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“I should NOT have eaten whatever the fuck that was…” Cole groaned, holding his stomach.  The lanky jock was curled up in a ball at the opposite end of Ian’s couch, his normally tan skin looking sweaty and pale.  

The brawny giant seated at the other end raised an eyebrow but didn’t look away from the TV.  “I have a strict rule against people barfing on my couch, dude.”  

Cole squirmed uncomfortably and tugged at his tank-top, his toned chest rising and falling with his heavy breath.  “I don’t feel like I’m gonna be sick, I just feel...weird…” 

“You look like shit,” Ian laughed, finally turning away from the TV.  His smile faltered as he watched the wiry blonde, replaced by a look of genuine concern.  “Do I need to take you somewhere?”  

“No...I don’t think so…” Cole said.  “I don’t feel bad, exactly.  Just sore, and kinda stiff?  It had to be that weird fish, right?”  

Ian rolled his eyes.  “I told you not to eat that, bro.  You know how Frank is.  Who the fuck knows what that dude hauls into market sometimes.  Have you ever seen a fish that looked like that in these waters?  Thing was practically flourescent.  If we were in Hawaii, maybe, but not around here.” 

“Yeah, well, you were right,” Cole whimpered.  He’d been annoyed by Ian’s initial lack of concern at his suffering, but now he was starting to feel awkward as the brawny brunette kept staring at him.  Ian always had a default expression whenever the two of them were out trying to get laid, a softening of his normally sharp, wolfish features in an attempt to make himself look less intimidating.  Considering that he stood well over six feet and was a broad wall of muscle, it was no simple task, but Cole had seen it work over and over.  Ian was somehow able to make his normally stern face look friendly and welcoming, switching back and forth between arrogant jock and charming hunk like he was flipping a switch.  Cole, with his lean surfer’s build, thick blonde hair, and pretty face, never had to worry about turning his looks on or off.  He was stuck in the “on” position, drawing attention whether he wanted it or not.  Usually he wanted it, but not at the present moment, and certainly not from Ian.  

The bigger man sighed and shook his head.  “Fuck, dude, you look miserable,” he said, his deep voice going smooth to match the softened expression on his face.  He patted a meaty thigh and gestured for Cole to scoot closer.  “Why don’t you at least stretch out and see if you feel better laying down.”  

‘Uh…” Cole hesitated.  The sudden shift in Ian’s attitude from hard-edged, I-told-you-so arrogance to warm concern was jarring.  His beefy friend wasn’t a jerk, but Ian wasn’t a touchy-feely, intimate kind of guy either, especially with other men.  That was reserved for specific situations, which Cole never anticipated finding himself in.  Still, despite his growing concern at the vibe his friend was putting out, Cole shifted over and stretched out, resting his head on Ian’s thick thigh.  He told himself it actually was more comfortable than resting his head on the hard armrest, and in the burly man’s ratty bachelor pad there weren’t any other furniture options.  Being a pair of young men in their mid-twenties, they were lucky to have more than milk crates and cinder blocks in their respective apartments.  Cole did his best to relax and not think about the awkwardness of his predicament, both becoming easier to accomplish as a light tingling sensation overtook the sore stiffness.  His head began to spin the way it did when he was pleasantly buzzed, the magic space before he got too drunk, where he had no concerns and everything was just as it should be.  Instead of being embarrassed at the thought of how close his head was to the other man’s thick bulge, or of how small he felt with Ian’s piston arm hanging heavily above him on the back of the couch, Cole started to enjoy it.  He’d been friends with Ian long enough to know what a primal, physical creature the muscled stud could be, but he’d always experienced that side of the other man from an outside, competitive standpoint.  Now, with the strapping hulk watching over him, Cole closed his eyes and gave a deep, contented sigh, feeling like he was melting into the couch.  

“Everything okay down there?” 

Cole nodded, smiling and shivering when Ian’s hand drifted down from the back of the couch to begin rubbing his stomach.  He didn’t question why his friend slipped his wide, gym-calloused paw under his shirt; he just enjoyed the sensation.  Ian’s hand felt massive as it glided along beneath the baggy top, his strong fingers biting into the dizzy man’s supple torso.  “Wait...what’s...that feels weird…” Cole stammered.  Despite how good he felt, the combination of incongruent sensations finally caught his attention.  His tank-top shouldn’t have been so loose and flowing, and there shouldn’t have been any excess flesh on his defined body for Ian’s fingers to press into.  He went to sit up, his eyes shooting open and his heart racing when he realized his feet no longer pressed into the armrest at the far end of the couch.  “Fuck!  What the fuck?!” Cole shrieked, looking down at a body he no longer recognized.  Instead of long and lean, his pale, soft torso spilled out of the now-oversized tank-top while his board shorts traveled well past his knees.  Cole understood why Ian’s hand felt so large as he gawked at the spindly arms holding him upright, his lean muscle having vanished completely.  He rolled off the couch and gasped when his shorts and boxers landed at his feet, the man on the couch looming before him like a mountain.  “This...this can’t be real...I’ve gotta be dreaming,” he said, his voice coming out in a light, high tone.  

“Must be a hell of a dream if I’m having it too,” Ian laughed, a dazed grin spreading across his face.  “Shit, dude, look at you…” he muttered under his breath, reaching out to run his hands along Cole’s sides.  “You make a cute fuckin’ redhead.”  

“A what?!”  Cole squirmed out of Ian’s grip and turned to look at his reflection in the darkened window.  He winced at the way his baggy shirt fit him like a gown, but he was more concerned with the sudden shift of his golden blonde hair to a deep, almost maroon red.  He was starting to piece together a terrifying pattern as he turned back to face his friend.  Based on the way Ian towered over him even while seated, Cole guessed he’d lost at least a foot in height, putting him at just under five feet.  The red hair was the next piece of the puzzle, and he could already guess what he’d find beneath the draping tank-top based on how he felt a heavy new weight shifting at his back when he squirmed.   

Ian also seemed to know, and was eager to find out.  “The big shirt is sexy, but enough teasing,” he said as he pulled the baggy tank-top free.  There was a look of pure lust in the big man’s eyes, but Cole wanted to scream.  It was just as he’d feared.  His tapering, athletic body was gone.  Instead of broad shoulders and solid arms he was thin and bony, with a flat chest and a soft little belly rounding out his once-chiseled torso, but the true horror was in the way his lower half seemed to explode outwards.  His hips were wider than they should be, with squeezeable thighs, a thick, supple ass, and a tiny little button cock in place of his seven inch snake.  He was short, curvy and ginger, just the way Ian liked his girls.  “Goddamn you’re turnin’ me on right now,” Ian muttered, kneading the growing lump in his shorts.  

“Dude!  Why are you not freaking out right now?” Cole chirped even as his mouth watered at the sight of his friend’s twitching tent.  He was still anxious, and his heart was racing, but the altered man wasn’t sure if it was out of fear anymore.  

Ian shrugged.  “I don’t know, man.  Why are you?”  Before Cole could respond, he lurched forward on the couch and wrapped his friend in his meaty arms, mashing their lips together while his hands clutched Cole’s soft, pillowy rear.  The former blonde tensed for an instant before his growing impulses took over and he found himself returning the kiss with just as much passion, wrapping his thin arms as much as he could around Ian’s broad, granite frame.  He was mortified at the way his tiny cock throbbed and the thought of what he must look like writhing in the bigger man’s grip, but he couldn’t stop himself.  

Nor did Cole want to.  Ian’s bulky body towering over him filled him with a lust he’d never felt before, and all he wanted was to explore it in as much detail as he could.  He’d seen the big man naked plenty of times over the years, but never from such a vantage point.  Everything about him was magnified, overwhelming Cole with a smug confidence as he was groped and manhandled.  “Oh...oh fuck…” the shrunken man whimpered when Ian worked his miniscule package with one hand and pressed his fingers between his plump cheeks with the other.  It lit Cole up like a completed circuit, his tiny hands frantically fumbling with the fly of Ian’s shorts.  

He was on autopilot as he fished his friend’s stout cock free, the wide organ looking massive against his own.  Its average size was further accentuated by the way Cole’s petite hands couldn’t close all the way around it as he started stroking.  The former stud was on his knees in a flash, surprising himself by how natural it felt to have the other man’s cock filling his mouth beyond capacity.  His once-lantern jaw ached as he bobbed his head, but he loved the way it felt to grip Ian’s wide, hairy thighs as the other man squirmed out of his shorts.  Cole knew on a logical level that they shouldn’t be doing any of this, that what was happening shouldn’t even be possible, but that knowledge was nebulous at best.  It was nothing but an idea floating at the edge of his bliss-soaked brain, unable to take root, leaving nothing but his strange new desires in control.  

“Okay...okay...enough of that,” Ian panted, flexing his bulging shelf of a chest as he peeled out of his clinging t-shirt.  “Get that ass up here.”  

“Oh!” Cole yelped when Ian lunged forward and abruptly lifted him off the ground.  His slender new legs were moving as soon as he was airborne, wrapping around his friend’s midsection and holding tight while he impaled his bouncing rear on the waiting pole.  “OOOHHHHHHH!”  Cole howled, his supposedly virgin hole taking Ian’s cock like they were tailor made for each other.  His eyes went wide, his lust building to a frenzy as he clawed at Ian’s meaty pecs and wrestled with the other man’s tongue.  His hips were moving like a gyroscope, grinding his nub of a cock into Ian’s muscled gut while his friend’s hands were locked onto his cheeks, helping to bounce him up and down on the stout cock.  “Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck…” Cole whined, loving the way his bigger friend so easily manhandled him.  They weren’t just fucking; Ian was taking him.  The big man was the one calling the shots and all Cole could do was go along for the ride.  It was something he’d never experienced before, and the loss of control drove him wild.  

“Goddamn...bro...gonna...gonna…” Cole would have been happy to bounce on Ian’s lap for hours, but the grunting stud had reached the edge.  He tensed and gave a final groan, lifting Cole off the couch as his churning balls exploded into the formerly athletic man.  As soon as the warm fluid hit his insides Cole joined his friend, squealing and writhing while his little nub spurted onto Ian’s stomach.  

“Ho...holy shit…” Cole panted, giving Ian one last kiss before slipping off his friend’s lap.  He stumbled away, the release clearing his head, but before he had time to dwell on the horror of his situation a familiar tingling spread across his body.  There was a feeling of pressure as the room spun around him once more, and in a matter of moments Cole was back to looking at Ian from a familiar perspective.  The once-again blonde stud breathed a sigh of relief as he looked down at a lean, defined body he recognized, grateful to see his softening snake dangling between his long legs.  He blushed at the waterfall of cum trickling out of his firm, perky little bubble, still feeling a fluttering in his stomach as he looked at his friend’s broad, naked body on the couch.  “What...what the fuck just happened?  Was I just a totally different person?”  

Ian blinked and rubbed his face, looking back and forth between them in a groggy daze.  Like his friend, now that the tides of lust had ebbed his head was starting to clear.  “Whoa…” was the best he could manage for several moments, his eyes still locked on Cole’s exposed frame.  “Dude...you...you totally turned into...how did you do that?”  

“I didn’t do anything!” Cole yelled.  “I was just laying on the couch and next thing I know I’m…” he trailed off, glaring at his friend.  “Did you fucking do this?  Or is it just a coincidence that I turned into your type?”  

“What?! No! Since when does my type have a dick?”  

“I don’t know, man. You seemed real eager, even before I changed.  What was with that ‘put your head in my lap’ move?  And why are you still staring at me like that?!”  

The flustered stud stood and forced his eyes away, his beefy body turning bright red.  “I don’t know!  You were sitting on the couch all sick and miserable and I started thinking you looked...cute?  I mean, I know you’re a good looking dude, but I’ve never thought about you, or any guy, like that.  It was like I couldn’t stop myself!  I knew what I was doing, but…” he sighed and shook his head, his broad shoulders slumping.  “Next thing I know I’m picturing you like you just were.  Yeah, I like short, curvy redheads, but not like…”

Cole looked down to reassure himself his body was still the same.  “Then why was I still a dude?  If I turned into what you liked, why wasn’t I just a chick?”  

Ian’s face turned purple as he nodded down to his rigid cock.  “Look, I don’t know why, but you’re super hot right now,” he said, his expression hardening as he stared at his friend.  “Hey, wait a second!  How do I know you didn’t do something to me?   Why am I suddenly so into you?”  

“Why would I ever want you to do...that...to me?!”  Cole barked.  He thrust his own solid cock forward, his frustration overtaking his embarrassment.  “In case you didn’t notice, you’re fuckin’ getting me going right now too, asshole.”  

“Okay...okay...something weird is clearly going on here,” Ian said, taking a deep breath.  “I’m sorry...I’m a little freaked out.  I just watched my best friend turn into a hot little redhead who I then fucked.  I don’t...I don’t know how to process this.”  

Cole shrugged.  “What are the chances we just imagined the whole thing?  It’s not even possible, right?”  

“Does’t explain why I’m ready to pop right now,” Ian said.  “Or why I want to do it all over again.”  

“You’re always horny,” Cole laughed.  “That’s not really new.”  

“What about you?  You were looking like garbage before all this...are you feeling better?”  

“Actually, yeah,” Cole nodded.  “As soon as I…oh...oh shit...” the blonde man broke off in a gasp, a strange thought occurring to him.  “You don’t think that weird fish had anything to do with this, do you?  I don’t know how that would even happen, but I’ve felt weird ever since I ate it.”  

“But why would that have anything to do with me?  I didn’t even touch it.”  

“I don’t know...maybe it’s like a chemical thing?  We did make out...maybe it got into you that way and we just hallucinated the whole thing?”  

Ian shook his head and stepped over to put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “I don’t know, dude.  I’ve been fucked up before and that felt real to me.  I also started thinking you were...you know...before we even touched.”  

Cole’s cock throbbed at the feeling of Ian’s rough, heavy hand on his bare skin.  “Maybe I should go to the ho..hospit...oh...oh fuck..I think it’s happening aga…” before he could finish the sentence, the tingling at his shoulder spread down over the rest of his body and Cole watched Ian seemingly shoot up before his eyes.  He didn’t need to look down at himself to know the other man hadn’t grown.  “Goddamnit!” he squeaked in his higher voice, now looking Ian in the middle of his torso instead of his eyes.  

“We’re...we’re definitely not hallucinating this,” the bigger man stammered, his eyes wide as he looked down at Cole’s altered body.  His friend had changed the same as before, with a short, slight frame, dark red hair, ample bottom, and tiny cock.  

“Is this going to happen every time we touch?!”  Cole pulled out of Ian’s grip and backed away, waiting in vain for the tingling that would tell him his body was changing back to the way it should be.  “Fuck!  Why am I not turning back!?”  

“Don’t panic,” Ian said as gently as he could.  “You changed back before, you probably will again.  Maybe it just takes time?”  He blushed and grinned as he watched his friend paw at himself.  “Or maybe we, uh, have to do what we did last time?”  

“Lucky you,” Cole pouted, turning in circles as he tried to get a better look at his jiggling backside.  Without the overwhelming haze of lust that accompanied his first transformation, the altered man was better able to inspect himself, and feel more of the embarrassing disgust that his waifish new frame brought him.  “You really get turned on by this,” he asked, giving his nub of a cock a tentative poke and running a hand through his dark red hair.  

“If you’d asked me yesterday the answer would’ve been no, but now…” Ian grinned and scooped Cole up again, straddling the smaller man when he deposited him back on the couch.  He worked his lips down Cole’s slender neck and soft chest, traveling across the belly where his friend’s abs should have been before swallowing the entirety of the other man’s shrunken package.  

“FFFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Cole howled, his dainty hands clutching at the couch as he writhed under Ian.  His cock may have shrunk but it was more sensitive than ever, and having it worked in full was overwhelming.  He huffed and whimpered, the pressure building to a painful level but not spilling over.  “Wait...wait...hold on…” he finally panted, pushing Ian’s head away.  

“What?  Did I do something wrong?”  The bigger man looked both bashful and confused, but considering that he’d just had a dick in his mouth for the first time Cole couldn’t blame him.  

“No, not at all,” he said, still breathless.  “I just...I don’t think I can cum until you do.  I needed to blow so bad it hurt before, but I didn’t pop until you did.  Feels the same way now...fuck...”

“So, uh, do you want me to…?”  Ian nodded down at his leaking cock with an awkward laugh.  “Does it sound as weird to you that I’m asking if you want me to fuck you?”  

“I don’t care what it sounds like, just fuckin’ do it already,” Cole whimpered, throwing his shortened legs into the air.  The act of presenting his hole to Ian for the taking still sent a wave of humiliation crashing into him, but after having been so worked up he was too desperate for release to care.      

“If you insist,” Ian shrugged with a smug grin.  He grabbed Cole’s thighs and pulled him forward, once again slipping inside with surprising ease.  Where before they’d gone at each other in a frenzy, this time Ian was more purposeful, rolling his hips and alternating his speed.  He used the shifting, ecstatic expressions on Cole’s face as his gauge, loving the wordless moans pouring out of his friend’s mouth.  The burly jock always prided himself on his skills in bed, and though he never imagined putting those skills to use with Cole, the fact that it was his friend squirming on the end of his fat cock made Ian want to put on his best performance.  Their recent romp helped prolong his stamina, leaving Cole wild-eyed and howling by the time he was finally on the edge.  There was a part of Ian that especially loved seeing the handsome blonde in such a state.  Cole was just as smug and arrogant as himself when it came to his bedroom prowess, so to see the uncontrolled arousal in his friend’s eyes and to know that he was responsible brought Ian a special joy.  “Her...here we go…” Ian grunted, giving a final thrust as he exploded into Cole.  The smaller man’s mouth fell open, his lithe body going tense as his little geyser erupted.  Only a few drops spurted forth, but based on the way Cole spasmed and shuddered it looked like the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced.  

“Guh...goddamn that’s...wow…” Cole gasped, his small body limp beneath Ian’s mountainous frame.  He returned his friend’s kiss before trying to push the other man off him, his slight arms unable to make him budge.  

“Did you want me to get up,” Ian asked, grinning at his friend’s helplessness, “or are you just copping a feel?”  

“Very funny.  Now get off me,” Cole grunted, squirming out from under Ian as soon as the bigger man let up.  He scampered across the room and closed his eyes, letting out a slow, relieved breath when he felt his body once more shifting back to its original state.  “Oh thank god,” he sighed, shaking his head at Ian.  “You just stay the fuck over there for now,” he warned.  

The brawny man nodded and leaned back against the couch, folding his beefy arms behind his head.  “Well this is...interesting,” he grinned.  

“Yeah, real interesting.  I can only get off when you do, and only in that scrawny little body,” Cole hissed.  “Do you...do you think this is permanent?”  

Ian shrugged.  “I don’t even know what ‘this’ is, bro.  But if you’re worried about the getting off part, you just tell me when and where and we can make that happen.”  

“Thanks,” Cole said, rolling his eyes even though the offer made his stomach flutter.  He was still reeling from the overwhelming pleasure he’d just experienced as much as he was from the impossibility of his changing body.  “We have to go talk to Frank, man.  He needs to tell us what the fuck that fish was.  You think he did this...on...purpose…” Cole trailed off, his tanned skin going pale.  “Oh shit, dude.  I just thought of something.  Do you think...what if this happens around other people, too?  Am I going to change whenever someone touches me?”  

Ian did his best to hide his smile at the thought, his twitching cock betraying him as he pictured his altered friend in all manner of shapes and sizes.  His subconscious had defaulted to what he found attractive in women, but already Ian was starting to think about Cole in way’s he’d never imagined.  If his friend took on different aspects with different people, it would mean there were other options for them to explore together, and Ian was already more than eager to experiment.  He hopped up off the couch and started dressing, tossing his friend’s discarded clothes over to him.  “Only one way to find out!”  



This one was especially hot! Hope we get to visit them again sometime


Thanks! I’ve already got several other ideas in mind for Cole. This was one that could have kept going for a while.

the supreme being

Oh I hope you keep it going. It was really really hot.