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“Come on, man.  Are we going to do this or not,” Zane asked.  His thick, chocolate brows were furrowed, his bright blue eyes narrowed in an adorable look of frustration.  I’m sure he meant it as intimidating, but with the soft lips, perfect nose, and razor cheekbones, he just looked like a pouting pretty-boy.

I shrugged.  “That all depends on whether or not you’ve held up your end of things.”

Zane’s scowl grew deeper as he nodded down at his softening cock and the glistening spatter of cum coating his lean torso.  “I think I’ve more than fulfilled my obligation at this point.”

“I wasn’t talking about that,” I said, loving the way he shivered when I reached over and gave the spent package a rough squeeze.  “And let’s not make it sound like you didn’t get anything out of this part.”  His tongue was warm when I scooped a bead of cum off his abs and pressed it against his lips.  The kiss he grudgingly returned when I leaned over was considerably less so.  I couldn’t blame him.  The straight, pretty jock wasn’t in my bed because he wanted me, but because he wanted the unique services I could provide.  The two of us messing around was just part of the opening negotiations.  Not the most moral approach to getting a handsome hunk naked, I’ll admit, but given what he was asking, the ambitious athlete had no room to judge. He also had no way of knowing that I was lying when I said this was necessary.  The sex, and all the embarrassing scenarios I’d been putting him through under the guise of “making a sacrifice”, weren’t actually needed for the magic, at least not in the way he thought.  I just wanted to see how far he was willing to go.

Far, it turns out.  Miles.  Leagues.  Though most conditions were met with open reluctance, they were all met nonetheless.  Zane’s naturally inflated ego helped move things along, and while he chafed at being ordered into embarrassing situations, he still got off on the idea of being desired.  When he was told to throw out all his boxers and replace them with jockstraps and thongs, and to then hang out in them the way he did with his ratty shorts, he pushed back.  He claimed to be too embarrassed to strut around in front of his friends in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear that left his ass on display, but I didn’t need to be able to read his thoughts to see the undercurrent of excitement at the thought.  Zane knew he looked good.  He was perfectly aware of his lean, rock-climber build and surprisingly ample bottom.  His smallish package was a sore spot, but in his mind it would soon be fixed, so he could swallow a few weeks of flashing a less than impressive bulge.

His friends had immediately given him a hard time.  Being a group of straight, athletic young men they were confused by the sudden shift in Zane’s wardrobe, though they mostly let it drop once the embarrassed brunette had reassured them of his continued heterosexuality.  There was, however, still plenty of ass slapping whenever he passed, and offers for him to put his pretty mouth to use, just as I’d known there would be.  I considered adding that to the list, but ultimately held off as I was already keeping him plenty occupied in that regard.

To be fair, he was the one who brought up sex as payment in the first place.  He’d seen me checking him out, and he thought he could get away with a one-time offer in exchange for working magic that would rewrite reality itself.  The price obviously needed to go up, but I was all too happy with the currency.  Even after laying out the terms up front, including the embarrassing scenarios, he’d still agreed.  He was actually willing to do whatever I wanted in bed, as well as alter his wardrobe and film himself in compromising situations, just for some additional muscle mass and a few extra inches to his dick.

Despite already having a face and body that lit a jealous spark in plenty of others, he wanted more.  Being ripped and rock-solid wasn’t enough.  It didn’t matter that he was shredded as long as he was still smaller than his burlier friends.  His ego couldn’t handle being merely athletic and toned; he needed to be bigger.  And while we were making a few tweaks, he’d said, his five inches weren’t cutting it.  He wanted a long, thick hose and imposing balls that he could swing around the locker room like his friend Mack, not a petite, but perfectly functional, poker.

It was when I explained the limitations that he surprised me.  I was tempted to just do what he asked and let him learn the hard way that you don’t get something from nothing.  If I’d simply magicked him up some more muscle and a bigger dick it would have used his existing mass for fuel, leaving him buff, hung, and all of about three feet tall.  He’d always struck me as a nice guy, though, so I gave him a chance.

I’m glad I did.  As it turns out, Zane isn’t so much a nice guy as he is a Nice Guy; charming and friendly on the surface, but rotten to the core.  It took him less than a minute to offer up Mack as a fuel source in his stead.  When I asked him if he fully understood what that meant, that it would leave his buff, blonde friend shrunk down and significantly less endowed, he’d merely waved it away as if it didn’t matter.  Mack had plenty to spare, he’d reasoned, and if it would be a consolation he’d said I could always make sure that Mack had a thing for him afterwards.

It was a disappointing reveal, but it at least made what came afterwards guilt free on my end.  I’m certainly no saint, and I’m not going to turn down a chance for some fun with a handsome hunk like Zane, even if he is rotten.  But now things were ripe, and it was time to move on.  I’d had my fill of his tight body and bouncing cheeks, and the novelty of making him expose himself was starting to wear off.  Besides, I still had plenty of pictures and videos if I ever wanted a revisit.

He slid off the bed and pulled his discarded thong back on, as if the skimpy, crimson garment actually provided any coverage.  “You mean Mack?  Yeah, it’s all set up.  I’m going over to his place tonight.”

“Good,” I said, trying to sound serious as I stood and got dressed.  “Remember: 10:47, exactly.  That’s when the stars are right.  You have to break the crystal at the precise moment.”  It didn’t actually matter when he broke the crystal.  It was just more fun to be dramatic.  I produced the spherical gem, roughly the size of a small orange, and watched his face light up.  The stone itself was clear, but a swirling, iridescent storm of pink, purple and green smoke lit up the interior.  I gave his bulge a final squeeze as I handed it over.  “Once you break that there’s no going back.  You’d better be absolutely certain you’re willing to go through with this.”

He looked at me like I’d just told him something ridiculous, like the sky was yellow or that he was bad in bed.  “Of course I am,” he said.


Zane groaned and blinked up at the ceiling, his head spinning.  The last thing he remembered was being in Mack’s apartment and breaking the crystal at precisely the moment he needed to, and then nothing.  Instead of shattering glass when he'd smashed the crystal into the floor there’d been a crack of thunder, followed by a psychedelic whirlwind of the multicolored smoke.  There’d been a small seed of doubt in the back of his mind about the magic Jordan could supposedly work, and whether or not any of it was actually real, but as he’d watched the flashes of lightning shooting through the air around him and Mack those doubts had vanished.

So had his consciousness.  Zane gradually recognized his surroundings as Mack’s bedroom, and the soft surface beneath him as his friend’s bed, he just didn’t know how he’d gotten there. “Well that was something,” he muttered, feeling weak and exhausted as he struggled upright.  “Guess I should’ve asked what to…ex…pect…” Zane broke off in a gasp, his heart racing as he looked down at a body he barely recognized.  There was no extra bulk in place of his lean definition.  There was nothing at all, not even the tone he’d started with.  His modest pecs now sat flat, his tiny nipples looking larger than they should against his now-shapeless torso.  Once-broad shoulders were now thin and bony, and the solid arms that used to carry him easily up cliff faces were now lithe and spindly.  The same went for the vanished abs that had been replaced by a soft belly, and for the supple thighs where his muscled quads should have been.  Worst of all, though, was the short little nub that sat between them.  Instead of five inches, his cock looked to be no more than two, while the remaining marbles that had been his egg-shaped balls were now barely visible.  “No!  No, no, no, no…this can’t be happening…” he stammered, finally registering the higher, lighter tone of his voice.

“Oh, it’s happening.”  Zane froze at the sound of Mack’s deep, booming voice from the doorway, his dainty, trembling hands hovering above his diminished frame.  The groan that issued from his mouth as a naked Mack walked in took him by surprise, as did his friend’s appearance.  It wasn’t a groan of fear at the sight of the inflated stud, but of pure, unfiltered lust.  Looking at Mack’s cannonball shoulders, chiseled shelf of a chest, piston arms, and shredded washboard, it was immediately clear what had occurred.  Either by accident or a double cross, the already-brawny blonde had stolen Zane’s size, not the other way around.  Nowhere was this more apparent than in the fat, ten-inch hose that dangled between Mack’s meaty thighs and which held Zane’s attention like a hypnotist’s watch.  “How ya feelin’, big guy,” Mack asked, a condescending smile on his face.

“Du…dude…what happened…” Zane asked, his stomach fluttering as the other man approached.  Mack’s presence was suddenly so overwhelming that he could barely look at his friend.  For the normally-arrogant former jock, feeling truly inferior to someone was a foreign sensation.

“I think you know,” Mack said, his hands easily swallowing Zane’s upper arms as he pulled his friend to his feet.  The shrunken brunette yelped, both at the ease with which he was manhandled, and from his new chin-level perspective.  He and Mack should have looked each other in the eye, but it was clear Zane had lost more than muscle.  “I didn’t get taller.  I checked while you were out,” Mack said, anticipating the question.  “5’6”, in case you’re wondering,” he said, reaching down to give the now-shorter man’s ass a squeeze.  He let out a loud laugh when his fingers bit into the yielding mounds, and he spun the other man around to face the mirror at the foot of the bed.  “Whoooo! Look at these,” he cheered, clapping and bouncing the fat globes.  They were only marginally larger than the ones Zane normally sported, but on his reduced frame they looked massively inflated, and in their softened state there was considerably more motion to them.  “Got a little more jiggle in your wiggle, don’t ya?”

Zane didn’t know what to say.  He was horrified, but more than anything he was about to pop.  Mack’s presence alone was enough to push him towards the edge, and the budding blonde bodybuilder’s manhandling wasn’t helping.  He looked down at the bead of liquid on his little member and immediately regretted it when Mack did the same.

“Looks like the little guy still works, at least,” the bigger man mocked.  He reached down and jabbed a thumb next to the oozing nub, cocking his head to the side.  “How big do you think it is?  I mean, look at that.  It’s not even as long as my thumb,” he said, holding the stubby digit up between them.  The lantern-jawed jock’s expression went from amused to seductive as he gave a half-smile and pressed the thumb against Zane’s lips, his smile growing when the other man instinctively sucked it into his mouth.

Zane’s eyes went wide as he worked his lips and tongue around the invading digit like it was his friend’s cock, but he couldn’t stop himself.  It was a reflex, and when he reached up to grab Mack’s striated forearm, marveling at how small his fingers seemed as they failed to close around it, he realized wasn’t trying to push it away but to hold it in place.

“You like that,” Mack asked, stroking a large hand through Zane’s hair.  “It’s okay, you can tell me,” he cooed when the other man hesitated.  Zane didn’t say anything, but he nodded quickly, unable to meet his friend’s gaze.  He was disappointed when Mack stopped stroking his hair, but when the other man started flexing a massive arm the feeling didn’t stick around.  The smaller man shuddered when Mack batted his seemingly-massive snake against his little rod.  The blonde stud pried Zane’s hands from his forearm, placing one against his shelf of a chest and guiding the other down to the smaller man’s leaking nub.  “Show me,” Mack said, his voice a deep grunt.

Zane couldn’t believe what he was doing when he reached down and took his shrunken equipment between a pair of fingers and started tugging.  Already he longed for the feeling of his former five inches filling his palm, but as he had the thought, he realized that wasn’t what he wanted at all.  He wanted Mack’s cock in his hand, not his own.  But the other man hadn’t offered, he’d told him to work himself.  And though Zane knew he shouldn’t be so eager to comply, he wanted to, with every fiber of his being.  He felt ridiculous pulling on his little organ while the other man watched, thumb still wedged in his mouth, but he relished the feeling of Mack’s bulging pecs against his other hand.  And when the bigger hunk reached down and batted his hand away, swallowing his little package in its entirety, Zane almost started crying tears of joy.  Het let out a whimper at Mack’s nod and started rolling his hips, humping the brawny blonde’s meaty palm.

“What was it you told Jordan?  ‘If it’s any consolation you can make it so that he’s into me’?  Well,” Mack said, pausing for effect as Zane ground his pointless little cock into his hand, “is it?”

The shrunken jock hated that his body chose that moment to betray him.  He let out a spasming stutter as he sprayed, his stomach dropping even further when Mack let go and held up a palm that was barely damp.  Zane felt like the release was turning him inside out, but in reality he’d hardly spurted at all.  “Wai…wait…dude…hold on a sec,” he panted, the release clearing his head.  “What did Jordan tell you?  You know you can’t…”

Mack cut him off.  “Is this what you had in store for me,” he asked, pinning Zane with his bright blue eyes.

Zane heard the words before he even realized he was speaking them.  “Ye…yeah, but I…I thought if you…I mean, if I let you…with me…you’d…”

“You thought it’d be okay if you stole my body as long as you let me blow you afterwards?  Is that what you’re saying?”  Zane tried in vain to keep his head from nodding.  “Jordan told me what you were planning as soon as you agreed to it.  Guy’s moral compass might point in a different direction most of the time, but it turns out he’s not all bad.”  Mack laughed at the smaller man’s stricken expression, shrugging.  “You probably feel differently, but hey, think of it this way - at least your old body got plenty of use before you lost it.  You gave everyone a final look, too.  I guess they’ll remember it?  The old you, I mean.  It’s a little fuzzy on how people interpret it, but they’ll accept the handsome jock turning into the cute little Twink.  Jordan said all that strutting around you did in your cute little underwear actually set the stage.  He said it made it easier for that to happen in this new reality.  Same with all those jokes the guys made about taking a crack at your ass or you blowing them.  Just planted the seeds for it to happen now.”

Zane was mortified at the thought of everyone remembering his former self compared to what he’d become, just as he was at the thought of still flaunting his diminished frame.  It was bad enough being stuck the way he was, but to have people constantly reminding him of his formerly ripped, and comparatively hung, frame would just grind salt in the wound.  “Mack…please…you can’t leave me like this. I’m sorry, alright?”

The big man shook his head.  “Sorry, stud.  Jordan told you there was no going back.  He gave you a last chance to back out, but you decided to follow through.”  Zane’s flat chest heaved as he looked down at his slender frame, torn between his embarrassing terror at the thought of being stuck as he was, and his still-overwhelming lust for Mack.  The latter must have been obvious on his face when he looked up because the brawny blonde just laughed and waved a chiding finger.  “Not so fast, killer.  You’re gonna have to earn it,” he said as he pulled open a drawer and tossed Zane a loose muscle-shirt.  The draping top, with its scooping neck and open sides, left most of the smaller man’s smooth, slight frame exposed as it came to a stop at the top of his thighs.  The bottom of the brunette’s bouncing cheeks were still exposed, and the straps of the oversized top constantly threatened to slip over his shoulders, but Zane still felt a thrill at wearing one of Mack’s shirts.  “There’s a pile of dishes in the kitchen, then the place needs vacuumed and a good dusting.  Get the laundry done too and maybe I’ll let you suck on this before bed,” Mack said, hefting his girthy monster.  “Make sure you do a good job, too.  The guys are coming over tomorrow, and we want this place sparkling for the debut of the new you.”

Zane’s little cock started leaking again as he watched Mack’s shifting, granite globes slip into a pair of boxer briefs and then strut out of the room.  He knew he was stuck, that his plan had backfired horribly, but at the moment, he couldn’t bring himself to act on his dread.  Mack had given him a job, and he needed to please the big guy if he wanted his reward.  Licking his lips at the thought of replacing his friend’s thumb with the fat, rigid monster, Zane scampered out of the room to get to work.



Fun. You know I have always figure it would be even in better if Zane got the size he wish but is completely devoted in exchange. Freedoom for size. Essentially .Still we are all lucky to have stuff of that quality


That's not a bad idea! I hadn't thought of going that route, but I'll have to add it to the idea list.