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“Looks like another successful launch,” Tom called as he stepped out of the elevator.  It was one of the private ones, connecting only the three top floors that he, Will and Dave shared, which made his naked state less of a concern.  Not that it ever really registered as such.  In the eight years since his once-brawny body had become a constantly shifting reflection of what others desired, the former jock’s concept of modesty had changed on a fundamental level.  He still knew that, at one point,he’d existed as the type of person that would have been mortified at the thought of strolling naked through a corporate highrise, even just between his friends’ apartments.  But after so many years the memories of that life, and of that person, were but a faint echo amongst the din of lust that had consumed his future.  He didn’t regret it.  Tom didn’t look back on his days as a straight, strapping stud with any more fondness than he held for the present moment, but he couldn’t fully step out from the shadow of that past, either.

It was the same for each of them.  They’d all adapted and grown to enjoy the individual facets of their unique predicaments, or at least Will and Dave had.  Tom had lost touch with Tyler just like the rest of the group, and while he’d never been overly close to the once-chiseled hunk, he hoped the now-twinkish blonde had found a measure of peace like themselves.  The ever-present bliss and constant pleasure that had filled their days on the yacht didn’t fully translate once they were back in society, but with time, exposure and experience they’d learned how to bite down on the occasional relapses of embarrassment.

The money certainly helped.  Spore had exceeded their wildest expectations.  When they’d started out on their journey all those years ago he thought Ethan had been full of shit, but if anything the handsome hunk undersold the potential at their fingertips.  Almost overnight they’d gone from broke grad students to having more wealth than they’d be able to spend in a dozen lifetimes.  Even taking into account the expensive accommodations their circumstances imposed barely made a dent, especially considering how sales were only going up and up with each new product launch.  If they had to rent entire restaurants and clubs when they wanted a night out on the town, so be it.  Tom and Will had always shared a “the more the merrier” mindset when it came to partying, and they were happy to let their growing entourage join in the luxurious privilege.

It didn’t take long for word of the group’s unique attributes to spread once they’d returned, and while Dave wasn’t as quick to embrace their celebrity status, Will and Tom were, and HB&L seemed to encourage it.  For such a sprawling organization the higher ups had been nothing but accommodating to both their needs and their wants, recognizing the sacrifice the group had made in the creation of their best selling new product.  They even went out of their way to make sure that everyone was still included in research and development if they wanted to be, which wasn’t an easy feat when you had to make the kind of adjustments they required.  When Tom went on surveying expeditions the crew not only had to be qualified but understanding and open to the potential experiences that lay in store.  The same went for Will and Dave in the labs, and while it would have made recruitment a challenge for anyone else, HB&L had no apparent difficulty in finding staff who were not only experts in their respective fields but also willing to go with the flow, regardless of what direction that took them.

Tom loved it.  His interests in geology and fieldwork hadn’t lessened simply because of the changes he’d undergone, and now he had the added benefit of discovering what new shapes and sensations awaited him with each crew.  He’d spent weeks camping in jungles and deserts surrounded by the kind of beefy, rugged men he’d started out as, putting his new body to use just as much as his brain.  It never took long for his coworkers to let their guards down, and inevitably by the end of the first day Tom would be getting stuffed from all angles.  He’d started to notice a pattern over the years and had long since ceased to be surprised when he found himself inflating to his old proportions, save for the eager pussy between his meaty thighs.  It seemed that there were a lot of men out there who were into the idea of a meathead bro like themselves, but one they could fuck senseless without it being too gay.

It was all the same to Tom, so he certainly wasn’t going to complain.  He was just as happy having his muscled jock pussy stuffed in a tent in the desert as he was in the shape of a curvy twink twerking a set of clappable cheeks in a rented nightclub.  He’d learned to control how and when the changes overtook them, and while he still couldn’t dictate the shapes himself, he could at least exercise some measure of agency in regards to the timing.  He couldn’t hold back forever, but he’d reached the point where he could maintain a specific body for nearly a week before things had to shift.  He was working with a coach provided by HB&L to try and extend that control through meditation, further cementing his fondness for his employers.

Tom had heard some disturbing rumors about the massive corporation, but after all of his own positive experiences he refused to believe them.  Dave and Will weren’t as enthusiastic all the time, and that distrust had been the reason Tyler left altogether, which left Tom in the position of picking up the slack.  He knew the importance of believing in your team and having faith in your coach, and he was happy to be the mascot if none of the others were willing to step into that role.  Having the luxury of stepping naked out of an elevator and into a plush penthouse with the best view in the city wasn’t a bad way to start.

“Success depends on who you ask,” Will said, lumbering out of a nearby room.  The one-time ebony Adonis was thick and round, his rotund midsection jutting out like it had been inflated by a pump and forcing the beefy logs that were his arms to hang at an angle.  His previously chiseled pecs were a plump pair of melons resting on top, while the colossal, jiggling cheeks attached to his meaty thighs acted as a counterbalance.  He wasn’t naked like Tom but wore a bright jockstrap, the stuffed crimson pouch of which was only barely visible wedged between the excessive flesh at his waist.  Will had a dubious expression on his equally round face as he thrust a stack of papers in his friend’s direction.  “Hasn’t even been a week yet and the incidence of adverse effects are through the roof.  Calls about transient muscle growth are pouring in.”

Tom looked at the papers and shrugged, unlocking the internal gate that kept him in his current shape.  Based on Will’s size he knew his friend hadn’t gotten off in a while, and because of his own gift he could feel the aching need radiating off the other man’s wide frame.  Tom had spent the day with his assistant, a fit young strawberry blonde who liked him short and lean with a thick bottom, but now he felt himself expanding.  His perspective shifted as he added back the height he’d lost and his whipcord body sprouted with chiseled muscle, his current button of a cock thickening and lengthening to a hefty club.  In the span of a few seconds he’d gone from a cute little shaggy-haired sprite to a hung, lantern-jawed jock with a buzzed scalp and intimidating features, not the beefy bear he once was but a sculpted work of art.  It told him everything he needed to know about what kind of mood his friend was in.  “I thought you lab guys ran all the numbers,” he said, his voice now a deep, booming rumble.

“We did,” Will spat, his round frame shuddering as it packed on a few extra pounds at the sight of Tom’s new look.  “And I told Dave, Ethan and everyone else that this was going to be a problem, yet here we are.”

Tom’s vision blurred while he looked at the data, his brain attempting to slip into its new role the way his body had.  Will was in the mood for a dumb jock to work him over, and while Tom was happy to comply he needed his faculties for at least a few more minutes.  “Okay, I’m starting to lose focus here, but it looks like these are still within the acceptable thresholds, right?  I mean, it sucks for the people who get bit, but that doesn’t mean we just chuck months of R&D.”

Will shook his head.  “The issue is that the thresholds keep moving.  G+ never would’ve been greenlit with numbers like this before.  We’re not just talking about a rash or a minor inconvenience…TMG means peoples’ bodies balloon with muscle in random spots that constantly change.  And there’s no way to fix it yet.”

“Is that all,” Tom laughed, reaching up to knead one of the sculpted mounds that had become his pecs.  “Gee, wonder what that’s like.”

“What happened to us, and knowingly inflicting it on others, are two very different things.  Do I really need to explain that,” Will asked, snatching the papers and tossing them over a shoulder in frustration.

“I think you might, bud,” Tom said, shaking his head and blinking as his deep voice took on a dull register.  He’d held out for as long as he could, but Will’s angst-fueled desire was proving too strong.  “I don’t know why you’re stressin’, bro.  Transnickel Muscle Whatever-The-Fuck sounds hot,” he grinned, giving his rigid log a few absent strokes with his free hand.

Will sighed and rubbed his round face, the jockstrap threatening to give as his body pushed outward again.  Like Tom he’d long since accepted the fact that his days as a shredded stud had been forever swapped out for a lustful future of varying rotundity, but unlike his friend he was starting to question whether they were living a life of luxury or trapped in a gilded cage.  While he’d enjoyed the bizarre mixture of scientific research and debauchery his life had become, he couldn’t shake the fear that things were heading in the wrong direction.  Will could accept his circumstances, and even enjoy them, as long as they were a sacrifice for the greater good.  He’d always seen Spore as a way to rid the world of pain and disease, and he’d tolerated the research into boutique supplements and cosmetic applications because they were necessary diversions to fund the greater purpose.  But as profits grew those diversions became priorities, and things that were once unthinkable were becoming increasingly seen as acceptable levels of collateral damage.  A few hundred or thousand people whose lives had become as unique and twisted as their own were just the cost of doing business.

It was a cost that Will wasn’t sure he could afford.  He could push back against the largely-absent humiliation that came from having his husky frame constantly on display, and he could deal with the notion that, despite what they said or eagerly did to him, most people viewed him as a freak behind his back.  None of that mattered.  As much as he sometimes wished otherwise his current circumstances left him feeling mostly fantastic, at least on a physical level.  What he couldn’t deal with was the thought that they were contributing to people being harmed, and that no one in a position to do something about it actually gave a shit.

He sighed again and reached out to run a pudgy hand down Tom’s granite frame, barely able to recall what it felt like to have such a build himself.  “How the fuck did we even end up here, man,” he said, shaking his head as he looked around the plush, well-appointed penthouse.  The sleek, modern furniture alone cost more than most apartments in the city, but HB&L had provided all the amenities they could ever need without the slightest hesitation.

“Oh, uh, I mean I just came up the elevator back there,” Tom said, pointing over a broad shoulder with a confused look on his face.

“Not what I meant, but that’s okay.”  Will gave a short laugh and roughly rubbed his friend’s buzzed scalp, eliciting a wide, dim grin in response.  “Why are you so hot like this?”

“Cuz you want me to be,” Tom said matter of factly, breaking into a double bicep pose as he spoke.  “Dumb and hard…I got you, bro,” he beamed, wagging his girthy club before stepping forward and planting a long, rough kiss.  He ground the rigid organ into Will’s gut and reached around to clutch handfuls of his friend’s ample rear.  “So, uh, you wanna keep talkin’ at me some more?  Or can I fuck the fat outta this ass?”

“I hope so.  I haven’t been this big in a minute,” Will grunted above the loud snap of the jock finally giving up.  Despite their similar height and the other man’s plentiful muscle, Tom could have fit comfortably inside Will’s ballooning frame.  “Feel like I’m gonna pop.”

“Trust me bud, you will,” Tom purred, leaning in for another kiss.  The mismatched pair stumbled across the broad room in each others arms until they reached the wall of windows, knowing they were too high to actually be seen by anyone but loving the sensation of fucking in midair.  Tom worked his tongue slowly down Will’s torso, sucking on each of the husky hunk’s nubby nipples until his friend was writhing and whimpering.  He kept sucking for another few minutes, causing his friend to pack on yet more size, before dropping to his knees and parting the encompassing flesh to get his lips around Will’s obscured log.  “Fuck, big guy…you really got this buried,” Tom laughed, running his tongue around the edge of Will’s oozing head.  There wasn’t enough room for him to deep throat the other man the way he wanted to, but that wasn’t the end goal anyway.

After a few more licks he spun Will around and spread his friend’s supple cheeks, eagerly burying his face between the pillowy mounds.  He loved the low, whimpering moans as much as the musky taste, and since Will also loved what was happening it meant that Tom would have been content to spend hours with his face thrust between the chunky cheeks.  Each pass of his tongue sent a fresh shudder through the bigger man until Tom instinctively knew it was time to move on, and with Will’s heaping frame primed he hopped back up to his feet and thrust into the eager hole with a quick pop of his trim hips.

“FuuuuUUUuuucccCCCkkk…” Will howled, his oversized bulk smashed against the glass.  As much as he still felt like his pride should tell him otherwise, he relished the idea of the entire city below seeing his fattened frame being taken by Tom’s chiseled perfection.  He didn’t know what that said about his current state of mind, but it wasn’t his brain that he was interested in at the moment.  “Goddamn that feels good…”

“Hell yeah it does,” Tom grunted, his fingers biting into Will’s soft middle.  “Like fuckin’ a waterbed, bro.  All soft and warm and wigglin’...fuck…gotta get you fat like this all’a time,” he laughed, rolling his hips like a machine.

“Ma…make it worth my…time and we’ll…we’ll talk…” Will gasped.  Far from being embarrassed at the comparison to a piece of furniture, he felt a thrill run through him at the thought that his ample bulk was such a turn on.  Even though it had that effect on just about everyone the novelty had yet to wear off.  No matter what else happened, at the end of the day there was still a part of Will that loved the fact that he could walk into a room and have the hottest, straightest, most ripped man there hard and ready for a piece of his girth; the more of it there was, the stronger the effect.  “Make it sha…shake…” he pleaded, pressing his forehead against the glass as he braced himself.

“Done deal, dude,” Tom barked, picking up the pace of his thrusting.  He hammered into Will’s expansive body until the entire thing was rippling and shaking from the force of the impact, the sound of slapping skin-on-skin eventually drowned out by his friend’s ecstatic wailing.  He kept the pressure on until Will finally popped, a shotgun blast of cum splashing onto the glass with enough force that it sprayed out in every direction.  As his friend began to gradually shrink, Tom slowed the pace of his rolling hips until his aching organ was slipping in and out of a heavyset hunk as opposed to a soft, heaping mountain of a man.  “Fuuuuuuck it’s so wild watching you do that,” he laughed, his hands now clutching the modest belly that had replaced Will’s cresting gut.

“Oh…oh man…that one was intense,” Will panted, a shiver running through him at the way Tom’s perfect physique now towered over his doughy, average frame.  He was still worried about the troubling results of the rollout, but the exertion had at least taken a bit of the edge off.  “How you doing back there, big guy?”

Now that it was fully exposed, Tom reached down and began hefting Will’s spent, leaking organ.  He tugged on the lengthy hose and kneaded the heavy balls, all while jamming in deep from behind.  He wasn’t anywhere near the edge yet, just as he knew Will wasn’t really ready to call it quits.  “Ready to fuck the fat back into that ass,” he grunted.

Will just grinned, already feeling the pressure starting to build once more.  It wasn’t uncommon for them to go through several rounds of inflation and deflation, and after the day he’d had he was more than ready to keep going.  But he knew that sooner or later they’d have to address the direction things were headed.  He only hoped there was someone who would listen.


Voting Options 


Option 1:  Concerned about the increase in adverse effects, Will does a deep dive into customer service complaints, pulling the files and learning more about the unintended impacts previous Spore products have had.

Option 2: While attempting to smuggle out prototypes to sell to corporate competitors, a Spore employee finds himself unwittingly exposed to an experimental ED treatment, causing his cock to grow to mammoth proportions.

Option 3: Moving on to the next big project, Spore starts experimenting with a moisturizing cream causing volunteer’s skin to become hypersensitive and their clothing to dissolve after prolonged contact.

Option 4: After convincing Dave that he’s just burnt out and needs a break, Ethan takes him on a weekend getaway to an HB&L retreat staffed by eager men with impossible proportions.



I feel fairly confident saying that probably everyone here would be willing to take these supplements, side effects be damned.


Good stuff! Also, always feels like I'm voting for the losing option (when I'm able to get to the poll in time). :p


I try to work the themes that don't win into other stories down the road if people seem into them, so a vote is never wasted!