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“Very funny,” Bobby said, looking at the bizarre picture of himself and Ryan.  The two men in the photo had faces that resembled their own, but that was where the similarities ended.  “You couldn’t have picked a filter to give me a better mug?”  

“I didn’t pick anything,” Ryan spat, equally surprised at the strange image.  Not only was the version of himself in the picture shorter than he should have been, he looked considerably more built.  Instead of being lean and tone, the dark-haired young man saw broad shoulders framing in a set of prominent, eye-catching pecs that made the tapering waist below them seem even smaller.  The frame cut off his lower half, but if his legs were anything like the chiseled arms he saw, Ryan could only assume the altered version sported the kind of meaty bubble he looked for in other guys.  The extra bulk heightened his otherwise average appearance, squaring his jaw and giving him a masculine air that was more athlete than meathead.  Even though the Ryan in the picture couldn’t have been much more than 5’7”, a far cry from his usual 6’1”, he looked far from small, and that was with a towering Bobby next to him.  “Also, I hate to break it to you, but there’s no filter on earth that can fix your face.”  

“Fuck you,” Bobby laughed.  The beefy jock was well aware that he needed his body to make up for his lackluster looks.  His six-foot frame was packed with chiseled muscle, sculpted to perfection from countless hours in the gym.  His arms were thick and powerful, his chest was a protruding shelf, and his abs were a ripped washboard.  He had a set of round, muscled globes that transitioned to a pair of wide thighs with a thick, six-inch cock and full, heavy balls between them.  From the neck down, he was an Adonis.  From the neck up, he worked with significantly less.  Bobby wasn’t ugly, but he had a pointed chin that looked out of place on his athletic build, and it was offset by a pair of thin lips and a nose that was too long and too tall.  His eyes were a bright blue, but looked slightly out of place, and his shaggy, chocolate mop was already pulling back from his forehead.  Though while the Bobby in the picture had the same unimpressive face, his body was anything but.  Unlike the jock’s regular, precision physique, the other Bobby was a wall of lumpy, ‘roid built muscle.  His ballooning pecs threatened to shred his straining t-shirt, and a pair of large, nubby nipples were obvious as they strained against it above a distended muscle gut.  The other Bobby’s arms were the size of Ryan’s waist, and from what was visible before the frame cut him off, his legs appeared to have inflated in time.  

“What are we wearing?” Ryan raised an eyebrow at the whistle nestled between his perfect pecs in the picture, the words “Little Coach” stretched across the straining fabric.  Next to him, the brawny Bobby was wearing a spiked collar, with the words “NINE INCHES” and a phone number sitting between his solid nipples.  

“Bet you’d love to get me in a collar, wouldn’t you?”  Bobby gave his friend a playful shove as they left the photobooth and made their way back down the busy boardwalk.  “You can keep the photo, ‘cause that’s the only way it’s ever gonna happen.”  

“You wish,” Ryan sighed, rolling his eyes.  “I’ve already got two dogs at home.  I don’t need a third.  They’re better behaved than you, anyway.”  

“Man, you should’ve brought ‘em.  Those dogs are a chick magnet,” Bobby said, puffing out his chest and smiling as they passed a pair of uninterested girls.  “‘Sup ladies?” he purred.  The eye roll he received in response didn’t stop him from staring at their asses until they turned a corner out of sight.  “Fuck, man, did you see those two?  I wonder what’d take to talk ‘em into a three way?”  

“Dude, you are so gross.”  Ryan shook his head, pocketing the photo.  “And Oscar and Eli aren’t bait.  Would you say that about someone’s kid?”  

“Absolutely!  Babies are even better!  I’d push a stroller up and down this boardwalk like a motherfucker if it meant one of those girls would sit on my face,” Bobby laughed, licking his lips in an exaggerated motion.  “Why are we even talking about this?  It’s wasted on you.”  

“Maybe you’d have better luck if you actually talked to women, instead of treating them like objects?  The only things I ever hear you talk about are tits and pussy.”  

Bobby shrugged.  “What else is there?  Come on...are you saying you’re not looking at this all the time?”  The broad jock turned and flexed his thick rear in Ryan’s direction.  “Also, I thought gay guys were friends with all the hot girls?  Where are they?  I was kinda hoping to get in on that.”

“Like I’d let your creepy ass anywhere near them,” Ryan said, rolling his eyes.  “And I thought big tough jocks like you didn’t hang out with queers like me?”  

Bobby shrugged.  “Looks like we’re both bad at our jobs,” he said, eying the sparse crowd on the boardwalk.  It was almost midnight, normally a bustling time, but the muggy, ocean air was keeping everyone inside.  

“Speaking of my dogs, I should probably get home and let ‘em out,” Ryan said.  “And I’m guessing by the look on your face you want to make one final pass before throwing in the towel, right?”  

The burly jock grinned bashfully.  “Hey, if at first you don’t succeed…” 

“Keep trying until you find someone drunk and desperate?” Ryan finished.  He ducked out of the way of Bobby’s swinging arm, darting out of reach as he waved his friend off.  “Good luck, dude.  Let me know how it goes.”  

He watched his friend’s broad frame saunter off into the distance and turned to head for home, making it only a step before the world went dark.  


“Guh!”  Ryan’s eyes shot open, his head spinning.  He was disoriented and confused, with no memory of how he got home, if home was even where he was.  The light hitting his face was too bright, and the bed beneath him felt too large.  He blinked the sleep from his eyes, not recognizing the night stand next to him, but seeing a familiar picture on top of it.  He was looking at the strange photo from the night before, but instead of being folded in his pocket, it was displayed in a frame.  

His heart started racing as he blinked and looked around, seeing a spacious, well-appointed bedroom instead of the one in his small apartment.  “The hell?  Where am...I…” He trailed off as he started to roll over, noticing his arm on top of the covers for the first time.  Where it should have been merely toned and defined, it was thick with chiseled muscle, like the arm in the photo.  Ryan gasped when he pulled the blanket open and looked underneath, seeing his inflated pecs and shredded stomach.  “This...what is happening…” he muttered, his head spinning as he looked back and forth between himself and the picture.  His brain was struggling to accept that he somehow had the compact body of the athletic man in the photo, not the long, lean frame he thought he should.  

The sound behind him only made it worse.  Ryan gasped when he rolled over at the unexpected murmuring and found himself face-to-face with Bobby, but not the version he knew.  His friend’s less-than-appealing features were unchanged, but even with the covers obscuring it, he could already tell the body underneath was radically different.  Bobby had always been built, but the man next to Ryan was a hulking wall of muscle.  The arm that rested on top of the covers was a massive piston, connected to the rest of the bulky pile by a cannonball shoulder that swallowed nearly all of Bobby’s neck.  Acting on impulse, Ryan reached out and tugged the covers down, exposing the plump, oversized shelf of muscle that made up Bobby’s new pecs.  Each one was capped off by a nubby nipple the size of a small thumb, and Ryan was surprised to find himself fighting the urge to reach out and pinch one.  He kept sliding the sheet down, revealing his friend’s bulging, lumpy ‘roid gut, and the tip of a solid, bulbous cock before the heavy arm wrapped around him and pulled him close.  

“Mmmm...mornin,” Bobby mumbled, nuzzling his face against the top of Ryan’s head.  The shrunken man shivered when their solid cocks connected, loving how it felt to be swallowed in the bigger man’s arms.  Though he never would have given his friend the satisfaction of saying it out loud, Ryan had always appreciated Bobby’s athletic build, even if he’d never been overly attracted to the other man.  Now, with his face practically buried in Bobby’s inflated muscle tits, he felt himself melting in his friend’s arms.  

“Bo...Bobby!  Bobby!  Wake up,” Ryan stammered, reluctantly pulling away.  

“What’s...Ryan?  What are you doing in…my...bed…” Ryan watched his friend’s expression go from confused, to wide-eyed shock, as the inflated hulk saw his enlarged arm at the same time that their exposed cocks rubbed together.  “What the fuck?!  What...what is this?!” Bobby cried, rolling over and bolting upright in bed.  “HHHHHOOOOOOO!”  The big man howled before he was even upright, arching his back and clutching at the sheets with his meaty new hands.  

“What?!  What just happened?!” Ryan scrambled out of bed, stumbling on his shortened legs as he watched his friend squirm on the mattress.  

“There’s...there’s something…” Bobby gasped, throwing the sheet aside to reveal his twitching, oozing cock.  

Ryan gasped at the full sight of his friend’s meaty new thighs, and the thick, nine-inch monster standing up between them.  “Something what?  Where?” he asked, his every impulse telling him to climb up on Bobby’s lap and go for a ride.  

“Here!”  Bobby rolled over, giving Ryan a view of his meaty, ample new rear.  The smaller man enjoyed the sight, but what really caught his attention was the silicone handle sticking out from between the colossal cakes.  He reached out and grabbed it on instinct, pulling a fat plug out of his friend’s stretched holed.  “Oh!” Bobby gasped, looking back at Ryan with a dull grin on his face.  

“Is that, uh, better?” Ryan asked, staring at the plug in his hand and wondering why the bizarre scenario felt so normal.  

“You can put it back...it just took me by surprise is all,” Bobby said, flexing his plumped cheeks.  

Ryan just stared.  “Wait...you want me to put it back?  Really?”   

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I...oh...whoa…” Bobby gasped, his face going red.  “That was just...in me?”  He shook his head and rubbed his face, blinking against the fog that had settled over his thoughts.  “Fuck, man, I feel so weird.  Does your head feel weird?”  

“My head?  No, but the rest of me...dude, look at me!”  Ryan spread his muscled arms, nodding down at his chiseled, shortened physique.  

Bobby’s thin lip curled in a smug sneer as he stared, his hips pumping to absently work his enlarged cock against the bed.  “That’s my hot little coach,” he grumbled, humping the bed as he leered.  

Ryan’s own thickened cock twitched at the sight, but he forced himself to look away.  “Why are you not freaking out right now?!  If this doesn’t shock you, look at yourself!  You’re a fuckin’ beast, man.”  

Bobby rolled over and sat up, his expression blank as he stared down at the expanded wall of ‘roid fueled muscle that covered his body.  He reached up and tweaked one of his huge new nipples, the other rubbing the inside of a tree-trunk thigh.  “Oh...oh shit,” he said with a drunken laugh.  “How’d I get so huge?”  He broke into a double bicep pose, pursing his lips in his best attempt at a seductive expression when he caught his reflection in the mirror at the end of the bed.  

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Ryan finally asked after watching Bobby distractedly flex and make faces at himself in the mirror.  “We need to figure out what...happened…” The shrunken new stud trailed off when he saw the small stack of DVDs on the dresser, his heart racing as he suddenly understood why Bobby was so infatuated with his own reflection.  The burly stud was apparently used to putting on a show, as evidenced by the pile of gay porn videos that he starred in.  

The rush of new information nearly knocked Ryan off his feet.  He leaned against the dresser, his head swimming as memories of their new lives flooded in.  Bobby wasn’t a straight college jock anymore; he was a porn star who’d fried his brains on steroids.  And Ryan wasn’t just his new lover, but also the brawny bull’s handler and manager.  In a flash, the room around him went from feeling strange and foreign to entirely familiar, his pounding heart slowing as his panic faded.  He was still very much aware that something impossible had occurred, it just no longer felt that way.  Standing naked at the foot of the bed, watching Bobby flex and paw at himself in the mirror with a dull grin on his face, felt as commonplace as getting up and feeding his dogs.  

“Fuck!” Ryan yelped, his stomach dropping when he thought about his pups.  He dashed out of the room, so focused on finding his beloved dogs that he didn’t give a second thought to the sprawling house he darted through, or how he seemingly knew his way around it.  It was obvious that more than just their bodies had changed.  Ryan saw pictures of himself and Bobby with their arms around each other, now clearly a couple, and framed posters of his new-lover’s explicit movies lining the walls.  Either they’d somehow stumbled into a new world, or the world they knew had changed to accommodate their altered existence.  The lean gay guy and his straight jock friend were gone, replaced by a handsome little stud and his dimwitted, meathead partner.  

Already the sight of Bobby’s distended, ‘roid-expanded frame seemed less and less shocking, as did the idea of his formerly straight friend’s new career as a porn star.  Bobby was a hit both on the screen and off, bringing in just as much money when Ryan sold him by the hour as he did making a new film.  The big man’s face was still on the rough side, but with his impossible body no one ever complained.  

“Oh thank god,” Ryan sighed when he reached the end of the hall and heard the familiar sound of his dogs whimpering on the other side.  He threw the door open and found the excited pair waiting for him in their own bedroom, which was considerably bigger than the one he remembered in his old apartment.  He dropped to the floor in the middle of a furry pile, trying to wrap his head around the bizarre situation he found himself in.  As shocked as he was by his loss of height, Ryan already loved his newly acquired muscle.  He ran his hands over the chiseled mounds, shivering at the thought of himself looking like the kind of jock he always lusted after.  With his dark hair and olive complexion he’d already been handsome, and the tapering, athletic frame only accentuated those looks.  

And then there was Bobby.  He knew that whatever happened to them had to be responsible for the burly brunette’s seeming acceptance of their situation.  The Bobby he knew never would have so casually accepted waking up naked in bed with another man, let alone with a fat plug in his ass.  The old Bobby wouldn’t have been so cavalier about doubling in size, either, or unbothered by the knowledge of his new career, but Ryan wondered how much thinking his friend was capable of anymore.  The other man’s dazed expression and dim smile didn’t bode well.  

“Here you are!  Why’d you run outta the room like that?”  Ryan looked up to see a pouting Bobby watching jealously as he sat with his pups, but it was the large pump attached to the other man’s cock that caught his attention more than the envious expression.  “I thought we were gonna have some fun.”  

“Uh, what are you doing,” Ryan asked, his eyes going wide at the sight of Bobby’s fat log.  It made his own thick, six inches look small by comparison as it filled the plastic tube.  

“I gotta stay big,” Bobby shrugged, as if it should have been obvious.  “You told me I got a private client tonight.”  

“I...did?”  Ryan shook his head, suddenly remembering the appointment he’d arranged for Bobby that evening.  It was with a CEO who was flying in specifically for a session with the brawny brute.  Considering the price the older executive had agreed to, they’d be able to take the rest of the month off.  Not that they actually would.  Bobby loved how the sessions with his private clients fed his ego, and Ryan was already managing a sizable waitlist.  “That’s right, I did,” the shorter man said, hopping to his feet.  He let the dogs run out to get their breakfast and turned his attention back to the pouting hulk.  “We have to get a practice session in before, don’t we?”  

“Sure thing, Coach!” Bobby said, beaming when Ryan stepped forward and put a hand on his oversized chest.  

The smaller man tweaked his friend’s inflated nipples, eliciting a loud gasp before he reached down and pulled the pump free.  “Did you bring my whistle?”  Bobby nodded excitedly, opening his other hand to reveal the whistle Ryan had seen in the photo.  He draped it over the smaller man’s head, spinning Ryan roughly around as soon as it was on.  “Whoa!” Ryan yelped as he shoved to the floor on all fours.  The kneeling new jock barely had time to register what was about to happen before Bobby was draped across his back, his thick log working itself inside.  “MMMNNNhhh….” Ryan grunted, fumbling the whistle to his mouth as he arched his back and pressed himself against Bobby’s lap.  “Re...ready when you are,” he said around the metal instrument, barely finishing the sentence as Bobby began pumping his hips.  

The big man gave a few slow thrusts, probing Ryan’s insides until the smaller man gave a loud blow of the whistle.  It was the signal Bobby had been looking for, the sign that he’d hit the right spot.  That was how their coaching sessions went.  Ryan would blow the whistle whenever Bobby lit him up, so the more he blew, the better the big man’s performance.  For his part, there was still enough of the old Ryan left to feel a stab of humiliation at the fact that he was being fucked on the floor of his dogs’ bedroom, blowing a whistle whenever Bobby’s thick club made the right move.  Within a few minutes, the whistle’s shrill tone was a constant siren echoing off the walls.  Ryan writhed and spasmed, blowing until he was out of breath and red in the face.  He had new memories of Bobby’s exceptional skill, but he wasn’t prepared to experience that talent firsthand as he erupted like a geyser all over the floor.  

“How’d I do, Coach?” Bobby asked, a smug expression on his face as he kept pumping away.  He was nowhere near done, and he knew his Little Coach didn’t want him to stop, anyway.  

Ryan just gave a wide-eyed nod, blowing feebly on the whistle.  



It is nice to see you posting stories again — and this one is a scorcher. Thank you. I hope you’re doing ok all things considered.


Glad you liked it! I’ve at least still got the itch to write, but I think the biggest struggle is going to be finding the time/energy over the next couple weeks.