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“I don’t know what I’m going to do.  They want me to sit behind a desk, but I mean, come on.  That’s not what I signed up for.”  Mike’s broad shoulders were hunched, his head low as he took a sip of his whiskey.  “For fuck’s sake…I’m forty, not dead.  If I wanted a desk job I would’ve gone to school, not enlisted.  And what would I even do?  It’s not like I’ve got a degree.  I’m only good at one thing, and I’ve got the scars and medals to prove it.”  He ran a hand over his buzzed scalp, watching his solid arm flex in the mirror behind the bar.  His years of military service had left Mike with a rugged, athletic physique that perfectly complemented his handsome, weathered face.  If he’d been interested, the dour hunk would have had no problem picking up any of the scantily costumed women around him, but he wasn’t in the mood.  His only costume was a grey t-shirt that stretched tight over his muscled torso, and a pair of jeans that showed off his powerful legs.  With his lantern jaw and scrubby stubble to cap it all off, Mike was well aware of how good he looked; the problem was that he couldn’t let himself relax enough to enjoy it.

He didn’t know how.  A special forces soldier who’d traveled the world and made it through more life-and-death scenarios than most Hollywood action heroes, Mike wasn’t good at letting his guard down to begin with.  He’d only been on leave for a few weeks and already he missed the adrenaline rush.  He didn’t know what to do with himself or how to act without a defined goal.  Throw in the growing anxiety about his future, and a hookup was the last thing on his mind.

Civilians had no idea how to relate to him, and with all of his friends being scattered around the globe on duty, Mike had been forced to unload on the bartender.   The wiry man appeared to be about his age, if not his size, and played the role of drink-slinging therapist, nodding thoughtfully as Mike spoke and stopping to listen when he was between customers.  Given the bustling Halloween crowd that wasn’t often, but Mike wasn’t really interested in feedback.  Given his current state of mind, the grizzled hunk probably would have talked to himself if the bartender wasn’t there.

“Sounds rough, man,” the bartender said, wiping down the bar in front of Mike.  “But don’t worry, I heard you’ll get lucky tonight.”

The bartender’s tone was so casual that it took a moment for the strange words to register.  “Wait…what?  You heard what?”

The bartender stepped away to mix a drink but kept talking over his shoulder.  “You know, true love and all that.  I heard you’ll find it tonight.”

Mike raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his solid chest.  “Heard?  From who?  Have you been sneaking drinks back there, pal?”

“Hey man, I’m just telling you what I heard.  Speaking of, I heard you should go find Robin…he can help you find a costume.  I heard you’ll need one.”

Mike hopped off the stool, his instincts kicking in.  His gut told him this was more than just a drunk bartender, but instead of pressing the man for information the way he wanted, he found himself turning on his heel and walking towards the door.  He was following a sudden impulse to find someone, though he had no idea who he was actually looking for.  The bartender mentioned someone named Robin, but he didn’t know anyone by that name, and it wasn’t as if people were wearing name tags on their costumes.

He followed the bizarre pull outside, his eyes immediately landing on the brightly dressed young man pressed up against the wall by what looked to be a pair of jocks the same age.  The well-built aggressors were clad in makeshift togas, leaving most of their chiseled frames on display, while the smaller man was wearing a Robin costume from the old ‘60s Batman show.  None of them looked like they were out of their early twenties, especially the pinned little super hero.  The young man’s outfit was a bit more revealing than Mike remembered the original being, with the tunic showing off more of the man’s lean, defined torso and toned arms, while the green trunks had been replaced with briefs that accentuated his perky bubble and petite bulge.

Mike was moving as soon as he saw the group.  “Hey!  What do you assholes think you’re doing,” he barked, shoving one of the jocks away and positioning himself between them and the smaller man.  There was a tense moment as the younger pair sized him up, but they quickly realized they were outmatched.  They gave Robin one last dirty look before shaking their heads and hurrying off down the street.  “You okay?” Mike asked, an odd fluttering sensation breaking out in his stomach as he eyed the lean stranger.

“My hero,” the younger man grinned, dusting off his disheveled outfit.  He gave Mike a slow look up and down, his gaze lingering on the older man’s stuffed jeans.

“What was that about?”  Mike shifted uncomfortably, confused at why they were still even talking.

The younger man shrugged.  “I’m on my way to a Halloween party and all I did was compliment their costumes…guess they didn’t like being the ones who got catcalled for once.  I’m Jake, by the way.”

“Mike,” he said, shivering when they shook hands.  He couldn’t help but smile at the younger man’s apparently care-free attitude.  “You should be careful with guys like that, especially if they’ve got you outnumbered.”

Jake shrugged, holding onto Mike’s hand a bit longer than necessary.  “I’m not outnumbered anymore…I heard you were gonna come to the party with me,” he said, a broad grin on his boy-next-door face.

Before Mike could ask what party he was talking about, the lean young man linked their arms and headed off down the sidewalk, leaving him to stumble along, confused.  He was uncomfortable at walking arm-in-arm with another man, and he felt like he should pull away and demand some answers, but he couldn’t actually bring himself to.  As strange as it all was, as soon as Jake said it, things just seemed right.  His discomfort was more of an expectation than a reality, and as the bubbly young man excitedly weighed Mike’s costume options, talking as if they were old friends instead of strangers who’d just met, the older hunk found himself enjoying his new companion more and more.  Jake’s eager smile and quick laugh were a welcome change of pace to his own sour mood, and Mike began to catch himself eyeing the other man’s tight, nimble frame as they made their way.

“Now, this place might seem a little out there at first, but don’t worry.  I heard they’re used to dealing with hung, jacked guys like you, so we should be able to find you something to wear.  And it’s right next to the party, anyway.”

Mike laughed at first, feeling a rush of pride that the younger man thought of his fit, brawny frame as being jacked.  He didn’t know how Jake knew about his above average cock, but given the way the smaller man had been eyeing him, Mike just assumed that Jake knew what to look for.  He was a little confused at the way the compliment made his stomach flutter, but he wasn’t going to let it dampen his slowly-rising spirits.

Then the growth started.  Mike grunted, a wave of tingling erupting from head to toe as his body suddenly began to inflate.  His shoulders shot apart from each other, his already-prominent pecs ballooning off his torso while his beefy arms doubled in size.  Instead of expanding outward like the rest of him, Mike’s waist pinched tight before the growth exploded again at his legs.  He felt his thighs begin to brush together, and he staggered as his meaty rear grew into a set of heaping, solid globes.  It all happened so fast that he barely had time to register the changes to his body before he saw the changes to his clothes.  Instead of a tight t-shirt and jeans, the now-hulking man wore a pair of loose sweat pants and a draping muscle shirt that showed off his impossibly acquired bulk.

“What…what just…” Mike stammered, his eyes going wide as he looked past his ballooning pecs at the thick monster clearly outlined beneath the altered pants.  His heart started racing, flooding him with a familiar rush of adrenaline as he struggled to understand what just happened.  He knew that something impossible was at work, but after the initial punch of fear things were already starting to feel normal, and like everything that happened since meeting his brightly dressed friend, Mike struggled to hold on to what he thought was real.

“Everything okay,” Jake asked, putting a hand on Mike’s recently acquired washboard to steady the stumbling giant.

“I…yeah, just got dizzy for a second there,” the brawny man said, his voice coming out as a deepened rumble.  The feeling of Jake’s smaller hand on his stomach reinforced both their size difference and just how large he’d become, filling him with an unexpected rush of power at the thought.  With his athletic frame expanding to massive, bodybuilder proportions, Mike took on a lumbering, awkward gait, his body constantly brushing against itself in unfamiliar ways as the younger man led the way.  He’d always been in shape, but he’d never been huge.  His work required a certain amount of agility and nimbleness that being a thick wall of muscle wouldn’t allow for.  He didn’t know what the changes meant for his future plans, but at the moment he was too distracted to give them much thought.  He blushed at the feeling of his inflated cock bouncing and swaying, fighting the urge to pull his pants open on the sidewalk to see just how big he’d become.

Mike didn’t need to wait long for an opportunity.  “Here we are,” Jake said, pulling the confused meathead into the store behind him.

The broad hulk shifted sideways to fit through on instinct, the movement coming naturally, as if he’d been doing it for years.  “Uh…what kind of store is this?”  Mike blushed as he looked around at the array of small underwear, leather harnesses, jock straps, and assorted fetish gear, feeling another rush of adrenaline at the thought of wearing any of it.

The middle-aged man behind the counter raised an eyebrow at the mismatched pair.  He gave Mike’s massive frame a slow look up and down before eyeing Jake’s lean, compact frame, a slight grin on his face.  “Can I help you guys?”

“The big guy needs a costume.  Last minute, I know, but I figured we could find something here,” Jake said, flitting from rack to rack in search of an outfit.

Mike grinned bashfully and shook his head.  “I don’t know if this stuff is for me.  It’s a little, uh…exotic.”

The man at the counter cocked his head, a confused look on his face.  “Really?  I heard you loved it.”

“Yeah, and I heard you loved being told what to do,” Jake added, sounding slightly annoyed.  “So pop that shirt off and get over here.  I think I found something.”

Mike’s bashful grin turned into an excited smile, his fattened cock twitching as he went from embarrassed to eager without warning.  Instead of being mortified at the thought of wearing the revealing clothes, the enlarged hunk suddenly wanted to try them all on.  There was still a part of him that knew he’d started the evening as a straight, relatively conservative man with a fit, if normal body, but that didn’t stop him from exposing his broad, shredded new torso.  He lumbered over to Jake and peeled out of the muscle shirt without the slightest hesitation, feeling a familiar comfort at being given an order.  He was a military man, after all.  Following commands was something he excelled at.  He stood straight, puffing out his slab of a chest as he waited for the younger man to tell him what to do next.

“I think these’ll look good,” Jake said, holding up a pair of leather chaps.  There was a built-in jockstrap, but Mike’s solid globes would be bare and prominently displayed.  “And you’ll need a mask…” the younger man handed Mike the pants and grabbed a black dog mask, along with a large, studded collar and matching leather leash.

The older man’s heart kicked into overdrive from another rush of adrenaline, but this one was born out of pure excitement, not confused fear.  Though the old Mike never would have submitted to being collared and leashed by some young punk half his size, the new Mike was all too willing.  The fact that they were still in public didn’t stop him from peeling out of his sweats when Jake nodded, finally giving him a full view of the thick, eleven inch beast and plump, heavy balls where his formerly average package had been.  He could feel the man at the counter staring as he stepped into the leather chaps, and he still felt a slight stab of embarrassment at the air on his exposed globes, but it’s what Jake wanted, so he was all too happy to comply.

“I knew that’d be a good look,” Jake said with an appreciative nod as he looked at the way the chaps accentuated Mike’s tight, ripped obliques while showing off his powerful thighs and plump package.  He reached up and fastened the collars around the bigger man’s widened neck but paused before putting the mask on, yanking on the leash instead.  Mike gave a surprised yelp that was quickly swallowed when Jake pressed their lips together, planting a long, slow kiss.  The burly stud tensed at the unexpected sensation of another man’s lips against his own, but he quickly eased into it, a flood of lust like he hadn’t felt in years surging through him.  He was actually disappointed when Jake broke it off and put the mask over his face, wanting nothing more than to take the smaller man right there on the floor.

“Well done,” the man at the counter said, giving a quick whistle as Jake paid.  “But I’m not surprised.  I heard you were a good boy.”

Mike gasped behind his mask.  As soon as the man said the words “good boy” he felt like the floor had been pulled out from under him.  The lust he’d been feeling for Jake swelled to overwhelming proportions, growing from mere arousal to something approaching devotion.  He’d been increasingly thinking of the other man’s perky bubble and lean, defined frame as cute, but in a flash Jake became perfect.  His bright eyes, his pouty lips, his toned arms, his mouth-watering bulge and solid little thighs; the handsome young man was suddenly everything Mike never knew he wanted.  Like a switch being flipped, all his battle-honed, protective instincts shifted towards Jake as Mike’s new mission in life became clear.

“Alright, stud, let’s go,” Jake said, giving Mike’s bare cheeks a quick swat.  Instead of being humiliated, the exposed giant was brimming with pride as the smaller man led him down the street by the leash, his eyes fixed on the smaller man’s bouncing bubble.

But when they made it to the club a few doors down, Mike’s attention shifted to the costumed crowd.  He stood close to Jake on instinct, growling if anyone seemed too aggressive and acting as a mix between bodyguard and guard dog.  Mike saw all the hungry stares focused in his direction, and more than a few of the men made passes or grabbed one of his mountainous cheeks, but he ignored them all.  His focus was on Jake and Jake alone.  Whether he was intimidating a space for them at the crowded bar or dancing awkwardly, the only person who mattered was the chipper, handsome young man who’d somehow become his everything.  Even when the increasingly drunk Jake began groping and kneading the stuffed pouch of his jock, causing Mike’s thick club to shoot to attention on the busy dance floor, he just let it happen.

“Okay…let’s take a bathroom break,” Jake finally said, hooking his hand in the waist of Mike’s chaps and flashing a smug smile at the men who stared at the wall of muscle’s tented jock.  “Be right back, boys.  Gotta put this dog’s bone to work for a minute,” he laughed.

Mike felt another quick punch of embarrassment at the thought of Jake so casually telling a room full of strangers that he was about to fuck the younger man, but it never occurred to him to argue.  If Jake had told him to fuck him in front of everyone, he would have done it and been happy about it.

Stumbling into the bathroom, that willingness served Mike well as there wasn’t much difference between the rickety stalls and the rest of the bar.  Half of them were missing doors, and several were filled with grunting men doing the exact same thing he and Jake were about to.  He let the younger man pull him into an unoccupied stall, but before he could begin to strip him of his costume, Jake reached out and undid his chaps, sending them to the dirty floor.

“I heard you were a pro with this thing,” Jake grinned, stroking a hand along Mike’s widened shaft.

The growing embarrassment the older man had begun to feel at being stripped naked in a filthy bar bathroom fled, replaced by a smug self assurance.  Mike had always thought of himself as good in bed, but now there wasn’t even a question.  Though he’d never actually fucked another man, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing as he spun Jake around and tugged his little green briefs down.  He shoved a pair of fingers in the smaller man’s mouth, leaving them there until they were slick and lubed before reaching down and working them between Jake’s perky little cheeks.  He batted his rigid club against the squirming man’s sides as he fingered him in the open stall, loosening his tight hole for the beast to come.  Once Jake was wide-eyed and panting, Mike pulled his hand free, lifted his mask to spit on his ready club, and plunged inside with practiced ease.

The sound of the younger man’s lustful moans was music to his ears as Mike wrapped his hulking arms around him and began thrusting harder, just the way Jake liked it.  He reached down and wrapped a calloused hand around the other man’s comparatively tiny cock, loving the sensation of the warm, solid little organ in his hand as he tugged away.  The stall shook from the force of his pounding, and they’d attracted a growing crowd, but he didn’t care.  He didn’t care about the confusing thoughts that told him this was all wrong, that he shouldn’t be a massive, submissive wall of muscle fucking a man half his age in public.

None of that mattered.  Adrenaline was once again coursing through him, he had someone to protect, and he had orders to follow.  It was everything he’d been looking for and so much more.  He was a good solider and a good boy; he didn’t need to be anything else.



Woof .