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**** Work in progress! ****

“These fuckin’ workouts are getting harder…” Rob panted to the empty locker room.  He stretched his massive, aching shoulders as he sat on the bench, longing for the easy workouts of his youth.  

“You made it look easy, at least,” an unexpected voice said from one of the bathroom stalls, startling the older man.

“Looks can be deceiving,” Rob grunted as he stood and stretched the rest of his hairy, barrel torso.  “Been doing this for more than twenty years, but I’ve never had to work as hard as I have the past couple...gettin’ old’s a bitch.”  

“I wouldn’t know,” the man said as he strutted from the stall, revealing a youthful body that could have been source material for a Greek sculpture.  He was Adonis and Hercules combined, his impossibly handsome face offset by a network of veins bulging visibly under tan skin that was stretched tight over his immensely muscled frame.  His smooth, chiseled body was soaked with sweat, staining the grey briefs that struggled valiantly to contain the obscene bulge he sported.

“No, I guess you wouldn’t.”  Rob’s voice dripped with contempt at the sight of the younger man.  It would take more than some handsome looks to get his attention.  Impressive as the stranger was, Rob’s decades in the gym had exposed him to countless pretty boys whose bodies were due more to their youth than hard work.  

“Sorry, didn’t mean it that way,” the younger man laughed, peeling out of his briefs.  “I’m Justin,” he said, offering his hand to the older man.    

Now the stranger had his attention.  The gargantuan member dangling between the young stud’s legs had to be the largest the older man had ever seen.  “Rob,” he stammered, trying not to stare as he reluctantly shook the offered hand. 

“I’ve never seen you around here before,” Justin said, watching as the other man dropped his shorts and noting the older man’s bulky, hairy frame.  It was obvious that Rob wasn’t exaggerating how long he’d been working out, but the advancing years had covered his mountainous body in a layer of soft flesh.  

“I’m here on business,” was all Rob offered before he grabbed his towel and headed for the showers, hoping to make it clear he wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation.  He closed his eyes as the shower hissed to life, silently wishing the water could wash the years away as easily as it did his sweat.  

“You must have looked great back in the day,” Justin said, sauntering up to the space next to Rob.

“Look, kid,” Rob bristled visibly, “I’m not really in the mood.”  The longer he was around the younger man, the more unsettled he became.  It was subtle, but Rob felt like his eyes were just out of focus whenever he looked at Justin, and there was a clinging sensation on his palm from when they’d shook hands, like he’d reached through a spiderweb.  

“Hey, sorry,” Justin said, placing a hand on Rob’s burly shoulder.  “But when you ARE in the mood,” he leaned in close, his lips practically brushing against the older man’s ear as his hand traveled south to give Rob’s meaty ass a squeeze,  “feel free to come by.”  

Rob could only stare in stunned silence as Justin sauntered away, not as surprised by the other man’s actions as he was his own.  This wasn’t the first time he’d been propositioned in the shower.  In his younger days it happened all the time, and though he thought of himself as thoroughly straight he always enjoyed the attention, especially as he grew older and it happened less frequently.  What he didn’t enjoy was the unwanted contact, which is where his surprise factored in.  Instead of pulling away or shoving Justin, he’d stood there and let the other man fondle him.  He’d wanted to respond, but the instant Justin’s hand landed on his shoulder he felt his body lock up.  He’d tried desperately to get out of the strange young man’s grasp but he was frozen in place, save for his cock that was throbbing harder than it had in recent memory.  His whole body was buzzing, the clinging sensation he’d felt in his hand now spreading across his thick pecs and down his muscled gut.  

It was dizzying, the phantom tendrils seeming to reach through his skin and aching muscles to the nerves underneath, lighting him up with confusing lust.  Unable to help himself, his head still swimming from the gorgeous hunk’s arousingly musky scent, Rob stood under the cascading water and began stroking his aching member, hoping that no one else came in while he was busy.  He was mortified by his actions, but he couldn’t stop himself, the pressure building to a painful degree with each stroke, threatening to swallow him whole.  He pumped furiously, stopping no longer an option as the phantom tendrils started to feel like Justin’s strong hands massaging him from the inside out.  Rob couldn’t shake the image of the other man’s god-like physique strutting away, and though it didn’t make sense, he suddenly longed to be near Justin again.  

Outside the showers he heard the clang of locker doors and the sound of approaching voices, but still he didn’t stop.  The only thing that mattered was the release he so desperately needed.  It became a race, the voices drawing closer as Rob’s pumping increased to a fever pitch.  He violently bucked his wide hips, arching his back and screaming as he came, his deep bellow ringing throughout the locker room.  Struggling slowly back to his senses, Rob was painfully aware that he was no longer alone in the showers as he turned and saw two younger guys standing in the doorway.  

“Dude, don’t let us stop you,” one of the guys laughed as Rob blushed a deep shade of red.

“Yeah, stud, you looked like you were enjoying yourself,” the other grinned.

“Oh…uh…sorry…” Rob stammered.  The middle-aged stud was mortified at having just been caught jerking off in public by a pair of guys half his age.  He knew he’d likely never set foot in this town again once he was through with his work trip, but that didn’t ease his humiliation any.  He hurried past the two laughing men and threw on his clothes, not even bothering to dry off.  On top of the bizarre encounter with Justin, he just wanted to be as far from the gym as possible.  

Back in his hotel room, Rob peeled out of his damp clothes and put on a pair of dry boxers, his head still reeling from his strange workout.  He started to wonder if he’d maybe picked the wrong kind of gym and just hadn’t noticed.  He hadn’t seen any women working out, and it would explain both Justin’s advances and the casual reaction from the younger pair.  Rob had been too flustered to think about it in the moment, but they’d been surprisingly calm about a man pushing fifty masturbating in the showers.  Still, as embarrassed as he was, he was more concerned with his inability to shake Justin’s voice from his head.  Try as he might, his thoughts always came back to the younger man’s final invitation, and the memory of the strong hand clutching his meaty rear.  

“What the fuck was that?  Who even was that guy?” Rob sighed to himself as he dropped his hairy frame into one of the chairs in his room.  He shook his head, trying to rid the drowsiness that had been slowly setting in since he left the gym.  His plan was to check his email and get some work done, but after a day of travel and the adrenaline spike from the locker room he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open.  “I can’t believe I…did…that…” he yawned, his eyelids drooping.  

With Justin’s voice still ringing in his head, he drifted off.  His dreams were hazy and disjointed, full of massive spiderwebs and the oppressive sensation of being cocooned.  Rob flailed and fought, but his brawny bulk was of no use against the adhesive filaments that held him tight.  All he could do was thrash and groan while his cock ached confusingly and Justin’s melodic voice echoed to his bones.  Rob didn’t know if he was fighting to get away or fighting so that he could run to the grinning hunk whose giant, handsome face leered down at him from an impossible height.  

“Fuuuuck,” Rob moaned, gradually stirring in the chair.  He rolled his head on his shoulders and stretched, surprised that he wasn’t more stiff after falling asleep in such an awkward position.  “Must’ve been more wiped out than I thought,” he mumbled, absently scratching at his chest as he stood.  “Wait...what the hell…” Rob gasped when he looked down at the hand resting against his smooth pecs.  Not only was the hair gone from his chest, other than his arms and legs his entire body appeared to have smoothed out, showing off an equally surprising amount of definition.  He spun around to face himself in the full length mirror, his eyes going wide at the sight of his reflection.  Instead of the rugged, forty-eight-year-old that should have been looking back, the person in the mirror couldn’t have been more than 30.   “This...this can’t be real…” he stammered.  Rob reached a tentative hand to his altered face, noting the familiar, if somewhat younger, features.  He couldn’t believe what he was feeling as he ran his fingers through the tangle of hair, his balding scalp having been replaced by thick blonde locks.  He laughed despite his shock, tossing the newly acquired mane back and forth.  

The rest of his body held the same sense of wonder as he probed every inch of his defined torso.  A voice in his head kept telling him that none of what he was seeing could possibly be real, that he had to be dreaming, but Rob felt entirely alert as he stared at the boxers that hung loose around his tapering waist.  For the first time in years, instead of looking at a burly muscle gut he had a set of ripped abs, and instead of a meaty shelf and beefy logs, his pecs and arms looked chiseled and athletic.  He felt giddy and drunk as he stripped out of his baggy boxers, loving the way his lean legs made his girthy package appear larger.  Turning in a slow circle, Rob noticed that he looked smaller overall, but he was willing to trade some muscle if it meant the extra padding he’d acquired went with it.  He was still plenty large, but his bulky frame was replaced by the rippling, toned form of a young bodybuilder instead of a thick powerlifter.  Where just a few hours prior Rob had to squeeze himself into his size 38 pants, he guessed that his new waist couldn’t be bigger than a size 34, though he discovered that he wasn’t entirely proportional when he got an eyeful of his plump, ample rear.   

“That’s...big, but not so bad,” he laughed, flexing his glutes and making the round globes bounce.  He filled both hands with the firm mountains of flesh before striking a pose in the mirror, marveling at the striated definition he hadn’t seen in years.  Rob flexed and posed, his mind reeling as he tried to process what was happening.  He knew he wasn’t dreaming, but he didn’t know how it was possible to suddenly lose almost twenty years.  A part of him was starting to panic, but it was outweighed by how fantastic he felt.  His aches and pains were gone, and he was moving around the room with a kind of ease that he’d forgotten was even possible.  In his excitement he didn’t notice the purple envelope sitting on his bed until he went to grab his phone so he could take a picture of himself.  “The fuck?  Where the hell did that come from,” he said.  His first reaction was to be annoyed that one of the hotel staff had entered his room while he slept, until he tore the envelope open.   

As soon as the seal was broken a familiar scent washed over him.  Rob struggled to place it, but his body was already responding.  His cock throbbed, rocketing to life as his lean new frame started tingling.  Almost as an afterthought his dazed fingers fumbled the small piece of paper free from inside.  The sheet was blank, but as Rob held it in his hands a series of images tore through his mind.  He was suddenly back in the locker room with Justin, but instead of being irritated by the other man Rob found himself in his new body, pressed against the lockers while Justin worked an impossibly large cock in and out of his ample new cheeks.  He could hear himself moaning and could feel the cool metal of the lockers pressing against his smooth, flexing body in vivid detail.  Before he could fully process the idea of himself writhing at the end of another man’s cock, the scene shifted and Rob was soaking wet on his knees in the shower, trying desperately to get as much of Justin’s throbbing tool in his mouth as he could.  He could taste the musky organ as if he was in the middle of the act, his jaw aching as he fought his gag reflex and furiously bobbed his head.  There was another shift, and Rob saw himself on the locker room bench, his legs spread wide while Justin split him in two in front of a crowd of sweaty, naked onlookers. The scenes continued shifting, jumping randomly from one debasing act to the next until Rob was finally jarred back to his senses by his erupting cock.  

“Guuuhhhnnn!”  Rob sputtered and spasmed, the sudden release bringing him back to the hotel room.  “Wha...what the fuck was that...” he panted, feeling oddly exhausted.  It was still dark outside, and the clock on his nightstand showed that only a brief window had passed, but Rob couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d lost more than a few minutes.  “That was…intense,” he said, blushing as he saw the cum-soaked sheets.  Rob looked around the room, half expecting the men from his bizarre vision to be there.  He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or disappointed to discover them missing.  Though he knew he should have been horrified, Rob had loved every second of the surreal experience.  Whether it was because of his youthful, invigorated body or the other men, he was more turned on than he’d ever been.  There was a wounded patch on his hetero pride, but it was difficult to feel bad about when he’d just cum harder than he had in a decade.  

It was too much, too fast, and Rob was too worn out to try and piece it all together.  The initial adrenaline rush of his transformation was gone and he was physically spent, as if every moment of his fantasy had actually occurred.  He stumbled over to the wall and flipped off the light before dropping his youthful new frame on top of the sheets.  Rob’s last conscious thought was the realization that the envelope and letter had been missing from the bed when he came back to his senses, but sleep overtook him before he could search for them.  


“Uggghhhh….” the shrill, incessant screech of the bedside alarm finally succeeded in rousing the slumbering stud.  Rob absentmindedly swatted at the annoyance, fumbling along the nightstand until he found the “off” button.  He shivered in the cool air of the hotel room as he lay naked on his bed, too tired the previous night to even cover himself.  Looking at the clock, Rob saw that he was two hours late for the conference he was supposed to be attending, but in the moment he couldn’t care less.  He rolled off the bed and stretched, relishing the absence of the aches and pains he’d grown accustomed to over the years.  His body actually felt good, an experience he hadn’t realized that he’d forgotten as he stumbled into the bathroom, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  

It took a few moments of groggy staring for Rob to piece together that another change had occurred.  Instead of a thirty-something bodybuilder, he now looked more like a twenty-something athlete.  He still had a lean body covered in definition, but it was missing a large chunk of the muscles Rob had grown accustomed to.  It was the solid, toned body of someone who spent hours in the gym, but of someone who wasn’t interested in trying to bulk up.  He winced as he flexed modest biceps, still impressive by most standards, but seemingly pitiful by his own.  His fingers struck him as almost dainty as they felt their way across a smaller set of pecs and down a waist that had pulled further inward. 

The longer he stared, Rob discovered that almost everything about him was smaller.  His large thighs had slimmed down and no longer rubbed together, and his once rocky calves were now compact pods on the backs of his legs.  With a growing sense of dread, Rob realized that not only had his muscles dwindled, he was shorter as well.  Just yesterday the top of his head was cut off in the bathroom mirror, but as he gazed at his reflection he was keenly aware of the few inches clearly visible above his blonde hair.  The only thing that didn’t appear to have lost any mass was the increasingly disproportionate backside that bounced with the slightest movement.  The small stab of fear that he’d felt after his first transformation began to grow, fighting through the fear as he felt the sparse stubble covering a face that belonged to someone in their early twenties.   

“O...okay...I can figure this out,” he said, his stomach dropping at the noticeably higher register to his voice.  “Whatever this is...I’m still younger, right?  I can always bulk back up,” he stammered, desperately trying to rationalize the impossible scenario.  He knew he should be darting to the hospital for help, but a surreal haze clung to him, leaving him in a daze.  As terrified as he was by his loss of size, he was thrilled at the prospect of being young again.  

He staggered into the shower and lathered himself up, surprised at how soft his skin felt.  Even with his changes the night before his skin had retained its rough edge, but this morning it was surprisingly supple.  Rob felt a familiar swelling between his legs and the dread he was fighting so desperately against made a brief return when he discovered his cock had followed the rest of his body.  His former eight inches now barely pushed five, and his balls fit nicely in the palm of one hand.  The fear was short lived, quickly replaced by the electric pleasure that shot through his body at the slightest touch of his diminished equipment.  Adding to the list of his embarrassing new discoveries, Rob found that his stamina had dwindled like the rest of him, his shortened cock erupting after a few light strokes.  

Rob finished his shower and toweled off, his mind already figuring out the lifting routine that would bring back his former glory.  He climbed into a pair of now-oversized track pants and pulled the drawstring as tight as it would go, and still the pants hung dangerously loose.  Rob was suddenly grateful for the fleshy melons strapped to his backside as they were the only things keeping his pants from ending up at his ankles.  He stumbled back into the bathroom to inspect himself again, tripping over the pants that were too long, only to discover a familiar envelope on the counter.  

“That...that definitely wasn’t there a minute ago,” he said, his eyes darting around the room for an intruder.  His last experience with a strange envelope was still fresh in his mind, but Rob was already reaching for it.  As soon as he broke the seal he was hit with the same musky scent, but this time the card inside wasn’t blank.  Rob had just enough time to register the writing as an address when another cascade of images flooded his mind.  

Unlike the last time, Rob found things a little more disturbing from his new perspective.  Where the previous night Rob had found himself violated by his peers, men who were equally built and as large as he was, he discovered that his new, smaller stature put him on unequal ground.  He was helpless to resist as Justin, who now towered over him, manhandled him into position.  They were back in the gym and Rob was bent over a bench, watching guys heft weights he could only dream of lifting now, while Justin plowed into him.  He felt even smaller when the larger man was able to swallow his entire throbbing package with one meaty hand, his high voice ringing throughout the gym.  

It didn’t take long before the scene shifted and the men were hefting him instead of the weights.  As much as he hated to admit it, Rob was in ecstasy being the plaything for the group of studs.  Their rough, hard bodies against his smooth, softened skin drove him wild.  But even in the heat of things, Rob knew something was wrong.  As huge as the hulking brutes in his dream were, they shouldn’t have been able to manhandle him quite so easily.  He’d lost some of his raw size, but Rob knew he should still have enough mass to at least make these guys work for it.  

As if in response to his unspoken question, the scene shifted once more.  The group of lusting men were gone, and Rob found himself alone in the gym with Justin, watching the larger man pose and flex his impossible physique in the mirrored wall.  The sight caused a swell of unfamiliar emotions.  Instead of the jealousy he expected, Rob was overcome with pure awe.  The man before him was a picture of perfection, something the tiny Rob could never be.  

The thought made him pause.  Just yesterday Rob had been just as large, if not larger than the flexing Adonis.  He’d lost some of that muscle, but he knew exactly what he had to do to get it back.  It was just a matter of time, something he had plenty of thanks to his youthful new body.  But when his eyes fell on Justin’s nude frame, the only thing he felt was grateful to be in the presence of someone so magnificent.  Finally catching sight of his own reflection in the mirrored wall, he understood why.  

He’d started the dream with a smaller, though still athletic, body, but that person was nowhere to be seen.  The ease with which the men had their way with him made sense as Rob discovered that he’d lost at least another two inches in height, and the muscle he’d been left with from the night before had vanished.  He was still lean, and his body retained a little definition, but his bodybuilding days were officially over.  Rob knew that this tiny frame would never support the sizes he’d previously reached.  He’d tried to remain optimistic when he woke up that morning.  It would have been hard work, but the body he’d had would have been able to bulk up nicely.  Now he’d be lucky if he could get close to the smaller size he’d just lost.  He looked hopelessly at his flat pecs and skinny arms, his thin, supple legs shaking while Justin continued to flex next to him.  He felt his cock throb painfully, and Rob looked dismally at the hard, four inch organ.  It didn’t look as small as it would have on his former frame, but that was little comfort.  

He staggered back from the mirror, wanting to run from the terrible reflection and blushing as he felt his ass bounce wildly, a sensation that caused his shrunken cock to throb even hard.  He tried to keep his addled mind together, but it was all he could do to keep from drooling while he stared helplessly at Justin’s hulking frame.   

“You look confused,” the dream Justin said, his deep voice a seductive purr.  “You don’t like the new you?”  

“I…I…” Rob stuttered, completely flustered that someone like Justin would even speak to him.  He knew what he wanted to say, but all that came out was a nervous stammer.  “Wha...wha...what is...wh..wha...what are you do...doing to me…?” 


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