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“I don’t…I don’t know!  One minute you were all squirmy in my grip and the next thing I know you’d…you’d…and then we…” Paul sputtered, his face going purple.

Corey quickly shook his head and reached out to grasp the sides of the other man’s tight waist, pulling him close.  “Whoa, hey, I’m not anywhere close to mad.  That was fucking amazing,” he said, leaning in for a kiss.  Things started off tense when a surprised Paul went rigid in his grip, but after an awkward moment the toned brunette returned the gesture with equal vigor.  “You’re a good kisser,” he grinned, loving every second of his friend’s flustered expression.

“There’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear you say,” Paul said with a short laugh.  “I mean…I know we’ve fooled around out here before, man, but is there something you need to…?”

Corey pulled his head back but kept his arms around the other man.  “Me?  Why is this just a me situation all of a sudden?  If I remember right you’re the one who boned out first.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m…I mean I’m not…” Paul was cut off when Corey leaned in for another kiss, one he returned without his previous hesitation.

“I don’t care what we are as long as we get to do more of this,” the blonde shrugged.  “Is it too gay if I point out how cute you are when you’re all embarrassed like this?”

“Not as long as I can point out how fucking hot you are when you get going,” Paul said, shaking his head.  “Fuck, dude…I knew I liked tits and ass on girls, but I never knew how much fun they could be on a guy.”

Corey stepped back and proudly puffed out his prominent pecs before turning to shake his meaty bubble, grinning over a broad shoulder.  “Hey, wait a sec.  It just occurred to me…how do we determine which of us is actually the better lay?  You always brag, and I always brag, but how do we officially make the call?”

Paul responded by stepping forward, leaning down, and running a tongue around one of Corye’s nipples while kneading his friend’s rear.  After taking his time with one he switched to the other, licking and sucking until the blonde let out a pained whimper.  “Seems like I’m pulling ahead here,” Paul winked as he reached down to give Corey’s once-again-solid cock a tug.  He darted away before his friend could do the same to him and stepped out from the platform to let himself air dry in the early evening heat.

“For the record, I’m calling that cheating,” Corey grumbled as he followed behind.  The two made their way back into the shelter to rinse off their clothes and hang them up to dry, discovering in the process that they hadn’t thought to leave anything out to put back on.  Even under normal circumstances that wouldn’t have been more than an awkward exchange for the pair, but as it was they were perfectly content with any excuse that let them linger naked around each other.  The temperature was perfect, and though they could hear the far-off chirping of bugs and birds, the immediate vicinity around the shelter was almost supernaturally still.  There were no annoying flies or mosquitos to bother them, and other than the gentle trickle of running water and the muffled crashing of the shower, there was nothing but the sound of their own rustling feet while they gathered wood for the fire.

That and the occasional grunting moan.  They couldn’t keep their hands off each other.  While Paul was bent over the pit building the base for the fire, Corey came up from behind and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his neck and running his rugged paws through the wiry hair on the front of his friend’s torso.  Instead of pulling away, the thinner brunette leaned into the embrace, wanting to melt into the broad man’s stocky frame.  While no actual melting happened, Paul still went slack in Corey’s arms while the brawny blonde nibbled on his ear and kissed his neck, the other man’s hands working their way down and busying themselves with pumping away on his cock until he blasted into the pit.  He rooted around with his perky bubble in the process, but while he enjoyed the sensation of his friend’s pudgy cock against him, there wasn’t the same desperation as when their positions had been reversed. This was further driven home a short while later when, as Corey was bent over their packs deciding what to make for dinner, Paul came up from behind and began kneading his friend’s cheeks again, only to find a trio of fingers slipping into the blonde’s eager hole.  They both looked surprised as the muscled hunk just stood there, slack-jawed and moaning, until his cock erupted untouched for the second time.

Though their clothing had long since dried, neither even thought of putting anything on.  Between their constant arousal, the warm air, and the uncanny lack of biting insects, they were more than content to leave their athletic frames exposed.  As the evening gradually gave way to nighttime proper, the forest rapidly darkening around them, the duo lingered next to the smoldering remains of their fire, still absently pawing at each other while they caught glimpses of a bright full moon through the canopy overhead.

“Well this day took an unexpected turn,” Paul laughed, his hand resting on Corey’s plump pecs as they lay next to each other on a shared bedroll.

The burly blonde clasped and held it, his expression a mix of dazed surprise.  “Right?  I mean…I’ve always had fun when we’ve messed around on these trips.  I even kind of looked forward to it.  But I…I think I…”

Paul raised an eyebrow when his friend trailed off and Corey’s face went a shade of rosy pink in the fading fire light.  “You think you what?”

The now-blushing blonde squeezed his friend’s hand but still refused to make eye contact.  “I think I’ve had a thing for you for a while, dude.  It didn’t hit me until we got here, but I…I don’t know…I’ve never felt anything like this before.”  He finally turned to face Paul, stammering out a flustered explanation when the other man didn’t fill the silence.  “I’m not trying to make things weird!  Honest.  I’m not expecting you to feel the same or anything, I just needed to say…”

Paul cut his friend off by leaning in for a kiss, the quick peck turning into a prolonged session as he rolled over and draped himself on top of the other man.  “I think it’s pretty clear the feeling’s mutual,” the shredded brunette finally purred, grinding their rigid cocks together as he writhed on top of his friend.  “I don’t know what to call it.  All I know is that you make me feel…” Paul paused, his turn to blush, “...fuck, this is embarrassing.  Why is this embarrassing?  You make me feel safe, bro.  Like I don’t have anything to hide or worry about or whatever when you’re around.  I know, I know…get it out now,” Paul sighed, rolling his eyes in anticipation of Corey’s inevitable mocking.  Instead, the other man reached up and gently stroked the side of his face, the blonde’s expression one of wide-eyed sincerity.

“No, dude, I get it.  I mean, shit, you’ve literally been inside me several times today.  First time that’s ever happened,” he said, his surprised expression returning.  “But when you are it’s like…I’ve never felt so connected to anyone.  Sure as fuck never felt that way when I’ve been with girls.  Is this what it’s like for them?  Whoa…that’s a trip,” Corey laughed, shaking his head.

“With these tits and that ass you’re halfway there,” Paul grinned, giving his friend’s chest a squeeze.

Corey flexed against the other man’s hands.  “They’re all yours, babe,” he purred, pursing his plump lips.  “Fuck…never thought I’d actually be glad your dick’s bigger than mine, either,” he said.

Paul slid off and reached down to tug on his friend’s cock before leaning in to give the wide, bulbous head a few licks.  “Such a cute little guy,” he said after making the blonde hunk spasm.

“I’d be offended, but honestly who gives a shit?  You can have it for all I care…just as long as you still put it to good use,” he winked, reluctantly climbing to his feet.  He batted the throbbing organ against the side of Paul’s face before pulling his friend up behind him.  “And speaking of…”

There was no need to say anything else.  Repeating a scene that had played out multiple times that afternoon, the two stumbled into the shelter in each other’s arms, dropping onto the frame with Corey’s bedroll.  Already moving on instinct, the blonde stud propped himself up on all fours, wagging his muscled globes until Paul clutched his hips and pulled him backwards onto the waiting rod.

They were both so focused on matching the other’s writhing rhythm that neither noticed the moon shining unobstructed through the clearing outside.  Nor did they see how the light began to travel through the intricate carvings that lined the interior of the shelter until they were caught in the shimmering, azure web.  Just as Corey raised his head and began to give voice to his surprise, a silver beam shone down on them like a lunar spotlight, locking them in place.

“What…what the fuck is this,” Paul cried, his body erupting in a buzzing tingle.

“I don’t know!  I don’t know!  Do you…this feels weird…” Corey groaned as the same sensation erupted throughout his broad bulk.  The vibrating wasn’t unpleasant, though there were growing pressure points between his shoulder blades and at the base of his spine.

For Paul, the pins-and-needles numbness spread over the entirety of his athletic frame, and between the surreal lighting and stunned surprise it was several moments before he realized he was changing.  “Fuck!  Fuck!  Dude…I’m…I’m getting smaller,” he yelped, his rapidly diminishing frame straining as he tried to pull away.  The brunette wasn’t getting shorter, but as he watched with wide, horrified eyes, his lean muscle began to dwindle.  Broad shoulders thinned as the prominent pecs they supported were reduced to modest, defined little mounds surrounded on either side by arms that had gone from sturdy to slender.  Below, Paul’s abs were still faintly visible, though nowhere near as chiseled, and thighs that had been strong and wide were now merely toned.  “How do we stop…this…”

The shrinking stud’s question went unanswered as Corey spasmed and bolted upright.  They still couldn’t pull away from each other, but at least Paul began to understand where his purloined muscle was going as he felt the blonde begin to swell.  The pecs he so desperately clutched with now-slender hands started to push outward in front while his friend’s already-ample cheeks began to inflate against his midsection.  At the same time, Corey’s broad shoulders thickened to accommodate the extra mass while his powerful arms did the same, expanding into a pair of sculpted girders.  It was hard to tell from his current vantage point, but Paul could see the blonde’s thighs following suit, growing to a pair of meaty trunks to support the excessive weight he sported at his lower back.

“Oh!  Oh shit…dude…I’m…I’m getting fucking swole,” Corey stammered as he looked down at his jutting shelf of a chest.  His stomach fluttered when he saw his friend’s smaller hands clinging to the juicy mounds, but his attention was quickly diverted when another punch of pressure zeroed in on his lower abdomen.  “Fuuuuuuunnnhhh…fuck!  No!  Shit!  Du…dude!  My…my dick is shrinking,” the blonde cried as he watched his fat, six-inch log recede from sight.  He could just barely see the top third over his inflated pecs as it was, but in a matter of moments it dwindled from view.  “We…we’ve got to stooooOOHHHHHHH!”  Corey arched his back and howled without warning when a sudden fullness filled the inflated pillows that were his fattened cheeks.  A bliss like he’d never felt before tore up his spine, as if every pleasure receptor he had fired off at once.

“I…I think I have the opposite problem,” Paul moaned, his eyes wide.  He couldn’t see the whole thing, but the visible base of his cock was significantly wider, and as movement gradually returned to their limbs, the thickened organ kept going and going when he pulled his hips back.  Just how much it had stretched, exactly, would have to wait until they were done, as would a full exploration of their altered bodies.  At the moment all they could focus on was the immensity of their ecstasy.  Though the shrunken man was horrified, the sensation of Corey’s expanded body against his smaller frame only magnified everything he’d already been feeling.  As he watched the blonde’s brawny new arms flex, and as he kneaded the granite, heaping mounds up top while the supple, rippling ones below bounced with each thrust, Paul almost didn’t care about what he’d lost.

The same went for Corey, whose entire body was on fire with longing.  His inflated pecs weren’t just larger but also more sensitive, as was his thickened bottom and the wide thighs that now rubbed together.  With his now-slender friend slamming into him, the blonde hunk didn’t care about whatever state his shrunken cock had been left in as the aching little organ was no more than an afterthought.  His whole body was being worked in a way he’d never experienced; why would he ever want to limit that bliss to just his cock?  When Paul’s hands would slide south to knead and tug on the diminished organ he could tell that it had taken a significant hit, though it didn’t feel that way when he finally erupted.

Every bit of Corey’s new bulk shook and spasmed when the roaring blonde came, nearly launching the lighter Paul off the frame from the force of his bucking.  The lithe brunette managed to hold on, unleashing his own torrent that sprayed with so much force it began spilling and spurting out of Corey’s battered hole to grease the insides of the blonde’s rubbing thighs.

“Oh…oh fuck, bro,” Paul sputtered as he staggered to his feet.  “I…you…we…we changed…” he gasped, his hands trembling as he ran them through the wiry hair that coated a much thinner torso.  The now-slender brunette was still the same height and still sported an impressive amount of definition, but most of his athletic muscle had vanished, leaving him shaped more like a runner than the baseball player he had been.  Not that he’d have an easy time fitting his new package into a pair of jogging shorts.  The softening, nearly foot-long snake and heavy, hefty balls would have looked massive on anyone, but on his twinkish new build it was almost comical.  “Is…is that my dick?!”

“I think it’s part of mine, too,” Corey said, his face going pale as he craned his neck to look down at the two inch nub and petite little balls he now sported.  “Just like this,” he shivered, running his hands along the cresting, lower ridge of his juicy new pecs, “came from you.”  He paused, his jaw dropping when he reached around behind and palmed the supple, gravity-defying melons that had replaced his ass.  “Are…are these as big as they feel?”

“And then some,” Paul whistled, his inflated log already twitching again.  Despite the fear and the shock, the sight of Corey’s new body drove him wild.  His friend’s chest and ass weren’t freakishly large, just oversized, stopping at the upper limit of “improbable” without fully crossing over into “impossible” territory.  Coupled with his little button of a cock, it was all Paul could do to keep from flinging himself at the other man.  “Bro…holy shit you’re hot.  The whole ‘no neck’ look is real, real good on you.”

“Speak for yourself, cutey,” Corey laughed.  “How is it possible that you got MORE adorable?”  He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his friend, easily swallowing Paul in his meatier embrace.

The smaller man sighed and leaned into the blonde’s solid shelf before frantically looking around.  The shelter was once again back to being a dark shack in the woods, with no sign of the recent illumination.  “Wait!  Did you…you saw that light too, right?”

Corey nodded.  “I think so?  Was it just the moon, though?  I thought all these carvings lit up, but that’s not possible, right?”

“And this is,” Paul asked, surprised that he wasn’t more panicked at the sight of his slender new arms when he pushed back from Corey’s broadened bulk.  He was still fit and trim, and he’d never been the kind of guy who put much stock into chasing size, but he thought he should be more upset about finding himself in such a thinned-out state.  Then again, as he gazed at Corey’s beefy build, it occurred to him that he hadn’t so much lost it as much as he was simply storing it elsewhere from now on.  “I think I’m starting to understand why they closed this trail.”

The curvy blonde looked at the engraved walls, a punch of guilt hitting him.  He really had heard about strange cults and orgies and bizarre rituals happening at the shelter, but he’d thought it was all just an urban legend.  Now, thinking back on how quickly he’d propelled himself into professing his feelings for Paul and how their bodies had been warped, the idea of a magic fertility cult suddenly seemed less preposterous.  “Oh no…I didn’t think…I never would have…this is…this is my fault…” Corey broke off in a gasp when Paul reached up and began tweaking his enlarged nipples.

“Like you could have known this would happen?  Please,” the copper-haired twink said.  “Not like you didn’t get caught up in it either,” he winked before dropping to his knees and swallowing the entirety of Corey’s tiny new package.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” the blonde groaned, his meaty rear bouncing when he shuddered at the overwhelming sensation.  “I…I was starting to worry about what the locker room was going to be like from now on, but maybe I don’t…don’t care so much…” he sputtered.

“Whenever you need a confidence boost,” Paul purred, shifting his attention to lick up the inside of Corey’s meaty quads.  There was a lingering silence as he climbed back to his feet and they stared at each other, their reeling minds racing to catch up with their altered bodies.  “So, uh, what do we do now?”

The blonde grinned, his meaty hands closing around Paul’s lithe, toned arms as he lifted them and squeezed what remained of the wiry muscle.  “First, I want to see you flex this tight little body for me,” he said, his voice a seductive rumble as he batted his shrunken cock against Paul’s monstrous new log.  “Then I want you to show me what you can really do with this thing.”

The thin brunette blushed at the thought of what his slender new build would look like flexing, but the blazing desire in Corey’s eyes overpowered any attempts at being self-conscious.  He broke into a double-bicep pose, his diminished arms going firm but hardly inflating in the other man’s grip.  “Good thing we took this shortcut.  Gives us some extra time to…adjust.  Plus, we have to figure out if this fat ass can fit into anything we brought,” he winked, giving Corey’s oversized cheeks a squeeze.  “Be a real shame if they can’t.”

“Sure would,” the blonde nodded, tugging on Paul’s lengthy hose.  “And how much of this do you think is going to be slipping out the bottom of your shorts?”

The smaller man shrugged his bony shoulders and spun Corey around, wedging his colossal cock into the deep valley formed by his friend’s plump globes.  “Lucky for me I’ve got somewhere to put it.”



Wow, this was incredibly good. I especially liked the development of the guy’s long-simmering attraction to each other. And the transformations were excellent. Just what I needed this morning!


Almost made it a Fir Hollow story, but since we'd just been back to Kingsbury Harbor I decided to let it stand on its own.