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“Kev…come on…bud…we…we have to get…to class…” Jacob grunted, his vision blurring from the rhythmic ecstasy hammering away at his battered rear.  He’d had to gradually work his way up to an object the size of Kevin’s girthy new monster, but like the other man had promised, his now-pet had endless patience.  It wasn’t that Jacob didn’t also like taking a turn at his friend’s muscled globes, just that he preferred things the other way around if he had a choice.  Given his new desire to keep the lean blonde happy there wasn’t a need for debate as far as Kevin was concerned, and the inflated jock was never more content than when he had the other man’s wiry frame writhing at the end of his enlarged club.

“You mean YOU have to get to class,” the chiseled hunk said with a sly grin, pressing down harder against Jacob’s toned pecs to keep him in place.  The smaller man’s supple thighs were up on his cannonball shoulders while the blonde’s impressive, untouched cock oozed a puddle onto his stomach.  “I don’t have to go anywhere.”

“You are…so…stuhh…stubborn…” Jacob groaned, secretly loving the way it felt to have Kevin’s massive hands pinning him down but not wanting to encourage the excitable stud.  He didn’t feel trapped or confined, he felt entirely safe and looked after on a level he’d never experienced.  Though Kevin had grown to easily twice his size, the brunette bruiser’s sculpted muscle wasn’t a threat to him, it was a security blanket.  And while the bigger man could be intimidating when worked up, there was an inherent trust between them that Jacob didn’t have to question, a bond that was strengthened by his friend’s good-hearted nature.

Like the Technician had warned, Kevin had developed a bit of an edge at times.  He was quick to go on the defense around strangers and other dogs, both of the new and traditional variety, and Jacob had to keep a constant eye on him when they were out in public or the aggressive Adonis could get out of hand.  But while Kevin would growl and puff out his chest and flex his burly bulk to ward off the many things he perceived as a danger, underneath that was a sweet, goofy personality.  Around Jacob and other people deemed trustworthy, the handsome hunk was a model Good Boy.  He was loyal, playful, and perfectly mild mannered unless provoked, the flashes of aggression he displayed in bed no different than when a dog growls while playing tug-of-war.

It was Kevin’s softer side that allowed Jacob to let his guard down for the first time in the young man’s life.  When he was with his friend he didn’t have to worry or be embarrassed.  He could experiment and be vulnerable and adventurous, knowing that Kevin was along for the ride no matter what.  The former jock had endless patience, using his own ample knowledge and experience to guide Jacob through the process just like he’d promised.  Kevin was nothing but encouraging while the awkward blonde honed his blowjob skills and steadily went from taking a group of thick fingers to a thick cock, somehow knowing exactly when to switch from patient to playful.

The end result was a Jacob slowly emerging from his shell, though Kevin wished his owner would pick up the pace.  He was thrilled that he’d finally gotten the smaller man to be comfortable hanging around the small studio apartment as naked as himself, but the bashful blonde still grew uptight if Kevin tried to undress him in front of other people.  It didn’t make sense to the lantern-jawed pup.  Jacob was the most handsome man in the world.  Full stop.  No one looked better or was more attractive than the toned little hunk, but no matter how many times he told him that Kevin couldn’t get Jacob to believe it.

He’d just have to keep trying.  “Ohhhh…you’re about to cum, aren’t you?  You’re getting that look…fuuuuuuck I love that look…so fuckin’ hot…” Kevin said, his smile turning into a snarl at the last part.  He watched Jacob’s thin face go a deep shade of red, the other man’s eyes widening and his soft mouth parting in a deep grunt when he erupted.

“No…no fair…” Jacob panted, his chest heaving against Kevin’s hands as he caught his breath.  “You know I hate it when you…” He was cut off when Kevin leaned down for a long, deep kiss, the other man’s rigid log still stretching his aching hole.  “You are far too cute to stay mad at,” he sighed when Kevin finally pulled away and beamed down at him with a goofy grin.  “But you really either have to FINISH up or LET me up ‘cause we’re running out of time and now I need to CLEAN up.”

“Okay, okay,” Kevin relented, pulling his rigid girder free.  He looked down at it, his expression falling into a pout.  He was nowhere near completion, but with his new programming he also couldn’t do anything to get himself off unless Jacob told him he could play with one of his toys.

“Don’t look so sad,” the wiry blonde laughed, giving Kevin’s aching cock a quick tug.  “You can finish off with your bed while I’m in the shower, okay?  But you HAVE to be done by the time I’m out or you can’t come with me to campus.  You know their “pants” rule and we can’t get you in them when you’re all hard like that.”

“I’ll be done!”  With a single leap, Kevin launched his athletic frame nearly halfway across the tiny apartment, sailing from the mattress to a large bean-bag chair.  It had several built in ports containing fleshlight sleeves, one of which he eagerly started going at while Jacob clambered off the bed.  The smaller man still couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched a hung, handsome beauty with the body of an underwear model vigorously hump the large sack.  Kevin’s wide jaw was slack, though his eyes were determined as his ample cheeks dimpled and his meaty thighs flexed with each thrust.

Jacob reluctantly turned away and headed for the bathroom.  He could have watched Kevin’s virile display all day, and he knew nothing would make the other man happier than for him to go over there and join in, but they really did have to get to campus.  Luckily he was just dropping off a paper so they had a little wiggle room, and there was the extra bonus of him not having to worry about Kevin being tied up somewhere while he was in class.  They could breeze onto campus, he could drop the paper off, and then they could hopefully make it out of there without running into any difficult people.

That last part was of particular concern because this specific class usually caused Jacob to cross paths with a group of bullies he’d gone to high school with.  Unsurprisingly, they’d decided to continue their attempts at tormenting him, and while Jacob had long since learned to ignore them, he worried about Kevin’s response.  Luckily he’d never had his brawny guardian with him during any of the encounters, but it was only a few weeks into the start of the semester so it was bound to happen sooner or later.  Jacob knew he could just leave Kevin at home, but he hated to keep his friend cooped up all day like an actual pet, so he took the risk.

“Okay big guy, you ready?”  Freshly showered and dressed, the lean blonde came out of the bathroom just in time to find a spent Kevin catching his breath.  The chiseled brunette smiled instinctively as soon as he saw the smaller man, but his expression fell when he saw what Jacob had on.

“Why do you always dress like that,” Kevin asked, cocking his head to the side as he looked at his owner’s baggy hoodie and frumpy jeans.

“Because with you around no one’s looking at me anyway,” Jacob shrugged.  He grabbed Kevin by the hand and pulled him into the bathroom for a quick wipe down before getting him dressed.

“That’s not true!  Dude, you’re so much hotter than me,” the bigger man insisted, meaning every word.

“I love how much you mean that,” Jacob grinned, giving Kevin a quick peck on the nose when he finished wiping him down.  “But you might be alone in that opinion.  It doesn’t matter anyway, right?  I have you, so who am I showing off for?”

“Me!” Kevin barked, obediently lifting one leg and then the other to let Jacob pull his plastic cup on.  This was followed by a pair of denim-print leggings which left absolutely nothing to the imagination, but were required by the university.  It was an understandable distraction to have a bunch of naked people running around a college campus, or at least ones that weren’t enrolled, so “pets” like Kevin had to have more coverage than in other places.  He could go bare chested, but as much as the muscled hunk hated it, his plump globes had to be hidden for a few hours.  And as his attitude had shifted after his transformation, so had Kevin’s desired wardrobe.  Where the former jock preferred a more conservative, preppy look, the uninhibited Good Boy he’d become liked things a little more raw.  He loved his blue leather collar, and he especially loved the way his red leather chest harness made his prominent pecs pop even more than they did on their own.  The crimson straps accentuated the broadness of his upper back and shoulders while lifting the juicy mounds, the steel ring in the center drawing everyone’s eye as they followed the leash from Jacob’s hand to the stud’s heaping chest.  The old Kevin would have been mortified at strutting around in such a getup, along with all the attention it brought, but the new one was thrilled.  He only wished the university would let him stick with just the hard-pouched jockstrap and sneakers for his lower half.

Jacob finished slipping Kevin’s legging, harness and collar on before ruffling the other man’s hair.  The act of dressing his friend was almost more intimate than fucking, the fact that Kevin couldn’t do it for himself reinforcing the confusing power dynamic that existed between them.  The shredded stud was dependent on his wiry owner for many of the day-to-day tasks he used to do himself, and Jacob was already just as hooked on the support Kevin provided.  It was a natural equilibrium they’d both fallen into, but one that required constant monitoring so it didn’t become lopsided in either direction.  “Ready to go for a walk?”

Kevin nodded excitedly, his ample rear shaking as he wiggled in place while Jacob grabbed his leash.  He had to fight the urge to run out the door when it opened, the simple thrill of leaving the apartment hitting him like a winning lottery ticket.  Since his transition into a Good Boy, all of Kevin’s emotions landed in the extremes.  Happiness, contentment, frustration, anger; there was no middle ground for any of them.  He was all in, all the time, and while there was still a part of him that recognized those peaks and valleys as a vast change from his previous life, he couldn’t do anything to temper them on his own.  That was Jacob’s job.

Kevin took the smaller man’s hand in his own, making the leash unnecessary other than a legal requirement, as they made their way from the apartment and over to campus.  The broad-shouldered stud beamed at everyone they passed, unless they got a little too close or another “rescue” like himself was present, in which case he still behaved himself like a Good Boy but squeezed Jacob’s hand a little tighter.  He only really reacted if he sensed his friend tense up or become uncomfortable, a response that had become more of a reflex than anything else.  And it was put to the test as soon as they arrived on campus.

“Holy shit…is that Kevin?”  The brawny jock cocked his head to the side and turned at the sound of a voice behind him, immediately puffing his chest out and drawing his shoulders back at the pair of familiar faces.  He hadn’t liked Bryce and Gavin when they’d been on the baseball team together in high school, and now he liked them even less based on the way Jacob instantly withdrew.  “I’d heard you put yourself up for adoption, but I didn’t actually believe it until now,” the smug, sandy-haired man continued.  Gavin had always embodied every negative stereotype about a frat boy, and now that he actually was one those traits had only magnified.  The same went for Bryce, his clone-slash-sidekick, who stood a few steps behind in an oblivious reflection of Jacob and Kevin’s present dynamic.  “Fuck, bro, look at you!  You’re wasting all that on a piece’a shit like this guy?”

Gavin’s shoving hand was intercepted on the way to Jacob’s chest by a meaty vice.  “Don’t,” Kevin snarled, squeezing the smug bully’s wrist until the other man winced.  His eyes never left Gavin’s as he positioned himself between Jacob and the tormenting duo.

“Whooooooo,” Gavin whistled, shaking his bruised wrist.  He looked past Kevin at Jacob, his arrogant grin turning sour.  “What?  Couldn’t even get one’a these lame-ass queers on campus, so you had to go and buy one?  How much did it cost to do this to my boy here?”

“Why?  Jealous that he’s still smarter than you?”  Jacob grabbed the back of Kevin's harness and pulled him a few steps out of arm’s reach to keep the bigger man from punching anyone.  “At least when we fuck we don’t have to pretend not to like it, unlike you two.”

Kevin’s loud snarl turned heads when Gavin and Bryce took a step forward, freezing both men in their tracks.  They were athletically built and bigger than Jacob, but still significantly smaller than the burly bruiser Kevin had become.  “Don’t,” he growled again, his vision tunneling until his focus rested solely on their two tormentors.  The only thing keeping him from tearing into both of them was Jacob’s hand on his back, and even that was a tenuous thread.

“Come on…let’s drop this paper off and get out of here,” the wiry blonde said.  “Kev…Kevin.  Now!”  He had to forcefully tug on the harness to get the bigger man’s attention, and even then the muscled hunk walked reluctantly backwards for the first several steps.  “Fuck those guys,” Jacob muttered once they were out of ear shot.

Kevin looked back over his shoulder until he was sure they weren’t being followed, a barely-contained fury still coursing through him.  “Always were assholes,” he spat.  “Have they still been giving you a hard time here?  Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Because they’re not worth thinking about,” Jacob shrugged.  “It’s fine.”

“No it’s not!  It’s not fine!  I’m gonna fucking destroy those…”

Kevin’s growing tirade was cut off by a soft hand squeezing his rear.  “No, you’re not.  It’s not worth getting in trouble over, okay?”

“Do they do this all the time?  Do I need to come with you every day?  I don’t mind if you have to leave me outside.”

Jacob leaned into the shirtless stud and threw an arm around his trim waist.  “You’re such a good boy.  But seriously, don’t worry about it,” he said, patting Kevin on his stomach.  “You handled that really well back there, though!  I’d say that earned someone a treat.  How about we stop on the way home for some new toys?”  Jacob could see the tension lingering in Kevin’s face and was trying to take the other man’s mind off it as much as he could.  The stern expression remained largely unchanged, but there was the slightest curl of a smile when he mentioned new toys.

For his part, Kevin had no intention of letting the subject drop.  He knew Jacob didn’t want to discuss it at the moment, and he didn’t want to make his owner uncomfortable, so he’d have to be patient.  “Manipulative” wasn’t the word he’d use, but Kevin knew how to get what he wanted out of the bashful blonde.  So, while he sat obediently leashed to a pole outside, he started to put a plan together.  Despite his limited attention span and exuberant emotional swings, Kevin was far from a dumb dog, especially when something as important as Jacob’s safety was at stake.  In those instances, as now, he wasn’t just protective; he was calculating.  Those same instincts that put him between his owner and potential threats were showing him all the ways he could, and wanted to, hurt the antagonizing duo, marking yet another shift from the previously peaceful jock he’d been before.

But none of that showed as he grinned and wiggled when Jacob reemerged.  The response was genuine, though that cold edge still simmered just beneath the surface.  He put it out of his head as they left campus, focusing instead on the relief he felt when Jacob pulled him aside and removed his confining leggings.  Kevin couldn’t hold back a head-to-toe wave of shaking as the warm air hit his bare skin, his fat cock going as hard as it could in the plastic pouch.

He was still all smiles when he pranced into the Pet store a short time later, immediately pulling Jacob over to the clothing section.  His owner had clearly been picturing something along the lines of a new stuffed toy for him to hump, but the encounter on campus had Kevin’s sights set on something else entirely.

“This is seriously what you want?”  Jacob blushed slightly, raising an eyebrow at the handsome hunk’s choice of wardrobe.  He’d picked out a pair of leggings made to look like leather, with the plastic pouch built-in and visible on the outside.  To go with it, Kevin had found a black, studded leather harness and a matching silver choker-collar.  It was a flamboyant style to say the least, and not one that Jacob relished the thought of leading around in public, but he also knew exactly how hot Kevin’s well-muscled frame would look poured into the dramatic outfit.

“Uh-huh!” Kevin nodded excitedly.  “If I’m going to come to campus I want people to know not to mess with you.”

“We’ll talk about that when we get home, but if this is really what you want,” Jacob sighed, carrying the bundle to the register.

“Maybe if YOU dressed like this it’d help,” Kevin offered, eliciting a fresh round of blushing as Jacob sputtered in front of the amused cashier.

The bigger man kept pitching his case on the way back home, insisting that Jacob would look just as good in his outfits as he did.  Kevin had been able to talk his self-conscious owner into trying his clothes on a few times in the past, but no matter how good the sex was afterwards Jacob was always reluctant and embarrassed.  “But what if you just wore the harness instead of a shirt and left everything else the same,” Kevin asked as they stepped into the apartment.  “That wouldn’t be so bad, right?”

“Oh my god,” Jacob laughed, his head falling back against the other man’s chest when a pair of chiseled arms wrapped around his waist from behind.  “You’re like a dog with a bone.”  He let out a quiet gasp when one of those arms drifted south, a large hand slipping into the front of his pants.

“I am now,” Kevin said, kneading Jacob’s hardening organ while his other hand slipped up under the smaller man’s shirt.

“Man…that trip got you all kinds of worked up, didn’t it,” Jacob laughed as Kevin held him in his grip.  The bigger man’s lips were on his neck, one hand toying with a nipple while the other gently pressed his hips back against the hard, plastic bulge digging into his rear.  “I guess we can play for a little bi…” he was cut off by Kevin’s mouth pressing down on his own when he squirmed around to face the eager stud.  He tried to pull away after a moment but a hand on the back of his head kept him where he was as Kevin’s tongue wrestled with his own.  When the other man finally took a break, Jacob found his dazed eyes meeting a determined expression.  “That was…wow…” he blushed, still caught off guard by the passionate kiss.  “Let’s get you out of these…” His hands shook as he undid Kevin’s collar and harness before slowly sliding down the other man’s tapering sides to tug the jock free.  A fat, girthy rod sprang free, but before Jacob could do anything with it his arms were obscured by his own shirt being pulled up to his shoulders.

“Yours too,” Kevin barked, his piercing eyes lingering on the smaller man’s blushing frame as the lean blonde stripped down.

“You really ARE in a mooooOHH!  Hey!”  Jacob yelped when the bigger man lunged forward and scooped him up, easily hefting him over a shoulder as if he weighed nothing.  “What are you doing?!  Put me down,” he halfheartedly protested while a surge of lust like he’d never felt shot through him.  They’d lightly roughhoused before, but Kevin had never manhandled him in such a way and Jacob was surprised at how much he enjoyed the sensation.  The view of the other man’s muscled globes shifting and bouncing with each heavy step on the way to the bedroom certainly didn’t hurt, nor did the stubby fingers toying with his own exposed hole.  He let out another yelp when Kevin dumped him on the bed, not even making it halfway upright before his friend was on him.  “O…okay…this is fun…but weeeEEHHH!”  Jacob broke off in a gasp as Kevin flipped him over onto his stomach, pulled his hips into the air, and then promptly buried his face between the blonde’s modest cheeks.  “Fuuuuuuuuck…”

Jacob’s whimpers were exactly what Kevin wanted to hear, for several reasons.  He was never more turned on than when his tight little owner was, and he needed to fully work the smaller man over as part of his plan.  So he took his time.  He lapped at Jacob’s spasming button for what felt like hours, his hands slipping around to tug on the twitching cock and his head tilting low to lick at the churning balls.  He waited until he could feel the other man fully relax, at which point he lifted his face free and flipped him over again.

“Whoa!  This roughhousing is fun and all, but…hey…what’re you up to now…” Jacob laughed when Kevin hoisted his legs into the air.  The bigger man could feel the blonde starting to tense up again, but he clamped the supple legs in place and slipped a set of fingers into the eager hole.  “HOOoooohhhhh…okay…look big guy…this is…this is…” Jacob stammered, his whole body going beet red as Kevin’s blazing eyes remained fix on his fingered frame.  He instinctively tried to pull his legs free so he could be in a less compromising position, but the bigger man was like a boulder.  “Can you…can you let my legs down now?”

Kevin tilted his head to the side, as if confused by the question.  “Why?  You’re so hot like this.”  He grinned at Jacob’s further flushing, giving the inside of a thigh a playful nibble.  “Do you reeeaaaaally want me to?”

The blonde swallowed hard and slowly shook his head.  “No…no it’s just…fuuuuck…” he whimpered, his fingers digging into the sheets.

“You did a good job standing up to those guys today,” Kevin said, his fingers finding a sweet spot.  He elicited a series of back-arching moans before continuing.  “They’re bigger, but you didn’t just back down.”

“Like…like you said…they’ve always been ass…assholes…” Jacob grunted, his resistance melting beneath Kevin’s earnestly lustful gaze.  It disappeared altogether a moment later when the sculpted stud’s fingers were replaced by a warm, thick girder.  Between the novelty of being manhandled, the sensation that Kevin was just barely being kept on the right side of control, and the glacial pace with which the other man was moving, Jacob felt like he was going to explode.

The bigger man gave a rough thrust, jamming in deep, before slowly rolling his hips in the opposite direction.  “But you could’ve let them get away with it, and you didn’t.  Makes me proud,” Kevin rumbled, giving another series of rough jabs that made Jacob’s thin fingers dig into his broad back.  The wiry man actually liked getting hammered, and normally his obedient Good Boy was all too happy to comply, but Kevin was drawing things out on purpose.  “Do they do that a lot?”

“Yeah, pretty…pretty much every time I see them,” Jacob said, his original plan to keep those details from Kevin having been rimmed, fingered and fucked from his brain.  “Some things nev…never change…”

Kevin gave a series of torturously slow thrusts.  “Just talk?  Or do they ever put hands on you?”

“Just…just talk…” Jacob gasped, his modest chest heaving.  “I mean…they’ll shove me or try and knock stuff out of my hands, but that’s it.”  He blinked and shook his head, his stomach fluttering from both arousal and intimidation at the look on Kevin’s face.  “Hey…why are we talking about them?  Let’s just forget them for nowwwwwww…!”

Forgetting was the last thing Kevin intended, but he pushed his rage aside to focus on Jacob instead.  His owner needed him in a different way at the moment, and he’d learned all he needed to, so he could finally stop holding back.  There were no more words as he picked up the pace of his rolling hips, only a steadily increasing howl from Jacob that competed with the slamming headboard to see who could be the loudest.  He took the smaller man over and over again in a variety of positions, his own extensive stamina wearing the blonde out well before he finally fell over the edge himself.

“I’m coming with you to campus tomorrow,” Kevin said as Jacob dozed against him when they were done.  It wasn’t a request, which was out of character for the bigger man, but in his current state his dazed owner was in no position to argue.


“Oh!  Uh, hey guys!  Good to see you,” Gavin stammered when he and Bryce rounded a corner and came face-to-face with Jacob and Kevin.  The strapping, dark-haired hunk was in his studded harness, as he had been for the past several weeks whenever they left the apartment, and it was clearly having the intended effect.  “Need help carrying anything to class?”

“No, we’re good. Thanks though,” Jacob replied cheerfully, noticing that the bruising around Gavin’s left eye had mostly faded.  The same went for Bryce’s limp, though he still wore a brace around one arm.  He also couldn’t help but appreciate the way both men kept a respectful distance from Kevin even as they smiled and tried to avoid eye contact.

“If you, uh, you know, ever need anything, or want us to do your homework or whatever, just say the word,” Bryce said, a little too enthusiastically.  He winced when Kevin yawned and stretched, trying to cover it up with an awkward laugh afterwards.  “That goes for you too.  You’re such a…a Good Boy…” he hesitated, blushing at the sound of his voice calling a former teammate a “good boy”.  “If you want us to take you for a walk while Jacob’s in class we’d be happy to.”

“Thanks,” was all Kevin said.  He obviously loved the way the other two squirmed, but after what he’d learned about how they were treating Jacob a few weeks ago, he’d given them good reason to be wary.

“Guys, really, you can relax.  We worked all that bad blood out, right?  You don’t need to worry about Kevin anymore.  Do they, big guy?”  Jacob grinned and motioned for Gavin to step over.  “Just give him some belly rubs and he’ll be your best friend.”

“Uh…yeah…okay…” Gavin sputtered, his face going crimson when he started rubbing another man’s abs in public.  It didn’t help when Kevin’s leg started spasming, and the embarrassed blonde didn’t know what to do when the chiseled hunk leaned over and gave the side of his face a long, slow lick.  “Th…thanks?  But, uh, we, uh, really gotta get to class.  We’ll catch you bros later, okay?”

“Hope so!” Kevin called after them, the cold eyes fixed on their retreating frames a sharp contrast to his goofy grin.


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