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**** If you need to refresh yourself on the first three chapters, hit the "topofthetemple" tag first! ****

It was too much for Tony.  He’d almost been able to convince himself that the jarring change to his friend’s appearance had all been in his imagination.  He’d told himself it couldn’t really be possible, that someone’s body didn’t just warp like that, but now, seeing Matt’s plump new melons exposed and shaking at the front of the bustling bar, there was no denying the reality of it all.  The clapping cakes were just as oversized as Tony remembered, their improbable mass further accentuated by a hot-pink jockstrap.  It was the only thing his friend wore aside from a matching, cut-off tank and sneakers, and though the revealing underwear was tented by Matt’s rigid cock, the shimmying stud didn’t seem bothered in the least.

It didn’t make sense.  Tony knew Matt should have been horrified.  He’d been fueling his denial by telling himself all day that, if it had been real, he would’ve heard from the other man in a blind panic, but when he finally did get a call from his friend the voice on the other end was positively giddy.  Tony even had to look at his phone while they spoke to double check the caller ID, just to confirm that the ditzy, rapid-fire speech actually belonged to Matt.  There was something frighteningly familiar about his friend’s behavior, though it was almost as jarring as the other man’s new shape.  Tony couldn’t put his finger on it, but the odd phrase “giddy go-go jock slut” kept running through his head.  It wasn’t the sort of thing he’d normally call someone, let alone one of his friends, but the label seemed to be a perfect match for Matt’s new attitude.

And job, apparently.  Tony had been surprised enough to get a call from the other man asking him to meet him at a gay bar, but he’d been positively floored when Matt described the events of his day.  The dark-haired hunk was like an excited kid as he relayed the trip to Chester’s, his impromptu striptease, his encounter with someone named Jake, and the subsequent job offer.  Tony had a thousand questions, but his friend had been talking so fast he couldn’t get a word in, leaving him blinking at the phone in stunned silence after Matt hung up.  His friend already had a decent paying job, and there was no way in this world or any other that Tony ever would have imagined the other man gleefully putting himself on display, especially with his disproportionate new body.  But that’s exactly what the writhing jock was doing.  An overly-inflated rear shouldn’t have automatically equaled an exuberant desire to show it off, yet as he watched the hairy hunk twerk and sway, Tony had never seen Matt happier.  A broad, giddy grin was plastered across his chiseled features, only disappearing whenever the dark-haired hunk would purse his lips and grope at his barely-covered pecs.  He radiated a kind of pure, lustful joy that Tony had never witnessed in anyone, and yet, as confusing as it all was, it made him ache.

He clearly wasn’t alone in that latter regard.  Matt’s original handsome features would have made him popular in a place like The Lanai to begin with, but with his new attributes the bottom-heavy stud was the belle of the ball.  Tony fought the urge to rush forward and stop his friend as he saw the innumerable phones documenting Matt’s erotic display.  The old Matt would have been mortified, dreading the thought of being seen in such a state, but Tony didn’t know what this new version wanted or there was any stopping it at all.  Based on what he’d seen so far, it was only a matter of time before word got out and the world was introduced to the new Matt.

Tony didn’t know why that last thought gave him a strange sense of satisfaction.  There was a voice in his head that kept telling him he was somehow responsible for all of this, only he didn’t understand how that could possibly be true.  Something had happened, Tony knew that much for sure, but how and why were still beyond him.  Like Matt, he felt as if he should be more alarmed than he actually was.  It was strange enough that he, and eventually both of them, had so easily accepted their attractions shifting toward men, and now they were apparently both just as accepting of bodies being radically altered.  Tony wanted to muster at least some concern, but all he could find was that same, gnawing ache he’d been feeling ever since the dreams started.

It wasn’t just Matt that turned him on, either.  The variety of men in the crowded bar made his mouth water.  Tony was dizzy from the rapidfire fantasies flashing through his mind as he scanned the sea of flesh, his cock already threatening to pop.  He was still trying to keep his new desires under wraps until he had a better understanding of where they came from, and he was overwhelmed at suddenly finding himself in a place where that wasn’t necessary.  He could let his eyes linger without fear of discovery, though he still wasn’t sure himself what exactly was being discovered.  Despite his constant fantasies lately, and the vigorous romps with Matt, “gay” wasn’t an identity he’d accepted.  He still thought of himself as a straight guy, the recent events just a phase he was going through while he tried to figure things out.  It was natural to experiment and be curious, he told himself.  He didn’t know what door he’d opened in Matt, but Tony reassured himself that it wasn’t like he was the one stripping down and twerking explosively out of the closet the way his friend was.  He was just trying something new, and if it stuck he’d deal with the implications later.

And he had more pressing concerns than labels at the moment.  Mixed in with the melange of musk and sweat and cologne was a heady, floral scent that hit his loins like a livewire.  He’d smelled it in his dreams of that strange temple jutting out of the alien jungle, and he had a vague memory of encountering the intoxicating aroma once before with Matt, but now he couldn’t pinpoint the source.  Tony didn’t know why he even wanted to, he only knew that he needed to find wherever, or whoever, it was coming from.  It was an impulse that couldn’t be ignored, as if the directive had suddenly been programmed into him.

He stepped away from the crowd to get a better vantage point, revealing himself to his friend in the process.  Tony was eyeing the other side of the bar when he heard a high pitched squeal and saw a figure rapidly approaching in his periphery, turning back just in time for Matt to slam into him.  Tony yelped as the dark-haired stud wrapped his muscled arms around him and went in for a kiss, his own hands instinctively reaching down to grip Matt’s impossible rear.  What Tony thought was going to be a quick kiss turned out to be anything but as his friend ground his tented bulge against stomach, his hands roaming all over the lean man’s body while their tongues wrestled for dominance.  Tony ignored the crowd while Matt’s hands alternated between sliding up under his shirt and groping the rigid cock in his pants.  He was dimly aware that he was openly making out with, and fondling, another man in public, but at the moment it didn’t seem to matter nearly as much as the massive, yielding globes squishing against his fingers.

The crowd was impossible to ignore when Matt finally broke off the kiss and Tony found himself the subject of countless glares.  He blushed when he realized his shirt had been worked up to his shoulders and that Matt had opened the waist of his pants, nearly exposing his own tented bulge.

“Omigod I’m so glad you’re here,” Matt beamed, flexing his inflated bubble against his friend’s hands.  “Isn’t this place great?!”

“It’s...a lot,” Tony laughed awkwardly.  He let go of his friend’s ass, snapping the elastic of the jock as he reached up to tug on the bottom of the bright pink shirt that stopped just below the other man’s nipples.  “This is all a lot.  What are you...I mean...why’d you...what the fuck is going on, dude?!”

Matt just shrugged.  “I don’t know?  Seriously...I have, like, zero clue,” he said, his smile never faltering.  “It all just seemed so dumb.  Everything I did before today was, like, a total waste of time, you know?  What was I even doing with my life?  I was sooooooo boring,” he groaned, rolling his eyes before fixing them on Tony’s.  “But then you, like, threw that door wide open.  It all makes sense now...THIS is what I’m supposed to be doing.  Look at this ass!  It’s a crime not to share it!  And when was the last time you danced?  It.  Is.  So.  Much.  Fun.  Omigod,” Matt giggled, popping his hips.  He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper as he kissed Tony’s ear.  “Do you see these boys, too?  We have been MISSING OUT on dick all these years,” he said, his hand slipping into the front of Tony’s briefs.  The lean brunette was too stunned, both by what his friend said and the way he said it, to do anything other than stare, and it wasn’t until Matt started stroking that Tony was jarred back to his senses.

By then it was too late.  As worked up as he already was it didn’t take more than a few quick tugs to push him over the edge in front of the envious, leering crowd.  Tony did his best not to think about how many people were watching when Matt pushed the front of his briefs down as he started spurting.  At least he wouldn’t be soaking through his underwear, but he hoped his friend’s stocky muscle would obscure most of the spraying organ.  The cheers that broke out told him otherwise.

“Dude!  Co...come on…” Tony sputtered, trying to sound indignant.

“See?  It’s fun,” Matt purred.

“For you, maybe.  Not everyone wants tooooOOHH!”  Tony broke off in a yelp when the other man grabbed his pants and briefs, abruptly shoving both to his ankles.  His shirt still up around his shoulders, Tony’s face went purple with embarrassment as he stood exposed in all his softening glory for the applauding crowd.  “What is with you,” he barked, quickly pulling his pants back up and failing to convince himself that he hadn’t just enjoyed every second of the impromptu display.  His friend's distilled exhibitionism was surprisingly infectious, even to someone who knew how strange it was, but there was something deeper that sent a stab of fear through him.  For an instant, Tony flashed back to his dream and remembered how right it felt to have the alien sun beating down on his naked flesh while he led the strange crowd up the stairs.  A similar sensation had run through him just now when he’d stood with his exposed body bathed in the swirling lights of the dancefloor.  He didn’t like the implications.

“Oh, you loved it,” Matt said, giving Tony a quick peck on the chin.  “Come on...I can’t wait for you to meet Jake!”  He grabbed his friend’s hand and pulled him through the crowd, his tented jock still leading the way. Tony stumbled along behind, choosing to focus on his friend’s supple, swaying cheeks instead of the spiteful glances from all the strangers who’d just watched him cum.  A few grinned and catcalled as they passed, but the sound began to fade away as they approached the bar.

A soft violet glow was radiating from a hulking, dark-skinned hunk who smiled and shook his head as they drew near.  The pungent floral scent he’d been seeking hit Tony’s nose like a fist, his whole body tingling when he realized he’d found his target.  He watched as Matt skipped over and threw his arms around the bigger man, the shorter man having to stand up on his toes to plant a similar kiss.  His friend hadn’t been kidding about the man’s size.  Tony guessed him to be around 6’4” and well into the two-seventies, big enough that his massive hand still looked large even as it clutched one of Matt’s pillowy cheeks.

“You must be Tony,” the brawny hunk said as he pulled his mouth away from the bottom-heavy hunk, who shifted his attention to the thick neck below.  “I’m Jake.”

Tony shivered when his hand was swallowed in the other man’s meaty grip.  “Nice...nice to meet you,” he stammered, his head spinning.

“You were right...he IS cute,” Jake said to Matt, his eyes landing on the front of the flustered man’s pants.  “Puts on a good show, too.”

The bright red sheen that crept up Tony’s face only caused the older man’s smug grin to grow, which in turn made him blush even harder.  “Uh, yeah, sorry about that.  He kinda took me by surprise,” Tony said, nodding at his dark-haired friend.

“He does that, doesn’t he,” Jake laughed.  “He told me you were the one who encouraged him recently.  Got any more friends like him hiding anywhere?”

“Not yet,” Tony shrugged.  He didn’t realize what he’d said until Jake’s confused expression registered.  “I mean, this is, uh, kind of new for him, so who knows?  Maybe?”

“Well, if you do come across any, be sure to send ‘em our way.”  The big man cocked his head, absently stroking Matt’s plump bottom as he stared at Tony.  “This all new for you, too?”

Tony nodded.  “That obvious?”

Jake looked the lean brunette up and down and shrugged.  The massive shoulders spilling out of his muscle shirt were like shifting boulders.  “At least the deer-in-headlights thing works for you,” he grinned.

Tony’s stomach fluttered at the sight.  It was taking all of his willpower not to shove Matt out of the way and throw himself at the other man.  He couldn’t stop tracing his eyes over Jake’s mountainous pecs, or the meaty, trunk-like thighs that dwarfed the stool he sat on.  He kept imagining what it would be like to have the older stud’s burly arms around him, or to have his mouth full of the undoubtedly girthy cock that lurked in the straining shorts.  He knew he was openly staring, but he was transfixed by the purple aura that popped against Jake’s deep brown hue as much as he was by the other man’s overwhelming masculinity.  Tony gradually became aware that Jake was letting him take his time in looking, and whether it was because Matt had already laid the groundwork or the brawny hulk was genuinely interested, the hungry expression on the older man’s weathered face made it clear that he was already on board for whatever Tony wanted.  “So, uh, do you…”

Jake leaned forward and cut Tony off by slipping a hand into the waist of his jeans, gently pulling him forward.  “My place is just down the block,” he purred, his other hand still clamped to Matt’s rotund bottom.  “How about we head there and I can show you the ropes?”

Tony swallowed hard and was nodding before he even realized his head was moving.  As it had with Matt his desire overwhelmed his inhibitions, and Tony was more aroused than anxious for what was coming.  A week ago he would have been mortified at the thought of getting fucked by another man, but now, staring up at Jake’s brawny bulk, he craved it.  Just as there hadn’t been any question about who was going to enter who when he’d first began fooling around with Matt, Tony already knew he’d be the one bouncing up and down on the dark-skinned hulk’s lap.

And he couldn’t wait.  The combination of the floral aroma and the violet, neon illumination the only he could see surrounding Jake was intoxicating.  He hadn’t had a single drink, but Tony felt drunk as he staggered along with the other two.  They had to pause at the door while Jake forced Matt to put on a pair of shorts, though the small pink bottoms seemed pointless as the dark-haired jock’s inflated globes hung more out of them than in.  Tony was aware, on a logical level, that he should have been embarrassed at walking down the street with his friend so scantily clad, but he couldn’t muster the sensation no matter how hard he tried.  Watching Matt saunter with his new waddling prance seemed perfectly normal, just as it did when Tony found himself peeling out of his t-shirt as they made their way.  The evening air was warm and muggy from the leftover heat radiating off the pavement around them, but it was nowhere near the humid furnace that the lean brunette saw them walking through.  Tony’s vision kept blurring, swapping out the brick facades and darkened storefronts for dense jungle foliage.  The sky overhead was no longer night-black but a deep emerald, and it wasn’t the stairs to Jake’s apartment that they climbed, but the steps leading to the monolithic doors at the top of the temple.

Tony was dizzy, his body on autopilot as his attention was somehow split between worlds.  It was as if the cosmic jungle and Jake’s apartment were superimposed on top of each other.  Even as he watched Matt strip naked and let Jake tear his pants open, Tony never lost the sensation of trudging up that alien slope.  He didn’t know which of the bodies he inhabited; the one shivering against Jake’s muscle gut as he clawed at the older man’s broad back and eagerly attacked a nubby nipple with his tongue, or the one who watched the towering doors draw closer and closer.

He knew which one he wanted.  If it were up to him, Tony would have devoted all of his attention to the now-naked body squirming between his bottom-heavy friend and the ebony wall of muscle.  They knelt on Jake’s bed, their oozing poles of various sizes mingling together as they writhed in each other's arms.  Lips sought out lips and tongues vyed for dominance until they couldn’t tell where each of them ended and the other began.  Tony had never felt anything like it.  With Jake’s massive, eight-inch log in one hand and Matt’s stout rod in the other, he squirmed at the center of a lustful storm.  He didn’t know whose hand pumped on his aching rod and whose hand toyed with his suddenly-eager rear, and he didn’t care.  The pleasure was inescapable.  Wedged between the ravenous pair there was no escaping the ecstasy, only submitting to it.

It’s what the temple wanted.  He could feel it.  As Jake gradually began to take over and Matt was reduced largely to a spectator, Tony felt a familiar throb begin to build deep inside him.  It wasn’t until that moment that he remembered where he’d felt it before, and what had happened to Matt shortly after, but there was no turning back.

“Ohhh...oh fuck…” Tony gasped as Jake writhed on top of him, slowly kissing his way down from the toned brunette’s neck.  The big man had pushed him prone on the bed and draped himself over, swallowing his smaller frame like a blanket.  Tony still couldn’t believe how good it felt.  Jake’s rugged, beefy bulk was nothing like Matt’s sculpted muscle but it turned him on just as much.  There seemed to be no end to his new friend’s imposing size as Tony’s probing hands explored every inch of it, always finding ample, meaty flesh to cling to.  When the big man reached his lower abs Tony expected Jake to begin working on his aching cock, but the older man only gave it a quick lick before hefting his legs into the air.  “Whoa!” Tony laughed as he was manhandled into the awkward angle.  He started to raise his head, but before he had the chance Matt scooted over to hold his legs up for Jake.  That left Tony’s face straddled between the fat-bottomed stud’s thighs, with Matt’s heavy balls dangling tantalizingly close.

“I said I’d show you the ropes.”  Tony heard Jake’s deep purr, but he couldn’t see the other man leaning down, making the warm tongue against his virgin hole a pleasant surprise.

“HHHOOOooookay,” Tony grunted, spasming involuntarily in their grip.  Instead of being humiliated he felt simultaneously safe yet exposed as he lay pinned against the bed with Matt holding his legs in the air and Jake spreading his cheeks.  His cock oozed against the top of his stomach as it wedged against it, but instead of reaching down to stroke himself Tony reached up to clutch Matt’s pillowy cheeks.

“You look good from this angle,” the olive-hued hunk laughed, shifting his weight to rub his balls against his friend’s face.

“So...so do you…” Tony stammered as he began licking and sucking on the heavy orbs.  “Go...goddamn Jake...that feels so...so good…”

There was a pause before the bigger man lifted his face.  “Never had a sweet cherry pie like this before,” he said, sounding equal parts amused and surprised.  “Damn thing was trying to pull the tongue right out of my mouth.”

Tony didn’t know what to say.  He never thought he’d have to respond to another man telling him he had a surprisingly eager hole.  “Uh...sorry?  I’ve never done this before...guess I’m just exciiiIIIEEEIII…!”  He broke off in a wail when one of Jake’s fingers slipped inside, a surge of ecstasy shooting up his spine.  Tony had expected it to hurt, but even as one finger became two, and then a rooting trio buried up to the palm, there was only the muscle-melting pleasure.

After a few blissful minutes Jake pulled his hand free and reached over to give Tony’s churning balls a squeeze.  “Good news, champ.  You’re a natural,” he said, genuinely impressed.  He climbed back up to his knees and repositioned himself so that Tony was once again wedged between them, his fat rod looming excruciatingly close to the prone brunette’s hungry entrance.   “Shit... even your boy here didn’t have a hole made out of rubber,” he laughed, reaching out to give Matt’s oozing cock a squeeze.

Tony was too worked up to respond with anything other than a few feeble whimpers.  He somehow knew Jake was right, that, despite its ample size and ability, Matt’s impressive bottoming skills wouldn’t come close to his own.  It wasn’t ego that made him say this, either.  It was a fact.  HE was the key that opened the door to the temple.  Whether with his ass, cock, hands, or mouth, Tony was the one who would bring them all through to the other side.  His growing flock could attract new followers, but it was then his appointed duty to show the newcomers to the door.  He’d been chosen by the ones who dwelt within, and though he may not consciously remember it once they’d finished, it was his sole purpose.

It was also the source of his greatest pleasure.  As Jake slowly worked his thick, lengthy club inside, Tony howled.  He arched his back and buried his face against Matt’s balls, his fingers digging so deep into the other man’s yielding globes he was afraid he’d leave bruises.

“Ho...holy...damn…” Jake grunted, slowly working himself in until his bulky muscle gut pressed against the underside of Tony’s legs.  His meaty hands slid up and down the prone man’s thighs while Matt held them aloft, his eyes wide.  “Never felt anyone so...I...I don’t...how are...what are you…”

Tony could hear the surprise in Jake’s breathless voice, and although he couldn’t see the older man’s undoubtedly confused expression, he could still glimpse enough of the writhing wall of muscle in his periphery to relish the sight.  Matt’s hefty balls cut off the view of everything above Jake’s chest, and as he watched the pounding man’s massive pecs bounce with each thrust, Tony felt that strange throbbing at the core of his being grow stronger.  “Fu...fuck...you’re so…” he moaned, the pressure spilling over as he spoke.  He felt like he was cumming, but instead of a sticky eruption spurting from his untouched cock, a string of alien words shot out of his gaping mouth.  “...so fuckin’ hot...such a jacked, tiny top...donkey-dicked little daddy...fun-size stud show’s ‘em how to get there...how to get to the top...show’s ‘em who’s bosssssSSUUUHHNNN…!”

The violet glow surrounding Jake ignited, filling the entire apartment while Matt’s exuberant musk was replaced with the scent of sickly sweet foliage.  The older man’s stunned, wide-eyed face quickly came into view as his body rapidly shrank, though the thick club stretching Tony wide seemed to be spared from any reduction.  As with Matt it happened fast, and in an instant Tony went from staring at Jake’s bouncing shelf of a chest to his shocked, handsome face as the older man settled in at his new height.

Jake kept pumping on instinct, his once-massive hands now seeming tiny as they caressed Tony’s thighs.  “What the...what just haaAOOOHHH!”  He tensed and came, looking around the room in a wild-eyed frenzy while he pumped load after load into the now-taller brunette.  Instead of 6’4”, Jake had dropped to barely four feet, if he was lucky, taking him from the biggest to the smallest guy in any crowd.  There was a long pause when he finished, his panting gasps the only sound.  He kept looking down at himself and up at the other two, unable to find the words he so desperately wanted to speak.  His proportions seemed more or less the same, they just weren’t at the right scale compared to the world around him.  He knew he should have been the one towering over them, not the other way around, but even as he had the thought it felt wrong.  “Did...is everything okay,” he finally asked, his deep, booming voice seeming just as out of place on his pint-sized frame as the heaping cock he pulled out of Tony’s leaking hole.  The girthy organ and accompanying bull balls had retained their original mass, now looking comically oversized on the older man’s reduced body.

“Better than okay,” Tony sighed, stretching like a cat when Matt finally let his legs drop.  Looking at the beefy little ball of muscle between his thighs at one end, and Matt’s colossal cakes at the other, he felt a sense of deja vu.  He knew that, just moments before, Jake had been an imposing giant of a man.  Looking around the room he could see furniture and discarded clothing that was clearly meant for someone much larger, but his brain refused to process that information as problematic in any way.  As with Matt’s heaping mounds and flighty attitude, the shortened stud seemed exactly as he should be.  Tony tried to hold onto the clarity he’d felt just moments earlier, of that sense of purpose and all the horror it implied, but it was already fading.  He sat up once it was gone and wrapped his arms around Jake, easily pulling the dense little man on top of him when he lay back down.  “Any other ropes you want to show me?”



Pretty nice , will the next chapter be from Jakes perspective as a short guy now ?

present (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-07 01:55:39 For me, this is the hottest series you’ve done. Matt’s transformation is ridiculously sexy, and what’s happened to Jake is just as fun!
2021-08-18 16:41:21 For me, this is the hottest series you’ve done. Matt’s transformation is ridiculously sexy, and what’s happened to Jake is just as fun!

For me, this is the hottest series you’ve done. Matt’s transformation is ridiculously sexy, and what’s happened to Jake is just as fun!


Glad you like it! I’m also enjoying this one. I’m going to try and carve out some time so it’s not so long between chapters going forward.