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Fir Hollow, ch. 7: Custom Blend

  • Option 1 23
  • Option 2 10
  • Option 3 3
  • Option 4 11
  • 2021-02-14
  • —2021-02-17
  • 47 votes
{'title': 'Fir Hollow, ch. 7: Custom Blend', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 17, 17, 0, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 14, 19, 18, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 47}


The gentle tinkling of the door chime pulled Bruce’s attention from the book on the counter.  He looked up and raised an eyebrow at the broad, burly bear lumbering inside.  “Jake!  Didn’t think I’d see you again so soon…don’t tell me you need more incense?  You were just here last week!”

The beefy wall of muscle and hair shook his head, his bearded cheeks split by a broad smile.  “Nah, I’m still set.  I was actually hoping you could help out my friend Donny here,” he said, stepping aside to reveal the tentative figure lurking behind him.  The young man was clad in a nondescript outfit of jeans and a burgundy t-shirt, both of which showed off his fit, strapping build.  He stood a few inches taller than his stocky friend, with a head of shaggy, light brown hair and a tired expression on his boy-next-door face.

Though they both appeared to be in their late twenties, Bruce knew the stocky bear was actually a decade older.  Jake had come to Misty Mountain Holistic a few months earlier, frustrated and worn out from the life he’d built for himself.  He’d been dour and heavyset, aching in both soul and body, and desperate for a fresh start, whether he’d known it or not.

The recipe book certainly knew.  It had whispered to Bruce then, as it was about Donny now, filling its pages with the formulas he’d need to soothe Jake’s pain.  The proper oils and herbs appeared in a list, as well as the mantras he would need to focus on while applying the blend.  Bruce still didn’t know what language the words he repeated over and over in his head came from, but there was no denying the results.  He’d felt them himself after he’d found the slim volume at Canal Books several years ago, taking him from an anxious, wiry introvert, to a calm, level headed hunk with an athletic build and full head of salt-and-pepper hair.  He’d become Fir Hollow’s unofficial spiritual guide, doctor, and town crush all wrapped up in one handsome package.  People remembered the balding, nondescript version of himself, but they’d accepted the new one as easily as they would have if he’d simply shown up with a new haircut.

It was the same for anyone who received a special session.  People still remembered Jake as a grumpy, unhappy lump of a man rapidly approaching middle age, and with nothing but a bad attitude to show for it.  He’d walked through Bruce’s doors grudgingly, coming for a massage to ease his aching muscles from the hours he spent working in the mine.  But he’d left an entirely new person.  Now, he was cheerful and outgoing, his formerly surly demeanor having been replaced by a disarming charm.  Where before he’d only ever had acquaintances, now Jake was seemingly friends with everyone in town as people were all too eager to bask in his infectious positivity.  And the thick hunk was all too happy to share.  He was still broad and burly, but his sagging frame had solidified, packing on ample muscle that then sprouted a dense layer of grip-able fur.  Prior to working with Bruce, Jake could count on one hand the number of sexual partners he’d had in the last decade, but ever since his first appointment at Misty Mountain he hadn’t spent a night alone.  It was no wonder that the brawny hulk felt comfortable walking around town in nothing but small shorts and open muscle shirts that left most of his body on display.  Nearly everyone in town, men and women alike, either had firsthand experience with it, or at the very least had heard all about it.

Whatever strange forces lurked in the recipe book didn’t respond to everyone.  Most of the folks who came for a massage, or to pick up one of the handcrafted candles or oil blends, left the exact same as how they entered.  The book’s pages would bear the same, mundane oil blends and herbal concoctions that you could find from a quick google search.  During the summer and fall especially, Bruce’s shop buzzed with tourists in town to check out the surrounding mountains or the changing foliage, most coming and going without issue.  But every so often the book would demand his attention.  The pages would go blank, only to refill themselves moments later with instructions of a different kind.  If there was any rhyme or reason to what set the book off, Bruce hadn’t been able to determine.  He only knew that when its pages began filling with the flourished script, as he could see them doing now out of the corner of his eye, he had to listen.

“Nice to meet you, Donny.  I’m Bruce.  I think I’ve seen you around Tucker’s before, right?  You work with Jake?”

Donny took the other man’s extended hand, seemingly oblivious to the words that were appearing of their own accord in the book on the counter.  “Unfortunately,” he said with a nervous laugh.  “About the mine part, not the big guy here,” he added.

“I know we don’t have an appointment, but I was hoping you could squeeze Donny in?  He could use some unwinding.  Lord knows I’ve tried my best,” Jake said, winking and reaching over to give the taller man’s ass a squeeze.

Donny blushed and pulled away, shooting his friend a quick glare.  “I mean…I see what you did with Jake here, and I figure I don’t have anything to lose by giving it a shot,” he shrugged.  “Big guy’s been like a whole new person lately.  Shit…all the years I’ve known him?  Never seen him so happy.”

“Never used to get up to the kinds’a things we do now, either,” Jake said with a smug grin, adjusting the bulge in his tiny, nylon shorts.  Donny’s square-jawed face turned a deeper shade of crimson even as he instinctively shifted his weight and flexed his muscled bottom.  “He’s cute when he blushes, isn’t he?  You should see him when we…”

“I don’t think Bruce needs to hear all the details,” Donny interrupted, clearing his throat.  He gave Jake another, longer, stern look, even as he wished the other man’s hand was still gripping his rear.

“Oh, don’t worry about me.  What happens in here stays in here,” Bruce said with a casual wave.  He walked over and locked the door, flipping the “Open” sign to a message that said he’d be reopening in an hour.  “Why don’t we head back to the studio and talk more in there?  Do you want Jake to come?”

Donny swallowed hard, hesitating.  He wanted the other man there, but his pride told him he was acting like a scared kid at the dentist office for even thinking it.  “Uh, is that okay?  I don’t know the rules…”

“Of course it is!”  Bruce clapped the younger man on a broad shoulder and gave him a sympathetic smile.  “The only rule is to relax.  Things can get a little…intimate…during sessions, but I get the impression you two…”

“Were intimate right before we came over here,” Jake finished.  He laughed at Donny’s embarrassed expression, reaching up to tousle his friend’s hair.  “Would you lighten up?  Were you not listening to the man?  Just relax already.”

“Not everyone in this town is as free with their dick as you are,” Donny grumbled as he followed Bruce into the small, dim room at the back of the store.  There was a padded table in the middle and not much else, aside from a few yoga mats on the ground, and a smattering of candles and oil diffusers spread around the room.  The woodsy, spicy scent wafting out of them was momentarily overpowering, making Donny’s head spin as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

“Last I checked it wasn’t your dick you were free with,” Jake winked.

Donny hoped the dim light would obscure the full-body flushing that washed over him.  As much as he surprisingly loved it, he wasn’t ready to announce the fact that he regularly bottomed for the brawny bear.  “Come on, man!  That’s not something I wan…hey!” he yelped, grabbing his friend’s meaty hands when Jake reached around from behind and began undoing his pants.

“What?  Haven’t you ever had a massage before?  Clothes gotta come off, stud,” Jake said, taking the opportunity to grind the front of his shorts into Donny’s muscled bubble.

“Only as much as you’re comfortable,” Bruce added, giving Jake an exasperated look.  “You can stop at your underwear if you want.  I understand not everyone is as eager as our friend here.”

“That’s an understatement,” Donny said, slowly peeling out of his t-shirt to reveal his well-muscled torso.  The shredded days of his youth were mostly gone, but toiling in the mine kept his tapering frame covered in lean, abundant bulk.  Instead of chiseled and vain, he was rugged and masculine, with broad shoulders, powerful arms, and a prominent chest above his firm stomach.  A few sparse hairs dotted his mostly-smooth skin, lingering on his forearms and on the meaty thighs he exposed when he undid his jeans and sent them to the floor.  Donny felt a rush of self-conscious hesitation when he saw his girthy cock bounce against the thin, worn cotton of his boxers, but he reminded himself that it was just Bruce and Jake, and that he didn’t have anything to be shy about.  He let out a short laugh when he looked over at his friend and discovered that the furry stud had stripped down to his orange jockstrap, an innocent look on his face.

“What?  Didn’t want you to feel weird being the only one in your underwear,” Jake said, as if it should have been obvious.

“It’s fine, I’m used to him,” Bruce laughed before Donny could try to apologize for the other man’s behavior.  “Sort of created a monster there, didn’t I?”

“You created something, that’s for sure,” Donny muttered as he climbed up onto the table at Bruce’s nod.  He stretched out on his stomach, his arms at his sides, and put his face against the headrest, giving one last look at Jake’s exposed bulk.  The burly man had his arms crossed above his furry muscle gut, nodding encouragingly and giving a silent thumbs up as Donny closed his eyes.

“Alright, now just relax and try to let that tension go,” Bruce said, his voice dropping a few octaves.  “That’ll get easier as the oil really starts to sink in, but the muscles are only a part of it.”

Donny tensed reflexively when Bruce’s large, oiled hands landed on his shoulders, but the effects were immediate.  The prone brunette sighed as tendrils of warmth seemed to penetrate through his skin, obliterating the usual aches and pains at a simple touch.  The woodsy aroma grew stronger as the oil was spread, leaving his head spinning.  Not in an uncomfortable, dizzy way, but the way it did when he was pleasantly buzzed.  “Whoa…you weren’t kidding,” he mumbled while Bruce’s hands worked in towards his spine.

“It’s potent stuff,” the older man said, his tone smooth and even.  “If you’re feeling relaxed, why don’t we talk about what really brought you here?  It wasn’t just soreness, was it?”

“No, not really,” Donny said, surprised at how easily the words came.  “Jake seems so happy now…thought maybe I could find the same thing.”

Bruce’s hands dug into the tense, coiled muscles of Donny’s upper back while he spoke.  “I think we can make that happen.  But first, we need to figure out what’s making YOU so unhappy.  What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you…”

“I hate that fuckin’ mine,” Donny spat before Bruce had even finished the question.  “I hate being underground all day…it’s boring, it’s dark, it’s dirty, it’s claustrophobic…”

“That was fast,” Bruce laughed, sliding his fingers to mid-back.  “So why do you do it?”

“What else is there to do?  All the men in my family work the mines.  Gotta go underground, just like my daddy.  Gotta play football, just like my daddy.  Gotta get married and have kids, just like my daddy.  Gotta work myself to death, just like my daddy.”  Donny listened to the words from a distance.  He knew they were coming from his mouth, but it didn’t feel like he was the one speaking them.  They were all thoughts he’d had over the years, but until now he’d never voiced them to anyone.  He’d barely even let himself acknowledge them, and yet, in the calming studio, under Bruce’s reassuring, warm hands, he’d never been more at ease.

“And what would you want to do instead,” Bruce asked, his thumbs slipping beneath the waist of Donny’s boxers as he rubbed the other man’s tapering lower back.

“It’s gonna sound dumb, but I’ve always wanted to do something like this,” Donny said with an embarrassed laugh.  “Maybe not this exactly…just some kinda store.  I like being around people more’n I do dirt.  Problem is, I don’t know how to make anything.  I’m not an artist…I’m not crafty…not much room in town for another bookstore…” he trailed off.  “Maybe by the time my body’s too busted to be haulin’ rocks something’ll open up.”  Donny sighed, loving how Bruce’s hands felt.  He hadn’t noticed their size and strength at first.  They were starting to remind him of Jake’s broad, meaty paws, but they seemed even larger than the hairy stud’s.  It made his cock twitch, but Donny was far too relaxed to worry about what that would mean when he rolled over.

“Tell me about Jake,” Bruce said, as if reading the younger man’s thoughts.  “You seemed a little embarrassed when he started talking about the two of you.  Is that something else you wish you could focus more on?”

“I, uh, I don’t know.”  Even in his relaxed state, Donny hesitated.  “I mean…I’ve never…before Jake, that is…”

“It’s alright,” Bruce said, his tone reassuring.  “If you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to.”

“No, it’s not that, I just…with Jake, it’s better than any time I’ve ever been with a girl.  Fuck, the ladies don’t even compare.  I never gave it much thought before, but…what does that make me?”

“A lucky man,” Bruce laughed.  “You’re still young.  Nothing wrong with taking some time to figure out what you really want.”

“Doesn’t matter if I can’t go after it,” Donny said, dejected.

“Says who?”

“Everyone!  I can’t just…” he paused, trying to find the words.  “Look, people expect me to be a certain kinda way.  I can’t just…”

“But what if you could,” Bruce interrupted.  “What if there was nothing standing in your way.  Would you want that?”

“Of course…who wouldn’t?  But there’s…”

“No buts,” Bruce interrupted again.  “Let’s go back to Jake…what is it you like?  With the two of you, I mean.”

“What’s not to like?”  Donny grinned, his previous hesitation gone entirely.  He felt light and unhindered, and it wasn’t just his physical aches and pains that were gone.  As he’d been talking to Bruce, it was as if his fears and anxieties flowed out with each breath.  At the moment, he wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed of his attraction to his burly friend; he was excited by it.  He’d never been able to talk about it with anyone, and the floodgates were officially open.  “He’s good lookin’…he’s a total charmer…and I mean, I’m strong, but Jake, he’s like a pile driver.  When we’re together I…I’ve never had someone who can take control like that, ya know?  I’ve always been the one that had to be in charge.  I’ve never had someone who could just take over.  Never realized I wanted someone to,” Donny sighed, his seemingly weightless body reduced to putty in Bruce’s massive hands.

“Let’s roll you over and work on your front.”

Donny was surprised at how easily the older man was able to nudge him over onto his back.  He’d started to shift on his own, but Bruce stepped in, scooping him up and over without any apparent effort.  The motion drew Donny’s attention to how oddly loose his boxers felt as he settled, and when he opened his eyes and lifted his head, he immediately understood why the older man’s hands had seemed so large.

Instead of clinging tight to his firm waist and muscled legs, the baggy underwear now hung loose around a smaller, unrecognizable body.  Looking down, Donny’s prominent pecs were gone, replaced by a flat, defined suggestion of what had once been, while on either side his formerly powerful arms had become lithe and slender.  The same went for his once-firm stomach, now soft and undefined, and the toned, supple thighs that had appeared in place of his meaty trunks.  And if the significantly smaller tent in his loose underwear was any indication, the changes had spread to his previously-plump package as well.  “What…what is this…” Donny stammered, his eyes wide as Bruce easily pressed him back down on the table.

“Just relax,” the older man said, his tone as calm as ever.  His hands were gliding over the shrunken man’s body at a quick pace, like he was smoothing out the last of the rough edges.  “You’re fine.  I know it’s jarring, but you’re just getting the ‘you’ that you’ve always wanted.”

“What?  No!  This…this isn’t what I…” Donny started, knowing it was a lie even as he said it.  Beneath the shock, there was a part of him that was already thrilled by what he saw, and, more importantly, by what he felt.

“Isn’t it?  All those expectations you just told me about…all that weight…it’s gone.  You can feel that, right?  You know what that is,” Bruce said, a statement, not a question.  “Freedom.  The freedom to be the version of yourself you’ve been denying all these years.”

Donny’s stunned expression softened, his lips curling into a slight smile.  He knew there were plenty of guys who'd be horrified at finding themselves so diminished, but staring up as Bruce towered over him, and looking over at Jake’s stocky frame, he couldn’t bring himself to care.  He’d actually started fantasizing about himself being smaller the last few times Jake had fucked him, and that fantasy had just somehow become a reality.  More than that, the loss of size meant he was no longer bound by the expectations his old body brought, and the constant necessity to act in accordance with his masculine exterior.  Now, he could be whoever he wanted to.  When he squirmed out of his baggy boxers and looked at his tiny new cock, no more than four inches at most with a matching set of petite orbs, Donny felt like he should be embarrassed.  He’d lost over three inches in length and a considerable amount of width, but he couldn’t muster the actual sensation of dread.  Jake had been right earlier when he’d joked about Donny not being interested in using his dick as much as he was in using his backside.  And based on the ample squishing he felt, his bouncing cheeks had more than made up for the loss.

“This is wild…” Donny said, breathless when he began prodding at himself.  “But…what’ll people think,” he asked, a hint of anxiety creeping into his lightened voice.

“They won’t.  Not really,” Bruce reassured him.  “They’ll treat the new you just the same as you all treated the new Jake.  They’ll know something’s different, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it.  Worked out for your friend, didn’t it?”  Bruce nodded over at the beefy bear, who was standing with a dazed, glassy-eyed expression.  “He’ll snap out of that in a second.  When the recipe does its thing, it’s difficult for people to watch.  The brain has a hard time when things shift around.  Don’t be surprised when even you start to forget about your old self in a few days.  You won’t entirely, but it’s normal to find yourself not thinking about the past too much.”  He laughed and shrugged, looking back and forth between the altered men.  “At least as normal as it can be.  Trust me…I’ve gone through it too.”  Donny had a thousand questions, but he was more focused on Jake than anything else at the moment.  As soon as he looked at his friend he was hit with an overwhelming desire to put his shrunken body to work, which was readily apparent in the way his tiny new cock throbbed and twitched.  “Why don’t I go dig up something for you to wear while Jake helps you…adjust,” Bruce winked, giving Donny’s thin new shoulder a squeeze before leaving.

On cue, Jake blinked and shook his head, his stunned expression turning into a bright, excited smile.  “Look at you!” he cheered, darting over to the table.  “Holy shit, man.  I told you Bruce was a miracle worker.”  Donny gasped when Jake ran his hands along his arms, easily swallowing the smaller limbs and fully driving home the new size difference between them.

“Yeah?” Donny asked, looking down at himself with a coy smile and relishing the way the other man loomed over him as he sat on the edge of the table.  The way his feet dangled told him he wasn’t 6’2” anymore, but the thought only further fueled his lust.

“Fuckin’ adorable,” Jake purred, leaning in for a kiss as he slipped his hands under Donny’s supple bottom.  The now-smaller man yelped when his friend scooped him off the table, instinctively wrapping his legs around Jake’s broad midsection while the other man squeezed his yielding rear.

“Oh!  This is…whoa…” Donny gasped between kisses, grinding his little cock against Jake’s furry muscle gut.  His mind raced to wrap itself around the fact that his strapping, athletic frame had become small and slight enough to be easily hefted into the air, a fact that nearly made him cum by itself.

“Somebody’s excited,” Jake laughed, holding Donny up with one hand as he tousled the smaller man’s chocolate mop.  “I’m always horny after a session with Bruce, too.”

“Could’a stopped that sentence after ‘horny’,” Donny laughed, marveling at how small his arms looked against the backdrop of his friend’s hairy bulk.

“Look who’s talking,” Jake said, a mischievous grin on his face.

“OHHH!”  Donny spasmed when one of his friend’s stubby fingers slipped between his softened cakes, pressing against his eager hole.  He swallowed the digit swiftly, almost instinctively, and let out a desperate whimper when he saw himself in the mirrored wall, his tiny frame held aloft while getting fingered.  He buried his face against his friend’s furry shoulder, his dainty new digits clutching at Jake’s broad back.  “Fuuuuuuuck…”

“This is gonna be fun for both of us,” the broad hunk grumbled, reluctantly pulling his hand free as he guided them both to the floor.  Donny’s heart raced at the thought of how small he was as the other man easily straddled his slender new frame, a comparison that was driven home when Jake tugged his tented jock down and the other man’s fat, seven inch club batted against his miniature new poker.  He only had time for a quick smile, though, before Jake hefted his legs onto his sturdy shoulders and easily slipped inside.  Donny let out a low, wordless moan, his vision blurring from the overwhelming pleasure.  There’d always been a little pain when he and Jake fucked before, but now his reduced body surprisingly took the other man like a glove.

He couldn’t stop himself when he felt his face twisting in an ecstatic display.  Donny normally tried to remain more stoic, and he knew his exaggerated expressions were ridiculous, but the lack of control only turned him on more.  Watching Jake’s smug grin grow with each of his helpless, open-mouthed whimpers only magnified Donny’s bliss, and all too quickly his tiny rod was spurting onto his diminished torso.  He lay in a daze while Jake finished, relishing the way his plump, softened cheeks shook from the impact, and basking in the way his now-larger friend loomed over him.  The freedom was intoxicating.  No longer bound by any of the previous expectations or self-imposed obligations, Donny’s mind was buzzing with all of the new experiences in store.  He wasn’t scared or anxious over his new state; he was excited.  Far from viewing the changes as a loss, the eager waif couldn’t wait to reintroduce himself to the world.

“You sure look more relaxed now,” Jake laughed, leaning in for a final kiss before shrugging the smaller man’s legs off his shoulders.

“You were right…Bruce is a miracle worker,” Donny panted, shivering at the way Jake’s hand swallowed his own as he was pulled to his feet.  Instead of standing a few inches above his 5’8” friend, he looked him in the eye, and he couldn’t stop grinning at the sight of his new reflection in the mirrored wall across the room.  He was still tight and lean, his former muscle replaced by just a bare hint of definition, and he now sported a thick, eye-catching bottom.  The meaty package that used to sway so prominently between his once-sturdy thighs was now small and unassuming, but Donny didn’t mind.  It fit his new look, and outlook, perfectly.

Bruce cleared his throat and knocked before entering.  “Found some things that should fit,” he said, smiling at the.  Instead of being embarrassed, Donny felt perfectly at ease in his exposed state while the older man handed him a small pile of clothes and gave him an impressed once-over.  “Not much, but they’ll get you home.”

“Thanks,” Donny said as he slipped on the small cotton shorts and thin t-shirt.  They were both two sizes smaller than what he normally wore, accentuating his lithe build and below-average package in a way that made the newly-christened Twink’s stomach flutter.  “I’ll bring these back once I get ‘em washed.”

“No rush…I know you’re going to need to get your wardrobe situated.  If you want to bring any of your old stuff that doesn’t fit anymore, I’ll gladly take it.  Never know who might need it.”

“Found a home for any of my old stuff yet,” Jake asked as he reluctantly finished dressing.

Bruce shook his head and shrugged.  “Not yet, but I’ve got a feeling my appointment this afternoon might take advantage.  Speaking of,” the older man said, shifting his attention back to Donny, “if you’re interested, I could use some help around here.  Having to close the shop every time a client comes in really cuts into the business.  I’ve been looking for someone to work the front while I’m back here…might be a good fit.”

“I’d love to,” Donny beamed, nodding like an excited bobblehead.  The shrunken man still felt weightless, the absence of his strapping bulk leaving him floating on air.  Things were already falling into place, and he hadn’t even left Bruce’s studio yet.  As he’d seen with Jake, his life seemed to be doing a rapid one-eighty, finally heading in a direction he looked forward to.  “When do I start?”

***** Voting Options *****

Option 1: A group of football players visiting from Pikesburg are dared to spend the night in an abandoned mansion, only to find themselves becoming permanent residents and operators of the town’s newest brothel.

Option 2: A frustrated manager working in the mine uncovers a strange idol that he can use to turn other guys into hulking, micro-dicked power-bottoms.  Thinking he found a quick way to literally strengthen his workforce, he begins recruiting volunteers.

Option 3: While renovating a local church, a contractor finds a pane of bizarre stained glass that causes people to sprout extra limbs, merge together, or change in otherwise chaotic ways when standing in the light that passes through it.

Option 4: The bite of a strange bug causes men to cum randomly for days, leaving them both irresistible and submissive to other men once the spontaneous eruptions finally stop.


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