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“I’d love to be surprised by this.  You know that, right?”  Sam gave an exasperated laugh as he eyed the tall blonde’s naked, chiseled frame.  He was already well acquainted with the other man’s ample, precision-sculpted muscle and the pendulous cock that hung between his friend’s solid thighs, and he’d never complain about an opportunity to see, or better yet experience, it in action.  With his dimpled chin, pouty lips, and razor cheekbones, Cooper was six feet and three inches of tanned perfection, and no one was more aware of that than the bare Adonis himself.

The tall hunk smirked at his lean, dark-skinned friend, slowly raising his granite arms and folding them behind his head.  He flexed his tapering washboard at the same time, giving his hips a light shake to wag his thick hose.  “I didn’t say you had to watch, I said you ‘could’ if you wanted to.”

Sam stepped forward and ran a hand down Cooper’s torso, his fingers closing around the other man’s twitching package.  “Is watching all I can do?”

Cooper laughed and gently swatted the hand away, shrugging.  “For right now, yeah.  She was very clear that I had to do this part without any help.  But think about how much fun we can have if it works.”

“If what works?  Please don’t tell me you actually believe…” Sam trailed off and shook his head, his exasperated expression returning.  “Why are we friends again?”

“Because I’m irresistible,” Cooper winked, slipping a large hand down the front of the other man’s shorts.  He gave Sam’s cock a few gentle tugs until the stout organ went rigid, leaving the tip sticking out from the waist of the other man’s shorts when he pulled his hand free.

“No, you’re hot.  Those aren’t the same thing,” Sam sighed, looking down at his exposed head.  He and Cooper hooked up on a regular basis, and while the thinner man was always eager for a crack at his friend’s stunning body, the smug stud’s personality left much to be desired.  It wasn’t that Cooper was cruel or mean; he could actually be quite sweet and charming when he stopped thinking solely about himself.  But those instances were few and far between, leaving the bulk of the handsome hunk’s focus squarely on his own majesty.  “And apparently not too bright, either.  Magic, dude?  What the fuck are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking the world could use a little more of this,” Cooper said, gesturing at his naked frame.  “What’s the harm in trying?”

“It’s not the trying I’m worried about.  It’s the audacity.  Coming home from the gym to find you jerking off to yourself is, unfortunately, nothing new.  But trying to conjure up a copy of yourself?  Because you think you’re just that beautiful?  Boy, are you new?  Have you literally never read a single book or watched a movie?  What part of this sounds like it ends well?”  Sam stuffed his softening cock back into his shorts and motioned around their tiny apartment.  “And even if by some miracle this actually works out, where’s this person going to go?  Are they going to get a job and pay rent?  Does it look like we’ve got a lot of extra room around here?  How are they…wait…why am I even indulging this?  You know what?  Fine.  Do it.  If you think this shit is real and want to mess with powers like that just so you can have a copy of yourself to jerk off with, who am I to stop you?”

“Sam, c’mon…don’t be pissy,” Cooper said, stepping over and bending down to give the shorter man a kiss on the top of his head.  He slid a hand up under his friend’s tank-top to gently stroke Sam’s back while he spoke.  “It’ll be fun!  It’s not like it’s complicated.  She said all I have to do is mix the stuff she gave me together, wait for a new moon, and then burn it while I’m jerking off to myself.  I’m supposed to put an egg in the little bowl she gave me and cum on it, and then if it works it’ll hatch another one of me.  That sounds fucking awesome,” Cooper cheered.

Sam looked at the tiny brass bowl from a distance.  Cooper had already set the scene with a full-length mirror he’d taken from the back of his closet door and another small mixing bowl to burn the herb mixture, which his friend had been about to do when he’d walked in from the gym.  Sam didn’t believe that a street-corner psychic really held the secret to unlock magical forces, but Aradia’s Parlor had been a neighborhood institution for as long as he’d been alive and he wasn’t about to try his luck.  The angled inscriptions that lined the interior of the metal bowl made his skin crawl, but if he acknowledged that he’d also be acknowledging the possibility that there actually was something to Cooper’s ridiculous plan, and his rational brain wouldn’t allow that.  “So there’s just going to be, like, what?  A doll-sized version of you running around?”

Cooper shook his head, his tone making it sound like it should have been obvious.  “Only at first.  She said it’ll take him overnight to hatch, and then he should grow up quick the next day.”

Sam shivered as he thought about it.  “Literally everything about this sounds super creepy.”

“We’ll see if you’re still saying that when you’re in the middle of a Coop sandwich tomorrow,” the blonde winked.  “Now if you want to watch you gotta stay quiet so I can focus.”

Sam watched his friend light a few charcoal pucks from what he hoped was a safe distance on the far side of the room.  He didn’t want any part of what was about to happen, but his curiosity wouldn’t let him just walk away.  It also didn’t hurt that Cooper really was a sight to behold.  Sam was rock hard and tented in his shorts by the time the blonde stud finished setting the scene and began tugging away at himself.  One of his friend’s hands drifted up to tweak a tiny nipple while the other slowly stroked the lengthy pole, his muscled cheeks dimpling as he thrust into the closed fist.  Sam had the best of both worlds from his vantage point, able to watch the front of Cooper’s chiseled frame and handsome face reflected in the mirror, while simultaneously ogling the other man’s broad, tapering back and perky rear.  There was a small part of himself that actually did hope it was all real, a part that was eager for the chance to have a pair of Coopers filling him at both ends, but even if it was all fantasy he at least got a show out of it.

For his part, Cooper was entirely committed.  He locked eyes with his reflection, pursing his lips in a smug sneer as he flexed and writhed, thinking the whole time about making his dreams come true.  He kept the image of himself locked in a passionate embrace with himself front and center in his mind, letting a bit of smug satisfaction creep in at the way Sam eagerly watched the proceedings.  Unlike his friend there were no doubts about whether or not it was real, only a lustful hunger of dizzying proportions.  His body buzzed and his head swam from the noxious, smoldering herbs, and it wasn’t long before he had to frantically grab the bowl as he blasted all over the egg with a lingering whimper.

He held up the bowl as Sam hesitantly walked over, surprising even himself by the amount of fluid it contained.  “See?” he panted, blinking the dazed expression from his face and replacing it with a proud grin. “Nothing to it.”


Cooper’s dreams were claustrophobic.  He was cramped and smothered in darkness, straining against an unseen force that was determined to keep him in place.  He writhed for what felt like hours, his prison growing smaller and smaller until he feared it would either suffocate or crush him altogether.  He didn’t know where he could possibly be or how he’d managed to get there, or even if he was dreaming at all.  After his ritual he and Sam had spent the rest of the evening going at it until they’d worn each other out, and while he remembered drifting off in his own bed, the vividness of his terror made him question whether he was still sleeping.

Curled up in a fetal position, knees pressing the breath from his chest, Cooper wanted to scream as the walls bore down on him.  He could feel the darkness coming to claim him once more, but then, without warning, the walls started to give.  He flexed his broad shoulders and pressed out with his back, his heart racing when he felt a small crack turn into a larger one.  He kicked with his legs and began thrashing as much as his muscled arms could manage, gulping down a blissful breath as he pushed his way to freedom.

“Guh!”  Cooper bolted upright in bed, gasping down a hoarse, frenzied breath.  His sweat-soaked chest heaved as his eyes darted around the familiar bedroom with Sam slowly stirring next to him.

“Wha’s wrong…” the groggy man mumbled, shaking the sleep from his head and sitting up when he saw the blonde’s panicked state.  He rubbed Cooper’s back in silence, giving his friend time to process whatever had jarred him awake.

“Sorry…bad dream.  It was crazy realistic…I felt like I was trapped and suffocating somewhere.  It was dark and I couldn’t get out, but then it…it…” he trailed off, his wide jaw dropping when he looked over at the bowl on his dresser.  “No way.  No way!”  He sprung out of bed and shot Sam a triumphant grin before turning his attention back to the tiny version of himself curled up amongst the scraps of egg shell.  The copious remains of his release were nowhere in sight, not even as a dried, sticky coating on the brass, seeming to have been absorbed into the egg while they’d slept.  “It worked!  It actually worked,” Cooper laughed, his eyes wide as he looked over the tiny doppelganger.  As impossible as it should have been, he actually was looking down at a miniature version of himself no more than a few inches tall.  From what he could see the fun-sized stud bore his exact likeness, down to the most minute detail.

“That…that can’t be what I think it is…” Sam stammered, his dark complexion going pale as he looked at the slumbering figure.  “How is that…am I dreaming now?”

“I told you it was…” Cooper caught himself and lowered his voice, not wanting to wake the little man.  “I told you it was real.  Who’s an idiot now?”  He reached over and gave Sam’s bare bubble a squeeze as the miniature version of himself shifted and rolled over in his sleep.

“He’s you alright,” Sam laughed, pointing out the tiny blonde’s rigid little cock, a trait he shared with his larger counterpart.

“I still can’t…I mean…this is amazing,” Cooper cheered before turning and planting an enthusiastic kiss on his surprised friend’s mouth.

Sam returned the eager gesture before pulling away.  “Yeah, until it gets bigger and decides to murder us.”

“Don’t start with that,” Cooper chided, trotting over and silencing his phone when the alarm started buzzing.  “Besides…you two can have some bonding time while I’m at work this morning.”

“Oh hell no,” Sam barked, backing away from the dresser.  “There’s no way you’re leaving me here alone with that thing.”

“He has a name,” Cooper said, wrapping his arms around his friend’s waist from behind.  He kissed Sam’s neck, his hands drifting to the base of the other man’s cock.  “And I have to go into the office for at least a few hours this morning.  But don’t worry…she said he’ll take a while to grow, and he’ll probably just sleep the whole time.”  Cooper let go of Sam and gently scooped up the slumbering, doll-sized version of himself, depositing the slumbering little stud onto his pillow.  “All you have to do is keep an eye on him, alright?  And if anything weird happens just call me and I’ll come running.”

“IF anything weird happens?  What about this isn’t weird?”

Cooper ignored Sam’s protestations as he hopped in the shower and hurried through his morning routine.  The sooner he could get to the office, the sooner he could leave and spend some quality time with himself.  As it was, it took all of Cooper’s concentration to get through the most basic of tasks.  He had monthly financial reports to run and a mile long to-do list, but all he could think about was what it would be like to go back home in a few hours and literally meet himself.  He was also relentlessly horny, a fact that kept him glued to his desk as his thick cock was stubbornly rigid for most of the morning.

Had he been able to get up and move around more, Cooper likely would have noticed the changes sooner.  He’d been restless and squirming all morning, unable to find a comfortable spot in his chair while also constantly knocking into things on his desk.  Everything that should have been within reach of his muscle memory movements seemed just out of place, but it wasn’t until he finally registered the shirt sleeve overtaking his hand that he stopped to think about it.  Instead of stopping at his wrist the way it should, his sleeve now crept well up the back of his hand.  At the same time, the mouse in said hand felt larger than it should, and Cooper’s stomach dropped when he began to think back on all the typos he’d been making and the possible reasons why.

“What…what the fuck…” he stammered, swallowing hard when he sat back in his chair and felt the way his feet were swimming in his shoes.  They felt at least a size too large, the same as his pants that no longer clung to his muscled thighs but hung loose at his tapering waist and began to bunch at his ankles.  Looking at his reflection in his office window, everything Cooper wore suddenly seemed too large, as did the furniture around him.

He knew what it meant right away.  Normally he would have brushed off the idea of himself shrinking as entirely impossible, but given the events of the last twenty four hours he no longer took such things for granted.  He bolted from his office, ignoring the confused looks from his coworkers, and the way some of them now stood taller than him, as he dashed for his car.  He hopped inside, his pants sagging to an alarming degree and his heart racing at the way he had to scoot the seat forward, and peeled out of the lot, praying that he’d make it home before it was too late.

Cooper’s prayers went unanswered.  He managed to make it most of the way home, but as he pulled off the highway he had to ditch his car in a nearby parking lot when his legs officially became too short to reach the pedals.  Having only half a mile to go he decided to hoof it on foot, instantly regretting the decision when he stumbled out of the car and felt his pants and underwear land at his ankles.  Fortunately his now-draping button down fit like a gown, so he was at least covered as his feet slipped out of the comically large shoes and he started stumbling towards his apartment.  Cooper  had no way of knowing for sure, but based on his perspective and how his clothes fit he’d guessed himself to have lost at least two feet in height.  The rest of his proportions appeared unchanged, but that was little comfort as the world continued to stretch upwards around him.  In his panic he’d thought to grab his keys and wallet, but not his phone, which meant that by the time he realized how ridiculous he must look he couldn’t call for help.  Fortunately a short little hunk running down the street was far from the weirdest thing people saw in a big city, so other than a few puzzled looks no one got in his way.

Cooper wanted to scream when his shortened legs finally brought him to his landing and he saw how the doorknob hit him in the top of the chest instead of his waist.  His little hands shook as he fumbled with the keys, the oversized sleeves hindering his attempted entry.  “Sam!  Holy shit, man!  Something’s happening,” he cried, his face going beet red when he heard his squeaky new voice.

“What?  What’s…FUCK!  Cooper?!  Is that…what the hell, man?!”  Sam nearly fell when he staggered back from the shrunken blonde, his eyes wide.

“I don’t know!  I don’t know!  I was at work and then things started feeling weird and I…I fucking shrunk!  Look at me!”  He spread his arms wide before frantically peeling out of the dress-like shirt, swaying on his feet as he looked up at the man who now towered over him.

Sam couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  Instead of standing a couple inches taller, Cooper’s head now came to his waist, and while his friend still seemed to have the same athletic proportions, the rigid cock poking out from his abdomen was only a few inches at most instead of the thick rod he was used to seeing.  “Okay…okay…I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I think I know what’s happening.  The other…you…has been growing at a steady pace all morning.  He’s actually about the same size as you right now.  That can’t be a coincidence.”

“Wait…so you think while it’s getting bigger, I’m getting…”

“...smaller…?”  A familiar, helium tinged voice suddenly came from the room behind them.  “Wait…did I just say that?  How did I get…”

“...in here…” The Cooper in front of Sam slumped to the floor as he finished the sentence, seeming to lose control of his body.

Sam heard a dull thud from the blonde’s bedroom, but he was more concerned with the way his friend was writhing and struggling on the ground.  “What’s happening?  Are you okay?  What do you need me to do?”

The Cooper on the ground in front of him struggled to speak.  “I don’t…know…my head…”

“...hurts.  Feels like I’m being torn in half.  What the…”

“...fuck is happening to me…oh god…”

Sam went pale as he listened to his friend’s voice in stereo.  Cooper kept cutting out, the words coming from the man in front of him one moment before switching to the one in the bedroom the next.  “Just don’t move, okay?  I’m gonna go get…you…from the other room before he…you…hurts himself.  Or yourself.  Fuck this is confusing,” Sam stammered, finding a similar scene playing out on Cooper’s bedroom floor.  An identical version of his friend was squirming on the ground, a panicked look on his face.  “Uh…hey man…I know we just met, but please don’t murder me, okay?  I’m just gonna carry you to you in the other room, alright?”

“It’s…just…me, dude,” the Cooper in front of him grunted.  The little man gasped when Sam scooped him up, his shrunken hands clutching the front of his friend’s shirt.

“What?  Did that hurt?  What’s happening,” Sam asked, trying to be as gentle as he could as he cradled the naked stud.

“I can feel it.  Like you’re…”

“...actually holding me.  What the hell?  I can feel your hand on my ass,” The Cooper in the living room finished.  He’d managed to sit up and scoot back against the wall, no longer flailing helplessly but gawking up at his friend as Sam brought his new counterpart into the room.

“Wait…you can feel this?”  Sam pinched one of Cooper’s cheeks, unable to hold back a grin when the man on the ground nodded.  “What about this?” He couldn’t help himself.  Sam gave Cooper’s diminished cock a little tug, his own organ throbbing at the way his friend’s new endowment fit between a few fingers.

“Fuuuuuck,” the seated Cooper groaned, his back arching.  “Wait…wait…your hand feels fucking huge, man.  Does that…shit!  Shit!  I didn’t even think…it looks the same to me but…but it’s…”

“Real cute,” Sam said, giving another gentle tug.  The Cooper in his arms whimpered, his jaw dropping when he looked down at himself.

“Fuck!  It’s so small!  What…what…wait…how am I up…”

“...here?” The spell broke before Cooper could finish the sentence, his awareness once again back on the ground.  For an instant he’d been up in Sam’s arms, staring down at his shrunken package.  “This is too much,” he groaned.

“What if I put you down next to yourself?  Maybe it’ll help?”  Sam gingerly lowered Cooper to the ground, feeling dizzy himself as he stared at the identical studs.  His friend had essentially been cut in half, going from one, six-foot man to a pair of three-foot hunks.  He didn’t know why Cooper’s awareness seemed to be hopping back and forth, but it looked to be a moot point for the moment as the pair pulled towards each other like magnets.  Sam could only stand in place and watch as fumbling hands found their way to identical faces, then chests, then abs, legs and cocks.  A dazed expression washed over both faces, and it wasn’t long before impossibly similar lips met as the pair fell into each other’s sculpted arms.

Sam lost track of the original within seconds.  Like a magician’s hustle where the audience had to try and follow which cup a ball had been placed under, as soon as the identical pair began writhing and rolling together, Sam quickly lost the ability to tell them apart.  Now, he didn’t know if it was his longtime friend leaning up against the wall, or if the original Cooper was the one straddling the recently-hatched man’s lap while he impaled himself on his own cock for the first time.  More alarming, Sam didn’t know if it even mattered anymore.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” the pint-sized duo squeaked in unison before the penetrated Cooper let his head fall back on his shoulders, a dazed look in his eyes.  “This is…incredible…holy shit…” he grunted, kneading his counterpart’s pecs.  He could feel it all simultaneously, the firm muscle beneath his hands as well as the sensation of his chiseled mounds being groped and squeezed.  It was the same with the thick rod splitting him open.  He could feel his untouched cock grinding against his abs, from both perspectives, but at the same he could also feel his phantom bubble closing around it while his hole stretched wide.  For the Cooper leaning against the wall the experience was the same.  The seated stud groaned and squirmed, feeling the ghostly organ jamming in deep with each of his own virile thrusts.

It was an overwhelming amount of sensation, as contradictory as it was ecstatic, but as the Coopers writhed together their coordination began to improve.  Sensory input began to separate, and while each could still feel what the other was experiencing, those secondary bursts of pleasure took a backseat to the primary sources, enhancing instead of overloading each of the tiny hunks.

“This is…so…so wild…” The Cooper leaning against the wall laughed while the Cooper bouncing on his lap tweaked his nipples.  “It’s not like I’m two people…it’s like…

“...I’m one person…in two…plaaaAAAaaces…at the same…time…” the bouncing blonde finished.  He climbed off the other Cooper’s lap and helped himself to his feet, no longer stumbling and flailing but back to a functional level of coordination.  This was further demonstrated when, without warning, he reached out and undid Sam’s pants, tearing them open and tugging them down to let the other man’s now comparatively massive cock spring free.

“Hoooookay,” Sam gasped, too stunned to pull away when one of the Cooper’s leaned in and swallowed as much of him as they could while the other picked up where they’d left off on the floor.  The sight of the matching studs going at it, coupled with the feeling of his friend’s formerly massive, now petite, hands clutching his rear was more than he could process.

“Ooooooohhhh myyyyyy gooooddddd…” the thrusting Cooper groaned.  “I wish you could feel this, man.  Like, I can taste you…I can feel you in my mouth…but I’m still talking?  Also…how come you never told me my…dick…felt this…good…” he sighed, both sets of pecs bouncing as he slammed into himself over and over.

“Pretty sure I did.  All the time,” Sam laughed, running a hand through the blonde head that topped out at his waist.  “Curious to see what the little guy feels like now.  I thought I was supposed to be the one in the middle of the sandwich?”

“It’s not THAT little,” Cooper chirped, reaching around to tug on his other half’s diminished organ.  Though the thin three inches felt the same in his hand, compared to the way Sam’s average rod was filling his mouth beyond capacity he realized there was no point in arguing.  “Okay, so it IS that little…but that…doesn’t seem so bad…anymore…” he grunted, surprised that he actually believed it.  He’d been horrified at first by the sight of his reduced package, but now, feeling what he could still do to himself with it, he wasn’t nearly as worried.

“I’m certainly not complaining,” Sam sighed.  “You’re weirdly adorable like this.  Two of you at this size is way better than two of you at your old size.  Bet a lot more people would sign up to watch this than the other.”

“Just wait til I…get my…sea legs…again…” Cooper whimpered.  He’d kept pumping on himself while thrusting away, and combined with Sam’s warm, oozing cock in his mouth he was rocketing towards the edge.  He felt like he should have been embarrassed by what his friend said, but all he felt was a contented satisfaction at the thought of performing for an audience.  He wondered if that had something to do with the fact that Sam had watched the ritual unfold, but he didn’t have time to ponder for long before his world erupted.  The feedback loop of cumming inside himself was more than his tenuous coordination could handle, sending the blonde hunk to the ground in a tangle of muscled limbs again.  He could feel Sam’s spurting cock raining down on himself, but it was only an afterthought compared to the impossible ecstasy coursing through both of his bodies.

“Sorry about the shower,” Sam said, his tone sheepish as he helped his friend to both sets of feet.  He grinned and stroked Cooper’s heads as the blonde studs clung to each side of him for support.  “Watching you…both of you…cum like that was sure something,” he whistled.

“Tell me about it,” the shrunken man laughed, quickly coming back to his senses.  He let go of Sam’s waist and turned his attention back to himself, each version inspecting the other and failing to find the slightest difference.

Sam shook his head as the blonde studs leaned on each other’s shoulder and grinned up at him.  “So, uh, how does this work exactly?  Are you really in two places at once now?  And what the fuck do we tell people?”

The Coopers shrugged in unison.  “We’ll figure it out,” the one on the left said, running a hand down the one on the right’s washboard.

“Yeah, we’ll make it work,” the other said, leaning over to give himself a peck on the cheek.  “For now we can just tell people to get in line.”



What a great story! I really liked the characters and particularly enjoyed the size play. The IQ idea noted above sounds like it would be fun the explore as well.


Love this story. I wonder if Cooper will be as enthusiastic when he starts to experience the nonsexual aspects of his life at his new size.