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“Dude!  Don’t even put that out there,” the brunette blushed, his eyes going wide at the thought of his tight, tapering torso sporting a pair of heaping, supple mounds.  Tommy could at least hide the flat patch where his girthy package used to be, not that he ever chose to, but there’d be nothing Hunter could do to obscure a pair of giant tits.

“Hooooo…that’d be fuckin’ hot,” Finn whistled, scooting forward to run his solid log between his friend’s modest pecs.  “I’d motorboat the shit outta those babies.”

“I’m glad you two are so excited by the possibilities,” Hunter sighed, his body on fire despite his embarrassment.  Derek took over pumping away on his aching cock once Finn scooted forward, and Hunter’s mouth watered as the stocky little meathead’s oozing monster slid tantalizingly close to his chin.

“You should be too, bro.  Trust me…whatever happens is absolutely for the best,” Finn said before leaning in for a kiss.  He presented his meaty cheeks in the process to let Derek line up behind, his quiet grunt swallowed by Hunter when the big man thrust inside.

There was a part of the anxious brunette that, even now, couldn’t wrap his head around the idea of his shrunken friend getting fucked on top of him while they made out.  He kept thinking of the old Finn, not the short, wide little stud writhing in his arms, and no matter how enthusiastic his friends were, he didn’t fully buy into their notion that everything would work out just fine.  He was going to go through with it, there was no longer any question about that, but he wasn’t nearly as excited about the prospect as the other two.  It was like getting his wisdom teeth or tonsils out, something that had to happen but wasn’t exactly pleasant.

Finn’s infectious ecstasy was certainly convincing, though.  Hunter loved the look of pained bliss on Derek’s face when the bigger man finally erupted inside the little man, and the warm, cascading rain that sprayed from the burly little blonde and coated the underside of his chin.  Hunter hadn’t cum yet, but as soon as Derek pulled out Finn wasted no time in scooting back and planting himself on the brunette’s waiting pole.  As worked up as he was it only took a few bouncing wriggles for the prone hunk to blow, leaving the trio a spent, sticky pile as they caught their breath.

With the buzz of the afterglow, Hunter could almost convince himself that everything really was normal.  They joked and horsed around like always while scrubbing each other down in the shower, with both of the taller men taunting their shorter friend with the soap and shampoo that was now out of reach.  Far from being cruel, they knew it turned Finn on, driving home the contrast between his powerful build and compact size.  After that it was breakfast as usual, the only real difference between now and the times before being their lack of clothes.  It wasn’t uncommon in the past for them to be in the kitchen in their shorts in the morning, but now all Finn sported was a bright, cherry jockstrap while Hunter wore gray boxer briefs and Derek stayed naked.

It wasn’t until they were finishing up that the conversation turned towards the inevitable.  “And you’re sure you guys can’t come with me,” Hunter asked, his heart starting to race as the moment of his departure grew near.

Finn reached over and gave his forearm a gentle squeeze.  “Wish we could, but that’s not how it works.  You won’t find the Altar unless you’re alone.”

Hunter reached up with his free hand and rubbed his face, shaking his head.  “This is all starting to feel like a bad idea.  Maybe I…”

He was cut off when Derek hopped up and stood behind to massage his shoulders.  “You got this, bro.  We’ll be waiting right here when you get back.”

“Just throw some extra clothes in a bag.  Big ones.  That way no matter which direction things go you’ll be covered,” Finn added.

“But how do I know where I’m even going?  How will I get back?  You said you don’t remember, just that you were suddenly home.  What do they do, call me an Uber,” Hunter asked, his tone incredulous.

Finn shrugged.  “Fuck if I know.  Does it really matter?  I got home just fine.  So did Tommy and everyone else.  Dude, listen…all you have to do is walk out that front door and give yourself over to the Call.  Everything else will work itself out.  I know how stupid it sounds but you’ve just gotta have faith.”

Hunter took a deep breath and nodded.  “You’re right…it does sound stupid.  Let’s get this over with, I guess.”

Feeling like a man marching to the gallows, he threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, tossing his baggiest muscle shirt and biggest sweats in his gym bag before heading for the door.  He gave Finn and Derek a hug, telling them both once again that they’d better be right, and then stepped outside and started walking.

No one knew where the Altar would be, and it was always a different location for everyone, not that they could remember where it had appeared in the first place.  All a person had to do was start walking.  Somehow the Alters would know, and eventually the Call would lead them wherever they needed to go.  What that felt or sounded like in practice Hunter had no idea, and after nearly an hour of aimless wandering he started to wonder if maybe he’d made it all up.

And then he heard it.  That same deep, resonant rumble from his dreams echoed in his skull, accompanied by a sudden pulse on the left side of his body.  When Hunter turned in that direction the pulse shifted to his core, acting as a magnetic pull that grew stronger as he wound his way through the late-morning streets.  His house and the campus were far behind him now, and after another half hour he found himself standing in front of a long-shuddered warehouse at the edge of town.  At one time it had been used for grain processing until the owners moved production to a newer facility closer to the fields of origin, leaving the decaying silos and rusty train tracks to be overtaken by the encroaching fields that crept in from the disused farmland.

It was far enough away from the center of town to largely be spared the attention of bored youths, and as he stepped inside and his eyes adjusted to the dusty shadows, Hunter didn’t see any signs of graffiti, broken windows, or other inhabitants.  Only dirt and weeds and the scurrying of rodents were there to greet him, while the strange pulse now shook his entire frame.  It was so intense his vision was starting to blur, and just as he began to worry that he wouldn’t be able to see the Altar even if he found it, Hunter realized he wasn’t in the warehouse at all anymore.  Instead of decaying agricultural equipment, he saw the familiar, metallic corridors from his dreams.  He had no idea how he’d arrived or where his clothes had gone, but while the nudity was a familiar carryover, his companions on either side were new.

Hunter gasped at the sight of the towering, insectoid creatures that flanked him and guided him along by each arm.  They were multi-limbed and multi-eyed, with chitinous exteriors of black and emerald, their backs adorned with iridescent dragonfly wings.  They were as beautiful as they were terrifying, their grip like iron as each one clung to an arm and pulled him down the hallway.  They buzzed at each other in a language he couldn’t understand, and Hunter recognized his dazed attempts at resistance for what they were just as they passed a large, clear section of the wall.

Outside, the dark sky was peppered with what seemed like too many stars, but it was the large, blue sphere immediately below that caught his attention.  Hunter tried to speak.  He tried to pull away and run or at least dig his heels in and stare at the spinning Earth that looked impossibly small, but he was helpless in the massive insects’ arms.  He began to understand it all with terrifying clarity.  The Alters really were a higher power, only there was nothing religious or holy about them.  They were extraterrestrial.  And while Hunter had no idea what their purpose was, the dots he’d frantically connected so far didn’t leave him feeling reassured.  The ease with which everyone accepted the altered people, the effect they had on others, the increasing contentment and shifted desires for other men; it all made a terrifying kind of sense.  Finn, Tommy, and soon himself, along with countless others, were all seeds to be planted.  Women were being changed just as men were, laying the groundwork in a kind of social terraforming, a blissful, erotic invasion that left everyone distracted and content.  But whether the alien creatures were assisting with the creation of an accepting Utopia or ushering in a slow Apocalypse, Hunter had no idea.

And it was too late, anyway.  Shortly after they’d passed the window the creatures shoved him into a small chamber, sending him sprawling as the door hissed closed behind him.  He was on his feet in a flash, but already the room was filling with a swirling, rainbow mist.  Hunter tried to hold his breath, but the way his skin tingled on contact told him that was a moot point.  He held it anyway, waiting until his vision tunneled before gasping in a lungful of the strangely sweet fog.  His vision filled with stars once more, this time of the hallucinatory as opposed to the celestial variety, making him wonder if anything he saw and felt was real at all.

His fear and anxiety fled immediately.  Hunter actually heard himself giggle as his cock swelled, an experience that was mirrored by the rest of his body.  An aching throb shot through him, and for just a moment he wondered if Derek and Finn had guessed correctly when his toned pecs bulged, but it wasn’t long before his shoulders and arms followed suit.  His entire torso began to expand, the growth eventually spreading to his widening thighs, but unlike Finn he wasn’t getting any shorter in the process.  From what he could tell based on the way the chamber seemed to shrink around him he was actually getting bigger, but exactly how much he’d grown he couldn’t tell, and muscle wasn’t the only thing sprouting on his inflating frame.

Like a time-lapse photo, silky, phantom strands erupted all over Hunter’s broadening body before going coarse and dark, leaving the formerly smooth-skinned jock covered in a dense, chocolate pelt.  The hair covered his mountainous new pecs and shredded washboard in a thick, grippable layer before thinning out as it spilled over his shoulders and crept around his trim sides, before once again coming in dense and prominent around his ample new globes and sturdy thighs.  In another shift from his friend, Hunter hadn’t grown bulky and beefy like Finn but was shredded, sporting a sculpted, bodybuilder physique beneath the muddy fur.  He’d become so wide and tall that his arms hung at an angle and he feared that he’d have to both bend and turn sideways to fit through most doors, but all Hunter could do was laugh.

Even as he watched his cock stretch and widen into a uselessly huge girder with oversized balls to match, he felt nothing but joy.  Already the memories of the aliens and their ship were fading, leaving nothing but a hazy recollection of the rainbow mist and the surprising elation he felt at the sight of his warped, bloated frame.  He’d become a hairy, meathead musclebeast, with the kind of ‘roid-fueled body he’d never once wanted for himself.  He knew there’d be no concealing the strapping frame nor the cock that looked impossibly large even against the rest of his giant bulk, but even as he had the thought it occurred to him that he didn’t actually want to.  He was already covered in hair; why did he need to put something else on top of that?  He could get his hands on some bright little posers for when he absolutely had to put something on, though his fattened package would undoubtedly still spill free, and he could pick up a bare minimum of muscle shirts and XXXL joggers if anything else was required.

Beyond that his brawny, bearded bulk was meant to to be seen and experienced by all.  Hunter wanted everyone to feel as good as he did.  He understood that it was his purpose now, his higher calling just as Finn promised.  His new body was a gift he could give to others, and the bloated brunette’s vision swam again as he lost himself to the pleasant contentment coursing through him.  He felt like he was floating, without a care in the world as long as the undulating waves of pleasure continued to crash into him.  He knew he was safe and in good hands as those tides broke against his inflated body, the realization that those were his literal circumstances gradually occurring to him.

“Wha…what the…Finn?  Where…am I back home…” Hunter stammered, his eyes going wide at the comically deep rumble his voice had become.  “Holy shit…is that what I sound like?  FUCK!  IS THIS WHAT I LOOK LIKE?!”  The furry brunette roared and shook his head, his grin obscured by the chocolate beard that now covered the lower half of his face.  He was standing in his bedroom and, looking down, the short blonde seemed to have shrunk even more while he lapped at Hunter’s bulbous monster as best he could.

“Heeeeyyy, there he is,” Finn smiled, craning his neck to look up at the towering hulk.  “Looks like someone went beast-mode,” he laughed, squeezing a furry thigh.

“But…how did I…how long have I been baauuuuhh…!”  Hunter broke off in a wall-shaking grunt when a punch of ecstasy shot up his spine.  He finally noticed the pair of dark hands lacing through the forest on his chest and turned his head to see Derek writhing against him from behind.  “Duuuhh…dude!  Are…are you inside me right now?!”

“Is that…is that okay,” Derek asked, slowing his thrusting.  “You want me to pull out?  You were begging for it when you came back so I thought it was okay, but we can stop.”

“No!  Fuuuck no,” Hunter growled, shaking his head.  “Fuuuuuuuuuck that feels good,” he groaned, letting out a short laugh at the way he had to look down at his friend.  Given that Derek stood 6’3”, Hunter guessed himself to be around the 6’7” point, which would also explain why Finn suddenly looked so small.  He reached down and scooped the stocky man up, laughing at the blonde’s surprised yelp and the way he wrapped his stubby legs around his shredded waist.  “Oh this is fun,” he rumbled before leaning in for a kiss.  He was aware that they’d recreated the scene from that morning, only this time he was the one writhing at the end of Derek’s blissful rod.  “You were right…this is fuckin’ great,” he barked.

“Furry’s a good look for you, bro,” Finn smiled, his hands gripping the hair on Hunter’s shoulders when a pair of large, firm fingers worked their way into his eager hole.  The smaller man instinctively ground his own rigid log through the soft carpet coating his friend’s torso, a surprised look on his face.  “O…okay…this is…this is way hotter than the tits,” he gasped, squirming his plump rear against Hunter’s meaty palm.

“Get used to it, stud,” the inflated jock laughed, pushing his fingers in deeper.  “I’m gonna carry you around like a teddy bear from now on.  Maybe I can do it for short stuff back there too.”

“Love to see you give it a try,” Derek laughed, tweaking the bigger man’s nipples.  “Man…now I’m starting to feel left out.  How come you two get the Call and I don’t?”

A quick stab of fear flashed through Hunter at his friend’s words.  He couldn’t recall the details, but for a fleeting instant he knew at least that the Call wasn’t what it seemed.  He remembered shining wings and a loud buzzing and feeling trapped, but it was gone before he could grab hold, pushed away by the rising tide of ecstasy hammering into his plumped, furry rear.  “Dude…just…give it time.  Who knows?  Like you said…everything happens for a reason.”


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