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“Wha…what?  What are you talking about,” Sam sputtered, his slab of a chest heaving as he looked around from his new 5’8” vantage point.  He’d just crossed over into “short” territory, and his cock now rested just above the six-and-a-quarter mark, but looking at the way his increasingly buff friend towered over him, he’d never been more turned on in his life.  “I’m not doing anything!”

“I think you are,” Wyatt said, trying to keep his tone calm as he looked down at his budding body-builder physique.  He’d just wanted a little extra definition and some lean muscle, but now at 210, a full seventy pounds heavier than when he’d started, he was entering meathead territory.  “I’m not mad, I don’t think you’re doing it on purpose, but I’m not the one behind the wheel here, bro.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense!  Why would I want to be…smaller…” Sam swooned as he watched Wyatt swell and seem to stretch up again, though he knew it was actually himself moving in the opposite direction.  “Fuck!  I’m sorry!  I’m sorry!”

“Dude!”  Wyatt gave an exasperated laugh as he pushed past 220.  His body was starting to feel heavy as it rubbed against itself, but beneath his anxiety was a growing sense of power he’d never felt before.  Unlike Sam his body wasn’t keeping the same proportions, the whole point had been for them to change, and since he wasn’t getting any taller the bulk could only expand outward.  His formerly slender neck was starting to disappear altogether, and even his face was starting to take on a more squared-off shape.  “I think you’re the only one who can stop this.  You had to agree to be the donor, which means you get to call the shots on how much you give up.”

Sam didn’t know what to say.  He felt like a door had been thrown open somewhere inside him, only that door was beneath his feet and he hadn’t walked through so much as helplessly fallen.  He was trying to wrap his head around how turned on the sight of Wyatt made him in the first place, and throwing in the idea that he actually liked being small was more than he could process.  “But…how?!  I don’t even know what I’m doing,” he moaned, his feeling of helplessness only fueling the confusing arousal.  Like Wyatt, he was beginning to realize that he’d be swimming in all of his clothes, and that all of his buddies from the gym would now tower over him, thoughts that only pushed the situation in the wrong direction.  “Oh fuck…” he whimpered, dropping another inch.

“Gnnhh…” Wyatt grunted, his voice starting to take on a deeper register as he swelled.  He wished he could put a stop to things, but as the recipient in the ritual he’d agreed to take whatever was given, so he was along for the ride.  The sight of Sam’s stocky new body turned him on just as much as the sight of his own did for his friend, but all he could do was wonder how much bigger he’d get.  “Oooookay dude…how we feeling?  Ready to call this quits yet?”

Sam answered by dropping another inch, and then another when he realized the upper cabinets in the kitchen were forever out of reach.  Instead of sitting against the bathroom counter it now hit him in his back, and it occurred to him that his feet wouldn’t touch the ground anymore when he sat on the couch.  He was only 5’4”, nearly a full foot shorter than he’d been just a day before.  He’d lost over a hundred pounds, and though he still looked the same with nothing to compare himself against, his cock now stood at five-and-a-half inches and his shirts would fit him like gowns.  At the same time, Wyatt had become a beast.  Considering his unchanged height, at 250 the inflated brunette was actually bigger than Sam had ever been.  “I…I don’t know how to stop this…” Sam whimpered, dropping to 5’3”.

“Alright, enough’s enough,” Wyatt said, lumbering off the scale to wrap his arms around his short, stricken friend.  His massive arms swallowed Sam with ease, his rigid, thickened cock wedging against the center of his friend’s reduced torso.  He hoped that the physical contact would be enough to give the other man some perspective, and while he knew it would likely add several pounds to his hulking new physique, he also couldn’t resist the urge to get his hands on the stocky little stud.

They ignored the tingling that ran through both of them as they hit the ground, their lips locked together.  Sam was a little ball of muscle writhing on the sea of flesh that Wyatt had become, his shrunken hands probing and groping every expanded inch of his friend’s body.  He actually laughed when he saw the way his reduced, five-inch cock was dwarfed by the brunette’s thick, eight-inch log, loving how it felt to be so tiny.  He’d always been big, and he thought he liked it because that’s just what guys were told they should want, but now that he had a taste of the opposite he quickly realized how much he hated it.  People were always looking to him because of his size.  He always had to be the one in control and act like he knew what he was doing or like he wanted the responsibility regardless of how he felt.  His size made him intimidating whether he intended to be or not, and he was always expected to be aggressive and never allowed to be vulnerable.  Now, wrapped in the freedom that Wyatt’s piston arms brought him, he was more than happy to let it all go.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to give away so much,” he stammered between kisses, the tingling finally coming to a stop.  He sat back so that he was straddling his friend’s widened midsection, his shortened cock resting just below the heaping piles of Wyatt’s new pecs.  “I never expected to…I didn’t realize how much I hated it.  I never would’ve…”

“Hey, hey, it’s okay, really,” Wyatt purred in a gentle rumble, his massive hands swallowing Sam’s firm little bubble.  His friend still looked every bit the jacked meathead, only a miniature version.  “I mean, this is a lot to take in, but I think I like it,” he grinned, flexing a mountainous arm.

“It’s a good look for you, bro.  Always knew it would be,” Sam said, mirroring his friend’s pose.  Despite his arm looking the same, he knew he wouldn’t be able to heft nearly the amount of weight with it he used to.  He froze at the thought, bracing himself for another tingle, but none came.  “I, uh, think we’re done,” he said after another round of lustful fantasizing failed to yield any further changes.  Sam wouldn’t have minded being smaller, but, looking around at how big everything seemed, he was content.

Still, while the supernatural exchange of size between them may have finally severed, the newfound attraction they’d discovered for each other was stronger than ever.  “Not yet we’re not,” Wyatt said, letting go of his friend’s rear to swallow Sam’s shrunken cock in a meaty fist.  “Little guy still feels great,” he cooed, loving the way the stocky stud blushed.

“That…that’s fun…” Sam sputtered, rocking his hips into his friend’s hand.

“What?  The handjob or me saying how cute your buff little body looks?”  Wyatt laughed when Sam’s cock started oozing in response.  “Guess that answers that.  Come on tiny, let’s see where we landed,” he said, letting go and purposely shifting Sam off him with ease.  He gave his friend’s bubble a swat when they stood before manhandling the shrunken jock over to the scale.  “You first.”

Sam nearly came from the way Wyatt so easily ordered him around, his stomach fluttering as he stepped up and braced himself.  “Oh…that’s…that’s something…” he stammered when he saw the blinking 125.  It lined up with his new perspective as he guessed he stood no more than five feet if he drew himself up perfectly straight, but considering that he’d started at 6’3” and 275, it should have felt like a huge loss.  Instead he beamed, feeling almost giddy.

“I cannot wait to see what you look like in your old clothes,” Wyatt laughed, tousling Sam’s hair as he shoved him off the scale.  “Well fuck me,” he grunted, having to crane his neck to see the glowing 290 at his feet.  Between his oversized pecs and cresting muscle gut it was hard to see much below his waist, but like Sam, he was perfectly, surprisingly, content.  He’d always been thin and scrawny, and while he’d thought all he wanted was a little extra mass, Wyatt was quickly coming to love the idea of being an imposing wall of muscle for a change.  “You really shared the wealth, didn’t you big guy,” he sighed.  He shivered at the way nearly every inch of his body rubbed together, his cock throbbing when he thought about how his unobscurable bulk would turn heads wherever he went.

“What can I say, I’m a giver,” Sam shrugged.  He let out a quick yelp when Wyatt reached down and scooped him up, tossing him over a cannonball shoulder.

“That’s what I’m hoping,” the now-giant brunette said, his inflated hand kneading the other man’s muscled little bubble as he lumbered towards his bedroom.


“Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Wyatt moaned, his eyes glued to the mirror above the headboard.  The novelty of watching his oversized pecs slam up and down had yet to wear off, but he loved the buff, compact cause even more.  Sam had lost none of his skill just because his cock had shrunk, and the sight of the stocky little bodybuilder hammering into him filled Wyatt with a kind of lust he’d never imagined possible.  At their current sizes it wasn’t always easy for him to stay flat on his back with his tree-trunk legs in the air, but he needed to see his friend as much as he needed to feel him inside.  They regularly switched things up, with Sam spending plenty of time bouncing up and down on the bigger man’s broad lap, but if Wyatt had his preference he’d always be on the receiving end.  “How does that…little…cock feel so…good…” he groaned.

“Tool’s only as good as its user,” Sam grinned, giving Wyatt’s colossal cheeks a squeeze.  The firm mounds were gigantic against his smaller hands, a constant reminder of the size difference between them as they rippled against his palms from the impact.  “Having an ass this big to work with doesn’t hurt.”

Wyatt blushed, a brief rush of embarrassment running through him.  His ass had always been a little on the large side for his thin frame, and that had only been magnified as he’d grown.  His plump melons still loomed big and round against the rest of his hulking new body, refusing to be contained.  No matter what he wore or how big his pants were, the bouncing basketballs always commanded attention.  They were so big that Wyatt found himself accidentally bumping them into things and people when they were out in public, a fact that Sam loved to remind him of.  “It’s basically at eye level for you so…I’m glad you…enjooOOOHHH…enjoy it…”

“Fuck that’d be hot,” Sam sighed, picturing himself another two feet shorter so that his friend’s ass really would be at eye level.

“Except for…the part…where I’d be an…immovable lump,” Wyatt grunted, his fingers biting into the mattress.  He was nearing the edge, and the thought of Sam being even smaller wasn’t helping.

“Still think it’d be hot.  I could climb you like a mountain…make you a meaty fuck bag of muscle that I could just…” he trailed off in a laugh when Wyatt abruptly spasmed, the other man’s fat log spraying like an open hydrant all over the sheets.  “See?  It’s…hottttt…”

Wyatt panted, his eyes closing when he felt Sam’s load hit his insides a few moments later.  As horrifying as he knew the reality of it would be, the thought of a pint-sized Sam humping his way all over his impossibly muscled body was surprisingly effective.  “I think this is a happy medium,” he finally said as he rolled over, sat up, and scooped the shrunken man against him.  Sam’s legs instinctively wrapped around his waist while their lips met, and Wyatt wondered if the rush of power he felt upon so easily standing with the other man in his arms would ever go away.  “I can still lug you around like a backpack.  Any smaller and I’d be afraid you’d break.”

“It’d certainly make trying to do anything with that club of yours a challenge,” Sam agreed as Wyatt deposited him on the bathroom counter.  He kicked his legs, shivering at the cold surface against his rear and the underside of his thighs and balls, loving the sensation.  At 4’11”, and a half if he stood entirely straight, Sam wasn’t as small as his friend let on, but everyone, and everything, was tiny by comparison to the now-mountainous brunette.  They’d had to renovate the bathroom because Wyatt’s new body couldn’t easily fit in their old shower or on the old toilet, so now they had an open “wet room” style with an exposed shower area at the far end and a toilet that had dual seats.  At Sam’s request they’d specifically had the shower handle installed at a level that was convenient for Wyatt but that required the smaller man to stand on his tip-toes, and he loved the way his reduced stature was reinforced every time he used his adapted seat on the comparatively massive toilet.  He even had a small step stool to access the sink and mirror, and while he could have hopped down when Wyatt cranked the shower on, he instead waited for the other man to come and heft him to the ground.

Even after a few months it was all still so exciting for the former hulk.  He loved having to ask people to help him reach items on the upper shelves when he was out at the store.  He loved the way the equipment at the gym, and the people using it, loomed so large.  And he especially loved stripping down in the locker room, always using a locker that required him to stretch, and sauntering into the showers, knowing that while he was proportionally impressive, his tiny frame and shrunken package were dwarfed by even the average guys around him.

He stood and waited for Wyatt to grab the shampoo from the upper shelf, letting the bigger man roughly lather up his hair before he began scrubbing his friend’s hard-to-reach areas.  At his current size Wyatt’s range of motion had been significantly impacted, but Sam was happy to use his nimble fingers to pick up wherever the other man left off.

“What do you feel like getting up to today,” Wyatt asked as they toweled off, looking like a giant wiping himself down with a dishcloth.

“Brandon and Kell wanted to kick it at some point.  Maybe we hit the gym and see what they’re up to after,” Sam offered, his towel looking more like a small bedsheet.

They’d both been nervous about how other people would react to their impossible changes, but much to their surprise the world at large treated them as if they’d had a simple cosmetic procedure done.  There was still judgment from some people, mostly related to Sam.  A lot of the guys couldn’t wrap their heads around the idea that the former bull of a man would ever have wanted to give up his superior size, but they eventually got over it.  For the most part, people treated them the same as if they’d had a nose job or got a drastically different haircut, reacting with surprise at first but quickly moving on save for the occasional friendly ribbing.  The same went for their new relationship status.  They didn’t hang out with assholes to begin with, so most of their friends cheered them on and the people who didn’t found themselves as the odd ones out.  It also helped that they both worked in offices, so other than needing modified chairs it didn’t matter if they were seven feet tall or two feet tall.  Wyatt had been a little self conscious at the way his inflated body spilled out of even custom-tailored business casual gear, but he’d quickly grown to like the attention and the lingering eyes he caught resting on the shelf of a chest that threatened to split the buttons of his shirt, or the meaty, bouncing bubble in his chinos.

At the other end, Sam’s self consciousness came from his casual gear.  Even now, as he handed Wyatt his towel to hang it up to dry, he felt an embarrassed thrill walking back out into the bedroom, standing on his tip-toes to open the top drawer of their dresser, and pulling out a small, literally, pair of briefs.  He’d previously worn XXLs, the same for his pants and shirts, but now those came mostly from the kid’s section.  And that was when he wore them at all.  Normally when they were at home, like now, he simply pulled on one of his old muscle shirts, letting the formerly fitted top drape past his knees like a gown.  He didn’t know who loved it more: himself for how small it made him feel, or Wyatt for the way the scooping neck and open sides showed off his ripped torso.  For his part, the bigger man usually only pulled on a thong when it was just the two of them at home.  With his meaty lower half, oversized rear and girthy package, anything else felt constricting and confining, and Wyatt was growing to like showing off his hyper-bulk whenever he could.  As with Sam, he was just as eager to strut around a gym and a locker room, but for the opposite reason.

“Bro…have I mentioned how happy I am that you found that ritual,” Sam sighed, licking his lips at the sight of Wyatt’s hefty balls threatening to spill out of the stuffed green thong.

Wyatt laughed and tousled his friend’s damp hair before lumbering out of the room with the smaller man in tow.  “Dude, I thought I was going to be the excited one afterward.  Who knew?”

“Caught me off guard, that’s for damn sure,” the short stud said, shaking his head as he hopped up onto a stool in the kitchen.  He couldn’t reach everything as fast as Wyatt, and he knew how ravenous the furnace of muscle was in the morning, so it was easier to just stay out of the way.  And he certainly didn’t mind the view.  He kicked his legs as he watched his friend’s exposed bulk lumber around the kitchen, his old coffee mug still feeling huge in his new hands.  “It’s just…I never knew anything could feel like this.  Almost makes me feel bad that other people don’t have it.”

“What is it you’re not telling me,” Wyatt asked when he finally registered the odd tone in Sam’s voice.  He turned and folded his mammoth arms across his chest, raising an eyebrow.

Sam looked away with a guilty grin.  “Maybe nothing?  Or maybe Brandon and Kell want to hang out because I sort of sent them the info for the ritual and they maybe tried it last night?”

Wyatt chewed on that for a moment before responding.  Brandon was a sculpted, dark-skinned giant who looked carved from ebony, and Kell was a hairy, beefy meatball of a powerlifter.  Or at least they had been.  “Do we maybe know how it went?”

Sam shrugged and shook his head.  “Not a clue.  I don’t even know if they did it for sure, but if they did…”

Wyatt grinned and turned back to the stove.  “Ten bucks says Kell is smaller than you.”

“Oooof.  That’d make Brandon…” the tiny hunk let the sentence hang, picturing his friend as an even more imposing giant of a man.

“Yep,” Wyatt nodded, his broad back still turned and his cock twitching.  “You know what?  Let’s maybe skip the gym and go straight there.”