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“I mean, she’s not wrong,” Brad said.  “We do spend a lot of time together.”

“So what?  We’re friends!  I’m not allowed to hang out with my roommate?”  Steve gave the stocky man an exasperated look as he tossed him his beer.  “And why are you taking her side,” the shirtless jock asked, hooking his thumb in the waist of his shorts.  The motion caused the baggy mesh to ride low on his trim waist, accentuating the smooth, washboard abs and ripped obliques that rose out of his exposed boxer briefs.  

Brad hopped off the couch and held his hands up in surrender.  “Whoa, I’m not saying it was grounds for a breakup.  I’m just sayin’ we hang out a lot.  To someone clingy that could be a problem.”  He walked over and grinned up at his taller friend, his furry shelf of a chest a sharp contrast to Steve’s smooth build as he flexed his bare, olive torso.  “And you can’t really blame her for being jealous with this around,” he said, motioning to his beefy, muscled frame straining against the thin cotton of his gym shorts.  “She just wanted this all to herself,” he cooed, batting his eyes as he reached out and grabbed his friend’s package through his shorts.  

Steve laughed and swatted Brad’s hand away.  “She had THAT all to herself...not my fault she doesn’t have anyone else to hang out with.  If she’s that threatened by your Yeti ass I don’t know what to tell her.”  

“You’re better off, dude,” Brad shrugged, letting out a loud belch and scratching absently at the dark coating of hair on his solid stomach.  “She was always kinda weird, you know?  What’d she say when she stormed out?  We might as well be the same person?  Fuck is that even supposed to mean?”

“Who knows,” Steve said, shaking his head.  “But you’re right.  I’m clearly better off if she can’t even handle the two of us spending time together without her around.”  

“Sorry about your luck,” Brad grinned, “it’s not like I’m going anywhere.”  

“Hey, you DO have nice tits,” Steve laughed, bouncing one of his stocky friend’s meaty pecs.  “A little hairy, but that ass isn’t too bad either.”  

The dark-haired jock turned and shook his ample cheeks, grinning back at his friend over a broad shoulder as he walked away.  “You that desperate already?”  

The taller young man groaned.  “Ask me again in a few days.  Hell, ask me again in a few hours.  Hasn’t even been a week since I got laid but it feels like years.”  

“Welcome to my world,” Brad sighed.  

“Dude, you could be getting just as much tail if you weren’t so oblivious.  I’ve watched plenty of girls throw themselves at your dumb ass.”  

Brad shrugged.  “I’m not really looking to deal with the kind of drama you just did.”  

“I didn’t say you had to go out and find a girlfriend.  I said you could get laid,” Steve laughed.  

“Eh, it’s a lot of effort,” Brad said dismissively.  

“Whatever you say, man,” Steve relented.  In all the years he’d known his friend, the burly bulldog had been perpetually single.  He’d seen Brad hookup a few times, but it was nowhere near the amount their friends did, especially for a handsome, virile young jock.  Steve gave his friend a hard time for being so hairy, but that was only because of how good looking Brad actually was.  He was on the shorter side, but his frame was broad-shouldered and athletic, with powerful arms and a lantern-jawed face that rode the line between aggressively masculine and boy-next-door charm.  Steve had also seen his friend’s thick, sizable cock enough times to be more than a little jealous, which only further added to his confusion over the other man’s relative abstinence.  

It wasn’t a lifestyle he could relate to.  With his tall, smooth frame covered in lean definition, Steve was every bit the pretty-boy jock, and he took full advantage of his situation.  He had a boyish face that was disarmingly friendly, and a head of cropped, chocolate hair accentuated his handsome features.  He wasn’t as hung as his stocky friend, but that didn’t stop the revolving door of “girlfriends” leaving the smooth stud’s room in the morning.  Steve always told himself, and his eager partners, that he was interested in a relationship, but none lasted more than a few months at most.  Gretchen, his latest breakup, had been accurate in her assessment; outside of sex, Steve was far more interested in hanging out with his friends, especially Brad, than he was with his supposed partners.  

“I have to get some work done, but do you want to watch a movie later,” Brad asked from the door to his room.  “Or did you want to go out?”  

“Movie, definitely.  Horny or not, I don’t need anymore bullshit for a while,” Steve said, blinking and shaking his head when he caught himself staring at Brad’s plump cheeks when the other man turned away.  

It had been a reflex, the same way he’d check out a girl’s ass when she walked by at the bar, not something he was used to doing with his friend.  More confusing was the way his cock twitched at the sight of the shifting mounds, his hand suddenly tingling at the memory of Brad’s hairy pec against his palm from when he’d jokingly groped his friend earlier.  “Goddamn...I really am getting desperate,” he muttered to himself as he closed the door to his room behind him.  

His cock still aching, Steve ran a hand absently up his ripped stomach and across his toned pecs.  He’d already hooked one hand in the waist of his shorts and boxer briefs, intending to relieve the growing pressure, but he froze, suddenly registering the odd sensation of hair against his hand.  “What the fuck is that…” he gasped, noticing the soft, silky strands that had sprouted all over his torso.  It wasn’t thick and coarse like Brad’s, but the freshly sprouted follicles seemed just as pervasive.  The ghostly fuzz flowed up and out of his underwear, coating his abs, pecs and arms.  It stopped just at the crest of his shoulders, threatening to spill down his back at any moment.  “Great. This is the last thing I need right now.  How is this even happening,” he grumbled.  At twenty three Steve thought himself past puberty, but more alarming, he was certain the hair hadn’t been there earlier in the day.  He’d gone to the gym and showered afterwards, and he told himself there was no way he would have missed the budding carpet.  Just stroking a hand along the prominent trail on his abs made him shiver, and Steve began to wonder if he was suddenly paying for all the hairy jokes he’d made at Brad’s expense.  

Thinking about his friend pushed his cock from twitching to growing, and Steve desperately tried to shake the image of Brad’s burly, hairy frame from his mind as he stripped down and dropped onto his bed.  He wrapped a hand around his thin, aching six inches, closing his eyes and cycling through memories of his last handful of exes to no avail.  Even his go-to fantasies were no use as the sensation of his budding fuzz rubbing against itself was a constant reminder of his furry friend.  Several times, Steve caught himself pumping away for minutes before he realized he was thinking about Brad’s sturdy, naked frame.  He was familiar with how it felt after years of rough housing with his friend, but now he started to wonder about the aspects he hadn’t explored.  Steve started to imagine it was Brad’s thick club he stroked, not his own, and his stomach fluttered when he thought about pressing that fat organ against his lips.  

Once he crossed the line, there was no going back.  The lean jock had never had a gay urge in his life, especially not towards his friend, but Steve was caught up in the tide of confusing fantasy.  He could practically feel Brad’s meaty thighs against his face as he pictured himself bobbing his head into the other man’s lap, hungrily swallowing as much of the pulsing rod as he could.  The strange new impulses urged him on, and soon Steve was writhing ecstatically on his bed, imagining Brad’s heavy, furry body pressed on top of his own.  His lips burned as he pressed them against his phantom friend’s, the feeling of the other man’s scrubby stubble scratching against his face driving him wild.  

Before he could question the direction his thoughts were taking, Steve saw himself face down on the bed, his body shaking as his stocky friend slammed into him.  Even in his imagination the bouncing flesh felt excessive, and the lean jock was horrified to see his body warped and inflated in his mind’s eye.  Instead of lean and tight, he was thick and bulky, with burly arms, a muscle gut, and a thick, meaty ass that rippled with each of Brad’s deep thrusts.  On top of the extra flesh was a dense, coarse carpet like the one his friend sported, sending jolts of pleasure down his spine as Brad’s fingers tugged on the forest covering his plump pecs.  

The image was jarring enough to force Steve’s eyes open, revealing a body that was somewhere between the one he recognized and the beefy nightmare from his fantasy.  The stroking jock gasped when he discovered that the jolts of pleasure hadn’t come from Brad tugging on his chest hair, but his own hand.  What had been a fuzzy precursor when he’d started pumping away had continued to grow, settling into a distinct pattern across his chest and down his stomach.  There was still a light dusting at his sides and along his shoulders, but the real carpet coated his midsection before spreading around at his waist to cover his ass and thighs.  

Even through his haze of lust he recognized it as the same kind of hair Brad sported, the thought of his friend pushing him closer to the edge.  Steve knew he should stop jerking off and try and figure out what was happening.  He started to notice distinct changes beneath all the hair, a loss of definition across his abs and a thickening of his chest, but he was too desperate for release to quit.  All he could do was prod at a muscle gut that seemed to expand a bit more with each pump, his pecs and arms starting to grow in time.  Steve watched his thighs expand towards each other while the cock he furiously tugged on lengthened and thickened in his hand, his arm feeling heavy and cumbersome as it went from toned and chiseled to a burly piston.  Despite his panic, and the knowledge that it should have been impossible, Steve’s girthy new cock throbbed the thought of his body slowly taking on his friend’s characteristics.  He pictured himself walking around as a larger version of Brad, feeling an odd mix of pride and humiliation at the image of his thick, hairy new frame.  

Steve began to picture the two of them together, no longer a mismatched pair of lean pretty boy and stocky meathead, but a couple of brawny bulldogs, their beefy, furry bodies radiating an overwhelming masculinity.  He replayed all of his fantasies from before, only now he experienced it with his new body, heightening the already intense sensations.  Steve didn’t know if he was moaning and whimpering out loud or just in his head, but he didn’t care.  He could hear his bed creaking under the accustomed weight as he writhed and bucked his hips, unable to stop himself from grunting out his friend’s name.  

“Bruuhh...oh fuck...oh fuck...Braauu...Braaaaaaaddddd!” Steve bellowed, arching his back as his fattened cock launched ropey strands all over his massive, hairy new torso.  The panting hulk blushed as he smeared the sticky fluid into his curly forest, pumping out every last drop before collapsing back onto his bed.  

“You okay?  What’s going on...in...here…” Steve froze, his blushing face turning a deep crimson that spread down across his beefy new body as Brad burst through the door.  The shorter man’s jaw dropped, his eyes going wide and his face pale as he stared at his altered, naked friend on the bed.  “St...Steve?  Is that...what...what the fuck?!”  

“I don’t...I don’t know!  I don’t know!”  Steve cried, registering the deeper tone to his voice as he lurched upright.  He gasped at the way his heavy body felt shifting into place, his room feeling smaller than it should as his broadened frame took up more space.  

“Are you okay?  Does it hurt?  Fuck, man, you’re huge!”  Brad gave an impressed whistle as he cocked his head and stared at the naked hulk.  

Steve looked at himself in a daze, finally catching sight of his face in the mirror.  His features had expanded slightly, his jaw looking more square and his nose more blunted, but he was still mostly recognizable as himself, save for the dense, scrubby stubble that coated his cheeks.  Like his new shape and the rest of the hair that coated it, the stubble matched Brad’s perfectly, further confirming his suspicions.  “I...I look like you.”  

“What?  No you…” Brad trailed off as Steve lumbered up from the bed, giving him a full view of his inflated, hairy body.  As much as he wanted to deny it, his friend’s broad shoulders, meaty chest, solid gut, round, ample rear, and girthy cock all mirrored his own.  There was still the height difference between them, and they didn’t exactly look like identical twins, but they were very much cast from a similar mold.  “Oh shit...you’re right, dude.  But...but how?”  

“How the fuck should I know?  One minute I was in here jerking off, and next thing I know I’m…like this,” Steve said, blushing as he felt his exposed cock twitch.  His strange new attraction hadn’t faded in the slightest, and thinking back on his fantasies while staring at his shirtless friend was more than he could handle.  

“Yeah, I, uh, heard.  You were pretty enthusiastic,” Brad said, laughing awkwardly.  He hesitated, his eyes traveling up and down Steve’s expansive new body.  “Was there a reason you wailed out my name at the end there?”  

“Oh! Uh, I just, uh,” Steve stammered, feeling suddenly embarrassed and insecure despite his now-massive size as he squirmed uncomfortably in front of his staring friend.  He was trying to come up with a cover, even though he knew it was obvious that he was checking the other man out, when he finally noticed the tent in Brad’s shorts.  It was the last piece his frantic mind needed to complete the puzzle.  Steve still didn’t know how any of it was possible, but a pattern was beginning to emerge.  “Wait...wait...what did Gretchen say?  We might as well be the same person?”  Steve nodded back and forth between them, spreading his thick, hairy arms.  “Can’t get much more similar than this.”  

“But how would she even…?”  

Steve shrugged his heavy new shoulders.  “She was into some weird shit, man.  There’s a reason she always came over here...her place creeped me out too much.  Do you have a better explanation?”  

“No, this is just...a lot,” Brad said, swallowing hard.  

“I noticed,” Steve said with a short laugh.  There was a pause as he ran a hand through his hair, his eyes going wide at the size of his arm as it flexed with the motion.  “Is there, uh, something you need to tell me,” he finally asked, nodding down at his rigid cock and the now-obvious tent in Brad’s shorts.  As things fell into place, his friend’s relative abstinence began to make more sense in light of the new urges Steve was experiencing.  

It was Brad’s turn to blush.  The stocky hunk turned bright red as he forced his eyes away from Steve.  “What do you mean?  No, I, uh, there’s nothing to…I mean I don’t know what you’re...” he stammered, trying to cover his large lump.  

“So you’re cool if I do this?”  Steve lunged forward with a speed that was surprising given his bulky size and wrapped his arms around Brad.  He leaned down and pressed their lips together as he held his friend’s solid, hairy body against his own, feeling Brad tense, then relax as he returned the gesture.  The shorter man’s frozen hands began sliding across Steve’s broad new back, eventually settling on his plump, hairy globes.  

“Wha...dude...where’d that come from?” Brad panted when the taller man finally let up.  

“Have you had a thing for me this whole time,” Steve asked, his own hands slipping into the back of Brad’s shorts.  He leaned in and kissed his friend’s wide neck when he saw the look of fear in Brad’s eyes, giving his cheeks a reassuring squeeze.  “Dude.  It’s cool.  Even without all...this...you don’t have to worry.”  

“I didn’t want to freak you out,” Brad finally sighed.  “You’re clearly not into guys, and I didn’t want to make it weird.”  

“Even if I couldn’t have given you what you wanted, I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide that,” Steve said, resting his forehead against Brad’s.  “If I’d known I wouldn’t have tried to push so many girls at you.  I’d have been just as happy to help you find a dude.”  He gave his friend a quick peck on the nose before tugging Brad’s shorts and underwear down, their thick cocks batting together.  “Kind of a moot point now,” he grinned, grabbing both of their rigid organs and pumping them together.  

Brad gasped and clutched at the hair on Steve’s prominent pecs, his shocked expression settling into a smirk.  “Bet you’re sorry you made all those sasquatch jokes,” he laughed, tweaking his friend’s inflated nipples before stroking through the chestnut carpet.  

Steve groaned, his knees going weak at the sensation.  “Tha...that feels so weird…” he half panted, half laughed.  “Going to have to get used to feeling like I’m wearing a shirt even without one.”  

“It’s not a bad look,” Brad nodded.  “You were hot before, but this is a surprising improvement.”  

“You mean now that I look like you?” Steve’s aching rod pulsed at Brad’s cocky grin, sending him to his knees so that he could begin to live out his recent fantasies.  The feeling of his friend’s cock filling his mouth was better than he’d imagined, the sound of Brad’s deep moans making his stomach flutter.  He explored every inch of the stocky man’s lower half with his tongue, savoring the musky scent and salty taste.  Going to town on another man’s cock for the first time, Steve was surprised at his lack of embarrassment.  Instead of feeling like he was doing something he shouldn't, the inflated jock felt perfectly at home with his face buried in Brad’s lap.  The same went when they fell onto his bed and Steve thrust his plump, hairy cheeks into the air.  He didn’t dread the idea of his friend’s cock slipping inside, he was desperate for it.  With his existing feelings of friendship amplified by his new perspective, Steve longed for that level of connection with the other man.  He wasn’t humiliated at Brad’s brawny little body dominating his furry bulk; he just felt lucky.  

Steve didn’t know if Gretchen had intended it as a curse or not, but what she’d given them was a gift.  The formerly lean jock wasn’t too thrilled at being thick and furry like his stocky friend, but overall it was a win-win.  He got to spend his time with the person he really wanted to, and Brad longer had to pine in secret.  It would be an adjustment, they’d have to figure out how everyone else was going to react to his new look, but based on the overwhelming bliss flooding his furry bulk, it was one Steve was happy to make.  

“Fuh...fuuuuuuckkkkkkk….” he grunted, his untouched cock exploding as Brad reached a jackhammer pace.  It was like the two of them were made for each other.  His virgin hole had accepted his friend’s thick beast without issue, and they fell into rhythm with a clockwork ease.  The smaller stud wasn’t far behind.  He gave a final thrust and sprayed like a hydrant, unleashing a sticky waterfall when he pulled free and fell against his friend.  The pair laid in silence, catching their breath in each other's arms as their stunned brains raced to process what just happened.  “Oh shit, I just thought of something,” Steve said, blushing as his fingers absently stroked through the hair on Brad’s stomach.  “None of my clothes are going to fit anymore, and yours are too small to borrow.”  

Brad rolled over and draped himself on top of the bigger man, planting a long, deep kiss.  “No need to rush on that,” he grinned.  


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