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Tony was climbing the steps again.  The towering doors at the top of the ziggurat loomed ahead, split down the middle by a strip of impenetrable darkness as they inched opened.  The intoxicatingly sweet, floral smells of the alien jungle filled his nostrils, sending a pleasant tingle through his exposed, rigid cock.  He was naked as always, the purple sun blazing in the green sky overhead warming his lean frame.  Despite the crowd of people following up the steps behind him, Tony was never embarrassed by his nudity.  For a man in his early thirties he was still in exceptional shape, with the same fit, athletic frame he’d had since his days playing sports in college.  The bobbing cock leading the way was long and thick, and the perky cheeks facing the parade behind him were round and solid.  

It wasn’t merely a suspension of his usual modesty, but that the exposure felt right.  The whole procession had an air of the sacred, like they were on their way to some grand baptism, and clothes would only taint the otherwise holy atmosphere.  Everyone else was as naked as himself, and Tony was further comforted by the familiar faces he saw.  Several of his friends appeared to be in the crowd, or at least men who bore similar features.  Their sometimes-odd looking bodies didn’t always line up with the guys he knew, but somehow Tony was certain they were the people he thought them to be.  He didn’t know why they were following him up the monolithic structure anymore than he knew why he was climbing it in the first place; he was just glad they were there.  

Too glad.  Even in his dream, Tony was confused by the way his cock throbbed whenever he looked back over his shoulder and saw the group of naked men.  It wasn’t just that he was straight and shouldn’t have found the sea of masculine flesh so arousing; it was the intensity of it.  Short, tall, fit, heavy, young, old - they were all beautiful in his eyes.  Regardless of their appearance he wanted to be with each of them, and, in a bizarre way, he felt like he already had.  Despite not recognizing many in the group, and being certain that he’d never fooled around with the guys he did know, there was an impossible sense of familiarity to each of their bodies.  He knew them all intimately.  Just as they knew him.  

It was a desire that carried over into his waking life, as, confusingly, Tony had been growing increasingly attracted to the men around him.  At first he blamed it on simple curiosity spurred on by his dreams.  During the course of his 31 years, and countless hours spent in locker rooms, Tony had sometimes wondered what it would be like to mess around with another guy.  He’d never acted on that curiosity, but now he was beginning to doubt whether or not he’d have a choice.  

Since the dreams started he’d lost all attraction for women.  Prior to their onset, Tony regularly hooked up with a handful of women he knew at least a few times each week, and that wasn’t counting the additional partners he’d meet while out at the bar or at the gym.  He’d slowed down as he’d left his twenties, but the virile stud never had any problems when it came to satisfying the women in his bedroom.  Now they never even entered his mind as an option.  His attempt at fucking Nicole the week before ended with him staying embarrassingly soft, and he would have worried that something was medically wrong with him if not for the fact that being around his male friends left him hard and aching.  Everything still worked, just not the way he thought it should.  It was getting to the point where he was having a hard time even going to the gym.  He had to keep a constant eye on his thoughts to stay focused on his workouts and nothing else, lest his wandering eyes betray him.  As it was, he couldn’t go anywhere near the locker room. One whiff of the bleach-obscured musk and his cock was off and running.  

He didn’t know what was happening or why.  As bizarre as it sounded, Tony suspected it had to have something to do with the chunk of meteorite he’d brought home from the antique store.  The dreams had started immediately after he’d acquired the small, grey cube, and it couldn’t be a coincidence that he was visiting an alien landscape during his nocturnal wanderings.  Or, as he told himself was more likely the case, his repressed longings had finally boiled over, and his imagination was spinning in an attempt to come up with a justification for his unleashed desire.  

But those were concerns for the waking world.  In his dream, Tony was content to climb, leading his followers to the top of the alien temple.  He couldn’t decipher the strange symbols carved into the familiar, grey rock, and he didn’t know what lay beyond the open doors, but he had no doubt that he’d find out eventually.  Each dream brought them closer to the zenith, so it was only a matter of time.  Until then he’d take it a step at a time, enjoying the warm air on his exposed skin and aching cock, basking in the freedom he felt with the army of dedicated lovers at his back.  

“Mmmm…” Tony groaned, squirming his naked body under the thin sheet.  He tossed it aside, wrapping a hand around his throbbing member before fully opening his eyes.  It was becoming a part of his morning routine.  Each of his nightly visits to the strange world left him hornier than the last, and he’d stopped trying to pretend otherwise.  “Gonna have to be tonight…” he muttered, stroking a hand up his abs to toy with one of his tiny nipples while he pumped away with the other.  He imagined it was one of Matt’s pecs he played with, not his own, and that it was his friend’s hand wrapped around his cock.  After a frustrating week when the dreams first started, he’d since stopped trying to fight the unrelenting fantasies.  He was hesitant at first, picturing awkward jerk-off sessions that eventually became blowjobs, then fucking, until now when nothing was off the table.  

In his current fantasy, Tony was bouncing on Matt’s lap, working his fit friend’s long, wide cock as deep as he possibly could while a group of their friends watched.  The raven-haired man was shorter than himself, but his friend’s dedication to daily CrossFit sessions left him with a chiseled, tapering build, and Tony had always been impressed by the way Matt’s broad shoulders and huge biceps framed in a set of enviable pecs.  The muscled mounds were just a bit too large for the rest of him, but they only served to make his tight waist seem even smaller before it exploded out again in a set of plump cheeks that the other man was always embarrassed by.  And with his olive skin and a trim beard covering his sharp, masculine features, the fat log between his muscled thighs just seemed like overkill.  Tony had always appreciated his friend’s looks, and he was constantly comparing his own boyish face against the other man’s more rugged appearance, but now he was enthralled.  He didn’t just see Matt as handsome on an objective level; he felt it in his bones.  He wanted the other man more than he’d ever wanted anyone, and his longing had finally spurred him into action.  

Tony thought it made the most sense to make a move on Matt.  The outgoing hunk was already the most uninhibited out of his friends.  Part of the reason Tony was so familiar with the other man’s body was because Matt was the kind of guy whose clothes came off as soon as he started drinking.  The short hunk always said it was a “joke”, but Tony knew better.  In their private conversations Matt had admitted to fooling around with guys in his younger days, and had recently talked about letting guys blow him, even though he always claimed to be entirely straight.  

“Guess…guess we’ll find out…” Tony muttered to himself, nearing the edge.  In his mind, Matt’s hairy, meaty thighs straddled his head as the other man sat on his face, letting Tony’s ravenous tongue attack his tight hole.  Far from being embarrassed, the prone man’s cock oozed like a faucet as he pictured his other friends watching and waiting to take their turn.  When he pictured John, a beefy ginger he knew from the gym, stepping forward and hefting his legs into the air, his fat cock pressing against his eager entry while he continued to lap at Matt’s rear, Tony finally blew.  He gasped and came so hard he felt the sticky spray land in his thick, chocolate hair, with several strands coating his sleepy, handsome face.  He licked at the salty spray as he caught his breath, hoping he wouldn’t lose his courage that evening when the time came.  


“Alright, dude, I’m just gonna come out with it…what is with you tonight?”  Matt asked, knocking back the rest of his drink.  “That was my fourth whiskey and you haven’t even finished your first.  You’ve got a weird vibe going,” he laughed, his arm flexing as he motioned in Tony’s direction.  “Something you need to talk about?”  

Tony couldn’t keep himself from blushing.  His heart was racing and his stomach was a cloud of butterflies.  He’d been on edge and unfocused at work all day, but as the evening drew near his anxiety had become unbearable.  Of course Matt would have picked up on it.  Instead of a pair of guys drinking and watching a basketball game, Tony felt like a nervous teenager going on his first date.  He wasn’t sitting next to his friend on the couch like he usually did, opting for a chair on the other side to put some distance between them, and he kept fumbling over his words and awkwardly looking away whenever Matt so much as glanced in his direction.  When their hands touched as he gave his friend his drink, Tony jerked away so fast he nearly dropped it.  He was keeping the alcohol flowing, hoping it would lower Matt’s inhibitions as it usually did, but when the other man peeled out of his tight t-shirt and sat in nothing but his loose gym shorts, Tony was afraid he’d gone too far.  He couldn’t stop staring at Matt’s thick pecs, and at the dark, wiry hairs that flowed across them before dropping down his abs.  The elastic of Matt’s boxer briefs stuck out above his low-riding shorts, and Tony’s hands tingled as he imagined them slipping underneath and tugging the stretchy fabric free.  

The blushing brunette took a deep breath and nodded.  “Actually, yeah, there is.  It’s just kinda…I mean…I don’t really know how to say it…”

Matt put his empty glass down and sat forward on the couch, smiling at his stammering friend.  “Dude, come on.  It’s me.  We’ve been friends for how long?  Just say it.”  

“It’s not that easy,” Tony said, running his hands nervously though his hair.  “I don’t even know what’s going on with me.  I thought by this point in my life I knew what I wanted, but…” he trailed off, his eyes glued to the floor.  “You, uh, you said you’ve fooled around with guys before, right?”  

“I mean, back in my college days me and some of the guys at the house jerked off together.  Sometimes we’d get a little handsy with each other, but nothing serious.”  Matt raised an eyebrow, cocking his head slightly.  “Why?  Did you meet a boy you like or something?”

“Or something,” Tony sighed.  “These last few weeks I…I can’t stop thinking about guys, man.  At all.  It’s so bad I couldn’t even get it up with Nicole last week, and you know how much I loved hitting that.  But she didn’t do anything for me!  Right now, no girl does.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me…”

“Nothing’s wrong with you for being attracted to guys,” Matt said.  “I know a lot of fellas we went to school with who only came out in the last couple years.  There’s no shame in…”

“But that’s just it!” Tony cried, cutting his sympathetic friend off.  “Before a few weeks ago I never thought about another guy like that.  Yeah, I’d get curious, but I never actually thought about doing anything with one.  It’s not like I’ve been hiding something, man.  This just hit me.  I’ve never even messed around with another guy to know if it’s something I’d really be into.”  

Matt nodded.  “Then give it a shot.  You’re a good looking dude, you’ll have no problem finding a guy to…” he trailed off, his face turning a slight shade of red beneath his beard when he finally noted Tony’s lingering eyes and put the pieces of his friend’s strange behavior together.  “Oh.  Oh!  Uh, okay,” he said, laughing awkwardly.  “So THAT’S why you invited me over tonight.  I mean, I’m flattered.  And I have to say, you chose well,” he grinned, leaning back against the couch and throwing a muscled arm up over the back.  

Tony felt dizzy from nerves as he looked at his friend’s smug expression.  It was now or never.  “Look, you don’t have to…I don’t even know what I want to…I just thought since you’d mentioned it before you might be willing to…” He shook his head, his resolve fading.  “Never mind.  I don’t want to make anything weird.  Just forget I…”

“Whoa, whoa!  Take a breath, bud,” Matt laughed.  He threw his other arm up on the couch and shrugged, his plump pecs bouncing with the motion.  “I mean, as long as you don’t expect this shit to be reciprocal…” he said, nodding down at his bare torso.  “What’d you have in mind?”  

Tony swallowed hard, his face burning.  “I don’t…I don’t really know.  I just…”

Matt let Tony stammer before cutting his friend off.  “Alright, here are the ground rules.  Lips don’t go any higher than the neck, and if you start to do anything that’s off limits I’ll tell you.  Sound good?”  The dark-haired hunk laughed at the other man’s crimson expression and patted the cushion next to him.  “Relax, man.  This is supposed to be fun, remember?  I’m not going to tell anyone.”  

Tony let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging.  “Thanks.  Seriously dude, I know this is weird, but I can’t tell you how much I…” he trailed off when he stood, unaware that his own tented gym shorts would be waving in the other man’s face.  “Uh…sorry?”  

Matt rubbed his bearded jaw, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the outline of his friend’s thick cock while Tony scampered next to him.  “For what?  Like I said…I’m flattered,” he said, patting Tony’s thigh before settling back in his seat.  “I’m happy to help a bro out, especially if it’ll get me off in the process.”  

Tony tried, and failed, to keep his hand from shaking as he reached out with trembling fingers towards the pecs he’d so recently fantasized about.  He barely managed to suppress a gasp when he made contact, the sensation of the soft skin and solid muscle sending a shiver through him.  He pressed harder, loving the feeling of Matt’s wiry hairs against his palm as he tentatively worked his hand across the shelf of muscle.  

“They don’t bite, dude,” Matt laughed, flexing each of the impressive pecs independently against Tony’s probing hands.  “That’s your job,” he winked.  

The blushing brunette licked his lips and leaned in, adding his mouth to the exploratory digits.  He nearly came at Matt’s loud sigh when his tongue began working its way over one of the cresting mounds towards a pert, solid nipple.  The scent of his friend’s deodorant mixing with the other man’s natural musk filled Tony’s head, reminding him of the dizzying floral aroma from his dreams and further chipping away at his hesitation.  

As his lips focused on Matt’s impressive chest, Tony’s hand slipped lower, stroking the other man’s abs before coming to a stop at the elastic band of his boxer briefs.  “Have at it,” the shorter jock said, his breath hot against Tony’s ear while the hungry man gave his pecs a tongue bath.  

Tony actually whimpered when his hand slipped inside, gliding over his friend’s trim bush to grip Matt’s thick, twitching package.  He closed his eyes, loving how the other man’s hefty balls felt kneading in his hand, and how the stout, wide cock gradually began to harden against his palm.  His kneading turned to tugging, and then to longer strokes as Matt’s cock reached its full, impressive mast.  

“Fuck, man, you’re off to a hell of a start,” Matt sighed, dropping his head back against the couch as his muscled arms draped across the top.  He squirmed in his seat when his friend pushed the front of his shorts and underwear down, fishing the thick pole free.  Tony was losing all sense of his previous hesitation, wanting nothing more than to give in to each and every one of his confusing new impulses.  He thought he’d have to talk himself into crossing the next line, but instead, as soon as it was exposed, he eagerly turned his face and swallowed Matt’s impressive cock with surprising ease.  “Whoooooo…okay…” the dark-haired man whistled and laughed, his fingers digging into the back of the couch while his friend’s head bobbed.  

It was better than Tony imagined.  Far from being disgusted, having the chiseled stud’s cock in his mouth lit him up like nothing before.  His whole body was vibrating with desire, his virgin mouth relaxing and accepting his friend as if it had been made for no other purpose.  But as much as he was enjoying himself, it wasn’t perfect.  Not yet.  

Pausing only long enough to reposition himself, Tony slid off the couch and dropped to his knees in front of Matt.  He grabbed his friends lowered shorts and underwear and pulled them down in one quick motion..  The other man’s smug grin beaming down at him as he gazed up at the naked hunk nearly made Tony cum on the spot.  Pushed to new heights of arousal, he slipped his hands between Matt’s meaty thighs and spread them wide before leaning in to begin licking every inch of his friend’s hairy quads.  He took his time, savoring the sensation of Matt towering over him as he turned his attention to the other man’s churning balls.  

When he felt Matt’s hands begin stroking through his hair, Tony couldn’t picture things getting any better.  He’d never felt more content or turned on in his life than he did with his face buried between his whimpering friend’s thighs.  “Oh fuck…dude…you’re…this is incredible…” Matt groaned, slowly starting to roll his hips.  

When Tony lifted his gaze he was greeted with a wide-eyed, almost pained expression where Matt’s smug grin had been.  Sensing what was about to happen, he ran his tongue up the underside of his friend’s pulsing shaft, swallowing the beast just as it erupted.  He gripped Matt’s trim waist, loving the sensation of his friend’s tensing shudders as he sucked down every delicious drop of the sticky torrent.  He kept sucking even after the explosion had stopped, feeling warm and satisfied when he finally let the softening organ fall from his lips.  “Wo…wow…” Tony panted, letting his head drop against Matt’s thigh as he continued to nuzzle the other man’s package.  

Matt blinked and shook his head, a dazed expression on his face.  “Holy shit, man.  Are you just fucking with me?  That couldn’t be the first time you’ve done that.  I’ve never…NEVER…had head like that before.”   

Tony blushed at the compliment and shrugged.  “Beginners luck, maybe?  That wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d…” The kneeling man was cut off when Matt reached down and abruptly grabbed his shirt.  He raised his arms instinctively when his friend pulled, letting it be stripped free.  “Uh…what’re you…”

“Feels weird being the only one without clothes on,” Matt laughed, leaning forward and pulling Tony up onto the couch with surprising speed.  Before the shocked brunette could respond, the naked jock shoved him onto his back and tugged his shorts and underwear free, letting the prone man’s aching cock spring free.  

“I thought this wouldn’t be reciprocal,” Tony laughed, his stomach fluttering when his friend crawled over and straddled him on all fours.  

“I said don’t EXPECT it to be reciprocal,” Matt purred, dropping his face inches from Tony’s.  “I never said it couldn’t be.  So what’s the verdict?  Did you just switch sides?”  

Tony couldn’t help himself.  He reached up and grabbed his friend’s plump rear, loving how the ample mounds alternated between soft and firm as they filled his hands.  “I…I think so,” he said, his face burning.  “Feels weird to say, but shit, dude, I’ve never been so hard in my life.”  Tony let out a hissing gasp, his fingers digging into Matt’s rear when the other man gave his throbbing cock a quick tug.  

“I can tell,” Matt grinned, the dazed expression fading from his eyes as a burning hunger bled in to take its place.  “Maybe I’ve just been doing it wrong all these years?  You sure seem like you had a good time.  What was it you just did?  Let’s see…” Tony let Matt guide his hands from his friend’s rear, folding them behind his head as his friend began mimicking what had just been done to him.  The prone man groaned and arched his back when Matt’s beard scratched across his chest as the eager little stud began tonguing his nipples, his gym-calloused hand still giving slow tugs on Tony’s oozing rod.  “Fuck…you might be on to something,” Matt laughed, slipping his tongue over to his friend’s musky pit.  

Tony couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched the handsome jock squirm on top of him.  Matt’s fat log was already hardening again while he thirstily licked at his friend’s armpit.  Tony had thought that maybe Matt would be willing to accept a blowjob, but never in his wildest dreams had he ever thought the other man would want to return the favor.  There was a look in his friend’s eyes that he’d never seen before, his normal arrogance replaced by something that was beginning to feel like desperation.  As he licked at Tony’s under arm, Matt was starting to squirm and writhe, digging his stout rod into his friend’s while wagging his muscled cheeks in the air.  

“You know…maybe I’ll do you one better,” Matt said after several minutes of giving Tony’s armpit an uninterrupted tongue bath.  He sat up, his furry pecs heaving as he filled a hand with his friend’s oozing fluid.  There was only a momentary pause before he reached back, greased his friend’s rigid pole, and then impaled himself on it, never breaking eye contact with the shocked man beneath him.  “NNNGGGOOHHHHHH….!”  Matt howled, his eyes going wide as he lowered himself on the invading rod.  

Tony was so stunned he could only gasp and stare, watching the writhing jock’s expression go from pained, to surprised, and then finally relaxed.  There was a corresponding shift in the other man’s muscled frame as he felt Matt initially go tense and rigid on his lap, before gradually relaxing.  Similar to how his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, his friend’s plump cheeks appeared to take over with surprising ease.  “Dude…did…did you just…” Tony stammered, clutching Matt’s thighs.  

“Fuh…fuck yes I did…” Matt grunted with a half-grin, giving a quick whimper when he started rocking.  “Oh god…bro…you feel fuckin’ fantastic,” the bearded jock said with a drunken laugh.  He started writhing and rocking, his protruding pecs slamming up and down with the force of his bouncing.  His hands were locked on top of Tony’s, their fingers lacing together in shared surprise as the newly-christened bottom tried to wrap his head around what was happening.  “I can’t…I can’t believe you’re…actually…in me.  Dude…there’s a dick in me!” Matt moaned.  “Gettin’ fucked like some chick…and it’s…it’s…” He trailed off, opting instead to jerk his friend upright and wrap his arms around the lean hunk.  

Tony’s eyes went wide when Matt pressed their lips together.  The dual sensations of his friend’s warm tongue slipping into his mouth, and the furry muscle writhing against his smooth skin, pushed him over the edge.  With the other man’s rigid cock wedged between them, he tensed and bucked his hips, unloading into Matt while their tongues wrestled for dominance.  There was a familiar spurting a few seconds later when the other man’s untouched cock erupted for the second time, coating both of their chests in a warm, sticky layer as they squirmed and smeared against each other.  

“What…what the fuck was that…” Tony finally asked when Matt let him come up for air.  

The olive-hued hunk blushed and shook his head.  “I don’t…I don’t know, man.  It was just an urge.”  

“Have you…I mean, you didn’t sound like you’ve done that before, but you sure as fuck acted like you have,” Tony said, not wanting to leave his friend’s embrace.  

“No, I’ve never even thought about it.  Not even a little.  I don’t know why I…” Matt paused, a bashful grin spreading beneath his beard.  “Fuck…does this mean I just switched sides too?”  

“Not to get technical, but you ARE the one who started making out with me.  Not the other way around,” Tony said, giving Matt’s cheeks a squeeze.  His softening cock was still inside his friend, who showed no signs of letting it go any time soon.  “I’m, uh, going to need that back at some point.”  

“What do you…oh!” Matt gasped, as if he hadn’t noticed the other man was still inside.  A bit of his usual arrogance crept back as he grinned and shrugged.  “Relax…I’m just borrowing it,” he laughed, letting go of Tony and shoving him back down on the couch.  He folded his arms behind his head and flexed his cum-stained torso for his friend, showing no signs of concern over his uncharacteristic actions.  “Goddamn, dude.  Is this what girls have been getting this whole time?  No wonder they’re so eager to ride this shit,” he said, giving his hefty package a squeeze as it rested on the other man’s stomach.  

It was Tony’s turn to be smug.  “I hate to be that guy,” he said, slowly running his hands along Matt’s thighs and up to the trail of hair on his friend’s abs, “but I’m the one who made you cum twice.”  

The dark-haired man raised an eyebrow, his flexing arms dropping to Tony’s chest.  He tweaked his friend’s nipples as he leaned in for another kiss, gradually starting to roll his hips again.  “Did I say I was done?” 



This was truly amazing! Thank you!