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***** This was released in 4 parts last year, but since there's no new story this week, I'm re-posting the full text in one chunk.  Enjoy! *****

Daniels hated sports.  He always had.  Working out and exercise were one thing, the middle-aged field agent enjoyed the exertion of maintaining his stocky, muscled build, but sitting in an obnoxiously loud crowd watching people chase a ball back and forth, or in this case swim in circles, was mind-numbing.  He’d suspected his superiors were still mad at him for losing track of their last subject, and being assigned to spend countless hours at college sporting events to find a new one only confirmed those suspicions.  He’d watched enough baseball, wrestling and soccer to last a lifetime, all to no avail.  The swim meet was his last attempt at this campus and if it didn’t pay off he was going to have to start the process all over again.

They couldn’t pick just anyone.  It would have been a much easier task to simply scan the campus and pull from the crowd, but the subject had to have the right foundation or the experiment would be a disaster.  Daniels had seen those early results, the hulking, hairy brutes with their leaking, mammoth cocks, barely able to form a sentence and not good for much beyond what their bodies could offer.  The physical growth was incredible, and the formerly average men radiated an intimidating strength, but they were trying to grow soldiers, not mindless breeding stock.  Though the Lab had at least been able to turn a profit using the burly beasts constant emissions as a black market steroid.

To achieve the perfect results they needed someone who was already fit, who already had the right genetic groundwork laid.  If they started with someone who had the seeds, all they needed to do was water them.  Instead of building the house from scratch, all their formula did was open the door and let the inner potential through, hence the countless hours spent pretending to look at his phone while he scanned the athletes in an attempt to find a needle in a haystack.

It was proving surprisingly difficult.  Daniels had been so sure that one of the wrestlers would have been a match.  With their already-stocky builds, ample hair and stuffed singlets he was convinced that one of the brawny young men would have made the cut, but he hadn’t gotten a single hit.  If those beefy young jocks hadn’t made the cut, his hopes weren’t high for the lean, hairless swimmers.  The sudden vibration from his scanner proved him wrong.

“Always the last place you look,” he muttered under his breath, grinning.  To anyone else the image on his phone looked like a random news article, but through his sunglasses Daniels read the stats scrolling up the camouflaged screen while the Lab’s facial recognition program pulled his demographics.  Kaleb Sommers.  Nineteen, five foot ten, blonde hair, blue eyes, one hundred and sixty pounds of lean muscle.  He was perfect.  Not only did he have the physical foundation they needed, the young jock was a ticking time bomb of genetic potential.  Whether he knew it or not, his days as a smooth, tapered stud were numbered already.  All they’d be doing is speeding the process up.

“Thank fuckin’ Christ,” Daniels sighed, stepping over his annoyed bleacher-mates as he dialed the Lab.  “You get the numbers I just sent?  He’s perfect.  Send an extraction team...we can’t lose this one.”


Kaleb had no idea where he was or how long he’d been there.  The last thing he remembered was heading to the locker room after his swim meet.  One minute he was standing in front of his locker, about to strip out of his speedo, and the next he was opening his eyes on what looked like a medical facility.  He squinted against the harsh fluorescent lights overhead as he looked around at the stark white walls, his heart pounding in his toned chest when he tried to sit up and quickly discovered his arms and legs were strapped down, pinning his naked body to the table.  He was able to at least raise his head, and Kaleb blushed a deep shade of crimson when he saw his rigid six inches glistening and the small puddles of sticky fluid drying on his tight abs.  Despite his shock and fear as he frantically tried to process what was happening, the bound jock felt like he could blow again at any moment.

Kaleb strained against the bonds, his arms and shoulders flexing in an impressive, if futile, display.  “Hello?!  Is anyone there?  Where am I?” he called, his deceptively thin quads expanding as he tried to pull his legs free.

“I was wondering when you were going to wake up.”

“Hello?  Hey!”  Kaleb started at the unexpected voice and desperately tried to crane his neck to see the person speaking behind him.  “Where am I?  Is this a hospital?  Did something happen?”

“Hold on...now that you’re awake and done shooting for the moment we can sit you up…” There was a mortified pit in Kaleb’s stomach as the table vibrated and began tilting, sending the puddles of fluid cascading down his stomach.  The bonds didn’t release, but the young blonde felt better at least being relatively upright.  “There we go.  Better?”

Kaleb just blinked at the stocky stranger.  The gruff looking man was nearly as wide as he was tall, with thick arms and a beefy torso straining against his tight polo, while a set of tree trunk thighs filled a pair of khakis to capacity.  With his buzzed hair and lantern jaw, the short bull dog of a man looked more like a bouncer than a doctor.  “Please...what is all this…” the young man pleaded.

The burly stranger smiled and gave Kaleb’s sticky abs a gentle pat, the sensation of his rough, wide palm making the prone man shiver.  “Don’t worry, kid.  I know this is a lot to take in, but you’re not in any danger.”

Kaleb tried to ignore the tingling sensation left from the stranger’s touch.  “Did I get hurt?  Why am I here?  The last thing I remember is being at my meet and then…”

“Oh, yeah, you did pretty good out there.  At least I think you did?  Full disclosure, I don’t know shit about swimming,” the man said with a shrug of his bowling ball shoulders.  “Look, I know you’ve got a million questions, but unfortunately I’m not at liberty to answer most of ‘em, alright?  Just think of it as being drafted.  You’re going to help Uncle Sam win the war on terror.”

Kaleb’s eyes went wide.  “What?!  That’s crazy!  I didn’t sign up for…”

“Yeah, that’s not really how it works.  We needed a specimen and you fit the bill.”  The man sighed and shook his head, an apologetic look on his pug face.  “Damn, listen to me, tossing around shit like “specimen”.  Not super comforting, right?  You wake up naked, strapped to a table, and here I am making it sound worse.  Why don’t we start with introductions?  I’m Agent Daniels.  I’ll be your field handler.”

“Field handler?  What does that even…” Kaleb grunted in frustration and pulled against his bonds.  “Can you at least let me go?  If I’m not in any danger why am I strapped down?”

“Sorry, not yet.  Everyone reacts to the serum differently.  You’ve already had your first dose...impressive to watch, by the way,” Daniels grinned, nodding down at Kaleb’s oozing pole.

The young blonde blushed at the thought of the older man watching his cock erupt again and again while he’d been unconscious.  “Serum?!  What...what does it do?”

“Unlocks your genetic potential.  You’re actually pretty lucky, you know?  There are a lot of guys who’d love to wind up in your position.  When this is done you’re going to be an absolute beast.  At least if it goes the way it should,” he added with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out his phone.  “I’m probably not supposed to show you this, but here…”

Kaleb gasped at the picture of the beefy, naked hulk.  The man was a wall of burly muscle, covered from head to toe in a dense layer of thick, curly hair with what looked like a third forearm sprouting from the bottom of his lumpy muscle gut, a pair of grapefruits dangling underneath.  “Is that...the serum does...that?”

Daniels nodded.  “See what I mean?  Who wouldn’t want to wind up like that?”

“Me!” Kaleb shrieked, horrified at the thought of his lean, tapered body ballooning with muscle.  Worse than the bulk was the thought of the hair, his stomach turning as he pictured his smooth skin covered in the unrelenting forest.  “I don’t want that at all!”

“Sorry to hear that, bud,” Daniels said, his tone apologetic.  “It’s already started, and once it starts there’s no stopping it.”

Kaleb’s body went from an embarrassed crimson to a terrified shade of white when he followed Daniels’ gaze down to his shins.  What should have been smooth skin was covered in dark, curly hair that crept ever upwards towards his knees.  Looking at his sides, he saw the same growth was taking place on his forearms, the silky fuzz he’d had since puberty giving way to coarse, scrubby fur.  “Oh...oh god…” he stammered.

“Hey, it’s not all bad.  The process doesn’t hurt...I mean, not really.  You’ll feel like you’ve been hitting the weights, but for a jock like you that’s nothing new, right?  And, if it makes you feel better, you were picked specifically because you had this in your future.  Sooner or later this was coming...we’re just shaping and enhancing it a bit.”

Kaleb only half heard Daniels, too focused on picturing what his body would look like as he stared down at himself in horror.  He couldn’t wrap his head around the thought of the barely visible strands dusting his abs and chest suddenly darkening and spreading like weeds.  He’d always taken his smooth skin for granted, feeling bad for the guys on the team who had to shave and manscape constantly.  Now, if this stranger was telling him the truth, Kaleb realized he’d be like a wet dog emerging from the water.  “Pl...please...there’s gotta be someone else you can use.  I don’t want to end up like thaaaaoooohhhhh….!”

Kaleb groaned, arching his back against the electric sensation that coursed through him when Daniels reached down and began kneading his balls without warning.  Despite his average cock the young jock had always had a set of large, full orbs, which felt thicker and heavier than normal as they rolled around in the older man’s rough palm.  His eager rod was already leaking again, and Kaleb blushed at the release he felt building.

“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s just part of the process.  Gotta get the juices flowing before the next dose,” Daniels said casually.  “Hell, what am I telling you for?  You’re used to prancing around in front of everyone in those little speedos, right?  Don’t leave much to the imagination, do they?”

Kaleb couldn’t respond.  It was as if his entire body was laser focused on the blissful sensations pulsing from his churning balls.  Even his fear and anxiety were momentarily forgotten as the waves of ecstasy crashed against him, until he opened his eyes and saw the needle in Daniels’ hand.

“I wouldn’t want a needle in the balls either, kid, but all you’ll feel is a pinch.  And when you open your eyes again, boom, you’ll be back home in bed like none of this ever happened.”

“Wai...wait!  Don…” Kaleb didn’t get to finish before he felt a bright, brief flash of pain and his world went dark.


“OOHHHHHHHHHH!” Kaleb’s eyes shot open, his fingers digging into the mattress as he arched his back up off the bed.  Before he could process his surroundings, or even the fact that he was awake, the young jock’s throbbing cock exploded, erupting a seemingly endless geyser of ropey cum up into the air and spattering back down in a sticky rain.  The confused blonde could only writhe and spasm until he was spent, the familiar sight of his dorm slowly punching through his groggy haze.

“Wha...what the fuck was...oh shit!” he hissed, instinctively grabbing for his kicked-free sheet as he looked over towards Tom’s empty bed.  “Oh thank god,” he sighed, panting and remembering that his roommate had gone home for the weekend.  He tossed the sheet aside and gawked at his sticky torso in disgust, his head spinning.  “What time is it…” he mumbled, staring at his phone in confusion.  According to the date it was Sunday morning, but the last thing Kaleb remembered was his swim meet Saturday morning, and nothing else.  “Wait...that doesn’t make sense…”

An icy pit of dread formed in the young jock’s stomach as he shot upright, hazy memories of the white room and the stocky stranger’s hand kneading his aching balls floating through his mind.  The frantic young man tried to tell himself it was just a dream as he lumbered upright and staggered over to his mirror.

The phone dropped from Kaleb’s shaking hands as he stared at his reflection.  “Oh...oh no...no no no…” he moaned, his eyes following the dark, curly hairs that now traveled up past his knees to begin the trek up his thighs.  He stared in wide-eyed disgust at the patches on his forearms that seemed to be going in the opposite direction as they flowed down to coat the backs of his hands.  And the effects were spreading.  Already his trimmed bush had darkened and thickened, shooting a tendril of hair up his solid abs towards his belly button while it began to coat the dangling orbs that were noticeably wider and rounder than they should have been.

The stunned jock shivered as his fingers tentatively traced through the scrubby growth and hefted his inflated balls, his recently spent hose already twitching back to life.  “This...this can’t be real.  They can’t just make a person grow...can they?” he stammered to himself, turning in circles to inspect his reflection.  Other than the hair and minor growth of his dangling knockers his lean, tapered frame appeared unchanged.  But how long it would remain that way, Kaleb had no idea.

“I’ve gotta get help...I’ve gotta go to the doctor or something…” Kaleb’s phone rang as he turned in frantic circles, searching for something to put on.  He answered it without thinking, the icy pit in his stomach growing at the deep, familiar voice on the other end.

“I wouldn’t recommend that, kid.  See?  What’d I tell you?  Back home safe and sound, and all it cost you was an afternoon.  No big deal, right?  All you have to do is go about your business like usual and let things run their course.  We’d just keep you here, but the docs want to see what happens when you’re around other people.  I have to ask that you keep things quiet, though.  If you bring other people in or try and go to a doctor you could end up, like, well, hold on a second…” The call ended, followed moments later by a facetime request.  This time when he answered the young swimmer was greeted by the sight of another beefy, naked beast of a man.  Only instead of a static image it was actual footage of the furry giant sitting in a chair, a strange device affixed to his monstrous cock as an endless stream of cum was milked out of him.  “Say hi, Jeremy,” he heard Daniels say from offscreen.  The man’s expression was dazed as he grinned dully at the phone and grunted before his attention wandered again.

“That’s about all we get from Jeremy,” Daniels said, his wide, blunted face filling the screen again.  “It’s a precarious process you’re going through.  Doesn’t take much to mess it up.  But do what you’re told, and you’ll do just fine, alright?  I’ll check in later.”

Kaleb dropped down onto his bed, his shaking legs giving out as he processed what he’d just witnessed.  A part of him still wanted to go and run for help, but if Daniels was telling him the truth he could be risking a future that was much worse than being big and hairy.  He sighed and let the phone fall, his cock throbbing to life as the image of the furry hulk being milked burned into his mind.  “Now what the fuck do I do?”


Chapter 2


“Fffffffffffuuuuck…!”  Kaleb groaned, his increasingly hairy abs tensing as he spasmed and came.  The lean swimmer hated the handful of hair as he cupped his inflated balls with one hand and pumped away with the other, but he didn’t have much of a choice.  It was already late afternoon and Tom would be home soon, so if Kaleb was going to try and get whatever this was out of his system, he needed to do it now.

His strategy didn’t appear to be working.  He’d woken up spraying all over himself, and despite another five releases in the hours since, his ample balls showed no signs of drying up any time soon.  If anything, each explosion seemed to produce more sticky fluid than the last, stinking up the small dorm to the point where he’d had to prop the window open to air out the sickly sweet, musky stench.

And then there was the hair.  It had continued to spread, creeping its way further up his stomach as a dark patch began to blossom and thicken between his toned pecs.  What had formerly been a barely noticeable patch of silky fuzz was now a dark, curly blemish that sat like a furry bullseye in the middle of his chest.  Already Kaleb could see the darkness beginning to spread towards his arms, while a small tendril was shooting off to the south to meet with the trail flowing up the center of his washboard stomach.  Unlike the sandy blonde hair on his head, this new growth was a dark chestnut, impossible to miss.

“Still can’t believe this is happening,” Kaleb grumbled, blushing as he stuffed his soaked cum rag in the bottom of his hamper.  He’d never even thought it possible to cum as much as he had, but he couldn’t forget the sight of the naked hulk being endlessly milked that Daniels had shown him.  He’d do whatever it took to avoid that in his future.

Kaleb tried to forget about it as he slid a pair of boxer briefs on, but the overly stuffed pouch made that an impossibility.  He blushed as he looked down at himself, feeling humiliated instead of proud at the way his growing bull balls made his package stand out.  He didn’t want to think about what it would mean when he eventually had to put his speedo on.

“I just need to take a shower and clear my head...I can figure this out…” he muttered, reaching for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to get him to the showers.

A chirp from his phone and the accompanying text stopped him cold.  “Sorry, no covering up,” the message from Daniels read.  “Gotta do it like you always did.”

“How are you watching me?!”  Kaleb’s hands shook from a mix of anger and terror as he responded.  He had no idea how Daniels could have possibly known about his habit of walking to the shower in just his underwear.  As someone who spent a good chunk of his free time wearing nothing but a speedo in front of others, it never occurred to him that one day he’d have to worry about it.  “How long have you been watching me?!”

“That’s not important.  Remember...business as usual,” Daniels replied.

“How is me cumming all day business as usual?!” Kaleb waited several anxious minutes before it became clear Daniels was done talking.  He hurled his phone onto his bed, grabbed his towel, and stormed off down the hall, focusing on his anger to keep from thinking about people’s reactions to his new look.

Kaleb knew it was mostly in his head.  Though it was jarring to him, realistically his body hadn’t changed that much.  He may have felt like a sasquatch in training, but the recently developed fur wasn’t out of the ordinary for a guy his age.  He’d certainly seen plenty of hairier guys on his floor.  He just never thought he’d be one of them.

The few people he ran into on his way to the showers and back didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary.  Kaleb kept waiting for someone to say something, but no one gave him so much as a second glance.  He doubted that would have been their reaction if they’d seen his instantly-hard cock as soon as he dropped his towel, or the vigor with which he kneaded his low, heavy balls.  Not even the disgust he felt at the way his damp new fur clung to his body could take the edge off, leaving him to try and stroke as quietly as possible in public.  He was glad the stalls on either side were empty when his cock erupted like a volcano, sending ropey strands well above the shower walls while he bit his fist to keep from moaning aloud.

It was humiliating.  Kaleb didn’t know if he was more embarrassed by the copious, violent explosions or the way his unwanted hair tufted off his body as it dried.  He cringed as he ran his fingers through the sprouting follicles on his chest and down the now-uninterrupted line on his abs, a pit forming in his stomach.  Something about his upper and lower body now being joined by the growing carpet made it all the more real.  Up until now he was just a guy with some body hair, but pushing the shower curtain aside and looking at the furry “T” adorning his torso made it official.  He was hairy.

“There’s gotta be a way out of this,” he mumbled to himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist and trudged back to his room.  He was halfway down the hall before he realized he hadn’t put his boxer briefs back on, an oversight made all the more noticeable by the way his enlarged balls pushed his long cock forward, outlining the dangling organ against the thin, damp towel.  The growing patch of hair on his chest and the way it trailed in a straight line down his abs was like a map drawing everyone’s attention directly to his twitchy package.

He tried to tell himself that the thought didn’t really give him a thrill.  There was always a part of him that got off at least a little bit on the idea of being so exposed in front of a crowd at every meet.  He didn’t think of himself as an exhibitionist, but Kaleb would be lying if he said the idea of parading his lean, defined body in nothing but a tiny speedo didn’t turn him on a little.  Or at least it used to.  Now, looking at his increasingly furry body, it was hard to imagine getting any joy out of putting it on display.

That theory was put to the test as soon as Kaleb made it back to his dorm.  He’d just shut the door and dropped his towel when Tom returned, catching him in all his hairy, exposed glory.

“Whoa!” Tom laughed, quickly shutting the door behind him so the entire hall wouldn’t see his naked roommate.  “Shit, sorry dude, bad...timing…” he trailed off when he turned back around, cocking his head slightly as he looked at the naked blonde.  “Uh, this is gonna sound super weird, but when did you get such a hairy ass?”

Kaleb’s face went bright red when he looked back at his reflection and saw that the hair from his thighs had spread up and over his perky bubble, leaving the solid mounds covered in a dark, scrubby layer.  “I, uh, always,” he said defensively.  “I usually just do a better job keeping it under control I guess,” he lied, slipping his boxer briefs on as fast as he could.

Tom’s expression was dubious.  He’d roomed with Kaleb for months, and they’d both seen each other’s athletic frames naked nearly as often as their own.  “Huh,” the muscled brunette shrugged, “never would’ve taken you for a hairy guy.”  He lifted his t-shirt and ran a hand over the trail of fur poking out from the top of his shorts, spreading up his abs before disappearing around his navel.  He wasn’t nearly as hairy as Kaleb was becoming, but Tom’s sculpted torso had a few sparse patches on his prominent pecs, and a light coating on his sturdy arms and toned thighs.  “Good for you, man.  Girls love this shit.”

“I hope so,” Kaleb said under his breath, more concerned with the way his eyes were lingering on Tom’s exposed patch of stomach than what women might think of his new look.  He jerked his head away when he felt his eager member suddenly pulse, slipping into his baggiest pair of shorts and longest tank-top in the hopes of covering his insatiable cock.  But while the shirt provided the coverage Kaleb needed, the thin straps and scooping neck only accentuated the hair he’d sprouted.  The curly forest pushed out around the edges of the fabric, and as the afternoon turned into the evening, Kaleb started to notice dark patches creeping up and thickening on his shoulder blades.  Like his pecs and abs, the hair on his face and shoulders seemed determined to connect, the scrubby stubble on his cheeks threatening to spill down his neck and join forces with the rest of the invading horde.

Kaleb could only watch the infection spread, helpless to do anything to stop it.  Though as horrified as he was by his changing appearance, the lean jock was confronted with a new anxiety being around Tom.  He couldn’t keep his eyes off the other man.  He stole every glance he could, drinking in the sight of his friend’s broad shoulders and tapering torso.  When Tom came back from the showers and lounged in nothing but a pair of thin boxers like always, it took every ounce of Kaleb’s self control not to stare.  It was as if he was seeing Tom’s ample, solid rear and thick, bouncing cock for the first time.  Dealing with the explosion of hair on his own body, Kaleb was especially interested in the wiry patches stretching across Tom’s chiseled pecs and the trail peeking out of the other man’s boxers.  He followed the hair up his friend’s thighs as they squished together while he sat, wondering if it would feel the same against his palm as the fur on his own legs.

He was still thinking about it late that night as he did his best to quietly jerk off while Tom slumbered across the room.  He tried to think about anything else, but the image of his friend’s fit, athletic body was seared into his brain.  Kaleb’s churning balls sprayed like never before as the confused swimmer imagined the other man’s strong fingers laced through the dense carpet on his chest as their bodies writhed together.  He rolled over after wiping himself up and drifted off to the sight of Tom’s slumbering frame, resisting the urge to crawl in bed with his friend.


Kaleb still had to fight that urge the following morning.  His alarm woke him up early for practice, and the first thing he saw was his friend’s tented sheets as Tom’s large cock stood solid and proud while he slept.  The sight was enough to push his own oozing rod over the edge, but even through his groggy, lustful haze, Kaleb felt a stab of horror at the size of the spewing organ in his hand.  It felt far too long and much thicker than it should, a feeling that was confirmed when he scrambled up out of bed and saw the beast poking through the fly of his boxer briefs.  It was huge, at least two inches longer than it should have been and so thick it started to push his fingers apart when he wrapped a hand around it.

And as if his altered cock wasn’t enough, Kaleb was mortified to discover just how much the incessant hair had spread.  It still spread across his chest and ran down his abs in a line, but the silky forest was now a dense carpet across his pecs, and while there was still a dense line down his abs the hair had spread out over the rest of his stomach, creeping around his trim sides as it flowed up and over his shoulders.  Kaleb turned in a frantic circle in front of the mirror, gawking a the limp, dangling beast sticking out of his underwear and at the hair shooting up from his solid bubble.  The middle of his back was the only smooth skin that remained, and Kaleb knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long.

But before he could even think about what to do, his phone buzzed with a message.  “Holy shit kid, you really did have a hairy fucker inside you, didn’t you?” the text from Daniels read.  “You skipped right over Otter and went full Bear with that dick.”

Kaleb blushed and stuffed himself away, wincing at the thick bush he felt lurking inside his underwear.  “What are you people doing to me?!” he shot back.  “And why the fuck am I boning out over my roommate?”

“Hey, he’s cute.  You could find worse guys to get hard over.  Just look at that pretty, sleeping face of his.”

Kaleb desperately wanted to, but he kept his eyes glued to his phone.  “When is this going to stop?  How much worse is it going to get?”

“Worse?  Lots’a guys would be thrilled to wake up with a bigger dick, kid.”  Daniels didn’t wait for a response before sending the next message.  “And believe it or not, all we’re doing is speeding up what was already in your genes.  You’re a swimmer...think of it as diving into the deep end.  Maybe not tomorrow, or next month, but one day you were gonna end up like this.  All we’re doing is speeding it up and making sure you max out your potential.  Now hurry up and get to practice.  You’re gonna be late.”

Kaleb refused to believe it.  He couldn’t think of any other man in his family that was burly and hairy to this degree, but even as he strained his memory for every distant relative, it occurred to him that he didn’t really know that much about his extended family.  Maybe there really was a caveman branch of the family tree?  Maybe he really was a walking, testosterone time bomb just waiting to explode?  If that was the case, better that it happen now while he was still young and in shape than when he was older and struggling.  He forced the thought away, not wanting to give his tormentors any benefit of the doubt.  He wasn’t going to give in and accept that his body would betray him like that.  “Fuck you!  I can’t go to practice like this!” he messaged back, his flushing face going pale at the picture that came through.  This time it wasn’t a hulking brute strapped into a chair, but one on their hands and knees, with Daniels’ stocky, naked body plowing into them from behind.  The furry beast had a dull, contented look on their face, but Kaleb’s attention was more focused on the bag attached to their massive, leaking cock.

“I’m a little busy right now, so trust me when I say you don’t wanna make me come down there.  Unless you wanna take Kurt’s place?  Or I could just juice up that handsome roommate of yours and we could both have some fun when he gets to this size?  All body, no brains?  He’d love it.”

Kaleb was dressed and out the door before he responded.  “Fine.  Just leave Tom out of this.”

“Don’t give me a reason to do otherwise,” was all Daniels said.

Kaleb hated how much he wanted to keep staring at the picture his tormentor sent as he hurried across campus to the pool.  As terrifying as it was, the muscled monster’s impossible body and leaking udder made his own growing organ throb, and Daniels’ stocky, solid build and smug grin didn’t hurt matters any.  He started to picture the brute with Tom’s face but stopped himself.  Having reached the locker rooms, he had more pressing concerns.

“Damn bro, you fuck a sasquatch last night?” Jake, one of his teammates, laughed as he stripped down.  The comments had started as soon as he walked in, but the dark-haired pretty boy seemed especially intent on harassing Kaleb.

“So I fell behind on my manscaping...it’s not that big a deal,” Kaleb said as confidently as he could, torn between envy and lust as he stared at Jake’s chiseled, perfectly smooth body and stuffed speedo.  He’d been trying not to look at any of the other guys, but with it just being the two of them in the corner he didn’t have a choice.

“It will be when coach sees your furry ass.  Literally,” Jake said, his eyes going wide as Kaleb pulled his speedo on.  “Jesus!  You shrink that thing or just grab someone else’s?”

Kaleb wanted to crawl under a rock and hide when he looked down at his stuffed swimwear.  His enlarged package had grown to the point where it no longer fit, leaving his fat balls on display as they hung exposed from the too-small swimwear.  Worse, a dense, dark carpet spread from the leg openings and out from the top, making it look as though he’d pulled the speedo on over a pair of sweatpants.

“What’s going on with these guys?  Tired of covering ‘em up?”  Jake laughed and reached down, slipping a finger into Kaleb’s distended pouch.

“UUUNNNnnn!”  Kaleb grunted.  As soon as Jake’s probing finger made contact with his hairy orbs, his barely contained cock rocketed to life.  The lengthened, thickened organ sprang free with enough force that droplets of pre-cum splattered against Jake’s smooth stomach.

They both froze, Kaleb from embarrassment and Jake from surprise.  “I, uh, didn’t mean to...that’s not really what I was…” the dark-haired man stammered, his eyes glued to Kaleb’s impressive pole.

Kaleb was too stunned to stammer out an excuse.  All he could do was stand with his dick poking out from the thick bush spreading from the top of his speedo while Jake gawked at him.  Though, as he stared back, Kaleb started to notice the other man’s pouch begin to twitch and tent outward.

Jake’s hand was wrapped around him before Kaleb could do anything to stop him.  In a blur of motion the smooth pretty boy was on him, tugging away on Kaleb’s rigid cock while slipping his other hand down to work his own aching member.  Kaleb was horrified as the other guys began to take notice, hating that his attention was split between their shocked faces and how good Jake’s hand felt brushing through his unwanted new hair as he tugged.

“Just what in the hell is going on in here?!”

Kaleb tried to pull away at the sound of their coach’s booming voice, but Jake had him in a tight grip, leaving him unable to do anything but blush a deep shade of crimson as he exploded in front of everyone.


Chapter 3


“Co...coach...I can explain...I mean...this isnnnnnNNNNGGGG!”  Kaleb spasmed, spraying all over Jake for the second time.  The dark-haired jock’s smooth abs glistened as his hairy teammate’s copious fluid trickled down towards his own tented speedo while a small, stunned crowd gathered to watch.

“Jake!  What the hell are you doing?!”  Coach Turner stepped forward and tried his best to separate the two, not an easy feat considering their sturdy, athletic builds.  For a man who’d just turned forty, he was no slouch, with a set of prominent pecs straining against his navy polo and a pair of thick, muscled legs filling out his khaki shorts, but he couldn’t pull the determined Jake away.  Flustered, he motioned for two onlookers to help.  “Mike...Nick...help me get these two...apart…” he said, wincing as Kaleb exploded again and he was caught in the sticky eruption.

The other two seemed less than thrilled but did as they were told, with Mike, a wiry blonde, grabbing Jake from behind in a semi-headlock while Nick, a burly brunette, attempted to pry his hand away from Kaleb’s incessant geyser.  They were eventually successful, but not before Jake’s rigid cock slipped out through the top of his speedo and spewed forth an eruption of his own, spattering Mike, Nick, Coach Turner, and a handful of unfortunate teammates who stood just a bit too close.

The contact broken, Jake’s head seemed to clear.  He turned crimson as he squirmed in his friends’ grip and felt his solid cock poking free for all to see.  “Oh fuck...guys...what’s...what’s happening…”

“Just get ‘em into my office,” Coach Turner barked, grabbing Kaleb by a hairy shoulder to pull him along behind.  “The rest of you clean this mess up and get to the pool,” he said with a stern glare.

“No...please!  Coach, you’ve gotta let me go,” Kaleb begged, wanting to pull away but loving the feeling of Coach’s rough palm on his shoulder.

“Don’t. Talk.”  Coach snapped, shoving them both into his office and slamming the door.  Jake seemed stunned as he stared between his cummy abs, his exposed, leaking tip, and the two other men.

“Guys...I don’t know what’s happening…” the normally arrogant jock whined, a pleading look in his eyes.

“Well you better figure it out, and quick.”  Coach Turner shoved them both down into chairs and sat back on his desk, wiping the stray, drying cum from his face.  “Gotta admit, this one’s new.  In all my years I’ve never seen anything quite like this. What is it?  Drugs?  You boys party a bit too hard last night?  I don’t care that you’re gay, that’s your business, but this is waaaay outta line.”

The dark-haired ladies man looked horrified.  “What?!  No!  Coach, I’m not gaaauuuhhnnn!”  Jake didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence before he spasmed and came.  With his cock still wedged upwards in his speedo, the sculpted hunk sprayed all over the impressive pecs he worked so hard on.

“Christ!”  Coach Turner yelped as portions of the sticky explosion ricocheted off Jake’s plump pecs and landed on the exposed parts of his legs.  “Do I need to call an ambulance?  You two look...look…” the older man trailed off and shook his head, swaying slightly as he sat on the edge of his desk.  He seemed oblivious to the growing tent in his own shorts as he yelled at the panting duo.  It started as a slight twitching, but it wasn’t long before Kaleb could see the outline of a tantalizingly thick cock pressing against the tan fabric.  They’d seen Coach in a speedo and naked in the showers before, and Kaleb was all too familiar with the burly, rugged muscle and wide, squat cock lurking under the older man’s tight clothes.  He’d just never imagined a time when the thought would turn him on like it did now.

His sudden, desperate longing to get his hands on the older man’s naked body was painful.  He wanted nothing more than to launch himself out of the chair and tear the frustratingly opaque polo free, to strip Coach Turner down and wrap his lips around the pulsing organ that was clearly trying to get his attention.  He wanted to feel the Coach’s rough hands tugging on his dense new carpet as he squirmed in the other man’s powerful embrace.  Jake’s quiet whimper next to him made it obvious his teammate was thinking the same thing.

“Hell...just look at you two...gotta be drugs...still hard even after all that...cocks oozing all over the place…” Coach turner trailed off, a glassy look falling over his eyes as a hand drifted down and began absently kneading himself through his shorts.  The older man looked down, running a hand through his short brown hair in confusion, his cheeks reddening slightly.  “Oh, you like that?” he mocked when he looked back up at the hungry pair, running a hand slowly along the outline of his solid rod.  “You want Coach’s dick, is that it?”

Kaleb managed to stay silent, but Jake groaned loudly and nodded like a bobblehead.  He didn’t know if it was because of the Coach’s age or larger size, but whatever was happening seemed to be feeding into the older man’s authority over them.  He wasn’t in an uncontrolled frenzy like Jake, but he was clearly under the influence of something.

Coach Turner grinned and slowly unzipped his shorts, revealing a patch of white briefs before pushing them down and fishing his stout member free.  He wagged the throbbing organ in front of them, crossing his beefy arms expectantly.  “Well?  Here it is.  What are you gonna do with it?”  Jake lunged forward before Kaleb could react, throwing himself out of the chair and onto his knees as he impaled his face on the Coach.

The hairy jock clutched at the arms of the chair, gritting his teeth against the overwhelming urge to join the other two.  Watching Jake, the smug, dark-haired pretty boy, bob his head like a woodpecker on Coach Turner’s fat cock was almost enough to make him cum on its own, but Kaleb managed to hold himself back.  He knew he’d been the inadvertent cause of all of this, and he needed to get his phone and text Daniels for help before things got any further out of hand.  He forced himself up and started to stagger away, but Coach Turner’s hand shot out, wrapping around his cock with the same vice grip Jake had used to set all this in motion.

“I didn’t say you could leave, furball,” Coach spat, giving Kaleb a tug.  Already close to the edge, the hairy jock sprayed immediately, soaking Jake’s bobbing face and covering Coach Turner’s broad thighs in a spurting fountain.  Fortunately, Jake pushed the older man over the edge moments later, causing him to lose his grip on Kaleb’s cock as he clutched the kneeling stud’s head, spraying down his throat.  Kaleb darted from the office, his stomach dropping at what waited for him on the other side.  It was already too late.  Seeing the discarded speedos and his writhing, naked teammates, things were already well out of hand.

He stepped around Mike and Nick as the wiry blonde plowed in and out of his friend’s tight bottom like a jackhammer while, next to them, Mark and Bill were on their knees, their tapering torsos already slick with a coating of cum as they worked their lips and hands over the half-dozen cocks eagerly pointing in their direction.  Meanwhile, the men attached to those cocks busied themselves by pawing at each other’s athletic frames, their lips locked in manic, desperate kisses.

Kaleb wanted nothing more than to join in.  It was as if his newly sprouted hairs were magnetized, pulling him towards the carnal frenzy unfolding around the room in every direction.   Each step on the way to his locker was a struggle, like he was crossing a vast desert of writhing, grunting muscle instead of shifting sand.  All around him, he watched guys he’d known for years, guys he knew were entirely straight, buck and thrust against each other in a confused, desperate orgy.  The young jocks’ muscled bodies were slick and wet as always, only not with pool water this time.

“Gotta...gotta get out…gotta get out...” Kaleb repeated to himself, slumping against his locker.  His speedo a lost cause, he tore the too-small swimwear free and attempted to slip his shorts back on, only to make a horrifying discovery.  In the midst of everything else he hadn’t noticed his body expanding.  The growth was subtle, but very apparent as he struggled to pull the tight shorts up his widened legs.

“And just where do you think you’re going?”  Kaleb gasped at the unexpected hands that reached around from behind, clutching at the furry mounds of his pecs as Sam’s smooth, solid body pressed against his hairy back.  “Never noticed how hairy you were before...fuckin’ hot…” the grinning blonde slurred, the same dazed look in his eyes.

“Sam...dude...you gotta let me go…” Kaleb groaned, even as he pressed his ass back against his teammate.  Now that he was looking, he could see more and more of the changes spreading across his body.  Like his thickened thighs, the definition on his ripped abs was gone, replaced by a flat, firm stomach that lay beneath the curly carpet.  Even Sam’s hands felt smaller than they should as they kneaded his pecs, sending sharp darts of pleasure through him whenever his fingers tugged on the dense forest.

“Nah...don’t think so…” Sam groaned, rolling his hips to work his long cock up and down through the fuzzy valley between Kaleb’s expanding cheeks.  The furry man tried to tell himself he didn’t really feel them shift and give more than they should as he instinctively started moving in time.

“Come...come on...man...I can’t...cannnnuuuuhhh!”  Kaleb’s body betrayed his protests, seeming to move of its own volition as he leaned forward and jammed himself back onto Sam’s slick, oozing cock.  “GGGnnnuuhhnngg!  Fuuuuu….fuuuuuuck…” he grunted, trying not to think about what he looked like as he popped his hips and arched his back while Sam grabbed fistfuls of hair from between his shoulder blades.  He could hear his huge cock and heavy balls slapping loudly while his body shook from the other man’s thrusts, adding to the percussive cacophony already bouncing off the lockers and tiled floor.

He came as soon as Sam was inside him, his massive organ continuing to spurt and ooze the entire time.  The other man’s thrusting cock was like the handle of a faucet, turning the flow on for as long as he slid in and out.  Kaleb could feel the warm liquid trailing down his forested thighs and pooling at his feet.  It splashed off the lockers in front of him and sent ropey strands in every direction when he bucked and spasmed.  Kaleb knew he was spreading contagion with each drop.  He was a hirsute patient zero, lost in a haze of lustful ecstasy as his body changed and grew and made new friends whether he wanted it to or not.

His feet slipping on the growing puddle where he stood, his cock spurting like a broken dam, Kaleb thought of the glassy eyed brutes being milked in the picture Daniels sent him.  He was in their same position, his body covered in hair and slowly expanding while his cock sprayed and sprayed and sprayed as long as there was something inside him.  It was a nightmare that even then a part of him longed for.  He’d never once thought about what it would feel like to get fucked before, and the sensations coursing through him were better than anything he could have imagined.  He was mortified and embarrassed for all of them, but if his teammates were feeling even a fraction of the electric bliss lighting up his body, they didn’t have it that bad.

Still, the thought of himself actually ending up like one of the men strapped to the milking machine shocked Kaleb back to his senses.  His stomach dropped, the fear taking the edge off enough for him to pull away.  He shoved Sam back, but the addled blonde was so far gone that he simply kept tugging on his own cock until he bumped into someone else, at which point he picked up where he left off with his eager new partner.  Kaleb took the opportunity to pull his sopping shorts up, grab his shirt and phone, and run.

He didn’t stop to worry about what people would think as his fur-matted, cum-slick body raced past, his rigid cock clearly on display beneath the tight shorts.  He was much more concerned with the way his body moved, feeling heavy and uncoordinated.  His thighs began to rub together in an unfamiliar way, and he could feel a foreign bouncing at his pecs and ass with each plodding step.

Hoping Tom decided not to skip class, Kaleb darted for the sanctuary of his dorm, grateful for the empty halls as he thundered up the stairs and into his room.  He slammed the door and tore out of his shorts, throwing open his small wardrobe so hard the mirror on the door nearly shattered.

“Oh god…” he groaned at the sight of his swollen reflection.  He wasn’t nearly as big as the men he’d been shown, but he already looked like a stranger.  The lean, tapering body he should have had was officially gone.  His pecs were round and heavy, his shoulders too wide and his neck too short, with big, brawny arms on either side.  His flat, firm stomach was beginning to push outwards into an arching muscle gut, and his thighs pressed together in a way that forced his beastly package even more prominently forward.  He forced himself away from the mirror and grabbed his phone to text Daniels.

“There’s a problem!” he sent.  “I went to practice like you said, but I came all over Jake and then he started acting weird and then it all spiraled!  The whole team was fucking like crazy when I left...I barely got out.”  Kaleb’s cock throbbed at the memory, the musky, masculine stench still burning in his nostrils as he waited for Daniels to respond.

“Oh, I know.  Gotta admit, wasn’t expecting that,” the agent sent back.  “Thought we worked those bugs out, but then again we’ve never had a match like you.  It’s possible your body mutated the formula.”

“You have to help them!  It’s not their fault!”  Kaleb typed as fast as his shaking hands would let him, the guilt hitting him like a punch in the stomach.

“A cleanup crew is already on the way.  Don’t feel too bad, kid.  The lab coats tell me it shouldn’t be like the old days.  Worst case scenario you leave those guys a bit hornier than normal.  But they’re college jocks, so who can tell?  Actually, some of ‘em might just be jocks now, but I promise they won’t miss those brain cells with their bodies working overtime.”

Kaleb couldn’t believe what he was reading.  If Daniels was telling the truth, he’d just potentially turned the University swim team, and the coach, into a group of gay, overly horny dumb jocks.  “You’re monsters,” he wrote back.

“And you worry too much.  Speaking of which, how’s that new look treating you?  If that muscle grows like the hair you are gonna be one huge motherfucker.”

Kaleb didn’t respond.  He threw his phone onto his bed and stared in numb shock at his altered body.  Things were coming to a head.  Based on what he’d been told, if it had been true, this was the beginning of the final phase.  He knew it was too late to do anything, leaving him with no other option but to wonder what would be left of himself when everything was over.


Chapter 4


Kaleb braced himself when the doorknob turned, the quiet rattle shattering the silence like a gunshot.  It was the moment he’d been dreading.  He’d wanted to run, but the instructions from Daniels made it clear he was to stay put.  There was still more they needed to learn, the message had read, and if he ran they were going to come after Tom as punishment anyway.  And, as much as it pained him to accept, Kaleb knew he didn’t actually have many other options since none of his or Tom’s clothes came anywhere close to fitting him anymore.

In the few hours since lumbering from the chaos of the locker room he’d continued to grow, piling on bulky muscle at an impossible pace.  He’d stood frozen in front of the mirror, watching himself inflate like a balloon in slow motion.  His body puffed and expanded, his chest growing plump and heavy between a pair of shoulders that had officially swallowed most of his neck.  He was developing the kind of torso that guys would spend years trying to build in a gym, but all Kaleb felt was humiliated as he watched his formerly flat, ripped abs push outwards in a round, wide muscle gut.  He kept turning to look at his profile, trying to suck the solid beach ball in and make it as flat as he could.  It was a wasted effort.  There was no hiding the protruding stomach anymore than there was the large, round globes that counterbalanced it where his small, perky bubble should have been.  Nor was there any way to conceal his tree-trunk thighs or the nearly foot-long girder that throbbed out from between them.

Kaleb knew exactly what was going to happen when Tom walked through the door.  He’d been able, barely, to run from the swim team, but he didn’t think he’d be able to control himself for long in front of his roommate.  Just thinking the other man’s name brought an avalanche of memories.  Every time Kaleb had seen Tom’s athletic frame naked after a shower, or lounging in his underwear, raced through his mind until his cock started oozing like a broken watermane.  Kaleb was well aware of how far he’d fallen, how when all this started he’d wanted nothing more than to spare his friend from being involved, but how now all he wanted was to feel the handsome jock’s smooth skin against his widened paws.  After what happened with his teammates Kaleb had a good idea of how things would end for Tom; he just couldn’t do anything about it.  He bit back a whimper when the door swung open, his mouth already watering.

“Whoa!”  Tom jumped, startled by the naked hulk sitting in the dark on Kaleb’s bed.  “Jesus, dude, you scared the fuck outta me.  Can I help you with something?  I think you might be lost,” he laughed awkwardly.  “Little early to start...drinking…bud...” his laughter died off, his voice catching in his throat as his eyes adjusted to the dim light.  “Ka...Kaleb?  Is that you?”  The wall of muscle slowly lifted his head, revealing a face that, though bearded and fuller, unmistakably belonged to his roommate.

“I think?  I don’t really know anymore,” the large man rumbled, his deep voice echoing off the walls.

Tom gasped and took an instinctive step back when his impossibly inflated friend lurched upright.  Kaleb didn’t appear much taller, but the formerly lean swimmer was at least twice as broad, if not moreso, and covered in a dense layer of hair from head to toe.  He’d thought Kaleb looked hairier than normal earlier, but at least then he’d been the right size.

The two of them should have been evenly sized, with similarly smooth, athletic builds, not a mismatched pair with one of them looming over the other like a hairy mountain.   Yet, somehow, Kaleb had gone from tight and tapering to a lumpy, beefy hulk who could have picked Tom up and swallowed him whole.  Even more shocking, though, was the thick, rigid club that jutted out beneath the other man’s newly protruding gut like a third arm.  He’d seen Kaleb naked enough to understand how his friend was so comfortable walking around in nothing but a speedo, but he didn’t think it was possible for anyone to be endowed with the kind of equipment he saw leaking onto the floor of their room.

Tom blushed as his eyes locked on the bobbing monster between Kaleb’s meaty new thighs.

“How did...I mean...what the fuck happened to you, man?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Kaleb said, one hand running through the carpet on his slab of a chest while the other rested on his expanded stomach.  Still embarrassed by its size, he instinctively tried to suck it in while Tom stared in open-mouthed shock.

“Are you okay?  Does it...hurt?”  Tom felt like he should be asking more questions, or at least be doing something other than gawking at his now-massive roommate, but he was having a hard time getting his thoughts to gel.  It wasn’t just Kaleb’s impossible expansion.  He’d seen powerlifters at the gym, and he was friends with guys on the university’s football team who were large in their own right, but he’d never seen anyone built like Kaleb.  When he moved, the other man’s hairy biceps inflated to the size of Tom’s head, and his thighs were practically as big as the stunned brunette’s waist.  “I just saw you earlier when you were getting ready for practice.  How could you possibly...wait...does this have anything to do with the rumors about the swim team getting sick?  I heard some crazy shit went down in the locker room.”

“You could say that,” Kaleb grunted.  He rolled his head on his missing neck and shrugged his bowling ball shoulders, his plump pecs rising and falling rapidly as Tom stepped close.  “Don’t get too close...I don’t think I can help it…”

“What?  Are you like, contagious or something?”  Ignoring Kaleb’s warning, Tom stepped within arm’s reach, putting a tentative hand against his friend’s furry torso.  Despite the rounded appearance and extra bulk, the flesh underneath the curly forest was like granite.  “Shit man, you’re jacked under all that hair, aren’t you?” he said, a distant look falling over his eyes as his hand squeezed the solid mound.

“NNnn...Tom...I’m...sorruuunnnnNNNNN!”  Tom heard Kaleb grunting, but he was too focused on the volcanic eruption splashing against him to pay attention to what was being said.  The warm, sticky fluid soaked through his thin t-shirt and coated his arms, splashing up against his face and into his shocked, open mouth.

“Is this...did you just cum all over me?” Tom sputtered.  He had no doubt what it was, but like the other man’s size, the amount seemed impossible, as did the force with which the bursts slammed into him.  He staggered back, squirming and pawing at himself when he felt the fluid not just begin to dry, but to seemingly leech into his skin.  Staring at his coated arms, he could see it vanishing, not hardening into the sticky residue like it normally did.  He should have been disgusted, but instead he gave a short laugh and stared back and forth between the naked beefcake and his soaked clothes.  “Okay...you really need to tellluuunnn...me whaaaaauugnnn...what’s...happuuunnn...happening…”

Tom was confused by Kaleb’s sad look as the bigger man watched him squirm and tense.  “I tried to keep you out of it.  I really did.  But they wouldn’t let me leave,” Kaleb said, a pleading look on his face.  “If I did they were going to come anyway.  I’m sorry.”

“For whaahhh...what?”  Tom followed Kaleb’s eyes to his lower half, surprised to find his shorts so soaked.  His friend’s eruption had hit his upper body, and he didn’t think enough had dripped down to make such a mess, though he quickly saw that he was correct when his spasming, solid cock unleashed another load in his shorts while he watched.  “Oh fuck...what the fuck was that…” he stammered drunkenly, pawing his fly open.

Tom was still aware enough to know that he should have been embarrassed when his thick rod sprang free and returned the favor, spraying all over Kaleb’s hairy stomach.  He knew something strange and impossible was happening, that he should get out and go for help, but he was rooted in place as he writhed in front of the hirsute giant.

Before Tom even realized he was stripping he had his shorts and underwear off and the sopping t-shirt pulled up over his shoulders, feeling like a child as he suddenly threw himself at Kaleb.  It was a reflex, an instinctive impulse that happened without conscious thought.  The smooth skin and sculpted muscle that he was normally so proud of seemed pitiful and feminine compared to his friend’s overwhelming masculinity.  He didn’t think of his handsome features and eager member as something to be proud of anymore, but as a source of shame.  He wasn’t a well-versed stud, but a boy pretending to be a man.

The confusing thoughts flashed through his head in an instant.  By the time he’d stripped down and felt Kaleb’s soft, dense hair against his body there wasn’t room for anything other than the surge of desperate, aching lust.


“How...how we...doin’...?”

“Don’t...don’t stop!  Fuuuuuckkkk…that feels...gooo...good…” Tom moaned, writhing in Kaleb’s bearish embrace.  His beefy friend was draped over his back, the soft layer of fur on the bigger man’s torso making him shiver as it pressed against him.

Kaleb laced his fingers through the hair on Tom’s pecs and pulled the other man upright, loving the sight of his bulky torso and fat cock bouncing as he slammed into him.  “Whatever you...say…” he grunted, smiling at the loud moans pouring out of Tom’s ecstatic, slack-jawed mouth.

Kaleb hated how much he was enjoying himself.  He knew he wasn’t truly to blame for anything that happened since he was just as much a victim in everything as Tom, but he still felt like he was taking advantage of the other man’s condition.  Like the swim team, as soon as Kaleb’s copious cum made contact Tom was driven wild, and like he’d predicted, Kaleb couldn’t help himself either.  When his friend had thrown himself at him that first night he was just as overcome, unable to do anything other than return Tom’s frenzied affection.

However, unlike the swim team, more than Tom’s behavior was affected.  Like when he’d been injected, Kaleb started to notice the changes in his friend that first night.  When they’d finally managed to pull away from each other and Tom had collapsed in a spent, sticky heap on his bed, there were already prickly hairs starting to push up through his normally smooth skin.  The slumbering man’s changing body didn’t seem to mind the new addition as, like himself, Kaleb watched Tom’s now-insatiable cock spring to life while the other man slept, spraying out load after load of its own accord.

Kaleb had sent a flurry of panicked messages to Daniels when Tom began changing, but his handler was as unhelpful as ever.  He told them to stay in the room and “ride it out,” saying that he’d be by to check on them “in a while.”  This was all part of the process, Daniels said.  They needed to see what exposure, specifically repeated exposure, to a mature batch of the formula did to someone, and Tom was a perfect candidate.  He wasn’t a genetic match the way Kaleb was, but if everything went according to plan the chiseled stud should undergo a similar metamorphosis.  Kaleb did his best not to think about how if things didn’t go according to plan, he’d potentially just turned his friend into a mindless, hairy cum factory.

That concern grew when Tom woke up and immediately wanted to pick up where they’d left off, seemingly unbothered by his new look.  The formerly smooth man only grinned when he ran one hand over the soft fuzz coating his torso and wrapped the other around his widened cock, more concerned with getting those hands back on Kaleb’s body than with anything happening to his own.

Tom was infatuated, constantly staring at his burly friend with wide, hungry eyes while they went at each other.  Even when he’d finally managed to take Kaleb’s massive organ in his tight, virgin rear, he kept looking back over his shoulder, his face a twisting mask of pain and ecstasy.  And as much as he hated to admit it, Kaleb was equally enthralled.  Where Tom seemed desperate to please, willing to do anything and everything, Kaleb felt a confusing sense of pride and ownership wash over him.  Watching Tom’s perky little rear sprout its own wiry coating as it grew plump and round filled him with a kind of satisfaction he’d never felt before, and the feelings grew in time with his friend’s changing body.

Kaleb quickly lost track of how long they were at it, unsure if it had been hours or days.  Though he had more lucid moments than Tom they were as brief as they were rare, and each one left him feeling like he was looking at a stranger.  Each thirsty guzzle or soaking shower brought a similar round of alterations to his quickly inflating friend.  The chocolate-haired hunk started with a patch of dusky brown fur on his pecs that gradually snaked its way over his vanishing abs before flowing down his thighs, only to reverse course and drift back up, covering Tom’s rear.  The fur didn’t grow in as thick or as dense on his roommate, but his carpeted pecs and forested thighs were a far cry from the smooth skin he used to have.

The same went for his friend’s expanding muscle.  Like Kaleb’s formerly lean frame, Tom’s shredded definition was a thing of the past, replaced with the same firm, round bulk covering the former swimmer, and when the changes finally stopped, the pair was almost back to being as evenly matched as when they’d first met.  The stunned, giddy Tom was left looking like a miniature version of Kaleb, thick and beefy, though not as large overall, with a coating of hair that wasn’t as complete but was no less impressive.  And while Kaleb’s club of a cock still had Tom beat, the other man’s fattened, nine-inch pole was just as eager.

Things were blurry after that.  Just as they were finally winding down after who knows how long, Kaleb remembered Daniels suddenly being in the musky, cum-covered room with them.  Then there was a pinch, followed by a hazy stream of disjointed images.  Kaleb saw his bulky, furry new body stretched out on a table while Tom was trussed up in similar fashion across from him.  He recognized the lab, but could only grasp snippets of what was being said.  He kept hearing the word “success” over and over, hoping for the best as the world went black around him.

And then it was over.  In a replay of his original abduction, he and Tom woke up in a dorm that had gone from a biohazard to sparkling and spotless.  There were even piles of new, larger clothes neatly folded next to each of them.  A look at his phone told him four days had passed since he’d fled from the swim team, though how much of that had been spent fucking Tom’s brains out and how much was spent in a lab, he had no idea.

Tom didn’t remember anything.  His friend was understandably horrified when he awoke to find his smooth, sculpted body replaced by something bulky and furry, but he seemed to settle with an unnatural speed.  At first Kaleb just thought it was shock, but in the days that followed he noticed Tom’s whole demeanor had changed.  He wasn’t the drooling, cumming idiot Kaleb feared, but he was significantly more laid back, seeming content with whatever happened as long as he was near his hulking roommate.  And while Kaleb was still humiliated at the way his body, and gut in particular, strained against all of his clothing, his hair tufting out from underneath, Tom would cheerfully march down the hall in nothing but a tented jock.  His friend’s grades took a hit, but whether this was due to a change in his brain power or just an increased focus on his new interests Kaleb didn’t know, and Tom couldn’t have cared less.

Of course people noticed the changes, but to Kaleb’s surprise they were almost as quick as Tom to adapt.  Everyone simply came up with their own explanation.  They were a pair of young jocks, so the going theories of steroids and growth hormones, or a late surge of puberty, weren’t a stretch for most people to accept.  And after the changes to the swim team became increasingly apparent, a pair of beefy guys were hardly the most exciting news on campus.

Rumors about the coach were the first to spread.  He’d quit his job, but the middle-aged stud apparently hadn’t gone far as he was spotted stripping at a local bar, and it wasn’t long before pictures of the coach’s former swimmers following suit began to surface.  The ones who hadn’t dropped out quit the team, though they were still frequently seen wearing nothing but their speedos as they sauntered across campus, hopping from the bed of one confused jock to the other.  They had an allure over even the straightest of men, a power they wielded with wild abandon.  In the weeks that followed, Kaleb had both seen, and taken advantage of, the ripple effect as a growing crowd of confused young men sought to quell their strange new urges.  For the ones fortunate enough to make their way into his bed, there was no going back.  Unless they came returned for repeat visits they weren’t changed like Tom, but it didn’t take long before other big, hairy guys started showing up all over campus.

Kaleb still heard from Daniels on occasion.  The mysterious agent wouldn’t divulge if the experiment had truly worked or what the ultimate goals were, but he made it clear they’d always be watching.  If Tom or Kaleb tried to go public with what they knew it would almost certainly end with them strapped to a milking machine.  Or worse.

“Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” Tom’s whimpering pulled Kaleb’s attention back to the present.  His friend was bouncing and squirming in his grip, his beefy frame bucking in time with the pounding he received.  “Gonna...cum...gonna cum…” he grunted, his full cheeks puffing as he heaved for breath and tried to hold back.  It was a futile effort.  With a final moan Tom tensed and froze, his inflated cock nearly punching a hole in the plaster with the force of his release.  He gasped and shuddered while the massive organ unleashed its torrent before pulling off of Kaleb and stretching out on their joined beds as soon as the endless flow began to ebb.  “Come on...give it to me…” he panted excitedly.

Kaleb didn’t say anything as he grabbed his thick pole and started pumping furiously.  He unloaded all over his prone friend second later, wondering if the former lady’s man ever pictured himself gleefully smearing another man’s cum all over his hairy body.  He still felt a twinge of guilt every time, but Tom absolutely loved it.

“That...what you...wanted…” Kaleb gasped, shaking his head and grinning down at Tom.

“It’s just so good,” Tom sighed, running his hands along his slick, matted gut.  “And your face is real cute when you cum.”

Kaleb felt his face go red beneath his beard as he draped himself over Tom, their hairy torsos mingling.  “Says the screamer,” he laughed, mimicking Tom’s desperate whimpering until the other man cut him off with a deep, forceful kiss.  He returned the gesture, their heavy bodies making the bed frames strain and squeak as they writhed together.

Kaleb still didn’t know if Daniels had been telling him the truth when he said a body like this was always in his future.  He didn’t know what to believe when it came to anything the ominous agent said, but Kaleb knew what he felt.  He was still far from accepting of his new look and the future that had been forced on him.  He’d never have chosen such a fate willingly, nor would he have inflicted it on people the way he’d been used and forced to do so.  But with Tom’s brawny body still feeling small in his giant arms, gazing up at him with longing eyes, Kaleb wasn’t so sure it was such a nightmare after all.