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“Dude, I still can’t believe that’s you.”  Jake’s eyes were wide as he shook his head and looked Tom’s hulking, hairy frame up and down.  “How did this even happen?  We just saw you two days ago!”  

Liam nodded, his arms folded across his chest.  “And you’re sure you’re...okay?”  The tall blonde raised an eyebrow, his head still spinning from both Tom’s bald, burly new look, and the way he’d casually ushered them into his apartment in nothing but a bright red jockstrap.  

“Don’t I look okay,” Tom asked with a smug grin.  He spread his beefy arms wide, turning in a slow circle to give his friends a view of his widened back and plump, hairy cheeks.  

“You’re a beast, no doubt.  This is just...a lot.  I mean, you were panicking over a little bit of fuzz on your stomach the other day, and now you’re…” Liam trailed off and ran a hand through his thick, golden hair, his chiseled arm now looking small compared to Tom’s hairy pistons.  

The bald bull nodded, looking sheepish.  “That was before this,” he said, flexing a bicep the size of Jake’s head, “and this.”  He grabbed his overstuffed bulge and gave it a squeeze, loving the way his friends' eyes darted away when he looked back up at them.  “You guys were right about the hair.  It’s only been a couple days, and already I can tell the old Tom didn’t know what he was missing.”  

Jake blushed as he watched Tom stroke a hand up through the carpet on his prominent muscle gut and across his massive pecs, trying not to look at the softball stuffed in his friend’s jockstrap.  He looked down at his own chiseled pecs spilling out of his tank-top, his athletic frame suddenly feeling inferior.  “Not going to lie...I’m a little jealous.”  

“You should be,” Liam laughed.  “There are gains...and then there are GAINS,” he said, reaching over and squeezing Jake’s bulge through his mesh shorts.  “You could use a little of both.”  

“You both could.” Tom’s tone was sharp, cutting off the hairy brunette’s angry response as Jake pulled out of Liam’s grip.  “Lucky for you, Adam had a few extra doses on hand.”  The nearly-naked hulk slowly walked over to his bag on the nearby table, his meaty globes shifting against each other with each step.  He purposely made a show of it, letting his friends take in the full weight of his powerful, masculine aura.  His new bulk radiated an overwhelming sense of confidence, a barely restrained strength that was just waiting to explode.  For his two jock friends, he knew it was the kind of bait they couldn’t resist.  Bigger was always better.  The more muscle you had, the more of a man you were.  Throw in an inflated cock, and Tom was dangling a shortcut of literally mammoth proportions in front of them.  He pulled out two small vials, holding one in each hand between a meaty thumb and index finger.  “I have to give them back to him later if you two don’t want them.  He had a couple other interested participants, but I talked him into letting me offer them to you guys first.”  

“I’m in!” Jake said, nodding quickly.  

Liam shot the hairy brunette a cautious glance.  “Whoa, hold on.  How do you know this stuff is safe?  You feel good now, but what if there are long-term consequences?  It’s still an experiment, right?”  

Tom knew Liam would be the hard sell.  He wasn’t surprised at all when the more impulsive Jake jumped on the opportunity, but Liam would take some goading.  The strapping blonde was more of a pretty boy, and though he’d never say it out loud, his hesitation had nothing to do with safety.  “I’m fully confident this stuff is safe,” Tom said.  “I’ve seen the data, and Adam’s run my bloodwork and vitals half a dozen times in the last two days.  I’m healthier than I’ve ever been.”  

Liam nodded, his hands resting on his blonde scalp.  “Okay, good, but I’m also not too eager to go bald.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good look on you, dude, but…” 

“You think anyone’s going to be looking at your hair when you’ve got that,” Jake said, nodding at Tom’s overflowing pouch.  “If you want to be the small one in the group for once that’s on you, bro. I’m not missing out on this.  You think you’ll be able to afford it once it hits the market?”  

Tom smiled as Jake made his job easier.  “You actually might not lose your hair.  That all depends on a person’s individual genetics.  Runs in my family, so I was headed that way anyway,” he lied.  “And, look, I know you like being lean.  You can always do a cut again once you’re done bulking up, if you want.  You probably won’t though,” Tom laughed, flexing his hirsute bulk.  “I don’t want to pressure you, man, but I have to let Adam know so he can make other plans.”  

Liam’s brow furrowed as he looked back and forth between his friends.  “Fuck it,” he finally shrugged.  “No way I’m letting you assholes get bigger than me.”  

“Great! I knew you two would want to get in on this,” Tom cheered, hoping his grin didn’t look as triumphant as it felt.  “Jake’s right, dude.  Once word gets out about this, you’d be kicking yourself for missing the opportunity.”  

Jake took the offered vialed and unscrewed the lid, sniffing the honey-scented liquid.  “Do we just drink it?”  

Tom nodded.  “That’s all it takes.  Doesn’t even taste that bad, does it,” he asked as Jake downed the contents in a single gulp.  

“It’s like that honey whiskey,” the lean brunette said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, looking expectantly at Liam.  “Alright big guy, your turn.  Bottoms up.”   

“Here’s to bad decisions.”  Liam tossed his head back like he was downing a shot, a bashful smile on his face when he was done.  “So do we all have to dress like this,” he asked, reaching over and snapping the elastic of Tom’s jockstrap.  

“You’ll probably want to.  Thing’s comfortable as hell at this size.”  Tom tugged on the bottom of the blonde’s small t-shirt, exposing the ripped abs underneath.  “You should also both take your stuff off.  Once this happens, it happens quick.  I’m glad I was at Adam’s when it really kicked in, or that could’ve been awkward.”  

“Didn’t it take a day or so,” Liam asked, even as Jake began peeling out of his tank-top.  

Tom nodded.  “The original batch did.  Adam made a few tweaks based on my results to speed the process up, but trust me, it’s better this way.  Now you can avoid the risk of hulking out of your clothes in public like I almost did.”  He didn’t mention the other tweaks they’d made to the formula, but his friends would find out soon enough.  Tom hadn’t been entirely honest when he’d said Adam had been checking his vitals for the past two days, either.  He’d really spent the past forty eight hours putting his newfound intelligence to use by helping the other man further customize his formula, along with letting the older stud fuck him senseless.  

“Um, then how are we going to get home,” Liam asked, stepping out of his shorts.  

“You can borrow some of my new stuff,” Tom said, his cock throbbing at the sight of the strapping blonde in nothing but his stuffed briefs.  Jake’s furry, naked frame wasn’t helping either, and Tom hoped the first wave kicked in soon or he was going to have a hard time explaining his tented jock.  

“Just a bunch’a dudes hanging out naked on a Thursday night.  Nothing weird here,” Jake laughed, reaching out and tugging Liam’s briefs down in a flash.   

“Everything about this is weird,” the blonde Adonis sighed, his face turning red as he stepped out of the tiny underwear.  He scratched absently at the curly forest on his sculpted pecs, looking back and forth between Tom and Jake.  The jock-clad brute looked like a hairier, inflated version of their smaller friend, something about the sight sending both a stab of regret and a confusing thrill through him.  “Probably should’ve asked this sooner...this isn’t going to hurt, is it?”  

“Not a bit.  A little itchy, and you’ll feel like you worked out a bunch, but that’s all.  It actually feels really good, like being drunk without being shitty wasted,” Tom said, seeing a slow change creeping across his friends’ faces.  He hadn’t experienced anything like what he’d just described, but It was one of the tweaks they’d made.  Neither he nor Adam thought it wise to have a bunch of shrewd, muscle-bound brainiacs walking around campus, so this formula would push things in the other direction.  It wouldn’t actually reduce their intelligence, just rewire things to bypass certain critical thinking and impulse control centers in their brains.  

“Fuck, dude, I think it’s kicking in already,” Jake said, laughing awkwardly as his thick hose began to twitch.  The red-faced jock scratched at his hairy abs, his eyes darting between his friends while his cock stretched inexorably to it’s thick six inches.  

“Yeah, nothing wei...weird here...whoa…” Liam stammered, shaking his head.  His lantern-jawed features took on a similar hue as his lengthy rod pulsed and lengthened.  There was a stunned look on his face as he stared at Jake’s naked, erect physique, his hands drifting across his own itching torso.  “You weren’t kidding...that hits hard,” the tall blonde said, his eyes glued to Jake’s bobbing cock.  

“Hard is right,” Jake whined, grabbing his aching member.  He tried in vain to cover himself, but there was nothing he could do to obscure the throbbing organ.  He shifted his weight, embarrassed at the thought of standing naked and hard in front of his friends even as he stared at Liam’s thick, rigid pole.  

“This weird yet?” Liam laughed, seemingly unaware of how his hands traveled through the golden carpet coating his chest and abs while he watched Jake clutch his eager rod.  “You weren’t kidding about the itching, either,” he said, his tall frame contorting in an attempt to scratch his back.  

“Let me take a look.”  Tom stepped forward and spun Liam around by the shoulders, resisting the urge to give his friend’s muscled bubble a squeeze.  He smiled at the carpet of soft, wispy hair that had sprouted across the taller man’s back, a precursor to the silky forest on its way.  “I can see why.  You’ve got a blanket of peach fuzz back here.”  

“What?!  But I don’t want a hairy back!  A chest is one thing, but not my baaaauuuhhh….”  the towering blonde trailed off in a gasp when Tom ran his hand across the soft layer, sliding them down to grip his increasingly plump, fuzzy melons.  

“How do you feel about a furry ass?  Going to be a big one by the feel of it,” Tom purred.  He kneaded Liam’s inflating cheeks, the ample mounds already looking oversized compared to the rest of his friend’s tapering form.  It would balance back out as the rest of him expanded, but Tom enjoyed the disproportionate view while he could.  

So did Jake.  “Holy shit, dude!  You’re thick as fuck right now,” he laughed, oblivious to the fact that he’d gone from gripping his cock to stroking while he stared at Liam’s enlarged cheeks.  Given his furry beginnings, Jake didn’t seem to notice how the hair was thickening across his entire body, slipping over his shoulders to coat his upper arms while the curly layer crept higher and higher up his widening thighs.  

“O...okay...maybe this was a mistake.  How do we stop this,” Liam asked, his face pale.  

Tom wrapped his beefy arms around his friend from behind and held him close.  “There’s no stopping it once it starts.  You just have to ride it out.”  He laced his fingers through the hair that had spread from the center of Liam’s quickly fading abs across the rest of his firm stomach.  “Trust me.  You’ll look great when this is all done.”  

“Oh fuck...oh fuck…” Liam panted, his eyes wide as he looked down at Tom’s hands.  His hard-earned abs were almost gone entirely, and there was a noticeable, curvy expansion taking place.  Instead of tapering to a tight waist, his body was starting to look more like a rectangle than the inverted triangle he was so proud of.  He wanted to scream, but all he could focus on was how good Tom’s hands felt against his multiplying flesh, and the thick, solid bulge pressing into his copious backside.  He looked over at Jake, his cock oozing when he saw the formerly lean brunette undergoing a similar transition.  

Instead of a tight, shredded waist, Jake looked like he had a hairy beachball for a midsection.  The protruding muscle gut matched his friend’s meaty lower-half, while also forming a perfect resting place for his rapidly growing slab of a chest.  In a matter of moments, the precision sculpted pecs exploded outwards as if being inflated by a pump, settling as a pair of round, hairy mountains.  Jake kept pumping away the whole time, his six inches pushing out to a girthy eight that he could no longer close his fist around.  “Holy fuck, bro!  I’m a goddamn monster!” he laughed, prodding his solid gut and reaching behind to squeeze his plumped, hairy cheeks.  Unlike Liam, Jake’s hair appeared to stop at the top of his ass and the crest of his shoulders, leaving the middle of his back as the sole remaining smooth patch.  The rest of his forested frame more than made up for it, leaving a thick, gripable layer of hair over his burly, powerlifter frame.  “This is incredible!” Jake grinned and flexed his powerful new arms as he reached up to scratch at his head, the majority of his chocolate locks wiping away like an etch-a-sketch.  Even the shower of hair didn’t dull his euphoria, and his grin never faded while he wiped away the remnants until he was left with nothing but a buzzed ring along the base of his scalp.  

Liam was nowhere near as excited.  Though his cock oozed at the sight of Jake’s brawny new look, he was horrified to think of himself sharing such an appearance.  Already he could barely see the tip of his own widened, lengthened cock beneath his rounded gut, and he blushed at the huge, solid nipples poking out through the fur on his meaty shelf of a chest.  He winced as he felt his body rub against itself in unfamiliar ways, the ever-present hair only accentuating the sensation.  Even through his drunken, lustful haze, Liam was mortified as he pictured himself walking around in public, his forest of hair spilling out from beneath whatever plastered-on clothes he wore.  Between his inflated package, his expansive rear, and his eager nipples, everything about him would be on display.  And while he’d always liked being the center of attention, the former pretty-boy never imagined it quite like this.  

“Oh no...oh no…” Liam whimpered, watching clumps of golden hair rain down in front of his wide eyes.  He shivered when Tom reached up and wiped the rest away, leaving him with the same advanced, male-pattern baldness as his two friends.  

“Dude, you look great,” Tom said, his lips brushing against Liam’s widened neck.  He reached around with one hand to toy with his friend’s chest while the other drifted down to grab the aching club.  

“Fuuuuuck that feels good,” Liam groaned, his fear pushed aside by the growing tide of lust.  There was a small voice in his head that questioned why he was writhing in Tom’s grip while Jake watched, but the only answer he needed were the bolts of pleasure shooting through him.  

“Yeah?  How about this?”  

“OOHHH!”  Liam roared when Tom’s hand slipped between his plump cheeks, a pair of fingers pressing against his spasming hole.  “Wha...what’re you...fuuuuuuck...don’t...don’t stop…” he begged.  If there was any hesitation over the fact that his ballooning new body was being fingered by his friend, it didn’t show in his ecstatic expression.  

“I can do better,” Tom said, slipping the pouch of the jock aside.  In one smooth motion he removed the probing digits and replaced them with his fat log, falling to the ground with Liam when his friend’s knees gave out.  Tom knew the sensations for the pair would be heightened, but even he wasn’t prepared for the pure, animalistic display.  The once-confident ladies man was a writhing beast, huffing and grunting wordlessly as he clutched at the floor, his body shaking with each of Tom’s thrusts.  He arched his back when his invading friend grabbed handfuls of the copious hair between his shoulder blades, the foreign tugging sensation pushing him closer to the edge.  

“That looks like fun,” Jake said, lumbering over to the pair of rutting bulls, a dazed look on his face.  He’d barely stopped in front of Liam when the blonde’s hand shot up and wrapped around his oozing pole, tugging him to his knees.  “Whoooaaa,” he laughed, letting out a quick gasp when Liam lunged forward and swallowed his wide cock.  The sensation of his friend’s bald scalp rubbing against his hairy new gut was euphoric, and while he really wanted to be in Liam’s position, Jake was content to stroke the penetrated hulk’s back and watch as Tom went for a ride.  As with his taller friend, there was a part of Jake that questioned their behavior, but all that really seemed to matter was whether or not it felt good.  

And it did.  The trio went at it for hours, not stopping until they were a spent, sticky, matted mess.  By that point Tom’s bed frame had shattered and his sheets were a shredded tangle.  They’d all taken turns riding each other, experiencing the full range of pleasure that had expanded in time with their formerly lean bodies.  

“See?  I told you it wasn’t bad,” Tom said, lying in the middle of his broken bed with Liam on one side and Jake on the other.  

“This is fuckin’ great, bro,” Jake beamed.  The formerly dark-haired jock hadn’t stopped smiling since his transformation started, his normally impulsive attitude settling into an eager enthusiasm towards everything.  There was no fear or regret as he looked down at his meaty bulk, only a giddy excitement.  “You two are fuckin’ hot.  Dude...dudes are hot!” he said for what had to be the tenth time, though he didn’t seem to remember.  

Liam nodded, squirming as he draped himself against Tom.  “Wanna finger me again?”  The former blonde was slow in coming out of his lustful haze, and Tom was starting to wonder just how far out of it his friend would come.  He hadn’t stopped stroking his new body hair or toying with his nipples, and if there was a shred of modesty or an inhibition left, Tom couldn’t see it.  

Tom kissed Liam on his bald scalp and shook his head.  “Sorry bud.  We have to go let Adam know how this all turned out.”  He laughed at his friend’s look of disappointment as he sat up, wondering just how much clothing he’d be able to convince the two to put on.  “Aww, don’t worry.  I’m sure he’ll be excited to help you out when we get there.”  


David Cuir

got to have that serum!!!