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*** A rough, quick sketch I've been tossing around to see if the robot idea would work.  Could be fun? Let me know if you like this sort of thing. ***

It was actually happening.  Watching the chalky cube stretch and reshape itself into a series of familiar contours brought with it a series of conflicting emotions, but foremost of all was surprise.  It wasn’t that I didn’t think it could be done, I’d seen the evidence firsthand, just that I kept expecting something to go wrong.  I won’t call it “easy” as it had taken months of careful planning to get the needed material, but once I procured the samples and scrounged together the funding everything fell into place.  Ryan, the real one, had no idea any of this was happening, and in a few minutes I’d have my very own version to play with.

It wasn’t without risk.  Simuloids weren’t sentient beings anymore than laptops were, but due to their hyper realistic nature it was against the rules to model one after real people, living or dead.  As soon as the nanites that made up the molecular putty settled in Ryan’s likeness, it would be almost impossible to tell them apart just by looking.  Any specific alterations a person made to their simuloid, of which the options were limitless, would naturally make it stand out from the source material, but even so there were specific rules and regulations regarding how similar a likeness could be.

Naturally, a black market had sprung up around simuloid design, with opportunistic hackers offering to render a figure in any likeness a person desired, as long as the money was there.  The technology was so advanced that as long as a person could provide a large enough sample of the source DNA, the nanites could create a perfect, physical duplicate.  Combined with a sweep of the original’s social media and digital profile, including private material on cell phones and other devices, their personality was recreated as well.  Memories, milestones, existing relationships, speech patterns, sense of humor, dick size, hidden birthmarks, deep secrets; if it existed in digital format and could be scraped, it was added in.

The icing on the cake was the programming.  Once you had the perfect template, you could set the context however you wanted.  A small number of people opted to have the simuloid know it was a simuloid, but most, myself included, preferred to have the synthetic being think it was the original.  The story of how they came to be in their current predicament, usually devoted to a stranger and suddenly possessing a body that was constantly malleable, could be anything.  They believed whatever they were programmed to believe, though using that word implied a level of free will that didn’t really exist.  They were following through on their programming, nothing more, nothing less, no matter how real it all seemed.

I wasn’t interested in the existential dilemmas.  I was well aware that the robot forming in front of me wasn’t the real Ryan, and I was content with that.  Though simuloids were viewed similar to pets, I didn’t actually want to have to look after a full grown man, no matter how handsome and hung he was.  Nor did I want to have to wrestle with the moral implications of warping another person’s body and whether or not what I wanted was something they desired.  I didn’t want a real relationship; I just wanted to have some fun.

I’d had a crush on Ryan since my first day in the office.  Like me he was in his late thirties, though his 5’9 stature was significantly shorter than my 6’2” frame, and from the moment I saw his beefy body sauntering down the hall, I was hooked.  He had short, chestnut hair, a chiseled face, broad shoulders, plump pecs, powerful arms, a waist that tapered before curving out again at his meaty rear, and an air of confident masculinity that made me hard just thinking about it.  While I struggled to stay in even average shape, Ryan loved to show off his athletic build in tight, form-fitting shirts and pants that left little to the imagination, accentuating his brawny pecs and ample cheeks in equal measure.  I loved the sight of his hard little nipples poking against a straining polo, and the way his thighs filled his slacks to bursting whenever he sat at his desk.

From what I could tell he was a nice enough guy.  He smiled easily and his voice was surprisingly gentle considering his muscled exterior, but other than pleasantries and small talk we didn’t have much to do with each other.  He was single, straight, and very into sports, which really only left us with the beginning of that trio in common.  Even the data scrape didn’t provide much substance beyond my surface level knowledge.  The people who’d dug up the data offered to share the information with me ahead of time, including the explicit pics of himself Ryan kept, but I opted to wait and find out in person.

Though I did suggest a few tweaks that would keep things fun.  The original Ryan was pretty and basic, but he was also the perfect mold from which a much more interesting version could spring.  And now, staring at that version’s sharp, slumbering face, his juicy pecs rising and falling with simulated breath while the process finished, I couldn’t wait to meet him.

Already it was better than I ever could have hoped for.  The details were perfect, down to the sparse dusting of hair that coated the front of his torso, and the long, fat cock and hefty balls dangling between his thighs.  Like the girthy hose I’d always imagined him to have, I knew Ryan was in shape, but I still wasn’t prepared for just how cut he actually was.  His slab of a chest loomed large and defined over a muscle gut that was lumpy with abs, and I could see the separate muscle groups that made up his thick arms and powerful legs.  Seated as he was I couldn’t get a look at the round, bouncing cakes I’d long fantasized about, but with his eyes fluttering it wouldn’t be long.

My heart started racing as the lids slowly lifted, revealing a set of familiar, hazel eyes underneath.  Ryan blinked a few times, his chest rising and falling slowly as he took a deep breath and rolled his broad shoulders.  He blinked at me in silence for a few moments before his soft, full lips curled in a bashful smile.

“Oh...hey,” he said, his light tenor as perfectly replicated as the rest of him.  He looked around my living room and raised an eyebrow, an arm flexing as he reached up and ran it through his short, styled hair.   “Where, uh...where are we?  My head’s all fuzzz...oh!”  He broke off in a startled gasp, his eyes going wide.  I was more impressed than ever as I watched him blush, his tanned skin taking on a rose gold tint when his swaying beast began to twitch and harden.  He looked back and forth between us as he reached his full, impressive mast, his stunned expression eventually softening back into an awkward smile.  “Ohhhh...that’s right.  Holy shit, they weren’t kidding when they said this would be intense,” he said, shaking his head.  Instead of trying to cover himself he only rubbed absently at his meaty thighs as he looked around.  “So this is your place?”

“Technically it’s yours now, too,” I said, surprised at how my voice caught in my throat.  I knew I wasn’t talking to a real person, but it was taking everything I had to hold onto that knowledge.  “Make yourself at home.”

“Looks like I already am,” he laughed, nodding down to his naked frame and aching pole.  “Guess I’ll...we’ll...have to get used to this.”

“I think I can manage,” I grinned, trying to remain casual.

The effort was torpedoed moments later when Ryan hopped up and threw his arms around me, his rigid member wedged between us.  “I still can’t thank you enough for this.”

I didn’t know what to say even if I’d been able to speak.  As it was, the softness of his skin, the firmness of the muscle underneath, the heat and smell of his breath, were all overwhelming.  They were so real.  The way he stood and moved and shifted his weight as he swallowed me in a meaty embrace was fluid and natural, the way a real person would.  “Don’t worry about it,” I finally stammered, giving in.  I let my hovering hands drop and clamp onto the supple mounds of his rear, loving the way my fingers dug into the ample flesh.

His eyes flashed wide again, his back arching.  “Guess I’ll have to get used to that, too,” he sighed, relaxing his hold on me.  “How good it feels, I mean.”

“Yeah?”  I decided to push things and gave another squeeze.  He instinctively ground his cock into my midsection before pushing back with his hips.

“Fuuuck that’s weird,” he laughed.  “Never thought a guy’s hands on my ass would turn me on so much.”

“And what about YOUR hands,” I said, flexing my own little bubble against his wide mitts.  He didn’t seem to notice that they’d drifted south and were currently kneading my ass like a loaf of bread.

“Oh!  Whoops,” he said, his wry, blushing smile making me melt.  “Do you want me to let go?”

I shrugged.  “Do you want to?”

His brow furrowed momentarily, then he shook his head.  “Not really.  I like...this.  Just holding you.  I mean, I know I signed up for this, but it’s...it’s a lot.  I’m kind of freaked out, I’ll be honest.”

I swallowed hard, my stomach erupting in a cloud of fluttering.  The tone of his voice was so vulnerable and earnest it was almost impossible to believe it came from a computer program.  “I get it.  This is a big change for you.”

He nodded.  “I was just so sick of everything, though.  Every day it was the same...go to the office, hit the gym, try and land a hookup, then wake up the next day and do it all over again.  I’m not getting any younger, you know?  It felt like it was now or never if I wanted to do something different.”

“This certainly qualifies.”  I let go and slid my hands around his tight waist before slipping them up along his firm stomach to palm his broad pecs.  He shivered and flexed them against my hands, and I could feel his cock throb as I rubbed his nubby nipples.  “What made you choose this?”

“Are you kidding?  Who wouldn’t?!  Once I heard they could use the simuloid tech on real people I knew what I had to do.  All I needed was someone willing to go along with me,” he purred, his eyes dripping with longing as they met mine.  “I can’t believe how embarrassed I was when you heard me on the phone, but I guess that’s what I get for making a call like that at work.”

“Why me, though?  Why a guy if you were straight?”  I was basically roleplaying since I was the one who’d written all this, but it didn’t feel that way.

“I wa...wanted something different,” he said, gasping as I kept working his chest.  Since he always liked to show them off I’d set his nipples to be hyper sensitive, and already a thick bead of liquid was gathering at the tip of his bulbous head.  “And this is it.  They said it would feel even better than before, and they wuh...weren’t...kidding…” he grunted.

“So it could just be any guy filling my shoes, huh?”  I’d barely finished the question before his lips were on top of mine, my mind reeling from the sensation of the warm tongue invading my mouth that followed.

“Don’t even joke about that,” he chided when he finally pulled his face away.  “Of course not.”

“Yeah, but you’re only saying that because of the simuloid tech, right?”

“Do...does it...matter what causes the feeling...or just...the way it...feels...” he groaned, nearing the edge.

I froze.  I hadn’t written that part, but he came before I could push the issue.  Like everything else, the copious, ropy strands that erupted from his untouched cock were identical to the real thing, down to the musky smell and the salty flavor.  He howled when it happened, his smooth voice cracking and his hips bucking in a frenzied display while he pumped out buckets of the simulated cum.

“Guuhhn…” he grunted, leaning against me for support on his shaking legs.  “That’s...that’s worth it,” he said with a drunken laugh, running a hand through the slick coating that covered his beefy torso. Strands of it clung to his hair and dripped off his wide chin, and I couldn’t help but wonder how the real Ryan would feel if he suddenly found himself in such a position.  My version seemed perfectly content as he stepped back and stretched like a cat, licking his fingers clean.  “No office...a body that stays in whatever shape we want it to without the gym...no clothes...no worries...if this is even a fraction of what it’s like, those simuloids are lucky.”

I shook my head as I watched him beam without even a shred of embarrassment as he stood dripping in cum.  “I’m sure not everyone would be so eager to go from a desk job to becoming a live-in sex toy.”

“Their loss,” he smirked, folding his arms behind his head and flexing when he spotted his reflection in the TV.  I watched him pose for several minutes, pursing his lips and bouncing his cheeks, grinning from ear-to-ear the whole time.  It was one of the tweaks I’d made, that he’d behave like an uninhibited exhibitionist, and the programming had clearly worked.  “Speaking of,” he said as he turned back around to face me, “when do we get you as naked as I am?”



This is a great start to what I think could be a superb story. There are elements that remind me of your stories Dollhouse and Crack the Code which are two of my other favourites. The characters' loss of control and/or semi-awareness of what's going on in those two stories really pushes my buttons and it's the same here with Ryan thinking he's given himself up to be a sex-toy for his coworker. Really hope you choose to expand on this and the other two as well.


I loved this concept. And I agree with Ruffcub about the characters’ loss of control being the hottest part of this kind of story. I hope you decide to develop this into something more robust!