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(From an idea with Adult Junk Drawer)

Colby stared at the email, not sure whether he should be offended or grateful.  Ben insisted on the latter, but that wasn’t surprising considering that his friend had been the one to send him the coupon in the first place.  He’d said he was tired of hearing Colby whine so much, and that it was time for the insecure waif to finally do something about it.  They were both about to exit their twenties, and Ben made it clear he wasn’t going to spend another decade listening to the smaller man complain about everything.

It was easy for his friend to say, Colby thought.  Ben had only improved with age.  His cute, boyish face and tight frame had steadily grown over the years into the chiseled, ebony Adonis he’d become, while Colby was still as pasty and thin as ever.  Nowadays he had to struggle just to keep from losing what meager definition his average body possessed, let alone make any attempt at getting in better shape.  It was true that he hadn’t put in nearly as much effort as his handsome friend, but it was easier for the lanky brunette to complain than to actually go to the gym.  Or at least that was the case until Ben found the “New Year New You” deal waiting in his email on cyber Monday, promising a total makeover for mind, body and soul.  Colby had never heard of HB&L, the company behind the offer, but whoever they were, they said their program could give someone a better body, a better outlook, and a better attitude.

Ben had sent him the link to claim his package, saying he’d already picked out a plan that would be perfect.  The thinner man didn’t want to be rude, but he didn’t know what his handsome friend was thinking.  Colby couldn’t manage to drag himself to the gym on a regular basis as it was, so he didn’t know why Ben thought he could handle the apparent life coaching and counseling on top of what he already wasn’t doing.  Nor did he agree with the assumption that he needed a new outlook or a better attitude.  Colby wasn’t remotely as outgoing as the charming Ben, and he did have a tendency to overthink things, but if he hadn’t outgrown those traits by his late twenties, he figured they were with him for life.  Still, he knew he’d never, ever, hear the end of it if he didn’t at least give it a shot.  So, against his better judgement, he opened up the email and clicked “redeem offer.”

Colby nearly dropped his phone at the sudden flash.  It seemed brighter than what the small screen should have been able to produce on its own, and it left him blinking in a daze.  “Jesus!  What the hell kinda app is…”

His stammering was interrupted by the overly polite, artificial tones of a woman’s voice.  She sounded like a pre-programmed announcement over a loud speaker at the mall, and Colby wasn’t entirely sure her voice was coming from his phone.  She was speaking in stereo, her voice seeming to circle around his head in a dizzying orbit.  “Hello!  Thank you for redeeming your Cyber Monday deal,” she said.  “At HB&L, we promise that a new you is only a click away!  Now, there are a few simple steps before we can get started.  Please position your phone or tablet six to eight feet away, so that your entire body can be seen on screen.”

“I mean, it makes sense that they’d need a starting pic, I guess,” Colby muttered, propping his phone up on a nearby bookshelf.  He tapped the screen to reverse the camera and took a few steps back until he was looking at the entirety of his wiry frame.  Just as he was wondering how he would advance the program with his phone out of reach, the voice started up again.

“Great!  Please hold still while we retrieve your program.  In the meantime, don’t be alarmed when your clothing is removed.  You’re just a few moments away from beginning your transition!”

The woman’s tone was so cheerful that Colby didn’t register the last part of what she’d said until right before his phone flashed for a second time.  “Fuck!  What the hell?!”  Colby’s blurry eyes went wide as his vision cleared and he found himself looking down at his naked body.  The flood of crimson that followed was a reflex when he lifted his head and saw his lanky, pale frame looking back at him from his phone.  Despite the impressively long cock and heavy balls hanging between his slight thighs, the embarrassed brunette wasn’t the kind of guy who took dick pics or liked being on display.  Especially as his body had begun to lose what little definition he had, and his stomach had gone from “firm” to “soft,” the idea of being naked on camera was humiliating.

More focused on his exposed state than the impossibility of how it happened, Colby instinctively tried to step forward and grab his phone, only to find himself locked in place.  “Please hold still,” the woman said, a harsh, discordant note cracking through her chipper veneer.

“What is this?!  What are you people doing,” Colby cried.  He went pale once more when he began to realize the full weight of his predicament.  He wasn’t being held in place by anything, his body simply wouldn’t respond.  He could still move his eyes and speak, and he could still feel everything, but it was as if brain could no longer send commands to the rest of him.  Despite his dread, even his pulse was as steady as ever, and he began to feel his long snake twitch the longer he was naked.

Her tone was chipper again, and if the woman heard his question, she ignored it.  “Okay!  We’ve found your program.  You selected the Muscle Bottom Bundle.  Great choice!  With a new focus on your compact body and thick lower half, you can kiss those worries goodbye.  No more pesky modesty or inhibitions to hold you back!  A world of carefree pleasure will soon be yours for the taking.  Before we go, let us say thank you again for choosing HB&L.  We hope you had a pleasant experience.”

Colby wanted to scream, but his voice was frozen under the cloud of tingling that erupted from head to toe.  There was no pain, only a slight sense of pressure as his vision blurred and he watched the room seem to shift around him.  It was a subtle change, and Colby blinked at the eye-level phone for several seconds before the implication hit him.  When he’d propped his phone up on the book shelf, he’d placed it on one that was level with his chest.  He’d had to look slightly down at it from his position several feet away.  Now, he looked directly at a phone that was tilted slightly downward to catch all of his significantly shorter body on screen.  Without being able to measure, Colby still knew the impossible reduction left him closer to five feet than his usual six, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it before the other changes started.

His shrunken body blossomed with muscle.  Like watching a time lapse, Colby could only stare as his shoulders thickened and pushed away from each other.  His non-existent pecs rushed in to fill the extra space at his chest, inflating to a pair of plump, solid mounds.  The thin arms on either side ballooned into a matching set of chiseled pistons, their beefy size a sharp contrast to the now-shredded stomach that pinched inward at his waist.  The sense of contrast only grew as the changes flowed south and Colby’s spindly legs expanded, growing so thick with muscle that they were nearly as wide as his tight midsection.  That extra mass slipped around to encompass his non-existent rear, pumping the flat cheeks into a set of granite, gravity defying globes.  Even without being able to turn and look, Colby knew his excessive ass had grown to freakish proportions.  It spilled out around his sides and stood out like a shelf, all while his cock appeared to be doing the opposite.  The dangling hose already looked less impressive wedged between his meaty new thighs, and then it began pulling upward.  Colby’s stomach dropped as he watched it recede, the long organ growing both shorter and wider.  The fattening organ didn’t appear to be losing any mass as it shed its length, and in a matter of seconds the frozen little hunk was left with a stubby, three inch cock so wide he wouldn’t be able to close a calloused new hand around it.  The stout member was so thick as to be inflexible, sticking straight out from between his muscled quads and above the hefty, prominent balls underneath.  Colby was mortified when he thought about what it would look like when he wore pants, but his concern rapidly shifted to his face as the changes began to settle.  Like the rest of his body, his jaw widened and his brow became more prominent, both due to the slight slope it adopted, and the lack of hair as his brown mop pulled in to a short buzz cut.  The lack of hair only accentuated his roughened features and the apparent lack of a neck, as only a sliver of the wide column of muscle was visible between his shoulders.

“OHHHHHH!”  Before he could wrap his head around any of the horrifying changes, a wave of pleasure sent Colby to his hands and knees.  He let out a bellowing moan with a voice that had deepened in time with the rest of his warped new frame, his stubby fingers digging into the wooden floor as wave after wave crashed into him.  Looking at the camera from his new vantage point, he could see just how massive his rear had become, the heaping, muscled melons shaking as he squirmed against the vibrating object he saw poking out from between them.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” he panted, his head pressed against the floor as a confusing mix of dread and delight coursed through him.

“You are makin’ me real homesick right about now.”  Colby gasped at the unexpected sound of Ben’s voice.  He lifted his head from the floor, his eyes darting around the empty room until he realized the sound was coming from his phone on the shelf.  His chubby cock throbbed when he looked over a broadened shoulder and saw his friend’s naked body on the screen instead of his own, a sudden sensation of falling making his head spin.  He’d seen Ben’s chiseled, chocolate frame plenty of times, but the sight had never made him quake with longing, nor had Colby ever imagined a time when he’d be on all fours, shaking an inflated, penetrated ass over FaceTime for the other man.

“Fuuuuuck bro…how long are you gonna be outta town?”  Colby groaned, the sound of his dull, deepened voice making him pause.  He rolled over onto his back, but instead of asking Ben what was going on, he pursed his lips and raised his hips off the ground, pumping his rotund little dick into one hand while the other toyed with his sculpted new pecs.  “I miss the real thing, dude.”  As he squirmed, Colby noticed Ben’s muscled arm flexing and moving rapidly, but the thought of his friend jerking off while watching him fuck himself with a vibrator was surprisingly commonplace.  The shortened stud knew that wasn’t right, but the knowledge was tenuous at best.

Ben’s laugh made Colby’s ripped stomach flutter.  “I told you when I left…my client meeting’s tomorrow morning, so you’ll be getting the big guy by this time tomorrow night.”  Colby whimpered when Ben panned his phone down, giving him a view of the long, thick rod he pumped on.  “And what are you going to do with this when I get there,” Ben asked, his voice smug offscreen.

More than the sudden craving that hit him, the prone hunk was overwhelmed by the rush of memories.  Colby could feel the rigid organ slipping in and out of him, his own ample muscle bouncing as Ben hammered into him.  His mouth watered as he thought back to the sensation of the other man’s solid muscle against his stubby hands, and how much he loved the way Ben towered over him.   “Gonna ride that thing raw…” Colby moaned, ignoring the quiet voice in his head that begged him to stop talking.  “Take it so deep in this jock pussy you’re gonna…wonder where it…went…” he grunted, his widened cock starting to ooze onto his stomach.  “Ma…make you scre…screammmmnnnggghh!”  Colby shuddered, his plump geyser erupting at the memory of Ben writhing between his meaty little legs as he straddled the handsome hunk’s lap.  He felt like he shouldn’t have sprayed as much as he did, and when it finally stopped he lay in a panting heap, in no hurry to pull the vibrating invader from his content hole while he watched Ben finished.  He licked his lips when the other man came, relishing the memories of the salty explosion filling his mouth.

“Whoooooo…” Ben whistled as he caught his breath.  “Thank god for technology.”

“And this ass,” Colby laughed, giving one of the large, dimpled cheeks a slap.

Ben grinned.  “Obviously.  So what’re you doing for the rest of the night?”

Colby shrugged.  “The usual, dude.  Gonna lift, gonna hang out in the sauna, gonna come home.”  The sticky stud had a momentary stab of dread at the mental image of himself waddling around the gym, his girthy little poker tenting out the thin, tiny shorts that could barely cover his massive bottom.  The humiliation was short lived, though, as he thought about how the other men towered over his disproportionate little frame, and how much he enjoyed strutting that frame around the locker room.

“Mmm-hmm,” Ben said, raising an eyebrow.  “Just don’t forget who owns that fat ass.”

Colby flashed a bashful grin.  Instead of being irritated, he loved how possessive Ben got when he was away.  “Doesn’t mean you can’t lease it out when you’re gone, bro,” he said.  “You know how hungry I get.”

“Yeah, and you better not eat from the cookie jar ’til I get back,” Ben said, his voice a mix of stern condescension.  “I promise, once I'm back we’ll bring a friend over so you can fill both ends at once.”

“Gonna hold you to that, dude,” Colby sighed, reluctantly climbing to his feet.  He reached around and shivered when he pulled the long, wide vibrator free, giving his plump melons a final shake for his friend.  “Alright, bro, I’m out.  Hit me up later if you wanna do that again.”

Colby blew a kiss and hung up, confused at the waiting notification.  It was from some company called HB&L thanking him for his purchase and wishing him well in his “new life.”  He had no idea what it meant, though he didn’t give it much thought.  Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday his phone had been blowing up with ads, but it did remind him that he needed to use that coupon Ben sent him.  He’d found a good deal on the bright little jockstraps Colby loved, and he couldn’t miss an opportunity like that.


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