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*** This was another one that started as a vignette a few months ago.  I had parts of it worked out at the time, but not the whole idea.  Also, don't worry Vignette folks, I haven't forgotten about you.  I've got a bunch of stuff in the pipe, just haven't had the chance to sit down and get it out.  Should be back on track soon, so thank you for bearing with me! ***

It had to be a closet.  The instructions were very clear that a doorway was needed, and it couldn’t be empty, either.  The creature was shy and it wouldn’t come unless it had something to hide behind.  But you also couldn’t just throw up a curtain.  The clothes were important as more than just cover.  They were the map, and you were the fuel.  The creature needed to feed on the Old You if it was going to bring you to the New You, and the clothes were how it knew where to go.  The geometric symbols drawn onto the clothes called the creature forth, but the rest was left up to fate.  

It wasn’t even close to a perfect science or any kind of guarantee, as the map to the desired destination was nothing but mundane fabric.  It could be a mix of anything - shirts, pants, some briefs or lingerie, or even a row of ties; as long as it represented what you wanted to become.  With such a vague and subjective starting point there was inherently a certain amount of variability in the outcome, but, if you were willing to take the risk, you were just as likely to wind up with your dreams coming true as much as having them go horribly wrong.  

Brady was more than willing.  The scrawny young man was tired of his roommate Alex always coming out ahead.  Even as a straight guy he could acknowledge how handsome the chiseled blonde was, but he still resented how easy everything was for his friend.  While Brady toiled away in the gym trying, and failing, to get even close to Alex’s perfect physique, all the other man had to do was put in a token effort and the muscle just piled on.  It was the same in their social life.  While Brady struck out night after night, all Alex had to do was flash his charming smile and women jumped into bed with him.  Brady’s one advantage was his better grades, but they both knew that if Alex wasn’t so busy fucking his way across campus that gap would quickly narrow.  It wasn’t that he wanted something awful to happen to his friend, Alex wasn’t a bad person, but that he was tired of constantly spinning his wheels. 

It was while dwelling on his frustrations that he’d set the whole scenario in motion.  He was researching a paper for his history class when he found the book that described the process.  The musty volume, without any title or other identifying information, was tucked away in a back corner on the top floor of the library, with a plate on the inside cover saying it belonged in the special collections.  Evidently someone had taken it out, a long time ago based on the amount of dust lining the top, but the book never found its way back.  Flipping through the pages, Brady couldn’t believe what he was reading.  The book seemed like nonsense, or perhaps obscure fiction based on what it described.  

The bizarre tome was old enough that it didn’t have a security sensor, and, without fully knowing why, Brady shoved it in his bag before leaving.  It was an impulse more than a conscious thought, his first clue that there might be something to the idea of extra-dimensional monsters pulling people into a new reality.  He’d never so much as shoplifted a piece of candy, so stealing a potentially priceless volume from the university’s special collections was very much out of character.  But he couldn’t leave it behind.  It wouldn’t let him.  

Over the days that followed, Brady felt like a man possessed as he pored over the pages which, the more he studied, appeared to be handwritten.  There were strange symbols and equations, and the text switched between english and several other languages he didn’t recognize.  For all he knew they could have been gibberish, and at first he wouldn’t have been surprised to find out they were given the book’s ludicrous content.  

The more he read, though, the more convinced he became.  It wasn’t that the idea of hopping between dimensions suddenly sounded plausible, but that, after a while, Brady didn’t feel like he was reading the book at all.  He felt like he was absorbing it.  The strange symbols began to make sense, the equations completing themselves in his mind as he stared at them, and even the pages written in other languages seeped into his brain.  It was like streaming an audio book from another world straight into his subconscious.  

The whole process went from sounding foolish to exhilarating, and by the time he was standing in front of the closet in his room, clad in a muscle shirt and a pair of gym shorts, there were no doubts left.  Brady had filled it with similar gym gear covered in arcane geometry, picturing his intended destination the entire time: Alex.  Or, more precisely, Alex’s life.  He wanted the muscle and the easy existence, the casual sex and the carefree lifestyle.  He didn’t want to have to worry and feel like he was swimming upstream all the time.  

As instructed, Brady waited until he heard a knock from the inside of the closet door.  His heart started racing as he reached for the door.  There was no description of the creature, so he had no idea what to expect on the other side.  He braced himself, taking a deep breath as he swung the door open.  Seeing nothing but the clothes, his first thought was that he’d imagined the sound, until a long, slender arm shot out from between a shirt and a pair of shorts, pulling him inside as if he weighed nothing.  The lanky limb was covered in scales and terminated in a clawed, three-fingered hand, but that was all Brady saw of the creature.  Instead, his vision filled with a sea of stars and swirling galaxies as he tumbled through a vast, infinite void.  Impossibly large, towering figures seemed to shift at the darkened edges of the scene, the full scale of their size threatening Brady’s very sanity as he saw them dwarfing entire cosmos.  He thought he was screaming, but the only sound was a low, bassy rumble that shook him to his core.  As he picked up speed, visions of the new version of himself started to seep into his mind, but they weren’t at all what he pictured.  He saw a squat, beefy figure, with a dull grin plastered on his flat, square face.  This wasn’t the handsome stud he wanted to become, but a grunting meathead, covered in lumpy, distended muscle.  Worse still, he watched the stocky little beast lumber around in front of Alex, cock in hand, as if he didn’t have the slightest inhibition.  Brady tried desperately to stop it from becoming a reality, but it was too late.  

He landed on the floor in a heap, his wide, stocky new body feeling stiff and leaden, and his thoughts a disoriented tangle.  Though he knew what he’d find, the altered young man still gasped when he forced himself upright and looked down at his massive new slab of a chest.  The solid mounds stuck out at an exaggerated, almost-ninety degree angle, counterbalancing the plump, shifting globes he could feel at the base of his spine.  The muscle shirt that had reached just below his waist now fell halfway down his thighs, no longer hanging loose but stretching tight across his barrel torso.  Beneath the obscuring wall of muscle that were his pecs, Brady probed his bulging muscle gut with stubby fingers, his piston arms rubbing against themselves as the overabundant muscle flexed with the motion.  

Turning his head, the squat stud discovered an almost complete absence of a neck, feeling like his skull was wedged directly between his cannonball shoulders.  It made trying to get a look at his bare, granite globes a challenge, and with his beefy new arms Brady was barely able to reach the exposed, ample cheeks to get a feel.  The clinging shirt bunched up on them like a shelf, leaving his backside totally on display as he flexed and prodded the oversized pillows.  Even through his shock the sensation caused his fat, thick cock to stir, and Brady couldn’t hold back a gasp when he lifted the bottom of his shirt and saw what looked like a twitching forty ounce dangling in front of his thighs.  The “in front of” was an important distinction as his meaty new tree trunks pressed together so much his girthy package was thrust prominently forward, ensuring the thick equipment would be noticeable no matter what he wore.  

Letting go of his shirt, Brady reached up and confirmed the changes he’d seen to his face as he traced a squat finger along a widened jaw.  His stomach sank when he reached higher and felt a slightly sloping brow and buzzed, receding hairline, all capped off by a wide, blunted nose.  The formerly lean young man had never been overly vain about his boyish features, but the thought of his sharp, symmetrical face being squished and flattened to that of a rugged meathead was more than he bargained for.  

The whole outcome was.  Brady had wanted a bigger build, and while he’d certainly achieved that, the transformation cost him dearly.  The longer he stared at himself the more evident it became that his thoughts weren’t clearing the way they should.  He kept shaking his pug face and rubbing his balding scalp, but the shortened young man could barely focus.  The flashes of his new life showed him barely graduating high school, and college wasn’t even a possibility in this world.  Brady had never considered the possibility that he could end up losing more than his body, but now, as he found himself thinking back on how he’d fried his brains with steroids and bootleg growth hormones, Brady realized how naive that was.  He knew going in that he couldn’t pick and choose a specific outcome, but he’d never stopped to fully consider how different things could be.  

“You okay in here, babe?  I heard a crash.”  Brady jumped, feeling like he was punched in the stomach when he turned and saw Alex standing in the doorway.  The handsome jock was clad only in a pair of small red boxer briefs and his ever-present backwards baseball cap, looking more perfect than ever as the now-stocky man gawked up at him instead of looking slightly down.  

Brady didn’t know what to say.  He’d started this whole process because he was sick of always feeling jealous.  He’d wanted a bigger body so he could finally stop comparing himself to the striking blonde, but, as with everything else, he was quickly discovering that things hadn’t gone as intended.  Staring up at Alex, he felt more jealous than ever.  He may have had more muscles than his friend, but the grinning blonde was gorgeous.  Alex’s tapering, defined physique was like a work of art compared to Brady’s new, bloated bulk, and that wasn’t even accounting for the taller man’s perfectly symmetrical face and wavy head of hair.  And now, on top of the jealousy he’d already felt regarding Alex’s looks, Brady was hit with the double impact of the other man being taller and smarter than he was, leaving him farther away from his intended goal than when he’d started.  The stocky little bulldog was so distracted that he didn’t notice the aching sensation lurking just beneath the jealousy.  Alex’s use of “babe” also went right over his head, until the other man stepped forward and leaned down to kiss his balding scalp.  

“What were you even looking for in there,” Alex asked, motioning to the mostly empty closet.  

“I...don’t remember…” Brady stammered, blinking at the other man’s chiseled pecs.  From his current perspective he guessed his height to be no more than 5’6”, meaning he’d lost a whopping eight inches in the process.  He forced his eyes away from Alex’s bare torso and looked around the room, noticing for the first time that none of his things were in there.  Instead of his bed and dresser, Brady saw a desk and some workout equipment

“There’s a surprise,” Alex laughed, reaching over and squeezing one of Brady’s plump pecs.  He cocked his head and looked down at the other man, raising an eyebrow.  “Are you sure you’re okay?  You’ve got a weird look on your face.”  

Brady wanted to say that his whole face looked weird, but instead he just nodded, slowly recognizing the fluttering in his stomach.  “I’m just...a little out of it, I guess…”  He gasped when Alex reached down and wrapped a hand around his fat log as best he could, the sensation of another man’s hand on his cock feeling both jarring and comfortingly familiar.  

“I’d be more worried if the big guy wasn’t as eager as ever,” Alex laughed.  Brady felt a stab of embarrassment at his loud, deep moan when the other man gave a few tugs, but the thought of pulling away never even crossed his foggy mind.  He felt his altered lips twist into a dull grin as he beamed up at Alex and thrust his widened hips to work his cock deeper into his friend’s grip.  “Is that how we ask,” the blonde hunk grinned, his admonishing tone dripping with condescension.  

The old Brady was irritated by Alex’s smug response, but the new Brady simply shook his head.  “Pleeeaaaase,” he said, the dull grin still plastered on his face.  It was a jarring experience, further cementing just how far he’d fallen.  Brady just heard himself ask his friend to jerk him off like a kid asking for a new toy, and even if he could bring himself to accept the fact that handsome, ladies man Alex was working his beast of a cock, he felt like he should be doing something other than standing with his heavy arms hanging limply at his sides.  

It didn’t feel like playful flirting or joking, either, but an actual reflection of his new status.  Brady was slowly remembering flashes of their relationship in his visions, and though the details were still hazy, it was clear that Alex was the one in charge.  Brady felt a stab of anxiety at the sudden realization that he now depended on the taller man to take care of him, but it quickly passed as Alex gently stroked and smiled down at him with adoring eyes.  

“You know I can’t say no to you,” the handsome blonde sighed.  He bent down and pressed their lips together, his free hand snaking up Brady’s broad back to grasp the shorter man’s buzzed head.  Instead of pulling away Brady returned the kiss in full, his meaty paws gripping the side of Alex’s face as he stood on his toes to keep their mingling tongues together.  

“Fuck, bro, how are you so hot,” Brady whimpered, his hands dropping and disappearing into the other man’s twitching underwear.  The sensation of his friend’s cock hardening against his rough new palms made his thickened legs weak as a tidal wave of strange new desires slammed into him.  

“I don’t know, but I love it when you ask,” Alex purred, his seven inches seeming small compared to Brady’s leaking beast as he batted the rigid organs together.  “Come on,” he said, grabbing the squat stud by his inflated cock and pulling him down the hall.  

Though they headed to what had been Alex’s bedroom in the old Brady’s world, in the current reality it was a room they shared.  The buzzed, balding little bulldog felt dizzy as he stepped inside and saw piles of unfamiliar clothes on the ground that he knew belonged to him.  His heart started racing at the colorful jocks, revealing thongs, and tiny shorts.  Everything he saw was small and bright, sending a fresh surge of embarrassment through him as he thought about walking around with his stout new body on display.  He’d picked the muscle shirt as a seed hoping it would lay the groundwork for his new body, but the bright color and revealing design had further influenced the process, seeping into all aspects of his new life.  The longer he was in his new life and the more he had a chance for his slowed, disjointed thoughts to gel, Brady gradually realized that he wasn’t just a stocky meathead; he was a full-blown muscle queen.  

His powerful, compact frame was built to be displayed, and he was all too happy to comply.  It was the old Brady who dreaded the thought of walking around with his ‘roid gut and ample cheeks on display, not the new one.  The new Brady was all too happy to let anyone who wanted get a peek, and the altered young man blushed when he remembered the hours he’d spent gyrating on stage.  He knew he spent countless hours at the gym in this new life, but the visions hadn’t been clear about how he made his money.  Now he knew, and the thought made him squirm with excitement.  

“Let’s get you out of this.”  Brady raised his beefy arms at Alex’s nod, letting the taller man strip him out of the clinging muscle shirt.  Seeing his broad, naked new body in all its glory, Brady was surprised that the fear he’d initially felt was starting to fade.  As his new life steadily overwrote the old one, he was already having a hard time remembering that he’d ever been anything other than a hung little stud.  Brady still knew he’d fried his brain and warped his appearance, but the knowledge carried with it years of acceptance, lessening the weight he’d felt just moments before.  He no longer thought of it as something he’d just done to himself as the result of an impulsive decision, but a slow, steady process from years of questionable drugs, supplements, and a grueling workout routine.  

“My turn,” Brady said, grabbing Alex by his trim waist and throwing him onto the bed.  The other man may have been taller, but the tiny hulk could bench press him if he wanted.  He scrambled on top of the blonde jock in a surprisingly nimble display, pinning his arms as he worked his tongue across Alex’s chiseled pecs and ground their aching rods together.  Though the old Brady had barely messed around with women, let alone men, the new Brady was moving on instinct.  In this new world he was all body and no brains, but he’d long since learned how to make that work for him.  He knew how to use every inch of his stout, solid frame to make a man squirm.  

“This is more like it,” Alex said, clutching Brady’s meaty thighs as the stubby legs straddled his midsection.  “You feeling better?  You look like you’re back to your old self.”  

Brady sat up and nodded, his short, wide fingers kneading Alex’s abs.  “Uh-huh!  This is helping,” he said, his voice a deep chirp as he wiggled his hips to work the blonde’s long, thick hose between his granite mounds.  The sight of the other man’s perfect body stretched out beneath him, naked save for his backwards hat, made him groan.  

Alex grinned, stroking along Brady’s thigh with one hand and hefting the other man’s heavy log with the other.  “Probably my fault...I know how you get if we go too long, especially after a workout.”  There was enough of the old Brady left to feel a pit in his protruding new stomach at the thought of spending his days as a slave to his overdeveloped body and underdeveloped brain, but the new Brady just laughed and grabbed Alex’s cock, guiding the organ inside.  

As soon as the other man slipped comfortably through what should have been his virgin hole, Brady couldn’t think about anything else.  The wide little bruiser began rocking his hips, his mouth falling open in a slowly rising moan.  The intensity grew with each of Alex’s thrusts, and before he knew what he was doing, Brady was flexing and pawing at his plump muscle tits, tweaking the nubby new nipples while Alex watched.  He was well aware that he was writhing on another man’s lap with a dick inside him, groping and fondling himself in a frenzied display, but he couldn’t stop.  Each and every one of his bulky muscles was tensed and solid, filling him with a sense of power and strength that made his lowered IQ and missing modesty an afterthought.  All that mattered was the approving look on Alex’s face and the absolute bliss coursing through him.  His blunted features, his balding scalp, his oversized cock, and the entirely foreign future that awaited him were all a price he’d willingly pay to keep feeling the joy pumping through his hardy frame.  Even the thought that, in a few hours, he’d be similarly exposed and hard on a stage in front of an eager crowd didn’t dull his excitement.  It enhanced it.  The only time Brady was happier than when he was around other guys was when he could do it naked, and if he could get off in the process it was even better.  

“Fuuuuuuck dude…” Alex’s hissing groan snapped Brady’s attention back to the present.  The prone blonde was bucking his hips so hard that the squat stud’s muscle tits were bouncing wildly, a sight that Brady knew his friend loved. 

“‘Gonna cum?” he asked, adding an extra jump of his own to make the muscled slab bounce even harder.  He gasped when Alex reached up and grabbed them, arching his back as he clutched the other man’s hands against him.  There was just enough time for the two to lock eyes before they exploded almost in unison, with Brady’s club spraying like a geyser all over Alex’s face and hat.  Where the Alex that the old Brady knew would have been disgusted, this one lapped eagerly at the sticky fluid dripping down his pretty face, just as the new Brady shivered delightedly at the warm fluid running down the insides of his thighs.  “Whoops...we made a mess,” he laughed.  

“You always do,” Alex sighed, folding his sculpted arms behind his head while he caught his breath.  He pinched Brady’s ample rear a few moments later when the heavy man still sat on his waist.  “You going to stay up there all day?”  

“I like looking at you,” Brady said, as if the simple statement should have been obvious.  He didn’t understand why Alex blushed, but the other man looked happy about what he’d said.  

“Same here, big guy,” Alex grinned, flexing his athletic torso.  The two sat, pawing and staring at each other in silence for several minutes before Brady abruptly slid off the blonde jock’s lap.  

“Fuck...I’m hungry,” he growled, stretching and rubbing absently at his ‘roid gut as he hopped off the bed.  Other than the rumbling in his stomach, the wide little stud felt fantastic, barely remembering his earlier anxiety.  It had been a good day.  He and Alex went to the gym that morning, he’d just been fucked by the gorgeous man, and now he was about to eat and then go spend his evening dancing around in a thong.  If he was lucky, when he got home later he’d suck on Alex’s cock for a while then wake up and do it all over again tomorrow.  What did he have to worry about?  


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