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Chase ran his hands along the sweaty ridges of Aaron’s budding pecs, amazed both by what he saw and what he felt.  The firm little mounds were far from huge, his dark-haired lover was still slight and lean, but the other man’s twinkish frame seemed to be packing on an abnormal amount of muscle in an abnormally short amount of time.  It wasn’t just his chest, either.  In the span of a week, Aaron’s formerly-average, olive-hued body had been covered in a roadmap of definition.  Looking at him now, clad in nothing but a pair of unusually small gym shorts, the thin man’s shoulders, chest, arms, abs, and thighs all popped, and now that the muscles had each been so sharply outlined, they were starting to grow.

“What’s wrong?  Don’t you like ‘em?”  Aaron grinned and flexed his solid new mounds against Chase’s probing fingers, his own hands landing at the other man’s waist.

The sandy-haired twink blushed slightly, unsure how to answer.  “They’re great.  It’s…it’s all great, hon.  You look hot as hell,” he said, sliding his hands from Aaron’s defined chest to run them along his boyfriend’s suddenly-steely arms.  “I just don’t understand where it’s all coming from.  You’ve been working out for, what?  A week?  This feels like a big swing.”

Aaron shrugged, his expression falling slightly.  “Yeah, but I’ve been putting in a lotta hours during that week.”

Chase nodded, his thumbs running along the edges of the other man’s shoulders.  “I was going to bring that up, too.  Babe…I think I’ve seen you actively lift weights maybe three times in the two years we’ve been together.  What brought this motivation on?”

“Maybe I just wanted to look good for my man,” Aaron purred, his smile returning.  His hands drifted in from the blonde’s waist, quickly undoing the fly of his lover’s khaki shorts and sending them to the floor.  “Feels like I’m on the right track.”

Chase sighed, his flushed face going a deeper shade of red as Aaron groped the rapidly-twitching pouch of his briefs.  Even this was odd.  They’d always had what he considered to be a healthy sex life, but over the course of the previous week the other man had been insatiable.  And it wasn’t just the amount of sex, but the way it unfolded.  Chase always joked that Aaron was the oldest twenty-five year old he knew.  The dark-haired man liked to take things slow, to build up to a romantic encounter that normally took place after dark.  He’d never been the type to come home from the gym in the middle of the afternoon, rip his boyfriend’s shorts down, and start jerking him off in the middle of the room.  “Baby, you’ll never NOT look good to me,” Chase said as he watched Aaron fish his cock free.  As jarring as his lover’s behavior had become, it was hard to complain too much.  “Am I going to have to worry about keeping up?”

“What?  No.  Never,” Aaron said, shaking his head.  He let go of Chase’s cock and abruptly pulled the blonde’s t-shirt up, forcing the other man to awkwardly raise his arms so it could be stripped free.  “You’re so fucking hot I can’t stand it,” he groaned, his hands running up and down the blonde’s thin frame.  Like Aaron had been until recently, Chase’s twinkish build was tight and lean, but without any significant mass or definition.  His youthful metabolism kept him in relatively fit shape, and he put in a few hours of targeted cardio each week to keep his bottom thick and supple, but for the most part his body was remarkably average.  “Should’a been you up on that stage flexing.”

“Is that…did that start all this,” Chase asked, his stomach fluttering from the raw hunger in Aaron’s voice.  “Did something get knocked loose when that guy hypnotized you?”

The dark-haired man leaned in to kiss the blonde’s slender neck as he spoke.  “What?  No, that’s ridiculous.  Hypnosis isn’t actually a thing…I was just playing along.”

Chase raised an eyebrow.  “Were you, though?  I can’t even get you to do karaoke, but that Ringmaster guy had you up there acting like a clown.  You were waddling around and doing pratfalls like you actually knew how.  And then when he made you think you were a strongman…” the blonde trailed off.

Despite Aaron’s denial, he didn’t think it was a coincidence that the other man’s behavior changed when it did.  They’d gone on a date the week before to a bizarre circus that had suddenly popped up at the edge of town.  One part carnival, it had the usual collection of games, fried food, and rickety rides whose safety records seemed spotty at best, but it also had an “adults only” section.  While there were death-defying acrobatics and animal numbers for the mainstream family crowd, people quickly began talking about the surreal mix of traditional circus acts, flamboyant acrobatics, and overt eroticism taking place in the restricted area.  Chase and Aaron had both been impressed by the sheer physicality of many of the acts, as well as the exposed bodies of the people who performed them, but it was a more subtle number that had been truly mind-blowing.

Neither of them had known what to expect when the older, pale man stepped onto stage wearing a ratty tuxedo and an even rattier top hat.  He’d introduced himself as Raymond, drawing out the last half of his name so that it rhymed with “pond”, and they’d rolled their eyes when he’d described himself as a “mesmerist”, thinking they were going to have to sit through a bootleg magic show.

That opinion quickly changed.  The first thing the old man did was ask for a volunteer, scanning the crowd with his oddly piercing eyes until they’d landed on Aaron.  Before anyone else could respond, and even though the dark-haired man had very much not raised his hand, Raymond called him to the stage.  It wasn’t the sort of thing Aaron normally would have gone along with, and even Chase had an instinct to hold his lover back, but all he’d been able to do was sit and watch as his somewhat stuffy partner shuffled bashfully forward.  Raymond recognized that reserved nature and immediately turned it on his head.  With his uncomfortably smooth voice and a few motions of his gloved hands, he’d supposedly had Aaron under his spell, telling the dazed young man to act like one of the clowns they’d seen.  The effects were immediate.  Without the slightest bit of hesitation, the dark-haired man began gesticulating and pantomiming, hopping around the stage with a nimble agility that Chase had never seen before.  Aaron grinned from ear-to-ear as he strutted for the crowd, his exaggerated smile turning into an equally exaggerated frown when he slipped on an invisible banana peel and spilled the load of invisible pies all over himself.

It was then that Chase began to worry.  Still unable to do anything other than stare, he’d watched as Aaron climbed clumsily to his feet and, just as he’d been told, continued to mimic the clowns they’d seen.  Since they were in the “adults only” performance, that meant the addled young man began peeling out of his invisibly soiled clothing.  He’d stripped out his t-shirt and shucked his shorts without displaying the slightest hesitation, and Chase’s heart had started racing when his boyfriend’s thumbs had hooked into the waist of his magenta briefs, but fortunately Raymond stopped him before they were removed as well.  Unfortunately, instead of pulling him out of the trance, the increasingly menacing man told Aaron that he’d become the new circus strongman as well.  This prompted the grinning, dark-haired young man to break into a series of poses, his slender twink frame looking out of place as he flexed his absent muscle for the astonished crowd.

When Raymond was finally done with him a few moments later, Aaron looked genuinely stunned to find himself on stage in nothing but his underwear.  He turned crimson with embarrassment, but instead of looking truly mortified the way Chase knew he should, all his partner had done was smile bashfully, seeming to actually enjoy the abundant applause he received.  He didn’t even put his clothes back on.  Instead of dressing himself on stage, he’d simply grabbed his discarded shorts and t-shirt and scampered back to his seat, sitting next to Chase for the rest of the show with them in a bundle on his lap.

The stunned blonde had a thousand questions he’d wanted to ask, but everyone was still enraptured by the show.  Raymond’s next act had been even more impressive, his unnaturally smooth voice taunting the crowd for another “brave” volunteer.  He’d chosen his words carefully in his request for a subject who wasn’t afraid of a little intimate exposure, playing on the kind of macho, fragile masculinity clearly displayed by the man who’d finally raised his hand.  He was a wide-jawed, broad-shouldered stud, with slicked brown hair, a massive watch, and a cloud of cologne that had to have been choking to the petite blonde woman who’d accompanied him to the show.  His jeans and t-shirt were both far too small, a choice that had clearly been made to show off his brawny build, but which only served to accentuate the fading youth that no amount of muscle could cling to.

The man had looked over at Aaron and made a crack about being the “real strongman” before, without any prompting, he’d peeled out of his desperately tight t-shirt and revealed his burly torso.  Raymond seemed unimpressed but amused as he’d asked the man to continue stripping down, putting him under with a wave of his hand as soon as the arrogant hunk was nude.  Despite his smug demeanor, his impressive build and equally impressive package made it obvious why he hadn’t been uncomfortable with getting naked for a crowd.

That was about to change.  His tone dripping with offense, Raymond began taunting the exposed Adonis over his topless state, telling him how mortified and ashamed he should be over his revealed breasts.  Almost immediately, the man’s chiseled face had gone crimson, his hands shooting up to his slab of a chest as he frantically tried to cover himself.  His thick package flopped wildly while he squirmed, the girthy organ seemingly forgotten as his attention focused solely on doing whatever he could to obscure the sculpted pecs.  After a few moments of embarrassed scrambling Raymond’s tone had softened, telling the man that he should get a reward for his bravery and leaning in close to whisper it so that the results would be a surprise for the crowd.  He’d brought the man out of the trance after, and everyone laughed when the once-cocky pretty-boy stood clutching his pecs, looking as mortified as Chase had felt Aaron should have.  That humiliated expression only lasted until Raymond said the word “butter” out of nowhere, at which point it turned into a mask of ecstasy as the man’s untouched cock rocketed to attention and began spraying.  His hands still stuck to his prominent shelf, the man could only sputter and stare when Raymond said it a few more times, his cock responding with similar force upon each release.

And though the show ended shortly after, the effect upon Aaron had only seemed to grow stronger during the intervening period.  When Chase finally found his voice again, his partner had only insisted that it had been “fun,” and that people couldn’t be hypnotized to do something they didn’t really want to do in the first place.  He’d been a little embarrassed when talking about it for the first few days, but that humiliation quickly became a kind of confused excitement.  Aaron had been talking about the experience constantly ever since, and Chase couldn’t shake the suspicion that his boyfriend was oblivious to the way he sounded whenever he did.

He certainly seemed oblivious to his behavior.  It wasn’t just the hours he now spent at the gym or his voracious sexual appetitie; the dark-haired man didn’t notice how little he wore in public, and how even those few scraps never lasted long when they were at home.  The old Aaron never would have been hefting weights shirtless in a gym, just like he never would have traveled home with his wiry torso on display.  And now, Chase knew that as soon as he’d been stripped down himself, his lover’s clothes would be coming off and wouldn’t be replaced until absolutely necessary.

“You know you can always talk to me if something’s going on,” Chase said, stroking the back of Aaron’s head as the other man continued licking at his neck.  “I just worry about you.”

The grinning brunette pulled back, a puzzled expression on his face.  “Why?  Because I’m so clums…” the word went unfinished as he abruptly mimed an exaggerated slip, performing one of the pratfalls he’d done at the circus.  It was another disturbing element that had been added to his behavior, a steady stream of attempts at physical comedy whenever Chase tried to have a serious discussion.  Aaron staggered up to his knees afterwards, positioning himself to swallow the blonde’s still-rigid cock, but the other man pulled away.

“Hon, I’m serious!  What the hell is going on with you?!”  Chase immediately regretted his raised voice when he saw Aaron’s confused expression as the other man looked down at his ripped frame and back up at him.  For just a moment he thought he saw a spark of awareness.

“I don’t…I don’t know, okay?  I’m not trying to make you mad.  I just…I just…” he trailed off, shaking his head.  Whether it was an indication of Aaron’s increasingly distractible nature or something else, Chase wasn’t sure.

He also wasn’t going to push.  “I’m sorry,” he sighed.  “I didn’t mean to yell at you.  But this is a big change.  You can see that, right?  Please tell me you can see…” Aaron answered by lunging forward and swallowing the blonde’s cock to the hilt, his hands slowly stroking along Chase’s thighs as he pulled his boyfriend’s underwear free.

The rest of the day unfolded exactly as Chase thought it would.  After a prolonged romp that had involved Aaron stradling him on the floor and riding his cock for what felt like hours, they’d cleaned up and showered off only for the dark-haired man to stay naked.  And as much as Chase hated to admit it, he enjoyed the view.  Watching Aaron’s developing muscle flex and tense while he straddled him, or just eyeing the way it looked as the other man moved around the apartment, turned the blonde on in a way he’d never imagined.  Even the prompts he had to give his partner to keep him focused or on task sent a punch of lust straight to his spent cock as a part of him leaned into the idea of the physical creature that Aaron seemed to be turning into.  While they’d normally spend their evenings chatting away and watching TV, the dark-haired man couldn’t muster the necessary focus to follow along with a show, and he kept continually tuning out during conversation.  It would have been annoying, but Aaron’s lapses were usually accompanied by absent groping of his newly-defined muscles, and casually pumping away on himself.

Chase didn’t know whether he should keep pushing or back off.  His lover at least seemed happy enough, and he eventually settled on letting things ride for a while longer in the hopes that Aaron would even out on his own.

It was a hope in vain.  Chase awoke the following morning to find his boyfriend already at the gym even though he should have been at the apartment preparing for his work day.  They were both able to work remotely, and while Aaron had some flexibility in his start time, the increasingly-impulsive man didn’t return home until almost lunch time nearly five hours later.

“Babe!  Where have…you…been…” Chase broke off in gasp when a stranger walked through the door, his eyes going wide when he saw his scantily clad lover’s expanded frame.  Where Aaron had merely been defined the day before, now the dark-haired hunk looked officially built.  He had round, capped shoulders, athletic arms, a set of eye-catching pecs, and thighs that had gone from “toned” to “meaty.”  Even his facial features had started to change, with his jaw appearing wider than it should.  “Aa…Aaron?  What…how…you…you’re…”

The now-bigger man shrugged, a dazed grin on his face as he looked down at himself.  The shorts that had been tiny the day before now fit him like a pair of briefs, appearing ready to rip at any moment.  “I…I…I’m, like, jacked, right?”

Chase swallowed hard and nodded, his cock throbbing despite his shock at the sight of his twink-turned-jock lover.  “How is this even possible?”

“I don’t…know…” Aaron stammered, his grin faltering as he ran his hands along his newly acquired muscle.  “Am I…big?  I don’t think I want to get big…” he said, having to force the words.  That flash of awareness that Chase had seen the day before played across Aaron’s face again as the chiseled man pulled open the front of the skimpy shorts to let his fat cock flop free.  “Even this is bigger.  I didn’t notice until I was already at the gym and everyone kept looking at me.  I…I think they liked it?  They all laughed when I’d do my tumbles…”

“When you did your what,” Chase asked, his head spinning.  “Baby, please tell me you weren’t doing your goofy clown thing at the gym.”

“I can’t help it,” Aaron croaked.  “It just happens!  Oh god…what am I doing?!  Why do I look like this?!  I don’t want to be some meathead!  I…I should be at work!”

“O…okay…then just stop working out,” Chase sputtered, caught off guard by Aaron’s surprisingly coherent outburst.  His boyfriend’s new appearance wasn’t helping his focus either, specifically the fattened cock that was already twitching in his direction.  “Just don’t go back to the gym.  Call your boss and tell him that you slept in because you’re sick and take the rest of the day off, okay?  And then tomorrow you can get back on track and we can just put this weirdness behind us.”

“Right.  Right,” Aaron nodded, his hands latching onto Chase’s shoulders.  “I’ll just stay here and we can…we can…”

“What?  What’s wrong,” the blonde asked when the other man trailed off and blinked, the grin returning.

“I just noticed how much cuter you are now that you’re smaller than me,” Aaron chuckled, an enlarged hand slipping into the front of Chase’s shorts.

“No, hon, focus!  Think about what you were just saying,” the now-smaller man begged.

“What?  How cute you are?  Okay,” Aaron said, his dull smile beaming as he started kneading Chase’s smaller package.  For his part, the flustered blonde couldn’t help but gawk at the way his lover’s inflated arms flexed and radiated strength as he was held in place, his own hands drifting out to begin fondling the now-athletic man’s enlarged cock.  Being as intimately familiar with it as he was, Chase knew right away that the hefty organ was at least an inch longer and significantly thicker than it had been the day before.  He also knew that jerking each other off was the last thing they should be doing, but like Aaron, he couldn’t seem to focus on that thought for long.  Though he knew on an objective level that what was happening to his boyfriend was an impossible nightmare, he couldn’t bring himself to act on it.  He kept thinking that it all felt right, that of course Aaron was just a big dumb muscle clown.  And it was his job to take care of him.

He tried to push the thought from his head, but he wasn’t having any more success than his increasingly-chiseled lover.  It took every ounce of his willpower to think about anything at all as the muscled stud worked him over, alternately reveling in his powerful build and seeming horrified by it.  Every giddy pantomime was now accompanied by one where Aaron would at least appear momentarily horrified by his actions, only for the dull, eager personality to take over once again.

It was all so overwhelming that Chase was grateful for the brief reprieve his office provided the following morning.  He had to go in for a quick meeting, and he’d left Aaron slumbering back at home.  The now-brawny man hadn’t gone back to the gym the night before, but that was largely because Chase had kept him physically occupied in other ways, and he was relieved when they texted and Aaron confirmed that he was still home and logging in to work.

That relief turned to horror as soon as Chase made it back to the apartment.  He opened the door on another stranger, with Aaron somehow having grown even bigger than he’d been the day before.  Instead of looking merely athletic, the former twink had started to take on bodybuilder proportions.  He had broad, neck-swallowing shoulders, piston arms, plump pecs, a budding muscle gut, and trunk-like thighs that sported a pair of small globes for an ass.  The changes to the handsome man’s face had continued as well, squaring and slightly blunting the once-soft features into a rugged, meathead mask.

But it was Aaron’s actions, more than his appearance, that stunned Chase.  He’d arrived home to find his naked lover vigorously humping the air, his bulky muscles bouncing as he pantomimed thrusting his rigid log into someone like a jackhammer, just as the clowns had done during the circus performance.  A few feet behind him, Chase could see Aaron’s mortified coworkers watching on the screen of his laptop.

“Aaron!  What are you doing?!”  He darted over and slammed the computer shut, his jaw dropping when he saw his boyfriend’s new proportions up close.

The broad new beefcake looked confused.  “I…I was doing my…routine.  I…oh…oh god…did everyone at work just seem me like…this?!  What the fuck?!  I’m huge!  Why am I so huge?  Why can’t I think right?  I…I knew what I was doing…I knew I was naked and hard…but I just couldn’t stop.  It’s so hard to…focus…” Aaron grunted, flexing a plump pec against a widened mitt.  He’d already started stroking the imposing club that had become his cock, the dull grin once again on his face.  “Fuckin’ huge, babe!  Come taste some’a this meat before I go to work.”

Chase wanted to question what Aaron meant by “going to work,” but he was too enthralled to do anything other than stumble forward.  His stomach fluttered at the crude bark his lover’s normally eloquent voice had become, his hands trembling as they prodded the impossible shell of muscle that had swallowed his once-slender partner.  There were no questions, only a raw, primitive release that had become a necessity for both of them.  Aaron needed it, and it was Chase’s job to provide, each of them fulfilling the imperatives of the new personalities that fought for dominance in their overloaded brains.

It was late in the afternoon by the time Chase came back to his senses.  Aaron was already gone, but he somehow knew exactly where the other man was headed, just as he knew he wouldn’t be far behind.  The thin blonde felt like he was walking through a dream as he made his way out to the edge of town and to the familiar circus tent that had set all of the impossible events in motion.  He passed through the sparse crowd milling around the carnival games and waiting in line for one of the rides, with none of the workers making a move to stop him as he approached the “adults only” tent.  It was closed, the shows wouldn’t start for several hours yet, but all they did was nod at him as he parted the curtain and stepped inside.  He heard Aaron’s voice immediately, and not the dull, musclebound chuckle, but the old Aaron.

“You…you can’t do this!  I…I don’t want to be bigger!”

Chase stepped into the familiar theater to find his lover once again on stage, wild-eyed and frantic as he stood naked before Raymond.  He felt like he should try to help him, but instead all he did was wander over to one of the bleachers and take a seat as the tuxedo-clad tormentor sighed and shook his head.

“Ah, but you do!  We wouldn’t be having this conversation if you didn’t,” Raymond said, his tone as smooth and imposing as ever.  “Your body wouldn’t have responded with such…vigor…if it wanted to stay the same size.”

“But that’s not…I mean…even if I did, I don’t want to be some idiot clown,” Aaron spat, his chest heaving and his muscles flexing as he strained against whatever forces held him in place.

“Wrong again,” Raymond tutted.  “The way you immediately started tumbling all over this stage and stripping down…there’s a big, playful brute buried in there that we really need to let out.  You can see how he’s been trying to escape.  This is a good start, and given enough time I’m sure he’d make his presence known.  It just feels rude to keep him waiting, doesn’t it?”

Aaron couldn’t answer.  All he could do was gasp when Raymond waved a hand and his already-prominent pecs puffed and swelled outward.  They’d been imposing to begin with, but now they inflated into jutting, juicy mountains, a pair of muscled mounds so thick they made the rest of Aaron’s strapping frame seem small.  At least momentarily.

“Perfect!  Just perfect,” Raymond said with a light clap.  He laughed to himself and shook his head, his thin lips curling into a sinister grin.  “This reminds me…remember your friend from the performance?  The ‘real’ strongman?  He came by the show last night and you could see the bra he wore.  Since he still loves those tight t-shirts so much the undergarments stand out quite noticeably around his impressive pecs.  You should have heard the way he howled whenever someone in the audience yelled the word ‘butter.’”

“You…you’re a monster…” Aaron muttered as he gawked at the ballooning shelf sticking off his chest.

“Oh, please.  He secretly wants to feel exposed and helpless just like you want to be set free.  To which…we really need to do something about those toothpicks you call arms.” Raymond waved his hands again, causing a steady expansion of the pistons he’d mockingly referred to.  The sculpted limbs doubled, losing none of their definition as they swelled and hung at an angle, settling at the size of Aaron’s original thighs.  “Now we’re getting somewhere!  But things are looking a bit lopsided.  Let’s see…” Aaron gasped when he felt a similar tingling erupt across his lower half, his thighs and meaty bubble beginning to widen.  He watched Raymond nod as thighs that once stood apart from each other began to press together.  “Almost,” the older man said, more to himself than anyone else.  His menacing eyes narrowed and Aaron grunted, feeling a sudden release of pressure as his lower half swelled again.

“It’s…it’s too much…” the dark-haired hulk panted, his eyes wide.  The former twink’s bloated upper body was now supported by a pair of muscled pillars, his firm little bubble having ballooned into a set of meaty melons.  A week ago he’d been slim and slender, but that version of himself had been swallowed whole by the sculpted strongman physique, leaving him largely unrecognizable.  His facial features were still more or less his own, though they’d squared and widened and taken on a hard edge like the rest of his chiseled muscle.  But it wasn’t just his body that made Aaron seem like a new person.  Over the course of the previous week his behavior had changed just as dramatically, taking someone who’d once been reserved and uptight and turning them into a distracted, goofy, uninhibited meathead.  Aaron blamed it on whatever strange forces were at work, but it was the first time in days that he’d actually felt like his old self.  “What the…shit!  Is that my dick?!”  The swelling stud gasped again as he looked down past his now-granite abs and watched his formerly 7-inch cock spring to life, packing on several inches in both length and width while a matching pair of balls sprouted underneath.

“Of course,” Raymond said casually.  “You can’t put on a show if people can’t see it, can you?  Though, now that I think about it…hmmm.  Note to self: add a clown with a cute little button cock.  People would find that hilarious,” he muttered before turning his attention back to Aaron.  “But we’re not done with number one yet.  Now that we have the foundation, we need to dress it up.”

“Oh…oh no…” Aaron’s inflated muscle went rigid with renewed effort against the forces holding him in place when a pair of massive red clown shoes suddenly appeared.  Though his feet had grown several sizes in the process of his transformation the cherry red nightmares were still far too large around them, but it was the reaction they provoked that caused a surge of dread.  The olive Adonis felt himself smile at the sight, the new version of himself knocking with renewed force on the door of his mind.  That knocking turned into a pounding when a tented, yellow-and-polka-dot jockstrap apparated around his midsection, a pair of matching suspenders stretching up and over his cannonball shoulders, accentuating the massive size of his pecs and the tightness of his waist in the process.  Aaron actually heard himself laughing when he thought back to the clown show they’d watched, and the mix of physical comedy and simulated sex acts he’d soon be performing for the crowd.  A pair of gloves came next, followed by a poofy rainbow wig, and the dazed stud could feel a layer of makeup settling on his face as he clung to the scraps of his previous self.  He tried desperately to hold onto that knowledge when he saw the red rubber nose appear in Raymond’s hand, his juicy new chest heaving as it drew closer and closer at an agonizingly slow pace.

“Perfect.  Just perfect,” Raymond clapped as he put the nose in place and stepped back to observe his creation.

Aaron stumbled momentarily when the forces holding him in place vanished, but he made no move to escape.  Instead he grinned and flexed, running his huge new hands over his altered frame.  “Did I do…good,” he asked, sounding confused as he began groping a plump pec with one hand while kneading his enlarged bulge with the other.

Raymond nodded.  “You did great.  And you’ll do even better during the real show, I have no doubt,” he said, his hand looking small as it rested on the larger man’s shoulder.

Aaron grinned and flexed instinctively at the contact, but his expression fell when he finally noticed the thin little blonde sitting in the stands, watching everything unfold.  “Ch…Chase?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Raymond purred.  “I haven’t forgotten about your boyfriend.”


“Yo, big guy!  You just about done up there?  We don’t got all day.”  Chase gave Aaron’s rippling cheek a rough slap as he hammered into the meaty cushion.  He didn’t want to stop gazing at the broad wall of muscle that was his sculpted lover’s back any more than the other man wanted to stop writhing against his beefy gut, but there was work to do.

“We got…time…” Aaron grunted, his log of a cock flopping wildly.  He looked over a shoulder at the beefy blonde bear, his perpetual grin growing wider.  “Show’s not for…uh…a while…” he said, reaching up with his free hand to make sure the rubber nose was still in place.  It had become a reflex, an unnoticed tic that reassured the brawny brute.  The dark-haired hunk didn’t have his makeup or any other clown gear on, but the nose hardly ever left his rugged face.

Chase felt a quick stab of anxiety at the sight.  They happened every so often, but fortunately never lasted long.  Like Aaron, he had a dim recollection of a time when they’d both been slim and slender and had other lives.  He couldn’t fully remember what either of them had been like in detail, but he knew they’d both been a good bit more focused, and he hadn’t been so burly.  Raymond had grown him like his lover, but unlike the precision-sculpted Strongman, Chase was all unsculpted bulk.  And as with Aaron, his personality had shifted to become as unrefined as the rest of him.  He wasn’t a dazed, distracted creature of sensation the way his boyfriend was, but he was a far cry from the stylish twink he’d been.  His hygiene standards were significantly lower, he never gave a thought to his appearance, his formerly eloquent speech was now gruff and short, he belched and swore constantly, and an identity that had once been layered and complex was now as blunted as his fuller, roughened features.  Which isn’t to say that the new Chase wasn’t dumb or mean.  He was a gentle giant, easy to entertain and keep busy as long as he had something for his cock and bulky muscles to do.  Fortunately, Since it was his job to take care of the carnival’s strongman clown he never had a problem with the former, and when he wasn’t getting Aaron off he fulfilled the latter by helping out with the manual labor that setting up and maintaining a traveling circus required.  “Doors open in an hour, and I’m supposed to be setting up the bleachers right now.  We gotta move this along,” Chase said, reaching around to begin tugging away on Aaron’s fat club.

“Uuunnhhh…no…no fair…” the bigger man groaned, his jaw going slack.  It wouldn’t take long before he popped.  While he could ride Chase’s wide, pudgy cock for hours, it never took more than a few pumps for his oversized cock to blow.  It was one of the reasons they always made sure to fuck before showtime, so he wouldn’t shoot too fast on stage.  Aaron wasn’t actually supposed to cum during the performance, but sometimes things happened.

Chase loved it when they did.  He always made sure to catch the show, his beefy frame lurking off to the side in his usual uniform of ratty muscle shirt and cut-off denim shorts.  And though it sometimes provoked that same unease, he’d never gotten tired of watching his boyfriend simultaneously amuse, impress, and arouse the crowds night after night with his inspiring, debasing feats of strength and agility.  The fact that he got to enjoy such a strapping specimen whenever he wanted made him feel like the luckiest man on the planet, even if he couldn’t put his finger on why that sometimes felt wrong.

It seemed like it would be one of those nights where Aaron had a hard time keeping himself under control.  They’d gone at it twice, and already the shredded stud was spasming and spraying after only a few rough tugs.  Chase picked up the pace while his boyfriend came, causing their small trailer to shake so hard it sounded as if it would crumble around them.  “Ooooookay,” he sighed a few moments later, his copious load spilling down Aaron’s thigh.  “I’m gonna go start setting up.  You get your makeup and gear on then come straight to the tent, got it?  I don’t wanna have to chase you down in the crowd again.”

Aaron rolled his eyes and nodded.  “I know, I know.  Don’t worry, babe.  It’s gonna be a great show!”


Lloyd Irving

I just want to hear about "Buttons" the clown!


Now that I know there's a market, I'll be doing more of these for sure. I seriously thought the Clowning Around one would just be a one-off, but apparently clowns strike a chord!


It's a neat full-circle kind of deal considering those carnival stories that were some of the first you ever posted here.