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Hi Everyone,

Random request - if you've purchased Pikesburg or Fir Hollow, are they still showing up for you on your device?  For some reason they're not showing on Amazon at the moment (along with Backfire and It's Academic).  If you click the link to Pikesburg on this page it still takes you there, but they don't show up on my author page or when you search for them by title.  Not sure if it's just a server glitch on Amazon's end of things or what.  

I appreciate the help! 



Twitter is blowing up at the moment regarding what appears to be a widespread problem with Amazon’s website in terms of search results and content availability. Amazon Help says that it is a temporary glitch and will be resolved soon, contrary to the cries of censorship and shadow banning on social media. We shall see!


I think I had Fir Hollow but it's not in my library. I'm not entirely sure though.


Thanks for the info! Fingers crossed that’s all it is. It feels like a server/tech issue based on what I’m seeing, but you never know.