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“Wha…whaaaaoohhhhhhhhnnnn…!”  The blonde spasmed and blasted, unaware that at some point he’d started jerking off while watching his boss’s impossible display.  “Fuhh…fuuuuck me!  What the fuck was that?!”  Blake shuddered as the last ropey strands sprayed all over his floor, already starting the video over again.  He’d never seen anything so hot in his life.  He told himself it was the power that got him off, the knowledge that he was responsible for what he was watching, not that his boss’s bare, beefy bulk got him going.

By the fifth time through the video Blake knew that wasn’t the case.  For whatever reason, listening to Edward’s deep purr, and watching the older man’s smug expression and shifting muscle as he jerked himself off, had the young blonde wondering if he’d ever really been attracted to anyone before.  He’d never felt anything like it.  When Edward’s cock thudded against the screen he really did want to lick it, just like he wanted to explore every inch of his boss’s body.  Blake felt like he had whiplash as his resentful memories shifted, the image of Edward’s meaty rear straining against his slacks now making him ache with longing.  It was accompanied by a confusing stab of disappointment at the thought that he wouldn’t be around the older man every day, the incongruent desire jarring him back to his senses.  He wouldn’t be around his now-former boss because the other man would be gone, and he’d be the one with the power.

The thought spurred Blake into action.  He watched the video one more time, making sure to save it before hurrying through the rest of his morning routine.  His lilac toenails were forgotten entirely as he threw on a pair of boxer briefs, a button down and some chinos, grabbing the first ones he saw and hoping they matched.  In his shock he’d forgotten to respond to any of the texts about the video until he’d arrived at the office, and there was another dizzying moment of confusion when he went to pull them up and couldn’t find them.  After a bit of hurried scrolling he finally located them, but now they were dated as if they’d come through months, not hours, before.

It was the same with Edward’s email, and Blake felt like he was stepping into a dream when he walked past his normal office, which no longer bore his name outside the door, and into the one that used to belong to his boss.  As soon as he crossed the threshold he was hit with another vertigo-inducing wave of memories when the preceding months suddenly altered and shifted to accommodate the new reality, where he’d been promoted after Edward had been fired.  Sitting behind the broad desk, and looking out at the much better view, had the simultaneous thrill of victory and the commonplace sensation of muscle memory, as if it was both the first and hundredth time he’d done so.

Blake was especially thrilled to check his bank account and discover that he’d recouped all that he’d spent, and plenty more on top of it, but he had the lingering suspicion that things still weren’t finished.  He felt untethered as he went through a day that was both completely new and entirely mundane, marveling at the knowledge he had of events he’d never actually experienced.  He picked up on projects as if he really had been working on them the day before, and he made references to conversations and replied to emails like the active participant he’d become.  He kept waiting for the unanticipated outcome, the true cost associated with the “reduced rate” he’d received, but as he neared the end of his day and nothing else seemed out of place, he began to wonder if he’d been lucky.

His excitement grew when the afternoon arrived and it was time to head out.  He was ready to let loose and revel in his conquest, accepting that whatever dice had been rolled must have turned up in his favor.  He wanted a happy hour and a hook up, in that order, and set out for both, finally noticing that the earlier disappointment he’d felt over Edward’s absence had also vanished at some point.

What Blake didn’t notice was where he headed.  He’d hopped in the car and started driving on autopilot, feeling like he had a destination but not knowing what it was until he pulled up in front of the Lanai.  Blake had no idea why he’d just driven to a gay bar for happy hour, but the same impulses that guided his car now guided his body.  He told himself it was fine, that a bar was a bar, and he’d actually heard that the drinks here were good.  He could always find a hookup somewhere else later.  He was just distracted because of his excitement, he rationalized, not because of any unforeseen costs associated with his recent transaction.

Those rationalizations fled as soon as he stepped inside.  Like crossing the threshold to his office, it was all impossibly familiar.  The sights, the sounds, and the smells of the bustling happy hour crowd all activated his sense memories the same way stepping back into his house after a week out of town at a conference did.  That comparison became more apt as he made his way to the bar, the confusing familiarity becoming crushing in its weight.  This wasn’t his first time here at all; the Lanai was practically his second home.

He leaned over the bar on instinct and hugged the man on the other side, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.  “Hey Gary,” he said, surprised that he knew the man’s name.

“Usual?” Gary asked, producing a double scotch before Blake could answer.

“Thanks…I…have you…” the addled blonde said, feeling like there was something else he wanted to ask.  It sat on the tip of his tongue, a half formed idea that felt important, but there wasn’t time to ponder as a pair of thick, powerful arms wrapped around him from behind, followed by a set of soft lips on his neck and what felt like a fat bulge pressing into his rear.  Instead of tensing up Blake instinctively leaned into the embrace, his stomach fluttering and his cock already twitching against the meaty hand that made its way to the front of his pants.

“Going straight to the bar before you come and give me my kiss?  Rough day?”

Blake felt his knees go weak at the sound of Edward’s deep, smooth voice.  An alarm bell started ringing in his brain at the fact that he was letting the older man grope him in public while loving every second of it, but the blaring claxon became a light, tinkling chime when he turned to face his former boss.  The sight of the older man’s handsome face hit him like a punch in the gut, a sensation that was further heightened by Edward’s choice of outfit.  His upper body was clad in a loose, dusty pink muscle shirt that showed off his powerful torso, but his lower half was covered only by a powder blue jockstrap and white sneakers.  Not that Blake had long to look.  As soon as he faced the older man their lips met, his hands immediately dropping to Edward’s plump, bare globes.  Blake had never kissed another man like this before, he’d never even thought about it, and while it had the same confusing sense of familiarity as everything else there was a buzzing excitement underneath.  It was a heartracing thrill that told him no matter how many times he and Edward were together, it always felt like the first time.  Just being near the older man was almost overwhelming, filling Blake with an infatuation that bordered on desperate.

“Edward?  I…what’re you…”

The older man gave a short laugh and raised an eyebrow.  “Edward?  Fuck, bud, you really are out of it.  Someone needs to unwind,” he grinned, slowly untucking Blake’s shirt and undoing the top half of the buttons.

“Did this boy just call you ‘Edward’,” Gary laughed from behind the bar.  “Eddy’s your daddy, sweety, not your dad,” he said, tousling Blake’s hair.

“He works too hard.  That place takes it out of you.  Believe me, I know,” Eddy sighed.  The confused blonde could only stand and blink as the older man pulled him in for another kiss, a fresh thrill shooting through him when one of Eddy’s hands slipped into the back of his pants.  He froze when the older man broke off the kiss and gave him a puzzled look while tugging on his boxer-briefs, a sudden feeling like he’d done something wrong washing over him.  “What’re you wearing?”

“I…just my…underwear…I…hey!”  Blake yelped but made no move to stop Eddy when the burly man undid his pants right there at the bar and pulled them open, revealing the maroon boxer-briefs underneath.

“Where did you even get those?  Did you go shopping without me?  I thought we got rid of all these,” Eddy grumbled, snapping the elastic of Blake’s underwear.

“I…I don’t know.  I was in a hurry this morning and just threw them on.  I didn’t even think about it,” Blake stammered, his heart racing.  He knew he’d messed up, but the older man’s stern expression didn’t fill him with fear as much as excitement.

“Well that’s obvious,” Eddy said as he tousled the blonde’s hair, the perfectly styled crop now a mess from both him and Gary.  “You know better than that.”

There was a part of Blake that couldn’t believe he was standing at a bar in public with his pants hanging open getting talked down to by his former boss, but he was more surprised by how much he enjoyed it.  “I…I do?  I do.  I’m sorry!  I’ll throw them away when we get home,” he said, not catching the “we” until after Eddy had taken him by the hand and started leading him across the bar.

“You’ll get rid of them now,” the older man grinned as he stepped up onto the small stage and pulled Blake up behind him.  The younger blonde went beet red as everyone in the modest crowd turned in their direction, but the thought of fleeing the stage never occurred to him.  He knew all the way to his core that, no matter what was about to happen, he’d let Eddy do whatever he wanted.  He always did.  He was so in love with the older man that saying no to him was a physical impossibility, and while Edward might not be his boss at work anymore, Eddy still called the shots.  “Excuse me, everyone, sorry to bother you, but we have a teaching moment here.  Most of you know Blake, right?” the scantily clad hunk called to the crowd, waiting for the bulk of the faces to nod before continuing.  “Now does this look like something he should be wearing?”  The blonde went a deeper shade of red when his pants were abruptly tugged down, giving everyone a view of his tented boxer briefs.  There was a loud chorus of booing that followed, but instead of covering himself Blake absently stepped out of his shoes in anticipation of what was coming.  “Right?  Someone was a bad boy this morning.  And what do we do with bad boys?”

Blake flushed again when the boxer-briefs went south, his rigid cock springing free for the crowd.  His draping button-down provided little coverage as the thick organ poked out through the gap at the bottom, wagging wildly when he dutifully stepped free of his discarded bottoms.  The parts of his former self started screaming at him to get off the stage when he turned his firm bubble towards the crowd and bent forward, but eventually fell into a shocked silence when the first of several blows cracked against his bare bottom.  It was more for show as the blows weren’t hard enough to actually hurt, having just enough force to make his cheeks bounce and his cock throb.  He was still mortified, but also hornier than ever because of it, both emotions growing stronger when he turned his red face back to the crowd and let Eddy undo the rest of his shirt until he was naked and hard in public.

“Should we just leave him like this,” Eddy asked the crowd to loud applause.  He grinned at the exasperated look Gary was shooting him from behind the bar and stripped out of his muscle shirt, motioning for Blake to raise his arms.  “I think Gary’s telling me it’s a little too early for that, but this should work, right?”

Blake let himself be paraded around the small stage like a piece of meat, the draping muscle shirt coming to a stop at the top of his thighs.  From the front and back it did technically provide coverage, as long as he didn’t raise his arms or sit down, but from the sides the scooped openings left him fully on display.  There was also the matter of his still-rigid cock bouncing against the front, the sight of Eddy’s burly bulk in nothing but the jock adding fresh throbs to the aching organ.

“Alright, bud, it’s time for me to go to work,” the older man said, giving Blake’s cock a quick tug as he planted a quick kiss.  “You go hang out…we’ll continue this conversation when we get home later.”

Blake hopped down off the stage, his head spinning as he wound through the groping crowd back to the bar.  He was trying to wrap his head around how much he loved the attention, and why he loved the fact that he’d just been so forcefully exposed in front of everyone.  It was humiliating, but it was also fun?  He knew he was in good hands, that he’d be brought to a certain line but never over it, and that feeling of being looked after was confusingly freeing.  All day at work, and still in certain circles, he was a wealthy, high-powered executive, but here, and at home, he was just Eddy’s boy.

“Would you pleeeease put these on before you get us all arrested?  It’s not even dark out for fuck’s sake,” Gary sighed, thrusting a pair of tiny, Lanai-branded bikini briefs in Blake’s direction.  “Was he this…enthusiastic…when he was your boss?”  The bartender motioned towards the gyrating stud on stage just as Eddy started twerking his ample bottom.  “I still can’t picture him sitting in a stuffy office all day.  But hey, lucky for you two they only saw his half of that video and didn’t know it was your cute little ass on the other end, right?”  Gary rubbed his thumb and forefingers together as he slid Blake a fresh drink.  “Now you still get that corporate money and we get to watch the big guy go to town here.  I’d call that a win-win.”

“Me…me too…” Blake stammered, suddenly remembering the video from that morning in a whole new light.  He and Eddy had only been fooling around for a few months at that point, but already being away from the older man had been a painful experience.  So when Blake had to go out of town for a conference, of course they moved things to a virtual setting.  The younger blonde’s ass tingled at the memory of how he’d fingered himself, howling until he went hoarse the whole time, as instructed.  He remembered the rest of the conversation too, and how he’d strutted around the locker room earlier that day and hung out in the sauna at the hotel gym, naked and hard.  He’d gotten plenty of dirty looks and even now the memory made him feel cheap and dirty, but it also filled him with an encompassing satisfaction knowing he’d made Eddy happy.

More than anything else, that’s all he ever wanted.  His devotion to the burly brunette was complete.  He may have been the one who still went into the office and brought home the exorbitant salary, but it was Eddy who controlled the money.  Just as it was Eddy’s house they lived in and Eddy’s desires that dictated Blake’s every waking moment.  He was still so surprised that he’d resented the older man at first, and he was eternally grateful that he’d eventually realized the source of that emotion.  He wasn’t angry at Eddy, he was angry at himself for not acknowledging how much of a crush he’d had on the older man from the start, and then he’d simply been frustrated that Eddy didn’t return those feelings.

Until he did.  And since then, Blake had never been happier.  Eddy hadn’t either, his initial embarrassment at the video going out to everyone turning into a forceful liberation that would guide the second act of his life.  The older man had always loved being the center of attention while directing meetings, but it turned out where he really thrived was with his clothes off.  Even when naked and debasing himself on stage he carried an air of commanding authority about him that drove everyone wild.

But it was Blake who truly got to enjoy Eddy’s new uninhibited side, much to the envy of those around him.  Whenever the older man took a break and came over to give his young lover a kiss they were met with fiery, hungry eyes, a fact that the smug remains of the blonde’s previous life still enjoyed.  After a while he forgot about his barely-covered state entirely, losing himself in the joy of watching Eddy dance while chatting and playfully flirting with the friendly crowd.

When happy hour came to a close and the bar started transitioning to its evening activities, Blake didn’t even pause to think about the fact that he was stepping out into the evening air in nothing but his borrowed underwear and a muscle shirt.  Eddy had thrown on a tank-top and a pair of pointlessly small mesh shorts, the latter of which rode up so high that the older man’s bulge was exposed as he sat behind the wheel.  He drove them home, he always did the driving, which left Blake free to occupy himself the way he really wanted.

As soon as they pulled out of the lot his head was in Eddy’s lap, nuzzling and gnawing at the brawny man’s bulge until he fished the fat, rigid cock free.  There were no words, just a contented sigh from the older man and a gentle rubbing of his head as Blake swallowed it, gleefully working the girder with his tongue until they’d disappointingly arrived home.  Eddy let him continue sucking for a few minutes after they’d pulled into the garage, reaching down and slipping a hand into the back of Blake’s briefs to press against his hungry hole.

“Come on, bud…we still need to have a conversation, remember,” Eddy finally said, guiding Blake’s face away.  He didn’t bother to stuff himself back into the shorts but instead stripped bare in the garage while the buff blonde did the same.  As he’d experienced so many times that day, Blake felt a jarring mix of aching excitement and banality as he stepped into Eddy’s, and now his, house for the first time.  The fact that he did so naked with the older man’s hand around his cock certainly contributed to the excitement, and although he’d never set foot in his former boss’s house, he knew exactly where they were headed.  Blake started trembling with excitement at the sight of a familiar leather sofa, immediately hopping up so that he straddled Eddy’s lap when the older man sat.

With nothing but a low moan, Blake lowered himself onto the slick rod, practically coming to tears at the combined sensation.  The slab of muscle that was Eddy’s body pressed against him while the other man lit him up from the inside, but it was his now-lover’s expression that pushed him over the edge.  The older man’s bright eyes always had a way of reducing Blake to a quivering puddle, and that effect was only heightened after the confusion of the preceding day.

“Never can stay mad at you,” Eddy finally sighed, his meaty hands glued to Blake’s rear as he helped guide it up and down.  He leaned in for a kiss while the blonde toyed with his nubby nipples, the younger man’s pulsing cock leaving an oozing trail on his hairy muscle gut as it wedged between them.  “But we need some kind of lesson here, don’t we?”

“Whatever you say,” Blake practically giggled.  The sound was uncharacteristic, at least for his former self, but he’d never felt the kind of happiness surging through him.  There was nowhere he’d rather be than on Eddy’s lap.

“Ohhhhh, is that it,” the older man laughed, giving Blake’s bottom a rough squeeze.  “Someone LIKES the attention they get when they’re bad, do they?”  Blake could only give a sheepish nod, finding it literally impossible to lie to Eddy.  “Well, then, since you’re clearly looking for an excuse to put this cute little body on display, once we’re done here you and I are going to do some shopping,” he said, punctuating every few words with a quick peck on Blake’s lips.  “The sexiest little shorts…the tiniest little tank-tops…maybe some pretty little panties for you to wear around the gym while we’re at it.  Is that what you want, bud?”

The old Blake couldn’t believe he was nodding, let alone about to cum from the way Eddy’s voice dripped with condescension.  He knew that being forced to parade around in undoubtedly humiliating, revealing outfits should be the last thing he wanted, but the very idea had him feeling like a giddy teenager.  And even though he knew it was HIS money they’d be spending, the fact that it felt like a gift from Eddy only made it that much better.

“And nothing at all around the house until further notice, young man.  Even when company comes over.  Hell, ESPECIALLY when company comes over.  Got it?”  Blake nodded, loving the shift back to Eddy’s stern tone.  The only people that would be coming over were friends from the bar, so it was nothing they weren’t already familiar with, but the fact that he didn’t have a choice is what made it fun.  “Good…I’m glad we…had this…tuuunnnggnnn…!”  Eddy grunted and bucked, his thick log erupting against Blake’s insides.  A matching spray blasted against his chest and face a few seconds later when the whimpering blonde followed suit, the sight of the older man’s cum-covered muscle infinitely better for Blake in person than it had been on the video.  “Hoooooo…good job, champ.”

“Thanks,” Blake beamed, leaning in for a final kiss before reluctantly shifting off Eddy’s lap.  He loved the way the older man’s copious load streamed down his toned thighs, again marveling at the fact that there ever existed a time when he wouldn’t have wanted to know what that felt like.  “You must be starving.  You go get cleaned up and I’ll get dinner started,” he said, realizing it was the first time he’d ever offered to cook for someone else.  Or at least it would have been in his old life; now it was just part of his routine.

“You take such good care of me,” Eddy grinned as he was pulled to his feet.

Blake returned the smile, wiping a finger through the trail of cum on the older man’s chest before licking it clean.  He wanted nothing more than to follow Eddy into the spacious shower so he could be the one to scrub every inch of the older man clean, but he could always do that in the morning.  And if he was really impatient, he could always just use his tongue to make sure the older man didn’t miss any spots after dinner.  “Likewise,” he winked before scampering off into the kitchen.


Hugh Michelsen

Very nice. Very satisfying ending to this story.

Hugh Michelsen

Eddy was hot, and hot to Blake, which made the story hot. The history changes were also great, coupled with Eddy and his effect on Blake :)