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“I still can’t believe those two actually hooked up,” Tyler said, letting the warm air wafting in through the open windows of their spacious cabin dry him off after the shower.  Dave was doing the same, both of them trying to muster the needed energy for what would undoubtedly be a busy day.  They’d gone at each other until the early morning hours, the sound of Tom’s ecstatic moans carrying throughout the vessel.  The luxurious boat was practically the size of a small cruise ship, yet the beefy jock was howling so loud he could have acted as a foghorn for passing ships.

“I know,” Dave nodded, rummaging for a fresh set of trunks.  “It...was a weird night.”  At the time, the thought of big, beefy Tom getting railed by cute little Auggie had fueled his and Tyler’s own vigorous romp, but now it occurred to them just how uncharacteristic the behavior actually was.  While the brawny jock had no problem playfully flirting back when other men hit on him, he’d never once shown the slightest inclination to actually follow through.  The same went for his smaller friend.  Up until last night Agustin hadn’t shown any real interest in the bigger man that either of them had been able to see, but as the day had worn on he’d been glued to the burly jock.  No one seemed to catch it at the time, but they’d flirted all through dinner, culminating in their “fight” on the deck that led to Agustin stripping Tom naked and the two of them darting off like a pair of horny coeds.

Dave guessed it probably would have been more jarring if he and Tyler hadn’t been so preoccupied with each other.  He blushed as he thought back on it, and how they’d basically started fucking right there on the deck with Will and Franco present.  Dave’s stomach dropped at the memory when he suddenly recalled looking over, a pair of Tyler’s fingers deep inside him, to find Will watching intently.  Instead of looking away or excusing himself to another part of the deck, the shredded stud just kneaded the large bulge in his trunks, a distant look in his eyes.

“Oh my god,” Dave groaned, burying his crimson face in his hands.  “What the fuck were we doing last night?!  Will and Franco were right there!”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if those guys paired off too.  I kept catching Franco looking past us at Will while we…” Tyler trailed off.  Even considering his less-than-inhibited attitude, the athletic blonde seemed equally caught off guard.  He put his hands on Dave’s tight waist and leaned in, pressing their foreheads together.  “Look, it was an exciting day.  That’s all.  To finally find that cave after all this work and all this searching...people just had a lot of steam to blow off.  We were all drunk, and we were all in a good mood.  So these straight boys had a little fun with each other...that’s a good thing, right?”

Dave kissed Tyler’s forehead before turning away to slip into a pair of shorts.  “Sure.  If that’s all it is.  But that still doesn’t explain why I...I...babe, I’ve never acted that way in my life.  You know that,” he said, shaking his head.

“Maybe you should do it more often,” Tyler purred.  “I mean it.  You have nothing...NOTHING...to be ashamed of.  So you got a little freaky in front of your friends?  So what?  They clearly don’t care...why should you?”

Dave was unconvinced, but he let it drop as he watched Tyler slip into his skimpy trunks.  Unlike himself the other man left his outfit there for the moment, and the addled brunette was glad for his own extra layer of covering when he felt his cock twitch at the sight.  The novelty of his blonde lover’s impressive physique had yet to wear off after years of being together, and Dave doubted that it ever would, but that morning he felt like he was looking at Tyler for the first time all over again.

He tried to push the distracting thoughts from his mind as they made their way to the main lounge.  Will and Franco were already up, standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they looked out the bank of windows at the recently risen sun, mugs in hand.  The taller, dark-skinned Adonis was clad only in a pair of small, thin grey shorts, wearing nothing underneath based on the way they rode low and exposed the top of his granite cheeks.  Likewise, Franco only had on a pair of turquoise briefs, the bright fabric popping against his tanned skin and accentuating his swimmer’s build as the small underwear stretched around his perky rear.

“Looks like I’m overdressed this morning.”  Dave laughed when both men jumped, nearly spilling their coffee as they immediately turned and took a step away from each other.  There was an awkward pause while they both blushed, looking back and forth between themselves and the others as if they were surprised.

“Uh, hey!  Good morning,” Will stammered quickly, trying not to draw attention to the way his girthy, unrestrained hose bounced noticeably against the front of his tiny shorts.

“Sooooo, what’d you two do last night,” Tyler sang, jumping right in.  He raised an eyebrow when Will’s cock answered for the other man, beginning to twitch at the memories.

“A little obvious, eh,” Franco shrugged, his tone sheepish.  “After Tom and Agustin took off, and then you two...I guess we got a little curious.”

“About that,” Dave said, forcing his eyes away from the scantily clad pair.  “I’m sorry we got so carried away.  That...shouldn’t have happened.”

Will’s eyes went distant for a moment before he blinked and clapped Dave on a shoulder.  “All good.  There was clearly a vibe last night…”

“And this morning from the look of it,” Tyler added, grinning when Will and Franco blushed again.  “What?  It’s cute!  I mean, guys, come on.  It’s us.  If there are two people you don’t need to hold back in front of, they’re standing right here.”

The flustered pair exchanged bashful grins.  “I appreciate that.  Still just trying to wrap my head around all this, you know?  I’ve never...I mean...with a guy…”

“Same,” Franco added, his hand coming to a rest on Will’s lower back.  He appeared to be having an easier time accepting the idea than the taller man, though he still seemed just as confused.  “Hopefully I did a good job.”

Will let out a slow breath, nodding.  “Oh, trust me, you…” he stopped mid-sentence, now obviously half-hard in his shorts.

“We don’t need the details,” Dave offered, waving a hand.

His blonde counterpart had other ideas.  “Unless you feel like sharing.  Personally, I’d love them.  So tell me who…” Tyler trailed off when Agustin stumbled sleepily into the room.  His short, dark-hair was still messy from slumber, and his lean, compact frame was just barely covered by one of Tom’s baggy muscle shirts.  The draping top fit the smaller man like a gown.  The bottom came to just below the tip of his stout cock and heavy balls, which, along with his plump, ample cheeks, were exposed through the open sides whenever he turned.  “Theeeeerrrre she is,” Tyler cheered, giving a light golf clap.

The shorter man froze, his face going purple as he seemed to just then become aware of his outfit.  His toned arms flexed while he did his best to tug the shirt down, simultaneously using the motion as an excuse to avoid everyone’s expectant gaze.  “Good, uh, good morning,” he said, giving Franco a puzzled look when he finally lifted his eyes and saw his friend’s brief-clad state and hand on Will’s back.  “I was going to ask if we were too loud, but I get the impression everyone was up late anyway.”

Tyler nodded at Will and Franco.  “These two were just about to fill us in on who filled who in.  Don’t think we even need to ask in your case, do we?”

The wiry little hunk couldn’t suppress a smug grin, though it faded moments later when he raised an arm and scratched bashfully at his messy hair, inadvertently flashing the group.  “That was...unexpected.”

“Can’t say I’m surprised,” Will added.  “Big guy like that, bet he loved the chance to go for a ride instead.”

“Oh?”  Tyler’s head swiveled back in Will’s direction.  “Are you including yourself in the ‘big guy’ category?”

“Ooookay everyone, can we just take a break for a second,” Dave interrupted, rubbing his face.  He felt dizzy as he looked at the group, as if it was more than the gentle surf making his legs unsteady.  “We’re all acting real weird right now, and I don’t think Tom would appreciate us talking about him like this.  If he wants to fill us in when he gets here, great, that’s up to him.  Until then, can everyone put some goddamn clothes on so we can figure out just what in the hell has gotten into us?”

A long pause followed Dave’s outburst before Agustin chimed in.  “He hasn’t talked to you yet?  I thought he came down already...he’s not in his room.”

“What?  Where is he,” Will asked, pulling away from Franco.  There was a palpable shift in the mood, the lazy, lustful haze finally losing its hold on the group.

The short hunk shook his head.  “I don’t know.  He was there when I fell asleep, but I just woke up and he’s not there now.”

They split up without another word, scouring the entire vessel but finding no sign of their missing friend.  They didn’t see him on the nearby stretch of beach, nor did he respond when they yelled for him.  His phone, watch, shoes, and clothes were all still in his room, but Tom himself was nowhere to be found.

“What the hell,” Will cried, pounding on the railing in frustration.  He spun on Agustin, glaring down at the barely-covered man.  “Was he wasted?  He didn’t go swimming, did he?  What did he say?”

“I don’t know!  I swear!”  Agustin lifted his hands in surrender, his expression just as worried as everyone else.  “He didn’t seem that drunk at all.  Nowhere near as drunk as I’ve seen him some other nights.  And he didn’t say anything about going anywhere!  He didn’t say much of anything at all, really.  By the time we were done he was pretty, uh, exhausted.  We both were.  I fell asleep with his arms around me, then woke up to an empty bed.  That’s it.”

Will sighed and tousled Agustin’s already-messy hair.  “I know, I’m sorry.  I’m just freaking out right now.  It’s not like him to go off on his own and not tell anyone.  He knows better than that.”

“None of this is like any of us,” Dave said, his heart starting to race.  There was a small voice in his head telling him that it was already too late for all of them, that they’d crossed a line without even realizing it, but he refused to listen.

“Speaking of going off on his own,” Franco said, leaning over the railing and straining his eyes towards the beach.  “You don’t think he went back into the cave, do you?”

Dave’s stomach dropped like a second anchor, the quiet voice in his head rising to a yell.  “Everyone get dressed.  Now.  Franco and Auggie, you two stay here and get this thing ready to split in a hurry if we have to.  Will and Tyler are with me.  I’m sure Tom’s fine and his curiosity just got the better of him.  With the way everyone’s acting this morning he probably wasn’t paying any attention when he left, but we have to assume otherwise until we find him.  Now let’s go.”


Tom stumbled, his balance thrown by the disproportionate new shape of his body.  His arms hung at an awkward angle and he had too much weight at his lower back, skewing his center of gravity.  The inflation had occurred without warning, doubling the size of his sturdy limbs and leaving them a set of beefy, bloated pistons.  They were far too large when compared to the rest of even his brawny frame, but Tom couldn’t wait for Auggie to see them.  He could tell how much the smaller man had enjoyed being wrapped in his bigger arms, so it only made sense that the enlarged piledrivers would be even more of a turn on.  The same went for the oversized melons that had replaced Tom’s meaty rear.  There was no doubt that Auggie had clearly loved hammering into his muscled globes, the other man had even said as much, which should make their supple, mountainous replacements an even bigger hit.

The staggering jock wouldn’t have chosen such alterations himself, nor would he have opted to have his stout log shift down a peg into a petite, permanently rigid four-inch poker, but Auggie kept talking about how “cute” his cock had been.  The compact little stud had loved the fact that his own eight-inch hose was bigger than the hulking man’s, and now that size difference was further cemented.  Tom was further delighted that he could also make it erupt on command.  Auggie’s face had lit up every time the burly jock exploded, and now all it took was a light tug on his shrunken balls to make the rigid little rod spray.

“HooOOUUHHhhnnn…!”  Tom let out another cracking wail as he absently made his altered equipment spurt.  No matter how many times he did it, the intensity of the feeling, along with the accompanying pleasure, never waivered.  Auggie had said he loved seeing him so worked up, and that he loved the sound of Tom’s whimpering moans, which was now all the altered jock could seem to muster.  The bellowing howls rushed to the surface whenever he opened his mouth, fighting their way through in his speech.

“DoooOHHHnnn’t even know if I’m guuuhhh...going the riiiIIIEEEght way…” Tom groaned to himself, the dense fungal growths swallowing most of the sound.  He was trying to find his way back out, but the interior of the cavern was entirely disorienting.  The odd illumination, the impossible sizes and shapes of the various mushrooms and other fungi, the shifting topography, and the heady scent all made navigation a challenging prospect.  But he trusted that his body was heading in the right direction.  He’d changed his shape just for Auggie, and his handsome friend couldn’t enjoy those changes if he couldn’t find him, so Tom knew that, sooner or later, his plodding steps would lead him back out.

He wasn’t in any hurry.  The warped jock was riding a wave of confusing, dreadful euphoria.  He was aware that his body had been drastically altered, but the horror he should have felt was held at bay by the uncertainty as to whether or not it was even “his” body anymore.  Tom felt more like a passenger, like he was behind the wheel of a car instead of rooted to a physical structure.  His very sense of self had become both disconnected from the physical and entirely driven by it, detaching his identity from the collective of desires that had once been his body.

He’d felt it the second the tiny mushrooms had dusted him the day before, though it had taken a while for that knowledge to fully sink in.  The physical connection he’d had with Auggie was the catalyst, and by the time he’d worn the other man out the previous evening, he’d known what he had to do.  Like the ancient growths around him, he had to give himself over and become part of the collective.  When Auggie had been inside him, he’d never felt anything like it.  There was physical pleasure, that much he’d expected, but he hadn’t anticipated the sense of wholeness the experience had left him with, and the following emptiness when it was over.  It had been a revelation.  He was wasting his life in that limited shell, and he’d never be able to reach his full potential unless he became one with that freshly discovered desire.

So Tom came back to the cave.  It was clear to him now that Auggie had already been responding to his expanding consciousness in the way that the normally laid-back man had become more aggressive and commanding around him, which was clearly something else his friend enjoyed.  But Tom wasn’t connected enough to give him everything yet.  His body tried, but it was still tethered and alone.

That changed as soon as his naked, muscled frame stumbled into the cave, the bright little mushrooms spewing cloud after cloud as he passed.  He didn’t even need to disturb them.  There were no accidental kicks this time as they puffed and blossomed on his approach, as if they could sense him coming, leaving him coated from head to toe in the clinging dust.  It itched, but there was no pain when it sank in and his body began to change.  Tom didn’t think things like pain, hunger and fatigue were even things he’d be able to feel any more, unless someone else desired him to.  He’d been stumbling along for what felt like hours, not even scratching the surface of the massive, prehistoric forest, but he wasn’t exhausted or thirsty in the slightest.  He was only eager and aroused.

“HOOOuuIIIEEeee!”  Tom howled again, spraying like a squirtgun as his jumbled thoughts tried to drift.

He was surprised by the reply.  From around a cluster of towering, purple-yellow mushrooms whose gossamer growths draped like weeping willows, he heard someone calling his name.  “Tom?  Is that you?  Where are you bud?!”  It sounded like Dave’s voice, but muffled.

“Just stay where you are!  We’re close...we’ll find you,” a voice that sounded like Will’s said.  Tom did as instructed, freezing in place and watching the threadlike vines part until a suited figure burst through.

“Guys, I see him!  He’s right...right...oh fuck.  Tom?  Is...is that you?”  Tyler’s voice went cold.  Tom could see the blonde’s stunned face through the mask of his enclosed suit, but he didn’t understand his friend’s look of concern.  He watched Tyler’s arms shoot out to the sides to stop the others from approaching, already trying to figure out what it would take to make them happy.

“Shit!  Tom?!  Dude, you...your arms are...what happened to you?”  After that initial outburst Will’s voice was nothing but forced calm, though his wide, stunned eyes were clearly visible in his hood.

“It’s okay...we’re going to get you out of here,” Dave said, looking over at the other two.  “Are you...how do you feel?”

“HHNNNGGGoooouuuHHH….” Tom whined, spraying for the trio.  “Guuuhhooood...good…” he finally said, grunting out the words.  The longer he stood in front of them, the more his anxiety seemed to grow.  “ISSsssuuhh...is...AaaAUUU...Auggie with yyYYOOUuu…” he huffed, the sound of his helpless wailing suddenly seeming less than perfect.

“He’s back on the boat,” Will said, pushing past Tyler’s arm.  He approached his friend slowly, trying to keep his tone casual.  “You, uh, you sound like you’re feeling pretty good.  Those are some arms you’ve got there.  And that ass is...uh...something.  You sure you’re feeling okay?”

Tom nodded.  “I...duuh...don’t know what...huuUUHHhh...happened,” he said, gritting his teeth to fight back against the lustful moans.  He had a fraction of a grip on something resembling control, and he tried his best to hold on to it.  “It’s this place!  It’s...it’s sooooOOHHH...biggguuh...just goes on foooOOOHH...forever...I got hit with suuhhhmmmthing that...that…” he trailed off, a sudden memory from the day before punching through.  He remembered Will lifting his shirt to flash his washboard abs, a light tingling erupting in his own midsection.

“JESUS!” Will yelped, jumping back.

Tom looked down as his beefy muscle-gut reshaped itself into a ripped, tapering eight-pack, not understanding Will’s reaction.  His friend clearly liked abs, and that’s what he’d just given him.  “What?  DuuhhHHNN...did I doooOHHH...somethiIIIEEEnng wrong?”

Will ignored the question, instead turning his attention to Tyler and Dave.  “You guys just saw that, right?”

“Sure did,” Dave said, taking a few tentative steps forward.  “Tom, listen, I need you to stay calm.  We’re going to get you out of here, so just follow us, okay?  Tyler’s going to stay behind you to make sure you don’t get lost, and Will is going to be by your side.  Sound good?”

“Sure...whatever you say,” Tom said, his voice no longer tinged by the pained ecstasy.  Auggie wasn’t here, and Dave had just asked him to be calm, so he didn’t need to howl at the moment.  He watched the three of them exchange a look and grinned, giving his limitless geyser another release.  He knew Dave and Tyler would enjoy his new shape as much as Auggie, and even Will would have found the little super soaker funny.  “This place is wild you guys.  Holy shit,” he laughed, his tenuous sense of control already slipping.

“You, uh, feeling better now?”  Tyler made sure not to get too close as he asked the question.

“I’ve felt fine the whole time,” Tom shrugged, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he felt the blonde’s eyes on his jiggling melons.  “I feel great, actually.”

“Do you remember what happened?  You said something in here did...this...” Will asked, gesturing to his friend’s misproportioned body.

Tom nodded and pointed at the small yellow mushrooms scattered across the spongy ground.  “Yeah, they did it.  Why?  Do you want some too?”

“No!  I mean, I’m good,” Will said, backing away a step as the group made extra sure to avoid the clusters of growth.

Tom cocked his head and eyed the other man.  Dave and Tyler were easy to read.  He could sense that they liked what they saw, just as he’d known they would, but Will was a blind spot.  He knew the sort of thing the other man should have been into, but he was getting a different sensation from him now.  “What DO you want?”

Will gave a loud sigh and shook his head.  “Good question.  Right now, I just want to get you out of this cave so we can figure out what’s going on.  We’ll sort out the rest later.”

“Okay!” Tom said, his tone surprisingly chipper for a man whose body had been drastically altered.  There was still a part of him that was alarmed and anxious, but his friends seemed happy enough for the moment, and they’d told him to be calm, so he didn’t know where the sensation was coming from.  “Dude, did you see what I can do,” he asked Will, giving his reduced balls a squeeze.  He sprayed once, twice, and then a third time, blasting until he was certain that his new instincts were correct and that the other man actually was turned on by it.  It was a new development for his friend, but all that mattered to Tom was the growing certainty that Will wanted to wrap his lips around the shrunken organ and drink straight from the tap.  “You can try some if you want.”

Will blushed inside his suit and shook his head.  “Uh, thanks, but I think I’m good for the moment.  Let’s just focus on getting you back to the boat,” he said, motioning towards the growing daylight ahead of them.

Tom grinned and nodded, giving his cheeks an extra bounce as he picked up the pace.  The others obviously wanted him out of the cave, and he still needed to find Auggie.  He wanted to tell them more about what he’d discovered and what was in store for all of them in the ancient forest, but like Will said, everything else could wait.


Voting Options


While going back for a sample to test, Will is accidentally exposed to a substance that...

Option 1: Causes his body to inflate and swell the hornier he becomes, only shrinking back down after he finally climaxes.

Option 2: Makes him emit a corrosive compound which chews through most fabrics and causes other men to orgasm on contact.

Option 3: Forces his body to begin sprouting hair, becoming more irresistible the hairier he gets, and sparking a similar reaction in those he has close contact with.

Option 4: Leaves him dependent on cum for sustenance, swapping out his package for another orifice which provides easier access.


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