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*** Work in progress! ***

“Are you clear on the directions to the hot spring?” Sarah asked from behind the counter, tapping her finger.  The bothersome guest of the hotel had been hitting on her for nearly twenty minutes and she was at the end of her rope.  “Sir?”  She asked, staring daggers into eyes that were locked squarely on her chest.  

“It’s Ben,” Ben said, staring at her ample bosom.  “Are you sure you don’t want to come and show us?” He gave her a charming smile, oblivious to the look of annoyance on her face as he wasn’t used to having girls say no to him.  His twenty seven year old body reflected the hours it was subjected to at the gym, and coupled with his youthful face he usually got his way.  He flexed his chest within the confines of his tight t-shirt, hoping to catch her attention.

“For the last time sir, no.  If you’d like I can call the manager?”  She said, giving them one more chance.

“Dude, come on already,” Ben’s accomplice said, coming up to the counter.  Sarah had been informed his name was Matt, and that he was very eager to spend some time with her.  “If she doesn’t want to have fun with us it’s her loss,” he sneered, unaware of the sparkling light that danced across Sarah’s eyes.

“Sir,” she said to Matt, “don’t forget to take your complimentary bath salts.”  She handed him a bag of yellow crystals, giving no indication that she heard his derogatory remark.  He took the bag from her hand and the two walked away without comment.  

“Are you sure we’re going the right way?” Matt asked.

“This is the way she told us to go,” Ben said, annoyed to be answering this question again.  “Besides, there’s only one trail, right?”  There was a ring of uncertainty in his voice.  Ben thought over the directions they’d been given and was sure he’d followed them exactly.  

Matt stumbled over a root as he spoke.  “With all this fog it’s hard to tell.  Maybe we were supposed to turn off somewhere.  Or maybe she gave us the wrong directions on purpose.”

“Come on Matt, not this again.”  They’d spent most of their trek talking about the woman at the hotel, and their indignation at being snubbed by her, though that conversation stopped when a thick blanket of fog descended from the top of the mountain.  Since then they walked mostly in silence, neither man wanting to betray his nervousness to the other.  Though only a few feet apart, the pair could barely see each other.  Shadowy outlines of the dense forest lurked at the edge of their vision, illuminated by a few weak strands of sunlight.  If there had been a turn off to another trail, they wouldn’t have been able to see it.  “It’s kinda creepy up here,” he said, hurrying to keep Ben’s large frame in sight.  “Isn’t this place supposed to be popular?  How come we haven’t seen anyone else?”  

“Don’t be such a pussy,” Ben said, though it was obvious he was thinking the same thing.  The thick covering of fog muted all sounds save the crunch of their feet on the trail.  No birds or insects could be heard, though the two were convinced they heard a woman’s laughter from time to time.  The laughter seemed to drift down from the mountain, somehow able to slice through the murky quagmire.  Ben took this to mean they were heading towards people, and, therefore, going the right direction.  On several occasions the pair had even stopped dead, convinced they heard footsteps fast approaching, only to be left alone on the trail.

“Ben, seriously, I think we’re lost.  We’ve been walking for like an hour, it shouldn’t be this far.”  

“You can go back if you want, but I’m not going to be scared off by a little fog.  We’ve gotta be getting close.”  On cue, the forest gave way and the wooden outcroppings of a hut began to materialize through the haze.  “See?” Ben said, both excited and relieved.  The two hurried forward into the rocky clearing, stopping short when they took in the full appearance of the building before them.  The wooden structure was rickety and worn with age.  Giant formations of moss draped down from the roof and a set of rotting steps led up to a door that creaked as it was blown by breezes from within.  There was an unwholesome dampness about the clearing as everything sagged under the oppressive humidity or was slick with ichor.

“Is this it?” Matt asked, hearing faint bubbling noises echo from the dilapidated structure.  “It looks kinda….old.”

“Maybe we missed the trail and came in a back way?  This is probably one of the old buildings no one uses anymore.”  Paying no heed to the appearance of the structure, Ben carefully climbed the precarious stairs and passed under the curtain of moss.  Reluctantly, Matt followed suit.  “See?  This isn’t so bad,” Ben said as he saw the warm, bubbling water.  The building was bare inside save for a stone circle filled with the churning liquid.  He submerged his hand and groaned, tendrils of warmth slithering up his arm and into every inch of his muscular body.  

“What?  What is it?”  Matt asked, his voice shaking with concern.

“This water feels fantastic!”  Ben pulled his hand free and started undressing.  He kicked off his sandals and peeled out of his clinging, sweat soaked t-shirt, the hair on his chest matted against his skin.  

“Whoa, dude, what’re you doin?”  Matt laughed as he watched Ben’s swim trunks slide down over his round, firm ass.

“It’s not like there’s anyone out here,” Ben said, scratching his exposed, sweaty balls.  Matt averted his eyes in order to avoid seeing Ben’s cock flop around while he paced the spring.  He finally clambered over the side and dunked himself in the water.  “Holy shit man, I don’t know what’s in this water but it feels great.  Are you coming?”

“Uh…” Matt hesitated.  Something about the place made him uncomfortable.

“Hey, don’t forget to bring that salt stuff she gave us,” Ben said, already lost in the warmth of the water.  

The look of pleasure on his friend’s face finally pushed Matt over the edge.  He removed his sandals and slowly peeled his shirt off, revealing a smooth chest that was every bit as built as his friend’s, but his strong hands paused at the waist of his swim trunks.  It wasn’t that he was shy.  He and Ben had been on the same sports teams since middle school and saw each other naked almost daily, but that was in a locker room.  He was a little uncomfortable at the thought of being in the small spring naked with another man while technically in public.  

“Eh, what the hell,” he finally said to himself.  He dropped his trunks and grabbed the bag of salts before climbing into the pool.  “Whoa…” he gasped, experiencing the same encompassing pleasure.  He emptied the yellow crystals into the pool and watched as the whole spring appeared to glow for a moment before the small shards dissolved.  A tingling sensation washed over both men, as if countless, ghostly fingers were massaging their every muscle.  “It certainly is cozy,” Matt sighed as he struggled to find a spot.  Inside the spring was even smaller than it had appeared and there was no way to avoid touching each other.  The two men initially tried sitting across from each other but there was only a bench on the one side, forcing them to eventually settle in and share the small seat.  Ben was already lost in pleasure and Matt was quickly finding he didn’t really care that their bare hips were pressed against each other or that their legs were tangled together.  He fumbled awkwardly with his arms, struggling to find a place for them that didn’t involve groping his friend, and after several uncomfortable minutes Matt gave up and let his arm drape across Ben’s broad shoulders.  Ben was much more relaxed, letting his hands float with the bubbling current, ultimately resting one on Matt’s thigh.  “I really hope no one comes in and sees us like this,” Matt said, tensing at the feel of Ben’s firm hand so close to his floating cock.  

“Me too,” Ben laughed drunkenly.  “Especially since…” he trailed off.  

“Since what?”  Matt turned his head and saw the tip of Ben’s rigid cock sticking up out of the water.  “Dude, come on!” Matt laughed, looking away.

“I can’t help it…this water feels so good.  Don’t tell me you’re not feeling it?”  Ben casually let his hand drift farther inward on Matt’s thigh, brushing against the other man’s hard member.  “See?”

“Okay, yeah,” Matt said, pulling away from Ben’s hand.  “I just don’t want anyone to think we’re…”

“Don’t worry about it, no one’s gonna see your little buddy,” Ben grinned as he relaxed and slouched against Matt’s chest.  

“Little?  I bet that hottie from the hotel wouldn’t think it was little.”  The water was working it’s magic on Matt, and the sandy haired hunk was letting himself go bit by bit.  It wasn’t long before his initial discomfort was completely gone and he found himself drifting off.  

“Would’a been nice if she was here,” Ben said drowsily.  

Matt felt the hairy brunette’s shoulders moving under his arm and saw the other man absentmindedly stroking his cock.  He felt like he should protest, but in the moment he couldn’t bring himself to care.  His eyes were fixated on Ben’s large hand running up and down his long, thick cock, and it wasn’t long before he found his own hand stroking himself in time with his friend.  “Whoa…” he gasped, laughing drunkenly when Ben began kneading the inside of his thigh.  The small hut was beginning to spin, the mounting pleasure leaving Matt dizzy and disoriented.  “Du...dude...what’re you…” 

Before he could finish the sentence, the small hut went black around him.  


“Mmmm….” Matt groaned as he struggled awake.  He felt someone’s arms around him and he instinctively snuggled closer, their warm breath dancing across his forehead.  In his half-lucid state he pressed his face against the firm, hairy chest and felt the soft cock pressed against the back of his hand.  He remained that way for a few minutes, content in the large, strong arms of the other person.  “What the fuck?”  Matt suddenly shot awake, realizing who he was in bed with.  He looked around with panicked eyes, surprised to find himself back in their hotel room.  The last thing he remembered was being in the spring, and then nothing but a hazy recollection of strong, groping hands and a hairy chest pressed against his back.  He felt a twinge in his ass at the thought of it, not liking the foreign taste in his mouth.  The other bed in the room remained untouched from the day before, and Matt had a sinking suspicion it hadn’t seen any occupants.  He started to get out of bed but was pulled back down by Ben’s strong grip.

“Where goin’...stay bed...” Ben slurred, still more asleep than awake as he pressed Matt against his chest and kissed his friend’s forehead.  Matt felt Ben’s rising cock work it’s way up against his stomach and was shocked when his own member responded in kind.  He fought the urge to stay there, wrapped in Ben’s strong arms.  

“No!  Ben!  Wake up!”  Matt said, squirming.  

“Wha?” Ben groggily opened his eyes as he stroked the other’s hair, stopping abruptly when he saw who he was holding.  “Matt!  What’re you doing?”  Ben pushed away, startled.  “Why’re you in my bed?”

“How the fuck should I know?  You were the one that wouldn’t let me go,” Matt barked as he scooted back against the headboard, trying to discreetly cover the tent he was pitching in the sheets.  Ben quickly clambered out from under the covers, uncomfortable at being naked in the same bed as his equally exposed friend.  He was still painfully hard, his throbbing cock wagging as he stood, but the thought of covering himself never occurred to him.  Matt’s attempt at modesty was in vain as Ben’s eyes quickly dropped to the outline of his sizable cock under the thin sheet, though Matt was too busy watching Ben’s thick rod bobbing back and forth to notice.  

“Damn, we must’ve been wasted,” Ben finally laughed after a few moments of awkward silence.  He managed to pry his eyes away from Matt and look around the room.  The tattered remains of their clothes from the day before lay scattered on the floor.  “So, um,” Ben bent over and picked up Matt’s torn swim trunks, “do you remember anything from last night?”  He straightened up and tossed the trunks to Matt, catching the other man gawking at his ass round, firm cheeks.

“No, not really,” Matt said, blushing at being caught.  He looked at his shorts and saw where they’d been torn, the sight filling him with a mix of lust and dread.  His memories of the night before were hazy, but Matt could clearly recall waves of intense pleasure unlike anything he’d ever felt before, though his arousal was somewhat mitigated by the fact that it would have taken someone strong, like Ben, to have torn his trunks in such a fashion.  “The last thing I remember is getting to that creepy hot spring, then…nothing.  What about you?”

“Ditto.  I remember the spring, but then it’s a total blank.”  While he didn’t say it, the blushing brunette also had hazy memories of intense waves of the most pleasurable sensation he’d ever experienced.  He didn’t seem to notice as his exposed cock throbbed noticeably at the thought.  “Whatever happened,” he absentmindedly rubbed his broad chest with one hand while his other drifted to his rigid member, “I’m extra horny this morning.”  

Matt knew he should protest, that he should tell Ben to take it to the bathroom, but all he could do was stare and watch Ben’s large bicep flex while his hand slid up and down.  “Dude, you don’t think we…” Matt asked awkwardly.  He was getting caught up in the sensation from his hazy memories.  Ben’s unabashed stroking should be making him uncomfortable, but instead he was contemplating joining in.  “I mean…what if we…”

“Huh?”  Ben stopped stroking, coming back to his senses.  He seemed surprised at his own actions, a deeper crimson flooding his face as he let go of his aching rod.  “No…we couldn’t have,” he said, trying to convince himself.  “Look, I’m gonna go take care of this,” he nodded to his cock, a dab of precum glistening at the tip.  “But since we’re up, you wanna hit the beach afterward?”

“Yeah sure, we might as well,” Matt shrugged, unable to hide the disappointment in his voice.  He was confusingly enjoying the show before Ben stopped, and he took the opportunity to relieve himself once his friend shut the bathroom door.  He threw aside the sheet and started working his own aching club, knowing he didn’t have long before Ben’s return.  He closed his eyes and tried to think of some of the girls he’d seen the day before, but he couldn’t get the image of Ben’s naked, masculine body out of his mind.  He focused on the memory of being pressed against Ben’s hairy chest, the other man’s large arms holding him tight.  He had a sudden flash of memory, his back arching in response to the ghost of Ben’s cock pushing into his tight bubble, causing him to moan loudly and cum all over himself in a violent eruption.  Matt sank back against the bed in ecstasy, his reverie short lived as a wet towel landed on his sticky chest.  

“Thought you might need to clean up,” Ben said from the foot of the bed.

“Dude!  How long have you been standing there?”  Matt started to cover himself but realized by now there wasn’t much point.  

“Long enough,” Ben smiled as he pulled on a pair of red briefs.  He froze when the small underwear reached his waist, looking down and inspecting the crimson fabric.  “Huh.”

“What?”  Matt asked, wiping himself clean.

“These feel kinda loose,” Ben said, adjusting himself in the slightly baggy briefs.  Looking at his hairy friend, Matt knew Ben should fill the briefs to near the breaking point, but the other man was right, the underwear was noticeably loose.  

Matt stood and started to get dressed as well, discovering that his own briefs were looser than expected.  “Huh.  Mine are kinda loose too.  Maybe we sweated off a few pounds in the spring yesterday?”  He said, pulling at the light grey fabric and flexing to make sure his muscles were still there.  

“We might have a slight problem here dude,” Ben laughed, picking up the tattered remains of his trunks that had been shredded like Matt’s.  “I don’t think these are gonna cut it.”  

“Shit…I only brought one pair too.”  Matt said, still inspecting his loose underwear.  He didn’t see any obvious difference in his reflection, but something felt off.

“I’ve got an idea.”  Before Matt could ask what it was, Ben grabbed a pair of each of their jeans and went into the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with matching pairs of denim cut offs.  “See?  We can just use these.”  

“I think you cut ‘em a little short,” Matt said as he pulled them on, eyeing himself uncomfortably in the mirror.  The jeans were practically daisy dukes, being cut off just below the line of the crotch.  His thighs were completely exposed and he wasn’t sure if it was just an illusion caused by the shortness of the jeans, but his ass seemed to look bigger.

“What’re you talking about?  These are perfect,” Ben said, looking far more comfortable with his equally exposed state.  The shorts did show off their impressive physiques, and the furry brunette wasn’t nearly as worried about how the outfits would be interpreted by others.

“You don’t think people will…” Matt gestured with his hand.  

“Two manly guys like us?  No way,” Ben said, puffing out his hairy chest.  “Now come on, let’s go.”  

Ben led the way down to the beach, Matt catching himself stealing glances at Ben’s ass on the way.  He couldn’t be sure, but it seemed like Ben was swaying it a little more than usual when he walked.  They found the beach mainly empty, the sun having just risen over the horizon, and Ben didn’t waste any time, diving straight against the oncoming tide.  Matt followed, hoping the cool saltwater would help clear his head.  He watched his friend’s large arms fight against the waves, a sudden rush of lust washing over him.  Matt was so caught up in his feelings that he didn’t notice Ben gradually losing his fight against the waves. 

“Heads up!” Ben yelled, slamming in to the unsuspecting Matt.  The waves toppled them head over heels to the shore, where they were deposited in a tangled heap.  The sandy haired stud found himself on the bottom, pinned against the sand, his legs entwined with Ben’s.  

“That went well,” Matt laughed. He struggled to get up but Ben didn’t move from on top of him.  “You comfortable or something?”  He asked.  

“Um, yeah, actually,” Ben said after a moment’s silence.  He hesitated, then grinned and dropped his face closer to his friend’s.    

“Hey!  What’re you…” Matt was cut off as Ben planted a rough kiss.  Matt instinctively fought for a moment but quickly gave in, his hands traveling to his friend’s broad back.  They lay there on the sand, eagerly making out in full view of anyone who happened to pass by.  Matt knew they shouldn’t be doing this, but Ben’s body felt so good, their smooth chests pressed together.  “Wait…whoa…Ben…” Matt said, pushing Ben off.  

“What’s…wrong…” Ben asked, licking his way down Matt’s neck.  

“You…you’re chest….it’s…smooth,”  Matt gasped, running a hand along Ben’s suddenly hairless pecs.  

“What?  No it’s…” Ben stopped as he looked down and saw the other man was right.  His chest, along with the rest of his normally furry torso, was completely smooth.  “What the hell?”  Ben asked, his eyes going wide.  He ran his hands along his smooth skin, a look of concern growing on his face.  “I think it’s…”

“Smaller,” Matt finished for him.  “Dude, you look smaller all over,” he said as he felt Ben’s shrunken arms, his friend’s biceps no longer as prominent.  

“How is this possible!?”  Ben stood, his now baggy shorts sagging around his tinier waist.  His body was still muscular, but instead of his bulky, meathead frame he was now lean and toned.  His eyes were wide, his jaw dropping as he looked at Matt for answers.  “Holy shit!  You’re smaller too!”

“What?!”  Matt looked down at his body in shock.  Being smaller than Ben to begin with, his body looked even smaller by comparison.  Unlike his friend, almost all of his muscle mass was gone, leaving behind a skinny form with barely any definition.  He leapt to his feet, his suddenly bulbous ass the only thing keeping his shorts up.  “This...this isn’t possible,” Matt stammered in disbelief.  He flexed his skinny arms, not willing to believe his body was gone.

“Uh...what’s going on with this?”  Ben couldn’t help but squeeze Matt’s shapely ass, feeling it squish in his hand as his friend’s muscular bubble had given way to a soft, fatty cushion.  The shrunken blonde groaned at Ben’s touch, his concern caving under a surge of arousal.

“We...we should get back to the room and figure this out,” Matt gasped, Ben’s smaller hand still on his ass.  

The two hurried across the sand, Ben holding his shorts up and Matt struggling with the feeling of his softened ass jiggling with each step.  They rushed through the lobby, not wanting to be seen in their current condition.  In their hurry they failed to notice the woman from the previous day smiling from behind the counter.  

“Okay…we can figure this out,” Matt said, trying to sound calm even as he could feel Ben continuing to change under his hands.  What little muscle mass the formerly hairy brunette had left was slowly fading away.  Ben’s once-firm chest softened as it finally lost the small amount of definition remaining, puffing out slightly, his body having picked up a few curves along the way as he gained a small layer of fat that left his cut, rigid physique now soft and supple to the touch.


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