishes he normally used.  Tom feared for a moment that the younger man would actually try and feed him, but, like in the shower, their conversation dropped back into a normal tone while they ate.  They talked about their mutual friends, the TV shows they’d been watching, what they wanted to do after work; all the banal topics that two adults discussed over a mundane breakfast.  And that’s when it hit him.

Tom’s stomach dropped when he either realized or finally remembered, he couldn’t tell which, just what exactly was happening.  He’d wanted the ritual to make people see him as younger.  He’d wanted to be treated that way, and to have an abundance of virile, youthful energy.  But instead of actually making him younger, the magic had simply turned him into a middle-aged man with a kink.  He wasn’t half his age as he’d hoped, he just had a diaper fetish.  It was all an elaborate role play, but where such things normally stopped at the bedroom, Tom’s overwhelming fantasy bled into every corner of his life.  He had the elevated energy and increased virility, he felt great and was hornier than he’d been since puberty, only now he wasn’t sure either one of those was a positive considering the overall circumstances.

“Good job eating your breakfast, bud,” Tony said, his tone once again slipping back into cheerful condescension.  “Let’s take you to the potty and then get you dressed.”

Tom was mortified as he casually walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet, all under the disinterested eye of the young blonde.  A part of him was grateful that he was at least able to do everything required by himself, unless he had an “accident,” but the humiliated hunk still wanted to crawl under a rock and hide when he realized that everything he did now required supervision.  Sleeping, bathing, eating, dressing, even shitting, all happened under someone’s ever-present gaze.  At the moment that gaze was more focused on checking their phone than actually watching Tom relieve himself, but the blonde’s mere presence was enough to send a confusing flutter through the naked man’s stomach.

The sensation was disorienting.  For every part of himself that dreaded what was happening, there was an equal part that relished it.  As they finished in the bathroom and Tom threw himself down on the bed, hefting his muscled legs in the air, he couldn’t stop grinning.  The sensation of Tony powdering him up and slipping on a fresh diaper made him quake with satisfaction.  When the younger man made him raise his arms so he could slip a ridiculously small t-shirt on, Tom couldn’t believe how good it felt to be dressed by someone else.  The thin cotton plastered across his prominent pecs and broad shoulders, the sleeves barely reaching the top of his sculpted arms while the bottom left his impressive abs entirely exposed since the bottom stopped well above his navel.  The shirt itself was printed to look like a blazer and button down combo, complete with a tie that still managed to accentuate Tom’s eye-popping pecs just like the real thing.  It was coupled with a pair of gray shorts made from the same, thin cotton, and while the older man had been embarrassingly pleased with how the small top made his torso look, the lingering parts of his old self were horrified at how obvious his diaper-clad state was.  The tiny shorts stopped at mid-thigh, leaving most of his toned legs on display, but Tom was more focused on the bulky, padded section at his waist.  The top of the puffy underwear was even visible poking out above the waist of the shorts, but Tony didn’t appear concerned as he slipped patterned dress socks on Tom’s wide feet and then followed with a pair of black, velcro sneakers.  Tom was panic-stricken at the thought of leaving the house in such a state, though it didn’t show in his eager grin.

“Such a handsome business man,” Tony purred, wrapping his arms around Tom’s waist and pulling the older man in for a lingering kiss.  The diaper-clad daddy felt himself go hard in the padded confines, another wave of dread washing over him when he realized how obvious his rigid girder was even while contained in the diaper.  Worse still, the ever-present padding rubbed the hyper-sensitive rod with the slightest movement, and Tom wondered how long it would be until the absorbent underwear filled a practical role.

He kept wondering as Tony slipped into a pair of gym shorts and a tank-top, feeling all the more ridiculous about his own appearance.  It was a sensation that he knew would only get worse as he watched the blonde load up the diaper bag that had replaced his briefcase, telling himself even as they made their way to the car that he wasn’t really headed to the office in such a state.



What is that fetish call? I know it is a thing.


ABDL is the label I always see, but I don't know if this fully fits in that (I'm not super familiar with all the details).