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It just kept getting better.  Watching Duke’s shrunken legs scramble to keep up with Blane’s bouncing mountains was a thrill the likes of which Troy had never experienced.  The sight of his friend’s athletic frame, still impressively built though reduced in stature, clad in nothing but the accentuating underoos was infinitely more satisfying out in public than it had been in the little hunk’s apartment.  Coupled with Blane’s flighty flirting and constantly shifting rear, it was taking all of Troy’s willpower to keep himself under control.  Unlike the taller airhead, who would giggle and wave whenever he caught someone checking him out, Duke would still follow his old instincts, puffing out his chiseled pecs and trying to look impressive.  He still turned heads, but at his current size, and wearing only a clinging t-shirt and matching pair of briefs that barely contained his comparatively hulking package and meaty little bubble, it didn’t come across the way it used to.  

Troy waited until they reached a crowded patch of sidewalk to fully test Duke’s new boundaries.  With the bustling press of people around them, he reached down and scooped the tiny jock into his arms to make navigating the throng easier.  Instead of pulling away or at least looking humiliated as he knew the old Duke would, the shrunken stud seemed perfectly content to go for the ride.  He didn’t even tense, he only smiled, as Troy gave his firm cheeks a pat and held him against him, though it wasn’t long before Blane demanded a turn, and the diminutive, dark-haired little stud was handed off to his now-flamboyant friend.  

Troy couldn’t believe how normal everything already seemed, even to him.  The thought of an unapologetically gay, bottom-heavy Blane carrying a pint-sized, nearly naked Duke in his arms should have felt dizzying, not banal.  Troy had been the one to take the pictures, and he still had a clear recollection of how things should be, but even he kept catching himself thinking of the altered pair as having always been as they currently were.  

Lance seemed to share that same sense of normalcy.  The smug jock only rolled his eyes as he opened the door and stepped aside for the group to enter.  

“And to what do I owe this pleasure,” he asked, surprising Troy with a look that bordered on solidarity.  It made sense, as the man he used to harass was now much closer to what his two friends had been.  Gay or not, at least Troy was still normally proportioned and fully clothed.  

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Blane said, giving Lance a quick peck on the cheek before the other man could pull away.  

“Dude, we’ve talked about this,” Lance sighed, reluctantly accepting Duke as the giggling hunk handed him off and twerked his way into the apartment.  

“You know how he is,” Duke shrugged, his “just one of the bros” attitude betrayed by the way his small hand drifted out to rest against his friend’s sculpted chest.  

“Seriously though, what are you guys doing here?  I have to leave for a date in a few minutes,” Lance said, looking as tense as Duke should have with the smaller man in his arms.  He looked entirely uncomfortable with the way his friend’s stuffed bulge pressed into his hand as he had no choice but to cradle the handsome little hunk’s barely-covered bottom.  

“Ooohhhhh, is that why you look so cute,” Blane said as he sauntered back, looking Lance’s tight frame up and down.  “Who’s the lucky lady?”  

“No one you know,” Lance spat, pulling Duke’s lingering hand away from his chest.  “And what did we say about you guys just showing up unannounced?  What if she’d been here?  The last thing I need is you making her jealous with that booty, or Duke embarrassing me with his ‘uniforms’.”  The flustered man tugged on his friend’s Spider-Man shirt and shook his head with a condescending grin.  “Dude, you know I love you, but aren’t you a little old for this?”  

“You just don’t want her to see this and think better of it,” Duke said, pulling open the front of his briefs to flash his hefty package.  

Lance laughed and turned his head away, setting the other man on the ground.  He hefted his own impressive bulge, at Duke’s eye-level, and grinned down at his friend.  “Like you’d know what to do with it once she saw it.  As much as Blane likes to call it his pussy, that fat ass isn’t the real thing.”  

“Yeah, it’s totally better,” the brunette purred.  “And you know once you finally hit it you’ll never look back.”  

Lance blushed and shook his head.  “Just ‘cause I let Duke blow me doesn’t mean I’m eager to stick my dick in a dude.  Or at least someone close to one, in your case,” he laughed.  

“You don’t know what you’re missing,” Blane pouted, turning his back and pulling down his shorts to reveal his plump pillows.  

Troy stayed quiet, loving how the scene unfolded as he waited for his chance to snap a picture.  Watching Blane throw himself at his former wingman while Lance casually referenced Duke blowing him was everything he’d hoped for.  He was briefly tempted to leave things as they were for a while longer just to see what happened, but then he remembered Lance’s impending date.  

“Lucky” wasn’t the word he’d use to describe whoever had to put up with the smug hunk that evening.  As handsome as Lance was with his shredded build, boy-next-door face, and thick, brownish-blonde hair, he had the kind of personality that no amount of looks could make up for.  Once you got past the athletic body straining against his shorts and t-shirt, there wasn’t much left.  Of the trio, he was the one who bragged the most about his conquests, managing to demean the women as he described their encounters in intimate detail to the other two.  The arrogant pretty-boy was notorious for hitting and quitting, leaving his hookups hanging as soon as he’d gotten off.  He was in it strictly for the attention they heaped on his body and for their ability to make him cum.  Beyond that, he slept alone and wanted to keep it that way.  

All of which was about to change.  His attention focused on the other two, Troy snapped a picture of Lance when he wasn’t looking and immediately began tagging.  There was no hesitation, only excitement, as his thumbs hammered out #BabyFaceBeef, #MuscleMonster, #HornyHimbo, #SexyStrap, #UseMe, and #thottysquad.  

Troy took one last look at the old Lance, trying to etch the athletic young man’s former appearance in his memory before hitting submit.  


Lance told himself it had to be a nightmare.  There was no other explanation for it.  One second he’d been talking to his friends, and the next his world, and body, had exploded.  The relentless flesh was everywhere.  He slid wide, stubby fingers across the ocean of muscle, both wincing out of dread and shivering with delight as he felt his unwanted expanse rub and shift against itself with the slightest movement.  There was no escaping or containing it.  He should have had a body that was tight and tapering, appealingly athletic and perfectly proportioned.  Instead he had a bare, bulky travesty, so wide that he’d have to turn sideways to fit through most doors, and so heavy he didn’t know how he held himself upright.  

He was still tight, but there was nothing tapering about him.  Looking down at his plump shelf of a chest and the lumpy muscle gut beneath it, Lance felt like a boulder with arms and legs.  Turning his head as best he could, the former pretty boy wasn’t sure if he even still had a neck beneath the overwhelming onslaught of his upper back and shoulders.  It brought a rush of horror as he quickly realized how limited his range of motion had become.  Arms the size of his former waist hung at an awkward angle, and his pecs stuck out so far he could barely see over them, or bring his hands together in front of them.  The attempt sent an electric jolt straight to his barely covered cock as his hulking arms brushed against the enlarged nubs that had become his nipples.  

The sensation finally drew his attention to what little he wore.  His slim-fit chino shorts and thin, clinging t-shirt weren’t laying in tatters on the ground but were nowhere to be seen, and in their place was a small, metallic green posing strap.  He couldn’t actually see it when he looked down, but the reflection in his TV was all too terrifyingly clear.  The skimpy pouch was filled to capacity by a cock that seemed to have thickened in time with the rest of him, pulling the waist down to leave the wide, hairless base exposed.  Though the girthy package had clearly grown, it still looked small wedged between thighs that were each as big as both of his former legs put together.  Turning slightly to the side, Lance’s stomach dropped when he saw the back of the pouch wedge between a set of muscled cheeks that were as large and round as basketballs.  

Though as shocked as he was by the impossible tripling in size, the true horror came when he forced himself to look at his face.  At first, the sight of his familiar, boy-next-door features brought a rush of relief, until he saw what they were attached too. Lance whimpered as he reached up and ran a hand across his bare scalp, now as hairless and smooth as the rest of him had become.  He still had his pretty-boy looks, but now they appeared photoshopped sitting on the round, bald head that was attached to his gargantuan new body.  

Worse, as he prodded at his inflated, granite frame and gawked at his friends, Lance felt the twitching at his cock grow ever stronger.  Instead of trying to run for help or even cover himself, all he could do was grin at the other three while his fat log tented and strained the pointless, shiny pouch.  

“You okay big guy,” Duke asked, reaching over and patting one of Lance’s massive cheeks.  

The bald mountain of a man surprised himself by nodding, his ‘roid-built stomach dropping even further when he heard himself speak.  “Yah, brah.  I’m chill,” Lance said, mortified at his flighty, surfer-boy tone even as he kept talking.  “Totally zoned for a sec there…like, what were we talking about?”  

“You were just telling Duke how much you liked his outfit,” Troy said, jumping in before either of the other two could speak.  

That didn’t feel right to the old Lance, but he simply shrugged his mammoth shoulders and grinned.  Now, looking down at the tiny stud in his Spider-Man underoos made his cock swell, an increasingly important factor in how his brain processed information.  “I’ve, like, got a wall for you to crawl on, brah,” he laughed, scooping up the tiny stud before he even realized he was doing it.  

“My favorite one,” Duke purred, his small hands looking even tinier against Lance’s heaping muscle tits as he stroked across the smooth skin to tweak his friend’s hefty nipples.  

The inflated pretty boy was starting to feel like he was a step behind the rest of the world.  He was still wrestling with how good Duke’s hands felt toying with his chest by the time he realized they’d since pressed their lips together.  The shrunken jock felt weightless in his arms as he cradled the dark-haired stud’s perky bubble with one giant hand, moving his fingers to work the equally stuffed pouch of Duke’s tiny briefs from underneath.  There was a wave of embarrassment when Lance finally noticed that his wide rod had slipped free of the poser and was pointing in Blane’s direction, but he couldn’t even think of trying to put himself away.  The formerly straight ladies man struggled to accept that he was so painfully aroused at making out with another man, especially while two others looked on, an there was no denying the aching lust coursing through his altered frame.

Lance beamed when Duke finally broke off the kiss, his mouth watering at the sight of the pint-sized stud’s tented underwear.  Instead of being humiliated and horrified as he knew he should, all the broad bull could do was grin as he looked at his three friends.  “Anyone else want in on this,” he asked, spreading his free arm wide.

“Um, hello?” Blane giggled, his massive booty bouncing into Lance’s hand when he threw himself at the wall of muscle.  He wasted no time grabbing Lance’s fat cock as the bigger man reached into the back of his shorts and began kneading, returning his friend’s slack-jawed grin with a dizzy smile.  

“MMmmm…fuuuuck…” Lance grunted, working a wide finger against Blane’s hole while the ditzy man pumped away.  He held Duke up in his other hand, resuming their kiss as the tiny jock’s cock finally sprang free from his briefs.  He began rolling his hips while Lance held him, leaving an increasingly sticky trail on the big man’s chest from the forceful grinding.  

Despite knowing he shouldn’t be, Lance couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever been more content.  With his two friends squirming in his arms, he felt strong and powerful, loving how their lean, athletic bodies felt writhing against his oversized bulk.  He wanted to be panicked and horrified, but the more he settled into his impossible size, the more he began to wonder if he could even feel those emotions anymore.  It was like he’d been locked into a state of perpetual, laidback calm, with lust and happiness the only emotions capable of punching through the haze.  “Still got room for one more, brah,” he rumbled, looking over his shoulder as best he could while flexing his exposed globes in Troy’s direction.  With his fingers buried in Blane’s eager hole and the sensation of Duke’s thick cock against his bare skin sending shivers through him, Lance couldn’t believe he’d just asked Troy to fuck him.  Nor could he believe how badly he wanted the handsome blonde to follow through.  

“Yeah!  Come join the fun, hon,” Blane giggled, reaching around with his free hand to pull the string of Lance’s poser from between the grunting colossus’s cheeks.  

Troy didn’t need to be asked again.  The sight of his altered friends going at each other with such wild abandon already had him close to the edge, and now that the trio was complete he was all too eager to experience their new status quo.  He loved the hungry looks on everyone’s faces when he pushed his shorts and underwear down, his rigid pole springing free.  Just a few days ago it would have been unimaginable, but now the writhing men looked almost desperate.  

When Troy stepped forward and wrapped his hands around Lance’s bulging muscle gut, the towering giant didn’t hesitate.  “Fuuuuuuuuck yes brah,” he moaned, slamming back and impaling himself on the stunned blonde with a speed and ease that bordered on the supernatural.  It was ecstasy; not just the sensation of his friend’s fat log sliding in and out, but the whole picture.  He was the center of the blissful circuit, his overwhelming body bringing nothing but joy to his three friends.  It was a totally new experience for the young stud whose previous mindset had been to get himself off and then leave as soon as possible.  Now, he wanted nothing more than for his ample body to be used as much as needed, and instead of viewing his exaggerated bulk as a curse, he was just grateful that he had more than enough to go around.  

Lance was the first to cum as Blane’s nimble fingers pushed him over the edge, but he kept rooting around inside his bottom-heavy friend until he groaned and spasmed, a growing damp spot spreading across the front of his tiny shorts.  Troy was next, the sensation of his friend’s warm fluid filling him up sending a shudder through Lance, whose open-mouthed sigh came just in time to catch a good portion of Duke’s plentiful release as the little jock gave one last pump against his friend’s chest and erupted like a fountain.  

“Oh boo.  I totally made a mess,” Blane laughed, casually peeling out of the damp shorts and thong.  His oversized cheeks bounced free as he stood in nothing but his cut-off tank-top, his recently spent cock little more than an afterthought by comparison as it dangled long and heavy.  

“It’s not like Lance has anything you can borrow,” Duke said, stuffing himself back in his briefs when the sticky hulk reluctantly set him down.  “I mean, he does, but those straps are probably a little big.  Even for you.”  

Lance just grinned and blinked at his friends, wishing his stomach could drop the way it should at the sudden realization of his new wardrobe.  He reached down and shifted his metallic pouch back into place, knowing that an array of little posing straps and a few pairs of equally bright sneakers were the only clothing he owned anymore.  He should have been mortified at the thought of walking around in public with his bloated, baby-faced muscle on display, but it felt as natural as their recent romp.  He reached over and gave Blane’s cheeks another squeeze, shrugging.  “Just go home like that,” he said, not even sure himself whether or not he was being serious.  A part of his brain told him it was a bad idea to walk around entirely naked in public, but the other part liked seeing Blane naked, and he couldn’t get the two sides to agree.  

“Dude, don’t give him any ideas,” Duke said, rolling his eyes.  “It’s hard enough to keep his pants on as-is.”  

“And what do you know about pants?” Blane asked, his cheeks bouncing and his cock swinging as he jutted his hips to the side and rested a balled fist against them.  “Other than, like, you look waaaaaay better without them,” he said as he reached down and tousled Duke’s hair.  

“Whatever, man.  It wouldn’t be the first time you walked home a mess,” the short stud laughed, leaning into Blane’s hand instead of pulling away.  

“You dudes can stay here,” Lance offered, his eyes momentarily going wide as he took a lumbering step forward, his plodding body feeling like a mountain shifting against itself.  

Blane stroked one of Lance’s inflated pecs and shook his head.  “Baby, YOU can’t even fit in your bed, let alone all of us.”  

“Just sleep on top of me,” Lance said, as if it should have been obvious.  For someone who never liked sharing his bed, he was surprised at how eager he was to have his three friends slumbering on top of his mammoth frame.  

“Sounds fun to me,” Duke said, nodding up at Lance and lifting his arms as a sign for the big man to scoop him up.  


Troy sighed contentedly as he watched his friends settle into their new dynamic, his head spinning as he thought about where they’d started and where they’d ended.  He was already having a hard time picturing the trio as their formerly straight counterparts, and if the guys themselves had any recollection it didn’t show.  A part of him wanted to ask, but he knew that it ultimately didn’t matter.  They seemed perfectly happy with their new reality, and as far as the rest of the world was concerned this was normal for them, not the lives they’d left behind. “We’ll let you guys do that,” he said, wrapping his arms around Blane’s trim waist from behind and resting his head on his friend’s shoulder.  “We have perfectly comfortable beds back at our place.”  

“We have YOUR perfectly comfortable bed,” Blane giggled, wiggling his cheeks against the front of Troy’s shorts.  “You’re, like, not getting rid of me that easy.”  

Troy nibbled on Blane’s ear, his hands drifting up the other man’s ripped abs.  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, still loving the formerly smug stud’s flamboyant new attitude.  He watched his friend slip the cum-soaked shorts back on, seemingly unbothered by the way the damp front outlined his impressive cock.  He wedged the thong into the side of his waistband, letting it hang free as he walked.  

“Okay babies, text us in the morning,” Blane said, giving Lance and Duke quick pecks on the cheek.  

Troy waved and went to leave, but was quickly pulled back to do the same by his two friends.  His cock was already twitching at the thought of Duke’s ripped, tiny frame nestled against Lance’s impossible bulk, but as much as he wanted to stay he knew there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.  This had all started because the three of them were always hanging around his place, only now the idea didn’t seem so bad. 



Loving where this is going! It’d be great to see some more beneficiaries of the app’s magic!


Glad people liked this one! I don't know if it will be with these guys specifically, but the app will definitely turn up again. In my head, I see the facets crystal stuck in an HB&L server somewhere, filtering all the pics through it. Seems like something that group would want to get their hands on.