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“You had me worried for a minute there,” Brent laughed from behind the check-in desk, his smile fading when he saw Denny’s pale expression.  The entire building had shaken moments before, and the burly, middle-aged contractor’s chest heaved as if he’d just sprinted up from the basement.  “Uh...should I still be worried?”

“Somethin’s...down there…” Denny panted, his giant, weathered hands clutching the counter as he leaned against it.  He swallowed hard and shook his head, his eyes wide.  “The old blueprints were right about there being a room behind that wall, but it...it ain’t empty!”

Brent reached under the desk and handed the older man one of the complimentary water bottles they kept for guests, watching the way Denny’s powerful arm flexed as he raised it to his rugged face.  The frantic man was nearly two decades his senior, but that was only an added bonus as far as Brent was concerned.  He loved Denny’s rough looks, with his bald scalp and thick, brawny build, and the fit, amber-haired young man wished the renovations were happening where he could watch.  The owners of the Fir Hollow Inn had decided to stop using the old ballroom for storage since the town had been seeing an influx of tourists and business was up, but before they could refinish the ornate auditorium they had to clean up the basement so everything in storage could be moved to the lower level.  It would be a tight fit, but after poring over the space, during the course of which they’d discovered a set of original blueprints wedged behind a heating duct, they’d learned of an entire room that had been walled off.  No one knew why, and whoever made the original decision had gone to great lengths to erase any external signs of the room’s existence, including the creation of new blueprints that left it out.  The current owners were as baffled as anyone else since they’d only purchased the building a few years prior, and the revelation had largely been viewed as a stroke of luck.  Denny’s job was to knock the wall down and figure out what they’d need to make the basement clean and waterproof, but the burly contractor had only just begun for the day when the whole building shook.  “What do you mean it’s not empty?”

“I don’t know!  I only knocked a hole big enough for me to get a light in and take a look, but there was something movin’ around.  It was like smoke, only shiny?  Never seen anything like it.  I thought it might’ve been dust, and then I worried about fumes or gas, but it just stayed in the middle of the room, turning over on itself like it was stuck in a tube or something.  I made the hole a little bigger so I could take a better look and that’s when I saw the stuff painted all over the walls and the floor.  Some kind of writing, maybe?  Fuck if I know.  I think I...I might’ve made the hole a little too big ‘cause all of a sudden it wasn’t stuck in the middle anymore and I took a face full’a the stuff.  That’s when the shaking started.”  Denny paused to take a breath, his pale face taking on a flushed complexion as he stared at Brent.  “I know it sounds crazy but I swear I heard someone laughin’ right before the place felt like it was gonna come down around me.”

Brent raised an eyebrow, very much aware of the older man’s lingering eyes.  Denny hadn’t stopped looking at him since he’d burst up out of the basement, and the younger man had watched the bald bulldog’s expression fade from frightened to something else altogether.  If he didn’t know better Brent would have sworn that Denny was checking him out.  “It was probably just a trick of the light or something.  This place is old...maybe the building settled when you knocked the wall down?”  Brent used Denny’s shaking head as an excuse to glance down, his mouth watering at the sight of the obviously hard club straining against the bulky man’s pants.

“Buildings don’t do that,” Denny grumbled, his eyes once again fixed on the younger man.  He didn’t seem to notice the obvious way in which they traveled up and down Brent’s lean, athletic frame, nor the confusing reaction the sight stirred within him.  “That wall wasn’t load bearing.  Nothin’ should’ve settled at all.  And I know what I saw!  That wasn’t just a…”

The older man broke off in a gasp when a deep, throaty laugh echoed through the lobby.  He and Brent whirled towards the source in time to see a shimmering, glittery sheen spill from the basement door, coating the floor and creeping up the walls as it drew towards them like a crashing wave.  Brent stood transfixed, his eyes wide as he watched the sparkling tide travel up the wooden columns and across the ceiling, sinking into wood, brass and fabric with equal ease.  The dazzling luminescence faded shortly after the leading edge sparked like a fuse across a surface, leaving no trace of its passage until it reached the two of them.

Brent heard Denny’s grunt as it overpowered his own shocked gasp, the older man’s body going tense as it locked in place.  At first, the younger man thought it was just the way Denny flexed that made his unsculpted muscle seem to stand out more than usual, but as he watched it quickly became clear that something else was at work.  The meaty pecs that Brent had just enjoyed watching heave for breath began to swell, the thick arms on either side inflating along with the jutting slab.  There was a loud tearing sound that seemed to come from somewhere more than Denny’s tattered grey t-shirt as the straining fabric gave way, revealing his expanding, beefy torso in full.  Brent throbbed at the sight of the light dusting of salt-and-pepper hair coating the other man’s broadening bulk, and the way it accentuated the cresting curve of his inflating muscle gut as it disappeared into Denny’s pants.  Like the older man’s shirt, what was contained within the straining bottoms was quickly revealed as they exploded off his growing frame with equal force, letting his rigid club of a cock spring against the desk with an audible thump.

Equally frozen, Brent could only gawk as he lifted his eyes as best he could  to take in the full glory of Denny’s expansive build.  The older man hadn’t just grown wider but taller as well, taking him from an average five-foot-ten to what appeared to be at least six-and-a-half feet.  He’d become a mountain of a man, with massive pecs and piston arms, not to mention thighs the size of Brent’s waist and a cock that was like a third forearm.  It occurred to the stunned young man that all of the things he’d just been admiring about Denny had suddenly become magnified, but he didn’t have a chance to appreciate them before he began to notice the changes his own body was undergoing.  Like the older man, Brent’s polo began to strain at the chest, the embroidered “Fir Hollow Inn” logo lifting towards the ceiling as his modest pecs began to balloon.  There were a series of short pops as the buttons gave way against the surge, revealing the deep valley between the granite mounds before his attention was pulled away by a loud ripping at his sleeves.  What had been toned upper arms were now a matched set of chiseled biceps and triceps, but unlike Denny the growth wasn’t proportional across his frozen body.  While his chest and arms had grown larger, Brent’s trim waist pinched further inward, giving his torso an exaggerated “V” shape and revealing the bottom of his newly acquired washboard as his oversized pecs lifted the bottom of his shirt.  The elastic band of his boxer briefs was revealed when his fitted pants began to sag at his hips, but as with the older man, both were obliterated by a sudden growth spurt at Brent’s rear.  It was as if all the shifted mass from his midsection, along with what little fat his body had already possessed, settled at his rear, causing his perky cheeks to at least double in size.  Unlike the rest of his now-shredded body the copious melons shook and jiggled at the slightest motion, causing Brent’s swaying banana to twitch and harden. Whether the spasming organ had actually grown larger or just appeared that way due to the rest of the changes he wasn’t sure, but the uncertainty did nothing to quell the aching desire lifting the impressive rod to its full length.

There was a long pause as what appeared to be a disproportionate young bodybuilder stared up at a towering mountain of flesh, desire burning in both sets of widened eyes.

“What...what just happened…” Brent finally stammered, noticing the softened tone that stood in sharp contrast to his hardened body.  He knew it was all wrong, but none of it felt that way.

“I...I don’t...I don’t know…” Denny replied, his already-deep voice now an intimidating rumble.  He stared back and forth between them, pawing at his massive bulk and hefting the imposing log and churning orbs between his meaty thighs.  The sound of the handsome stud’s light voice sent a wave of fluttering through his bulging muscle gut, making him almost forget about the fact that he was standing naked in the hotel’s lobby.  Something important was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t get the words to gel.  “What were we just...what’re we doin’,” he asked with an awkward laugh, shaking his head.  Instead of being mortified at the thought of his naked bulk on display in public, the idea sent a thrill through the burly giant’s exposed muscle.  When he looked down, he wasn’t sure why he expected to see a tattered t-shirt and torn denim instead of his usual lycra shorts, baggy muscle shirt and toolbelt, all of which sat in a tidy pile.  The same went for the younger man’s sleeveless, spandex top, along with the discarded bikinis and the pants that had been tailored to fit his excessive bottom, both of which pooled at his feet.

Brent reached over and grabbed Denny’s giant hand, pulling him around the counter.  The younger man gasped at the way his inflated cheeks swayed and bounced with the motion, and at the way his jutting pecs obscured his view of his exposed lower half, but any anxiety was forgotten as soon as Denny’s rough hands clamped onto his tightened waist.  He raised his head for their lips to meet, his own hands sliding around to palm the other man’s meaty rear as he ground their rigid cocks together, his head already swimming with visions of himself bouncing on Denny’s wide lap.  “We’re going into the back room before you get me fired,” Brent purred, stepping out of his forgotten pants and pulling the older man along by his aching beast.


“...fuck was that…” Cody grumbled, opening a groggy eye.  He blinked against the morning light slipping through a gap in the curtains and groaned when he saw the clock hadn’t yet reached nine.  “Did the whole building just shake?  They have earthquakes out here?”

The bed shifted under Adam’s weight as the other man rolled onto his back.  “I felt it too, but I don’t think so,” he mumbled, lifting his head to read the time over his friend’s broad shoulder.  The motion caused the covers to shift, exposing the top of the dark-haired man’s furry chest before he slumped back down.

“Bad enough we have to share a bed...least they could do is let us sleep in before knocking the place down,” Cody yawned, trying in vain to force himself back to sleep.

“You’re the one who booked a room with a single bed, dumbass,” Adam laughed.  He reached over and tousled his friend’s messy, chocolate mop before folding his sculpted arms beneath his head.  “And there are plenty of folks back home who’d love to wake up next to this,” he said, his plump, full lips twisting in an arrogant smirk against his stubble-covered cheeks.

“Too bad we’re not back home,” Cody spat, feeling the sleep he longed for slip away.  He was every bit as chiseled and handsome as the lantern-jawed hunk behind him, but he didn’t share Adam’s inflated ego.

“Are you always this grumpy when you wake up?  No wonder you don’t get as many repeat customers.”

“Customers?  Like a business transaction?  You finally admitting you pay for all that pussy?”  Cody still hadn’t rolled over, but he could picture the face his friend was making.  They had a longstanding competition to see who could outdo the other in just about every aspect of their lives, from getting laid, to gains in the gym, to their careers.  It had started as soon as they’d met during their freshman year at college, and now, close to a decade later, it was still going strong.  They would have been fierce rivals if they hadn’t become best friends, their competition lingering on the side of encouragement instead of sabotage.  “And I’m only grumpy when I get woken up first thing in the morning on my damn vacation.”

“Okay, yeah, that kinda sucks,” Adamn yawned, closing his eyes and nodding just as the shimmering haze washed over their room.  Neither of them saw it happen, nor did they know the source of the strange shiver that immediately followed.  The hirsute hunk blinked and stretched after it passed, propping himself up on an elbow.  “Just means we can hit the trails early, right?  I think I saw a coffee shop down the...street…” he paused when a light shaking rumbled through the bed again, but the loud groans that followed made it clear that the source was a much more familiar one.  The pair sat in silence for a moment and listened to the ecstatic howling, the deep wails punctuated by the sound and sensation of a bed slamming against a wall in the room below theirs.  “See?  Everyone’s making the most of it.”

“Good for them,” Cody said, his arms and upper back flexing as he grabbed his pillow and folded it over his head.  “Maybe they could be a little quieter about it.”

“Says the fuckin’ jackhammer over here,” Adam laughed.  “How many complaints did you get in your last place?”

“Not enough,” Cody grinned, letting go of the pillow.  “More’n you if I remember right.”

“Maybe we should show ‘em how it’s done then,” Adam purred, draping himself over the other man.

Cody gasped at the sensation of his friend’s heavy arm falling over him, Adam’s furry, sculpted pecs pressing against his back.  A meaty thigh tangled with his own, but the grappled brunette was more focused on the unexpected presence of a thick, rigid cock wedging between them.  “Very funny dude,” he said, forcing an exasperated sigh that he didn’t actually feel.  His actual response didn’t make sense, and he did his best to try and push it away.  “You want to put your shorts back on?”

The raven-headed hunk didn’t know what to say.  He was sure he’d gone to bed in his boxer-briefs like always, and he didn’t remember taking them off at any point during the night.  He also hadn’t noticed that he was hard, despite the fact that his fat log should have been tenting the sheet when he’d been laying on his back.  “Uh...whoops,” he said, staying wrapped around the other man.  “You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you I didn’t do this on purpose, would you?”

Cody squirmed, telling himself it was an attempt at breaking free but knowing it was actually just so he could feel more of his friend’s body.  “Considering that it’s still there?  Nope.”

Adam gave an awkward laugh, just as confused as his friend as to why they were still entangled.  They’d teabagged each other while they slept and horsed around like this before as pranks, but then the contact had always been fleeting and no more than necessary.  Now, Adam realized, he didn’t want to let go.  Though, as Cody writhed and made a token effort at resistance, it also occurred to him that he wasn’t the only naked man in bed.  “Hey, wait a second...why’re you giving me shit when you did the same thing?”  Adam flung the covers aside before his friend could respond, revealing both of their naked, erect states.

“But...but I didn’t…” Cody stammered, knowing just as well as Adam that he’d gone to bed in his boxers.  Instead of trying to pull away he squirmed around to face his friend, giving a quick gasp both when their hard cocks pressed together and when his stunned, sleepy eyes landed on the other man’s face.  The sight was like a punch in the gut, and he had to stop himself when he felt his mouth begin to drift towards Adam’s.

The hairy jock’s eyes were wide.  “Dude...something’s not...you’re getting big…” The rest of the sentence went unspoken as their bodies did the talking.  While he watched Cody’s tanned skin begin to swell with growing muscle, Adam was unaware that his own olive complexion did the same.  All he could think about was how good his friend looked with the extra bulk, never once stopping to consider how that perspective would be received in the context of their competitive relationship.  What one had, the other needed more of.  If Adam sported a set of plump, juicy muscle tits then Cody needed bigger ones, and if the smooth-skinned brunette had a six-pack, then the other man needed a furry eight.  The same went for the rest of their expanding, statuesque frames as their arms and legs blossomed with shredded bulk, their leaking cocks bearing an unequal share of the burden.  What had started as a matched set of slightly above average size were now a pair of eleven inch monsters, each one aching and churning more and more with each passing moment.  If Adam was good in bed then Cody had to be better, and if Cody could take a pounding all night then Adam would have to be able to take it all day.

At some point their lips had met while the cycle burned itself out, the changes reaching deeper and deeper.  If one spent six hours a day in the gym, the other had to spend eight.  If one liked to walk around shirtless and show off their impossible physique, the other would strut around in a poser.  If one of them had tens of thousands of followers on their social media thirst traps, the other took it further, doing anything necessary to have hundreds of thousands.  In a matter of moments, the pair of handsome jocks had ballooned into a pair of overly-hung, overly-horny, overly-built meatheads, their massive bodies now so large they barely fit together on the straining double bed.  Whatever the trajectory of their previous lives had been was gone, replaced by a constant, burning need to embody everything they desired in one another.

“Fuuuuuuuuck,” Cody groaned, eventually breaking off the kiss.  He bit his lip as Adam kissed at his widened neck, the other man’s scratch stubble sending little darts of pleasure through him.  He felt like he needed to ask a question, an important one, but he couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than the mountain of muscle writhing against him.  He reached down and grabbed Adam’s girthy monster, giving the oozing pole a few rough tugs.  “You ready to show those rookies downstairs how this shit is done?”

Adam blinked, a confused look washing over his face for only a moment before his grin returned.  “We’re about to break this bed, aren’t we?”

“Fuck the bed, I’m more worried about the wall,” Cody grunted as he rolled over and presented his ample, granite globes for the other man’s taking.  His body practically vibrated with excitement, easily drowning out the quiet voice that questioned all of it.  As Adam slipped inside, he knew he needed to focus.  As worked up as he already was, it would take all of his willpower to outlast the other man.  “Goddamn...goddaaahhnnmm...oh...oooOHHHOOUUHH!”  Cody’s bellowing howl was loud enough to be heard across town, but the penetrated stud still caught his friend’s arrogant purr.

“Th...there it is…” the furry giant grunted, rolling his hips with surprising precision given his size.  He loved the sound of Cody’s desperate wails more than anything, and he was determined to drag them out of the other man for as long as possible.  “Now let’s do something about that wall.”



That's a wrap on Fir Hollow for now! I hope everyone enjoyed their visits over the last year. There will be a short break while I finalize things before the next one gets started, but I think it'll be worth the wait.