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A simple typo was all it took.  Eric meant to call Bobby a “fuck boy” in the text, but for whatever reason his phone autocorrected to “fuck toy,” and the brunette’s nimble fingers sent the message off without the young man catching the change.  Under normal circumstances it would have been nothing more than an amusing mistake.  He and Bobby would have laughed about it, and the mahogany haired hunk would have undoubtedly made a joke as to whether or not Eric had something to tell him.  But Eric wasn’t texting Bobby.  He was texting the Wish Line.  And though the message hadn’t been sent TO his friend, it had been sent FOR the other man.

Eric didn’t really believe in the urban legends surrounding the number.  He didn’t think it was possible to simply text a number and have a wish come true.  If that was all it took then everyone would do it and be talking about it, not posting random messages in obscure threads on the internet.  But the lanky, chocolate-haired jock saw no harm in trying.  According to what he’d read, the Wish Line acted like a lottery.  Not everyone who made a wish got what they wanted, only a lucky few, but there also wasn’t a cost to try, so Eric didn’t see the harm.  If nothing else, Bobby would think it was funny that he’d even made the attempt on his behalf for his 25th birthday, which would also get him out of having to spend more money on the other man’s gift.

It would have at least been thoughtful.  While most people used the term “fuck boy” as a perjorative, Bobby saw it as more aspirational.  Despite his friend’s envious, athletic build and a face that somehow managed to ride the line between “charming” and “sultry,” Bobby was comically bad at sealing the deal when it came to women.  His fit frame and handsome features never failed to attract plenty of attention, and he was both funny and charming when around his friends, but as soon as a woman was involved he became bumbling, shy and awkward.  The confident jock that had no problem strutting naked around a locker room turned into a timid, insecure mouse of a man.  So while guys who were nowhere near his level of physical perfection managed to land hook up after hook up, Bobby was left with a meager string of couplings.

Hence the “fuck boy” desire.  Bobby wished he could be the kind of guy who confidently hopped from bed to bed.  He wasn’t looking to lie or deceive anyone; he just wanted to get out of his own way.  His torso was chiseled and tapering, his arms sculpted and sturdy while his toned, perfectly proportional lower half rounded out the picture.  When his light dusting of ruddy hair was added to the mix, along with a squarely average cock and a pleasantly round rear, Bobby knew he had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of or insecure about.

Yet he was.  Every single time.  So, after learning about the Wish Line, Eric thought it was the perfect opportunity.  And, if it worked, the wiry brunette had plenty of other wishes in the chamber.  He was happy with his tall, lean frame and its copious definition, but he wouldn’t say no to a bigger cock.  Or some money.  Or a more refined face.  There was only one way to find out, so, taking the timing with his friend’s birthday as a positive sign, Eric fired off a text that he thought read “I wish Bobby was a fuck boy,” but which instead said “I wish Bobby was a fuck toy.”

He was about to take a screenshot of the text to send it to his friend when there was a sudden knock on his door.  Eric couldn’t hide his confusion when he opened it to find a winded delivery man standing next to a massive box wrapped in unremarkable brown paper.  The container was as tall as he was, looking like a refrigerator or other large appliance.  “Uh, hey, I think you have the wrong apartment,” he said, looking up and down the hall.  “I didn’t order anything.”

The older man, still catching his breath, looked at his tablet.  “Are you Eric Schneider?”

“That’s me, but I didn’t…” he was cut off when the man thrust the tablet out and tapped where he needed to sign.

“I don’t know anything about that.  All I do is drop it off,” the man grunted, pushing the surprised brunette out of the way as he wheeled the dolly into Eric’s apartment.  He snatched the tablet back and gave a curt nod on the way out.  “Have a nice day.”

Eric blinked at the box while his door clicked shut, still trying to catch up to what just happened.  There was no signage or branding on the exterior to give any clue as to the contents, and he certainly would have remembered ordering something of such magnitude.  Nor was it his birthday or near any holidays that would have involved someone sending him a gift, which only added to his bewilderment.

The source of the gift became the least of his questions as soon as he started tearing the wrapper free.  “What the fuck…” he laughed under his breath as he pulled a large swath of paper away, revealing a picture of Bobby’s smiling face underneath.  That face was attached to a full-body, life-size image of his friend that had been printed on the back of a large box, but it was what Eric didn’t see that knocked the breath from his lungs.  “Holy.  Shit.” he gasped.  “Is this…is this a joke?”  His heart raced as he looked the picture up and down, a strange punch of arousal hitting him while he gawked at the image of his naked friend.  Bobby’s impressive arms were flexed and folded behind his head, giving the viewer an unobstructed look at his chiseled frame and the rigid cock that jutted out from beneath his tapering washboard. Eric had seen his friend naked in the showers plenty of times, but he’d never seen the other man so aroused, or with such a look of obvious desire on his face.

Nor had the sight ever provoked a similar reaction in himself.  The stunned brunette was so caught off guard that he’d been staring for several moments before he noticed his own cock twitching, and the way his eyes lingered on his friend.  He’d always known how attractive Bobby was, but he’d never experienced that knowledge from anything other than an objective, rational standpoint.

Now, he felt it.  Eric started thinking back on every single time he’d ever come into contact with those firm, defined muscles, his hands tingling as he remembered the sensation of Bobby’s wiry chest hair rubbing against them.  Their years of “horsing around” surged unbidden to the forefront of his mind, a strange desire to be held in the other man’s strong arms in a different capacity suddenly welling to the surface.

“Wait…what does that say?!”  Eric shook his head and tried to focus, reluctantly pulling his eyes away from his friend’s naked perfection to read the rest of the packaging.  “Bobby Doll” was written in bold letters across the top, and a series of bullets peppered the rest of the panel.  “This has got to be a joke…” the dazed brunette stammered, reaching up to rub his face before reading the information aloud.  “Customizable and self-lubricating…eager to please…endless stamina…ride for hours on either side…incredibly life-like personality…jockstrap included…can be dressed up as desired…download the app for more…” Eric rubbed his face again, feeling dizzy from the onslaught of confusing fantasies that each point sent rocketing through him.  He scanned the QR code next to the one that mentioned the app, but before he could open it his attention was pulled away by a muffled sound from inside the box.  He stepped around to the front, his jaw dropping when he found himself looking at a similar picture as the one on the back, only now Bobby’s actual head, complete with a wide-eyed, frantic expression, could be seen through a clear plastic panel.  “Bobby?!  Fuck!  Hold on, dude!”  Fearing that his friend was suffocating, Eric’s deceptively lean arms inflated as he grabbed the seam on the side of the box and tore it open.  Inside, the ginger hunk’s athletic frame was clad only in a classic white jock strap, his fit body nestled into a cushioned pad that held him in place.

“Get me the fuck outta here, bro,” Bobby cried, his voice no longer muffled.  His eyes darted around wildly, and though Eric couldn’t see anything keeping his friend in place, Bobby made no move to extricate himself from the padding.

“Almost there,” Eric said, his long fingers punching through the thin plastic bag that contained his friend.  His stomach fluttered at Bobby’s musky scent when it wafted out of the airtight packaging, but both of them were too distracted to question the stunned jock’s seeming ability to exist without oxygen.  “Okay…okay…are you good?  Let’s get you out of this fucking box…” Eric reached out on instinct, slipping his hands behind Bobby’s broad shoulders to gently pull the other man forward.  As soon as he did, movement returned to the scantily-clad stud’s limbs and he stumbled forward, his impressive chest heaving.

“What the fuck…what the fuck…” he said over and over as he bent and held his knees while trying to get his bearings.  “What the hell am I wearing?!” he cried a few moments later, finally noticing his exposed state.

“What are you wearing?  That’s your question?” Eric scoffed, absently rubbing Bobby’s back.  “Do you need to sit down?  How the fuck did you get in that box, dude?”

“I don’t know!  I don’t know!  One second I was at home, then everything went dark and I couldn’t move until you opened me.  I mean, opened the box,” Bobby said, shaking his head as he righted himself.  He looked down at his stuffed, barely covered bulge and blushed slightly, a confused grin spreading above his wide jaw.  “Well this is awkward.”

“It’s a little more than that,” Eric laughed, pulling his hand away.

“You don’t have to stop.”  Bobby said it automatically, looking surprised when the words registered a second later.

Eric was just as thrown.  “What did you say?”

Bobby shrugged.  “You don’t have to stop…it feels good.”  He reached out and slipped a hand up the back of Eric’s t-shirt and started rubbing in a similar manner.  “Or do you want me to do yours?”  He blinked and shook his head after he asked, his face going a deeper shade of red.  “Whoa…this is…what the fuck?”

Eric didn’t know what to do.  The sensation of Bobby’s strong hand on his back made his knees weak, but nothing was adding up, including his own reaction.  “Ye…yeah….we…we need to figure this out,” the taller man stammered.  He reluctantly stepped away and motioned towards the packaging.  “How did you get in there and why is your naked ass all over a box calling you a ‘doll’?  And what the fuck is this app?!”

“Calling me a what?!”  Bobby’s jaw dropped when he finally inspected the box he’d arrived in.  “Bro…for real…I have no idea what’s happening right now.  Why is this shit talking about me like I’m some kind of sex toy?”

“You tell me, dude.  This is you, right?”  Eric held up his phone to show Bobby the landing screen on an app that bore both the Bobby Doll name and picture.  “Listen to what this says…’pre-programmed to be charmingly life-like, guide your bashful, beefy jock through the stages of discovery as you both explore the endless pleasure that awaits.’  The fuck does that mean?”

Bobby spread his arms and looked down at himself, his expression bordering just on the “confused” side of “concerned.”  He prodded his furry shelf with a few fingers before grabbing Eric’s hand and placing it against one of the prominent mounds.  “But I’m…I’m not just a toy, right?  That makes it sound like I’m some kind of toy but I’m…I’m real, right?  I feel real to you, too, don’t I?”

Eric couldn’t help but give the plump pec a gentle squeeze, his hand staying in place.  “Dude, of course you’re real!  Why would you even ask that?”

Bobby shook his head again.  “I don’t know…” he said, a hand landing on top of Eric’s.  “I mean, I remember everything.  Like just last night I remember us at Trio’s.  That happened, didn’t it?”  He waited for Eric to nod to continue.  “And I remember working at my office…and us in college…and that today’s my birthday…but that doesn’t…”  he trailed off, gently guiding Eric’s hand along his sculpted upper body.  “Whatever this is, they’re right, though.  You can explore if you want.”

“What?”  Eric was too stunned to say or do anything other than stand there and let Bobby move his hand along his brawny frame.

The red-haired hunk shrugged again.  “Search me, bro.  I don’t remember ever being this attracted to you before.  Don’t think I ever gave you a boner, either,” he grinned, reaching out with his free hand to give Eric’s tented shorts a quick squeeze.

“Bo…Bobby…what’re you doing, man,” Eric sputtered, watching his friend’s stuffed pouch twitch.

Seeing the wiry man’s eyes drift south, Bobby pushed his friend’s hand down into the front of the jockstrap.  “Wh…whoa…” he said, popping his hips to grind the hardening organ against his friend’s probing fingers.  “Why didn’t we ever do this before?”

Eric couldn’t stop himself from kneading the girthy package, his head spinning.  Bobby’s confident grin and seductive purr were the exact kinds of smooth traits his friend had always wished for, but none of it made sense.  “I don’t…I don’t know why we’re doing it now…”

“Do you want to see it?”  Bobby raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips as he asked.  He let go of Eric’s hand and slowly pushed the jockstrap down, leaving it stretched around his hairy, meaty thighs.  “Go on…stroke it.  It’s okay.”

Eric whimpered as he watched Bobby’s thick cock surge to life in his hand.  “Are we really doing this,” he sighed, his free hand reaching back out to dance along his friend’s chest.

“I hope so,” Bobby said, his voice a deep, low rumble.  He ran his hands along his firm washboard as he squirmed in the other man’s grip, his eyes never leaving Eric’s.  “That hand feels great, bro.  Fuuuuuck…how have I never noticed how goddamn handsome you are?”

Eric’s stomach fluttered at the compliment.  Instead of his usual confidence when it came to fooling around, the toned stud felt fumbling and awkward, the way Bobby normally behaved.  It was like his first time all over again.  “Kinda wondering that same thing,” he laughed.

“I’m flattered.  If you want to make any tweaks, you can do it in the app.”

Bobby said it so calmly and casually that it took several moments for Eric to register what he’d just heard.  It was enough to jar him back to his senses and he stepped away, shaking his head.  “Tweaks?”

Bobby looked confused for a moment.  “I…I don’t know, either.  It just came out.”

Eric’s hand shook as he pulled out his phone and looked at the Bobby Doll app again, a mix of lust and dread coursing through him when he found the “customize” section.  Just like the box promised, everything from hair color, to body hair, to cock size, ass size, voice, and sexual behavior could be adjusted and tailored.  “But that’s not even possible…” he muttered under his breath before looking back up at Bobby.  “I mean…this thing says I can control your dick size.”

The red-head gave a short laugh and looked down at his aching, six-inch rod.  “Really?  Give it a shot.”

Eric didn’t know what he expected when he hit the “small” button, but the sight of Bobby’s cock dwindling to a meager three-inches nearly knocked him off his feet.  “Fuck!”

“Whooooooooaaaa,” Bobby said, his eyes going wide.  He didn’t look or sound nearly as panicked as he should when he reached down and cupped the miniscule package with one hand.  “Guess they weren’t kidding.  What about the others?”

Eric pressed “extra-large” next, eliciting a fresh gasp from both of them when a fat, foot-long wine bottle sprouted from Bobby’s abdomen.  “Wow…okay…” the brunette laughed.  “Don’t know what to make of that,” he said as he reached out, his long fingers failing to close around the widened monster.  The balls looming underneath were like small oranges, the excessive equipment looking just as out of place as the tiny package had.  “It had you listed as ‘medium’ before…what if we try the ‘large’ and see what that’s like?”  Eric didn’t wait for a response before pressing the button, a fresh shiver of lust running down his spine as the oversized club shrunk to an impressive, if manageable, eight-inches.  “Damn.  That’s something,” he whistled.  “Says here we can turn on ‘lubrication’ mode, whatever that is.”

“Nnnnggnn…that’s…that feels good…” Bobby grunted when a steady stream of clear liquid began oozing from his enlarged head.  “Feels reeeeaaaaaaaal good,” he groaned as Eric began working the slick fluid along the inflated shaft.  He waited to see if it would stop, but the pre-cum flowed until he switched the setting back to natural.

“Says we can do it back here, too.”

“HOOOOOooookay…okay…that’s a weird feeling,” Bobby sputtered.  His eyes were wide as he went up on his toes and began squirming from foot-to-foot before reaching back to spread his firm cheeks.

Eric bit his lip when he spun the other man around and looked at his friend’s tight hole, a glistening liquid beginning to seep out.  Without realizing what he was doing until he’d made contact, he reached out and pressed against it with a few fingers, the spasming orifice quickly sucking the digits inside.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Bobby howled, his chest heaving as he looked back at Eric.  “Are…are you fingering me right now?”

Instead of pulling away Eric drove the digits in deep, correctly reading his friend’s desperate expression as a plea to continue.  “We can also adjust the size of these.  You’re at the first of three settings right now.  What if we go up one?”  Eric laughed when he pressed the button and watched Bobby’s modest bubble balloon into a set of plump cakes, his thighs expanding to match.  The meaty cheeks and chunky thighs weren’t impossibly large, but they did look out of place against the rest of his friend’s otherwise proportional frame.  Eric gave each one a slap and a squeeze, loving the increased bounce and jiggle.  That joy turned into stunned amazement when he pressed the largest setting and found himself staring at a massive, gravity-defying globe.  The round, juicy pillows were like a beachball filled with water, a set of rippling, luscious mountains so large there was no way they could have been built naturally.  “What do you think,” Eric asked, clapping the hulking cheeks together.

Bobby just laughed as he squeezed each one.  “A little thick for my tastes, but it’s entirely up to you.”

“Maybe later.  I like the original,” Eric said, setting his friend’s rear as an athletic bubble once more.  He didn’t mention that he was going to try one of the other cock options until he’d hit the “limp” button, eliciting a quick yelp from his friend.  “How does this feel,” he asked as he tugged on the dangling hose.  Even soft it was still impressively huge and felt oddly wonderful in his hand.

“Guh…good.  Real good.  Just doesn’t get hard,” Bobby groaned.

“We can fix that.”  Eric pressed the button for “permanent” and watched the other man’s cock spring back to life.  “We can also apparently control when you get off, too.  There’s a “never” setting…” the wiry jock said, surprising himself when he pressed it and dropped to his knees.  Without thinking about what he was doing, he swallowed as much of Bobby’s cock as he could, gliding his head along the slick rod in his best impression of the blowjobs he’d received.

“B…bro…fuuuuuuck that’s good, bro…” Bobby moaned, gently pumping his hips.  He let Eric go at him for as long as the other man wanted, an increasing ache building at the base of his spine.  “I…I think I get it…” he eventually grunted.  “Feel like I should pop but it won’t…”

Eric pulled his face away, feeling drunk from both power and the overwhelming lust currently overloading his system.  “There’s also ‘quick’,’ he grinned, pressing the button and giving Bobby’s slick cock a few more tugs.

“HOOOOOOOooohhhHHHUUUhhhnn!”  The red-headed stud let out a bellowing howl as he came, his inflated cock pumping out what seemed like gallons.  “There’s that permanent setting,” Bobby panted when he was done and his cock stayed as hard as ever.

Eric responded by wrapping his lips around the dripping organ again, managing only a few quick bobs before he was swallowing a copious mouthful.  He wasn’t prepared for it to taste so good, and without pulling his mouth away he hit the “command” button, causing Bobby to release with each one.  He sucked it all down as best he could, but instead of being embarrassed by the excess streams running down his chin and soaking his shirt, he relished the sensation.  “Think I like ‘quick’ the best,” he said, wiping his mouth.

“I like…whatever you like…” Bobby gasped, still overcome by the series of back-to-back orgasms.  Each one was as intense as the one before it, and there didn’t seem to be an end to how many he had ready to go.

Eric climbed to his feet and stripped out of his soaked t-shirt, the sight of his smooth torso making him curious about the rest of the options.  “Always wondered what you’d look like…” he said, pressing the “smooth” button.

“Quicker than shaving,” Bobby giggled as all the hair south of his eyebrows vanished.  The lack of any hair made his ample muscles pop, but only until Eric hit the “furry” button.  A thick layer of curly, ruddy hair carpeted him in an instant, and the ginger jock shivered as he clutched at the ample pelt.  “Or not,” he laughed.

“Ooof,” Eric groaned as he shucked his shorts and boxer-briefs.  “Never thought I’d be so worked up over a hairy dude, but here we are.”  He stepped forward and pressed himself against his friend, their cocks batting together as he squirmed against the soft, silky muscle.  They were wrapped in each other’s arms and kissing moments later, Eric’s fingers laced through the freshly sprouted fur on Bobby’s back.

“You know, I never would’ve pegged you for a hairy…” the now-hairy hunk trailed off when he heard the high, helium squeak that had become his voice.  Instead of being embarrassed or furious, he just laughed and shook his head.  “I knew high would be the first way you went.”

“Sorry,” Eric said, holding up the phone he’d been working behind Bobby’s back.  He moved the slider to the other end with his thumb.  “What about now?”

“Is this going to be super…” Bobby looked surprised by the deep, rumbling growl that scraped its way out of his mouth.  “That’s intimidating.”

“A little too intimidating,” Eric nodded.  He moved the slider back up to just above center.  “Try that.”

“This is so wild,” Bobby said, raising an eyebrow at the sound.  “Not quite normal, is it?”  The tone was just slightly higher than it should have been.  Not the exaggerated squeak he’d started with, but not his smooth tenor either.

“No, but it’s adorable,” Eric grinned. He stepped back to look at his friend, setting Bobby’s cock to “normal” in terms of its hardness, and eyed his work.  The handsome hunk was now a hairy, soft-voiced stud, with a fat, eager cock that was already twitching back to life on its own.  The only change left was the hair color option, and Eric decided to amuse them both by setting it to “cycle.”  Like an LED lightbulb, Bobby’s copious hair began gradually fading through the color spectrum at a steady pace, earning a fresh round of laughter from both of them.

“I’m like a disco ball,” the furry hunk said, shimmying in place as his hair went from green, to blue, to purple.  “You know…not a bad birthday gift.”

“It’s funny, I was going to get you…” Eric trailed off, the daze of bliss crumbling around him in a flash of realization.  He looked at his phone again, but this time he closed the Bobby Doll app and pulled up his texts, his stomach dropping when he saw the typo.  It all made a horrifying kind of sense, and it was all his fault.  Because of a single letter, his friend had been turned into an actual sex doll, a sex doll he was incredibly attracted to, and the implications were only starting to register.  Was this even Bobby?  Were there more of him out there?  What would people think when they saw him?  Would their friends still see a handsome hunk, or would they act like Eric had left a dildo sitting out when they came over?  If the now-hairy stud was Bobby, was he even still alive?  What was he at all?

“You were going to get me what,” Bobby asked, interrupting Eric’s frantic thoughts as he traced a finger down between the brunette’s defined pecs.

The thinner man swallowed hard and forced a smile, focusing on the still-raging lust between them.  “Some cute underwear.  But then I thought it’d be more fun if you picked them out yourself.”

“Lucky me,” Bobby purred, slowly turning around in Eric’s arms.  “But you’ve got something you could give me in the meantime.”

The lean jock grunted when the rainbow-haired Adonis popped his hips and impaled his still-lubricated hole on his aching cock.  Because he was still set to “quick” the writhing furball came after only a few moments, but he kept squirming and rocking as another eruption already began to build.  Not knowing what else to do, Eric clutched Bobby’s hairy pecs and held on, loving and loathing the heightened whimpers echoing around the apartment.



Loved this story! It’s a cool premise and I particularly enjoyed how Bobby keeps inadvertently slipping into compliant toy mode and catching himself out. Hope there’s more to come. It’d be great if we get to explore some costumes and personality options like those Billy dolls!


Thanks! I really want to give this one a chapter 2. I'm really curious how many other Bobby Dolls are out there, and what's going to happen when their other friends come over.