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Hi Everyone,

I was trying to work on a vignette but I'll be honest...the state of things at the moment has me spinning a bit, so I'm taking the weekend off.  Have a bunch of fun stuff in the hopper, though (including a revisit to a certain seaside town).  I just need a couple days to re-center.  

I try really hard to keep politics off this page, and that's not going to change, but damn.  As someone who came out in the 9th grade back in the mid-90s, I thought we'd be well past all this bullshit by now.  For any younger readers on the page who may not have had to deal with this level of organized fuckery before, I'm sorry this garbage is rearing its ugly head again.  Stay safe out there.  

In the meantime, I thought this would at least be a good opportunity to do a quick check in re: the content of the stories.  Are you seeing what you like?  Is there something you wish there was more of?  I try to mix it up so as to hit as many topics as possible and not get pigeon-holed into one type of story.  I put up a poll with some options, but feel free to comment below or message me if you don't see what you're looking for.  

As always, thanks for reading and for the support! 


present (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-06 13:35:29 The stories have all been excellent. Hope you take care of yourself and stay well! These are hard and stressful times.
2022-07-01 18:31:44 The stories have all been excellent. Hope you take care of yourself and stay well! These are hard and stressful times.

The stories have all been excellent. Hope you take care of yourself and stay well! These are hard and stressful times.


I wish we had the ability to vote for more than one because there are several I like and would love to see more of


I get that the 90s are retro cool right now, but I would’ve been fine with leaving this part in the past.