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“And what are you going to do with this body once you have it?”

Aiden just blinked at the man for several moments, thrown by the question.  The answer seemed obvious to the young jock.  He wanted to do what any virile young man would do with a ripped, muscular frame: lord it over his friends at the gym and use it to fuck as many women as possible.  “Uh…what do you mean?”

“Why do you want it?” The man leaned back, his slight, wiry frame looking small compared to the massive leather chair.  He rubbed his pointed chin with one hand and drummed the fingers of the other against the armrest as he fixed Aiden with a penetrating gaze.

“Do I really need to spell it out,” Aiden asked.  His awkward laugh was accompanied by a flush of crimson that flowed up his sharp cheeks.

“I’m curious.  Most of the men who seek me out want to look like you.  They’re older or out of shape, and they inevitably want a young, lean body with a pretty face.  Yet here you are, someone who possesses all of those traits but who still wants more.  Why?”

It was Aiden’s turn to lean back in his seat.  He shrugged, shifting uncomfortably under the unwavering gaze.  The odd little man’s beady eyes seemed to burn like embers behind his gold, wire-rimmed glasses, the dull orange glow a sharp contrast to his emerald turtleneck and matching pants.  The young man ran a nervous hand through his short brown hair, telling himself the ocular illumination was just a trick of the office’s dim lighting.  “I don’t know what to tell you,” he finally said.  “Who doesn’t want to be bigger?”

“A lot of people,” the man said, his tone flat.  “Look at you…you could walk out of this office and into a modeling contract.  Your shoulders are broad, your arms are huge and your waist is tiny.  You’ve got a perfectly symmetrical face, and I saw that perky little bottom in those tight jeans before you sat down.  You clearly picked that t-shirt because it shows your chest off so well, and I’d be willing to bet the rest of your body is as perfectly manicured as that expert stubble.  Which tells me you’re entirely aware of everything I just said.  So what could simply adding more muscle bring you that you don’t already have?”

As much as Aiden normally enjoyed people complimenting his superior looks, he was beginning to grow annoyed with the man’s persistent questioning.  The young jock wasn’t even sure why he’d gone to see him in the first place.  It was his roommate, Duke, who’d told him about the odd service after one of the hulking meatheads at the gym had approached him.  The burly giant said he’d overheard a conversation between Aiden and Duke the day before about the athletic brunette’s desire to bulk up, and that he knew a guy who might be able to help.

Dubious, but too curious to let it go, Aiden had followed the directions across town to the narrow brick building.  The weathered facade looked out of place wedged between the newer structures on either side, and the lobby was just as anachronistic as the exterior, with stained, dingy marble and tarnished brass fixtures.  The interior felt surprisingly large given how tight the building looked from the outside, and it wasn’t at all the setting Aiden had anticipated for someone to sell him steroids.  Finding the man’s office was easy as all of the others in the building appeared long vacant, but it quickly became apparent that the stranger wasn’t offering something as simple as drugs.  After nearly twenty minutes of conversation, Aiden still wasn’t sure exactly what WAS being offered.

“I think maybe this isn’t the place for me,” the young jock said, starting to rise from his chair.

“No, no, I think this is exactly what you’re looking for.”

The man made a quick flick of his wrist, and Aiden found himself being slammed back into the seat.  His eyes went wide as he strained against the unseen force, but other than some futile wriggling he was unable to move.  “What the…what is this?!”

“You’re not after more muscle at all, are you?  Not really.  You don’t just want a bigger body…you want a change,” the man said, nodding slowly.

“What?  No I don’t,” Aiden grunted, his t-shirt straining around his flexing torso as he struggled.  “Let me out of this chair!”

“In due time.”  The man stood, his matching green outfit and thin build making him look like a tall, unfurling blade of grass.  His fluid movements furthered that impression as he swayed around from behind the desk to stand next to Aiden, the dull, ember glow flaring in his eyes.  “I know what you’re thinking.  You’d use this ideal body to do more of the same, but better.  Correct?  You’d pick up more women, you’d feel superior to other men, you’d have more confidence…but that’s the trap.  You already pick up plenty of women, you’re already superior to most other men, and by the way you carry yourself its obvious confidence isn’t an issue.   Even with a new body you’d be stuck in the same rut you’re in now.  You don’t want more muscle; you want an escape.  You just can’t see it yet.”

Aiden was trying not to panic.  “Look man, I don’t know what you’re doing or how you’re doing it, but I just want out of here.  Forget what I said about the muscle.  I’m good the way I am, thanks.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” the man cooed, running his fingers through the straining stud’s hair.  “You don’t even realize how much pain you’re in.”

Beads of sweat shone on Aiden’s forehead and began to darken the cotton of his t-shirt as he struggled.  “I’m only in pain because some freak has me glued to a chair,” he growled.  “I said I wasn’t interested, so just let me…”

“Change is always scary at first, even the beneficial kind,” the man interrupted.  His tone and expression were gentle, but the words chilled Aiden to his core.  He gave another quick flick of his wrist and the younger man found himself pulled up out of the chair, his vision blurring as the invisible hands spun him in a series of dizzying circles.

Aiden gasped when the disorienting rotations stopped and he found himself blinking at a sea of green.  Instead of a small office in an old building, he was surrounded by swaying, towering stalks of grass that stood several feet taller than his six-foot frame.  The dense vegetation stretched far above him, blotting out the sky overhead, and though he was still locked in place, the glimpses of the pale yellow glow Aiden was able to catch through the shifting mass didn’t look like any sky he knew.  The air itself was hot and heavy with humidity, carrying an astringent, vegetable scent that burned into the frozen young jock’s nostrils.  After only a few moments the heat was enough to make his entire body start sweating, a sensation that finally drew his attention to the fact that his clothes had vanished.  Before Aiden had a chance to feel any embarrassment at his exposed state, one of the slender green columns bent towards him, the tip gently caressing his sweating, heaving pecs.

“Don’t be alarmed,” a voice said in Aiden’s head.  It sounded like the old man’s, but there was a chorus of other voices with it, saying the same thing only just slightly out of synch.  “The soil is more fertile here in the fields.  Much more conducive to growing the new you.”  As it spoke, Aiden watched the ground begin to shift a few feet in front of him.  He could feel a slight vibration humming up through the soles of his feet as a spiraling pillar of grass pushed up through the surface.  It was ovular in shape, terminating at roughly his same height, and just as Aiden recognized it as a cocoon, the layers of green began to peel away.  “I believe this will suffice as larger.”

Aiden wanted to scream.  As the enveloping grass peeled back and joined with the other swaying stalks, he was face to face with a warped, bloated version of himself.  Instead of his short, stylish brown hair, the terrifying doppelgänger had a buzzed scalp, and while his forehead was more prominent and his jaw was almost comically wide, there was no denying that he bore Aiden’s features.  The stunned jock saw the same soft, full lips, high cheekbones, perfect nose, and bright blue eyes gazing back at him, but that was where the similarities ended.  From the neck down, the muscled beast looked nothing like the lean, tapering version trembling before it.  It had a wide stump of a neck wedged between its broad, hulking shoulders, and the arms that hung at an exaggerated angle were bigger than the original Aiden’s thighs.  A pair of massive, protruding mounds jutted out between them, so large the lumbering giant would barely be able to see over the heaping pecs.  They obscured his view of the prominent muscle gut below them, as well as the fat, dangling monster of a cock and the balls that looked like plump oranges.  The oversized package was thrust forward by the tree-trunk thighs that appeared larger than Aiden’s current waist, and which supported the massive boulders that formed the meathead’s thick, ample rear.

When he’d said he wanted to be bigger, Aiden never imagined blowing up to such a scale.  He’d wanted bigger arms and a better chest, but this alternate version of himself looked like a heavyweight bodybuilder, so large that his current self could fit comfortably inside with room to spare.  It was like looking at a picture of himself that had been photoshopped to add over a hundred pounds of shredded, striated muscle and a shiny coating that seemed to cover the figure as it stood unblinking and unresponsive in front of Aiden.

“Lovely, isn’t he?  Ready to go out and explore a whole new world.”  Aiden wanted to argue, but his throat was still frozen.  The blade of grass that had been stroking his chest shifted over to the muscled giant and wiped away a patch of sweat from his mountainous pecs.  “He even has a sap to attract others.”  Aiden watched the unblinking hulk’s thick log begin to twitch reflexively.  The dangling girder made the young jock’s original six inches look pitifully small, but Aiden had no desire to try and manage such an unwieldy package.

Not that he had a choice.  The stroking entity unfurled back to its original height, giving a slight nod in his direction.  “This should ease your pain.  It may not seem like it at first, but growth is always a little difficult.”  As it spoke, another series of grassy tendrils erupted at the original Aiden’s feet, reaching up to swallow him in their embrace.  The frozen hunk had time for one last, horrified look at his bulky clone before the world went dark.

Aiden groaned as the clinging grass constricted, threatening to crush him beneath the unbearable pressure.  His body ached and he struggled for breath.  He felt like a lead weight was pressing down on every inch of his body, and as he lingered in the intense gravity, he began to lose all sense of himself.  Aiden couldn’t tell where he ended and the oppressive void started.  Even his thoughts began to fracture under the weight, and he had to fight to hold onto his very sense of self as he felt like he was being squeezed through a small tunnel.

It was so overwhelmingly disorienting that Aiden didn’t know how long it had been since it stopped and he’d been blinking up at the unfamiliar ceiling.  The darkness was gone, replaced by bright sunlight, and though he no longer felt like he was being squeezed, the sensation of heaviness remained.  The astringent, vegetable smell had vanished with the strange visions, and in its place was a musky, locker room scent that made Aiden’s head swim and his cock stir.

He was afraid to move.  His addled thoughts were slowly piecing together why his limbs felt so heavy, and Aiden knew he wouldn’t like the answer.  He didn’t understand any of it, and none of it should have been possible, but as he shifted on what he came to recognize as the bed beneath him, there was no denying the excessive bulk he felt rubbing against itself.

Aiden finally mustered up the courage to tilt his head and look down at himself, his heart pounding in his swollen chest.  He was greeted by the oversized pecs he feared, and when he turned his head to either side, he saw the same hulking shoulders he’d seen on the warped version of himself.  His thickened arms flexed as he propped himself upright on his elbows, his eyes going wide at the thick, rigid club tenting the thin sheet that covered him.  The solid organ had to be close to eleven inches long and nearly as thick around as his wrist, or at least his former wrist.  His new forearms were considerably larger, covered in the same coiled muscle that fought against him as he forced his inflated frame up off the bed.

When the stunned hulk was able to pry his eyes away from his impossibly brawny build, his confusion only grew.  Instead of the small bedroom he normally woke up in, Aiden found himself sprawled on a king sized bed at the far side of what appeared to be a large, open loft.  The wall at the opposite end was made up of large windows, while the rest of the space appeared industrial, like an old warehouse that had been converted.  There were exposed ducts in the ceiling, weathered brick walls, and a smooth concrete floor, but despite the somewhat rough framework, the rest of the interior was anything but.  A quick glance around revealed stylish, modern furniture, expensive lighting, framed artwork covering the walls, a well-appointed kitchen, and a spacious, bathroom with a large, open shower not far from the bed.  It was the kind of luxury apartment that Aiden never could have afforded on his call-center salary, even with the roommate he saw standing in the fancy kitchen area.

Duke’s presence was an additional confusion.  Aiden didn’t see any other beds, nor did he understand why the sight of the sculpted blonde in nothing but his red briefs made his expanded stomach flutter.  He’d seen Duke naked plenty of times, but he’d never caught himself checking the other man out the way he was at that moment.  His eye were glued to the other man’s broad shoulders, beefy arms, and tapering waist.  Duke had the kind of body that Aiden recently possessed, proportional and athletic, with a firm, perky bubble and a package that was impressive without being obnoxiously large.  Aiden recognized the irony when a stab of jealousy hit him while he stared at the physique he should have possessed, but it was short-lived, replaced by a cloud of butterflies when Duke turned and smiled at him.

“You just going to lay there and stare all morning,” the blonde hunk asked.  He grinned as he ran a hand along his tight washboard and hooked a thumb into his briefs, pulling them down to just above the base of his cock.

Aiden didn’t know how to respond.  He was looking out over a body that was bloated and swollen with muscle, past his inflated pole of a cock, at a friend who should have been straight, but who was clearly flirting with him.  And on top of it all, his nostrils were still full of the potent musk, which Aiden now realized was coming from his own sweaty mountain of a body.  The altered hulk blushed under a self-conscious rush of embarrassment, his mind racing to put all the fragmented pieces together.  “Uh…hey,” he said, his eyes going wide at the deep rumble his voice had become.  “What…”

“It’s just after nine,” Duke said, misinterpreting the bigger man's question.  “You were tossing and turning all night, so I figured you wouldn’t mind skipping your morning workout.  It’s not like you aren’t going to be downstairs at the gym all day anyway.”

Aiden bit back a gasp when Duke sauntered over to the bed with a pair of glasses.  He and his friend had always been the same size, but now the athletic blonde seemed almost small and dainty by comparison.  It was an increasing sensation the longer he was awake and aware in his altered body.  Everything seemed small.  The bed groaned loudly as Aiden sat up when Duke handed him the protein shake, and the burly new bodybuilder was afraid the glass would shatter in his hand when he downed it in one gulp.  “Um, thanks,” he said, squirming uncomfortably when he saw the adoring gaze Duke was giving him.  He’d never seen the handsome jock look at anyone that way before.  They both plowed through a steady stream of women, but in all their years of serving as a wingman for each other, Aiden had never seen the smug hunk look at anyone with such devotion.

“You okay?  You seem out of it this morning.”  Aiden shivered when Duke reached out and stroked his buzzed scalp.  A creeping sense of familiarity was beginning to drape itself over Aiden’s disjointed thoughts, but the newly-grown meathead was far from comforted by the knowledge.

“I…I…” Aiden started, the sentence drying up in his throat.  He was going to tell Duke all about the strange little man and the alien field, and how everything was different, but even as he thought it, it all seemed ludicrous.  “…I just had some weird dreams,” he said, the bed shifting when he shrugged his mammoth shoulders.

“Aww, I’m sorry babe,” Duke cooed, leaning in to give Aiden a peck on the forehead.  He pushed the thin sheet aside in the process, stroking a hand along the inside of the bigger man’s thick thigh.  “Are you feeling better now?  Your day’s pretty packed with clients but Johnny can reschedule them.  Can’t have my big strong boy wearing himself out,” Duke grinned, giving Aiden’s thick log a squeeze.

The bigger man gasped, both from the jolt of pleasure at Duke’s hand on his cock, and at the sudden shift in his memories.  He’d automatically assumed the luxurious loft was his when he’d first woken up, but now he remembered that it all actually belonged to the other man.  So did the gym downstairs.  And so did he.  “No…I should be okay,” Aiden said, swallowing hard as Duke ran his lips over his chin, down his wide neck, and towards his shoulder.  Something about the motion caused his cock to surge, his body lighting up when Duke’s nose brushed against the crevice of his armpit, but before the blonde could delve deeper he was pulled away by a buzzing at the door.

“That’ll be Johnny,” Duke said, seeming unbothered by his tented briefs as he hopped off the bed and trotted over to the door.  For a moment, Aiden felt like he should cover himself when he watched his friend usher in a raven-haired young man, but then he felt foolish at the thought.  It was just Johnny.  He was one of the personal trainers Duke kept on staff, but more importantly, he was Aiden’s handler.  The big man felt a quick punch of dread at the thought that he needed a handler, but it passed as he watched Johnny peel out of his tank-top.  The dark-haired stud was built like a bigger version of Duke, with a shredded body that didn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere on it.  Unlike Aiden and his blonde friend, Johnny’s olive frame had a few patches of wiry black hair that the inflated stud was quickly remembering drove him wild.

“Mornin’, big guy,” Johnny said, reaching down to give Aiden’s buzzed head a rough rub.  “Duke tells me you had some bad dreams last night.”

Aiden couldn’t hold back an excited grin as he pulled his head away.  “Yeah, but I’m better now,” he said, the sound of his simple tone causing his smile to falter slightly.

“Well, yeah.  I mean, I’m here, so how could you not be.”  Johnny flashed a smug grin, flexing his tank-tread abs before pushing his mesh shorts and briefs down in one motion.  Duke had already peeled out of his briefs and had climbed onto the bed on the other side, leaving Aiden to gaze excitedly up at the pair of naked Adonises.

“Don’t forget who signs your paychecks, kid,” Duke said, giving the younger hunk’s firm globes a swat when Johnny crawled onto the bed.

“Fuck the money…this is what I’m here for,” Johnny sighed, squeezing one of Aiden’s plump pecs as he leaned down.

“Unnnhhnhhh…” The prone giant gave a long, low grunt when both men fell on him in unison, burying their faces into the deep valleys of his armpits.  It was like nothing he’d ever felt before.  His untouched cock spasmed and throbbed as bolts of ecstasy shot through him, his massive arms instinctively raising and folding behind his head.  Aiden couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  Even in his dazed state, the sight of two handsome, perfect hunks writhing on top of his expansive frame while they desperately ate out his pits filled him with a sense of power he’d never imagined.  Duke and Johnny were like nursing puppies, letting out quiet whimpers as their bodies squirmed against him.

When they started rolling their hips, grinding their leaking poles against his stomach while they lapped at his underarms, Aiden could feel himself start slipping.  The knowledge that a pair of sculpted hunks were fucking his oversized bulk, coupled with the mind-melting bliss shooting up from his devoured pits, pushed him over the edge.  He let out a deep bellow, his widened jaw going slack and his untouched cock spraying like a geyser as he shuddered and spasmed.  Johnny and Duke held on, their own humping reaching a frenzied pace under Aiden’s sticky rain.

The addled mountain didn’t know how long it actually took for the pair to finish with him.  The force of his own release sent him reeling, and he came to in time to hear the tail end of their conversation.  Each man was still nestled against him, stroking absently at his bulky frame while they caught their breath.

“…still can’t believe you made this work,” Johnny panted, his fat, softening log flopped against Aiden’s side.  He had a wide-eyed, stunned expression on his sharp face as he blinked and shook his head.  “Nothing else feels like this.  Nothing.  It’s like the best sex I’ve ever had mixed with my best workout, mixed with a solid eight hours of sleep.  I feel like I could run a marathon while lifting weights rights now.”

Duke smiled and patted Aiden’s chest.  “Right?  I know how crazy it must have sounded.  A performance enhancing drug that constantly refreshes itself inside an organic host?  It’s nuts.  But it works.  Doesn’t it, big guy?”

“Uh-huh,” Aiden nodded, the memories of Duke’s experiment, and the full scope of the strange man’s changes, hitting him like a truck.  The man hadn’t just grown him a new body; he’d grown a new world.

In this world, Aiden had been struggling after college, making him a perfect candidate for his friend’s project.  Duke needed a fit, healthy young man like Aiden to be the incubator for his drug.  If the process worked, his friend had said, Aiden would end up with more muscle, and money, than he knew what to do with.  Though what Duke hadn’t told him was that it would fry half his brain in the process, and leave him constantly smelling like a used jockstrap.  The other man also failed to mention the part about Aiden’s new pheromones being the catalyst, and how people had to drink straight from the tap if they wanted to reap the benefits.  In this case, the tap was Aiden’s pits, leaving the ballooning mound of muscle to spend his days with strange men giving his sweaty crevices a tongue bath.  And the worst part was how good it felt.  The ecstatic sensations were so potent that even Aiden was hooked on them, leaving him just as addicted to the process as the men who sought him out.

It was a crushing blow to the remains of the formerly straight jock.  The old Aiden, the handsome stud who hooked up with more women than he could ever hope to remember, now spent his days getting off with guys eating out his pits and fucking the muscle they wished they had, all while his oversized cock spurted and sprayed without being touched.  He was a dumb, smelly meathead, just as eager to get eaten out by a dumpy, middle aged man as he was the pair of hunks currently in his arms.

“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up and downstairs,” Duke said, giving Aiden another quick peck on the cheek.  The hulking stud smiled as he lumbered off the bed and let himself be pulled over to the giant shower, now understanding why it was so large.  They scrubbed him down, and by the time they were done Aiden was feeling so content that not even the lingering, musky odor bothered him.  The shower did nothing to quell the potent stench, but already it had become so commonplace that the smell barely registered anymore.  While Johnny and Duke dressed, Aiden slipped into a bright blue poser and a pair of sneakers, the only thing he ever wore anymore.

The poser could barely contain his girthy package, but that was the way Duke liked it.  He’d parade Aiden around the main gym throughout the day, telling people that the buzzed hulk was one of his success stories while he was really using the nearly-naked man to seed the air with his compelling pheromones.  It didn’t matter if a man was gay or straight; once they’d been exposed to enough of the heady musk, they were ready and willing.

And Duke was ready to take their money.  For a hefty price, they could book a private session with Aiden and Johnny.  It would start with the client giving the muscled jock’s pits a thorough licking, followed by an actual training session conducted by Johnny.  Aiden’s role was to get things started, a role that he was more than happy to fill.  As soon as the men were in the room he had his arms flexed behind his head, his fat cock already hard and escaped from the confines of his poser.

It was something about the climax that set the formula into motion.  The men always came shortly after he did, and it was their release that opened the floodgates.  Aiden would watch their eyes go wide and dilated, their frantic breath growing steady, and after a moment of relaxed bliss they’d snap out of it, refreshed, energized and ready to power through their workout with Johnny.  Aiden would stay in the room, lifting weights on his own and letting his potent musk continue to permeate the space.  His own stamina seemed limitless, his ample muscle never growing tired or sore as he lifted for hours on end, with each set feeling like his first.

The men seemed to like it when he stuck around, and he liked watching.  He especially liked it when, in their dazed states, he could convince them to workout naked.  It frustrated Johnny, who inevitably wound up with balls in his face, but Aiden liked it when people were as exposed as he was.  He and the dark-haired stud would take their own breaks between clients, and already the sensation of Johnny’s solid cheeks flexing in his giant hands while the younger man feverishly lapped at his pits was so overwhelming that Aiden would have gone through the whole process all over again.  He would sometimes look in the mirror and feel self conscious about his lumbering size, or his smell, or how easily he got confused, but Johnny or Duke would always quickly snap him out of it.  They would tell him that it was true that he wasn’t like the other guys, but then one flick of their tongue against his underarm would remind him that he was something better.

At first, while the knowledge of his impossible transition was still as fresh in his mind as it could be, Aiden had set out to find the narrow building where he’d met with the strange little man. Upon his return, after a fruitless search, he discovered that it was the building he’d walked out of.  But instead of vacant and neglected, it now housed Duke's state-of-the-art gym, private studios for Aiden’s one-on-one clients, and their posh loft.  If the man who did this to him still existed in this world, Aiden had no way to find him.  It was both a crushing and liberating discovery for the former pretty boy.  If he was truly trapped, then he told himself he didn’t need to cling to the fading memories of his previous existence.

For the most part, after several weeks, all that was left were vague impressions of the strange little man dressed in green, and the even stranger landscape he'd visited in what Aiden told himself was just a bad dream.  It was only when he ventured out of the city that he remembered things in more detail.  Whenever he and Duke would head out into the surrounding countryside to go hiking or camping, the smell of the plants and trees, and fresh-cut grass specifically, would leave him on the edge of a panic attack.  For days afterwards, Aiden would look at Duke, or at the fit, model-caliber men working out in their gym, and know in his gut that he should look the way they did.  He’d dream of his previous life in vivid detail, always waking up confused and terrified like it was the first time all over again.

But then Duke would bury his head under his arm and send him sailing on a sea of ecstasy.  The memories would fade again, and the only thing Aiden had to worry about was how long it would be until someone could work his other pit at the same time.


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