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Nate stared out the window, wishing he could shake the funk he’d been in all afternoon.  The towering hunk couldn’t put his finger on what it was that bothered him, but he felt anxious and tense, like something was about to happen.  He kept thinking he saw things in his peripheral vision, and he’d even caught himself staring at his wall earlier, convinced that it was discolored by a strange mildew but unable to actually find anything.  It was an unusual state for the handsome, perpetually laidback meathead, especially when his friends were about to take him out for his birthday.  Part of him wondered if that was the problem, that, at twenty six, they were all starting to become “old”, but that didn’t feel like the cause.

Nor did it reflect how any of them actually felt.  They were all still as fit and active as when they’d met in college, and Nate specifically showed no signs of slowing down.  His chiseled frame had only grown more impressive, as had his roster of hookups.  The chestnut-haired bodybuilder had a new partner practically every night, which made the group’s plan of taking him out to get laid a bit of a moot point.

But they all knew that, just like they knew what the real goal of the evening was.  It had been Parker’s idea, a game to see which of them could get a partner first, and one that the dark-haired jock was determined to win.  His fit, olive frame wasn’t as big as Nate’s, but his wide, stubble-covered jaw carried a rugged charm that his other friends lacked.  Chase had a great body, but the blonde pretty-boy was too primped and put together, while his perpetual wingman, Craig, was too lean and angular.  Mark wasn’t bad either as he rounded out the pack, but the former swimmer was the shortest of the bunch, making his athletic muscle seem less impressive, especially when someone like Nate was around standing a whole head taller.

They’d always been a group that turned heads whether they intended to or not, and no one expected that night to be any different.  With their fit frames straining against tight jeans and polos of various colors, it would be a photo-finish to see who came in first even though they’d inevitably all cross the finish line.  Nate knew he should be just as eager as the rest of his friends, but while they downed their first round of drinks in his apartment, he couldn’t take his eyes off the city below.  He kept thinking he saw flashes of color, and a strange haze, only to find nothing when he tried to focus on either.

“Yo, dude, what’s wrong?”  Nate shook his head and turned away from the window when Parker’s hand landed on his shoulder.  The dark-haired man leaned in close and looked out over the city, his short hair bruising against the side of Nate’s face.  “You’ve been looking out this window since we got here.  You creepin’ on someone or something?”

“Nah, just a weird vibe out there tonight,” he shrugged.  He didn’t know how to explain himself even if he’d wanted to, which he didn’t since he knew the others would just harass him for it all evening.

“Ohhhhh, is someone getting performance anxiety?”  Chase hopped up from the couch with Craig in tow, a smug grin on his face as he folded his arms below his impressive pecs.

“What’s wrong?  Big guy not feeling up to it tonight,” Craig asked as he reached out to squeeze Nate’s bulge.

The bigger man let the thin brunette cop a feel before swatting his hand away, knowing full well that he was the biggest of the bunch on several levels.  “The big guy feels just fine,” Nate grunted, reaching out to return the favor.  “Did you even remember to bring yours?”

Craig thrust his package into Nate’s meaty palm for emphasis.  “Very funny.  At least I…I…ow.  Owwww!  Fuck!  What the fuck?!”

Nate tore his hand away and held it aloft when Craig began yelping and squirming.  “Whoa!  Hey man, I didn’t even squeeze that shit.”

“Dude, what the fuck did you just…” Parker’s attention was pulled away from Nate when the wincing brunette began frantically undoing his pants.  “Craig, bro, what’re you dooOOOHH SHIT!”

There was a moment of stunned silence when the other man finally shoved his pants down, giving a glimpse of his overloaded boxer briefs before they joined the denim at his thighs.  Craig should have had a package that was unremarkable at best, but there was nothing remotely average about the twitching monster that spilled free.  Instead of barely reaching six inches the dangling hose looked more than twice that, and the plump, heavy balls that swung like a pendulum beneath were equally inflated.

“What the fuck happened to my dick?!”  Craig gawked at the swollen equipment while it spasmed and hardened, growing even larger as it stretched towards its full, rigid length.  His face went red with embarrassment, then pale with dread when he gripped the lengthy rod and felt the hefty new girth for himself.

“Uhh…okay…okay…let’s not panic,” Mark finally said from the edge of the group.  The short, sandy-haired man had been the last to join and he took a few instinctive steps back.  “Maybe you’re just having an allergic reaction to something?  Did you do…anything…different…” he trailed off when he ran a nervous hand through his hair, bringing a clump of the golden mane with it.  “Uh…guys?  What’s…what’s happening right…now…”

All anyone could do was gasp in response.  Before they could even begin to process their friend’s thinning hair, Mark’s clothes fell away, disintegrating from his fit frame as if they’d been turned to ash.  But more alarming was what they revealed.  Instead of smooth, the short swimmer’s skin was covered in a rapidly thickening coating of the same sandy hair that had vanished from his scalp, and there seemed to be too much skin for it to cover.  Everything was happening so fast that by the time his clothes had finished falling away the majority of the balding jock’s definition had vanished, and by the time they realized his body was changing it had already grown unrecognizable.  Instead of chiseled pecs and a tapering washboard, Mark’s full, rounded face now loomed over a beefy slab and a hefty muscle gut, both of which were supported by thickened, meaty thighs and framed in by piston-like arms.  His lack of height only accentuated the extra girth both his body and cock had acquired, taking the shredded swimmer and replacing him with a beefy bulldog.

“Fuck!  Fuck!  Look…look at me!  What the hell just…how did I…am I fuckin’ fat AND bald?!” Mark cried, unsure how to prioritize his terror.  He didn’t know what it meant that his clothes had literally crumbled off him, but even if they hadn’t they would have been far too small for his curvy new frame.

But his cries went unanswered as his friends had concerns of their own.  When he looked back up, Mark found himself staring at a taller version of himself where Parker’s athletic frame should have been.  The olive-hued hunk now looked almost exaggeratedly masculine with his smooth, shiny scalp topping a hairy, hulking frame complete with cresting gut and pudgy cock.  There was a pile of ash at his feet similar to the remains of Mark’s clothes, but that specific affliction seemed to be limited to the two of them when he saw what had become of Nate and Chase.

“No…no no no no no…fuck!”  Nate’s booming plea echoed off the apartment walls as he tore his pants and briefs down, the color draining from his face at the sight of the petite little nub where his eight-inch snake should have been.  If there were any balls present at all Mark couldn’t see them, though the entire thing was quickly obscured by a calloused palm.  “How the fuck did my dick just…just shruuunnngghh…whaaa…fuck!  Get this…get this off me…!”

While Nate literally began tearing out of his clothes, Mark couldn’t hold back a gasp at Chase’s curvy new look.  Instead of tight and tapering, the prettyboy blonde’s waist now exploded outward at an inflated rear, the perky bubble having grown to a matched set of colossal globes.  They were freakishly large, far bigger than anything the other man could have built in the gym, and seemed eager to move as the slightest shift sent cascading ripples through them.

“Guys…what just…what just happened…” Nate stammered, his exposed pecs heaving.  He’d frantically stripped down and his hands hovered inches from his bare flesh, leaving his shrunken nub entirely on display.

“I…I…is this…is this me…” Parker stammered, squeezing the hairy new gut where his abs should have been.  “Fuck!  Chase!  Your ass…dude…it’s…”

“I know!  This…this can’t be real, can it?!”  The blonde gasped, his impressive cock shooting to attention when he reached around and grabbed the supple globes.  He wanted to let go, but the squeezing fingers sent a punch of lust through him like he’d never felt, and before he knew what was happening he was on his knees, peeling out of his polo and groping himself like a dog in heat.  “Ohhhhh shit…do you…do you feel that?”

Craig swallowed hard and nodded, feeling like his expanded cock was magnetically attracted to the others.  Instead of a frantic frenzy he absently shucked his shirt and stepped free of his discarded bottoms, the enlarged equipment looking even more impossible against his exposed, lean muscle.  He couldn’t take his eyes off Chase’s jiggling balloons, his mood quickly shifting from stunned terror to something else altogether.  He licked his lips and stepped towards his kneeling friend, a hand wrapped around his rigid, oozing monster.  “Chase…I don’t know why, man…but…fuck you look good like that.  Do you…you want me to…”

“Wait…Craig…what’re youoooohhh…!”  Chase broke off in a howl, his back arching when the other man draped himself against his back and slipped inside with impossible ease.  The stunned stud’s virgin hole should have struggled with something even the size of a small finger, yet his friend’s mammoth club entered as if the aching chute was tailor made.  There was resistance and tension but no pain, only a kind of encompassing bliss that Chase had never even imagined possible.  Craig’s expanded girth filling him up from within left him feeling whole, the slightest movement sending disorienting surges of ecstasy through his overloaded system.  His interior workings had somehow become the driving force of his pleasure, the sensation of Craig’s fat cock lighting up his guts instantly dwarfing anything his own meager rod could ever provide.  Though he still didn’t understand how or why, Chase recognized that the source of his recent anxiety hadn’t been the set of colossal, rippling globes themselves, but the fact that they’d been so painfully empty.  “Oh…oh fuck…oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, the mountainous cheeks shaking like waterbeds.

“Chase…bro…I’m sorry man…I can’t…I didn’t mean to…” Craig sputtered, his trim hips rolling like a piston.  Given the now-expansive size of his cock he’d been horrified at the prospect of hurting his friend, but Chase’s blissful moans made it clear that worry had been in vain.

“It’s…it’s fine…just don’t…don’t stop…” begged the bucking blonde.  Though he’d never been in such a position, Chase was taking to the act of getting fucked with preternatural ease, like the rippling mounds were filled with all the experience the warped hunk lacked himself.  “How do you feel…so…fucking good…”

“Dude, I don’t even know what’s happening right now,” Craig said with a shocked laugh.  The ochre-haired jock knew they had other priorities, that they needed to figure out what was happening, but he couldn’t stop.  One look at Chase’s impossible bottom had sparked a primitive need within him, and though he was desperate to examine what had become of his now-massive rod, it would have to wait until they were done.  In the meantime, all he could do was grip Chase’s supple pillows and gawk at the strangers who’d replaced his friends.

“What the fuck is this…what the fuck is this…” Nate whimpered, his eyes wide as he groped his exposed flesh.  Unlike Mark and Parker the burly mountain of muscle at least still looked like himself, save for his shrunken equipment, but his behavior was as strange as everyone else’s.  After frantically stripping down he’d begun prodding and stroking at various parts of his body, eliciting spasming gasps and a steady oozing from the tiny nub that had once been as girthy as the rest of him.

“What the fuck…is…what…” Chase asked, a confusing surge of lust rising within him at the sight of his squirming friend.  He’d seen Nate naked countless times over the years, but the sight had never before filled him with a desire to straddle the other man’s lap and writhe on the petite little cock.  Though, to be fair, he’d never viewed his naked friend while on all fours and being fucked nearly senseless by one of the guys.  There was a part of Chase that wished the bed-hopping bodybuilder still had his previous endowment, but ultimately the bottom-hungry blonde didn’t care.

“It’s like my whole body is…” Nate trailed off and flexed a meaty arm before taking his free hand and running it along the impressive bicep.  “FFFuuuuuuck…that feels like my dick should!  Like…like it got smaller but the rest of me is picking up the slack…” he sputtered, breaking off the pose to run both hands up and down his brawny torso.

“Really?  So what does this feel like?”  Parker had been watching Nate’s display with increasing hunger.  The formerly sculpted man was still trying to process the fact that he’d more than tripled in size, his tight frame buried beneath a beefy coating of flesh that bore the ample hair his head now lacked.  But as his eyes had darted back and forth between Nate’s writhing and his friends’ rutting, his confused terror quickly began to fade.  The sight of his round cheeks and slight double chin, and the fact that his own fattened, rigid cock was now obscured by a furry muscle gut when he looked down, mattered less and less with each passing moment.  Mark seemed to share his shifting attentions, and as Parker looked over at his equally-thickened friend there was an unspoken understanding between them.  The once-smooth, once-sandy-haired swimmer looked even broader and beefier with his shorter stature, his now-bald scalp accentuating the muscled meatball proportions he’d adopted, but he only grinned and nodded when Parker met his gaze.

“HOOOOOUUHHHH!”  Nate roared when a pair of hairy pistons wrapped around him from behind and Parker’s expansive torso pressed against his back.  There was a part of him that marveled at the fact that his thin friend had become bigger than himself, but it was overshadowed by the head-to-toe ecstasy rocketing up and down his spine.  “Fuh…fuh…fuuuuuck…oh fuck…don’t let…don’t let go…” Nate went crimson as he thought about what he must look like, and how the precision skills he’d developed through ample practice over the years had been reduced like his now-tiny cock.  Instead of a suave stud with stamina to spare, he was a whimpering, writhing tower, his ample muscle and handsome features only serving as a contrast to his pitiful cock and helpless howling.

“That looks like fun,” Mark grinned, stepping up and completing the circuit against Nate’s front half.  He reached around to grip Parker’s thick frame while leaning in to begin licking at the pecs heaving at his eye level.  There was a short, cracking wail before the bigger man sagged in their arms, and Mark was surprised at how easily he and Parker were able to hold the weak-kneed giant upright.  “Holy shit this is wild…” Mark laughed, grinding his fat cock into Nate’s abs while the dazed hunk squirmed.

Parker did the same at his friend’s back, pumping his hips to work his thick log between Nate’s ample cheeks.  “We…we should be worried…right?  I mean…look at us!  This isn’t…how is this even possible?  What are we even doing?!”  The words came out more excited than worried, but no matter how hard he tried the bald bull couldn’t muster the latter emotion.  He knew he should be concerned about the fact that his clothes had dissolved and what that implied; he just didn’t care.

“We’re giving Nate the fuck of his life,” Mark laughed, kneading the sculpted man’s prominent pecs.  He batted his cock against his friend’s shrunken nub, a smug grin on his rounded, fuller face.  “Not such a big guy now, are you?”  The muscled mountain just shuddered between them, his dazed eyes shifting from the former blonde to the man approaching from behind.

“Looked like we were missing out,” Craig purred, batting his rigid new forearm against one of Mark’s fattened thighs.  He hefted the massive organ with one hand, marveling at the way his fingers couldn’t close all the way around the meaty rod.  He still knew he should be horrified at the inflated cock’s impossible size, along with the heavy, churning balls that grew along with it, but a giddy haze had settled over everyone’s thoughts.  The fact that his package was grotesquely large against the rest of his lean, shredded frame, and that he’d never be able to fully conceal it again, was of no concern to Craig, just as the state of his friends was of no concern to them.  He was starting to gain an instinctual understanding of his new body, and he needed to put that theory to the test.  “Mind if we join?”

The sudden sensation of his friend’s gargantuan cock pressing against his plumped rear was enough to get Mark’s attention.  “Hold on a sec…wait…dude…I don’t think I caaaannnngghhh!”  The stocky fur ball grunted and went up on his stubby toes when the slick beast slipped inside.  He braced himself for a searing stab of pain, but as with Chase, all he felt was an overwhelming ecstasy.  “Oh…oh fuck, bro.  What’re you…how’re you…fuuuuuuuuck that’s good…” he groaned, his fingers digging into Nate’s pecs while Craig’s did the same to his new gut.

“One size fits all,” the taller jock purred, loving the way his thickened friend writhed against him.  Whether his cock changed as it entered, or if it had an effect on the body of whoever he penetrated, he wasn’t sure.  All Craig felt for certain was relief at the knowledge that he could still put the heaping pole to use, even if his choice of partners had apparently changed.

“Same goes for these,” Chase said, his supple melons jiggling and bouncing as he waddled over to join the group.  It was already abundantly clear that the blonde pretty boy was going to have to modify the way he walked to accommodate the perpetually shifting mounds, but as with Craig, the knowledge that they’d be forever prominent didn’t seem to matter nearly as much as the need to have something in them.  Without a word, he grabbed Parker by the shoulder, pulled him away from Nate, and slipped between them with cheeks spread to give his enlarged friend easy access.  “MMmmmmnnnhhh…that’s better…” he sighed, his head falling back on his broad shoulders when his friend’s thick log wormed inside.  It was significantly smaller than Craig’s but felt every bit as potent while he clutched to Nate’s statuesque frame for support.

“Don’t leave the big guy hanging,” Parker grunted as Chase’s rippling rear acted as a shock absorber for his beefy belly.  He reached down and tugged on the blonde’s oozing cock, lining it up for entry.  “This thing still works…share the love.”

Nate barely felt the impressive organ slip inside.  The sensation of another man’s cock pushing through his virgin hole should have been overwhelming, but it was lost in the swirling sea of bliss his body had become.  Chase’s cock stroking his insides felt the same as Mark’s hand stroking his arm, or the bottom-heavy blonde’s fingers dancing across his abs.  Any contact was an agonizing ecstasy, an explosion of all-consuming lust that Nate never wanted to end.

Sandwiched between his friends as he was, driven well past the limits of his previous perceptions, the towering stud tried to find the words to describe what he saw.  All around them, the apartment had filled with vibrant, neon fungus.  It was everywhere, the glowing mushrooms and pods and filaments seeping in through cracks and corners and floorboards.  There was a dusty haze in the air that Nate now saw clinging to each of them, part of a larger cloud that he could see hovering over the city as his wide eyes followed the glowing tendrils out the window.

He didn’t know if the others could see it, he wasn’t even sure he saw it himself as the day-glo vision came and went, but he couldn’t shake the sensation that something bigger than all of them was happening.  He could feel others being changed the way they had, like stars winking to life after sunset.  They were spread all over town, forming a series of concentric circles that he and his friends were now part of, and which originated from a single skyscraper.  Since he couldn’t afford the products Nate had never paid much attention to the Spore headquarters before, but now it stood out like a beacon, a towering lighthouse calling something to shore from the cosmic seas.

It was an odd thought for the pragmatic jock to have, and one that finally managed to send a stab of fear through him.  For an instant he could actually feel the world, and their place in it, starting to change.  He tried to shout a warning, to cling to the knowledge that what they’d become was wrong, but it slipped away as his body fell over the edge, leaving him and his friends not as a pack of handsome jocks, but as a group of unique, twisted beauties.  The awareness of whatever crept toward their reality faded with each violent spurt of his little nub, taking the visions of the luminescent fungus and the spectral threads that bound them all with it.

When his head finally cleared a few moments later, Nate found himself blinking at the Spore building, unable to remember why it felt so important.  The night outside was clear and calm, a sharp contrast to the lustful frenzy coming to a close in the apartment.  “Fuuuuuuuuck you guys,” he grinned, flexing his powerful arms behind his head while his friends finished.  “No fair ganging up on me like that.”

Parker pulled his spent log out of Chase’s enveloping rear and ran a hand across his smooth scalp, a confusing wave of contentment washing over him as he looked at his friends.  He felt like he was forgetting something, but considering what they’d just done it wasn’t out of the ordinary for his head to be swimming.  “What kind of friends would we be if we didn’t give you a present on your birthday?”


Voting Options


With Ethan busy doing damage control, Dave and Tom discover that they have a new set of abilities while escaping from Spore HQ when they cause the group of guards watching them to…

Option 1: Merge and separate, swapping and stealing various traits from each other in the process.

Option 2: Shrink to no more than a few feet tall, becoming plastic, anatomically incorrect living dolls.

Option 3: Embody the opposite of their macho posturing, slimming down to waifish, flamboyant twinks.

Option 4: Become a group of himbo go-go boys who think they’re at a perpetual party and act accordingly.


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