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“MMhhnnmmmm…” Matt whimpered, pumping his thick log while Dylan kneaded his prominent pecs.  

“Lookin’ good, big guy,” the lean, shaggy-haired blonde said, his voice dripping with condescension as he tweaked the bigger man’s nipples.  

“Fuuuuuuuck that feels good,” Matt whined, squirming as he reclined against his wiry friend.  The sensation of Dylan’s smooth, naked flesh against his own bare back struck the dark-haired hunk as odd, but he couldn’t put his finger on exactly why.  Watching his powerful bicep and torso flex as he worked his oozing rod while wrapped in the other man’s toned arms, sharp jolts of embarrassment kept shooting through him.  They never had a chance to take root before a throb of pleasure washed them away, but it wouldn’t be long before they made their return.  

Matt didn’t know why he should be embarrassed.  Working his thick, eight inch beast felt wonderful, and doing so while his friend played with his mountainous pecs only made it better.  There was something about having the other man’s cock nestled between his shoulder blades that started an alarm bell ringing in his addled brain, but whenever he thought about it he was quickly distracted by a pleasant tingling from between his solid, ample cheeks, followed by a mouthwatering hunger that made him lick his lips.  

“Oh fuck..ohhhOOOHHHHHH!”  Matt howled, arching his back as his cock exploded all over his heaving chest and stubble covered jaw.  

“There it is,” Dylan cheered, laughing as the broad jock spasmed in his arms.  

The rush of pride that accompanied the warm, sticky torrent seemed as strange as everything else to Matt, but he couldn’t deny how good both made him feel.  The salty taste was oddly familiar as he licked his mouth and chin clean before grabbing Dylan’s hands.  His friend’s fingers had been caught in the eruption while they worked his granite chest, and Matt eagerly sucked each sticky digit clean.  He gripped the other man’s hands against him when he was done, settling into the embrace.  “That was fun,” he sighed, though he still didn’t recall everything that had made him feel so content.  

Dylan gave the big man’s stomach a pat before worming out from underneath.  “It sure was,” he said, standing and stretching.  Though his wiry body was rock solid with definition, the dark-haired stud on the bed was nearly twice Dylan’s size.  “You’re a natural with that thing.”  

Matt looked down at his naked, olive bulk, a confused expression on his face.  “What thing?”  

Dylan grinned as he slipped his boxers back on and reached down to pull the confused stud to his feet.  “All of it.  Giving you that body was the best decision we ever made.”  

Matt just blinked, returning his friend’s smile because it felt like the right thing to do, not because he understood the meaning behind it.  He looked over at the mirror, hoping his reflection would provide some clue, but he immediately became distracted by his own striking features.  His broad-shouldered, tapering frame was a towering wall of sculpted muscle.  He was an Adonis, his perfect physique only further accentuated by his strong, stubble-coated jaw, pouty lips, and brooding eyes.  The softening beast and plump balls dangling between his thick thighs added to his masculine aura, which was capped off by a light dusting of wiry, raven hair that coated his frame just enough to show off his build and not obscure it.  It was the kind of body men would kill for, and Matt knew it made him look strong and handsome; he just didn’t know why it felt so wrong.  Following Dylan out of the room in a daze, the chiseled man caught himself thinking he should have a body like his friend.  He should be tight and wiry, not broad and bulky with excessive muscle.  It was a good look, but not one he’d wanted for himself.    

“Come on, man, you could at least clean him up when you’re done.”  A rush of embarrassment turned to excitement as Matt lumbered naked into the living room and saw their friend Arthur sitting shirtless on the couch.  Like Dylan, their friend’s body was lean and toned, his light brown skin pulled tight over a deceptive amount of muscle.  Matt felt his heart start to race at Arthur’s disapproving look, not understanding who it was directed at.  “I don’t mean you, champ.  I’m talking to Dylan,” the shirtless man said as he stood.  Matt grinned, his spent hose already twitching as his eyes traveled up and down Arthur’s body, lingering on the plump cheeks filling out the back of his gym shorts.  

“What?  He likes it.  Don’t you, stud?  It’s a sign of a job well done,” Dylan said, patting Matt’s chest defensively.  “Don’t worry, dude.  I’ll make sure he’s nice and clean before he goes anywhere.”  

Arthur sighed and ran a hand over his short, dark hair, shaking his head.  “It’s not just that, man.  I mean...what are we even doing here?”  

“Nothing that he hadn’t planned to do to one of us,” Dylan spat, nodding over a bony shoulder at Matt.  “You read his notes.  That was going to be me or you...probably both.  And once he saw how well it worked, who knows how many people he would’ve used it on.”  

Arthur walked over and put a hand on the naked hulk’s waist, searching his expression for any sign of the shrewd intelligence that used to lurk behind the dull grin.  “I told you he was bad news from the start.  He said he was cool with rooming with a couple gay guys, but he always acted weird.”  

“Now we know why,” Dylan said, eliciting a laugh as he squeezed one of Matt’s bare cheeks.  The brawny man didn’t seem to understand that the two were talking about him like he wasn’t there; he was just happy they were touching him.  “It’s fucked up he used our DNA in his formula, but at least now he can’t do this to anyone else.”  

“I still wonder about that guy from his office he mentioned in his notes.  Dude must’ve been a real prick if Matt had something like this in mind for him after he tested it on us.”  Arthur stepped back, adjusting the obvious lump growing in his shorts.  

“Or maybe not?  I still don’t think Matt was as straight as he claimed.  You don’t do this,” Dylan said, hefting the bigger man’s girthy package, “to another guy if you’re just jealous or annoyed.”  

“That’s the truth,” Arthur nodded, struggling to remember how Matt had looked at their size.  It had only been a few weeks, but already the dour, spiteful man was a distant memory next to the overgrown puppy he’d become.  “But do you think burning the notes was the best idea? What if we need to undo this?”  

“It’s not like it was a fucking cookie recipe,” Dylan laughed.  “You saw that shit.  Did you understand any of it?”  

Arthur shook his head.  “I’m just saying, what if there was some medical value in there?  Fucked up or not, this is impressive.  Hell, maybe we could have sold it to some legit researchers.”  

“Anyone who’d buy that is far from legit,” Dylan said.  “And we’re making plenty of money with Matt as-is.  Aren’t we, big guy?  Let’s see those moves.”  

The naked stud wasted no time breaking into a series of flexing poses before slowly swaying his hips, working up to a rhythmic gyrating that set his hardening cock to wagging wildly.  The lack of music didn’t slow him down in the slightest as he eagerly thrust, swayed and twerked.  

“Okay, okay!  Save it for the camera, sweety,” Arthur said, motioning for the ripped new jock to stop.  He looked down at Matt’s solid club and rolled his eyes.  “Now you’ve gone and got him all worked up again.”  

“You wanted to clean him up.  Why don’t you two go hop in the shower,” Dylan winked, giving Arthur’s solid bulge a squeeze as he passed.  

The dark-skinned man grinned despite himself as he reached out and took Matt’s hand.  “You heard him.  Let’s get you put together.”  

“Okay!” Matt nodded excitedly, letting go of Arthur’s hand so he could abruptly strip the other man's shorts and briefs down in the middle of the living room.  

“Whoa!” Arthur laughed, his seven-inch pole springing free.  “Normally we’d wait til we were in theeeuuuhhh…” the wiry man was cut off when Matt dropped to his knees and swallowed his cock, the other man’s inflated hands clamping onto his supple rear.  It was a problem whenever the altered man saw someone’s rigid member.  The first thing he wanted to do was get his pouty new lips around it.  Arthur sighed and let Matt bob his head back and forth, running his hands through the kneeling stud’s soft hair while trying not to enjoy the humming whimpers of pleasure too much.  

Most of his protests with Dylan were for show, to make himself feel better more than anything.  He had no illusions about the kind of person Matt used to be, and at the end of the day he slept perfectly sound wrapped in the enlarged man’s sturdy arms, knowing they’d stopped him from doing greater harm.  

It wasn’t as if they could have gone to the police.  They’d both suspected Matt of being up to something for a while, but they had no proof.  And even after they found the notes and the sample formula, there was no guarantee that anything would have happened even if they’d gone to the authorities.  So they’d taken the matter into their own hands.  Considering that Matt had used their genetic material to make it, they felt that it was only fitting to be the ones to deal with the situation.  

Still, Arthur wondered if that wasn’t Matt’s plan all along.  Dylan was onto something with his theory that a supposedly straight man wouldn’t go out of their way to turn another guy into a cheerful, horny hunk, and he was starting to suspect that Matt just needed someone else to pull the trigger.  He’d always caught the dark-haired man staring when he didn’t think anyone was looking, and there were countless other ways Matt could have acquired the genetic material he needed without moving in with a pair of gay guys like him and Dylan.  If he was smart enough to come up with a formula that could transform someone the way it did, Arthur didn’t think it was impossible that he was also smart enough to manipulate them into doing something he didn’t have the courage to do to himself.  Maybe he was tired of his brain always being in overdrive, and maybe he was tired of being small and thin, and maybe he was tired of pretending to be something he wasn’t.  Maybe his goldfish memory and nonexistent attention span was a blessing.  Or, Arthur thought, maybe that was just something he told himself to feel better as he watched the striking hunk go to town on his aching cock.  

“Alright, enough of that,” Arthur said, reluctantly pulling out of Matt’s mouth.  He shivered when the kneeling man leaned in and nuzzled the spit-slick rod, working it against his scratchy stubble.  “You can do that again later, but first we need to get you clean.”  Arthur couldn’t help but smile as he watched Matt bound off to the bathroom, his muscled globes shaking and bouncing with each thunderous footfall.  The shower was already running by the time he entered and Matt was already standing under the stream, a proud grin on his face.  

“Ready!” the big man said, turning and wiggling his hips as Arthur stepped in behind him.  

“Good thing water’s included in this building,” Arthur laughed under his breath as Matt shoved himself backwards.  The smaller man barely had time to get his footing before he was clinging to the groaning hunk’s prominent pecs, thrusting in time with his eager bouncing.  Matt was a machine, using his ample bottom to work Arthur’s overloaded cock with nimble ease.  As the olive-skinned jock bucked and writhed, it was hard to tell who was fucking who, though with both of their moans echoing off the tiled walls it didn’t seem to matter.  

Arthur lasted as long as he could, but, as always, Matt was the one with the enduring stamina.  He was pumping away on the other man’s fat club long after his own cock had exploded inside him and the water was turning cold.  He let his larger friend towel him off when they were done, and he blushed when he realized Dylan was standing in the doorway.  

“And how long were you watching?” Arthur asked as Matt patted him dry.  

“Long enough to be jealous,” the blonde said, giving Arthur’s plump rear a swat.  “I remember when that used to be me in there.”  

Arthur laughed and raised an eyebrow.  “You mean you remember yesterday?  Fuck, man, I’ve only got so much in me.”  

“I know exactly how much you’ve got in you,” Dylan grinned as he leaned in to peck Arthur on the cheek before turning his attention to Matt.  He held up a hot-pink jockstrap and a pair of running shorts, whose white, paper-thin material would be sheer once it was stretched around the bigger man’s meaty legs.  “I brought your favorite outfit for work tonight.”  Matt beamed as he slipped the bright jock up his sturdy thighs, filling the pouch to capacity as the straps accentuated the size of his thick cheeks.  “You just have to wear the shorts until you get there, then you can take them off,” Dylan said when the big man hesitated.  “Or you can let someone else take them off,” he winked.  

That was all the encouragement Matt needed to slip the pointless shorts on.  They rode low enough on his hips that the top of his jock was exposed, and they were short enough to make a pair of Arthur’s briefs look large, but Matt’s perfect physique looked like it was made for them.  “Are we going now?” he asked, sounding like a kid waiting for a trip to the toy store.  

“Soon,” Dylan said.  “Why don’t you go turn your camera on and have some fun with your internet friends until we’re ready?”  



Not that it s bad but I would have given Matt a bit more personality? Now he seamed to close to a robot going threw the motion.


Yeah, if I ever expand on this I’d definitely develop them a bit more. This was just an idea I wanted to get down.