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“Sorry ‘bout your luck, bro, but it’s not gonna happen,” Connor laughed, flashing a smug smile at himself in the rear-view mirror.  He pursed his plump lips, never tiring of his own wide jaw and chiseled cheekbones while Adam’s name once again flashed on the center console of his pickup.  He’d lost count of how many times the older man had called.  As usual he’d blocked the number, or at least tried to, but for whatever reason it wouldn’t stick.  Not that it mattered.  He didn’t have to answer, and if the calls kept coming he’d just get a new number.  He was due for a new one anyway, and with his recent windfall he could certainly afford it.

Adam had paid for nearly the entire renovation job upfront in what Connor considered an expensive lesson in not being so trusting with people.  It didn’t matter how good looking he was, or how much skin he flashed or how much charm he turned on; if someone was stupid enough to trust him, that was their problem, not his.

Guys like Adam were his favorite: middle-aged, single, gay, and with more money than sense.  While he’d been pretending to listen as Adam walked him through the massive, ancient Victorian he could feel the older man’s eyes on him, and he’d gone out of his way to give him something to look at.  He’d purposely bent and stretched as often as he could during his faux-inspection, letting Adam drink in the sight of his broad shoulders, tapering waist, chiseled arms, and solid, perky rear.  Complete with a full head of dark wavy hair his face spoke for itself, but he’d gone the extra mile with Adam once he saw just how loaded the man was.  Blaming the heat, he’d stripped out of his button-up halfway through their meeting, tucking it in the back of his fitted denim and completing the appointment in a skin tight tank-top that showed off his tight abs, smooth, sculpted pecs and golden tan.

It worked just as he’d hoped.  If Adam hadn’t been so busy checking him out, he would have clearly noticed that Connor had no idea what he was doing or talking about.  The fact that he was only twenty four and taking on such an intricate, massive job should have been a red flag in and of itself.  The sprawling house, which Adam claimed to have inherited from a dead relative, needed everything from the floors finished, walls painted and repaired, plumbing, new wiring, the roof patched, and an HVAC system.  It was to the point where the younger man had been afraid that he’d bitten off a bigger con than he could chew, but Adam had seemed perfectly confident in his abilities.  He’d handed over a five-figure check without the slightest hesitation, telling Connor to let him know if he needed more to cover additional expenses.

That had been two weeks ago, and if it wasn’t for the persistent calls it would have been a perfect score.  Connor lived three hours away, he never pulled a scam like this close to home, and he’d cashed the check before leaving the older man’s part of the state.  He didn’t have any sort of social media, and he’d even made sure that his license plate was carefully obscured by mud, so there was no way Adam could track him down.

Connor was more glad than usual about that last fact.  Something about the older man, and his house, had unnerved him.  It was full of dusty antiques, old books and odd relics inside, while the grounds butted up against a dense, swampy woodland outside.  Connor hadn’t thought about the portrait he’d seen in the library, and the striking resemblance between Adam and his relative, until after he’d left, just as he hadn’t noticed the almost predatory glint in the other man’s eyes at first.  He’d been checking the young hunk out, but for what, exactly, Connor wasn’t entirely sure anymore.  He kicked himself for being so careless and not having a burner phone, but he was still confident that Adam wouldn’t be able to find him.  It was a mistake he’d rectified in the two jobs he’d pulled since, and now he had enough cash on hand that he could disappear for a good long while if he had to.

If he was lucky he’d be able to convince Kendra to come with him, at least for a quick vacation.  Connor was on his way to pick up the lithe brunette for an evening out, though the undoubtedly expensive dinner and drinks were just the price he’d pay for access to what came after.  He wasn’t interested in the curvy beauty for her conversational skills, and if he had to throw some money at her to get her naked it was an expense he could afford.  And if he could talk her into going away with him to some remote beach, where they could just cut right to the chase in a tropical paradise, he viewed it as a worthwhile investment.

Connor pulled up to the curb and gave himself one more quick look in the mirror before hopping out and trotting up the short sidewalk to Kendra’s small bungalow.  It wasn’t until he was about to knock that the activity struck him as odd.  Normally he just honked and she came out, but he hadn’t given any of it a second thought until he was rapping on the door.  He fidgeted nervously with his straining polo while he waited, staring at the stucco exterior and wondering why his heart began racing when he heard the heavy footfalls approach from the other side.

That racing was joined by a fluttering in his stomach when Kendra’s brother, Anthony, opened the door.  The sandy-haired man was about his own age, with a frame that sported a similarly lean, if less muscled, build that was currently on display as he stood in nothing but a pair of baggy gym shorts.  “Hey man,” Anthony said, stepping aside to let Connor in.

The brown-haired hunk swallowed hard as he entered.  He didn’t know why he was so surprised to see the other man.  They’d only ever interacted briefly, but he knew Anthony and Kendra lived together, so his presence wasn’t of the ordinary.  “Uh, hey.  Is, uh, Kendra here?”

It wasn’t until Connor heard the door click shut that he recognized the emotion not as surprise, but excitement.  “Nah, she’s out with some dude,” Anthony said, stepping close behind.  “So we have the whooooole place to ourselves.”

Connor gasped when the other man’s toned arms wrapped around his midsection, holding him tight as a pair of soft lips found their way to his neck.  He didn’t know what was happening.  He was supposed to be the “some dude” that Kendra was out with, not standing in her brother’s arms getting pawed at.  Yet it was that thought that felt wrong, not the sensation of Anthony’s large hands slipping up under his shirt and gliding along his torso.

Instead of pulling away or trying to stop him, Connor leaned into the other man’s embrace, his gasp turning into a sigh.  The handsome brunette’s limited understanding of the how or why behind anything that was happening did nothing to dilute the confusing pleasure of Anthony’s hands drifting through the wiry dusting of hair coating his prominent pecs.

The addled stud was already raising his sculpted arms to let his shirt be pulled free before he even realized it.  With the obstructing top gone, Connor’s eyes went wide as he looked down at the curly chocolate hair that dusted the bottom of the sculpted mounds, circling his pert nipples and growing slightly thicker in the middle before spilling down the center of his heaving washboard.  The thin trail surrounded his navel in a similar manner then widened just before vanishing beneath the elastic of his boxer-briefs.

It didn’t make sense.  Like his bizarre behavior, Connor had no idea what could have caused the unaccustomed growth across his naturally smooth torso.  He’d never been hairy, none of the men in his family were, and even if he was, he knew for a fact his chest and abs had been hair-free less than an hour ago when he’d taken a shower.

Instead of asking the countless questions racing through his foggy head, Connor gave a quiet groan when Anthony’s hands fell to his waist.  His cock was throbbing already, and he was well aware of the fact that he was panting and squirming in another man’s arms while being stripped down; he just didn’t know why it turned him on the way it did.  He whimpered when Anthony’s hand traced along the trail of fur and disappeared into the tented underwear, trying to tell himself that the sensation of another man’s hand wrapped around his cock didn’t actually feel familiar.  Other than his own calloused mitt, only soft, dainty fingers had ever swallowed his girthy member, yet the blonde’s strong grip didn’t seem out of place in the least.

“Mmmmm…” Connor sighed, breaking out in goosebumps when Anthony’s free hand tugged his boxer-briefs down.  He had another flash of awareness, knew he shouldn’t be naked and hard in Kendra’s house with her brother and not her, but he couldn’t do anything to stop himself.  It was also unusual for him to be the one stripped down and not the one doing the stripping, a fact that only added to the odd arousal.

“Someone’s worked up tonight.”  Anthony’s laugh sent a shiver through the naked stud as he took a finger and worked the ample, oozing pre-cum around the brunette’s throbbing head.  “Gotta make this one count, right?”

Connor didn’t know what that meant, and he was less interested in finding out than he was in shoving his tongue into Anthony’s mouth.  He spun in the other man’s grip, his leaking pole wedged between them as he leaned in for a kiss.  As with a masculine fist tugging on his cock, the sensation of Anthony’s firm body and wide jaw writhing against him was nowhere near as foreign as it should have been.  Nor was the feeling of the blonde’s smooth torso pressing against Connor’s now-hairy wall of muscle something that registered as odd in any way.  Instead, it drove the brunette beauty wild, his own hands now sliding down Anthony’s tapering back to disappear inside the baggy shorts.  He gripped and kneaded the other man’s firm little cheeks, overwhelmed by how good it all felt, his confusion giving way to a hazy euphoria.  At least until Anthony spoke.

“Goddamn I love how thick you are,” Anthony growled, momentarily breaking off the kiss.

Before Connor could ask what he meant, the other man’s hands landed on his exposed rear, sending a series of unusual sensations through the stunned pretty-boy.  Where Anthony should have been grabbing a pair of ample, yet firm, cheeks, Connor now felt the blonde’s fingers bite into excessive, yielding flesh.  Stranger yet, as the other man squeezed and kneaded, the naked stud felt those hands brushing through another barrier of fur, simultaneously drawing attention to the way his formerly-toned thighs now pressed together.

It was enough of a shock to let Connor push away and take a step back, his jaw dropping at what he saw.  His eyes didn’t even get a chance to make it to his lower half before revealing the now-plentiful hair that had continued to bloom across his torso.  Instead of following the lower ridge of his pecs, the brown carpet now marched up towards his shoulders while spreading out from the center of his abs.  If the thick coating on his chunkier thighs was any indication, the explosion of hair would soon be joining together in a unified flow that covered almost the entirety of his unrecognizable body.

For a moment, all Connor could do was stare back and forth between his suddenly bottom-heavy build and Anthony’s hungry gaze.  His thick seven inches looked smaller than it should against the enlarged legs, and he didn’t understand why the other man was acting as if nothing was wrong.  He was getting larger and hairier in his very arms, yet Anthony continued to paw at him without seeming to notice.

Instead of raising the point, Connor dropped to his knees, taking the blonde’s shorts and underwear with him.  He leaned in without a shred of hesitation, ignoring the odd feeling of his meaty lower half squishing and rubbing together, and swallowed Anthony’s fat cock with the kind of ease that only came through repetition.  Connor somehow knew exactly what to do, how to work his tongue and bob his head to send shivers of delight through both of them.  Far from being disgusted, as the other man’s thick log hit the back of his throat Connor practically vibrated with excitement.  His cock was oozing like a faucet, to the point where he’d almost forgotten about the forest of hair sprouting from his disproportionate body.

And then Anthony reached down to start stroking his head.  The kneeling hunk let out a terrified hum when he felt the blonde’s fingers brushing against bare scalp instead of dancing through a full head of hair.  The skin-on-skin contact was interrupted by a thin layer on the sides of his head, and at the back, but from what Connor could feel there was an impossibly bare patch front and center.

His fears were confirmed a few minutes later when Anthony came, sending what felt like buckets of cum rocketing down his throat.  Connor sucked it all down without spilling a drop and staggered to his feet, his stomach dropping when he saw the shiny, mostly-bald scalp that sat in place of his thick chocolate mane.  On top of his chiseled features it was a jarring transition, immediately making him look at least ten years older, especially when coupled with the now copious carpet covering the rest of him.

There was a fresh wave of dread as he inspected that hair.  The body underneath looked different, less defined than it should.  It was hard to tell through the obscuring follicles but Connor didn’t think his pecs popped as much as they had, nor were the hair-filled ridges between his abs as deep.  “Is...is there something...do I look…”

“Like a daddy who needs to tell me what a bad boy I’ve been?  Totally,” Anthony laughed, taking Connor by the hand and pulling him along to his bedroom.  The hirsute hunk could only stumble along in a daze, mortified at how plodding and heavy his steps felt even as his cock throbbed and begged for release.  That aching grew to explosive proportions when Anthony climbed up onto the bed on all fours and wagged his solid bubble in Connor’s direction.  “Ready for my spanking,” he purred.

Connor felt like a passenger in his own body as he lumbered forward and climbed up behind.  He screamed at himself to stop as he grabbed and spread Anthony’s cheeks, then buried his face between them.  He’d never done anything like it even with his previous girlfriends, yet he attacked the fit blonde’s hole with abandon.  It was hard to think of anything other than the musky joy assaulting his senses as he worked his tongue, but the few, fractured thoughts he could put together mostly revolved around his humiliation at being referred to as a “daddy.”  The implications were horrifying for the vain pretty-boy.  Daddies were beefy, thick and hairy, not chiseled, smooth hunks like himself.  But even as he told himself he couldn’t possibly want such a fate, he could feel a part of himself leaning into it.  When they’d started the encounter Anthony had felt like a peer, but now the lean blonde seemed more and more like a boy compared to his own overwhelming masculinity.

The swelling stud didn’t know what to make of it when he finally lifted his head and saw what had become of his body.  There was no longer any question about whether or not he was losing definition as he looked down at a set of plump, hefty pecs and the firm, ab-free stomach beneath.  He knew he should stop, that he needed to figure out what was happening, but in the moment all he wanted to do was finish what he started.  Ignoring his bloating body he worked himself inside Anthony, giving a determined grunt as he began rolling his hips.

The changes accelerated immediately.  Like a pump working in reverse, each forward thrust added extra mass to Connor’s expanding frame.  The stomach that had been flat and firm began to gradually crest outwards and widen until the balding bull’s hairy slab of a chest rested on a prominent muscle-gut.  On either side he could see his precision-sculpted arms following suit, inflating to a pair of burly logs that hung off his neck-swallowing shoulders.  Connor didn’t need to turn his head towards the mirror above Anthony’s dresser to know that his lantern jaw had softened, or that his chiseled cheekbones had been swallowed by a pair of full, stubble-covered cheeks, but when he did it was worse than he feared.  The sight of the balding, burly bear in place of the sculpted stud was like a punch in the ample gut.  If he stared hard enough, the brawny, hairy-shouldered brute was still recognizable as himself, but whether that was a good thing or a bad thing Connor wasn’t sure.

He was still trying to wrap his head around it when he pushed Anthony over the edge a second time, his overloaded body following shortly behind.  Connor was further mortified at the way even his cock had thickened into a pudgy log when he pulled it free, but the look of contented bliss on the blonde’s face sent a confusing surge of pride through him.  “I am going to miss this,” Anthony sighed as he rolled over and stretched like a cat on the bed.  “See if you can talk that rich weirdo into letting you have company while you’re working on his place.”

“Uh...yeah, sure.  It’s kinda far, though,” Connor stammered, unsure where the words were coming from.

Anthony grinned and folded his arms behind his head, reaching out with a foot to prod the hairy man’s expansive rear.  “For more of this?  Worth the drive.”

“Speaking of,” Connor sighed, “I’d love to stay, but I really have to get going.  It’s going to be late when I get there as it is.”  The words were a surprise as he spoke them, as were the strange clothes he found waiting for him in the living room.  Instead of fitted jeans, boxer briefs and a designer t-shirt he found a pair of short, denim cutoffs, a jockstrap, ratty tank-top, and work boots.  The shorts were so tight that he couldn’t actually button them, leaving the stuffed pouch of the jock exposed, and the tank-top was too small to cover the entirety of his bulging muscle gut.  Paired with the chunky work boots, he looked like a stripper parody of a construction worker.

He gave Anthony a kiss goodbye, wishing he could have stayed with the other man.  As confusing as their encounter had been, he knew it was better than what lay in store.  He got in his truck, now an older, rusted model, and headed for Adam’s, making the three-hour drive as if in a trance.  Connor knew where he was going, knew the older man was somehow responsible for everything that had just happened, but trying to change course was like trying not to breathe.  It was an automatic impulse, not a choice.

Connor arrived well after midnight, the towering peaks of the old house looking like the skeleton of some giant beast in the foggy, early-morning darkness.  He strode up the steps and through the front door without knocking, his boots clunking noisily against the wood as he stepped inside the dimly lit foyer.

“There you are,” a cheerful voice called from the top of the stairs.  Adam appeared a few moments later, his wiry frame clad only in a thin robe of deep, purple silk.  “Forgive the extreme measures, but you are a hard man to get a hold of!” he chided with a smile.

“What...what did you do…” Connor stammered, his voice once again his own.  “Why do I look like this?!”

Adam shrugged, pausing at the bottom of the stairs.  “I thought it would be fun if you looked the part.  It’s a stereotype, I know, but I do love a classic.”  He raised an eyebrow and looked the beefy young man up and down, his gaze lingering on the twitching pouch that threatened to tent out through the open fly of the shorts.  “You seemed to get hot so easily before, and you were so intent on getting me to look at you that this felt like a more appropriate wardrobe.  Don’t worry...you can wear even less around here if you’d like.”

“Look...I’m sorry, okay?  I’ll give you your money back!  I don’t even know how to...to…” Connor broke off in a gasp, the room spinning around him.  He staggered and almost fell but managed to stay upright as he shook his head and blinked at Adam.  “What did you just do…” he asked quietly.  Looking around the room, his eyes zeroed in on everything that needed to be repaired, but Connor was more surprised by the fact that he suddenly knew how to do the work.

“Now you know what you’re doing,” Adam said as he stepped forward and put a hand on the younger man’s shoulder.  “You seemed a bit unsure before.  Some other things might have been pushed out to make room for the new knowledge, but I’m sure you didn’t lose anything too important.”

Connor’s stomach sank at the disjointed haze that had draped itself over his thoughts, but his attention was more focused on the handsome older man in front of him.  His thick, furry chest heaved from Adam’s skin against his own, his fat log rocketing to attention.  Without thinking he reached down to begin kneading it, his other hand untying the older man’s robe to reveal the lean, naked frame underneath.  Connor blushed when he heard himself give a lustful grunt and finally realized what he was doing, but he couldn’t muster the will to stop.

“Oh my,” Adam laughed as Connor began groping his long, thick hose.  “Looks like impulse control was one of those things that got lost.  Fortunately it’s just the two of us out here.”  He slipped the robe from his shoulders, his eyes blazing as he smiled at the look of hunger on the blushing brute’s face.  Connor was mortified at the thought that he’d be spending the rest of his days as a horny, uninhibited handyman, lumbering around with his thickened body on display for whoever, or whatever, Adam really was.

But, as he felt the other man’s lovely cock hardening in his meaty paw, he realized he didn’t care.  Connor knew he’d brought this on himself, but there wasn’t even room for regret anymore, only the dull ache in his furry loins that would be a constant companion going forward.  He gave another grunt when Adam pushed his ill-fitting bottoms down, his meaty thighs shaking as he stepped out of them and the boots.  He shucked the tank-top without thinking, the same lack of thought occurring when he reached up and began toying with a now-nubby nipple.

“We can get started on the work in the morning,” Adam said, nodding back up the stairs.  He reached over and grabbed Connor’s pudgy cock before turning and pulling the other man along with him.  “For now, why don’t I show you to your room and we can get you...settled?”



That was great. Love a good bear TF and the stereotypical construction worker change was awesome!


Thanks! I’d like to dig into who Adam is a little more at some point, but this felt like a good start at least.