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“Come on, man!  Don’t be a dick about this,” Ryan begged.  “You’ve got some left…how much more do you need?  Those things are perfect already!  Share the wealth, bro.”  The stocky, dark-haired hunk reached over to give one of Matt’s prominent pecs a squeeze, his stubby fingers biting into his friend’s smooth, firm skin.

The auburn haired jock grinned and flexed against the shorter man’s hand before batting it away.  “What part of ‘custom formula’ are you guys not hearing?  Even if I wanted to share it with you, which, while we’re at it…you could always just go bust your ass in the gym like I did…it probably wouldn’t even work.  They were pretty emphatic about it being tailored to my system and NOT letting anyone else have it.”

“Okay, fuck you,” Nolan laughed.  The lean blonde folded his arms and cocked his head to the side, raising a dubious eyebrow as he looked his shirtless friend up and down.  “You busted your ass AND guzzled down that tit juice, so don’t make it sound like you grew those things all on your own.”

Matt blushed and looked down at his exceptional slab of a chest, the smooth, granite mounds looming just a bit too large, though not excessively so, between his broad shoulders.  Their muscled fullness accentuated the taper to the trim waist below while simultaneously drawing attention to the powerful arms that hung at a slight angle on either side.  It left the athletic brunette with a slightly top-heavy look, but Matt didn’t mind.  He was in the process of building up his perky bubble and toned thighs to match, and the plump mounds brought him plenty of attention in the meantime.  They fought for escape against whatever top he wore, forming a tantalizing outline beneath the straining fabric of his t-shirts or threatening to pop the meager buttons on his dressier attire.  Matt’s favorite were his tank-tops and muscle shirts, the scooping necks showing off the deep valley between his sculpted mounds while letting them hang largely exposed.  Keeping a shirt on had always been a struggle throughout the course of the young stud’s twenty three years, but since he’d started taking the Juice supplement that had become even more of a challenge.  “Can we not call it ‘tit juice’ please,” he asked, a bashful expression flashing across his equally chiseled face.

“Dude…’juice’ is literally in the title,” Ryan said, giving his own hairy shelf a disappointed glance.  By all accounts the shorter stud’s chest was impressive, though against the rest of his shorter, bulkier frame its mass stood out less, leaving the thick, curly layer of hair as its most prominent feature.  Where his taller friends were either shredded and lean or sculpted and tapering, Ryan’s beefy, 5’7” build was broad and curvy.  He had a full, ample rear and meaty thighs countering his brawny upper body, with handsome, brooding features that constantly sported a scruffy layer of dark stubble.  Had he been six inches taller the dark-haired hunk would have been truly stunning, but as it was he looked like someone had taken the model he could have been and squished them down a bit.  “And Nolan’s got a point.  We hit the gym just as much, so maybe come down off that high horse.”

“Sorry, that was shitty,” Matt said, raising his hands in surrender.  “But just go get some of your own!  It’s not like you can’t go buy it yourself.”

“Listen to Mr. I-Got-A-Bonus-At-Work lecture us about money,” Nolan pouted.  “If we could afford shit like that we wouldn’t be sharing this house in the first place,” the toned blonde sighed.  Being fresh out of college, the three friends were still new in their respective careers and largely broke.  They had enough money to pay their bills and gym memberships and afford a few nights at the bar each week, but not much else.  It was a big part of the reason they were envious of Matt in the first place.  Since they couldn’t throw money around to try and impress potential hookups, they had to rely on their bodies instead.  Historically they’d all been on relatively even ground with one another when it came to their looks, even with their varying builds, but now Matt had just pulled ahead.  Nolan, with his sharp features and ripped definition, had never thought of his body as lacking until he was constantly confronted with the brunette’s pectoral perfection.  A part of him knew it was foolish to be so worked up over the other man’s growth, but between his jealousy and the firm shelf’s confusingly captivating nature, neither he nor Ryan could stop thinking about it.

“I don’t know…maybe he’s got a point,” Ryan said, shrugging as he walked over to the small bottle on Matt’s dresser.  He wasn’t interested in it as much as he was in trying to subtly position himself behind his friend.  “This shit’s been making Matt act weird enough as it is.  Who knows what it’ll do to us?”

The brunette jock scoffed.  “Weird?  I haven’t been acting weirrrrrr…!”  He broke off in a gasp and went up on his toes when Ryan’s beefy arms wrapped around him from behind.  The wide mitts clamped onto his chest again and began kneading, the calloused palms tweaking his nipples and sending a hardening bolt straight to his twitching cock.  “He…hey!  Come on,” Matt stammered, his face going crimson when he looked down at his small, tented shorts.  He knew he should pull away, but his sensitive pecs kept him rooted in place with one pleasurable wave after another.  The sensation of Ryan’s furry slab against his back, with the softness of the hair contrasting against the firmness of the muscle underneath, added to the confusing arousal.  Matt largely thought of himself as straight, they all did, but they’d lived together long enough through enough youthful, lust-fueled years to have blurred some lines along the way.

“You left the door open the other day,” Ryan laughed, giving another squeeze.  “I saw you going to town on these babies in the shower.”

“S…so they’re…sensitive…” Matt gasped.  “They said they…would be.  What’s the…big deal…” the brunette stammered, his abs flexing as he writhed in his friend’s arms.  His own hands had landed on top of Ryan’s, not to pull them away, but to keep them in place.

“Sensitive?  Bro, you look like you’re about to cum,” Nolan said with a smug grin.  He stepped forward and tugged the front of Matt’s shorts and boxers down, letting the other man’s thick, six inches spring free.

“There’s an idea!”  Ryan focused his kneading on Matt’s tiny nipples, laughing as the other man sagged against him from the intense sensation.  “If I get you off right now will you share?”

“Fuuuuuuck,” Matt groaned in response.  His head was spinning.  He’d felt the increased sensitivity himself, and the instructions actually had listed it as a side effect, but this was the first time his friends had taken advantage of it.  He’d hooked up with several women since he’d started taking the supplement, only their softer, petite hands weren’t half as intense as Ryan’s meaty paws.  Or his own.  Matt was embarrassed that the stocky stud had witnessed him playing with his chest in the shower, though given the fact that he was currently squirming in his friend's arm with his oozing cock on display it suddenly seemed like a moot point.  It had just felt so good.  Squeezing the expanded slab felt better than working his dick, which was part of the reason he’d been spending so much time shirtless.  The heightened sensitivity made being bare-chested more comfortable in general, but there was also a new thrill that came with going around topless, like he was getting away with something.

“Dude…why is this hot,” Nolan laughed, kneading the rigid lump in his own draping basketball shorts as he watched his two friends.

“Fuck if I know,” Ryan shrugged.  “I just thought’d be funny, but damn…it’s kinda contagious, isn’t it,” he said, grinding his fat, solid tent into Matt’s backside.  He stopped kneading and nodded at Nolan to come around and join him.  “So what’s it going to be?  You sharing or not?”

Matt swallowed hard and nodded, a sudden desperation shooting through him.  More than anything he just wanted his friends to keep going, and he’d do whatever it took to make that happen.  “Fine!  You…you guys can have sommmmuuuhhhnnn…!”  He broke off in a grunt, his jaw dropping and his vision blurring when each of his friend’s took a side of his chest and went to work.  The contrast between Ryan’s short, stubby digits and Nolan’s long, slender fingers, coupled with their mismatched frames pressing into his back, pushed him over the edge.  His untouched cock exploded with a force he rarely experienced, and before he had time to think about or process what just happened he was limp and panting in his friends’ arms.  “Holy shit…what…what the fuck was that…” he panted, his eyes wide.

“Services rendered,” Nolan said, digging his tented shorts into Matt’s leg one more time before stepping back.  “Now pay up.”

“Okay…okay…let a dude catch his breath first,” the brunette said, his face beet red as he pulled his shorts and boxers up over his softening organ.  “Fuck…been a minute since we did anything like that,” he laughed awkwardly as he looked back and forth between his friends’ erect states.  “Do, uh, you two need a minute together?”

Ryan shook his head, wagging his tented shorts back and forth at the same time.  His arms were folded across his furry stomach as he eyed the bottle on Matt’s dresser with an expectant grin.  “Only thing I need is that.”

“Same,” Nolan nodded, taking advantage of Ryan’s shifted focus to reach over and fish the stocky stud’s fat log free.  Though he was the shortest, the furry beefcake was by far the most hung, his thick, eight-inch pole easily outsizing the other two.  He gasped when his girthy organ was suddenly exposed but made no move to cover himself, instead thrusting the hefty cock proudly forward.

“Just couldn’t help yourself,” he asked the taller blonde with a smug grin.  “Here…let me make life easier for everyone.”  Ryan casually peeled out of his shorts and underwear and kicked them free, giving his friends an unobstructed view of his plump cheeks and meaty thighs as he stood naked before them.  “Now Juice us, bro.”

Matt blinked and shook his head, suddenly aware of how intently, and hungrily, he’d been staring at the shorter man’s naked, hairy bulk.  For just a moment he wondered at their behavior and recognized it as odd, even for them.  They’d jerked each other off and had gone so far as to blow each other in the past, but this felt different.  Those previous times had been exciting and arousing mostly in their novelty more than anything else.  Now, the addled brunette felt genuine lust for his friends and saw that same desire reflected back at himself.  As happy as he was with the mass he’d added to his chest, it occurred to him just how little he knew about the company who sold the supplement and what exactly was in it.  It couldn’t have been a coincidence that his pecs were suddenly magnetic to his friends as well as hyper sensitive.  He’d caught guys at the gym staring a bit more than usual as well, but before he could clear his head enough to think about it Ryan was grabbing the bottle.  “Only a few drops!  A.  Few.  Just on the tongue.  There’s probably enough in there for you to each…” Matt trailed off in a sigh as he watched his naked friend empty two droppers’ worth into his mouth before handing the bottle to Nolan, who promptly did the same.  “Goddamn it you two,” he grunted, snatching the now-empty bottle from the blonde.  “To be clear, I want it on record that I told you both this was a terrible idea.  Whatever happens is on you, not me.”

“Dude, relax,” Ryan grinned, flexing his hairy slab and prodding it with a finger.  “How long does this stuff take to kick in?”

“When you do it right and only take a few drops at a time, of a formula that was actually made for you and not your freeloading friends, I saw results in a couple weeks.  Since you assholes just guzzled it down, I have no idea,” Matt said, fighting to keep his eyes from drifting back to Ryan’s bare frame.

“Guess we’ll find out,” Nolan beamed, rubbing his smooth, modest mounds with one hand and his tented bulge with the other.  “Want to go take care of these,” he asked Ryan, giving his friend’s bare cheeks a loud slap.

The shorter man grinned and shrugged.  “I was honestly feeling kinda weird about it a minute ago, but yeah, fuck it.  Let’s do this,” Ryan said, his hand slipping into the front of Nolan’s shorts as he looked back over a shoulder.  “You coming?”

“What?  You want me to watch,” Matt asked with a surprised laugh.  When both men just shrugged he felt his stomach flutter, his cock already twitching again at the thought.  “So we’re clear…I already paid you fuckers back.  Don’t expect me to be blowing anyone or anything,” he said as he followed the pair out of his room and down the hall to Ryan’s.  It was taking all of his willpower not to reach out and grab his friends the way they’d grabbed him, and were now groping each other.  Before they’d even made it a few steps down the hall Ryan had an arm around Nolan’s waist, his other hand reaching over to rub and squeeze his friend’s chest.  The taller blonde was doing the same to him, his fingers lacing through the soft forest to knead the muscle underneath.

When they reached the stocky hunk’s room, Matt couldn’t help himself.  His friend’s arms still busy with Ryan, he stepped forward and grabbed Nolan’s shorts and briefs, slowly tugging both down.  He took the opportunity to run his hands over the lean man’s solid little cheeks and toned thighs in the process, fighting the strange urge to drop to his knees and bury his face between them.

“Thought you weren’t going to pitch in,” the wiry blonde grinned, batting his thin, five-and-a-half inches against his stocky friend’s monster when it sprang free.

Matt blushed, his head spinning as he dropped to the far end of Ryan’s bed.  He literally couldn’t take his eyes off the other two, and every ounce of his being wanted nothing more than to join them as they stretched out in each other's arms.  “What can I say?  I’m a good friend.”

The hairy hunk gave a drunken laugh, his short, meaty legs tangling with Nolan’s while they pawed at each other.  Their foreheads pressed together, and though they hadn’t actually kissed their lips were close enough to brush against one another when they spoke.  “Fuck, dude.  Did this stuff make you horny like this?  I feel like it’s kicking in already,” he groaned, flexing his furry slab against Nolan’s probing fingers while he did the same to his friend.

“Seriously, bro.  I already feel all tingly and shit,” Nolan sighed, a shiver running through him when Ryan tweaked his solid little nipples.  “This stuff is wild!”

“You both took way more than me in a way shorter time, so who the fuck knows?  I just hope you can’t OD on it or anyth…”

“HOOOOOOOOOOOOoohhhhhh….fuuuuuuuuuuuuck….” Ryan’s abrupt bellow cut Matt off, his back arching off the bed when Nolan returned the favor and began toying with his nipples.  “Def…definitely kicking in.  Holy shit.  Dude…don’t…don’t stop…fuuuuuuck…” he groaned, his untouched cock leaking like a faucet.  He’d fully intended to drop into bed for a mutual jerk session, but, as with Matt, he couldn’t keep his hands off the blonde’s suddenly captivating chest.

“Wait…Ryan…I…I think it actually is working already, man!  These things just got bigger.  Like, I felt them grow in my fingers,” Nolan stammered, his eyes going wide as he stared at the brawny man’s fur-shrouded nubs.

“What?  What do you…whoa!  Shit!  They…they’re huge,” Ryan cried, his jaw dropping when he saw the size of the nubby monsters poking off his chest.  The inflated nipples were far too large for his current slab, and they were so sensitive that it was all he could do to even speak while his friend pinched and tugged on them.

“Matt, bro, get in on this,” Nolan laughed, nodding for their friend to join him.  “These things are like buzzers.”

The brunette couldn’t hold back a gasp when he slid down the bed and saw the oversized nubs, both from his surprise at their mismatched size and the effect that the sight of his squirming, naked friend had on him.  Without thinking about it he was reaching down to thumb one of the firm buttons, eliciting a fresh round of whimpering spasms from the furry hunk.  His friend’s handsome, stubble-covered face was a mask of pained ecstasy, the wide jaw slack and his plump lips pursed from the incessant waves of bliss coursing through him.

“GGGnnnhhnn…goddamn…did…did this happen to you…” Ryan finally managed to sputter up at Matt, one hand clenching the sheets while the other stayed glued to Nolan’s chest.

His friend shook his head.  “No…I mean…they’re sensitive still, but everything grew at the same time.  This is probably because…”

Ryan’s body finished the sentence for him.  A spasm shot through the prone furball without warning, followed by a steady, rapid inflation at his chest as, like a pair of hairy balloons, his pecs swelled to match the enlarged nipples.  Unfortunately for Ryan, given the size of the rigid nubs that meant an excessive amount of growth, to the point where he could no longer see over the jutting slab.  The furry lumps stuck out so far and high that his stubbled chin practically rested on them, their massive size forcing his arm away from Nolan’s chest as his range of motion was suddenly limited.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!  WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO MY CHEST,” Ryan cried, struggling to sit upright against the heavy new weight.  Complicating matters were the soul-quivering punches of ecstasy that the hairy mountains now brought him, the sensitivity having grown exponentially.  Even the air brushing against them was enough to make him groan, let alone the sensation of his stunned friends’ hands.  “They’re fucking huge!”

“Fuck!  Fuck!  Bro…I think it’s happening to me too…” Nolan whimpered, his eyes going wide as a sudden fluttering broke out at his chest.  He bolted upright in bed and grabbed his defined little mounds, giving his friends a pleading, helpless look when he felt them begin to change.  Like Ryan, his nipples expanded and hardened against palms that were then steadily forced away from his chest while it inflated, but unlike his friend the growth appeared to be of a different kind.  Where the stocky, top-heavy hunk had sprouted a pair of granite pillows, Nolan felt his fingers biting into soft, supple flesh.  He hadn’t grown a pair of heaping muscle-tits like his friend; he’d just sprouted a pair of tits.  “FUCK!  I’VE GOT A FUCKIN’ RACK, DUDE,” he cried, his face going crimson, then pale as he kneaded the soft pillows.  They would have looked large on a more familiar, feminine frame, but against his sharp, thin angles they seemed absolutely massive.

Matt had leapt off the bed once he realized what was happening, leaving him to stand in stunned silence as he gawked at his warped friends.  Ryan now sported a literal shelf of a chest that would forever obscure the view of the body below, while Nolan now had the kind of breasts their buddies would lust after had they been attached to a petite, curvy frame.  Or maybe they still would.  Despite his shock over their warped new proportions, Matt was ready to pop just looking at the pair.  “Are…are you guys okay?”

“No!  Fuckin’ look at us, dude!  I can’t even see over these things!  What the hell am I supposed to doooooOHHHH…oh…oh fuck…” Ryan grunted, his frantic stammering cut off by a moan when he grabbed the hulking piles.  “You…you didn’t tell us they’d be THIS sensitive.”

“I didn’t know!  I told you it was a bad idea to take that shit,” Matt barked, a stab of guilt slicing through him at the thought of how turned on he was looking at his panicked friends.

“You didn’t say it would give me tits!  What the fuck am I supposed to do with these things?!”  Nolan’s face was beet red as he kneaded the yielding pillows, his shell shocked horror the only thing keeping him from moaning like Ryan.  With each squeeze his cock oozed like it was being milked, though the frantic blonde seemed oblivious.

“I.  Didn’t.  Know.  And I told you dicks not to take that much anyway!”  Matt rubbed his face, the image of his friends still burned into his eyes even when closed.  “At least tell me if you’re in any pain?”

Ryan shook his head, staggering from the altered center of gravity when he stumbled up off the bed.  He blushed when he looked down and realized that, for the first time, he couldn’t see his fat log waiting for him, and he shivered at the way his arm brushed against the side of his chest when he reached for it.  He went through a few movements of his arms, his face growing a deeper shade of purple when he discovered how limited his range of motion had become.  “It’s like I’ve got fucking watermelons strapped to my chest,” he groaned.

“Better than water balloons,” Nolan spat, his face going pale when he felt his softened chest bounce and sway as he climbed to his feet.  His expression fell further when he saw his reflection, his relatively shapeless frame now offset by a curvy new top.  “Oh god…what do I even do with these?!”

“Invest in some bras,” Matt said, unable to hold back a grin as he stepped over to inspect the blonde’s perky tits.

“This isn’t funnnNNNNIIIEEEE!”  Nolan’s embarrassed bluster turned into a wailing siren when Matt slipped around behind and grabbed the other man’s sensitive chest, the heaping mounds spilling out of his large hands.  The blonde’s untouched cock started spurting wildly, producing a seemingly endless supply as the brunette jock squeezed and tweaked the large nipples.

“Doesn’t look too bad from here,” Matt laughed.  “Babies got a lotta milk in ‘em.”

“Fuuu…fuck…oh fuck…don’t stop…don’t stopppp…” Nolan sputtered.  He felt like he was having one long, slow, continuous orgasm while his friend toyed with his tits, the overwhelming bliss momentarily taking priority over his humiliation.

“What about you, stud,” Matt asked, shifting his attention to Ryan.  The hairy jock had started groping his expansive shelf while he watched, his fat log leaking just as much as the taller blonde.

“I…I get why you were doing this in the shower…” Ryan stammered, unable to pull his hands away.  He started to walk over to the other two, but Matt stopped him.

“I’ve got an idea,’ the brunette said, awkwardly shuffling Nolan over to the bed and shoving him down.  He peeled out of his shorts and underwear while he motioned for Ryan to climb up on top.

“What…what’re we doing…” the prone blonde moaned as the stocky man’s thighs straddled his head.  He couldn’t stop himself from lapping at Ryan’s plump, churning balls or the underside of his friend’s thick cock as it rested against his face while Matt positioned himself over his midsection.

“How’s this feel?”  Nolan’s wordless, piercing howl answered Matt’s question when the naked jock’s rigid cock began sliding between his softened chest.  The overloaded blonde acted on instinct, squeezing the supple mounds together while his friend thrust between them and Ryan squirmed on his face.  He could hear the brawny little man moaning and caught glimpses of Matt working his friend’s hairy mountains, but it wasn’t long before Nolan’s addled brain lost track of everything except the inferno of ecstasy originating from his warped, softened chest.  Before he lost himself there was a part of Nolan that knew what this meant.  He knew he’d forever spend his days with his defined, athletic frame marked by a contrastingly soft, supple top, and that there’d be no hiding the heaping mounds.  The same went for Ryan, whose granite slab would pose just as many problems and was equally unhideable, but as his desire grew, Nolan wasn’t sure he cared.  If guys saw his tits then they could do to him what Matt was doing, and a little bit of embarrassment was a small price to pay for the divine bliss turning him inside out.  Based on the frantic whimpers and the amount of warm, sticky liquid soaking his face he knew Ryan felt the same way, and by the time they were finally spent he wasn’t sure he had anything to be upset about at all.

“So, uh, should we reach out to the company and see if there’s a way to fix this,” Matt finally asked.  He lay between his warped friends in a sticky puddle, one set of fingers gently dancing against Nolan’s supple chest while the other stroked through Ryan’s cum-matted forest.  His friend’s exchanged a quick glance, shaking their heads in unison.

“Nah,” Nolan sighed.  “At least not right away.  I think we'll be good like this for a while.”