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*** Work in progress!  ***

“It just doesn’t make sense.”

“What does?  Anymore, I mean.”  John stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Adam’s thick waist from behind, his lips lingering as he kissed the back of the other man’s neck.  He rested his head on a sturdy shoulder and looked out the window to see what had caught his anxious lover’s attention.  On the street below, pairs of men walked arm-in-arm down the busy sidewalk, sometimes as a couple, often as part of a larger group, while clusters of women did the same.  There were all shapes, sizes and ages, the only shared trait amongst them being the selective nature of their partnering and the way some were fully clothed while others wore little to nothing.  It was a common enough sight, but it had barely been a year since the Big Change, far too short a time to make such a foundational shift feel familiar.  “Are we going to have ‘the talk’ again,” John asked, stroking a hand through the soft layer of hair on Adam’s firm, bare gut.

“Don’t patronize me,” the burly young man grumbled but didn’t pull away.  He fought the urge to throw his meaty cheeks back and swallow the twitching rod that dug against him through the smaller man’s shorts.  It was an instinct he still wrestled with all these months later, and he was steadily losing ground.  Adam had to remind himself every morning that he hadn’t always had such a thick, hairy frame, or such overwhelming, lustful impulses.  He still had the pictures to prove that at one point he’d been wiry and lean and had worn clothes, but he didn’t like to look at them.  It was a life he couldn’t go back to, and one that had become so foreign it might as well have belonged to someone else entirely.  The handsome jock in the photos, with his full head of hair and sharp features, had been swallowed by a broad, bald bull of a man.  Instead of fitted, fashionable clothes he was covered in a brawny layer of muscle and fur that seemed to have a life of its own.  It refused to be covered by anything more than a few skimpy scraps of fabric and would secrete a potent sweat, harmless to living tissue, that disintegrated any attempts at obscuring it from view.  It helped that the bulk was also self-regulating, keeping him perfectly warm in the harsh, frigid winter, and comfortably cool during the sweltering peak of a humid summer, but such forced exposure would have been humiliating even back when he’d been a smug, athletic charmer.  In his current state, it was close to a nightmare.  As if losing his ripped frame and having the wavy, chocolate hair flee from his scalp to coat the rest of him wasn’t bad enough, his former pride and joy had shrunk to a vestigial nub.  Instead of a long, thick hose with a hefty set of balls, his massive new frame now sported a tiny mushroom and a matching pair of marbles, the minuscule package barely visible between his tree-trunk thighs.  Adam would have been relieved that the diminished organ still worked, but now it worked almost too well.  The few inches that remained were almost constantly hard and had a tendency to spray at the slightest provocation, and although his former knockers had shrunk he still managed to produce an impressive amount with each frequent release.

The fact that millions of other men shared his predicament did little to soothe his wounded pride.  Nor did it matter that he still found himself the center of attention, as it was the kind of prominence he never would have dreamed of wanting.  Far from being an object of ridicule, his bloated frame and petite package drove men wild.  When he wasn’t overwhelmed with self pity Adam could at least partially admit that his full, roughened features were still handsome in an overly masculine way, but what he couldn’t adjust to was being treated like the prettiest girl on campus.  His unaltered friends, or at least the ones who’d only had their internal wiring switched around, fell all over themselves to be around him.  While he was horrified at what he’d become, they were filled with an almost obsessive longing.  Adam would have been flattered, but he knew it really didn’t have anything to do with him.  It was just the way the world worked now.  The guys who at least still looked the same, like John, had been reprogrammed to lust after the guys who’d inflated.  It was a product of instinct more than a chosen, rational desire.  And although the new impulses spread so that men lusted after men, and women lusted after women, it was the people who’d been changed like Adam that sat at the top of the list.

And no one knew why.  After a year of trying to adapt to a radically different world and studying the creature that had started everything in motion, no one was any closer to knowing what it was or where it had come from.  Or if they were, they weren't talking.  There were plenty of wild conspiracy theories, but when several mountainous worms burst up through the ground all over the world and start spewing noxious clouds that change everyone, it was hard to decipher the crazy from the logical.  All anyone knew for sure is that the colossal monstrosities were the source of the heightened geological activity that no one had been able to explain during the preceding months.  It had been a global phenomenon, the seismic readings crisscrossing the globe and behaving in what should have been an impossible manner until the day the towering things finally broke the surface.

They were huge on a scale unlike anything the planet had ever produced and seemed to obey an entirely foreign set of natural laws.  Something that was both several miles in diameter and that stretched nearly five miles into the sky shouldn’t have been possible, let alone several of those somethings.  And they shouldn’t have taken everyone by surprise.  There should have been more warning before they punched through and writhed skyward, their pink, slimy flesh dripping like a downpour on the surrounding area.  Fortunately, they only seemed to puncture the surface in remote areas, though what followed mitigated any relief.  As soon as the things had stretched to their full height, their featureless heads had split open, spewing a pale, purple cloud.  The musky fog was seemingly endless, spreading from each of the subterranean invaders until the entire planet was coated in a matter of days.  Once the atmosphere had been permeated the things stopped spewing and writhing, their dripping flesh going dry and hard as stone.  The clouds that had cast the planet in a violet hue for several weeks began to dissipate shortly after, but whether the strange creatures were dead or simply dormant, no one had any idea.  A unified, global effort as unlikely as the colossal horrors themselves was launched immediately, but, before the investigations could make any headway, people started to change.

Lockdowns and quarantines were imposed in a futile attempt at slowing the spread.  Officials first thought it was something that could be contagious, not something that had already infected everyone.  In retrospect it should have been obvious, but no one had any frame of reference for what was happening at the time.  Now, so many months later, Adam knew he and John were actually some of the lucky ones.  Word had already spread that there was no point in going to the hospital, meaning he at least got to ride out the transition in the comfort of his own home, with not only a friend, but a gorgeous one at that.

Adam didn’t think he’d ever forget the sense of dread he’d felt the afternoon everything changed.  Given the context he couldn’t call it an average Tuesday, but he and John were doing their best to at least pretend that everything was okay.  The petrified monsters were far, far away, and nearly a week into lockdown neither of them had shown any signs of changing, at least physically.  They’d both been successfully ignoring the growing desire and confusing attraction they felt towards each other, hoping that if they didn’t talk about them then things wouldn’t be weird when it all inevitably went back to normal.  Other than being extra horny and feeling a bit warm that day, Adam had no idea what was in store.

If he’d known they were going to be the last clothes he’d ever wear, the former brunette would have picked something other than a ratty pair of boxers, gym shorts and a tank-top.  They’d both heard the stories about dissolving clothing being the start, but neither of them were prepared for how fast it happened.  Adam was in mid-sentence when he felt a strange tingling, and the next thing he knew the tattered remains of his clothes were falling away.  He and John had been friends long enough that they’d seen each other naked nearly as often as themselves.  It wasn’t uncommon for them to share the bathroom while one was in the shower, and back in the day when they’d been forced into a tiny dorm on campus they’d even jerk off with the other in the room.  But Adam had never seen his friend look at him the way he had in that moment.  It didn’t help that his cock shot to life the second his clothes fell away, and they both knew what it meant.

Thinking back on it, Adam now realized how much shock he was in when he darted into his room and threw on nearly every piece of clothing he had in a desperate attempt at denying what was happening.  John finally stopped him before he’d dissolved everything, but he then went through several blankets and towels before the truth of his situation sank in.  Adam remembered staring at his reflection, trying to burn the image of his fit, tapering frame into his mind.  Based on what they’d heard he knew it was only a matter of hours, a day at most, before the rigid seven inches between his legs would be significantly smaller, and his lean body would be unrecognizable.

To his credit, instead of locking himself away, John stayed glued to Adam's side.  They’d been locked down in their small apartment for nearly two weeks between the initial appearance of the monsters, the gas cloud, and then the people changing, and he’d been quick to point out that if Adam was contagious it was likely already too late.  In an attempt at lightening the mood the dark-haired hunk had even stripped naked so that Adam wouldn’t feel weird, though the plan quickly backfired.  John couldn’t hide the growing hunger in his eyes, and the rigid club that should have been the same size as his friend’s now stood at least two inches longer.

Things only got worse for Adam.  Though his mind raced with terror, his body was on fire with an aching lust he’d never felt before.  While he watched John’s cock outsize him by two inches, then three, then four, it was all he could do to keep himself from grabbing the shrinking organ and start pumping away.  He was mortified whenever he caught John staring, his friend’s package looking colossal next to his diminished equipment.  Adam couldn’t imagine what it would be like to walk around with the little nub on display, but that concern became secondary when the rest of his body finally started changing.

His gut blossomed first.  While he still sported his toned arms and legs, his abs vanished as his stomach started expanding outward.  For a few hours he looked pregnant and misshapen, his sculpted pecs resting on the prominent new belly that obscured the view of his shrunken cock entirely.  After that it was his hair.  Seemingly all at once, his thick locks began to thin while wiry curls started sprouting all over the rest of him.  What had been a dusting across his chest and over his arms and legs quickly turned into an encompassing pelt, coating his shoulders, upper back, chest, and thighs in a soft, thickening layer of the same chocolate brown that should have been on his head.

It was too much.  Adam had been trying his best to stay calm.  He’d been in a bit of denial, joking about his shrinking cock and forced exposure while he did his best to focus on John’s ripped, naked frame as a distraction, but when the more extreme changes began he knew there really was no going back.  His recollection grew blessedly hazy once the panic set in.  Adam remembered thinking that he looked like a freak, and how he both loved and hated the look of lust that had only grown stronger in his friend’s eyes.  He remembered yelling at John, and launching himself at the other man in a frustrated attack, but he’d only ended up wrapped in his arms.

John’s voice was calm and stern for the short time he spoke.  Adam clung to the sound the way he did to his friend’s solid frame, his body lighting up at the sensation of John’s smooth muscle pressing into him.  The other man clearly felt the same way, and when it became clear his words alone wouldn’t calm his inflating friend, he put his mouth to another use.  Instead of pulling away, Adam leaned into the kiss.  He let John swallow his horrified whimpers, closing his eyes and shutting out the mental image of what his disproportionate body looked like writhing in the athletic stud’s grip.  He tried not to think about how increasingly foreign and heavy his body felt as John guided him to the floor, or how desperate he sounded as he begged his friend for release.

They were both on autopilot, following the same new instincts that were budding in men all over the globe.  Adam was on his back before he even realized what was coming, his thickening legs hoisted onto John’s shoulders while his friend plunged inside.  The former brunette didn’t bother to brace himself, he actually wanted the pain as a distraction, but his changing body had other plans.  John’s long, thick rod slipped through the prone man’s virgin knot as if Adam’s expanding backside was tailor made for it.  There wasn’t the slightest discomfort, only an electric bliss that made the balding new bear roar like his increasingly appropriate namesake.  He’d never even thought about getting fucked before, and yet Adam found himself using his supple, dexterous hole with skilled precision, drawing load after load out of his equally stunned friend.



That was hot. Really interesting premise


Awesome story, love where it's going!