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“Come on, man, I’m desperate!”  Kyle’s face was crimson as he stood shirtless before his friend.  Under ordinary circumstances, baring his sculpted torso in front of Evan wouldn’t even register.  The fit brunette’s favorite outfit was nothing but a pair of gym shorts, or better yet just his boxers if they were hanging out at his place.  With his chiseled jaw, tanned, tapering muscle, and impressive endowment, the young jock never had a reason to think twice about what he was or wasn’t wearing when it was just the guys.  If anything, he liked parading his above average physique in front of his friends, knowing full well that, as impressive as they were in their own right, he topped them all.  Which only served to make his current predicament more frustrating.  Standing in front of Evan in his tented shorts, his perfect pecs heaving as he nervously gulped down breath after breath, Kyle felt anything but superior.  His golden skin was hued with an embarrassed red, and he could barely meet his smirking friend’s gaze.

“I can see that,” Evan laughed, giving an impressive nod.  “Been a minute since the big guy graced me with his presence.”  Kyle’s hands hovered instinctively in front of the large bulge but drifted away moments later, knowing full well that even the large, gym-calloused mitts could do nothing to hide his aching log.  The thick organ pulled down the loose, weathered elastic waist as it strained against the shorts, accentuating the ruts of the embarrassed hunk’s eye-catching obliques.  Evan folded his own set of beefy arms beneath his shelf of a chest and watched his friend squirm in silence for several long moments before continuing.  “Walk me through it again?”

Kyle sighed, his broad shoulders slumping.  “I was supposed to hook up with Keisha earlier this week, and you know how she is.  Girl can fuck.  Since I’ve got a reputation to maintain I snagged a packet of those pills from the gas station by her place on the way over, but they did the exact opposite.  I couldn’t get hard.  At all.  It was fuckin’ humiliating, dude.”

“That’s what you get for taking bootleg gas station boner pills, bro!  What the fuck?”  Evan’s expression was exasperated as he ran his hands along the sides of his short, strawberry blonde hair.  “Since when do you even need the help?”

“I was nervous, alright?  I thought maybe the pills just didn’t work and I was too up in my head, but then over the next couple days I couldn’t get hard with Tanya, Kelly, Liz, or Erica either.  It’s like all of a sudden I can’t even get a halfer if a chick’s involved.  Meanwhile, I’m fuckin’ bustin outta my shorts as soon as I’m around a dude.  It’s bad, man.  I can barely go to work...I haven’t been to the gym in like three days, and even when I give in and watch some gay shit I still can’t get off!”

Evan raised an eyebrow, trying to process what he heard as quickly as he could.  For as long as he’d known him, Kyle had been a straight, smug ladies man, so to listen to the other man talk about how hard men were suddenly making him, to hear the confusion in his voice, was jarring.  “So go to a doctor.  That shit clearly crossed some wires.”

“And tell them what?  Dudes give me a boner?  A pill made me gay?  I tried to look the stuff up online and see if this happened to anyone else but I couldn’t find anything about it.  Like, at all.  The writing in the package was in another language so I don’t even know what the shit was!  All I have to work from is the drawing of a buff dude sporting massive wood on the label.”

Evan just blinked.  “So not only did you buy bootleg gas station boner pills, you bought ones you couldn’t even read?!  Dude!  Did you go back to the store?”

“Yeah, but they didn’t have any more of them, and the lady working had no idea what I was talking about.  And don’t get on my ass about it, alright?  They kept ‘em with the other ones and they were the cheapest.  How the fuck was I supposed to know they’d do this?”  Kyle sighed, fidgeting absently with his low-riding waist.  His face went a deeper shade of red, and his voice went back from defensive to pleading.  “It’ll run its course eventually, right? I just...I just need some help to get through this part.”

Evan raised his hands and shook his head, his boy-next-door face marred by an exaggerated frown as the implications registered.  “Whooooooaaaa...uh-uh!  Nope.  Look, I’m flattered if that’s the reason you called me over here, but when you said you needed ‘help’ in your text you really should’ve specified.”

“Please!  I know how weird this is, okay?  Do you think I’d be asking if I wasn’t out of options?  I don’t know what else to do!  I’m so horny it hurts, dude.  I haven’t slept in like two days and I feel like I’m going to lose it if I can’t do something about this.  You’re the only one I trust enough to…” Kyle trailed off.

“I’m sorry man, I really am.  But what do you want from me here?”  There was another long pause as Evan shifted his weight from foot to foot.  He could hear the pain in his friend’s voice, and there was no longer any doubt as to whether or not this was real and not just some elaborate prank.  Though he asked the question, he could guess easily enough what Kyle was after.  He just wasn’t sure that he could provide it.  He’d drunkenly fooled around with a couple guys a few years back while still at the university, and it had been fun, but it wasn’t something he thought much about or sought out as he considered himself straight.  He knew full well how attractive Kyle was, knew just how close he was to that impressive level himself, and though he’d never thought about the other man in that way, he’d always been a little curious whether or not his friend’s boasting had any merit.  Like most of the guys they hung out with he’d grown tired of the brawny brunette’s swagger, and now, watching Kyle’s pitiful expression and hearing him beg, Evan began to wonder if he shouldn’t seize on the opportunity after all.  He cocked his head to the side, flexing his prominent pecs against his straining t-shirt.  “I mean...I’m not going to let you fuck me, dude,” he said, rubbing his chin.  “If you wanted to blow me or something, maybe, but there’s no way I’m…”

“Okay!”  Kyle seemed just as surprised by the eager way he blurted it out.  His face went purple, his mouth opening and closing several times around unspoken excuses before he swallowed hard and nodded.  “If...if you’re good with that.  I’m willing to try anything right now,” he said, his voice an awkward stammer.  One hand had drifted up to toy with a plump pec while the fingers of the other slipped beneath the waist of his shorts, exposing a trimmed patch of chestnut bush.

Evan didn’t know what to say.  He gave a short laugh and shrugged, looking around his friend’s sparse living room one more time just to make sure the guys weren’t going to jump out from behind the couch and surprise him.  “You’re actually serious about this, aren’t you?  Whoops, guess so,” he chuckled when he watched Kyle tear out of his shorts.  He’d never expected to see his friend’s fat eight inches hard and throbbing in his direction, but the sight still caused his own stout cock to stir.  Not so much from the other man’s beauty, but from the rush of power his position brought him.  He put a hand out and shook his head when Kyle shuffled forward, his eyes traveling up and down his friend’s Adonis-like physique.  “It’s going to take more than those pretty muscles to make this happen, so here are the rules.”  Evan paused to peel out of his tight t-shirt, giving Kyle an unobstructed view of the sculpted muscle accentuated by the dusting of pale, strawberry fur.  “You start at the top and work your way down.  No hands, lips only, and they don’t touch anything higher than my chin.  No talking, either.  Got it?”  His smile grew when Kyle started to open his mouth, then clamped it shut and nodded.  “Alright then.”

Kyle’s broad frame vibrated with confused excitement as he stumbled forward, a quiet whimper escaping when he leaned in and began kissing his way down Evan’s neck and across a sturdy shoulder.  He could feel the strange blockage begin to ease as soon as his lips made contact, a familiar, churning flow that began to trudge through his system like water through a blocked sewer.  It was slow going at first as Kyle tried not to think about what he must look like or what he was actually doing, but by the time his soft, seeking lips slipped down to begin brushing through the nose-tickling hair on Evan’s pecs, he was just happy to be feeling anything again, regardless of its source.  His stubborn cock oozed once more when he tugged on it, the knowledge that Evan was watching while he jerked himself off and sucked on the blonde’s pert nipple doing nothing to dull the pleasure.  If anything it only heightened it, driving him on as he licked and sucked like a nursing infant.

For his part, Evan was caught off guard by the other man’s fervor.  He’d anticipated the awkward fumbling at first, but the speed with which Kyle had taken to tongue bathing his tits truly surprised him, as did his own reaction to it.  Watching their reflection in the darkened apartment windows across the room, Evan’s eyes were glued to the way Kyle’s muscled back shifted and flexed as his friend bent and worked his mouth from one side of his chest to the other.  The same went for the slurping stud’s ample bubble, which dimpled and shook whenever Kyle adjusted his stance.  Far from being forced or awkward, the whole scenario felt oddly right to the blonde jock, as if they were stepping into roles that had just been waiting for them.  “Mmm...uh-uh...keep it up,” Evan grunted, grabbing the back of Kyle’s head and holding it in place against his chest when the other man started to pull away.  He loosened his grip and instead stroked his fingers gently through his friend’s short, chocolate hair, giving a smug grin whenever he caught Kyle’s eyes darting up to meet his own.

The naked stud wanted to speak, to whimper out just how happy he was in the moment, but Evan had told him not to and his mouth was otherwise occupied anyway.  He was eager to continue on his southward journey, but he was content to lick at the hard little nubs on his friend’s chest for as long as Evan wanted him to.  A growing euphoria was washing over him, like he was getting high off huffing the other man’s masculine pheromones, and he wasn’t choosy about where the musky vapors came from.  His pumping hadn’t brought him anywhere close to the edge yet, but he was back on the road and that was all that mattered.

After long, blissful minutes Evan finally relented and let Kyle’s head drift lower on his torso.  The eager hunk grinned whenever he drifted from the hairy trail bisecting his friend’s abs, the other man tensing as his ticklish sides made contact with the brunette’s nimble tongue.  Evan’s abs weren’t as chiseled as his own, but it occurred to Kyle that he actually hadn’t once stopped to think about the other man’s appearance at all so far.  He normally had a competitive lens simmering in the back of his brain at all times, constantly comparing himself to his friends’ progress in the gym and other men around him.  But now when he thought about Evan, or any of the other men he knew, a physical picture didn’t come to mind at all.  Only a warm sensation of bliss followed, like being wrapped in a security blanket while safe at home.  Evan’s appearance didn’t matter in the least, only that he was there in the first place giving Kyle the relief he so desperately needed.  Any man who would do that, Kyle suddenly knew, was equally important, whether they were old, young, heavy, thin, or fit.

Now on his knees gazing longingly up at his friend, Kyle felt like he was being reborn.  The sight of the other man’s rigid lump beneath his pants filled him with a sense of purpose like he’d never felt before.  He was harder than he’d ever been in his life, his fat cock leaking like a broken faucet, the stubborn impotence chased away by the overwhelming might of Evan’s body against his own.  Any lingering shreds of inhibition or modesty had gone with it, leaving Kyle to feel only the darts of pleasure as he paused to raise a finger and toy with his lip, or tweak a nubby nipple with unrestrained gusto, or tug on his heavy, churning balls, all under the warm, safe glow of Evan’s gaze.

“Ah-ah...no hands, remember,” the blonde chided when Evan started to reach out to undo his friend’s pants.  The kneeling jock just shrugged and leaned back in, nuzzling the other man’s hard bulge while his lips fumbled with the fly.  Kyle took his time, rubbing his face in feline fashion all over his friend’s lap before finally popping the button.  The zipper followed easily, and once the wide-jawed hunk had exposed the front of Evan’s grey briefs he leaned in to begin licking and mouthing the musky underwear.  Kyle felt like he was exploring an unknown paradise as he bit the waist and tugged his friend’s pants down, running his tongue back up the inside of a hairy thigh and then down again on the other side.

Only when Evan’s meaty quads had been thoroughly tasted did Kyle surface for the briefs, slowly tugging them down side-by-side in clockwise fashion.  When the blonde’s thick log slapped free against his face he licked along the side but kept going, opting to bury his nose between Evan’s plump globes before circling back around front.  The salty taste and sour smell were overpowering when his friend reached down to part the muscled cheeks for him, but it wasn’t until his tongue made contact with the tight hole that the lustful jock realized what had occurred.

Evan had spoken too soon earlier when he’d said that Kyle’s wires had been crossed.  The dazed brunette was certainly being rewired, but it was happening now as he eagerly lapped at his friend’s ass.  The pump had been primed by the strange pills, but it wasn’t until he completed the circuit with another man that the process began in earnest.  Kyle could feel himself falling away, turning into someone, something, else entirely, but how he was supposed to feel about that was still beyond him.  He knew on a logical level that he was the same smug ladies man he’d always been, but that identity suddenly seemed repellant compared to the one formed by his new desires.  He didn’t want to compete with the men around him anymore; he wanted to be with them.  He wanted to give of himself, to experience each of them in full.  He wanted to bathe in their scent and taste until both were burned into his brain.  He wanted to have them inside, to connect, to submit.  Kyle thought back to his earlier humiliation when Evan had first arrived, and how he’d denied himself the musky pleasures of the gym over the foolish fear of revealing his true self to everyone.  As he wrapped his lips around his friend’s delicious cock it was a mistake he was determined not to repeat, and already Kyle was envisioning a new, revealing wardrobe to help advertise his new purpose.

It would be a complete overhaul, just like everything else in his life.  His current job wouldn’t work since it required far too much clothing and didn’t provide nearly enough time for skin-to-skin contact, but Kyle knew there were plenty of ways to make money that allowed him to meet both of those demands.  He also knew that some of the other guys wouldn’t be on board with his new direction in life, but he was confident that most of them would be all too happy to follow in Evan’s footsteps.  After all, he wanted them inside him, not the other way around, and he was willing to do whatever it took to get them there.

His head swimming in the now-perpetual fog of arousal, Kyle pulled his lips away and moaned, rolling his head on his neck as he groped at himself.

“What’s...why’d you stop…” Evan asked, his eyes half closed while his hands rested on the top of his head.  Since he hadn’t been told to speak yet, Kyle just grinned and rolled onto his back, hefting his legs into the air.  “Oh!  Well, shit, why didn’t you say so earlier?”  The prone jock just smiled as he rested his legs on his friend’s shoulders, letting out a long, grunting moan when Evan slowly pushed himself inside.  The pain was as intense as it was fortunately brief, as if Kyle’s body was ready to adapt as quickly as his brain.

With his pecs slamming up and down from the force of Evan’s rolling hips, Kyle finally understood the true purpose of the pills.  He’d have kicked himself for not paying closer attention, or for not at least picking out a package written in a language that he could read, but regret was no longer an emotion he could feel.  He wondered for just a moment what would have happened if he’d held out, if the pills would have eventually worked themselves out of his system if he hadn’t provided the cock-driven catalyst.  But it was a moot point.  For better or worse, Kyle was perfectly content to play the role of eager, cock-hungry power bottom for as long as his body told him to.  If the effects were temporary he could always try to get more pills, and if they were permanent he had a future of bliss waiting for him.

“That’s...that’s a face I never thought I’d see,” Evan laughed, grinning down at Kyle’s slack-jawed, ecstatic expression.  “You know I...always thought you were...lying about how good...you were…but...goddamn you’re a pro at this…”

The penetrated stud opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a bellowing wail as he finally fell over the edge, his untouched cock blasting like a shotgun across his face and chest.


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