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Matt stared at the mirror, still grinning despite the massive, shaking melons attached to his lower back.  He knew they shouldn’t be there.  He’d known since the moment Tony grabbed him and he’d felt his already-ample cheeks somehow inflate.  It didn’t make sense, for several reasons.  Beyond the impossibility of his body suddenly changing, the hefty globes were his one feature that he’d always been self conscious about.  Matt was fully confident in the rest of his hung and handsome features, but the bouncing backside had always been a sore spot.  He hadn’t purposely built it up, but given his relatively short stature the muscle just seemed to accumulate there whether he wanted it to or not, leaving him with an ass that he always struggled to contain in his form-fitting pants and shorts.  Even over the course of the last few days, as much as he was enjoying himself, there was still a small part that was embarrassed at the way his bouncing cheeks shook and rippled when Tony fucked him.  His friend clearly loved it, but Matt worked hard at keeping his body rock-solid, and he couldn’t help but feel betrayed by the eager jiggling.

Given all that, the sight of the heaping mounds should have been horrifying.  The supple cakes shot out from his lower back like a shelf, standing in plump, proud, defiance of gravity.  They were exaggeratedly spherical, the kind of perfect globes that were impossible to build without the assistance of a surgeon, and looked far, far too large for the rest of his otherwise proportional frame.  It was a nightmare.  There was absolutely no way he’d be able to fit the inflated cheeks into most of his clothing.  His boxer briefs were already out of the question, as were all of his pants, and he’d only been able to find one pair of gym shorts with enough stretch to contain his new additions, and then only barely.  The straining fabric was painfully tight, threatening to burst at any moment, and came with the added embarrassment of leaving his stout cock prominently outlined since he couldn’t fit into any underwear.

There was nothing he could do to hide his alterations, either internally or externally.  Most of his t-shirts were tight and fitted to begin with, and even his longer, draping ones only piled up against the top of his expanded rear, drawing more attention to the bouncing boulders than anything else.  The fact that he didn’t want to conceal them in the first place, though, should have been the most jarring.  On an objective level, Matt knew all the reasons why he should be blind with panic.  He just wasn’t.

The changes to his body brought his and Tony’s strange new behavior front and center, but whenever Matt thought about his friend the only thing he felt was a throbbing from his now-insatiable hole.  There wasn’t even any confusion over the intensity of their sudden attraction, or scraps of lingering embarrassment.  Matt knew he should have been mortified at the show he’d put on while Tony jerked himself off, especially with his fattened cheeks, but as soon as his friend had left he’d gone right back to the mirror and gotten off while putting on a similar show for himself.  The dark-haired stud knew he was good looking, but he’d never been so vain as to watch himself in the mirror while jerking off, or eagerly put himself on display while someone else did the same.  It should have been humiliating, but as Matt continued to watch his cheeks bounce and shake, it was as if humiliation was a sensation he could no longer experience.  When he’d been trying on his suddenly ill-fitting clothes, he hadn’t been mortified at the sight of his fat cock outlined in the too-tight shorts; he’d been excited.  Instead of being embarrassed, the thought of everyone staring at his warped new body filled Matt with a kind of excitement he hadn’t felt in years.  It was the same kind of rush he used to get just before hitting the field in his college baseball days, a buzzing anticipation for the impending surge of adrenaline.

It left him eager for more.  Like a man possessed, Matt feverishly tore through his wardrobe, filling garbage bags with pointless pants and underwear that no longer fit.  He kept squirming and shaking the whole time, seemingly unable to stop dancing unless he gave the task his full attention.  As soon as it wavered, his trim hips started shaking absently, and it wouldn’t be long until he was gyrating in full.  Matt had never been much of a dancer, or had anything close to rhythm, but now he was moving with graceful ease.  And if his permanent grin and giddy attitude were any indication, he was loving every second of it.

Once his bottoms were bagged for donation, he turned his attention to the remaining t-shirts.  Already tight to show off his tapering torso, they were made even smaller by a pair of frantic scissors.  Bottoms, sleeves, necks and sides were cut out until all that remained were scrappy, revealing crop-tops.  To compensate for his ample rear Matt had always put in extra effort on chest day, building a set of prominent, sculpted pecs that were now fully accentuated by the shredded shirts that stopped just below them.  Though as impressive as his slab of a chest was, even highlighting it with the revealing wardrobe left it paling in comparison to his oversized bottom.

Matt didn’t mind.  He didn’t care what part of him people looked at, he just wanted them to look in the first place.  To facilitate that, he’d already decided where he needed to go.  As much as it pained him to think about, the thick jock knew he’d have to wear something on his lower half.  No matter how much he might want to, he couldn’t just walk around in public with his ass bouncing free.  Fortunately, one of the guys from the gym who he’d let blow him had mentioned a store that would hopefully at least make the process easier.  The man was always wearing tiny shorts and fashionable underwear, both of which showed off his impressive physique and hefty endowment.  When Matt had asked him about it, thinking of a few women he could impress with a flashy pair of briefs, the man told him about Chester’s, a small boutique on the West side of town.  Unsurprisingly it was in the gay neighborhood, one of the reason’s Matt had never gone to check it out.  As nonchalant as he was with his hookups, the handsome hunk was always uncomfortable with the way he was ogled and hit on whenever he was in a gay bar, and the thought of going to a gay boutique to buy skimpy underwear was too much for him to handle.

Now, he was practically vibrating with excitement at the thought.  When he could finally pry himself away from the mirror, he struggled into the constricting shorts, slipped on a nipple-length crop-top and sauntered out the door to his car.  He caught people staring almost immediately, but instead of retreating back to his apartment he put an extra swing in his step, a wave of unexpected contentment washing over him at the thought of putting on a show.  When he fumbled his keys and bent to pick them up, causing the shorts to slip down over the cresting globes and expose his cheeks in full, all Matt did was laugh and take his time pulling them back up.  He knew it was wrong, but he’d never felt better.

When he pulled up and parked down the block, Matt wasn’t relieved at the empty sidewalks but disappointed.  It was the middle of the day in the middle of the week, not exactly a bustling time, but on the drive over he’d found himself hoping for a crowd.  His hopes were further dashed when he opened the doors on the mostly empty boutique, seeing only a man behind a small counter and two other shoppers.  Undaunted, he bounced his way in, smiling and giving a quick wave to the mountain of ebony-skinned muscle standing at the register.

“Hey, welcome to…” the burly man’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropping when Matt stepped closer and he had an unobstructed view.  “…wow,” he said with a short laugh, letting the greeting go unfinished.

Matt’s stomach fluttered at the way the man was openly checking him out, distracting him from the fact that he was doing the same.  The man was clad in a loose, draping muscle shirt that left most of his brawny torso exposed, and Matt felt a familiar tingle from his eager backside as he stared at the man’s mammoth shoulders, heaping pecs, and massive arms.  Based on the slight wrinkles he saw on the other man’s sharp features and the few strands of grey in his short, dark hair, Matt pegged him as middled aged, a thought that for some reason only made the rugged, ‘roided meathead all the more attractive.  He nodded at the man’s granite shelf, grinning.  “With pecs like that, are you Chester?”

“Nah, I’m Jake,” he said with a loud, easy laugh.  His massive arms inflated as he leaned forward, raising an eyebrow and cocking his head.  “More importantly, who the hell are you and where have you been hiding?  I’d remember seeing you around.”

Matt’s smile grew as he watched Jake stare, feeling the other two men focus on him as well.  “First time here.  I, uh, had a bit of a growth spurt,” he said, giving one of his mammoth cheeks a slap that sent it rippling.  “Nothing fits anymore, and I heard this was the place to go if I want these to look good.”

Jake whistled and shook his head.  “They don’t need any help there, do they boys?”

Matt turned and waved at the men behind him, a fit blonde that looked to be about Jake’s age, and a lean, wiry man that looked closer to his own.  Both blushed and shook their heads, seeming equally surprised by the handsome, bottom-heavy jock’s sudden arrival.  “I just don’t really know what to get.  I’m kind of an, uh, unique size,” Matt said, shaking his hips.  “I was hoping you could…” Before he could finish the sentence, all three sprung into motion like a movie montage.  In moments, Matt’s arms were full of bright jocks, tiny thongs, skimpy bikinis, and small, ass-less briefs.

“If you want to try anything on, we’ve got a fitting room right over there,” Jake said, nodding at the small, curtained booth.  “Just let me know if you need any help.”

Matt lumbered over to the booth and kicked his sneakers off.  “Thanks…I’ve never worn stuff like this before,” he said, shucking his shorts without pulling the curtain shut behind him.  “I’ve always been a boxer-brief kinda guy until…” he paused when he looked back up and saw all three men gawking at his exposed globes and girthy package.  It occurred to him in the moment that he’d just stripped bare in public, in front of strangers no less, but instead of blushing and slamming the curtain shut he just flashed the same charming smile.  “Oh, sorry, should I close this?”

“Don’t do it on our account,” Jake laughed, his eyes glued to Matt’s plump rear as the younger man pulled on a teal thong.  The pouch was filled to capacity, hanging low and heavy, accentuating his tight waist and ripped obliques, while the string vanished entirely into the impossibly deep valley in back.

“Oh my god this is so much better,” Matt sighed, his cock nearly flopping free when the pouch slapped up against his abs as he twerked.  The two other shoppers had their phones out, either filming him or taking pictures, but he wasn’t bothered.  “Waaaaaaay less constricting than the old stuff.”

Jake took a deep breath as he watched the scantily clad stud bounce and sway his way out of the thong and into a cherry red jockstrap.  The bizarre newcomer filled the pouch just as he had with the thong, and the straps somehow managed to further lift and accentuate his rotund backside.  Watching Matt now openly pose for photos, he’d never seen anything like it.  “You know what,” Jake said, clearing his throat and making direct eye contact with the other two shoppers, “I think we need to close for a bit.  Here.  Good for 25% off next time you come in.”  He handed each of the men a card before putting a giant hand on their shoulders and ushering them towards the door, quickly locking it behind them.

“Did you need me to go,” Matt asked, his eyes dropping to the obvious tent in Jake’s thin little shorts as the bigger man pulled the store’s curtains shut.

“Not at all…thought this might be easier with some privacy.”

“Eh, I didn’t mind,” Matt shrugged.  “They seemed nice.”

Jake gave another loud laugh, reaching down to swat one of Matt’s cheeks.  “They’ll seem like whatever you want them to as long as you put on a show like that.  Do you dance somewhere?  You’ve got some moves.”

Matt didn’t know why the compliment sent a quick stab of fear through him.  “No…never really thought about it.  Sounds like a good time, though,” he said, grinning at the big man’s continued staring.  He stepped close, resting his hand on Jake’s waist and toying with the elastic of the other man’s shorts.  “What about you?  You look like you could draw a crowd.”  Without waiting for a response he tugged the shorts open and looked down at the bigger man’s thick log, the sight causing his own stout organ to stir.  Despite the eager throbbing from his quickly tenting jock, Matt’s real hunger came from his insatiably inflated rear as he slipped a hand in the other man’s shorts and started tugging.

“Did someone put you up to this,” Jake asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched the shorter hunk stroke.  “Did Gary pay you?”

Matt blushed as the realization flashed through his brain.  He was nearly naked in a strange shop, jerking off a man he’d just met, who’d also just asked him if he was a paid sex worker.  Worse yet, the desperate, bottom-heavy jock knew without a shred of doubt that in minutes he’d be bouncing on the cock in his hand.  It was a foregone conclusion, as his ass had become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  He was confused and knew he should have been mortified, but more than anything he was just horny.  Even as he recognized the bizarre circumstances he somehow found himself in, the thought passed, leaving him focused on Jake’s rapidly heaving chest as the other man pulled him close.  “Like anyone would need to get paid to want a piece of this,” Matt purred, slipping his hands up under the bigger man’s shirt to stroke the muscled torso underneath.

“My lucky day, then,” Jake sighed, his massive hands finally clamping onto the shorter man’s plump pillows.  He ground his cock into Matt’s ripped abs, grinning at the way the younger hunk started to squirm in his grip.  “Something you want,” he asked, clapping the heaping cheeks together.

“God yes,” Matt groaned, his aching cock an afterthought as it sprung free from the jock.  The wide pole seemed small compared to Jake’s thick monster, but the desperate hunk wasn’t interested in his own equipment.

Jake let go and pushed his shorts down, batting his cock against the younger man’s.  “Better lube it up then.”

Matt didn’t stop to think about his actions.  He’d do whatever it took to get Jake inside him, and if that meant sucking a stranger’s dick he was more than happy to comply.  He dropped to his knees, loving the sensation of his fat cakes squishing against his legs as he swallowed Jake’s pole nearly to the base.  The handsome, former ladies-man tried not to think about what he must look like when he felt the drool running down his strong jaw.  He was still aware enough to know that he probably shouldn’t be deep-throating a strange man’s cock in order to lube it with his own spit, but that awareness didn’t slow him down in the slightest.  He bobbed his head like a woodpecker, loving the feeling of his mouth being fucked only slightly less than his ass.

“Whooo…I think…I think we’re good…” Jake said, having to push Matt’s face away.  “Let’s see what these babies can do.”  He gave the kneeling jock a rough shove backward that sent Matt sprawling before dropping to his knees and roughly manhandling the thick hunk over onto his stomach.  Matt couldn’t stop grinning, loving how it felt to be so easily tossed about.  He’d never experienced anything like it, and already he wanted more.  “Can’t wait to watch these things bounce,” Jake sighed, pulling Matt up onto his knees and back onto his waiting cock in one easy motion.

“GGAAAAAAWWD YYYEEEeeeesssss…” Matt howled, his eyes going wide as Jake started pumping.  He’d never even come close to experiencing the kind of pleasure that shot up his spine with each of the older man’s thrusts.  It was the final piece to the puzzle that had been plaguing him all day.  In an instant, the clinging anxiety the once-straight jock had been feeling melted away, leaving only the slack-jawed bottom staring at himself in the dressing room mirror as he was fucked senseless by a stranger in the middle of a store.  It wasn’t embarrassing; it was perfect.  The whole scenario was.  Watching his rotund cheeks bounce and ripple as Jake slammed into them, his normally smug expression a mask of ecstatic desperation, Matt felt like he’d found his true calling in life.  His stomach fluttered as he thought back to the two other men and the way they’d stared, and as he listened to his cracking wails echoing around the store, he wished they were still there watching and filming.  “Oh…oh fuck…yes…yessss…give it to me daddy…give it to me hard…” Matt groaned.  His athletic frame flexed as he slammed himself back against the older man, a sweet, floral scent filling his nostrils.  “Make…that pussy cry…daddy…” Matt whined, his wailing voice a far cry from the deep, stoic grunts he used to issue during sex.  Not that he cared.  That Matt was gone for good, and as he slammed and squirmed on Jake’s blissful organ, the bubbly, bouncing bottom he’d become never wanted the uptight jock to return.  “Gah…gaaawwwwd…gonna…gonnaaaiiiee!”  Matt shrieked when Jake pushed him over the edge, his strapping frame going rigid as his cock spasmed and sprayed all over the floor.  He watched his expression in the mirror the whole time, loving how Jake loomed over him and wondering what it would be like to repeat the performance for a crowd.

He mulled it over while the older man finished.  Matt was perfectly content to let Jake fuck him for as long as it took, and the eager young power bottom even came a second time in unison with the other man.  When Jake sprayed, the sensation of his warm, copious release spilling out of Matt’s hole and running down his hairy thighs pushed the short hunk over the brink again, much to the bigger man’s delight.

“Glad you enjoyed yourself,” Jake panted, a smug grin on his face as he reached down and scooped a finger full of his dripping release from Matt’s thigh.

“Omigod, daddy, the customer service here is fucking great,” Matt grinned, sucking Jake’s finger into his mouth and licking it clean.  “I just wish you hadn’t kicked those other guys out.”

The hulking man had a look of disbelief as he lumbered to his feet and pulled his shorts up.  “You really like to put on a show?”

“Um, hello,” Matt chirped, rolling his eyes and reaching down to scoop another few fingers worth of Jake’s sticky waterfall into his mouth.  He blinked and shook his head, trying to rid his vision of the lavender tint that had washed over it.  It was like looking through a purple filter as he gazed up at his new friend, but it passed by the time he’d licked his hand clean.  He let Jake pull him to his feet, giving a little giggle at the way the movement set his cheeks in motion.

“In that case, why don’t you stick around and come with me next door?  I’ve got a hunch they’ll be interested in what you have to offer.”

“Okay!”  Matt grinned and nodded like an excited bobblehead.  “So how much do I owe you for all my stuff?”

Jake reached down and stuffed the shorter man’s softened package back into the jockstrap.  He gave the straining pouch a gentle squeeze and smiled.  “Tell you what…you start working next door and you can have as much of it as you want for free.  We’ll call it modeling the product.  Hell, you could even hang out in here and let people see it in action.”

Matt pursed his lips and posed, watching his athletic reflection flex and sway in nothing but his crop top and jockstrap.  He was beaming, satisfied on a level he’d never felt before and thrilled at the prospect of his new role.  He couldn’t wait to get home and tell Tony all about it, but first, he had a job to do.  He walked over and pulled the store’s curtains open, flipping the sign back to “Open”.  “What do you want me to wear first?”


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