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***I haven't had time to finalize all the voting options, so those will be up ASAP, but I didn't want the chapter to sit any longer than it had to.  Thanks everyone! ***

“Come on…are you guys sure,” Hank asked, dragging out the last word as he gave his friends a pleading look.  The gorgeous brunette shifted his weight, his shredded abs and muscled thighs flexing as he squirmed.  The tiny, paper-thin swim trunks accentuated his hefty package and round, solid cheeks in equal measure, the way they stretched tight around his lower half a sharp contrast to his tight, tapering waist.  With a set of powerful arms and bulging, chiseled pecs, both dusted in a light coating of wiry, chocolate hair, Hank was like a walking sculpture.  He was perfectly proportional, with a face that was just as stunning as the rest of him.  He had a strong, lantern jaw, pouty lips, razor cheekbones, a sharp nose, and bright blue eyes beneath a head of expertly cropped brown hair.  The young hunk was almost exaggeratedly beautiful, making his begging seem all the more out of the ordinary.  He looked like the kind of man that people bent over backwards to please just so they could be near his perfection, not the kind who begged his friends to let him blow them.

“Not right now, stud.”  Hank’s expression went distant, his mouth falling open when Chris came up from behind and pushed the back of his trunks down.  The muscled blonde gave his friend’s exposed globes a quick squeeze, laughing at the other man’s dazed expression.  “Let that tide you over…if you’re good we can play later, alright?”  Hank nodded, making no move to cover himself as the back of his trunks remained wedged beneath his perky bubble, lifting and accentuating the eye-catching mounds.  The motion caused the front to pull down, stopping just at the base of his cock, but if anything, Hank only seemed disappointed that the trunks hadn’t fallen further.

Watching the interaction unfold, Nick still couldn’t believe that the stunning brunette used to be just like Chris.  Hank had always been fit and attractive, but it wasn’t until he’d stepped in front of the lenses that he’d gone from a straight, handsome jock to a radiant specimen of masculinity.  At least on the outside.  Inside, Hank’s personality had undergone a change that was just as significant as what happened to his body.  No longer an average straight guy, Hank now lived for being exposed and bossed around.  He didn’t just want to be seen; he wanted to be controlled and dominated, debased and humiliated.

Nick was still figuring out how the glasses worked when their gaze landed on the now-gorgeous brunette.  At the time, he’d felt guilty because he thought he’d somehow been solely responsible for the dramatic change, but now he understood.  The glasses didn’t just change people at random, they brought out a person’s hidden desires.  Nick didn’t know the specifics, he wasn’t a psychologist, but apparently there was a part of Hank that was tired of always being in control and calling the shots.  He’d never struck Nick as overly vain, though the changes made it clear that he enjoyed being the center of attention, just not in a way that anyone would have ever anticipated.  Including Hank himself, Nick guessed.

There was no way to know for sure.  Once the changes happened, the world shifted to match.  There was nothing wrong with Hank's brain that would cause Chris to speak to him in such a condescending manner; the ripped blonde just knew his friend liked it.  Same with Chris stripping him down and letting the stunning hunk blow him.  As soon as the new Hank emerged it all became normal, and if the altered man knew what had happened he’d never let it show.  Even when his inflated, permanently limp cock slapped around while he was being fucked by another man, Hank never seemed anything but perfectly content.

It was the same with all the guys who’d stepped in front of the lenses.  No matter how incredible the change, and Nick had seen some massive ones, the affected person seemed happier than ever.  Nick knew there had to be more to it than just a person’s inner desires coming to the surface.  It couldn’t have simply been a coincidence that only men changed, and that they all ended up very, very gay regardless of their previous orientation, but whether there was a part of him or something else entirely at work, he had no way of finding out.  There was a part of him that felt like he should pitch the glasses back into the ocean where he’d found them, but there was another part that felt like he was doing the men a favor.  He was letting them live out their wildest fantasies and desires, or at least a close approximation of them.  True, they hadn’t asked him to do it, but he was starting to think the glasses knew best.

They’d found Nick while he’d been out on the water with their mutual friend, Rob.  The towering ginger was a beast of a man, a pale mountain of freckle and muscle whose boat they’d use for their frequent fishing trips.  When Nick hooked them It was like a scene from a cartoon, where someone pulls an old boot in on their line.  Nick felt a sharp tug, nearly pulling the rod from his hand, and his own athletic arms had burned with the strain of trying to reel in whatever he’d managed to snag.  But to his and Rob’s surprise, instead of pulling a massive fish out of the water, all he found was a small pair of gold, wire-rimmed glasses.  Where the lenses should have been were what looked like opaque panes of sea glass, covered in swirling hues of pink and teal instead of clear plates.  For something pulled out of the ocean the glasses looked brand new, seeming to repel the clinging water as they rapidly dried in his hand, and without thinking about it Nick held them up to his face to look through.

He’d expected to see nothing through the frosted lenses, not a swirling void of the same hues.  Though the boat and the ocean faded away, a spectral image of Rob remained visible floating before him.  The brawny man seemed to be made of pure light as Nick stared, too stunned to do anything but watch as the hologram of his friend started to change.  The shirtless redhead’s board shorts disintegrated, fading away in a cloud of glowing dust and leaving a perfectly rendered, naked version behind.  Nick had seen Rob in the locker room and knew the ghostly image was impossibly accurate as it revealed the other man’s plump, ample cheeks and short, fat cock, but before he could even think to lower the glasses and check on his friend, another wave of changes set in.  Without warning, Rob’s low, heavy balls and stout rod suddenly pulled inward, leaving a jarringly familiar slit in their wake that was rapidly covered by the appearance of a tied-on bikini bottom.  The skimpy swimwear left nothing of his beefy friend to the imagination as Nick stared at the barely-covered cheeks and the flat swatch of fabric where Rob’s package should have been.

Nick thought he was going crazy when he finally lowered the glasses and found the altered version of his friend grinning at him.  Instead of screaming in terror, all Rob did was make a joke about the glasses looking stupid, and though he wanted to ask a thousand questions, Nick couldn’t force any of them out of his mouth.  All he could do was gawk, his eyes traveling down the freckled jock’s beefy torso to the pointlessly small bikini bottoms that made the rest of his exposed, unchanged muscle seem even larger by comparison.  The sight made his cock throb confusingly, as did the way he kept catching Rob staring at him.  The bigger man seemed just as intent on checking his lean, shirtless frame out, and for whatever reason Nick was happy to let him.

When Rob pounced on him a few moments later, he was surprised that he didn’t even try to pull away.  Instead, he leaned into it, letting himself be thrown down on the deck.  He didn’t fight when the burly ginger bent and grabbed his trunks, but lifted his legs and let himself be stripped down.  Nick remembered his mind racing, his cock aching painfully while he watched Rob slowly untie his floral bikini bottom.  The mountain of a man just grinned at him, his thick fingers brushing against his new opening as if everything was perfectly natural, before dropping down and impaling himself.

Things got hazy after that.  Nick was too overwhelmed by the bizarre ecstasy of being straddled by Rob’s meaty thighs while his friend bobbed on his cock to think about much of anything else.  He knew he should have been horrified by the sight of his long rod slipping in and out of the other man’s hungry new orifice, but everything had a surreal familiarity to it that made Nick start to question what was real and what wasn’t.  He knew, objectively, that nothing even remotely like this had ever happened before, yet at the same time it felt like an everyday occurrence.  For someone who’d just been given one, Rob worked his pussy with expert precision, seeming insatiable as he and Nick gave up fishing and fucked all afternoon instead.

Nick had no idea what to expect when they finally wore each other out and headed back to shore.  Rob tied his bikini bottoms back on, but the only other thing he wore was a loose, draping muscle shirt that left his alterations prominently displayed.  Nick expected people to freak out when they saw the strapping hunk’s new look, not smile and wave as if it was a normal day.  Seeing how no one batted an eye as Rob’s mostly-bare cheeks shifted down the dock, his package clearly missing, Nick started to wonder if he really was the crazy one.  Until he looked through the glasses and saw the glowing men on the boats all around him floating in the surreal, watermelon-hued void.  He’d managed to pull them away before inadvertently causing a mass transformation, but it wasn’t long before Nick tried again.

He couldn’t stop thinking about it.  As one day turned into two, and then three, and then a week, Nick was sick with guilt over what he’d done.  Or at least he told himself he was.  Thinking back on it now, several weeks later, besides shock, the young man hadn’t felt anything other than turned on.  As he watched Rob strutting around in tight pants and shorts, having the time of his life with his new endowment, as well as hooking up with his friend multiple times himself, Nick started to realize the joy he could spread.  He remembered a drunken conversation he’d had with the girl-hungry redhead, where Rob mentioned that he’d always wondered what it was like for the women he fucked, and that curiosity apparently ran much deeper than Nick realized.

He didn’t know anything about the second man he looked at through the lenses.  Nick was walking down the street when the middle-aged stranger came out of a store in front of him, and before he even realized his arms were moving the glasses were on his face.  It was the same as before, the buildings and streets around him melting away as a spectral image of the man hovered in front of him.  Nick watched as the stranger’s clothes dissolved into the same cloud of sparkling dust, revealing an average, slightly dumpy body underneath.  The man looked like someone who sat behind a desk all day, with a rapidly receding hairline and an unremarkable face that quickly began to change.  His features seemed to flatten, his hair pulling further back as his jaw widened and his sharp nose became blunted. At the same time, the man’s shoulders broadened, pushing away from each other while his chest began to inflate and his flabby belly grew tight and firm.  His shapeless arms expanded on either side, hanging thick and heavy to match the meaty thighs he’d acquired when his previously flat rear ballooned with muscle.

Nick could only guess at the man’s desires when he watched the stranger’s cock grow thick and wide while his bulky new body shed several inches.  When he’d first looked at the man they’d been roughly the same height, but now the pug-faced muscle daddy couldn’t have been more than a few inches above five feet.  As the changes to the stranger’s body settled, Nick watched a jockstrap appear around his hefty rear that was quickly covered by a pair of small, lycra shorts.  The tight leggings were joined by a loose crop-top and a pair of bright sneakers, the colorful outfit a sharp contrast the middle-aged stud’s age and otherwise rugged appearance.  When Nick lowered the glasses and the man turned back to see him staring at his massive globes, the stranger just smiled and winked, grabbing the grapefruit bulge prominently displayed in the front of his shorts before sauntering down the sidewalk.

After that, Nick started spreading his gift all over town.  He’d seen all manner of changes as men warped into a variety of shapes and sizes under the influence of the bizarre lenses, but, regardless of the alterations, he’d never seen anything other than joy on their new faces.  It was a happiness he wanted his friends to experience, and now that Hank had settled into his exhibitionist fantasies, it was Chris’s turn.

“That dude loves having a dick in his mouth,” Chris said, shaking his head and smiling as he nodded over at Hank.  The other man was still within earshot, but Chris new his friend liked being talked about as if he wasn’t there.

“Dude loves having a dick in him anywhere,” Nick corrected.  “Especially since his showpiece doesn’t work.”

“Oh, it works.  It just doesn’t get hard.  That thing made a huge mess on me last time.”  The ripped blonde looked down at his straining tank-top, blushing at the memory of his chiseled torso covered in their friends copious release.  “Word of advice…don’t let him be on top.  Once you get him going that thing’s like a leaky fuckin’ faucet.  Isn’t it, stud?”  Hank’s eyes glazed over again when Chris reached out and pushed the front of his trunks down.  He gave a quiet whimper when the blonde jock started tugging on his limp member, a growing bead of liquid forming almost instantly.  “See?  It’s like milking a goddamn cow,” Chris laughed, letting the dangling hose hang exposed.

“You just like getting him all worked up,” Nick sighed, wondering what the old Hank’s reaction would have been.  Their blustering friend never would have let himself enjoy the very thing he apparently wanted most, a thought that only cemented his plans for Chris.  The idea that the handsome jock was denying himself his true pleasures was one that hurt Nick to the core, and something he needed to rectify.

While the blonde’s attention was focused on Hank, Nick pulled out the glasses.  He let out a deep breath as he looked through the lenses, loving the serenity that came with the swirling, colorful clouds.  He’d started putting the glasses on even when people weren’t around just to enjoy the psychedelic landscape, noting what looked like massive shapes moving in the distance.  The shadowy monoliths never came close enough to make out their appearance, nor did he see them when he was looking at someone, like now, with Chris’s glowing figure bobbing in front of him.  Though he was plenty familiar with it, Nick still couldn’t help but be impressed by his friend’s chiseled frame.  As the shredded jock’s naked body glowed, Nick ran his eyes over every sculpted line and crevice, appreciating his friend’s efforts in the gym even as they began to vanish.

It was a subtle transition at first.  The lines criss-crossing the blonde’s abs started to fade, and the separation between his bulging pecs became less noticeable.  At the same time, the separate muscle groups of his arms seemed to merge into one, leaving him with a set of burly pistons that looked increasingly at home on his thickening frame.  A similar transformation was happening at his lower half as his thighs reached for each other, his solid bubble becoming noticeably less so when it expanded outwards.  Even his face lost some of its sharpness, his lantern jaw looking slightly less prominent and his high cheekbones fading as his features filled out.

Nick wasn’t surprised.  He’d known for a long time that Chris was burnt out from constantly maintaining his athletic body, but the ripped jock had fallen into a trap that he couldn’t get out of.  He was “the jock”, his identity fully wrapped up in athletics since the time he was young, and now he didn’t know how to stop living his life by other people’s expectations.  He was too much of a perfectionist about everything to just let himself go, even though he desperately wanted to, so watching Chris transition from “chiseled” to “dad-bod” was one of the least shocking transformations Nick had seen so far.  His friend still had all of his hard-earned muscle, but now there was a beefy, uncut layer on top.  It made his thick cock and heavy balls look less impressive than they had, but he doubted that his friend would mind, especially when he saw the new clothes settle in.

Instead of the fitted chino shorts and tank-top Chris had been wearing, a pair of small swim trunks took their place, with what looked like a baggy muscle shirt dangling next to his squeezable new cheeks as it wedged in the waistband.  A pair of flip-flops came next, replacing Chris’s sneakers, and Nick already knew what he’d hear as he took the glasses off.

“Bruuuuh, you can’t just hang it like that,” Chris whined with a slow laugh.  The now-beefy blonde stepped over to Hank again, a twitching tent forming in his recently acquired trunks.  He started tugging on his friend’s limp cock again with one hand while the other reached up and squeezed Hank’s perfect pecs.  “Shit drives me wild when I’m blazed.”

“Which is always,” Nick said as he put the glasses away, correctly guessing Chris’s favorite new hobby.  Instead of a tense, disciplined jock, the grinning blonde was now a content stoner, happy to live out all the care-free fantasies he’d never let himself indulge in before.

“Don’t judge,” Chris laughed over his shoulder as Hank slipped a hand into the back of his trunks.  He ground his rigid cock into the other man, and if he was at all bothered by how much his friend’s fingers bit into his plump new cheeks it didn’t show.  If anything, Chris seemed to love it, a look of determination coming into his bloodshot eyes as he abruptly spun Hank around and dropped to his knees, burying his face between the brunette’s solid bubble.

Nick smiled as the wide-eyed, ecstatic Hank gawked at him, wondering again if his two friends had ever imagined a scenario where one would be eating the other out.  He doubted it, but they were certainly making up for lost time as Chris hungrily lapped at the gorgeous hunk's eager hole before roughly spinning him around again.

“Gotta get some straight from the tap, bro,” Chris said, slurping Hank’s leaking hose into his mouth.  The kneeling blonde sucked like he was drinking a milkshake through a crazy straw, sending spasm after spasm through the whimpering Hank, who hadn’t stopped looking at Nick.  He needed to know the other man was watching just as much as he needed Chris to keep sucking.  “Nothin’ like fresh,” the beefy man said, leaving the trails of cum to drip down his chin when he finally let the soft hose fall from his mouth.  “Now get that ass down here,” he grunted, falling onto his back.

Chris lifted his thickened legs into the air and squirmed out of his trunks, patting his lap like he was calling a dog.  Hank didn’t need a further invitation.  The addled adonis dropped, straddling Chris’s widened midsection with his thighs as he impaled himself on his friend’s fat log with expert ease.  There was a loud slapping sound as he bounced, his lifeless cock sending growing streams of cum towards his friend's thickened pecs.  “Fuuuuuuuuck yeeeessssss duuuuuuuuude,” Chris groaned, folding his burly arms behind his head.  He turned and looked at Nick, raising an eyebrow and nodding towards the bouncing hunk.  “What’re you waiting for?  He’s not goin’ anywhere,” he laughed, letting his head fall back.

Nick had quickly learned not to fight the new worlds the glasses created.  Like when he’d found himself fucking Rob, if it felt right, he knew he was supposed to go with it.  So when the lean young man found himself dropping his shorts and underwear, he didn’t resist  It felt right to be standing above Chris, his burly friend’s hands running up the backs of his legs while Hank giddily licked at his twitching hose.

“Fuckin’ love this view,” Chris said, giving Nick’s ass a slap.

Looking down at the contented pair, Nick couldn’t help but agree.  “Certainly can’t complain,” he said, his mind already wandering to who he’d look at next.


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