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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 24: Presto! (pt. 2)

  • Beach, please. 8
  • Country roads, take me home. 37
  • 2020-11-07
  • —2020-11-10
  • 45 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 24: Presto! (pt. 2)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Beach, please.', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Country roads, take me home.', 'votes': 37}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 10, 17, 0, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 11, 7, 19, 31, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 45}


Adam’s heart thundered in his chest as he watched his friend weave his way to the front of the crowd.  He wanted nothing more than to grab the blonde jock and run, but all he could do was stare.  It was more clear than ever that his friends were under some kind of influence as Zack only smiled and shook his head when he looked at Dane’s flattened crotch, acting as if the other man’s outfit and alterations were nothing more than a mild embarrassment.

“What was it that you and your friend were saying earlier?  Something about strippers?”  Preston raised an eyebrow, looking Zack’s gym-built frame up and down.  Adam was surprised to see his friend blush and shake his head as Zack gave the audience a pleading look, raising his hands in surrender and taking a step back.  The frozen brunette thought he saw a flash of dawning awareness cross his friend’s face, but it was short-lived.  Before Zack could make it more than a faltering step away, Preston reached out with the wand and tapped it against the blonde’s forehead.  “Presto!”

The room went dark and quiet.  Adam was struggling to make out Zack’s outline a few feet in front of him when he was blinded by a sudden, flashing strobe.  Multicolored lights began swirling all around them, the gym erupting in pulsing dance music as Zack slowly began to sway.  Adam’s cock began to throb at the sight of the blonde’s muscled cheeks rocking back and forth in front of him even as he wished he could tell his friend to stop.  He’d never once seen the other man dance in all their years of friendship, and he doubted that Zack could have moved with the same nimble grace just minutes before.  Adam tried to avoid eye contact when the other man spun to face him, feeling a stab of guilt for the way he gawked as Zack slowly lifted his t-shirt to teasingly reveal his tight waist and shredded washboard.

When Adam finally did look up, his cock rocketed to attention at the handsome blonde’s smug, hungry grin.  Zack pursed his lips, seductively licking his chiseled biceps as he folded his arms behind his head and rolled his hips in time with the music.  Without warning, the swaying stud grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and tore it free, his prominent pecs and broad shoulders flexing with the effort.  He turned in a slow, swaying circle to give his friend a full view of his wide back and tapering sides before stepping forward to straddle the seated man.

Adam’s eyes went wide when the shirtless stud dropped to his lap, leaning in to give his neck a slow lick.  He felt like he was about to start hyperventilating, but Zack just grinned as he writhed against his solid bulge, eliciting another loud roar of applause from the audience when the gyrating jock grabbed Adam’s shirt and tore it free as he had his own.  The frozen man blushed at the thought of being exposed in front of so many people, real or otherwise, but his attention was quickly pulled back to the stripping blonde when Zack stood and slowly ran a hand down his ripped torso.

If he could have, Adam would have groaned when his friend began toying with the waist of his jeans, groping the hefty bulge that lurked underneath.  He watched Zack pop the button of his fly, his throbbing cock starting to ooze when the other man pulled down the zipper to reveal an unfamiliar pair of underwear.  Instead of the boxers that Adam had seen Zack pull on that morning, as the blonde hunk pushed his jeans down he revealed a black, tie-on bikini that was stuffed to capacity.  The crowd cheered as Zack kicked out of his pants, his heavy bulge flopping and his muscled cheeks flexing as he made a few gyrating passes before returning to his seated friend.

In a terrifying dream-come-true, the frozen brunette shivered as Zack turned his back and straddled him again, this time reaching down and lifting his unresponsive arms to his girthy bulge.  Adam nearly came from the sensation of the blonde stud’s twitching package grinding against his hands, his plump, muscled cheeks flexing just inches away from his face.  It was better than any fantasy he’d ever had, and worse than his darkest nightmare.

The surge of lust he felt at having Zack’s muscled body in his arms cemented the lie he’d been living.  It was everything he’d only recently realized that he'd ever wanted, but under circumstances that shouldn’t have been possible.  The dual emotions only became worse when Zack took his hands and slid them along his ripped obliques to untie the sides of the bikini, his fat cock slapping against the brunette's chest when he spun back to face his friend.  He slid the frozen hands around to his bare cheeks and left them there as he pulled Adam’s head against his flexed abs, grinding his hardening cock into the top of his friend's chest.  When he felt the bulbous head brush against his chin, Adam wished more than anything that he could tilt his face down and swallow Zack’s thick club, but all he could do was cling to the ass he’d dreamed about until the music finally stopped.

“Now THAT was a performance,” Preston said, giving a light clap when Zack stepped away, grinning bashfully as his rigid cock wagged back and forth.  “Did you enjoy yourself,” he asked, his eyes fixed on Adam.  “Lovely Assistant…check and see if he enjoyed himself.”

Adam was too dazed to do anything other than blush when his scantily clad friend clopped over in his heels and made a show of kneading his rigid bulge.  He was still frozen in place, leaving him unable to stop the other man when Dane undid his fly and tugged his pants and underwear down to his ankles, leaving him as naked and hard on the stage as Zack.  With his own impressive physique Adam wasn’t shy about his body, but he also never pictured a scenario where he’d be flashing his long, rigid cock to a cheering gymnasium.  As soon as Dane stepped away, Zack dropped onto his lap and threw his arms around his neck, wedging the blushing brunette’s cock between them as he flashed a dazed smiled at the audience.

“See?  Fun all around.  You were promised bawdy entertainment, and that’s what you’ll get!”  Preston smiled at Adam’s shiver when Zack reached down and toyed with his oozing cock, earning a quiet laugh from the audience.  “But we can’t end the show without a finale!  Troy, could you come up here and join your friends, please?”

Adam knew it was pointless to try and warn the mountain of muscle as the burly giant lumbered up to the group.  At 6’4” and nearly 280 pounds, Troy was by far the largest of the group, but although he could have picked the grinning magician up and thrown him across the room, all the buzzed-haired hulk did was smile awkwardly as he stood near his friends.

“We’ve saved the best for last, haven’t we?”  Preston stepped aside as Dane came over and took the beefy man by the arm, making an impressed face for the crowd when he stroked a hand along Troy’s massive bicep.  The brawny giant blushed and flexed, his tank-top straining around his beefy frame before Dane gave him a pat on the back of his cargo shorts and pushed him inside the trunk.  It was a tight fit, but the door managed to close, locking Troy inside.  With a flick of Preston’s wrist the crate lifted off the ground and flipped horizontal, the crowd applauding as Dane pranced around it to show that there were no strings holding it aloft. “Now…I’ll need absolute silence for this one.  It will take all of my concentration if we’re to saw this young man in half.”

Futile or not, Adam resumed his struggles when he heard what was in store for his friend.  He strained and fought against the invisible bonds, but all he succeeded in doing was writhing slightly beneath Zack’s naked weight.  He gave the grinning blonde a desperate look, cursing himself for staying quiet earlier.  If he’d been honest with his friends instead of going through the motions all weekend, none of this would have happened.  Instead, he was frozen in place, watching in terrified wonder as Preston ran his hand in a straight line across the center of the box.  The crate bisected and separated as soon as he’d finished the motion, the separate pieces turning upright and floating gently to the ground.

“There you have it!” Preston said proudly.  Adam steeled himself for the worst when the magician motioned to the far half of the box, the door springing open to reveal nothing but a pile of clothing.  “Whoops, looks like that’s the wrong half,” Preston laughed, shrugging.

Without nearly as much flourish the other half opened, revealing a naked, blinking Troy.  The brawny stud was all in one piece, only now that single piece couldn’t have been more than three feet tall.  His meaty proportions were still the same, with a plump, heaping set of pecs resting heavily on a firm muscle gut while his beefy arms hung at an angle from his broad shoulders.  He still had a pair of wide, tree-trunk thighs with two large, round globes making up his ass, and his smallish cock was still short and stout.  Troy was every bit as beefy as he had been, there was just less of him overall.  “Come on out, don’t be shy,” Preston said, smiling as the former giant’s head came to just below his waist.  “Why don’t you tell the crowd how you feel?”

“Uh, fine I guess,” Troy said, his formerly deep voice now a helium squeak.  The tiny hunk shook his head, his eyes going wide and his face going red when he finally realized he was naked.  Like the others, instead of the horror Adam knew Troy should be showing, the little man just smiled bashfully and covered what was now a nub of a cock as he looked around for his clothes.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Preston sighed, the applause dying away when he waved his hand.  The crowd vanished as quickly as it had appeared, but though the gym was once again empty, Adam was still frozen and his friends were still in their altered states.  The dapper man gave a deep, prolonged bow before snapping upright, his arm flung out to the side as he struck a triumphant pose.  “I do hope you enjoyed the show!”

Adam wanted to rage at the smug magician, but all he could do was watch as Preston removed his top hat and tossed it towards them.  The small hat grew in size to an impossible degree, becoming so large that the four young men were swallowed by it when it landed.  Adam shivered at the familiar rush of cold, this time accompanied by a sensation of falling as they tumbled through the dark void as a group.  There was a soft impact, followed by a heavy weight on his chest and a surge of pleasure that forced his eyes open.

He blinked and gasped, no longer floating in darkness but writhing on a hotel bed.  Zack had him straddled, pinning him to the bed as he clutched Adam’s pecs and bounced on the prone stud’s cock.  “Whaaa…what the fuck…wha…oh fuck…” he grunted, instinctively grabbing his friend’s meaty thighs.

The muscled blonde flashed the same dazed, giddy smile he’d had on stage as his fat cock slapped against Adam’s stomach.  “I thought YOU were supposed to fuck MY brains out,” Zack laughed, rolling his hips.  “Wouldn’t be much of a honeymoon if we both end up vegetables.”

“What are you…” Adam trailed off when he saw the matching rings on each of their hands, but before he could follow up he was distracted by a high pitched grunting.  Looking over in the other bed, he saw a tiny Troy squirming on top of Dane.  The beefy little stud looked smaller than ever as he jackrabbited his nub of a cock into the ebony jock’s slit, and though it wasn’t going deep enough to bring Dane to the edge, the handsome hunk’s ecstatic expression and constant groan at least let Troy pretend.  “Wait…Zack…was it…does that mean it was real…” Adam stammered, his head swimming.  He tried to remember the name of the magician they’d seen, but already the details were hazy, as were his memories of the other three.  Thinking back on his friends, Adam suddenly couldn’t recall them ever having been any different.  Troy had always been a meaty little stud looking to stick his nub into any man bigger than himself, Dane had always been a primped adonis who could work his pussy with the best of them, and Zack had always been a flamboyant, chiseled go-go boy.

It was how the three of them had met.  Adam felt ridiculous for having the strange thought that they’d been friends from college when they’d really met at the gay bar.  He’d fallen for Zack the second he’d seen the writhing blonde, and as he came back night after night to watch him dance, he’d crossed paths with Dane and Troy.  The group had quickly become fast friends, and Adam felt a surge of lust at the memories of his own cock sliding in and out Dane’s tight entry while Troy’s little poker stretched his own hole.

“Does it mean what was real,” Zack asked, pursing his lips and raising an eyebrow.  “Us getting married?  Yes, fiiiiiiiinally,” he sighed, rolling his eyes.  “I thought you’d never get around to asking.”

Adam turned away from Dane and Troy, folding his arms behind his head as he gazed up at Zack’s gorgeous frame towering over him.  “Hey…better late than never,” he grinned.




As hard as it is to believe, we've been in Kingsbury for almost a full year at this point.  Do we want to stick around the Harbor, or switch things up and head inland to the mountains?  If we switch locations, we'd still keep the same format of standalone stories in a shared setting, just less nautical.  


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