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Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 13: Beach Balls

  • Option 1 38
  • Option 2 12
  • Option 3 12
  • Option 4 18
  • 2020-05-09
  • —2020-05-13
  • 80 votes
{'title': 'Kingsbury Harbor, ch. 13: Beach Balls', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 13, 16, 0, 13, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 9, 22, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 80}


“Fuck, man, how many times am I going to have to hassle that weirdo before he realizes we don’t want him here,” Brad grumbled, watching Caleb gather his towel and books before the thin man hurried off the beach.  

“I bet he likes it,” Josh said, leaning against the weathered railing of the squat lifeguard station.  His broad, sun-kissed shoulders and chiseled arms flexed as they held the young brunette’s weight, the small red trunks of his uniform stretching tight over his perky rear while he leaned forward.  “It’s still attention, you know?  Probably goes home and jerks off thinking about it.”  

“Dude, gross.  That’s not something I ever want to think about,” Brad laughed as he climbed the few rickety steps to stand next to his friend.  With their similarly tapering, chiseled bodies and square-jawed faces, it was hard to tell the pair of tanned studs apart from a distance.  They were both in their early twenties, they were both the same height, they both had varying shades of short brown hair, and they carried themselves with the same confident swagger as they strutted across the sand like their perfect young bodies were under a spotlight.  It didn’t help that they were always together, spending their days patrolling the beaches and their nights patrolling the bars, always on the lookout for potential hookups in either scenario.  Given their impressive looks, and the fact that everyone in Kingsbury Harbor had seen just enough of them in their lifeguard uniforms to be curious about what lurked under their small trunks, neither of them had difficulty finding interested partners.  

The opposite was the problem.  They both loved the attention they received from parading their bare, sculpted chests around all day much more than they did from saving lives, but only if that attention came from people they were interested in.  They didn’t mind the occasional guy checking them out from a competitive standpoint, or even from an appreciative one if he was on their level.  Scrawny nerds like Caleb, though, they had no time for.  Ever since Brad had caught the wiry, dark-haired young man staring at him from behind the pages of a book he was pretending to read, the smug lifeguard had done everything he could to make it clear Caleb wasn’t welcome.  

Brad had never liked him.  Though he spent hours a day sitting in the sun Caleb was somehow always pale, a fact that was only magnified by the all-black outfits he wore.  And while it wasn’t odd for someone to be reading on the beach, the pale young man never had a simple paperback with him but a stack of thick, leather-bound tomes.  Trying to taunt him, Brad had snatched one from Caleb once, immediately regretting it when he looked down at a page written in a language he didn’t recognize.  The book was full of strange, geometric symbols that made him dizzy just looking at them, and ever since then he’d made it his mission to keep Caleb away.  

He was starting to think that Josh was right, that Caleb was doing it on purpose now.  There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes, not fear or intimidation, whenever Brad gave him a hard time.  It didn’t matter how deep Brad made his voice or how imposing he tried to make his muscled frame appear.  Though he never said a word, Caleb always seemed to be laughing at him.  It drove Brad crazy.  Josh didn’t view the darkly-dressed man with as much disdain, and he’d tried to talk his friend into backing off since Caleb hadn’t actually done anything to break the rules, but when that didn’t work he knew it would be easier to help Brad out than keep trying to argue.  

“Whatever, man.  You’re the one who keeps poking at him every time he shows up.  Maybe you like it a little more than you want to admit?”  Josh gave Brad’s ripped stomach a backhanded slap as he stood from the railing and winked.  

“I swear to god, bro, I will drown your ass in that ocean,” Brad said, shoving Josh away from him.  “Isn’t it your turn to make a sweep?”  

Josh grinned as he grabbed his supplies and headed for the small four-wheeler they drove up and down the beach.  “I’m surprised he hasn’t tried that one yet...the whole ‘pretending to drown’ thing so you can give him mouth-to-mouth?  It’s a classic.”  

“Since you like him so much I’ll let you handle that one.”  Brad rolled his eyes and waved Josh off, turning his attention to the stretch of empty beach in front of him.  Though bright and sunny, the day’s cooler temperature brought few visitors to the shore and even fewer in the water, leaving the frustrated hunk with nothing but Caleb to think about.  Josh may have thought it was funny, but the pale man genuinely unnerved him.  Every encounter left him uncomfortable, and their run-in today was no different.  Brad felt like there was a film on him that he needed to shower off, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get Caleb’s smirking face off his mind.  He jogged up and down the beach in front of the station until his legs were sore, trying to busy himself with exercise since there was nothing else to do.  He tore through set after set of pushups and pullups, using the station’s frame as his bar, hoping to sweat out the noxious residue, but no amount of exertion could rid him of the clinging anxiety.  

“Fuck...did I pull something?” Brad panted, wincing at the way his quads and glutes ached as he bent over to catch his breath after a grueling set of pullups.  The sweat-soaked stud had spent most of the time working on his upper body, but his lower half ached as if he’d just finished a particularly intense leg day.  Josh pulled up with the four-wheeler as he was stretching, and Brad watched his friend hop off and scamper into the station with an odd look on his face.  His legs still aching, he lumbered up the steps in time to see Josh looking over a shoulder at his reflection in the mirror, his attention specifically focused on the massive tear that ran down the back of his trunks and left his solid ass mostly on display.  “See?  That’s what you get for giving me a hard time earlier,” Brad laughed.  

“It’s not funny, dude,” Josh whined, blushing.  “There was this smoking hot redhead I was about to seal the deal with, but when I went to get off the four-wheeler my shorts exploded as soon as I swung my leg over.”  

“So?  You were about to lose ‘em anyway...just saved you some time.”  

“Yeah, right.  She couldn’t stop laughing.”  Josh’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the exposed cheeks.  “I don’t know, it feels weird.  Do I...does my ass look bigger to you?”  

Brad shrugged and shook his head.  “Sorry man, despite what you like to think I don’t spend much time looking at your ass,” he said, his laughter trailing off at the look of actual concern on his friend’s face.  “What are you so worried about?  We both know you keep those things tight.  Either you went too hard on leg day or you shrunk ‘em.  Or both.  It’s a little embarrassing, but it’s not a big dea…” Brad was cut off by a loud rip and a sudden relief of pressure that he hadn’t noticed growing when he took a step toward his friend.  He blinked down at himself, his eyes going wide at the way his girthy package was outlined against the trunks that had become plastered around his sturdy thighs.  He felt himself blush as he reached around, his fingers connecting with an equally exposed bottom.  “Shit!” he yelped.  

“Not so funny is it,” Josh said, his tone flat.  “What were you just saying about me deserving this?”  

“But...what the fuck…” Brad stammered.  “What’re the odds of this happening to both of us right now?  I mean, your fat ass I understand, but my trunks should…” 

“My fat ass?  What do you call this, then?”  Josh walked over and gave Brad’s exposed globes a swat, causing them to bounce noticeably.  “You’ve got some jiggle down there, bud.”  

Brad gasped, his heart racing at the way his normally granite globes shook from the impact.  As much as he knew it was impossible, he couldn’t shake the sinking feeling that his ass really had expanded.  He forced the thought away, telling himself it was the way the tight shorts squeezed his bubble that caused the sensation.  “So?  Unlike you I don’t skip leg day,” he barked defensively.  “Look, let’s just shut down and get out of here.  I don’t have anything else to wear, and as much as you’d enjoy the view I don’t feel like showing my ass to the entire town.”  

Josh nodded, his face pale as he gave himself one last look in the station’s mirror.  “The sooner I can get home and forget this afternoon ever happened, the better.”  

“Too bad it wasn’t the front of your shorts that ripped...you could’ve at least shown her what you’re working with,” Brad said, forcing a laugh as they shuttered the station.  He looked at Josh expecting a laugh, but his friend’s expression was flat as he quickly closed up shop and waved goodbye.  The beach was empty, but Josh still hurried to his car, and Brad tried to tell himself he wasn’t staring at the other man’s plump cheeks as they bounced and shifted with his jogging steps.  

He has his own body to worry about, a concern that had steadily continued to grow by the time he made it back to his apartment.  Brad was able to slip inside without being seen, a feat he was grateful for as his trunks were tighter than ever.  His cheeks weren’t just visible through the tear, they jutted through the opening, forcing it wider and wider until the trunks blew off him with explosive force when he bent to pick up the package that waited outside his door. 

“Shit!” he yelped, his eyes darting up and down the hall as he clung to the tattered remains of his trunks and fumbled with his keys.  He stumbled inside and slammed the door behind him, the tattered shorts landing at his ankles while his face burned at the thought of being caught naked by one of his neighbors.  Brad dropped the package on the counter and hurried to his bedroom, the heavy, hurried steps on the wood floor making his cheeks bounce and shake.  “Oh...oh fuck…” he gasped, his jaw dropping when he threw open his closet door and stood in front of the full length mirror.  His upper body was as sculpted and tapering as ever, but there was no denying that his lower half had somehow grown.  His shredded abs and the deep trenches of his obliques still pinched inwards at his waist, but instead of continuing that lean trajectory, his body expanded outwards with a pair of thickened, meaty thighs and a set of considerably larger globes.  The result was a curvy, hourglass figure that made his blood run cold.  He could still feel his solid muscle when he flexed, only now it was covered in a layer of supple flesh that shouldn’t have been present.  

“Okay...okay...this isn’t a big deal,” Brad said to himself.  “Maybe we just got stung by a jellyfish or something?  That’d explain why I’m so sore.  Just...just have to give it some time and the swelling will go down.”  He turned away from the mirror and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs, wincing at how tight the stretchy fabric was as it wrapped around his inflated lower half.  Instead of concealing it, the clinging underwear accentuated the unwanted bulk, leaving Brad feeling ridiculous as he gawked at his bottom heavy reflection.  Instead of a toned, perky bubble, his ass was a meaty slab, with the kind of large, surprisingly round globes he saw on the beefy powerlifters at the gym.  Having spent so much time shaping his impressive physique the uneven proportions were jarring, and the blushing brunette especially didn’t like the way his thick new thighs made his average cock seem smaller by comparison.  

He tried not to think about it as he lumbered out of the room, the unfamiliar sensation of his thighs starting to brush together making him blush.  Even without the constant reminder granted by his confining underwear, it was impossible to ignore.  Brad kept squirming and shifting his weight, his lower half seeming to become more sensitive as well as larger.  He was horrified by the way his cheeks shook and shifted against each other when he moved, but the odd feeling was accompanied by small darts of pleasure that made his cock throb.  He was already half-hard in the restricting underwear, and Brad eventually had to let the thick organ slip through the fly because there wasn’t enough room for him to pitch a tent.  

“Christ, man, what is going on with me,” he laughed awkwardly to himself as he thought about what he must look like waddling around his apartment with a chunky bottom and his hard cock pointing the way.  “I hope Josh is at least having as embarrassing a time as I am…” he muttered, his attention landing on the forgotten package he’d dropped on the counter.  The thin, unmarked box was about a foot long, and Brad could feel a heavy object sliding around inside as he cut the tape and folded the top open.  “The hell is this?!” he said, giving a short, surprised laugh as he pulled a bright purple dildo out of the box.  The silicone beast was nearly as thick as his wrist and close to ten inches long, with a large suction cup at one end.  “Is this someone’s idea of a joke?  Someone is clearly fucking with me,” he spat, his surprise turning to anger as he connected the strange dots of his day.  The shorts, his odd swelling, and now the dildo; Brad knew there was no way it could all be a coincidence.  He turned the box over and rummaged through the tissue paper for some clue as to who sent it, but found only a small vial of lube inside.  “It has to be that little fuck, Caleb.  I don’t know how, but he’s responsible for this.  Maybe he slipped something in our drinks at the station?  Fuck, I bet he put some weird shit in our trunks that we’re having a reaction to,” Brad growled, dropping the silicone appendage when he realized he was absently running his fingers along the molded veins.  The fake organ made his own cock seem pitiful as it stuck proudly through the fly of his straining underwear, throbbing confusingly at the heft of the purple pretender.  “I’ve gotta tell Josh.  I wonder if he got one of these boxes toooOOOHH!”  

Brad gasped as a shudder ran through him, his knees going weak at the same time that a loud ripping sound echoed off his apartment walls.  “Guh!” he grunted, blinking down at the shredded remnants of the boxer briefs clinging to his oozing cock.  “No...no no no...this can’t be possible…” he stammered.  His hands shook as he reached around to palm his expansive globes, and Brad nearly passed out at the supple sea of flesh they encountered.  He’d felt his boxer briefs growing tighter, but not to the degree that the plump pillows suggested.  

He stumbled to his room, his balance thrown by the excess weight constantly shaking at his lower back.  “Fuck!” he shrieked, the sight greeting him in the mirror worse than he ever could have imagined.  His ass had already looked improbably large against his athletic physique, but now it had reached comical, impossible proportions.  The beefy, powerlifter cheeks had inflated to the size of pumpkins, jutting off his back like a shelf in an arrogant defiance of gravity while his thighs pressed together.  He looked like two people that had been cut in half and then reattached to the wrong pieces, his sculpted, proportional torso seeming entirely out of place on his supple tree trunks and bouncing beach balls.  “This...this can’t real...an ass this big isn’t even possibuuuUUUHHHhnnnnnn…” 

Brad’s eyes went wide, his knees finally giving out at the bolt of pleasure that rocketed through him when he began clutching at the mountainous cheeks.  The addled brunette dropped gasping to the floor, his hand on autopilot as it slipped between the cresting mounds and frantically sought out his tight hole.  Brad felt like a passenger in his own body as he watched his handsome face twist ecstatically in the mirror when he began pressing against the sensitive button.  He tried to tell himself to stop, but there was no fighting the tidal wave of lust that had crashed over him.  All he could do was whine and squirm as his fingers worked their way inside, his mind struggling to accept that he was on all fours eagerly fingering himself in the mirror.  

The bliss was overwhelming.  It outweighed his fear and his humiliation by leaps and bounds, coming in second only to the hunger that was growing inside him.  After several desperate minutes of adding finger after finger, Brad realized what he had to do.  Like an addict seeking a fix, he darted into the kitchen, the remains of his underwear waving like a flag hanging off his oozing cock and his thunderous cheeks clapping together.  He grabbed the purple rod, lubing it as he stumbled back to his room and slammed the suction cup against the wall.  There was no hesitation, only a series of pained grunts as Brad dropped to his knees, lined himself up, and slammed backwards against the wall, impaling himself on the thick toy.  

The bottom heavy jock howled until he was hoarse, his warped frame rocking back and forth to thrust the silicone impostor as hard and deep as possible.  Instead of firm little mounds his inflated cheeks were a rippling sea of unending motion, but Brad didn’t care; all that mattered was relieving the painful pressure.  It was like finally scratching an itch he hadn’t been able to reach for years, an encompassing ecstasy that sent him drifting on a sea of contentment.  There was still a part of his brain that was horrified at his actions, and the ease with which he completed them.  He knew his virgin hole should have been screaming in pain, that he shouldn’t know how to twist his hips to hit all the right spots, that he should have been mortified at the sound of his untouched cock slapping against his abs, but all he wanted was more.  Brad kept rocking and slamming against the wall even as the room began to go dark around him, his fading grip on consciousness slipping away altogether when his pulsing organ finally erupted.  

“Guh!”  Brad shot up in bed, covered in sweat, his heart racing.  His eyes were wild as he frantically looked around the unfamiliar room and stumbled out of the strange bed, gasping at the heavy shaking and bouncing from his lower half.  A pit formed in his stomach as he grabbed at the pillowy mountains, his groggy brain slow in piecing together what happened.  The last thing he remembered was being in his apartment, and the naked jock’s cock throbbed as he recalled the eagerness with which he’d debased himself.  Surprisingly, Brad wasn’t embarrassed at the thought.  He knew he should be, just as he knew he should be sick with panic over his warped body, but all he felt was the contentment that came from a good night’s sleep.  As he walked towards the door, his body on autopilot, even the spacious bedroom around him was starting to feel more natural.  The creaking of the floorboards was a familiar sound, and his body moved around the furniture with the kind of muscle memory that only came from repeated actions.  Even as he stared at his fat new cheeks in the mirror across the room, Brad reached for the brass doorknob, knowing exactly where it would be without looking.  

He blinked as he stepped cautiously out into the long hallway.  The location was on the tip of his tongue, a place he knew despite having never seen it before.  It was an old, sprawling house, full of antique furniture and bizarre artwork lining the walls.  He didn’t know how, but Brad knew the closed door halfway down the hall was another bedroom, just as he knew there was a larger suite on the floor above them.  If he walked down the hall and descended the stairs, he knew he’d exit into a broad foyer, with a kitchen behind him, a living room to the right, and a study to the left.  A wide porch wrapped around the house, and it was just a short trek down a nearby hill to reach the ocean.   It was disorienting.  Brad shook his head as new memories sprouted like weeds and began choking out the life he was no longer certain he’d ever lived.  The Brad he knew, the proportional, smug jock, felt surreal and dreamlike; he just didn’t know what was growing in its place.  

“Br...Brad?”  The naked stud started at the unexpectedly familiar voice, a wave of relief washing over him when he saw Josh’s head stick out from the other bedroom.  “Where are we?  What...holy shit, man!  You...your ass is…”  Josh trailed off, stepping out of his room in a daze to reveal a naked frame that was just as disproportionately bottom heavy as Brad’s.  “...as big as mine!  What happened to us?”  

Brad’s cock rocketed to life at the sight of his friend.  The altered jock felt none of the fear or embarrassment he thought he should as he watched the other man’s thick organ twitch and harden.  “I don’t...know?  The last thing I remember was being in an apartment.  My apartment?  Is that right?  I don’t...I don’t live in an apartment, do I?  We live here, right?”  

Josh rubbed his face and shook his head.  “I...think so?  Fuck, dude, my head is all fuzzy this morning.  I remember the same thing, except I was fucking myself stupid with this huge dildo,” he said, his eyes going wide when he registered the casual way he’d made the last statement.  He turned and shook his cheeks in Brad’s direction, the bouncing behemoths swaying like pendulums.  “Were we always this big?”  

“As long as I’ve known you, at least.”  The altered pair spun at the voice, turning in time to see a pale, dark-haired young man coming down the stairs.  

“Caleb?”  As soon as Brad said the name, the fog in his head lifted.  This was Caleb’s house, and he and Josh lived with the lean, wiry man.  Brad didn’t know where the momentary stab of fear came from, but it was short lived as his hungry eyes traveled up and down the pale man’s toned, defined body, eventually resting on the huge bulge in his small black briefs.  

“Who else would it be,” Caleb said, walking over to give Brad a peck on the cheek.  He squeezed one of the inflated mounds before turning and repeating the process with Josh.  “You guys okay?  You both have a weird look on your face.”  

Josh nodded quickly, grinning bashfully at the smaller man.  “Yeah, we just had some weird dreams.”  

“I heard you two staying up late playing with your toys,” Caleb laughed.  “The way you two were going at it I was afraid you’d punch holes in the walls.  Those things are like wrecking balls.”  

Brad ignored the frantic voice in his head when he reached over and pulled Caleb close, his hand slipping down the front of the other man’s briefs.  “You know they’d much rather get wrecked,” he cooed, his other hand reaching over to stroke Josh’s plump rear when his friend took up the other side.  He licked his lips at the long, thick cock filling his palm, the burning hunger from his dream already starting to spread.  

Caleb sighed and squirmed between the two, his hands resting on their chiseled pecs.  “I’d love to, but since you two slept in there’s not enough time before your shift starts,” he said, laughing at their exaggerated looks of disappointment.  “Don’t pout...that doesn’t mean we can’t do a quickie.”  

Brad and Josh exchanged confused, excited looks as they turned and scampered into Brad’s room.  Their bodies were on autopilot as they climbed up onto the bed on all fours, shoulder-to-shoulder.  Brad saw the purple cock from his dream stuck to the wall, but before he could take in any other details his attention was drawn to Caleb’s small hand caressing his supple mounds.  There was just enough time for him to take a deep breath before the slender fingers slipped inside.  He let it out in a low hiss while Josh did the same next to him.  He could feel his friend’s solid body starting to squirm like his own while Caleb probed their insides, the frantic voice in his head growing louder.  It screamed that he and Josh shouldn’t be getting fingered by the scrawny man, and that he shouldn’t relish his friend’s hot breath against his face as they stared at each other with bliss-stricken, slack-jawed expressions.  The desperate voice was quickly drowned out by Caleb’s smug tone and Josh’s pathetic whimpers, both causing his cock to leak like a faucet.  The voice told him to pull away, but all Brad really wanted to do was strip Caleb of his briefs and stuff himself with the real thing.  As it was, he could only press his forehead against Josh’s, whimpering and groaning until they finally came, their untouched rods erupting as Caleb played the jocks’ quivering holes like a musical instrument.  

“You two owe me later,” he said, giving their massive cheeks a slap when he pulled his hands free.  

“Any time,” Brad panted, wanting more than anything to reach out and wrap his lips around the fat beast tenting out Caleb’s underwear.  

“Are you going to come by and see us later,” Josh asked, his coy tone a far cry from the confident stud’s usual voice.  

“Not if you two don’t get off those giant asses and get to work,” Caleb chided, grabbing them both by the arm and pulling them upright.  “I have to swing by the library in a bit, so I’ll stop by after.”  

Brad didn’t know why he was so excited by the thought.  He had a flash of revulsion, like Caleb coming to the beach while they worked was a bad thing, but he quickly forgot about it when he pulled open his dresser drawer.  Instead of the small red trunks he expected, Brad pulled out a tiny speedo with a white cross on the pouch and “lifeguard” written in white letters across the top of the back.  Slipping it up his meaty thighs, he felt a flash of embarrassment at the way his thighs thrust the pouch forward, the white cross accentuating his stout cock, and at the way the back almost entirely disappeared between his colossal cheeks, leaving just enough visible to read the words at the top.  Brad felt like the outfit was wrong, but his plump globes were just as tanned as his chest, and he knew it was ridiculous to think that anything could keep the huge melons covered.  He and Josh had accepted long ago that everyone in town was going to see them, and they’d actually grown to enjoy the way their bouncing, beach ball bottoms drew a crowd.  

Brad gave himself one last look in the mirror before snapping the elastic of his speedo and waddling down the hall.  He stopped at Josh’s door just long enough to pound on the frame and catch his friend giving his impossible rear a similar going over.  “Come on, bro, we’re going to be late!”


Voting Options


Option 1: After eating a strange looking fish, a man finds himself suddenly irresistible to other men, his body changing and adapting to meet their desires.  

Option 2: After swimming through a chemical that leaked from a tanker offshore, a group of young men begin to secrete a pheromone that dissolves their clothing and leaves them uncontrollably aroused.  

Option 3: An older, rugged foreman harasses the wrong woman and ends up with a smaller cock and an overwhelming urge to embarrass himself in front of his workers.  

Option 4: A new church opens in town, shrinking the men who join it and leaving them stocky, hung and horny.  



Agreed, really enjoyed this!


Happy to hear that! Haven't had a butt growth one like this for a minute, so it was a fun theme to revisit.