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“I’m going to own this place!  Do you hear me?  You people won’t get away with this!  Whatever you’re doing to me I’ll…I’ll…” Thomas trailed off, shaking his head.  The dizzy spells were getting worse.  Instead of happening every few hours, they rolled over him every few minutes.  They’d started as soon as he’d noticed the pink glow emanating from his eyes, though he’d lost track of how much time had passed since they’d dragged him out of his office and threw him in the small cell.  It could have been a day, or it could have been a month.

Thomas balled his fists at his side, forcing them to stay in place.  He wasn’t going to give whoever was on the other side of the cameras the satisfaction of watching him suck his thumb again.  He’d been mortified when he’d woken up that morning with the digit wedged firmly in his mouth, his other hand wrapped around his solid cock.  He remembered going to sleep in the jumpsuit they’d stuck him in, but at some point during the night he’d wormed out of it, leaving his powerful build almost entirely on display as he gripped his rigid pole and sucked away at his thumb.  The worst part was that, even after he’d fully awakened, he couldn’t stop what he was doing.  No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t force the thumb out of his mouth or pry his meaty hand away from the thick pole.  He wasn’t even jerking off, he was just holding the aching organ, more focused on how good his thumb felt against his tongue.  Thomas couldn’t remember the last time he’d woken up so hard and throbbing, but the darts of pleasure weren’t coming from his cock at all.

It wasn’t that Thomas was shy about his brawny body.  With his solid, beefy build, hefty package, and ruggedly handsome face he didn’t need to be, but it was still a humiliating experience for the fifty-year-old power broker.  He was used to being in control.  Thomas had been at the top of his game for so long that the older man barely remembered what it was like to not wield almost absolute power over those around him.  He bought and sold corporations the way most people went grocery shopping.  Laws didn’t matter.  Ethics didn’t matter.  Employees didn’t matter.  All that mattered were his prestige and his bank accounts.  People bent over backwards to make sure he stayed happy, meaning whatever, or whoever, he wanted was within reach at all times.  There was a steady stream of women and men willing to do anything he told them just so they could get a piece of his power. And with his strong jaw and salt-and-pepper hair topping off his impressive physique, he wasn’t like the other saggy old men Thomas knew in similar positions.  He wasn’t having to force people; they were all too happy to pay the toll for whatever favor they were asking.

So to have been dragged out of his executive suite by armed guards and paraded in front of his employees was bad enough, but to wake up sucking his thumb until his cock exploded was a level of humiliation he could barely even conceive.  And he was having a harder and harder time conceiving of anything in the first place.  Like the passage of time, Thomas had to fight to hold onto his thoughts for more than a few moments.  His rantings at his captors were becoming more difficult to maintain, as was the anger that fueled them.  There were already large gaps in his memory, but Thomas refused to go down that road, clinging to his denial and telling himself that he’d still find a way out of this.

Like everyone, he’d heard of the Curse of the Magenta Eyes, but as with most people, he’d never actually believed it was possible until he’d looked in the mirror and saw a pair of glowing pink eyes reflected back at him.  His first reaction had been to feel a swell of pride.  From what he’d heard, the curse only singled out particularly egregious individuals, so despite the implications about his character it was an ego boost.  Even after he’d accepted that there could be some factual basis to what people said, he still wasn’t ready to accept some of the more far-fetched claims about people being changed.  Now, though, the evidence was starting to pile up.  His thoughts were becoming addled and slow, and the aggressive personality that had become his trademark over the years was beginning to falter.  It was replaced by a strange voice in his head that kept telling him he didn’t really want to fume and yell.  It told him he just needed to be a good boy and be patient, and that Brian would be there soon to take him home.  If he was upset, the voice said, all he had to do was suck his thumb and he’d feel better.  He always felt better having something in his mouth.

Thomas tried to argue.  He didn’t know who “Brian” was, and he had no intention of going anywhere with him if he showed up, but his release that morning had felt better than any he’d had in years, and it wasn’t just from the confusing physical sensations, either.  Thomas had been weightless.  The world had melted away around him until all that mattered was the thumb in his mouth as he sucked and squirmed.  In the moment, he not only hadn’t cared that people were watching, he hadn’t even thought about it.  They didn’t matter nearly as much as the pleasure he felt at having finally gotten out of the uncomfortable jumpsuit.  And the feelings lingered.  Instead of covering himself back up after the embarrassing explosion, Thomas dozed off, thumb in mouth, and it had taken far longer than it should have for him to recognize that something was wrong when he woke up again.  He’d simply stared down at his naked body, feeling content and relaxed, until his brain finally put together what he was looking at.  Yet, even when he was fully aware of his humiliating circumstances, it had still taken all of his willpower for Thomas to pull the jumpsuit back up.  He hated it, not because of what it represented or anything so complicated, but simply because he hated being covered up.  He’d finally managed to pull it back on as long as he left it unzipped all the way.  At the bottom, the opening stopped just above the base of his cock, while above it hung precariously at the edges of his broad shoulders, exposing the salt-and-pepper carpet on his pecs and ready to fall away at any moment.

It was all quickly becoming too much for Thomas.  His last rant had seemingly worn down his resolve enough that the thumb was back in his mouth before he even realized it.  The executive’s stomach dropped when he saw his reflection in the small cell’s mirror, his expression looking more pouting than intimidating.  The sight made him momentarily glad that he’d been pulled out of his office when he had.  It had been humiliating, but not nearly as much as it would have been if they’d done it while he’d been sucking his thumb like a toddler.  There were plenty of people who would relish the opportunity to see him in such a state.  This way, only the guards witnessed his shame.

Until the door began to open.  Thomas heard the metallic clicking of the locks as the speaker in the ceiling buzzed to life.  “Alright champ, looks like you’re finally on your way out of here.”

Thomas didn’t know how to respond.  His instinct was to rage at the guard for the condescending use of “champ”, but that would require pulling his thumb out of his mouth, which wasn’t an option.  He also knew he should zip up his suit before someone entered, but again, that would require covering up, which was the last thing he wanted.  The internal conflict left him standing in place, sucking away and blinking as the door opened on a stranger.

“Uh, hey there, big guy,” the man said, grinning.  He appeared to be several years younger than Thomas, looking no older than his mid-thirties, with short, chestnut hair and what seemed to be a fit, lean build beneath his t-shirt and jeans.  His smile was gentle and unassuming, and he carried himself with the kind of easy going manner that normally made Thomas bristle.

Instead, the older man felt a matching grin spread around his thumb.  “Brian!” He practically cheered, his stomach fluttering as he darted forward and swallowed the smaller man in his arms.  Thomas had no idea how he knew who the smiling stranger was or why he was clinging to him, but at least he wasn’t sucking his thumb anymore.

“You ready to get out of here,” Brian asked, slipping a hand inside Thomas’s jumpsuit to give his cheeks a squeeze.

“Uh-huh!” Thomas said, nodding eagerly.  The older man’s heart started racing as he slowly registered Brian’s condescending tone, and his simple reaction to it, but he couldn’t stop himself.  The glow that had been focused on his eyes had spread, encompassing them both in a magenta illumination that left him dazed and tingling.  He knew the sensation of another man gripping his ass shouldn’t have filled him with such excitement, nor should he have been thrilled to cling to the other man.

Thomas’s confusion grew when Brian began to shift in his arms.  He blinked, suddenly realizing that instead of looking the younger man in the eyes as he originally had, he now looked slightly down at him.  His immediate reaction was to wonder if the other man was shrinking, but it quickly became clear that the opposite was happening.  The older man gasped as the tingling turned into a dull, full-body aching, accompanied by a rush of air as his expanding shoulders caused the jumpsuit to fall free.  Thomas couldn’t believe his eyes when he looked down at his rapidly changing torso.  The salt-and-pepper carpet was gone, leaving the smooth, lean muscle beneath it exposed.  As he somehow shot upwards, now fully looking down on the top of Brian’s head, Thomas’s body stretched like taffy.  He wasn’t losing muscle, but with the extra space granted by his new height the bulk had room to spread out.  Instead of looking thick and brawny, Thomas was now long and shredded, like someone who would be more at home on a basketball court than a football field.

And it wasn’t merely his overall shape that had changed.  His skin didn’t just look smooth; it looked soft.  The wrinkles and the weathered ruggedness Thomas had grown accustomed to were gone entirely, leaving only the roadmap of definition covering his towering new frame.  The reason became clear when Thomas looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror, or at least as clear as it could be to his increasingly fuzzy brain.  Where just moments before he’d looked significantly older than Brian, he now looked at least a decade younger.  The tall, lean stranger reflected back at him had the smooth, baby face of someone in their early twenties, not the rugged features of a man in his early fifties.  Thomas wanted to scream as he stared at the bright, doe eyes and dull smile on the seven-foot stud’s face, but all he managed was to reluctantly let go and slip a thumb back into his mouth.

The shorter man smiled up at him and nodded.  “I know you want to get out of here.  Let’s get you dressed so we can get going,” Brian said, giving Thomas a view of his dangling new hose when he stepped away.  The now-younger man’s formerly thick, stout cock had extended into a massive, foot-long snake that perfectly complemented his stretched frame and the wide paddles his feet had become.  He stumbled when he tried to follow Brian over to the bed, unused to the way his longer legs and bigger feet moved.  Thomas gasped at the way the motion caused his swaying monster and heavy balls to swing wildly, and how gangly and awkward his toned new arms felt.  Despite his imposing height and still-impressive build, he felt none of his usual arrogance, instead being hit by a wave of insecurity as soon as Brian was more than a few feet away.

Thomas didn’t even stop to think or argue about where the clothes came from or what the other man handed him to put on.  He simply slid the ridiculously small shorts up his long legs, more captivated by the bright red color than worried about the way his gargantuan cock was clearly visible as it snaked off to the side.  The thin cotton gym shorts were far too small, looking like boxer-briefs as they plastered around his toned thighs and accentuated his perky little bubble.  The bright blue t-shirt that followed wasn’t any better, looking more like a crop top as the bottom stopped halfway down his shredded new abs and the sleeves barely crested his broad shoulders.

The worst part was that he had to force himself to think of his appearance as ridiculous.  Thomas struggled to do little more than smile at his warped, shredded new frame in the preposterous outfit, his thoughts becoming increasingly slow and simple.  Brian had given him the clothes, and he loved Brian, so that meant he loved the clothes.  Thomas slipped his feet into the enormous velcro sneakers and let Brian take him by the hand, intending to follow the shorter man, when he was hit with a sudden impulse.  Looking down at Brian, the thumb in his mouth was no longer sufficient.  He needed something bigger, and harder, to fill the space, and only his friend could give it to him.  Thomas stopped in his tracks, causing Brian to jerk when he made it to the end of the taller man’s long reach.

“What’s wrong, Tommy?” Brian asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at the now-younger man.

“Thirsty,” Thomas said around his thumb, nodding towards the front of the other man’s pants.

Brian blushed and patted the exposed patch of Tommy's abs.  “I know you are, big guy, but we can do that when we get ho…”

“No!  Thirsty now,” Tommy whined, stomping his foot and reaching out with his free hand to grip the shorter man’s bulge while the remains of the old Thomas slipped away by the second.  The former executive had somehow become stuck in the virile young body of a college basketball star with a brain that moved in slow motion, and he knew it was only a matter of moments before such concepts as his former life were beyond his comprehension.  The last thing Thomas had time for was a fleeting, futile attempt at telling himself he wasn’t really throwing a temper tantrum to get another man’s dick in his mouth.

“They told me you’d probably be worked up,” Brian sighed, shaking his head.  He reached up to tousle Tommy’s hair as he undid his belt with his free hand.  “We’re only doing this here because I know you’ve had a rough couple days…”

Tommy didn’t say anything.  He just grinned and dropped to his knees, only pulling his thumb out of his mouth long enough to tear open Brian’s pants and suck the other man’s twitching rod into its place.  The shorter man’s average cock was nowhere near as large as his own had become, but to Tommy it was perfect.  He sucked and bobbed his head, loving how it felt to have Brian’s warm, musky member hardening and expanding to fill the space in his mouth.  He could feel a damp spot forming at the end of his own aching cock in response, but there wasn’t room in his addled brain to worry about soaking through his shorts.

He closed his eyes, gliding his head back and forth as he ran his tongue around the blissful rod.  Tommy relished the salty taste and the way Brian’s trim bush tickled his nose when he deep-throated the other man, content to kneel for hours.  Unfortunately the shorter man could only last so long, and all too soon he was pulling his spasming rod from between Tommy’s soft, pouty lips.

“Guh…get…get ready…” he grunted, erupting all over Tommy’s handsome, youthful new face an instant later.  The warm rain splashing against Tommy caused the kneeling hunk to fall over the edge behind his friend.  He gave a quiet whimper, his tongue flicking out to catch Brian’s release as he exploded in his shorts.  “Ooookay,” the shorter man sighed, stuffing himself back into his pants, "think we can go now?”

“Uh-huh!” Tommy cheered, hopping to his feet.  He was dimly aware that his face and hair were soaked in cum, as were his shorts.  The thought made him pause, and he waited expectantly for another feeling to come rushing in behind it, but all he felt was a glowing contentment.  He grinned and wrinkled his nose when Brian reached up to wipe his face clean, simply shrugging as the other man looked at his sopping shorts.

“Probably should have thought about that beforehand, but there’s not much we can do about it now, is there?”  Brian laughed and shook his head when Tommy started to pull the shorts free, stopping the taller man.  “No, no, leave ‘em on for now.  You can take ‘em off in the car, okay?  I mean, the neighbors are used to seeing you run around with no pants on, so that won’t be a big deal for them.”

Something about that didn’t sound right to Tommy.  He didn’t think he should be running around with no pants on where people could see him.  But Brian didn’t seem to think it was wrong, so he knew it must have been fine.  He reached out and swallowed the shorter man’s hand in his own, smiling from ear-to-ear as they walked out the door.


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