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*** Here we go!  This is a snippet of the first story that leans heavily into Fantasy territory.  Taking a swing at some Orcish themes with this one, but hopefully everyone will find something to enjoy in it.  Full story should be done soon! ***

“Not gonna be pretty for much longer, eh?  Don’t worry…your new friends aren’t gonna mind at all.”  Reeve’s already-aching cock throbbed when he looked in the direction of Dekker’s nod and saw two of the brutes rutting like bulls on the other side of the pen.  A hulking, green-tinged beast was draped over a pink wall of muscle, hammering what looked a third leg into the ruddy behemoth’s ample rear.  Both of their warped, rugged faces were slack-jawed with ecstasy, giving a series of deep grunts throughout the animalistic display.  It wasn’t at all like the sex Reeve was used to, and not only because of the participants.  It was primal and raw, a display of strength, not of romantic intent.  The pink one wasn’t just being fucked, he was being dominated.  And based on the steady stream of liquid alternately oozing and spraying from his rigid club, he was loving every second of it.

Even as he tried to tell himself he wouldn’t end up that way, Reeve longed to join them.  The sound of their slapping muscle and guttural grunts called to him on an instinctual level, as it appeared to do for the rest of the group.  When he pried his eyes away from the vigorous pair, he saw other groupings of thrusting, fleshy mountains.  Some had partnered off, some were going at each other in a larger pack, and some just watched, groping their distended muscle while pumping away on their massive organs, or letting one of the waifish, scantily clad young men flitting about the pens do it for them.

It was one of these smaller figures that Dekker motioned over.  Reeve felt a confusing mix of lust and pity as the slender, wide-eyed man approached.  He was clad in nothing but a small, thin loincloth that left his slight frame entirely on display.  His skin was smooth and soft, and there was an appealing bounce to his supple thighs and plump rear with each of his quick steps.  Something familiar his thick, auburn hair and soft features struck Reeve as familiar, but the addled blonde’s gaze kept drifting down along the other man’s dainty arms, and over the small belly that widened at his curvy hips.  As Reeve gawked, Dekker reached over and untied the loincloth, revealing the tiny nub of a cock nestled between the smaller man’s yielding thighs.  The man gave a little yelp and started to cover himself but stopped, a flush of crimson running up his androgynous face.

The effect on Reeve was immediate.  Without fully knowing why, the sight of the naked little man sent a rush of adrenaline coursing through him, and his cock throbbed as he fought the urge to reach out and swallow the curvy figure in his arms.  More than mere arousal, the impulse was protective and possessive, a combination the bed-hopping hunk had never felt before.

Dekker grinned as he watched Reeve try to process the unfamiliar flood of emotions.  “That’s good.  What you’re feeling, I mean.  You’re a servant of Lord Collett’s domain and all who reside within its walls.  You and your new friends might be a force of nature on the battlefield, but in here, you can’t even think about hurting another of the Lord’s subjects, can you?”  He waited a silent moment before continuing.  “Answer me!”

“N…no!  Not at all…” Reeve stammered, looking surprised at his sudden response.

Dekker nodded.  “Like any good beast, you also obey your masters.  There’s no way we could handle a herd like this unless you were magically tamed, and Odephir’s magic has already seen to that.  Amazing what that man can do.” He jerked his head towards the blushing figure, his broad frame towering over the naked pixie the way the lumbering brutes towered over him and Reeve.  “You remember Randolph, Alyssa’s guard, don’t you?”

The stunned blonde gasped, his eyes going wide.  The last time he’d seen him, Randolph had been both older and bigger than Dekker, a broad wall of rugged, lantern-jawed muscle who’d stood at least a head and a half taller than his current height.  His features had softened significantly, but as Reeve stared, there was no denying the resemblance.  “That…that can’t be him,” he said, trying to convince himself.

Dekker reached down and gave the little man’s soft bubble a squeeze, eliciting another squeal.  “Well?  Is that really you Randolph?”

“Aye,” the naked cherub said, his high, light voice nothing like the formerly deep rumble he used to have.  His blushing deepened, spreading across his entire body as he looked increasingly uncomfortable.

“Why don’t you tell Reeve how you ended up that way?”  Dekker made it a point to lock eyes with Randolph, not letting him look away.

The shrunken man's hands kept drifting towards his exposed nub as if he was trying to cover himself, but they always stopped at his thighs.  “Alyssa was my responsibility.  Lord Collett wasn’t pleased that you made your way to her.  When Odephir cast his truth spell and it came out that Alyssa had been paying me to look the other way for months now, he…” Randolph trailed off, looking down at his reduced form.

“This was actually going to be your job,” Dekker continued, tousling the shorter man’s softened hair.  “But when Randolph’s treachery became known, Lord Collett decided to use him as the seed instead.  It was actually his…vigor?  Strength?  I don’t know what Odephir does,” he shrugged.  “But whatever it is, he took it from Randolph and used it to fuel your growth spurt.  That’s the reason these beasts are the way they are.  I’m sure you’ve seen the real Orc tribes in your travels.  A much more distinguished lot than these grunts, but that’s what you get when you try to magically grow your own, I suppose.  A little orc blood and some stolen manhood don’t make for the real thing.  Still, It’s a win for everyone.  I get a new soldier, there’s a new Nub to work the pens, and there are two fewer scoundrels dirtying up the domain.”  Reeve instinctively wrapped his arms around Randolph when Dekker gave him a rough shove forward.  He hated the way he immediately pumped his hips, grinding his cock against the other man’s softened belly.  He wanted to push the Commander away when he stepped behind Randolph and whispered into the smaller man’s ear, but all he could do was squirm.  “Now do your job like a good little slattern so I can finish showing Reeve around,” Dekker spat.

The former pretty boy felt like he should try and stop the little man as he dropped to his knees, but he couldn’t muster the will.  Not only was he unable to disobey an order; he didn’t want to.  As soon as Randolph’s soft, full lips wrapped around his thick pole, Reeve’s body took over.  All he could do was fight the guttural grunts trying to force their way up his throat while the kneeling cherub's head bobbed like a woodpecker.  He felt a slight twinge of guilt at watching someone who'd been a prime specimen of masculinity so reduced, but he told himself he wasn’t responsible for Randolph flaunting the lord's orders any more than he was responsible for stealing the other man's essence.  And between the two of them, he couldn’t tell who had it worse.  He was horrified at the thought of becoming a semi-mindless colossus, but the thought of being reduced to a fey-like Nub, insultingly named after their shrunken cocks, was equally unpleasant.  Reeve tried to picture himself on his knees in a withered body, desperately going at one of the brutes, but it wasn’t any better than the thought of getting hammered by one in a dull, swollen frame.

“NNGGuuuhhhnnngguUUUHH!”  Reeve spasmed, mortified by the deep, howling grunt that forced its way out.  It sounded like the braying of some animal in heat, not the velvet, seductive moans he was used to.  A sputtering sound caught his ear when the grunt died away, and he looked down to see a cum-soaked Randolph wiping his dripping mouth.  Reeve hadn’t watched the explosion happen, but the amount of liquid should have been impossible.  “Was that…did I make all that?”

“Hope you enjoyed it,” Dekker nodded.  “Last time that thing’s going to be small enough to fit in someone’s mouth.  Unless you count your new friends, but with tusks like those you probably don’t want to be sticking it in there anyway.”  He reached over and tousled the remains of Reeve’s hair as he spoke, laughing at the other man’s terrified expression when large clumps fell away.

“Gods!”  The former ladies man gasped when he followed the clumps down, his jaw dropping at the sight of his inflated cock.  The fat log was already twice as large as it had been, with appropriately hefty balls hanging heavily underneath.  It was still small by the standards of his soon-to-be peers, but it looked absolutely massive against his lean frame.  He understood why Randolph had sputtered, the memory making him twitch all over again.

Dekker pulled the smaller man to his feet, wiping his cum-slick hand on the shrunken guard's supple bubble before gesturing him away.  “The Nub’s keep you fed, cleaned and entertained,” he said, shaking his head as he looked Reeve up and down.  He gave a short laugh and spread his hands in surrender.  “I just don’t get it.  Even now, you can’t get away from being a pretty boy.”

The naked man looked confused as he inspected himself, already seeing his proportions beginning to shift.  “What?  How is this…”

“Looks like you’re going to be a pink,” Dekker interrupted.  “Pinks are a big hit in the pens.  Tend to get the biggest back here,” he said, slapping Reeve’s muscled cheeks.  “Hell, all the attention you’re going to get, you might not even need a Nub.”

Reeve’s stomach dropped.  It wasn’t a comforting thought.  He pictured what he’d look like in just a few hours, his widened, toothy jaw hanging open, his bald scalp shining as brute after brute went at his impending, ample rear.  He was still too small to be seen as one of them, but he’d watched their heads turn at the sound of his wail just a few moments ago, their interest already piqued.  They’d mostly stopped going at each other and were letting Nubs drape small loincloths around their broad waists.  In battle they had more intricate armor, but while going about their daily exercises or manual labor around the castle, they wore significantly less.  “Do I…is there something I should put on?”

Dekker just laughed.  “Not yet.  Those are still too big.  Face is already a little rough…but think of this as your last chance to flaunt that pretty body of yours.”

Reeve wanted to crawl under a rock and hide at Dekker’s mocking grin, but before he could even respond, the greenish wall of muscle next to him grunted.  “Pretty,” he barked, his large lower tusks accentuated by the approximation of a smile.

“See?  Scar Nose already noticed you,” Dekker said, nodding at the large gash across the hulk’s flat nose.

“They…can talk?”  Reeve didn’t know if he was relieved or further horrified.

“Of course!  Not well, mind you.  But they’re not entirely mindless.  They can still think and learn and remember and speak, can’t you big guy?”  Dekker walked over and rubbed the green skinned man’s bulky muscle gut, his neck craning as he looked up at the seven-foot wall of muscle.

“Scar Nose smart,” the bigger man said, pounding his meaty chest proudly.  His voice was like a raging bull being drug across gravel underwater, sending a fresh stab of fear through Reeve at the thought of sounding the same.  “Not dumb!” He roared.

Dekker gave Scar Nose’s belly a rough pat like he was petting a dog.  “You keep an eye on your new friend here, alright?  Reev…” he stopped and cocked his head, looking at the balding blonde, “…that won’t do.  We need to give you your new name.  What do you think, big guy,” he asked, smiling up at the grunting brute.

“Pretty!” Scar Nose barked again.

“Well, there you go, Pretty” Dekker nodded.  “It’s fate.  And who knows?  Scar Nose actually was pretty smart before all this.  He worked in the Lord’s treasury, until he was caught stealing.  Maybe that means you’ll still retain your talents?”

Reeve was less than comforted as he followed behind the other man.  He caught the sneering looks from the passing guards and castle staff, wincing every time his huge, flopping cock slapped loudly against his legs.  He wanted to cover himself, but like Randolph, he couldn’t seem to bring himself to actually do it.  And, to his horror, there was rapidly becoming more of himself that needed obscuring.  Already his thighs were starting to brush together, and when he looked down, his toned chest was starting to bulge further off his expanding torso.

A corresponding haze draped itself over his thoughts.  Reeve fought against it as best he could, but as Dekker left him with the others and the morning unfolded, spending hour after hour pushing heavy boulders across the courtyard for exercise, or turning massive millstones to grind corn and wheat, it became increasingly difficult to focus.  Actual gaps began to form, and the inflating hulk would find himself starting one task, only for his awareness to come back while he was finishing another.  With every leap forward his body was less recognizable as his own, until the time he came to thinking that he was looking at one of the others.  He stood frozen in place, blinking down at the swollen, pink expanse of bulky muscle, a semi-hard cock the size of his former arm dangling between his trunk-like thighs.

“N…no!  No!” He grunted, groping at his lumpy muscle gut and piston arms.  His meaty paw of a hand shook as he lifted it towards his head, first running his wide, stubby fingers over the bald scalp and protruding ears.  “Not…face!” He barked, his eyes going wide when he felt his flattened nose and finally the obscenely wide jaw, complete with two small tusks poking up from behind his lower lip.  He slid his hands back down to reach around and palm the mammoth globes of muscle that had become his powerful rear, vaguely remembering Dekker’s warning about how large it would become.  “Not Pretty!” He roared, wanting to scream at the grinding, guttural sound of his voice.  In his head he was completing sentences, but he could only manage to actually speak every few words.

He was in a wide courtyard off the back of the pens with the others.  He could see open countryside and forest in the distance, but instead of trying to flee, he frantically looked around for Dekker.  He didn’t see the Commander, but he did see Lord Collett and his slinking necromancer smiling down at him from a balcony high above.  Instead of rage, the sight sent a wave of fear through him, and before he knew it he was scampering back inside the pens.


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