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“True, it’s not great news for some, but I think we can spare a few dumb farmhands for a profit margin of this size, right?  And about the lost pensions...well, If they didn’t have another retirement plan in place that’s not really our problem.”  Craig grinned at the men seated around the conference table, his cheerful expression a sharp contrast to his message of cutting jobs and denying retirement benefits to a large chunk of their workforce.  As a senior executive it wasn’t his head or golden parachute on the chopping block, and he’d throw away as many workers as it took to get his bonus at the end of the year.  Though he was the youngest man in the room at thirty four, the smug stud had been doing this long enough, and had stepped on enough people, to know the board members didn’t care either, so long as the money kept coming in.  He adjusted the thin tie nestled between his solid pecs as he read the room.  It was one of the few places where his athletic body and handsome features didn’t give him an advantage.  He could flash his charming smile and wear all the form-fitting suits he wanted; no amount of showing off his perky rear or flirting would sway the hardened businessmen on the board.  Most of them had been just like him at his age, so even the ones Craig did catch staring at his tastefully accentuated bulge wouldn’t fall for his tricks.  Without his looks to use as back up, the only other way to impress such a group was through sheer cunning and ruthlessness, both of which the arrogant hunk possessed in abundance.  “So...do we have a green light?”  

Stanton, Craig’s boss, stood and reached out to shake the younger man’s hand.  “Well done, Craig.  I think we…” the older man froze and jerked his hand away as if Craig was a striking viper, his proud expression falling.  “...I think we’re done here.  You can go.”  The portly older man nodded at the other board members, all of whom were quickly gathering their things and hurrying from the room.  

“Wait...I don’t understand what the problem...is…” Craig trailed off when he was the only one left in the room, his head spinning from the sudden shift.  He’d seen the board members’ faces, he knew he’d had them, but something had spooked them all right before the finish line.  Craig hadn’t seen any of them checking their phones during his presentation, and even if they had, this was one of the few times where the younger man wasn’t actually hiding anything.  The job cuts were brutal, but nothing had been swept under the rug or kept from the board.  It didn’t make any sense.  

His confusion only grew when he stepped out of the mahogany-lined conference room and saw all the heads on the floor turn in his direction.  Most quickly looked away when they met his gaze, but a few like Janet, the young administrative assistant he’d fucked and never promoted like he’d promised, or Bruce, a former peer he’d stepped on to get his current position, had smug, triumphant smiles.  Craig tried to keep his expression casual as he made his way towards his office, noting that the many smiling faces all seemed to belong to people he’d screwed, either literally or metaphorically.  And even though they knew he could fire them on the spot, none of them seemed the least bit concerned as they openly laughed at him.  

“What the fuck is going on,” Craig grumbled to himself when he reached his office.  “I know one thing for sure...there’s going to be a few more job cuts when this is all...over…” The young executive’s angry tirade was cut off when he sat at his desk and saw his reflection in the darkened monitor, his stomach dropping at the pale magenta glow emanating from his eyes.  It was as if they’d been replaced by LEDs, the pink illumination casting shadows from his sharp cheekbones and prominent nose.  The vain executive’s first instinct was to be embarrassed at the way the iridescent eyes warped his handsome features, but then he remembered that he’d heard rumors of the condition, and if they were true it was much, much worse than just his appearance.  

“No, no, no, no…” Craig groaned, his usually nimble fingers stumbling across the keyboard as he frantically searched the internet for anything related to the Magenta Eye curse.  The practical-minded man had never believed in magic or curses, but he couldn’t deny the evidence of his own glowing eyes as he read articles and message board posts about the condition.  It was treated as an urban legend, a mythical affliction that hit people who deserved it and turned their world upside down.  No one seemed to know what caused it, but it always ended with the person being very gay, and usually worse off than when they started.  

For Craig, the first part wasn’t as much of a curse as the second.  The fit executive thought of himself as straight, and he’d bullied more than his fair share of men who’d made the mistake of hitting on him over the years, but worse than the idea of suddenly craving cock was the idea of losing his ill-gotten fortune.  Sex for Craig was about the attention and getting off, not the other person, so he could see himself adjusting to men fawning over him the way women did.  Losing his wealth and status, though, was more than he could handle.  The specifics of how that loss occurred varied in each case, but Craig already had a sinking feeling about his own trajectory.  The phrase “dumb farmhands” kept replaying in his head, and as he scoured the articles it was taking him longer to read each one.  His focus kept wandering, and he was continuously losing his place and having to start over.  Words that should have been familiar were entirely foreign, and he was even beginning to forget how to navigate from one webpage to another.  

Not knowing what else to do, he called everyone he could think of for help, only to be turned away by all of them.  They were all somehow already aware of the curse, and as far as they were concerned, the Craig they knew was already gone.  Worse yet, none of them seemed upset about the loss.  His wife Courtney told him she knew about his cheating, and that she’d only married him for his body and money.  Thanks to the curse she could no longer use him for his impressive cock, and the fortune was coming her way anyway, a cosmic alimony payment as the Magenta Eyes rewrote the world around him.  

Even his friends, such as they were, wanted nothing to do with him.  Having surrounded himself with a group of similarly smug, alpha types, they all told him they had no use for a dumb queer who’d just be horny for them all the time.  Craig wanted to deny it, but even as they said it he felt his cock ache at the sound of their deep voices, the memories of their muscled bodies and masculine presence making his mouth water.  He didn’t care how embarrassing it would be; there was a part of him that wanted to do whatever they said as long as he could be near them.  

Craig knew he had to get out of the office when he caught himself openly massaging his rigid cock through his pants while he sat at his desk.  He’d opened the fly of his pants and had loosened his tie, popping the buttons on the top half of his shirt to massage his chiseled pecs and toy with his pert little nipples. He’d been so caught up in his lustful thoughts about the men who’d just rejected him that he hadn’t even realized he was doing it, the remains of his impulse control quickly fading.  The oblivious stud didn’t even think to cover himself as he hurried half-undressed to his car, his tented, expensive briefs sticking out through his open pants, giving the office a final, humiliating glimpse of the impressive body he used to lord over them.  

With his glowing eyes and perfectly styled hair a mess from running his anxious hands through the chocolate mop, Craig barely recognized himself as he sat in his car and caught his breath.  His addled mind could only think of one place to go, but he wasn’t any more sure of the reaction he’d get there than anywhere else.  He’d always tried to make sure his parents were taken care of, setting them up in a nice house with a lot of land out in the country, but they’d never approved of how he advanced in his career or the way he’d treated people.  They’d always tried to convince him that he was better off living a simple life like them, and now it seemed like they might get their wish.  

Sure or not, Craig couldn’t wait any longer.  It was an hour’s drive, and the way things were going he was afraid he’d forget the directions before he made it.  He managed to at least zip his pants up during the drive, though his shirt still hung open and his tie was a loose cord around his neck.  He couldn’t remember how to tie it anymore, or what the expensive fabric it was made out of was called.  He knew he should feel proud about how much his suit cost, and how expensive his car was, but the farther he made it out of the city the more he just wanted to get out of the confining outfit.  He felt trapped in the form-fitting clothes, and the most he remembered about the car was which pedal made it go and which pedal made it stop.  If he could have remembered how to use the bluetooth and his phone, Craig could have saved himself the trip.  

“Now son, that’s close enough,” his mother called from behind the front door.  Craig could see her outline moving behind the curtains as he staggered out of his car, but like everyone else she was somehow already aware of his predicament.  

“Mom...please...I don’t know what’s happening,” he pleaded, stopping just in front of the porch.  

The pain in her voice was clear, but she held firm.  “Your father and I always told you what would happen if you kept treating folks so bad.  We tried to talk you into settling down out here in the country.  I know this is hard...but you brought this on yourself, and you’re going to have to figure it out that way, too.”  

“But...but where am I supposed to go?  I can’t go back to Courtney...I...I think I’m...”  

“You know your father and I have never approved of that...lifestyle...before, but you know we’ll always love you.  Maybe this is for the best?  Maybe you’ll get lucky and some nice boy out here will give you a good, simple life.”  There was a long pause as the doorknob started to turn, then stopped, the door remaining shut.  “Look, sweety, why don’t you go take a walk?  You’ve had a rough day.  The air will do you good, okay?” 

“A walk?  What’s a walk going to…” Craig kicked at the dirt in frustration when he saw the shadow of his mother move away from the window.  A part of him wanted to storm in anyway, but he doubted things would be that simple.  And she was right.  His actions were catching up with him, and whatever happened, Craig was determined to face it with as much dignity as he could.  Looking down at his disheveled state, his face burning at the memory of his flight from the office, there wasn’t much dignity to be found, but he still had his pride.  

Not knowing what else to do, and finding it harder and harder to ignore the growing impulse to peel out of his shirt, Craig walked around the side of the house and off into the spacious grounds.  His parents had a well-kept garden lining the immediate yard, with a couple acres of farmland on one side and a field peppered with small stands of trees on the other.  Craig headed out into the field, the grass growing taller as he lost sight of the house behind him.  He shucked the shirt almost immediately, breathing a sigh of relief as the sun hit his bare, sculpted torso.  He lost track of his expensive loafers along the way as well, enjoying instead the sensation of his bare soles crunching against the grass.  He still knew he was technically in public, but that didn’t stop him from stripping out of his pants as he approached the first grouping of trees.  The uncontrollable urges were an avalanche, burying his struggling inhibitions.  He knew he should have been embarrassed, but the lack of humiliation was far from comforting as it signaled how far he’d already fallen.  

“Craig?  Holy shit...is that you?”  

The exposed stud froze at the unexpected voice and spun around to find a man resting against the base of a broad maple.  The grinning man looked to be Craig’s same age, with an equally impressive body that made the brief-clad stud’s cock bounce noticeably as he stared.  The man had a friendly, boy-next-door face that was vaguely familiar, but it wasn’t until he’d climbed to his feet that Craig was able to place him.  

“Roy?”  Craig’s stomach dropped.  He hadn’t been caught with his literal pants down by a stranger, but by a person he’d bullied relentlessly in high school.  Not only had Roy been considerably scrawnier back in the day, he’d been the only out kid at school.  Craig, always the strapping athlete, had teased Roy ever since he caught the blonde looking at him in the locker room after gym class, and now he stood in nothing but his underwear getting hard at just the sight of the other man.  “What...what’re you doing here?”  

Roy couldn’t hide his look of surprise.  “I, uh, work for your folks.  They hired me to keep the grounds up, especially the gardens.  I was just out here taking a lunch break.”  

The old Craig would have spat an insult that of course the gay kid from school worked with flowers, but the new Craig could only stare at the way Roy’s thin t-shirt accentuated his prominent pecs and muscled arms.  “You...you filled out,” Craig said, his eyes tracing along Roy’s tapering waist.  

The blonde grinned and flexed a chiseled arm.  “Manual labor’ll do that for you.  You’re not lookin’ so bad for a desk jockey,” he whistled, giving Craig a slow look up and down.  

The exposed hunk blushed as he looked down, his ripped abs and sturdy thighs no longer making him feel nearly as confident as usual considering his inability to stop the growing tent in his briefs.  “Yeah...you’re probably loving this, right?  Finally getting what you want?  Shoe on the other...shoe on the other...shoe?”  He wanted to sound angry, but came across sad as his addled brain couldn’t remember how the saying went.

Roy reached out and put a hand on Craig’s shoulder, a sympathetic look on his face.  “Aw, man, I’m sorry...that’s rough,” he said, nodding towards the other man’s glowing eyes.  

Craig’s whole body lit up at Roy’s touch, his skin tingling beneath the other man’s strong fingers.  He could feel something about to give as his stomach fluttered.  “You’re the first person who didn’t turn their back on me,” he said, giving a short laugh as he shook his head.  “You, of all people.”  

“Yeah, well, I’m not an asshole like someone else out here,” Roy shrugged.  “I’m not gonna lie.  I’ve thought about what your life must be like. Driving from your fancy house to your fancy job in your fancy car...coming home and having boring sex in your boring marriage just so you can wake up and do it all over again.  And for what?  So you can have more money than you’d ever be able to spend?”  Roy sighed and shook his head.  “Your parents aren’t wrong, you know.  Simple isn’t bad.  But you fell into that trap of showing off for the boys on the team early, and you never came out of it, did you?  And to think I used to be jealous of you…” Roy said with a sigh.  He stepped forward and gave Craig a quick hug, tactfully avoiding the rigid cock pointing in his direction.  “I hope it works out man, I really do.”  

“Don’t know how it could,” Craig said, looking down at himself as if it was the last time he’d get the chance.  “Just some dumb, horny farmhand…” 

As soon as the words left his mouth the glow began to brighten, spreading from his eyes to encompass both of them.  It was the reason people avoided those with the curse.  Reality had a tendency to change around them, and no one wanted to be caught up in someone else’s mess.  But whether he wanted to or not, Roy was stuck as Craig clutched at him when it felt like the ground had been pulled from beneath his feet, the world starting to spin around him.  

The hazy feeling in his head grew, his old life slipping like water down a drain as a new one poured in to take its place.  The wealthy, ruthless executive was no more, having never existed in the first place.  Craig was still an athlete, only now he didn’t have the academic success to match his sports prowess.  And instead of being the varsity star, he was a dull bruiser, his chiseled, quarterback body replaced by a build that was significantly thicker.  He was good for two things; taking hits and pumping out load after load from his insatiable bull balls.  Craig still remembered his frequent hookups, only now, instead of cheerleaders, he remembered furtive sessions with him on his knees, blowing the other guys on the team while jerking off in vain and wishing he could do so much more with them.  

It wasn’t until he’d met Roy that someone would return the favor, much to the other man’s embarrassment as Craig constantly pawed at him no matter where they were.  The big man alternated between possessive and overprotective, but instead of being annoyed, the charming blonde loved the big oaf.  He knew Craig was just doing the best he could, and the burly brute didn’t need much of a brain to work the beast of a cock that Roy loved riding so much.  He was also great for all the grunt work their landscaping company needed to do, and Roy never got tired of watching Craig’s powerful body flex and strain.  

As the new memories settled in his head, Craig’s body started changing to match.  There was a sensation of pressure as his body swelled, the chiseled, perfectly proportioned frame quickly swallowed by a sea of beefy flesh.  Sculpted pecs became round and meaty, ripped abs became a bulging muscle gut, his defined arms turned into a set of thick pistons, and his toned quads became wide tree-trunks.  His eager package changed to match, his six inches becoming a fat eight with a set of heavy, hefty balls underneath.  Even his handsome features began to alter, his wavy hair becoming short and buzzed while his face filled out and his nose blunted slightly.  

There was a moment of silence as Roy squirmed in Craig’s grip while the big man undid his jeans and shoved them down, along with the small briefs underneath.  “Oh my,” the fit blonde laughed when the new reality fully caught up with both of them.  He sighed, Craig’s now-calloused hands tugging on his exposed cock as he was pushed up against a tree.  He let the big man pull his hips back, shivering as the leaking fist of a head brushed against his perky bubble.  “Now, sweety, you know the only reason we can do this is ‘cause we’re at your parents’, right?  If they catch us we won’t get fired.”  

“I know,” Craig grunted, sounding annoyed.  He didn’t know why Roy was always lecturing him about keeping his clothes on while they worked.  He loved how it felt to have the warm sun and fresh air on his skin.  It made him horny.  That’s why he never wore much at home with Roy.  “I won’t do it again.”  

“I’m not mad,” Roy said.  “You just have to remember it’s okay to run around our own farm naked, but not anyone eeeEEEHHHNNNNGG!” He was cut off when Craig plunged inside, his back arching as the fat club filled him to capacity.  “Wuuhh...we’re...not...duuu...done talking...about...this...” Roy grunted as he was pummeled by the wall of muscle behind him. 

Craig just grinned.  His goldfish brain had already forgotten what Roy was telling him.  All that mattered was the way the satisfied look on the other man’s face made his stomach flutter, and how good the solid little cheeks felt as his churning balls slammed into them.  

He didn’t need much.  He was a simple man.  


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