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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 19: Growing Pains

  • Option 1 17
  • Option 2 11
  • Option 3 8
  • Option 4 22
  • 2020-08-02
  • —2020-08-05
  • 58 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 19: Growing Pains', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 5, 16, 0, 14, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 2, 23, 36, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 58}


“You have officially lost it, man,” Bryce said, hopping over the fallen remains of a rotting maple.  Like most of the damp, coastal forest around them, the wood was wet and rotting, covered in a melange of lichen and fungal growths.  “I’ve followed you into some crazy shit before, but this might top the list.”  

“No one said you had to come with me,” Garrett called over his shoulder, ducking under the branch of a gnarled live oak.  The wiry brunette pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket and paused to check their bearings.  He’d hiked the forests around Kingsbury Harbor his whole life and he knew how easy it was to get turned around, especially in a dense, untraveled patch like they found themselves in.  Towering pine, cypress, and cedar trees surrounded them, blotting out the bright sun overhead and casting a constantly shifting carpet of shadows across the sandy soil at their feet.  The twisting branches of the occasional live oak reached out like grasping vines, and if they didn’t know better both young men would have sworn that the tentacle-like branches moved and closed off the way behind them as they passed.  

It wouldn’t be the strangest thing they’d heard of in these woods.  Garrett and Bryce had both grown up in Kingsbury and were long desensitized to the odd happenings around town.  It was the only reason Garrett believed Rocco’s story enough to go trudging through the legend-haunted forest in the first place.  There were things the trees kept hidden, and usually that was for the best, but in this case the frustrated young man was willing to take a chance.  

“You sounded nuts, dude.  What kind of friend would I be if I let you come out here by yourself?” Bryce took a swig from his water bottle, the tanned arms hanging out of his tank-top breaking out in goosebumps.  The temperature had dropped considerably as they made their way deeper into the forest, the growing chill not helping to ease his nerves.  

Garrett grinned and shook his head.  “Right...you were just so concerned for my well being.  It had nothing to do with the fact that you’d be the smaller one for once.”  

Bryce grinned back, shrugging.  “To be clear, I think Rocco’s full of shit.  But, in the totally unrealistic event that he’s not, there’s no way in hell I’m letting your scrawny ass get bigger than me.”  The athletic blonde flexed a chiseled arm for emphasis, his thick bicep dwarfing Garrett’s toned physique.  Both men were covered in ample definition, but where the lean brunette was tight and wiry, Bryce was a wall of precision-crafted muscle.  The handsome blonde had the kind of body that Garrett longed for: broad shoulders, a tight waist, big arms, and a charming, lantern-jawed face to cap it all off.  It was nothing like Rocco’s thick, powerlifter frame, but Garrett was desperate.  No matter how many supplements he took or how many hours he spent at the gym, he couldn’t seem to pack anymore size onto his whipcord body.  He was shredded from head to toe, and his sharp, handsome features attracted more than their fair share of attention, but it wasn’t enough.  

“He was pretty convincing,” Garrett said, a blush of crimson creeping up his cheeks.  

“I still can’t believe you did that,” Bryce laughed.  “There’s taking one for the team, and then there’s...that.”  

“Whatever, man.  It’s not like HE fucked ME,” Garrett said defensively.  “Plus, turns out the dude gives great head, and if he wants to go for a ride on this in exchange for the info, who am I to say no?”  He grabbed his package through his shorts and shot Bryce a knowing look.  “And it’s not like you’ve got room to talk...how many times have you fooled around with the Siren?”  

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Bryce said, blushing.  “Eric doesn’t count.”  

“Then what about those three pretty boys on campus who are always hanging out together?  If I remember right, you messed around with all three at once.”  

“I was drunk!  They caught me at the right...wrong...time, that’s all!  It’s not like I’m…” 

“Easy, killer, I’m not judging,” Garrett laughed, cutting off the blushing blonde’s stammering.  “I’m just wondering if my feelings should be hurt that you haven’t tried to get with me yet.”   

Bryce stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Garrett’s trim waist, gripping the other man’s solid little bubble.  “Ooohhhh,” he said, his face inches from his friend’s, “is that the real reason you wanted to get me out here?”  

“You should be so lucky,” Garrett said, calling Bryce’s bluff and giving his friend a quick peck on the lips.  The blonde jock sputtered and pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.  “We can try that again when we’re done if you want,” he winked.  “But right now let’s keep going.  I think we’re almost there.”  

The two trekked on in silence, the shadows deepening as the forest grew more dense and the solid ground slowly gave way to a marshy terrain.  “And what makes you think this is so legit,” Bryce asked, breaking the stillness around them.  There were no longer any chirping birds or rustling squirrels, though neither of them could recall at what point the bustling forest sounds had stopped.    

Garrett shrugged.  “It’s hard to explain.  I don’t know how much of his story I believe, but the pictures were convincing.”  

“Oh, because those can’t be faked,” Bryce spat.  

“He had so many, way more than would have been realistic to fake, and he was so small in all of them.  He was just some wimpy middle aged dude.  Scrawnier than me, even, and from like six months ago.  I mean, you’ve seen him at the gym.  Dude’s a monster.  There’s no way he went from being thinner than me to that size in just six months, especially at his age.  All that stuff he said about having a dream that led him out here might be garbage, but SOMETHING made him blow up.”  Garrett paused and shook his head.  “It didn’t feel like he was just bullshitting me to get laid.  He had a look in his eyes...at the very least I’m convinced he believes it all happened.”  

“So he just came out here, touched some weird moss, and then boom?  Beast mode?”  

“Pretty much, yeah.  He said he had a dream about it, and then the next day when he went for  a hike he found himself out here.”

“That’s convenient,” Bryce sighed, so busy rolling his eyes that he almost walked into Garrett when his friend came to an abrupt halt.  

“Looks like we’ll find out,” the wiry man said, a triumphant smile on his face as he reached back and patted Bryce on his chest.  They’d crested a small hill and were looking down on a swampy grove, with a stand of dead trees jutting up through the surface of an inky black pool.  

The blonde jock gave a short laugh.  “At least it’s not super creepy,” he said, surveying the small, ebony pond surrounded by moss-covered stones.  The symmetrical angles of the rock suggested that they weren’t boulders but had been carved, though neither of the young men could figure out their intended purpose.  They were mostly buried in the swampy earth or submerged in the ebony water, and the parts that were visible were almost entirely covered in the violet moss Rocco had described.  

“Right where he said it’d be,” Garrett nodded, taking a deep breath.  Beneath the wet, rot of the swamp was a sweet floral aroma that appeared to be coming from the luminescent moss.  He stepped towards a pile of stone, his hand hovering just above the soft, fungal surface, and watched as the purple carpet seemed to quiver in anticipation.  

Bryce followed suit, his brow furrowed in disgust as he eyed the unhealthy looking foliage.  “Did, uh, Rocco say how much of it he touched?”  

“He said he put a hand on it, and that it burned a little, but then he started bulking up almost immediately.”  Garrett grinned excitedly at Bryce as he shifted his backpack off and tossed it aside before stepping out of his shoes.  

“What...what are you doing,” the brawny blonde asked as he watched Garrett slip out of his small t-shirt and start undoing his shorts.  

“These aren’t going to fit if this works,” Garrett said as he dropped his shorts and pushed his briefs down, shivering as the cool air hit his dangling hose.  “Don’t worry, I brought two sets of clothes for us to change into since you’re clearly unprepared.”  

Bryce looked around, hesitating.  “How much do you want to bet he’s creeping out here just so he can spy on us getting naked?”  

“He just saw you naked in the locker room two days ago, dumbass.  Now are we doing this or not?”  

“Fine, just give me a sec,” Bryce grumbled, pulling his tank-top free.  “If this doesn’t work, NO ONE hears about this, got it,” he said, pushing his shorts and boxer briefs down in one motion.  He blushed as he scurried awkwardly back to the stones, his plump, swaying cock starting to twitch.  

“Excited?” Garrett asked, watching his friend’s cock extend as they stood facing each other.  

Bryce’s face turned a deeper shade of red even as he tried to act casual.  “It’s a reflex.  The only time I’m ever getting naked in the woods is when I’m hookin’ up.  Sorry to disappoint you, big guy,” he said, looking down at his rigid organ.  The thick seven inches looked just as impressive as the rest of his tapering, sculpted physique as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.  “Alright, you got me fuckin’ naked, let’s do this.”  

They nodded at each other, each slamming a hand into the soft, purple layer.  There was an immediate, electric sensation, their arms going tense as the violet moss seemed to grab and hold onto them.  Both gave a sharp gasp when what felt like a bed of needles plunged into their palm, a hot, burning pulse following the stabbing pain.  Garrett had felt a similar stinging when he’d brushed up against a jellyfish, and he jerked his hand away as fast as he could.  He shook his tingling hand, a bright patch of red fading from his palm as he looked up to see Bryce still holding on.  The blonde jock had a determined look on his face, his whole body tense as he pressed his hand into the burning fungus. 

“Goddamn!” he spat a few seconds later, tearing his hand away.  Like Bryce, he shook his arm furiously, grateful that the searing sensation was already fading.  “That sucked,” he laughed.  “Is this just like poison ivy or something?”  

Garrett shook his head, his heart racing as a strange pressure built in his core.  “No, I think it’s something elllnnnggh!”  He grunted and doubled over, his whole body shuddering as it began to expand.  Garrett couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched the arms gripping his stomach puff and swell, the thickening pistons themselves forced outwards as his tight, trim stomach grew.  There was a moment of fear as the once-lean brunette watched his abs disappear, but he was relieved to find the growing muscle gut still firm and solid, just like the ballooning pecs that were beginning to rest heavily on top of it.  The same went for the thighs that he began to feel rubbing together, and the ample, meaty pillows that had replaced his tiny bubble.  Just like Rocco promised, in a matter of moments his thin, tight body had erupted with bulky muscle, leaving him with a beefy, powerful build that his former self could have fit comfortably inside of.  

The changes were gone as quickly as they came, and Garrett swayed on his feet as he prodded his broad new bulk.  He could only see the tip of his cock over the crest of his muscle gut, but even that seemed to have thickened in time with the rest of him as he wrapped one hand around it while the other probed along the burly shoulders that had swallowed most of his neck.  He’d gone from looking like a cross-country runner to a lumpy meathead, his expanded frame rippling with raw, uncut muscle.  “Ho...holy shit.  It worked.  It worked!” he cried.  “Dude!  We’re...huge…” Garrett’s voice dried in his throat when he finally looked up and saw what had become of Bryce.  His friend was still the bigger of the two, but not in the way he’d intended.  

“Oh...oh no...no no no…” Bryce moaned, looking down at a body he no longer recognized.  His shredded physique was gone, swallowed beneath a layer of soft, round flesh.  It was everywhere, causing the former hunk to shiver as his body rubbed against itself in unfamiliar ways.  Like Garrett, his midsection had expanded, but instead of a firm muscle gut, Bryce was left with a huge, round belly.  His formerly tapering waist now pushed out as a pair of prominent love handles, and his proud pecs were soft and squeezable.  The same went for his chunky new arms and legs which seemed to have doubled in size even as they lost their definition.  When he flexed, Bryce could still feel the muscle underneath, but it was buried too deep to be noticeable.  The excessive flesh had piled on at his rear, leaving Bryce with a set of heaping, supple pillows instead of his granite cheeks.  He was horrified when he looked down and was unable to see his cock at all over his sizable new stomach, but his attention was more focused on the changes to his face.  Garrett’s lean features had filled out, but his had ballooned.  Bryce’s lantern jaw was accompanied by a double chin and his prominent cheekbones had been swallowed, leaving his face as round and soft as the rest of him.  “What the fuck happened?!” 

“I don’t...I don’t know…” Garrett stammered, his eyes wide as he looked at his friend.  Bryce’s inflated body seemed to shake with each of the other man’s frantic steps, and the brawny brunette already had a hard time picturing him as the ripped Adonis he used to be.  

“You got big, man...I just got fat!” Bryce cried, holding his hefty arms out to the side.  “I can’t even see...please tell me my dick is still there.”  

Garrett couldn’t help but grin as he looked at his friend’s still-rigid pole.  The thick log looked to be the same size, though it appeared smaller compared to the rest of the blonde’s ballooning frame.  “Same as always,” he said, finally noticing the way his own thickened cock throbbed.  

“What...what am I gonna do?  How do we fix this?  I can’t just...just…” 

“Easy dude, we’ll figure something out,” Garrett said.  He stepped forward and put a hand on Bryce’s plump new waist, his fingers biting into the yielding sides.  

“Whhaaa?!”  Bryce tensed and went up on his toes, his eyes wide as soon as Garrett’s hand made contact.  

“What?  What’s wrong?”  Garrett put his other hand on Bryce’s chest to help steady his friend, but only made things worse as the blonde let out another hissing gasp.  

“Fuuuuuuuuck that feels good,” Bryce finally panted.  “What...why does that...oh shit…” he whimpered, his own hands shooting out to grab Garrett’s new muscle gut.  

“HHHOOuuuhh…!”  the brunette beast grunted, his cock pulsing.  “Oh...oh shit...I think I...know...what’s happening,” he said, squirming as his friend’s hands worked their way up and down his expanded frame.  “Rocco loved it when I grabbed him.  Anywhere.  It was like his whole body was one big nerve.”  

“Was he...did he want guys to fuck him BEFORE he got big?” Bryce asked, trying not to think about how terrifying good it felt when Garrett squeezed what should have been a solid pec.  

“I didn’t...I didn’t ask,” the beefy brunette said, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Bryce.  The other man had inflated so much he couldn’t reach all the way around, but he loved the way his arms bit into his friend’s softened body.  

Bryce seemed equally thrilled, letting out a howl when Garrett’s solid frame writhed against the soft sea of his torso.  He was both horrified and painfully aroused at the way his backside jiggled and gave in his friend’s grip.  It was the same for his whole body as every pinch and squish and shake sent a pulse straight to his cock.  The hefty hunk knew he should be blind with panic, but in the moment all he could focus on was how good everything felt.  When Garrett’s hands clutched his widened sides, or when the other man’s solid cock dug into his gut, it was better than any time he’d had his dick worked.  

Their lips were locked before they even realized it was happening, just as Bryce was unaware of his body dropping to all fours until Garrett was draped across his back.  He was mortified at the way he felt his new bulk shift and sag, but more than anything he was excited for what was to come.  They were both on autopilot, the demands of their expanded bodies needing to be met before they could do anything else.  They’d been awakened, and they needed release.  

Bryce screamed into the damp ground, his ecstatic howl echoing through the trees as Garrett worked his way inside.  It wasn’t the first time he’d had a dick inside him, he hadn’t told his friend about all of his romps with the Siren, but it had never felt like this.  The jock in him was beyond humiliated at the thought of what his girthy frame must look like shaking and jiggling while Garrett pounded into his mammoth new ass, but the rest of him was overcome with bliss.  He didn’t know if he’d ballooned up more than his friend because he’d held on longer, but after a few minutes of mind-melting ecstasy he didn’t care.  If his old body couldn’t make him feel like this, he didn’t want it.  Even Garrett’s inflated frame didn’t seem to be bringing his friend the same level of joy.  His glassy eyed grunts made it clear he was overwhelmed, but not to the same degree as the howling blonde.  

It didn’t take long before the pair was spent and collapsed in each other’s thickened arms.  They lay sprawled across the forest floor, tangled together in a fleshy pile.  “This did not go as planned,” Garrett said, his head resting on Bryce’s soft new chest.  

“Sure didn’t,” Bryce sighed, shivering as his friend stroked his expansive belly.  His lust just barely beat out his feelings of jealousy as he held Garrett’s granite body against him.  He knew they’d have to head back to town soon, and he’d have to face the reality of his altered body, but for the moment he was content to stare up at the forest canopy with his friend.  “This is still your fault.”  

“I’m clearly a little biased, but you’re really cute like this,” Garrett said, grinning as he watched Bryce blush at the compliment.  

“Don’t try and sweet talk your way out of this.”  The enlarged blonde gasped when his friend shifted on top of him, his hands instinctively dropping to Garrett’s ample, solid rear.  

“I mean it!  I know you’ve gotta be freaking out, but this isn’t a bad look.”  The beefy brunette pumped his hips, grinding his cock into Bryce’s belly for emphasis.  “You make a good bigger guy.”  

“You mean fat guy?”  

“I mean hot guy,” Garrett purred, leaning down for a long, rough kiss.  He squeezed Bryce’s chest and held on when the supple giant spasmed beneath him.  “And I’m thinking maybe we see who we can talk into coming back out here with us next time.”


Option 1: A group of guys harass the wrong woman and end up as eager, micro-dicked bottoms.

Option 2: An arrogant young man who refuses to let his roommate get a dog winds up as the pet instead.

Option 3: Womanizing men around town wake up to find all their clothes replaced by lingerie and everyone treating them the way they treated women.

Option 4: After swimming through a strange chemical that leaves them looking like they’re covered in glitter, a pair of jocks discover their shine can influence others. 


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